The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    fa ;
immro akd kike bokoterbv
crnr otice.
motere. Room , Chamber f Cummeree. . - I T .. m
Notice la' hereby sires that at the anaatlaa
I the Council ( tU City af Portland. Dr., bail
. " JtHM 1 nirv at., ib
v MM wage-earner, n """T - I htUmnlT umiiT aau il iUi.T aJ nu.
teamsters, trainmen, buoiwmiu, I io liniinn V..t liiia .Ti Vk.
., 21 V MUl ULi..
th recognised bauk of
We lonna money so
a the 46Ut 4a of April, ma, tb fallowing
rsvoiutitn irn evopteu ; "V
Ktaoivjtu: mat tn uoodcii rr ui city el
poses to Improve Esst Main street from the
fat 00 sr . B18.80 ar 86.66 :
IIS. DO or a ooo or
I 6 66 or I 8.85 or $1.66
conductor, ate, -without tuurtgag. eaidore
ar vUatorL '4
Amount Monthly . H Monthly, ' Weekly.
ilotl . rapay -., 1:
60 repay J
A aauar : . t
j atrtainaaa iwunupuuu, c.v bvwww aaa.a.j
MONEY TO LOAN aa real, personal ana eoi- I all feet wide.
. lataral eeetuityi specUl attentionto ekattle 1 Foortk By aonatractinjr box ruttere.
' mortgsges; Bete boagbt, a W. PvU-tt. 818 I Bald Improvement to be made kn eerdan-
Commercial blk. fauna Grant 860. I wttk tka Ckartor aa4 VrdtoaBcwa of tba Clt
I . . . . . . . . I of Portland aud tha Diana. aoweUcatlona a&4
rKIVATB ."Sr wtlmau of uia Clt EU(t.r BM1 In Uia
t Bo C JGMVt lU.rtr-Iwurtb strMt to th
IVt liu of East Itilrti-ftiuUi Hrur li 'tlii
XollttwUtAj atttiuiiiair. towM .
rint Br grading tka atraat Ml wUU wltB
fnll lutaoiacuoua to,.proxir (rati.
Harvaal B tfuaatrartlnf Wuaaaa aidawalka. '
iiiiro By- tawatf ucuitf , arouoaa . cmaawalM
- Addraaa Bo JUmJBIll I th, Uth d.r of AorlL lltua. ladoraaa: -11t
uiunwar a piaoa aaa apaciDcatiooa lor ma im
araTaoMBt w Kaat Mala atravf 'rata tba aaaf
Una of fcaat Tlilrtj-Iwirtb atraat to tka ra4
II u
klONBt TO LOAN at aaaaooablo rataa, la
auounta to ault. Orakaai CUtoa, BuO
quam aaildiar.
AiONKX' TO LOAN, aaaatl aaaaanki. abort or I af tba work ta ba aiiaa aud tba untuabla total
kxif tlma. i. 11. Hawuy, 1 Chtin. af Vom. tboreuf." - . ,
laa eoai or aua inrproreBiruc xa oa aaai
aa proTtdaA by (ka . Uyr - Ctartar apoa
HONBY TO LOAN oa rltf lota and Imprarad
raiaia. w. a. aw m aa aura at.
of. Kaat Tklrtytutk atraat, ami katHnaana
aoat tboreof."
Hotal rgrtlaad, Amarloaa laa ft, fa par day.
Bommaia Hotat, La Oraada; traralari' fcaaaa.
Baloadarai Earopaaa ylaa dtk aad AMAar ata.
It. Okarlaa, flnt and Korrtaoa rta., rartlaadT
Luro ixssohb.
irrOUO A8H. 1US 1UU aci aarata tuaa
application. Brrlnnara taken.
XOV PKKAC'kMPTIONB ara mora aeoaratoly
and raaaonably flllod at Byaaall'l fkarnac,
SU7 kiurrlaon at, cat. lrat and Baoaad ata.
num heabt or tub kkw laoueHX,"
by TtUa Hkaalar Wflcoi. $1.00. .oaaa' Boob
lora, icwi aw at., roroaaq, or. ,
aroparty booafltad tkaraby aad vbidl ta karaby
oacurad to ba all tba lota, .paru af ita and
paroala ot laaa lywc naiwaaa tba aaat Una
of Kaat Tblrty-foiirth atraat and tba waat Una
of Kaat Tblrty-nlntk utriTt, aad batwaaa a
Una 100 fart aortk of and parallel with tba
nurUi Una ot Kaa ktala atraet and Una lu
frot aontk of and parallel with tba aoutk Una
of Kaat Maha atraat.
Tha Cnzlnaar'a aotlaata ad rha aanbabla total
eoat of aald improromrnt U I2.lko.ou.
Tba ataaa, apidtk-atlooa aad aatlmataa of tba
01 IT BHaiaaar (or ttia Uurmot af aaM Kaat
Main atreet ara baraby adoptrd.
. UKHOI.VKD That tba Auditor of tba fitr
af Fortland ba and ka la beraby laatructrd to
f Ira aotlca of tka proponed lotproreamt of
aid atraat aa provided by tba aty Cbartar.
Kamonatraaea agaiaat ui aanva uaprora-
'fit: vWAXS
' r . ' .'BTKaal. :.t e,.. I a
Notica la barvby glraa that tt tba maarUir
91 taa vaancu 01 lam vity at Portia hd, or., bold
aa tba 16tk day of April JkOa, tka fuUuwUif
raaolutloa waa adopud: 1 -
Haaolrad, That tba Council M tba City of
rortiaad, Orrfoa, aoaaaa H acprdtoat and prv
boaea to iatprora Watai atraat from tba auuth
II ua of Arthur atraat to tka aortk Una of
Muuter atraat la tba followlnc Banaar. tv-wlti
iini oy (raaina iaa atraat lull Whit a
witu mil lataraactioua to tha proper anb-crade,
kaooud By brlutflnr tba aurfara of tba
trwt full width with -full lutaraaotWaa to
tka proprr frade witk auradaai. , -
Third By rooatrut'tluc artlftglai atoaa akla
walka and artldclal atuue curba.
Bald liuproretuatit to bo made la arordanoa
wito in caarcar ana uraiumcea of tka Ulty
of Portland and tba plana, apeclflcetloua and
aatlmatoa of tbc Oltr Kntlneer Bled la th
osico or ua auuiwt or ue city or Portland oa
the loth day of April, 1003.. Indoreou, -City
Kiiainaer'a plana and epecldcatlona for Uia
Improvement of Water atraet froni tba aaatk
I ue of Arthur atraet to tba north Una of
looker atreaL and eetlmat'ee of tha work to ba
oooe ana uia probable total eoat thereof."
Tba coat of 'aald Iniuroramrnt la to ba 1
aaaaed aa provided by the rlty r liar tar apoa
tka property benefltvd thereby and which la
beraby declared to ba all the kta, paru of
oia ana perrem or laua im( ketweea tka
berth Hoe of Hooker atraet and Hie aonth line
01 AVrtbar atraet and between a Una 1"0 feet
aaat of and narallel with rha aaat llaa af
Miter atreet aad a Hue luO feet waat of and
raiiel with tba went line of Water treat. '
Tka Bkialuoar'a eetlaiate uf tba ueuhabla lutal
eaat for tha Imsruremaat ot aald atraat ta
Tba abor Improreawnt la to ba elaaaad aa
BuKadaai IsiuruTeioeat and aball ba Bialu-
umra ny ma niy for the period 01 nra yeara,
prorldad, that Uia ownera of a majority of tba
r"!"" wwaifu oy rata lmproTemeBi ar aay
portion thereof, aball pefttlon for a wew
or different lniproremeut before tka atplra
tkm of aack pertod.
im puioa, epednoaaooa aad eatimate or
Beat Bay ba Bled la writing with tba under. I the City Engineer fur tba Improvement of aald
aigaeu wiuiia av oeya iroui uia oaia o iov 1 narer aveet ara aereoy adoptaa.
A tmm kMOk
CAt KkVATK, 1X3 BlxU at.
aereaa at ail aoora.
k-Vkt kAUC y AKM&
iBpreead (kraal far aaja ta kR
Oreaoa aad W'aaklojttoa: Darmanaj
ault parchaaara. Cor full partlcalara aa to
Vanoue proparuea haVt M rYW., numaeiBa,
til Waroaatot bldg.
Boob Cbambar of Ctomnwrr bldg.
Brat publication, af thta notice.
. aiy -aroar 01 taa uoaneu.
Trios, v. ortxrw.
Auditor af th City of Portland.
April ft. 1003. .... . - .
noroBXD uvn u rowt btuet.
Notice la hereby rlTea that at tba meeting
af tba Council af tba Olty af Portland, Or., hell
00 tba loth day of AprlL. lauA, tka following
reeolutlon waa adopted:
ateaulaad, .'Xkat tha OoaaeB of tka City of
Portland, Oregou, rteoiaa It xpedtont asd pro.
poaea to oouatruct a aewer la Vork atraet
from tka waat Hue of Tweaty-t north atraet t
a aonneetlon with tha aewer ta Twenty-alnt
treat of TltrUed aewer nip with all nee emery
catch baalaa. Baa koka, lamp bale aad
ar each aa of 1 Inckaa clear tuald diameter
In aocordauca it with th plan, apeclncatiun
oa eeumasee uereiar preparea Dy uia 1 uy
Bugtaeer and Bled In tke emu af tka Auditor
KTLAND OOkDAUB ' CO.. -or. .oartoaatk ,V ,'Jir'",V ,.."1
UeaolTaaL That ttu ltlt.- ,.t tka tfl Ar
Portland ba and ba la hereby directed to 1e
otic of the propoaed Imiirorenieujt of aald
atraet aa provided by the city charter.
Hemonitranco agalnat the abova Impror.
Bant may ba Bled la wrltlug with tba under.
Digued within Uo daya from tha data of tha
Bnt publication ot thla nottoe. v
By order of th Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
April 17. ll.
mmm mnnt at
Pwrtlaad. Or.
removed to H foartk at. Both phoaea.
BUY iOUfct 8A
and loekoata
April. UMNt, taderaed. "Olty ksciDeer'a plana
aud anacllicaUona for a aewer In Vork atreet
truia tha waat Uaa f Twatity -fourth atreet
to tha aewer la Twenty-Brat atreet and eatl
mata of th work to a doo and flse pro.
auia eoun eeat uereoi.
Tka aaat af aald aaa-ar to ba aaaeaaed ad
provided by tha city charter upon the prop
arty beaaAted and which la hereby declared
to ae au taa ana, parte at iota aa . parcel
' BTKEI. r
Notice la hereby glvea that at tba meeting
of the Council of the City ol Portland, Or., held
oa Ue 10th day of April, loua, the following
reeolutlon waa adopted:
UKsULVEU: That the Council of tba City af
Portland, Oregon, deeaw rl expedient aad pre
tweee to lmpruve Madiaun atreet from the eaat
line of Front atreet to the weat Uue of Fifth
atreet, by constructing artificial atone aldewalk
aad artificial atone curbs.
Bald ttapreweaeat to be mad ta aceardaac
wit tha Charter aad Ordlaaaeaa of tka City
of Portland and the plana, apeclflcatlons and
eatimate of the Olty kugiiieer Bled la tha
ouice 01 ine auuikw or uh uity or foruana ou
the win day o( f April, 1V03, lndoraed: "City
Entineer'a plana 'and ipecincation for th Im
provement of MadlsuD street from the eaat Una
city voncxa.
; noroiu utPBOTiMuiT or mam
Notlr 1 nan
I "0" hereby, given that at th Baatltf
io we vouiicii-or u V't.f Portland, or., held
ea tha- lot day of AoriJleVS- tha ffollewlag
- iiwwmuoB was auoineo3. a a L,
tat inv cvuwcu or ua Luis' ox
Notlr la hereby glee that at tk, Beetln
ea ine ivuncii w 7 v iwmii, vr be 1 S
oa tha loth day of April, leXW, th foUowInf
Hat nana oeee-ea. at I an la- omaaiaat aa an. I rati liail Iliia - I. u. ..j
ooaea to lunrovax Helnbta Terrace from the I Doaea to lumn klaia attaat r..m ti ...
weat Uu of LowdmUI tret to th eaat II u of Frost atreet to tha wast line of Firth
of block 40, Carter Addltloa to tha City atreet by oonatrucUng artlnclal (ton aide
of Portland and. Hlxtoenth atreet from . th Walk and krtlBdal stone curb,
northeasterly 11 m of Helfbt Terr. aa laid . Bald Improvement to ba made Iq accordant-
vut mnnuH vwv w, -va. m avwwuuH w wa i wiia wa voarier asa urainncaa of th Cltr
City ef Krtlaad, to the aortk curb Una of of Portland and th pUns, spacllcatlons aad
College atraet, ik tha following huwr, to- I estimates af th City koglnaer Bled la th
Wt.t: ' I offlo ef the Aadltor of the City of-Portland a
litrat Br aradlna- tha aald He rkta Tarraaa I tha a)tk dae of inHl tone -- rt.a
ana nuweuii eirwei w taw w.a.a aa svrawrty I woaiBeerw paana ana apacuioatlons for tha tan
Improved to the propar, aub-grsda. I pruvmnt f Main atreet from th east Un of
rteoond y bringing . the. surface of said I rrout atreet to tha wast Un of Fifth street.
Height Terrace aud Sixteenth street to aad estimate of th work to be don and tha
ptvoauav yjiai ooai uereur."
. Tba eoat of aald Imnmnnant ta ka
Fourth By ceoatracUug wooden crosswalk I aa provided by tha City Charter apoa the prop.
klx feet wld. . . I arty specially awaaflted thereby and which IS
k 1 1 iu mj aonBTrvctina iww suiiera. - 1 aerevy aeciarea u oa all tha lota, part of
o. .u IUDIVT.BMU, ut vw lu.ur in rngiaTt 1 ana inn nareaia ar lean mn. MMan m Mn.
With the charter aad ordinances of tha cltr 100 feet eaat of tha aaat Uua of rt mtr.t
of Portland and tke plan, soeclt.ntlons and and parallel therewith, and a line 100 fart
estimates of tba City Engineer Hied lu tha I west of tha weat Un of Fifth street and
office of tba Auditor of the Cltr of Portland I parallel therewith, snd between a line luO
ou rue ita oay or April, leuw, lauoreea, -city 1 reel norto ec ana parallel with tha Berth Un
Xnginaer'a plana aad aperiacauona far tha Int. t of Mala (treat and a Una lot feet aoutk
roveaient af Hetgfata Terrace from the west I of -lad parallel with th aoutk Un of Mala
line of Lownsdal atreet to the east line of atreet.
block 40. Cartar'a Addition, and Hrttaantk
street front the aorthaaaterly line of IWIghta
Terrace aa laid out through block 40. Carter a Tha nlana. aieelriiatlnna mnA aMtim.ta f
Adliltloo to tha aortk curb line of College I tha City Engineer for said Improvement arg
treat, iDir reuiuniaB us tuv wvra to oa aoua or rent nannieo, ,
aad tha probable total coat thereof." REROLVEDi That th Auditor of th Ctti
The cost of aald UiroTrineni to be aa- of Portland ba and be la hereby directed to give
eased provided by tba rlty charter npua notlr ef the proposed Improvement af said
the property benefited 'thereby snd which la atreet aa provided by the City Charter,
bereur declared to ba all the lot, nnrta of . Remonatranaa aaalnat tha iiw.v. lmi,m,.
lot and' parcel af land lying wlthla the die- I tTkwt msy b Bled la writing with th under.
trlct bounded aad daarrtbvd as follows:
Beginning at a point In block Z lu the Cltr
of Portland which la 100 feet aortk of the
pout where th Worth Una of Hall street
would be Intersected by th west line of
Lownsdal atreet extended northerly In Its
preaeat conn; thenc aeutberlr akmg the West
fine of Lownsdsle atreet aud Irs northerly
eitenalon la Ita prent coarse to s point tub
roar aiuiin tha at ti r aa a 1 raat i.r iiu 11 aiuu
thence west along a Una - lW feet south of
signed within SO day from tk data of tba
arsi purification 01 this notice.
y araer ua the oeaacii.
, T1I0B. C. BtYUivr-
. Aadltor ot the City of Portland.
Apru ir, loua.
Notice la bereur alren that at tha maetlae
aud parallel with the aoatk Uu of Hall atreet I of the Coancll of tba City of Portland, Or., held
ta point 100 feet east ef the west Ua ea tha Utb day of April, look, the followlag
oij Biiteeuin atreet: ineac auatn along itwaiw ww auopieui
Ua 100 feet east of and parallel with thai
eaat Una of Hlxteenth atreet to a nolut
la tha north line of College atreet: thence west
along the north Una of College street to
a point 100 feet weat af - the west line of
Sixteenth street; thence along t meander
ua line to a nolnt in block P. In I ha .'lev
of Portland, the place of beginning, which
100 feet north of a nolnt where the
weat line of Lownadal atreet If et tended
nortberiy In it present eourae, would latereect
tke north line of Hall atreet la the follow-
Ing manner; wherever the distance between
the weat line of WlxteeutO street snd the
outer line of Height Terrace aud the onter
boundary of all lota, parts' of lots and par
cels 01 land Joining the - west line ot nil
teenth atreet aud tha outer Uue of said
Kesoived. That tke Council of the City ol
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro.
poes to uupruv Arthur street from the ruet
line of Front street to the east Une of Water
atreet in tha following Banner, to-wlt:
First By grading tke street full width
witk full lulcrsecuooa to the proper sub.
Second By brlugfaig the surface of th
street full width with' full Intersections to
protier grade with atuoadaiu.
Third Uy coiuttnirtlag artlnclal stone side
walk nd nrtlBrUI atone curbs.
r'ourtk By constructing stone gutters.
Firth By constructing wooden crosswslka
Ix feet. wide.
Bald Improvement to be msde in accordance
with th Charter and Ordinances of the die
ot Portland and the plans. spclflcat!ons and
estimates of the Cltr Engineer !e-d In the
?,8,Zlit- IiTSLi,L"uLr",k J jLUldlLBJfJ"JLitoSjf '1 front s treat to tha west tine of Fifth street,
safely Bow. Third at. I aad faraUal witk the west dae ad Twenty-Brat .d estimate of th work to b dun and thi
-----'------ I street aad a Una IvO feet West of and parallel I mbabkt total eoat thereof 1
antr awrt esnrn I with tha waat Una of Twaatr-fouru street, t". , ..V , l': . . ,
with tha waat Bo ot Twentr-fourth street. I h.i id ... 1.. a
and between a Une 100 feet north of and par. I b, th. (ir, ch.rt.r th.
alta . fh. aimilli Una at. elr mtrmmt and I . ' . . . .. . . ... 1 . . e--e
any oanencea inereoy ana wnicn . i nereby a-
n .1 Dil i,' .rft aa w-t a tt..a I ailel wish tba berth Una ef lork atreet and
and Oak its.; pkona 600; fwr fJJP ,1.. nllMBs4 P--.U.1 with tha 3 to llV aU. ihi Cm, iiU of lot.7 snd
turs saored aad parked tor ehbxptag;, tjoat-
MMiona nreproet nrick warehouse, stunt and
flay au. I
mscblnes. . k. Fark aad Oak. Botk Pkona
Mala IBB.
lngton St. Phones. Or. Mala aWL Cat. hftl.
inira at.: au msass or typewriters for rant;
auppUe for aU uacblnea. L. A M. Alexander
A Co., agents.
aoutk Una at York street
Tka Englneer'a estlmata
aaat of Auaatructtna aald I
The nlana. aneclncatloiia and estimates of
tk City Atatlaeer tvr said sewer are hereby
adopted. .
Uesolred. Thst tb. Aadltor of tha City of
Portland b snd he Is hereby instructed to
give notlc ef the nropud coustructioa ot (aid
aewer ad provided Ty toe city charter.
Beatonstrance acalnst tba abova eewer may
be Bled la writing with the undersigned wlttila
SO daya trout tha data of the nrst publication
of thla notte.
By order at tbeCouncil. -
. Auditor Ot the Uty of Portland.
April 17, lOua.
1 ' I' Hi 1 1 utl'i, I'll , . 0 m . : - i niwvi.Tao. itti toe vouueu ot toe vilT ot
'alsttotHSfti -ra Inland. -Oregon, jtosuis it exp-d.ent nd W
restrtched. Or. phone Hood km 80 6th St.
"r, ,k. fc.. I parcels of Und lying betwaea a Hue loo.feet
."Li? i.P, Ii ra.t of and parallel with th east Un of root
iIHIl.,. 7.;. ,tr Uut 100 cet west of and parallel
witn ue west una or nrtn street, and between
a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the
north Une of Madison street and a Una 100 feet
south ot aad parallel with tha' south Un of
saison arrest.
The Eagiaeer'a eatimate of th probabl total
cost of said Improvement la $, 454.00.
The plans, specification and eatimate of
the City Engineer for the kmprovement of aald
Madison street ar hereby adopted.
KESOLVED: That the Auditor of th City
of Portland be and be la hereby Instructed to
glr notlc of the proposed Improvement of
aald atrest aa provided by the City Charter.
lie mo us trance against tba above lmprove
meat Bay k filed in wrttlar witk tha under.
signed wlthla BO day from tha data of th
nrst publication or this notlc.
. By order of th CouaclL
Auditor of tba City of Portland.
April II, imnj.
Notice la hereby given that at th meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland, Or., held
oa th lath day of April, lpOo, tha following
raaolutloa w adopted:
ktDULVtu: lust th Council of th City t
.ln.t lku. -MAn. 1 . . , 1 . .
Notlr to hereby given that at th meeting
ot the Council ot MM City of Portland, Or., beiU
on the loth day t Bpril, 1000, tka tnikywlng
resolution waa adopted:
HESOLVEU: Tat Ui Council of Th City of
llcigbta Terrac la BOO feet or aiore tlwa
meandering Una la to b ion feet distant
rectsngalar aeaauremeal trom the
u of Hlxteenth alreet had the onter 1
aid Helchts Teersee. aad wherever the
tsuc ketweea tbe aald outer Une ef aald I prorvment of Arthur street from the east Hue
Heights Terrace and th outer boundary Ua ef I ef Front street to tke raat Un of Wster
II Iota, arts of lot and psnvls of land street aad estimates of tbe work to b dene
jotaing aaiu oarer nee m tieiffntt i errsce is I aa wwua tew cwst toereoi.
posed improT-meot of said tonet proylded ASSEISXXVT YOB tKWH IB CLACXAMAS
by th City. Charter. . . ,. r t J kilt.
BeLanr;rwf;it-wru,ibl; :tdmzzz tit'tro:i? st,;;
. ' . : - - i . I uat aiiimtr aa armaiaw i A jm I iu iM
HV nrjlae mf tha CmiiuII
;y , . Auditor of th City of Portland.
April jf, ivuo.
eons traction of a sewer I Clsckama frt
IS ft eaat Of th west Ho at East Twenty.
fourth atreet to a connection with tha aewer
In East Fifteenth street In th manner nro.
Notice la herwbr a Waa that tha Oonaell r"""f pniea. rvf
th City of Portland . arwDosa to assaea tha I
following ucscrioea . preperty asd ewner or I L Bolladayt AfdlOMi ta BC Portlaa -
wners being (ueclsUy and pecuUirlr I But lit. lot B. Tha Oraaaa Haal Batata
kaualltsd In tbe ajooanta act appoatte h same 1 1 Compaai' ....j. ,. f Sl-Bt
tau uesattpuoua toereoi tor ua lmpsovemeuc I put ua, am , xa Uragva sUu vatata
at Seventh street, from th north Un ef Tay- I Cotnpaay ' tklefl
lor street to th aonth Uu of Bdrnsld atreet Bih lTsTbt t, CW Oregoa liaal EsUU :
aa provldsd by ordinance No. 13l,ov. I ' Osmpaay ' U-H
Any ooiection to tn apportloninent of eoat I aiik 17a, lot t, The Orsgoa Bl EsUto .
to the Council aad Sled wltb tha Auditor wlthla I Bih ITT lot B. Taa WaA fiaal Batata
flfteeo day from the date of the first uubUcatloa I i Company . BLMl
at tow notice, etio, aara oojeqiiuas wiu ae aeara I atia Jit, io , m uregea Heal aw tat
aettwuiineu oy tue tAiuucii oexure ue paa-
aage oi ua oraiuauce aeaeaaiug ua coat uc salu
Cltr of Portland
Blk 810, lot 4. Carolina Van tine t
Blk 210, lot 8, Caroline Vautine
Blk 210. bit B. Unitarian Society
Blk 210, lot 1, Unitarian Society
Blk UU, kit 4, Dura W. Savage ,
Blk 211, lot 8, Dora W. Savage
Blk 211, lot 2, Charles II. Pratt
Blk 211. lot 1. Charles 11. Pratt
Blk 212. lot 4. John F. Klsler, True tee.
cix xi j, lot a, lyxnss m. Hamilton....
Blk 212, lot 2, Cyrus A. Doluk
Blk 11 2, lot 1. Lacy A. H. Desdy
Blk 210, lot S, Halph W. lloyt and
Louisa liovt Oook
Blk 21H. lok4, Ralph W. Uoyt and
Louisa Hurt Cook
Blk Big, undlv. lot tt. Security Bar
ings A Treat Compaay
Blk Z12, lot 1, Security Barings
Trust Ootnosnr
Blk 213, lot 2, Clara A. Fecbbelmer,
Kiusosth A. Kicheugruen and Alio
M. Hera
Blk S18, und Vs kit 1. Clara A. Feck.
neimer, niiinoem A. eicnengraea
and Alice M. Hera . -
Blk Sit, kit 4, becurity Savlnga A
Trust Co of Portland ...
Blk 114, lot 3, Secnrlty Ssvlug A
Trust Corutitlir of Portland
Blk 214. lot 2. Xhs Directors of th LI
brsry Assoclirioit of Portland..
Blk 214, lot 1, Tb Directors of th Li
brary Association of Portland
. H blk Ho, und lot L soba WbaV-
iey haute. Heirs uf r
H blk H5, und H lot 2, Jobs What-
ley r,siaie, xieira ut
. V, blk Ho, und H ot 1, Clara A. and
.1 "... t . ... . ni, , . .
iii. oi r evuueiujer, r.uaaueiai a.
Elcbengruen snd Alice M. Hera ....
Vs blk (to, und H kit 2. Clara A. and
Wm. B. Fechbniiuer. Elisabeth A.
Kicbengraen snd Alice M. tier......
. blk (to. lot 8, S. Morton Cuba....
. hi blk 8.1, lot 4, 8. Morton Cohn....
. y, uia no, lot a, Aaron ueca.,..,.
. U blk W. lot 7. Aaron Beck.
N. V, blk M, lot 8. Percy II. Blyth....
ri. j nix bo, lot p. rercy H. eiyui....
All that portion ot kiu 8 and B la
block numbered 64, Couch's Addltloa
i to ths City of Portland, lying aaat
of a Una bisecting tbe north aud
south Hues of said block and south
of a Une bisecting the east and west
lines ot said block, Ellen Elisabeth
All that portion of lota 4 and S In
block numbered 64. Couch's Addition,
in tbe City uf Portland, lying south
of a Une bisecting the east snd west
lines of said block, U. D. and Caro-
Uue Dunning
Couch's Addition to tba City of
Portland - 1 -
Blk 64, lot 8. Issac Kapfman Kwtsta,
iieir or, ana Euwsra a, uotncniia..
Blk 64, N. 6 feet of lot 6, Isaac Kauf
man Estate, Heir of and Edward
H. Uotbcblld
City of Portland
Blk ISO. lot 6. Alnsworth Company,
Blk 180, lot 8, A ins worth Company,
Blk IW, lot 7, Alnsworth Company..
Blk IMO, lot S. Alua worth Comuauy..
Blk 170, kit 6, Portlsnd Hotel Com
psny Blk 1.9, kit 6, Portland Hotel Com
pany '
Blk 179, lot. 7, Portland Hotel Cum-
BliTm." uit ' 8,' ' Portland' 'Hotel 'Horn-
Blk 178, lot 6, Tba Title Guarantee
A Trust Company
Big 178. lot 6. Th Title Guarantee
ft Trust Comiisnr
Blk 178, lot 7, Tb Title Guarantee
ft Trust Company i
Blk 178, lot 8, The Title Ouarante
ft Trust Company
Blk 177, kit 6. Portland General Elec
tric Company
Blk 177. lot tt. Portland Oeaeral Kkre
trlc ' Company
Blk ITT, lot 7, Anna Medina
Blk 177, lot 8. Anns Mctilnn
Blk 1V0, and V let 6, Adolpb B. Stein-
oscn i.
ic west I omce of the Aadltor of tbe Uty of Portland oa
line ot I tbe loth day of April. 1003. Indorsed, "City
I be die- Kuglueer'a plana end apeclAcatluns for tb tui-
dd oater haw mt lielrnta Terrece Is
than SO feet than tbe- posltloa of aald j
'Ike cost of said Improvement to be ss-
meanderlng Use k to be. etiui-dlstant between 1 seaaea pro viae a ny the city charter npoo
the outer boaudsry line said Ilrlrhts Ter I the property benefited thereby and which is
race aad tb ater koaatWry - Itos of sll lota, J hereby, declared to be sll the kits, parts of
parts ot tots and parcels land joining tka axa aaa parcels oi uua lying between tbe
said outer line of flelarhts Terrace.
Ine Hoflneer's eatimate1 of the probable
total aaat .for aald laiproreajeat Is i.l2.oo.
Tb abova Improretueot la to be classed as
a macadam Improvement and shall be main
tained by the city ro-tb period of five
3srs, provided, that tb owners of s majority
ths property benedud liy ssld Improvement
any portion thereat abarl -bet petition for a
new or different ImiiroeeinSnt before the x
piratioa Of said period, v
The tUns. enencatlon -trnd estlnstea tt 4he
Cltr Euglnees fur the.. Improvement of aald
ueiguts Terrace and
ken-by adopted.
east line af Front street and a line loo feet
east of - and parallel with the east line of
water street and betweea a Hue loo feet north
of sliI psrsllol wlthm ths north line ot Arthur
street snd a line loo, feet eoutb of snd parallel
with the aonth Uu of Arthur street.
Tbe Engineer' estimate ot the probabl
total cost of asld Improvement 1 11,078.00.
The above improvement la to be classed aa a
Bis cadi st ttuprvfviueut aad aball ba maintained
by th city for tb period of tv years, pro
vided, that tb 'owners of a Bs)or1ty of th
oro party benefited by said taanroramant . ar
Blxtcrnth strset as I any portion thereof, shsU not petition tor a
aew or eiaorent improvement Derure the ex-
Resolved. Tkt . fha" Anitftrw af tha rite ir I ol rat Ida at such aeried.
Portland ba aad ha u -A ea I Tbe Dhua. suedlicatujoa and aatlmataa af
give notice f the propoaed Improvement f I tb City EagUieer fur the Improvement of
sain neigata Terra ana ineenin s or eat a I ""r treet are nereoy aooptea.
provided by the ity euartttr. I itoaslved. That th Aadltor ot the City of
Remonstrance against' th shove Improve. I Portlaa be aad ha la hereby directed to give
merit may be filed ta Writing wltb Ibe under- I notice ef the proposed Improvement ot aald
ura oy tt
signed within SO daya tn.ra tha date ot tb treet a prorli
oaaa to Improve lajlur street from the east
line af Front street to th west Une of Sixth
first publication of this nettreV
"J vim vi tuv wuuni.
Auditor dt tba 4Jty ef Pottlaad.
April 17, 190. . .
tha city charter.
treet In tb following manner.
Const reeling rtincul
artlnclal stone euros.
Bald iBproveanuMt to n Bad Ik accord itfir
waave. wwai. .J
tuQ sidewalks aad
UeawMtranca agalnat tha abova lmorove
fbeat may be Bled la writing with the ander
tlgned within 20 dsy from tba data of tha
first publication of thla notice.
By Mder of tha CouoelL
a TH08. C. DEVLIN,
Notle. 1. her-he al.'Taa. ta. u.a PBOPMXD IMPROVEMENT OF ELLSWORTH
Vkaalng Company claana carpta without re- I with the Charter end Ordinance of the City I Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro- I af th Ooaacil af tha Xty X fmlaed, Or held I ' STREET,
moving them. UBos 461 UUsaa St. I'hons 1 ( PerUaad and . Ue abuts, e pacifications aad 1 poaea to Improve Tweuty-Ufth street from the on the 16th day of April, 10OJ, Ute fvltowlaf Notlc I hereby given that at the meeting
Clay 817. J eatimate of tbe city Engineer filed in the I aerth Une of Raleigh atreet to th aortk Una of resolution waa adopted: '- ..VT t tha Council of the City af Portland, Oregon,
uuive oi ii" vi m yny in roriiana aa i v. aa u aui.unaa tna iiner, to. i itesoirea, insc tne voantHI of the City of the uouucil 01 us vity 01 fortland. Or., held
7.our...P F . Plata, at Baatera fiM ot asit atreet tn the waat Un. of 81k Reeond Rr constmeUna artlflcl.1 .to.. .Ua. SIZ,a T- ;LT't..itir- "E I tiTI.H 1.7. XT m. "ii".w I '' un
VZiZ. "lis SeveVth at ir Al'dLr straet Bad eetirnate. ?f th. work to b. dun Walt witk irund.l .ton. curbs. wit: . - "ZSZT&Z BlklTS."
' . ' Aw. . 7la "e" Alder. n I and the nrobable total mat thereof." I ablrd-e-Br eonetnictlna weodea ii i.a.itl s I .k. .liLt e..n wtn. I u u... ai.,h . .IT .:"T I "i V
tbe Uth day af April. 1903. lndoraed. "Cltr Ktl- I Wit: I Port 1. nil llretron. lum. It aan,Jl..i ...A ion tha lAth tl.v f Xorll lULt th. r..lll...
alneer s bisns and soeclAcstlons for the ltn. I First Bt aradlac th atreet full wMtfe arttk I imaaa to lim.ron U.aia JL.. I reaniurln. w.. arlnntaa!
prortiaept of Taylor street from ue rest I fuU Intersections to tlie proper grade. I ba of Corbett street to -the nest sin of 1 ' Resolved. That the Council of the Cltr of I nn. i7 '.,'n.iZ 'AX.'i,j."it"Wt'.'iA:
Bik T7raL'L"rki,''i Baal Batata .
. Lvoipanv 7 MJ
Blk ITT. lot B. Tha Oratroa Baal Batata
d Tfca Oregoi' Baal 'ikitaU
Dt.Bl wMiiaar .........-.,..
878.79 Bik 1W, lot B, Tt Oregoa Baal Batata
427.88 I Company
423.66 Blk lid, lot . Ta Orsgs Real Estate aM.VW
Hollalal Park AAitftlAa ta PnetlanA AaaJ
ois i, tot , tm TltM uuaraasM tk
, Trust Coaxaaay
Blk 7, lot 1 th Title Oaaraato
' Traet OoBban ..t. .............
Blk 7, lot S, M. I. Lutke..:...
itig Jj let 1, mu la. Lstke....
ix a.
0171 I
lot B. Tha Title Ooaraatoa A
197.01 I . Trust Cotnpaay L...
Blk S. . lot . The Title OeAraatee
190.46 I Treat Company
an a, lot a, Tk Title oaaraato
Truat Oosuist ...
P-lk B. lot S. J. Wood Smith M..
Blk A. lot a. 1. Woods Bmltk
Blk t. tot I. Lotta Cbaa Smith
Blk t, lot 2. Lotta Cbaa Smith...
8 Ik f, lot L Lotta Chase Smith '
l , lot I. J. Weed Smith
Blk let T, j. Woeda Smith
lk , lot 6, J. Wooda Smith
lk 9, lot t, . Woods 8m! tk ,
Blk B. lot d. Tha Title Oaaraatee A
mil uampaay
Blk B, let S, TM Tltl Ouarante ft
Treat oomoaar mm
'A tract af Mad lying batwaaa tha aortk ,
line at vatcaamaa atreet aa a un
100 feet northerly therefrom and par I
allad therewith and ketweea the east
Uaa af block aambared B. la Bolladay
Park Addition to Portlsnd, Oregon,
aad tka west Ba ef block aambared
14, la aald addltloa, Wllllaa Mcolal.. 194. OS
tl 1 t. . u.tu n . i . f, .
i niniaau tan Auautuai tv rwuut, lavjaaew
in it, xa t, Th xitie uoar salve tm
i Treat Camnaav
Ik 14. lot B, Tha Tltto Oaarantaa ft
- Traet ooBpaay
Blk 14. lot A. The Tltl Oaaraatea ft
Hlk 14, Title (ioarantee ft
Blk 14, lot X The Tltla OuaraaU ft
Treat Company
Blk 14. lot 1, Ths Title Onaraatee ft
Truec company
IIallad.'a AAdlrJna tat But PnrfUaat
Bit I7s7kt 1, Tha Oregon Baal Batata
: Company
Blk 175. lot X Tba Oreroa Baal Batata
, Company
Blk lit. lot T. Tha Oreaoa Rsai EsUte
Blk 176, lot B, Tk Orsgoa Baal Btato
BlkTTX'Lt'L'ThV'ooa Real EeUta
400. Tf
tit. 91
600. U0
20.441 .
SO. 4
20.401 -20.401
u. ta
own our oyater bed.
best service. 22S Washington at.
and the probable total coat thereof " ablrd--By eonatniCUug weodea Crostrwalkt j First By rrsding tna street Jull Mth with
The txM of aald Improvenieat to be sssassed six feet ta sridU. I tall Intersection to pir 'W-grade.
ae pronoea vj ua eiiy eaarmr apoa in I ' emu improvement to oe maae IB sccorcanc
proporty specially oentntoa f hereby and which I wttn tse unarier ana uroi nances of th, City
vt ttuv tw vtiaav,. BtlviAHnilOBWana
i. B. HA8ELTINE A Co.. Iron, steel, coal and
Is hereby declared te be tU th loU. nwrta
of kits aad parcels of laad lying between t I eatimate of th City Engineer Bled
ua iw iat eaat at tna aaai uaa ar j
street aad a Uue luO feet weat of the
Second By bringing tJiiJ surface or tk.
(treet full width with full intersection to
la tha
H. P. CHRISTKNSEN, wall paperar aad palntor.
141 Seventh it: car. Alder.
ERNEST MILLER ft CO., wall pnr and dsco-
rius, i,f first n.
Use of Mltk street and betweea a Un lu
reel north ot aad parallel with tba Berth Uu
of Taylor atreet and a Une 100 foet auuth ot
aud parallel with ttie awath Una of Taylor
treet. '
Tha Engineer's estimate of the probabl
total cost of said Improvement la $2,476.00.
The plana, aneaiaestlona aad estimatea of
tor ta latpravwasaBt f aald
Front I otBc bf th Auditor of th City of Portland on
wast tha Uth dav of anrll. 1006, Indorsed: "City
Knglneer'a plans and spectttoatlaas for the Im
provement of Twenty-fifth street Xroa th north
line ot nsieign street to ue north line of North
Portland, and estimates of the work to b
sae aaa xna prouaoie total osef ineroot.
1 lie coat vi aaitl luiiH-oremeut to be
nroper grade with macadam.
inira uy constructing aril octal ston slds-
t ourth By constructing . artificial a ton.
Fifth Br constructing Wooden
sll feet In width. .
Ssld improvement to be Bad 10 aMordsnc
cents Un f Beat Sixth strset to th seat
ua ei aat lantA street , in th following
manner, to-wlt: I
First By grading th street full width with
full Intanectlone to proper sub-grades.
Secoad fey bringing the surface of tha
street ' full width with full intersections to
proper grade with gravel.
Third Uy ao Detracting wooden 1dwalk.
Fourth By constructing artificial ston
Fifth By constructing aad relaying Wooden
and tt lot 6. 0. F. Wells
Aetata, taeira ut
Blk 176, nad lot-6, G. F. Well
Eatote, Heir of
Blk 176, lot 7, Adolpb B. Stein,
Blk 176, lot 8, Adalph B. Stein
bach Blk 83. lot 6, Portland Lodge No.
143, B. P. 0. X., Truataaa of
Blk 83, lot 6, Portland Lodg No.
142. B. P. 0. aruatse of
Blk St. lot T. H. Henry Wemme......
tb City Matrii
Taylor street are kerehf
,1 II 1 1 1 aS - nil tha M . . .
"""i a? Vl' apocialrjr benefited thereby aa estimates of tb City Engineer filed In the
provided ly the Uty Charter and which M J office of the Auditor of the City of fortiaad oa
With tbe Charter and Ordinance af tbe City crosswslks six feet wide according to plan I 88, lot 8, B. Henry Wtmme..
8T1KB doe not delay ua. aa we ara able to
nu au oroers witnoat Oeuy. First class work.
eV A. Chord) ft Oa No. 274 Taylor St. Phone
Clay 171.
P' . mm
Prsel Hegwle A Co., 100 to 1U6 8th, cor. Stsrk.
WADHAMS ft Co., wholaaala grueera, mano-
laviurat autt vojtiiinaawM auercaauu, o and
t. -.. .
LEWIS, wkoleal grocsraT Port.
00 r ront at.
land. Or.
A1ASON, EHRMAN ft CO.. wholesale arooara.
N. W. cor. Second and Pin sts.
LA NO ft CO., First sud Ankeny st.
nent may be Died ta writing with tbe auder.
ngaea wiuin w cays iron taa sale af th
Brst publication of this notice,
By order of tb Council.
" TH08. C. DEVLIN,
Auditor f tin City of Portland.
April 17, 1 80S.
Notlc h bereby riven that the Omnrfl at tha
City of Portland, Oregoa, at a meeting bold an
tbe 18th day of April. 190. declared th as
eeesmeet by ordinance No. 13,290, tor th Im
provement of Denver- avemi from th south
line of KlUlngs worth areaue to tb South Un
ef Webster atreet In th Banner provided by
ordinance No. 13.078, npon etch lot, part of
lot and parcel of land which ar apectally aad
pecuusriv Dertenwtt, t o a roiiows, TIB:
I TsrmtDlaS dcTfUef ntwrATilia---
and sbsclncatlorts.
Sixth By coustrncttng box and (ton gat
ters scoordlng to plans and specifications.
Bald iwpravamsnt to be made la accord
ance witn tn charter and ordinances of tba
City of Portland and the plans, specifications
nno esnmatea ot ua l
office ot tbe Auditor ol
the ltth day of Anrll. 1908. lndoraed: "City
Bn.lMaa'a an. . ,u, . V.
anlM witk th north Una of North Port- j a .provided by the city charter npon th Improvement of Ellsworth street from the cen
laud. I nroDertv bene fl bad thereby and which la kai,kj, I tar Una of Eaat Hlith atreet to tha a..t Una
Tha Xnglneet estimate Of tb brohSbla total I (Wiared to ha all the Int. nait -. j I i,t iranta atM.t ahl Mtlm.iu ... . k. .
ost for said Improvement I J,f20.00. I parcela of land lying between a Una 100 feet ""k to ba dun and tha probable total cost
Tkf Plsns. specliicatlous and estlsmtr af 1 weat of aad narsllel witk the mi iia. 3 thereof."
Ue City Engineer fur the improvement ot aald Second street and the wsat Una ot Corbett I Th cost f aald lmprovsmtnt to be sssesaed"?t5i"treJL ?erby adopted. 1 street nd between line 100 feet north of provided by tbe city charter upon the
bereby declared to b all ths property lying 1 th 10th day of April. 1008. tttoorsed. "Cite
between a una 100 raet wa.ra.rl. frnm . f irt ...a . m j
Resolved, that tb Auditor of the City of parallel with tha wt lln. of Twenty.flfth Improvement of Mesde street from thT west
Portlsnd be aad t tohareby directed to gtw treet and a Una 100 feet easterly front end Hue of Corbett atraet to til west Sat T3
notice f the JJKieed lmproveineut ot aald parallel with tha east Una of Tweuty-Oftk j Second street snd estlmste of tbe work to
streets s provided by tb city- charter. I street, and between the north line of Raleigh 1 be don aad the probable total cost thereof "
itemonstrance sgsiasx wis dot improve. I street ana a una iuv net Bonner! from and I The cost of said ttnpn.rement to b asseeaed
Blk 84, lut 6. W. B. Land Estate,
Heirs of
Blk 84, lot t, W. 8. Ladd Batata.
Hslrs ot
Blk 84, lot 7, B. W. Corbett Estate,
Heirs ot.
City EMlneer flUd la th Blk 84, lot:a, H.'w.''CoriitriiUt,'
)t the City of Portland on 1 Heir of 7. 7.
All that Dortlon of block numbered 43.
Couch's Addition to th C.ty of
Portland, lying west of a Un bisect
ing th north and south Une ot said
block, Edward Devaney
A triangular tract of land bounded en
tb southerly side by the center Un
of Ankeny street, on tb westerly
id by lln 30 feet east of and
Comoanr .
Blk 1 7a, lot J, The Oregoa Real Batata
Oamnany . ,
Blk 178, lot TTb Oregoa Real Estate
vompauy z
Blk ITS. lot B. Tha Oreaea Real Buato
laaaapaox , OV.VW
Blk 196, lot L Tit Oragoa Real Bitot
Oeamaar t6.9
431.76 Blk 106. lot t, Toe Oregfk Real Eaute
tun 75 company Z1.8B '
fiaJifs Blk 106, lot f. Th Oregoa Real Ealat t
Blk IOSTm 8, This Oragoa Real Estate
uempany , .!
HoUadar Park Addltloa to Portland. Oraaoa.
Blk 6, lot 18, Tka Tltls Ooarantee ft
Trust OomDaar 25. SB
lk . lot 14. Tba Title Guarantee ft
Trust Comuanr 30.4ft
Bit 6, lot 15. Th Tltl Ouarsntes ft
ana a. I Treat Cempany 29.40
Blk . lot 18. Tk Title Onaraatea A !
Bit u, tv v, jintj xttae wwau-aatew m
Trust company 20.40
lk 6, lot 10, Tk Tltl Guarantee ft
Troat company zv.B
Blk B, lot 11, Tba Title Ouaraatee ft
Treat Company , , 2t4ft
Blk 6. lot IX Tha Tltl Guarantee ft
IsTWa. A....... M A AM r
HWt WtUOWIJ a ,.... a . a . a . a t. a a a e ftftW
lk t. lot IS. Th Tltl eoaraate ft
Treat Compaay 29.6
Blk 6. lot 14, Tba Title Ouarante A .
Trust Company 29.44
Blk Bv M 16, Th Tltl Oaarantee ft.
Trust Ooapany , , 29.4
Blk t, tot 16, Tb Tltl Oaaraatea ft
29. v
6.86 "
xo to
29. 4A e
,9B- Blf"!' a?tTB 'tttis'b'aa'r'ssie'
KiuiiiLttii 'i nan tna annnna aaa w . . n i .. . . v. . uim. i . . . .. . i . . .... a , v . . , . .
. r-,7- . ifaaa.wa aaau w. aau. w uuv Ot SieSO fiwvaO WVWUtVU taiorvu BUU WtltCO IS UVTVUJ I tl.rflllrl With th WCatCTiy SlOO illl
b,LJ'l,cU,l . ,T5 "V"0! P- I " -nd k Un 100 feet south of and parallel declared to ba all tba lota, part ot lots and I ot Seventh itr est. and on ua aaator-
Svtta'cf'SlSie0' " Wr& with th. south Una of Mad, strtat " parcels of land lying bet wean line loo feet "y , flnaO Jeet w"t of
vJr-?i r"', 1 . . I The Engineer's estimate at the probsbl north f and parallel with th north Un of I and oarallal with the easterly aide
Tuns r titfvr iv
AodlW of tba City ot Portland.
April 17, 1008.
by tha city for the period af Bra years, pro- Sixth street and k Una 100 feet east of aud
rldd, that the owners of A major It of tba parallel with Un- aaat , Una mt Kaat Tenth
MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 184-186 Second
St., bet. Yamhill and I ay lor. Portlaed. Or. .
Blk I, lot 1. Albert Lawson
stia i, lot xa. Amelia uampDsu. .......
V1B S, lot 1, W. O. Elliott.
EatabUiuied in 1S5B.
.Merest (Uowed on time deposits.
Collections tusue at all point on farorabla
terms, laetters of orouit lsautid a en liable in
Europe and sll point lu Uaa United State,
blKlit vxchung .mid . telegraphic transfers
old in NewV lork, Washington, Chicago, St,
Louis, lleuver, tiioalia, - tau Frauciacv aud
various points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho.
Montana Kud Brlttab Columbia.
Exchange sold ' ou London, Paris, Berlin,
Frtiuktort. I long Kong, xokohania, Manila
and Honolulu.
. Of Portland, Oregoa.
Northwest corner Third and Oak sts.
Transacts a general banking kualuuna
DRAFTS 188UEO availsblo in all cities of
ADlaV An. mWm m. WT . RJ. AVllBtMK. t. ........ A
Blk 8, lot li W. 0. Elliott
Blk 8, lot 13, W. 0. Elliott
Blk 8, lot 1, Samuel R. kad Bill 0.
Slk tTVit 2, ioka i. jfauet
Blk 8, lot 14, Sauaal B. aad Ellla 0.
Bnwi !7
lk dT'lot i. Katauoi ' It" kiwi' Amia'tt
Brown ....,.......
Blk 4, lot 8, Samuel R. aad E1U a
Blk 4. lot 14, Samuel R. aad Ellis C
Blk 4. tot 18, Samoa! B. kad E1U a
Blk 6, lot 1, Samuii'B.' aka' ElU 'a
Blk 6, lot 'i''famuil'R.'''k'uia''a
Riverside Addition
Blk 1, west 100 feet lot 1. Pacific Coast
i 1,,... ... a frv....
ateajonetraaee againflt tn abova imnrava. I ttit.1 v.t UM imnnie.Mnft la as t.. ,ul i Kiiaameth .treat mnA - iin. rev. .u
IDut may b filed in writing with tb under I The above lmprovemeut is to b classed 'aa of and parallel with th south Un of Ellsworth
a. mI? E. e Vi' uU dat ' 4 I nUcsdem Improvement and shall ba maintained street, and be twees th east Un ef East
sty erase el u Council.
property benefited by said IBprevameut or m I street.
Dortlon thereof, shall aot Patltioa for a ... I Th Engines ra estlmata af tba nmhahl. tnt.l
or uiuerem imiirureuavut wetura ta expire- I cost tor sal a improvement IS a,404.00.
tMPROTKMEWT OF wtttw I " 01 . penou. ine aoove improvement la to be classed aa
ii ata aw mm I 'ins man! latt'l nfB IlflTIB BTin BvAariSvata aaB atatt I SFPfitatikl llnnintMnuint Bfitl Blaall .av Mt
rpA C lrftl I ZZ' .a- . -w.aaB-. v I B " T "-' " ' vtvaa mm-M aunil trey U11U
NotlM la htfttbt ! that at th W.a4li 1 fid ftfMt ara haai-akh mAnntmA I s..l latil 4k. at. t -il Ti
Of tb CoiUUall Of thft City at Wirtland. Or .11 I NMftnlMl . Tha thm Anglltnr- aiV m. I th ntrmmtm WftwwaMfwwt k. m-.mmil.
n LLSUl UA.'prl1' U tiiilvwiu PortiADd IX apd Im I kertbf lOaitnctVi to W porUoif tberf? hill not ptitloo fur a
asssrettAtvewa TTv) aasaeVrVkena a arina UtJtlfW OI UW lirillKjaBwtB imntYltanant aB I HOW am flirrBMni t 111 Til IB B 11 BB II B liufosa Kaa
Rsaolved. That th Council of th City of I Mid street aa provided by tha olty charter. plratlon of such nerlod.
Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient aad pro. I Remonstrance against tha. abor Improve- I Tbe plana, specification aad estimates of tb
line of Seventh street, .City of Port-
Bigbt of way, Portland Railway Com-pny
Total .......
Auditor of th City ot Portland.
April 2Q. 1903.
Notlc la bereby given that at tba meeting
oi tbe Council ot th City of Fortlaud, Or., held
on tbe 15th day of April 1903, th following
resolution wss adopted: ., . r''
KKtHttaYEUi ins i tna council ot tk city of
75,25 0,.lmV''"t Ku street from the south I ment may be Bled In writing with tba under. I City Engineer tor the improvement of said Ells- I Portland, Oregou. deem It expedient and pro-
una fit tlamlltaul . wanna ta tha iwrtl,a.iul- 1 . t A wtthl. 4.1 a... r..,n.- .a . . I .v. . l . . . . j I . . . . ...... . . . . .
7ft I ,. . " , , . . " . ' J .....w. .. . u..u . a.j. ' aa. vtltv VI Sf I wwa ui vuvm t Atftwy auvutetl, I puses tu improte pnuwia airait iruttl ue ess
IV I Uaa tar Uaa.aSa.Bt naart fa th. t.lU.. ....... I aM, ....I. ...... ... A ... I . .. . . . 1,. , I , , ... a Paw... . . . . . . . . I I. . . . . . . .. . 1 . . .. .
Un of Uscadkm road In tha following man- I first publication of this notlc.
ner. to-wlt: l By order of the Council.
First Ry redrseslnr with macadam all that I THOU. l ntvr i
Portion ef said atreet between Ue south Un I Auditor ot the Uty of Portland.
n Un-niUatA a ..... . ..A tU. is . a I a ae at a ... 1 "
I ir aawNMiea-g B aawaijTe( aaagu Mira Ml fill 1 1 If BAR I , ftnn I 1 I HI 1.1.
"W I Second By grading all that
42.12 j
Resolved. That the Aadltor of the rite of I fine of Front street to the west line ot Sixth
Portland be and he Is hereby tnatrncted to I atreet by constructing artificial atone aidawalka
fire aotrce ' of the. proposed Improvement of I and artificial atone curbs.
ald atreet a provided by th city charter. I Said Improvement tu be mad In accordance
x Remonstranc against the above Improve I with tbe Charter and Ordluancea of the City
meut Bay be Bled In writing with tba under- lot Portland and tk plans, specification aud
Trust Compaay
Blk 4. lot 10, Th Tltl Outran Ue ft
Treat Comnaar
Blk 4. lot 11, Th Tltl okrsnt ft
Trust Co taps ay
lUk 4. lot 12. Tk Tltl Onaraato ft
Treat Company ,
Blk 4, lot la, tk Tltl OoAraato ft
Treat Compaay
Blk 4, west t.9 feet M 14. Tk Tltl
uoarantee . irutt uompany
Blk 4, eaat 40.1 feel let 14, Rodney L.
OUsaa et al ,
Blk 4, lot 16, Kad nay L. Ollaaa st si..
Blk 4. M iff Rodney L. Ollaaa at al.. '
lllk 1A lot B. Th. l.,...n,u A '
t Treat Company ,
Blk IS, lot 10, Tb Tltl Gear sate ft
Trust Company
Ik 16, lot 11. Ths Tltl Oaaraatea ft
Trust CtMwpeay
Bik IS, lot 18, Tha Title Oaaraato ft
Treat Company
Blk 18, lot 18. Tha Title Ouaraate ft
Trast Company ..
Blk 16, let 14, Th Tilt Ouarante ft
Trust 29.48
Blk 16, lot 16, Tb Title Ouarante ft
Trust Company 29.40
Blk 16, lot 16, Th Title Ouarente ft
Trust company
Total 32SS2. 40
A statement of aforesaid asaesament ' baa
been entered In the Docket of Cltr Lien wbieh
I now due aad payable at the otfice of th
Cltr Treasurer. In lawful money of the United
Stutea and If not paid within thirty days front
ua ante ot tnis notice, anca- proreeoiuga win
be taken for tha collection ef the same af ar
provided by tha charter of the City ot P0rt
Tha above assessment will bear Iktereat test
day after tha first publication of thla notlc. ...
1H1W. V. USVUa,
. Aadltor Ot th City of Portland.
April 22. reoa. - .-j i i ;
. .J? tr.L, r ttat IroTtJpii of "Id PROPOSAL FOX MUNICIPAL LIGHTIira lnd within 20 dsy front th date ot th eatimate of tha City Engineer tiled In tbe
J8'"? t0"th,.u1De l ,8ytnor Arr nr iw Yr Ivn 7 vrti- PsUttoB of this notle. 0tflc of tb. Auditor of th City of Portland un
' .v. i bj oruar oi u touncii.
Scaled orDosals will ke reeeleaJ at tha a I TUUR n. nrvi iv
ot the Auditor ot the City of Portland until I Aadltor of the city of Portland.
8 O'clock D -m., June 10, 1903. for llirhtl.,. Amil 17. 1908.
?utuctrr"c,ToefaUtIj; cfTote0. I OnXJO IMPR0VXVMENZ OF YAMHILL
arena and tb northwesterly Una ot Macadam
road fall width with full intersections - to ths
proper aub-grsde.
Third By bringing the surface of all that
portion of th street between th outh line
of Seymour avenu and tha north weathrly
lin of Macadam road to the proper grade full
wiuin wiu tun intersections wna macadam.
trie ara licuta of xouo candio nowar
and tor llgbtlug ths pubU buildings of aald
tbe United States and fcwrope, Hong Kong j Blk L weat 100 feet lot 8, Psclflo Coast
and Manila.
.Collections msde on favorable terms.
President J. C. AIMS WORTH
V Ice-i-resiaent vv . R. Ivi'.u
Assistant Cashier..., A. W. SCIfUEEK
Asalstaut Cashier.. A. M. WRIGHT
Head OlHce Toronto. Caustlu.
Capital paid up .:. $8,000,000
Reserve . ... ., 2,600,000
iriuisacis a general Dsnxing ousinetis.
Accounts opeued for sums of i0 snd up-
ta.iu, tut tutervet uitowou on aiiuiinnin
monthly bttlauces. Rates un application. 244
vrasaingion st.
M. A. WYLti, Mabager Portland Branch.
Abstract Guarantee
lk 1. wsat 100 feet lot 28, Frederick
80.68 I
Fourth By Constructing Wooden aldewalk I elte h. liw ..,,lu.nt alartrla mm aaa II. k..
.11 th.t . . . . ... -....I .. .w I - ' . .. . , . a . . ' M a:
. ... -'. . vwiivh v aa.. au... Ki.toi vat I A term oi uvo years irou tassary tat, 1904.
Benarata nrouossls wUl be reeelrvd foe light
ing the streeu. svenues, park aublliaTraainiia
aud pubUc places of the city, ae above set
forth. Koch proposal must be baaed upon tha
Decification fur said Ughtln oa file in tha
omc ui tn Auditor oi ue uuy ot Portland.
Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and
y csutra streets. t
Head OfBcr65 Old Broad atreet, Loadon.
Thi bank transacts a general banking busi
ness, makes louns, discount bills and issues
letters of credit available -for travelers and
for the purchase of Bercbandls lu ny city
of the world. Dsala In fureiga and nonius il
exchange. -Interest
paid on time-deposit.
ri-- W- A. MAC RAM, Manager.
, ' .Portland, Oregon.
tflateon......,.,.Vi' President
. Durham Vlcs-Preeldeut
P r ''"..Cashltjr
fr Draft and lettera of credit Issued svailahle
I ;4 all parte of the world. avaunme
; Collection a specialty. Gold dart bongnt.
, ibuccassor to MorrU ft Whlteha Bankers.)
south Un of Seymour avenue and tb north'
westerly un or aiacaaani road.
Fifth By Constructing wooden aroMwaUc
tlx feet In width.
Said) improvement to be mad In accordance
ii. i .:..':.:.;,". i wiu u cnarter ana orainsnce oi tn citv
Wti't .7. i., ' ' T"t of Portland and tbe plans, specification, .and No propcsal In excess of 88.41 toTch llht
... o ". - e0- I eatimate. f the iiitv taurlneer tllad in tha I .... n,.fh -in h. ..kad t?T ."
.ir. ,.t th. a.7nt. . thl av.. ttZ.TI I rri. ... .". aTTJ' .r?1"? .r
op th 10th day ol April, J903, ludoreed.- City I on nne responsible PortUnd bank In Ihe suia
cugauvei iiuau. auu .oeciucatioua tor taa I OC- iwenty-Bve inousanu xtouar IgaS.OOO.OOl.
iufuwremeiit of Kelly street from th South I payable to the order of Geo. H. WlUlama, Mayor
llue oi Hamilton aveuna to the north weeterly lot the City of Fortland, fixed sad Uuuldated
tin of Macadato road, and estlmstes ef the I damages, that th successful bidder wUl enter
worx to d aon na ins probabl , total cost I Into contract ta scconisnc with tk term of
..... . w ' I u specmcauona witniu ten wayw alter tba cou
Ave tnf.1. a. a . l.i iiuDnireumii i n. aa. nan . aa,H.(t.fl mm ... - ,...,..
asMd provided by the city charter npoo I will also be required to f Ornish a good and
" property specially benefited thereby and I sufficient bond In tb snrn of On Hundred
10.67 I
86.68 J
' 66.40 I
Blk 2, west 100 feet let 1, George F,
Blk 2, wtiV 100 'Ui 'ibt 'i'iiwaria i-
Blk 2, weat 100 feat let 23, Thomas
C .Gresn ,
B& 8, west 100 feet lot 24, Thomas 0.
Green i .-. . rt . .
Blk -3, west 100 feet tot 1. Ralph 0.
OBUtB 'e..i.A. J '" " a
Blk 8, west 100 teat 'lo't X Ra'ln'k '6.
Smith 48.28
6'k 8. wt 100 feet lot 23, Carrie L.
Whitcomb ,, 28.70
Blk . west 100 feet 1st 84, Carrie la. .
Blk 4, west 100 feet lot 1, Herman C.
Lsonsrd , Bf.dJ
Blk 4. west 100 feet lot 2, Eerman b.
Leonard .a.,.,......,;. 25.21
blk 4, west 100 feet kit 23, Charle L.
VkrWB .,...,,. Vi,,, .... ..... .04,01
Blk 4. West 100 feet lot 24. Charts I
..!"" '.t.lll-. ......w.n..... r 44.18
nix o, weat luv reel tot 1, Charle 8. v
01aa ...... ..c. l . 198
Blk 6. waat 100 feet lot 8, Okarl S. ,
OJaun ...........,f.,ta.v.w!., .Y.18
the 9th day of April,. 108, Indorsed, "City
Engineer' plana and., specifications far the
Improvement of Salniua atreet from the east
llue ot Front atreet to the weat Una of Sixth
street and estimates ot th work to b duus
and the probabl total cost thereof." .
The cost oi . saiu nupraveaiaac is to be
Total ........... ....,...,.8uo0.01
A statement of aforesaid saseesmenf baa beea
eaiered lit the Docket of City Lien which
Is now due and payable at the office of tba
City Treasurer, ta lawful money of th United
States and if not paid within thirty days from
tbe date of thla notlc. such proceeding will
be tsken for tb collection -of the same as ara
Eroblded by the charter -of th City Port
in d. . , -Tb
abor assessment win besr Interest tea
day after th first publication of tbls notlc.
. l hub. t:. iicvLin,
7" ; -ia' Aotltot of U Citj ot rortlMd. .
jUfU 23. 1803. - j -
which Is bereby declared to ba all tb hits,
parts of lots snd parcels of laad lvina be.
tween tbe south Uaa of Hamilton venue and
tne northwesterly une of Macadam road, and
set ween a Une 100 fast weet of and parallel
with the west Una of Kelly street aad a
Un 1(h) feet east of and parallel wltb tha
east une ut tvvil street.
Tb Engineer's estlmste of tbe probabl
total coat - fur Said Improvement is $1,148.00.
Tbe a bore Improve in at is to os Clsaaed as a
macadam improvement snd shaU be maintained
by the alia fo th parted of. -five years, pro
vided, that tb owner, of majority of. .tha
property Mneflted by th iLaurvveiaent- t
aid tret or. any .portion thereof shall not
petition for a new ar differeat Improvement
before the expiration of auch period. ,
The plana, spedflatloaa aad en tl ma taa t
th City Engineer for tb Improvement t
aald atreet are bereby - Adopted.
Kesoived, Thst the Auditor of the City of
Portland b aad b la hereby instrocted to
give notlc of th proposed improvement of
said atreet as provided, by tba city charter. :
Remonstranc against th sbov Hnprov.
Blent may ba Bled la writing with tb under,
si gued trlthlny-itft days from tha dat of. tha
first publication of tbls notice,
s By order af th Council. L. '
Anru it. lWuda
Ot th Cltr ft ForUand,
Thousand Oollara (Slu0.0oO.001 to be in...r.....t
by the Mayor of toe City of Portland, con
ditioned that the successful bidder will fulfill
the term of his contract.
Separate proposals wlU be received for light
ing, the pubUc building ef said lty aa above
let forth. Each proposal muat Us bated upon
tu specifications for said Ughtlng oa file in
th office of th Auditor of th City of port,
land and most be accompanied by a certi
fied check on some responsible Portland Bank
to V9 sum of Tweoty-nve Hundred Dollars, (12.
600.00), payable to the order ot Oca. H. WUUama.
Mayor of the City of Portland, aa fixed and
liquidated damages, thst th saccvsaful bid
dec will enter into -contract In accords nc with
th terms of th specification within tea
(10) day after the coutract is awarded him.
Tb success rul bidder wlU lo be nyulred to
famish-a aood and aumcient bend in tka m
of Ten Thousand Dollars SlO.OUO.uu. to ha
approved by tha Mayor of the City ot Portia ad,
conditioned that the successful bidder will ful
fiU tba term of bis coutract.
All proposal should be indorsed ' Proposal
roe Liehtlne." and addressed . tn Th,. r
DtrvUa, Auditor,' Portia ad, Oregon, !V ' . '
The right is reuerved to seject aay of ' all
IUUS. : ,
By order Of tb Executive Board.'
THoa. a DtvuN,
Aadltor Wf tb Civ f rortiaad. Or,
Anrll 8. IsoSa
nuue . "er.uj "tat as tne meeting assessed as pruviueu ny tne city cnarter upon
ot tbe Council of tb City of PortUnd, Or., held the property specially benefited thereby and
oo the 16th day of April, 1903, the following which ia hereby declartxl to b sll the kits,
revolution sdopted: p.rU ioU ,na parcel of Und lying be-
RESOLVED: That th Coonclt of th City of tween line loo feet east of the cast Uue
Portland, .Oregon, deeais it expedient and pro- of Front street and a Un 100 feet west of the
poses to Improve Yhnihill street from the west west Uue uf Sixth street and between a Une loo
Une of First street to the at Uu of Fourth feet north of and parallel with the north
street in the following wanner, to-wlt: iu of Salmon atraet sud a line 100 feet south
First By removing from th street all old of and parallel with th auuth Un of Sal
block, rotteh wood aad debris of very kind. morP street.
SecondBy bringing the treet, full width Th Engineer's set! mat of the probabto total
with foil lntereec lions, to proper sub-grade cost for said improvement U $3,21.00.
with meret. rrj,. plans, specifications snd estimate of
ThirdBy re paving .tt trrt. full width tbe City Engineer for the improvement of
wiu ran luieraeciiuus, wnn woouen block I said Salmon street are bereby adopted,
treated with carboUneum avwnarlua axoept at Reaolved, That the Auditor of the City
uie luniatvum vi .uarct. i or forusna oe ana na ia nereoy lustrueted tu
Said Imwovement to be Bade la accorddnca glv notice of the proposed Improvement ot
with tbe Charter and Ordlnancea of tbe City said troet aa provided by th city charter,
of PortUnd and the plan, epeclflcatloua and Hsiuonstranc against th bov improvo-
mtlmates of tbe City Engineer filed in th
office of tbe Auditor ot tbe City of Portland on
the th day ef April, 1908, tndorecd: "City
Engineer'! plan and specifications for th liu-
Kovement ot Yamhill street from the west
te ef First atreet to the east Un of Fourth
street, and est iota tee ef th work to b don
and tlie probable total cost thereof." .
Tb coat of said Improvement to be assessed
npon tbe property aueciaiiy benefited thereby
s provided by tb City Charter., and which 1
ment may be filed in writing with the uuder-
tgued within 20 days, from tb date of the
nrst puDucation ot in is nonce.
tsy oruer oi ua council.
Auditor of th City a Portland.
April 17.- 1903.
hereby aeciarea to oe an tna property lying
between a line 100 feet north of and parallel
with (he norm uue or laniuiu atreet and a Una
100 feet south of aad parallel with th south
lln of xsmnui street, sua between the West
Une of First trt and the east lln of
Fourth street.
. Th Engineer's eatimate of th probabl total
Coat for th improvement of skid street U
$0,199.00. .
The shove linDrovement la classed aa a rtwat.
ed wood block pavement and shall be main,
tolned by the City for period of S yeara,
provided, that the owner ef a majority at tb
property benefited by said improvement or any
'tloo tnereot snait not petition voluntarily
Notice Is hereby -given that en th 18th dsy
Of April, 1908, 1 took up and mpounded at tb
City Pound, at No. 201 Sixteenth atreet. In
the City of PortUnd, Oregon, . th fullowtng
described animals:
Ona bay horse, whit spot oil forehesd, shod
all aroand and baa halter oa.
On blue roan Bur about 3 years ld.
Aad onleai tba .owner, or person or person
having n Interest therein, .shsU claim posses
sion of tb m. and pay all coats and chargee
of the keeping and advertising them, together
with the pound feos ou said animals, a pro
Tided by ordinance No. 6.025, aa amended, of
aald City of Portland, 1 will on tb Soth dny
of April. 1903. at the bonr of 10 a. aa., at tb
Ulty rouna, at no. mi a it tecum, in sain city.
for a
..ate. etna a anah nerifwl.
Am.- ..i... . ...... ...t . a,... .... . . f . ah. pc. fne t.lrlna. nil k.a.nli.a . H .a.....
I ttIV J.iia. avBiimaiiwi. ..." raiiaauaj ut 1 a . . . . ...
I tb City Kug lueer fur said Improvement ara I Using such snlmal.
I hereby adopted. 1 Datod tkl SOU day ox April, lswx .
RESOLVED: Tkat th Aadltor b and h ! F. W. REED. .
1 htveby directed to gW notice of th pro. PonnuUnaster,
w of different Improvement before th th above described animals at psblls auc
tion tutuv. uisuvat uiuuet, tv ivy tiiV ttTOSia
. , a
. ..'.'. . i . r ..... . .
r':-" .' " r-t 'Ji-.;-: -y'i'-' : r-, 'J f.' 3 ;;;';?""v';' "' W-' - h,,.; ,f-. . k'.: ... 7.: i. ,,.'.;-'. '''!.V''"r3";;;
a KOBBOX SXREAT... ., ..'. ' 'r
Notlc U hereby riven that the Council at
tha City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held .
on tha Uth dar af AurO. Mot. - decUred
the assessment by ordinance No. 1S.2S9, for
the Improvement of Monro street from 10 feet -east
uf tbe west Un of William svenu to) .,
the esst Une ot Uantenbein avenue, la tha Baa. w
ner provided by ordinance No. 18.181, apoa each
lot. part of lot aud parcel of land which ar ,
peclallr and peculiarly benefited, to Ut as fol ,
lows, vis: i.
Alblnd "Affultibhi--' --e-- r-
Blk 2, lot 9, Daniel Byan. ...... 8160.48
Bik 2, kit 10. Alpha L. Bush ,, 66.78
Blk 2, kit 11. CaroUn Dunnung...... 40.0 :
Blk 2, lot 12, F. J, Brdck 4t.u ,
Blk 2. lut 14, Juhtf R. Weber 16.461
Blk 2, lot 13, John B. Weber 131.00
William Arena Addlttoar ia Part- 'r
land, Oregon
Blk 2, lut 12, P. A. Jon..,.....,,.. 81.8B
Blk 2, lot , D. A. June... 100.3d1
Slk 2, lot 8, George H. Rain,, , .oa -lk
1 lot i Cora 8. Kaln 6.7
Blk 2, lot 8, A. B. Mauley..,......, . '
Blk 2. kit 4. A. fi. kUalay.. ........ 67.74
s Albina Addition
Blk 1, W 70 tt lot 6, O. W. Allen Tf.. 136.1
Blk 1, B 25 ft lot 6, Albert Bartho
lomew so. ef
Blk 1, lot 6, John A. Pstecao. ...,.., OO.lfl -
BIX 1, lot 4. O. O, Scotton...... ....... bi.i
Blk 1, lot 8. lass B. ksnfinaa..... .... 48.0V ,
Blk 1, kit 2. Edwin C. Jvhuaon......... 102X
Ulk 1. lot 1. Matilda Sophia Jcnaee, Tr. 136.74 "
WUUama Avenue Addltloa la Port
Und, Oregon
Blk 1. lot 11, Jamea B. Mala hart. , 88,
lk 1, lot 10, Banford Brown... 8.e4 o
Blk 1, lot 7. A. S. Elll 70 if
Slk 1. lot 6. A, S. XlUa... 74.,
lk 1, lot 2, E. P Uk Lena Meuktw,. . 7 oP
lk 1, lot 1, Frank A. fcrtoua. ......... f.ia4
Total . .......... Mtnn..1,ullilOt1.u4:-'
A ' statement of aforesaid , Mawmest ba
been entered in tk Docket of City Lien wklctv
is now due snd payable at the office of clue
City Treasurer, ta lawful money of tk Suited
States and if not paid. within thirty da
from tb date ot thla notice, such proeeedlug
will b tsken for lb coilectloa of tb am a
(ire provldsd by the charter of the .tit of
PortUnd. - " 1
The tbojr MeBtnt will bear Interest to
day after th Bret publication ef tnls notlc. ,
, --.-rr-- .RuaitBraf tb City of Portland, v
April 22. 1903. . -t- . . , ; :.
. J908. 8'S.led proposals will ( recelred. a
tbl offic Biitfl jl 'c!ok a. m. ksturdsy,
April 2. 1903, -fo furnwWitg .70 uo i
least suoime uniforms for toe poltoe f'-
of this city, as per specirktii.os oa fiie c
this office, a evpv ef which wilt M furiu)i..
en sppUcatlav I'kmrlso F, Bevtm, tig v
pwUv UimniltUe. ,