TOE OHEQOK -DAILY JOUltNAfc; rOKTLAlO), MONDAY EVEymG, JVPltlli 20. 1003 V -T'.'s" "' 7"" ft- r - 5CABCITT CAUSES Japk Grades Show "a ; Shortage in Stocks Receipts Are Small and Prices ? Will Advance-News of r'J . the Sajar Markets. --- . mxcoms or Salter WMIir ana prion " . agr nigh?, with lighter r- , ceipt. - rrh meats Mghr. ; Poultry wealpt light. Market MM rate. ' KM erlee atvanoed. fufir market how trength. v An advance of prices wa made In rto thl morning on account of the "continued Strength of th markets throughout the world. A derMed Short age in th crop throughout Japan anJ Other Oriental countries liua caused 1W quotations to advance n quarter of a ' cent on tee brat grade and on eighth of a writ mn ooti. New Orleans head, although unchanged in price today, ahowa added strength, and with the large short age In the better grade, during the paat . season, on account of many heavy rain, the markets are well cleaned up and an advance In quotations would nut be unexpected. Srr Boeipt. Biaall. J Egg receipts were small during the first naif of the week and supplree are ahort In the local markets. On Friday the prloea began to climb and unless receipts are more liberal within the next few day quotations will again advance. Today's prices are firm and rang from It to lj cents, Poultry receipts are light with the demand liberal Top quotations are being reueived for all acock received. There la an especial spir ited demand for hens, but roosters are . bard W sell. robeoe teai Ut Of. The deal on Battle Ate tobacco which . was made by th American Tobacco Com pany some time ago was withdrawn to day.. One pound, was given free with , each It pounds paid for. i. Oailforaia Steamer t Arrive. ' The steamer Oeorge V. Elder is due W arrive from Ban rranclsco this even ing and l expected to bring a fair, . alted cargo of assorted fruits and vrge- tallies. The market today Is quite bare Ml the vegetable Una and the receipts per steamer are now anxiously awaited. Two cars of funcy oranges and" one car I of green bananua were the rail receipts from the South today. Foot Mtata Drug Market. The receipts of veal and mutton and lamb with peltn have been far too lib eral lately to keep up the steadiness of tbe market, and as a consequence lower 'prices are prevailing. The stock received -1 not of the highest grade and retail ; era are not anxious to buy at any price. . liven the best grades of meats are hard to sell on account of the poorer stock. . Beef la ktlll very scare on the street B with th demand Increasing. Pork Is in small arrival, with demand fair. Some clianget were made. In meat prices the Ottter part or lust week. Butter Again Sows, ' Butter prices ore again down on ac count of increased receipts, and it now looks as if th bottom has net yet been reached. Receipt on the beat grades i are so liberal tltut even with the fair demand now prevailing, commission men are unable to keep their storks cleaned up. Today's prices on creamery rang , I torn zo to U!4 cent a pound. . J ' agar Market's Condition. '.-With the many small advances In gugar quotations In the Kast, local prices . are snowing strength with every ten . dene for atf advance It is now expected that no changes will be made in the lo cal, augur prices until the markets of the- world show material fluctuations. Since the setting of the fight between ..'the various sugar trust, prices have Been stationary. Today auotattons, a revised, are as . wuows: IS.50; Wore.!, Ba.'VaS; M 10a, W 00 linen aacke. bus, 6e. . Halt Ooaiu. . knit .Ttond. JOfts, par . tea, sw mv Kii. amt tut 114 SO: Llvereool. lamp, rork. 3u.U0 imt -Ua; if-lb tvek. tH.OOi WW 1S.OO. RIcIshnwUI' JiDtl. No. 1. (Ike; Ne- Srikfk.t ruod--PicMdai. M-IH. t10 Unto-, - V iwry. , . Foree. f 4 60; H wtl .16V aalmuiM-Oatmubln RlTW. 1A tail. V W. S- lb talk. ..: fnoy,. 1 SU. t ; H- UarJ Stta. II : Alaska tau tas, wi Coef oil tss-. tle'gr gal; fsn-. 'SUr White;' la at tsnkBdukt. :,': IwlkM, 7l (aeuUM. In. Wrels. Mci Jrsey, 111.00 pee Ebl; strswherrles. 2fto " . mII white. M.soi laei wblU. Ink, M.7-I tr. Hu Unw. . Tobneev Plug rot saiokiea. 1, ls ! ree H-l of North Csrpira ft 1t'-,,USl tiff. , lb! Wle Oueen. 41 I M4 Bell. Ibl'pedro. aOe Ik) (TuMea eepter, i Sit. ram. 41 ID: tsiaian, ! ,ui 'VTJ! Iltore. e lt Bull Uurhass, We ; Old Baa h Fare Cot. t4e ID: Marjrliaa Club, Tie . Mall I'oorh. Xr th; Tale hUltsre. fl m. Ht T.bfri lrwaie-lt Ka till Si i"i llnrr HrldslM-k. (We It: guawtblu Ooed. 4Se lt. 8Undar Ns. gc Tbi T. ., Me re; gwear Haad. Sc I: Bur. lie. p. Ctawlng ioleVs I bread, a); fai s. "riM 0a rut htalU TU rraM aad tegetehtag. rotatoea C50c; new,, ie; swvata. Piiloaa-Orefoa. suooci. f srile.7c a. Fresh rrulta Aili. Isutf tos. il.71i(2.TA b; Callfiirula Un(rlus. Iltjl.w TSetl Oringea. .MfBls. bui; l !, $Xti.o hiuichi crsulxrrlaa. Sll.wJ jwe wji. til.ltf eaek! hwa. 1.0 sack; rsdlsues, Vegetale--furia'fl.tPO sark; earruts. HOO Jeram, we titil, ULm uer diis; eabbsga, lauroruia, me ui, " 2.V- n.r dus: irwl nriiiaTS. 4i- ID. hiaefldlsh. M lb; caWrf. mc htsni u-liig. lftc Ih; asparagas, St-; thubarh. hoi; tnsiaUm. Klnrlila, 4.5 40- crste; Vn alas. Il.TI; KliwappUj. go oa; peas, ot. r Vrlwl Krults AM. siwsled. Tr lb) aprleuea, TTSe M.peaahea, l.K'fc pears. s7 tt; pruaeayballatHySS' 17 Iraucb, ttr Th; a', CaUtoroU blat-ks, Se; do whlta. 1d)K Ibl phinit, Wlteg. cj rsMas, sargea, fiacy I -Ik esrtcai Mik si W ease, IV i iwdeo li-es carton, TVa: kwae ifuscatvlWa. to-lb boxs. tWiUlVk Ih; Luodon layer. tt.TtwB.0tt, ' Ksts l'eanut. s7e p. f raw-. t10e for roasted; fticmnaU. Sttoe Pf -suto. lS,li pr ; pra uUt lulHi per lb; hlrkorr nut. 10c per lb; cbestasu. Eastern. IhUlilc par k: Br.sll uuts. loc pJ S aiWrta, lft(le per lb: fsncy peean. 1st 16c par n; almoada, lstjitc per R. nr ifi hull. c real. slim. kbett sad lrsvlaiaaa. Fresh Meat Beef, prima, TJSc; lUiV: tr( pork, I'.slko 8Uv mutton, ettlVte, greas) draased. bimua, OresaMi, 11 HmtM. Macon, rte. -PertUad park (loesl) aaai. 10 to U tw, )h; 14 to It Be. Itei break f sat barvS. 1R1: sleulsa, 12; ! a. U4e; Ballad . li4e lb; akd side. le; dry salted back, litte; bscos bscks, 1.-41-; butts, sailed, SStc; suuiked. loe iraTaHekd Usasa ladre 14 tU. 16i Tee 14 IU. i5K: faney, 1CI pirate, lie; hualeer. drf salted !. uasinokL lk; lireakrsst bacos, 141 17u; fsucj, 10ci batia. Iuul34e. Ural Lard-Kettle Uaf, 6. Hike; 10. lSHe; I. Ha 60 tlu. le; steam rvndid, IOs, l.Lr; 6s. lHr: to. Ite lb; compoand tlwees, Hei tubs. be. liasterB Lard Kettle leaf, 10-lb tin. 1111 6. 1S!c; 6o- tin. ISVe; atasai reodafad, 10. 5, lieisOs, izfa- w Ahav park lag butnra prteea r st eab, I dsrs. ...... Flb Heek est. fei fkwaoer. Be; 4Fi ling end. Tel era us. 1 1. so aval raaar etasw, Be doa. striiwd baa. IZe; salmon. Cblnuuk, he; ateelheaus, B; sates, Mound, 16c; estash. c 4 Bk go; shrimps, l'uxrt BoUsd rnt herring, LOCAL STOCK RECEIPISs PORTLAND, UNION JT06K YARDS, April 20. Receipts of livestock were more liberal today and conalsted of 400 hogs, SO cattle and 200 sheep. Demand la excellent at the following prevailing price: Cattle Steers, best. I (ft Vc; medium, 4 tytV Hogs Choice, 7 Ho; sheep, good East em Oregon, SHc - COURT OPENS IN OREGON CITY POBTLAJID WH0U8AU rKICXS. i t Oraia, Tlour sag I'm. ariy saeo, fzi.ou; rolled. 123.00 Mla Me. 1 whita. .. aat't. .. " , lw asstars Oragos: fpauau, :10ti as VaUel. 3.0OU8..0: rLaiu7 Yku.i' MlUstaa Brau, tm.ou per tou. Bjlddllnijs UaMi ahoita, ju.Ou, nup. ala.fto. """"""g". 4af ituwuiy, lls.uu; cwvrr, fluoo. , t . . Beps, Weal aad Hides, Wwur-tNuHilual. Valley, lSaiiju,.: i,.., fjregou. ioMitf; Mohslr. JOc. " ' "i i)iilc; short il a . " 'ialW-i-flma, per O, aiiii, .. g. .-a ' tUUMV-ury aides, No. 1, iu nunml. .a ij4 v iy. aip.-iK rsw"s as- aaalted. Jmla and .tags. i i h lu'0 ". ... .saiuu aiuas, auwr, sotuid, uu pouuu. o Slti' raad 7c;. stags -ud bui... Uuu, oSai?: hip. ouud. to to iu., ,c; ,U11U iJi' ite, 5c; call, suuuU, uudar id ju, mT. . -Al.bu; ,wlU' hide., each, giai'iii . aav-U, rtUs 00. - 004 t,u ,t".. HttM lgs an JsuJtry, Butter Orvgwu ci-raim-ry. i4ia;i,.. . .,a in-aa tMgvu. lOvuitt. . Cliiae rbJ cicu., n, ..j, i T irj ... 'v Aiuatic. lawiavsc. .uju,-,, rWwjHJhlekcas. ailiMl, UiiL,P. ,,; . US gveee. ttkac lo; trkr.,' u, . 'liij'.ij: '(rasaaa, iiv. 7 ' 10''. 14 ftraoartaa, Jlau, Etc. ' gugar-Saek baata," cub, j.oau. re. 4 46 )s j dry granalsiwl. W U 4h7tai ldea t. s.77trrSioc',r barrel, sbvis. ejc mrmin., uu .H to-toe Pr t. fair uk, 16 J .Hawy-14U,Ilu per fraoia. . ' Uue-Jrwu atorua. kluJr: J., a . per lb; iuluuibla roaat, flo.aj; !u-hui Tl.lgV. listj Uoa, .'U.lihi Itat; tSSKSSt' lea Oolong, different grades, 2361 uv- oM peaoar, ifottav hdMcUsh iMa(..C 41?. jiNvut gradM. )VaVUuc; Hinder teg. uuwlond , iavaa. via gveaa Jaa, very acarur, Xaj UU. d.l.y. tChH StMij 4oo,4e; lmu4 17. ariwA. , ae. , ' - - mmif Im.1I. B w.v . , . , wwm. vbb.. VdU. U INI KimaNsh ig as, Wereestor, liMj , Nameroos Cases oa the Docket- Divorce Suits. (Journal Special Service.) OREGON CITf. April to. Judge Mc- Brlde open the regular spring term of the Circuit Court In thia city today. The grand jurors, were on band this morn Ins: when th courthouse opened. One hundred and ninety-rive caaea are on the docket, although one-half of them have been settled. Thy date back to ItOl, but for some mason have not been marked off. Thar ara, several criminal cases and many, divorce suits. There would probably have beu many more of the latter had Hot th Portland attor ney had to par HO additional fee for th filing of their cases. In" accordance with an act lately passed by th Legis lature. Maud Lillian Fleming, through her attorney, has filed a divorce suit against her husband, Qlen. H. Tlernlng. alleging that he liaa len yry rul to her. At one time he Jecta hf frbn, hir Port land home 'With much apd,' telling her to contlmnr on th' roal to the lower region. She did t da ir, however, and instead wants a illvorc and her maiden name, Maud L.' Jacques, restored to her. BU1DIKG PERTfllfS. Hackengo'' '4 BUffington, two-story building. Tenth and Flanders streets; 1250. W. Friday... repair, v Couch, between Sixth and Seventh streets? , 000. COrttAGIOUS DISEASES. April 19 O. Hockensmitii. First' and Salmon streets, measles. April 17 Lamb laom, 74S Mississippi avenue, scarlet fever. '' April 17 Sam Hoover, Room 16, Hol- laday House, measles. April 17 Q. DetHon, 311 Marguerite avenue, typhoid fever. - April 15 W: Dalztel, 1004 East Yam hill street, measles.. April 17 Alice Armstrong, 1024 East Main street, measles. April 17 Harold Clyde, 108 East Thir ty-third street, moaeles. April It George ueeri. Front and Madison streets, measles. 'tr April 18 Myrtle Peterson, 18 East Thirty-first street, scarlet fever. April It A, W .O Corinell. 446 East Thirty-ninth street, measles. April 18 Bethel Rayl, 248 East Thir ty-fourth street, measles. April lewrnomas A.- Loneltt, 209 Fif teenth street, North, measles. April 18 Irving Day. 771 Kearney street, chicken pox. ' , Hiflllf Chicago Markets Slowly Regaining Ground. Western Centers Gitntflf to Prices -July Opens and Closes Higher. rrons special wire a4 abl to Soltoa, d Baytr It Oo. CHICAGO. April 20. The Recora- Herald says: 'The significant circum stance In wheat Saturday was that the outside market gained a little on the Chicago market. The bulls considered that even more Important than the fact that there was an advance of Vt to fa cents In prices here. Th Armour In terest was more apparent Saturday In th market 4han on Friday, but th for elgn newt had mor to do with the fatly than any speculative support Mf opened at 77 k cent, sold btwee 17 and 7 and closed at J tellers th July (oiiched 72 cents arid closed at 72 S; the .September sold at 69 cent and closed'at 8T4 Saturday previous of 1 cent to i cents a bushel. The foreign markets disclosed but slight gains, less than the rally here Friday, but the pri vate market advances were generally bullish. Shorts In corn Saturday were uneasy over tfi small reeclpt and) very probably Influenced some by the wheat rally. Corn future cent to cent higher and th cash corn wa 4s cent higher. May left off. at 44ft cent, th July at 44 4 cents and th September at 44 cent, seller. Futures Saturday night showed 1 cent to 1 cents ad vance over the Saturday previous. There were only 65 curs here, with one con tract. The estimate for Monday wa 70 ear. The Week s movement Indicate another large decrease la local stock. Cables were up a trifle, clearances 19,000 bushels. Shippers generally reported the Eastern demand low. but there Is going on a fair business In the klln-drled corn. There was a further advance of 1 cent Buturduy In May oats, with shorts in spiring It. Saturday night's prices showed an advance In the May for the week of 14 cents a bushel. Saturday's market made a gain ot to cents. The May left off at 86 Vk cents, the July at 8m cents, and the . September at 2k H cent. The list showed for th week a gain of 1 to 2 cents. Receipt were only 90 cars, estimate for Monday 1(5 car, 'the car lota were H to 1 cent higher. Provisions weie more active, the trade through Saturday's short session the best of th week. Everything closed at small advance, jk.-Ic up 10 cents to 20 cents, lard up 7 ,, cents and the ribs up 7 4 to 10 cents. There was a large demand for products through brokers, "Wolff and others. There were 10,000 hogs Saturday: esti mated for this week 120.000, receipts for last week 100,000 compared with 147,000 last year. Receipts west Saturday were 29.000 compared with 30,000 last year; and the week's arrivals at all the West ern points were 809.000 compared with SIB. 000 last year and 882,000 two years ago." r- H rt Cm W ' it wi if mi. rV to'm sss ..I 11. II I.A II VfirV7 A I, A II VI!- ; .' , y X ,.;...,.': - ', , f 1 - ,- t ' X - rrji ' v'msJmr" 'Hi1'-- ! , f.v.-;-wb4a St Spjliy'i'- "'-'" ,' ' J : I Woodard j Clarke-'& 6 -i ; : ; " 'i Hlff r;.;0UR '1903.'. ' '"' .'" it-fr;V.a.-f.rarrr'"',T-r?r f Tr'AlHiier new cold drinki kr-giilVl,t'y' frt "" 4t ' l4aaai' v '-a -' ass i iiiw UlsVSh PURE ice "Cream r ' i ' PURE SYRUPS PURE FRUITS ALL, THE ' POULAR MIlNERALr WATERS ON DRAUGHT V mi inn i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it) i mn Best! for Itoppinf hair front iallinf dot; Bt for ah air) poo. . Beat fbr eompletion. '' Boat for bath. Beat for eurtnit all facial blamiabt aad akin eruptloni. Beat toilgt soap ever made. If you hart chapped hands, TRY IT. U you hart phappeU lipt, TRY IT. '; '; Ifytfltm td4 bleiooUliea TBtT It. - if you wua w uoprot your complex. loo. MY IT. '. ra-i.-.v:;!::-,--;.;.r:.' Ifron haT daadraf and scalp disrate, ' Tax IT. ' If yau want th beat toilet toap eraf tnadt, TRY IT. ; Sold gverywhara, Prioe, 15 otnts . Chicago Grosslp. CHICAOO. April 20. Liverpool wheat is 1-3 lower, coin unchanged. First re ports from the Fail market are about unchanged from Saturd,iy. Normal spring weather Is prevailing In the Southwest. The cable Is rather disap pointing In view of the strength here Saturday. The export demand during the last week kept up until the end of the week and it was a strong feature of the sltuutlon. Armour is so large a holder In this market that unless he sells the pressure Is not likely to be great. Crop reports from Europe say that condition are unfavorable and It Is fair to presume that unless this con dition shows a change there will be a good export demand. Corn keeps strong on light receipts and cool weather. De mand li no better than fair' though stocks are decreasing. There Is a scarc ity of contract oots and cash prices show firmness. Shorts have been cover ing freely In July on the talk of too much wet weather. It Is now thought seeding conditions are about nor mal. Provlsioni) are dull with the re ceipts of hogs running about th time a that of last year with the demand not so good. ' The April movement a compared with that of last year la likely to be bearish. mtSm Kin m . asiin ' i ' " . nn " " in i ii Another.of McKinney's : Victims Dead, . ,.'J J," (Journal Special Service.). , BAKERSF1KLD. Cal., April 2.iT. X Packard, wha "was shot by Outlaw Mc- Klnnejf yesterday, died at 7 .o'clock thlal morning. Packard was well known throughout the state and had a splendid record aa an Officer. He wa president of the Bakersfleld Lodge of Eagles, and was also, prominent in the Elks. Patrolman Barnes "Nar rowly Escapes Death iJi'MUKTHUR & CO. MACHINERY MERCHANTS LINK BELTINQ, LACE LEATHER, and a full Una of Mill. Ma chinist. Loreinfj, Mlnlot and Railway Supplies. Liverpool Market Olo. LIVERPOOL, April 2u. Wheat July, . tower; May, e-a. lower. Corn July. t-z, unchnnged; May, 4-4 l, 'ft up. Cam Baoelpt. CHICAOO. April 20. Hecelpts today In the principal packing centers were: Hogs. Cattle Slieeo. Chicago . S6.H00 27.000 .1.000 Kansas t- lly 4.60W 6.000 8.000 Omalm . ..... 3.00 2.400 1,000 Hogs are 6 cents lower, with 1.900 left over from Saturday. Prices are: Light. tC.g&Vi.zt; mixed. 7.(io7.45; heavy, $T.0tl 7.45; rough. 17.06 7.20. tattle ana sneep eteaay. 1. , BIRTHS. April 16- OlrU; to the wlf ,of Carl Evana. 26IH First street- "' Acrll 14 Boy, to the wlf of Frank W. Ayer. 14 Elrnth atreet . i, - i i, j i .. . , Tha Edward Balsoaa Cndartaklsar aa.. faseral d tractors aa4 aubsOsawra, gao Tatnilll.. Phoa 607. . i i ii .v 1. 9. a"lnly at Sea. faaral airaotor and mbalaars, have removed to thalr new establishment, eon Third and Madiaoa s treats.. Sotk paoab Vo, . tTrematorltutt, aa Orrtn liaa, aaar .geUwoodi iaoaara, aotMtlfla, ootuplata. . Ckarg vAdulta, $t6t dna. gaa. Tialtor 9 to p. m. Portland Cremation Association, Portland, Or. - CLARK HAS 'EM. (Journal Special Service.) SALT LAKE. April 20. -Senator Clark said this morning that he had purchased outright all the lines pf the Oregon Short Lino south of Salt Lnk City, ln stead of leasing them, a had been re ported. X.VMSBB XAITtrTACT'D'mXBS MXXT. (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON, D. C. April J0.On hundred or more delegates, representing the lumber makers of th United States, were present today at the opening ot th first annual' meeting of the National Lumber "Manufacturers' Association, which was organised at. St. Louis last year. Since It organisation th mem bership ha rapidly lncf44sed.' ana th association 1 now In a poaltloa to make Its influence felt for the betterment of the trad throughout the country. The offleerji in charge f the conven tion are: president, H Tosouhg, Nor folk. Va-J vice-president, Edward Hlnes, Chicago; secretary, O. K. Smith, St IjOUIs: treasurer, J.' A. Freeman. St. Louis. On the board of governors are representative of the Oeorgla Associ ation, Hardwood Manufacturers' Asso ciation. Mississippi Valley Lumbermen's Association, Pacific Lumbermen's Asso ciation, and the North Carolina Pine Association. to cxnta a. ooza nr oira vat Take Laxative Bromo-Qi-lnlne TaUataH Thl slgnatur Jtfru at on everj box, Itc. 0 fjfrWVt BAKERSFIELU. April 20. Jim Mc Kinney, the outlaw, was shot and killed by 'Deputy Sheriff uurt xibbet. at o'clock Sunday morning in' a Chinese joss house and nptum joint- in the ten derloln of this place. Sheriff Kelly and City Marshal T. J (Jff) Packard, satisfied McKlnney wa. In hiding here, collected beside them selves. Sheriff Collins, of Tulare; Sheriff L,ovln, Of Mojave; Deputy Marshal Etter and Deputy Sheriffs Will ana Burt Tib bet. and Ous Tower. They surrounded the house where they were Informed the outlaw was In hiding. There wan no sign of life about the house. Packard and Will TIbbct volun teered to enur the rear door, the other officer guarding the front and side ex its. :'.? When a fuxllade began Inside the house. Etter and Burt TIbbct burst through the fencer and' found McKlnney standing In the doorway, firing on Pack ard and AVI 11. ' . Seeing his brother fall, Bart drew i bead on the outlaw, who plunged for ward over the railing dead. The mur derer had succeeded previously In hit ting Will, a rifle ball penetrating th abdominal cavity, ..He died soon after at the drug store at th Southern Hotel. Packard received a Charge of buckshot, shattering his arm. and a rifle ball in the neck. McKlnney was being eared for by Al Hulse, a former constable, known as a desperate character. It la supposed Hulse shot one of the men. as he wa een with a gun. He got away but was afterward raptured and Jailed. After killing the man at Pwrtervllle last July. McKlnney told a friend who succored him that he would never be taken alive, but would outdo Tracy. He then killed two prospectors In Arlsona, having some time, before ahot k Jtakers field mmi. lie baa been hunted ever since, making hia-eaoape from Porter villa. Being surrounded In the moun tains where he was In hiding the last three weeks, he slipped through the cordon of guHids and made his way here, where his two brother lived. Rewards for his capture had been Offered by this state of t&uo. Arlsona to 00, Mojave County S0O. Tulare County S250. "Now good digestion waits on appe tite, and health on both." If it deean't, try Burdock Blood Bitters. Oolng to fc Lools? If so, learn about the new tourist serv ice inaugurated by the O. R. & N via Denver and Kansas City, City ticket of fice. Third and Washington. Germany's pig Iron production last month was 782,484 tonB.jM-eaklng all rec ords. " " m - '-. , Where ttt Bine. Special six.eourse dinner at the Im perial Hotel Restaurant, 6 cents; sec ond floor; take elevator; 12 t .p m. DON'1 LIKE US YET (Journal Special Service.) BERLIN. April f 0. The storm over announcement that the Aaiertean Euro pean squadron was to go to Marseilles has not abated in- the Eat. The news papers throughout the' ehiplre continue to roast America and the Ainertoan Navy Department. ' '- Charles Paker, Supposed High wayman. Deliberately Fires at the Ofllccr . f UitUN OAS ENGINE 5tationery arid Marin). aoivti roa Oardaa City Faa C. Blowars sad Exhausters. Lidg.1 . Kaaafaaturiag Cetegglog tad Plla-Urlrlug Koglova. Traatoa Iran pasnpaay-Wlr Bepa. Xri Oity Irea Work. gagUMs aad Botlars. La, a) Bodlay Compaay. Curllaa EoglBas. Amarioaa Lauadry - Maaaln.ry Co. Laundry MarBlaery. t. A. Fay A Egaa Company. Wood Working Machinery. X. 0. Atkins A Company. Inserted Touts, Build sua Band Hawa. Chat. A. Bcaeiraa Has Bakkar C. U.k- T.anau Laafbar Belting. Boston Waves Boa A lubber Co. Bubbar bWltrng and Hue. S. J. Ubaar Boa. MUowe Baada. BtUlwaU-Biare tealta-vsl 0 fuups fur Krary iiuty. 43 FIRST ST. Portland - - - Orej?on CASTORlA lor Iafaats and Chfliren,', 1 . The Kind You Ha?a Always Bears th Glgnatnrecl Patrolman Barnes, the well-known North End officer, is alive today only be cause of the poor marksmanship of Charles Palmer, a desperate character, and In all probability the individual who has bean doing , the feeld-up. work In Portland for th past few week. At 1:10 a. m., Sunday, Barnas was twice th target of Palmer, one of the bullets' striking htm on the right cheek, tearing away a piece of th fleah. Barnes attributes his good fortune to a kind Providence, and today Is thankful that Palmer did not swerve his revolver so thkt the leaden mlstlle would " have pierced his brain. Instead of grating bis cheek. - - The police lay that Palmer Is an all around bad man, and ha been o from his early youth, he having aerved three terms in the Reform School. Officer A. Q. A'aughn haa "known Palmer alnce boyhood, and the two men went to school together In Forest drove, 10 years ago. Even In early life. Palmar gained the reputation of being a bad youth, and his rough disposition often led him into serious trouble. . At 1 o'clock Sunday morning Palmer entered the room of a house at SI4 Ev erett Street. In the North find. Marie Dumond and Therese Duglta were the occupants of the room. 'T want your money, and I want It quick!" shouted Palmer to the women. Both women showed fight, and Im mediately prepared to oust the stran ger, but he drew a revolver and threat ened to shoot If they did not obey faint. The Dumond woman managed to get a police whistle, upon which she gave a shrill blast, bringing Patrolman Barnes to the scene. The officer burst Into the room, and was met by a desperate man. Palmer muttered an Oath, then fired point blank at Barnea, Taken completely by surprlae. Barnes prepared to return th Are, but owing to the heavy woolen gloves the patrolmen are compelled to wear by order of the Chief of Police, he wea. unable to se cure his revolver la time to take a shot at Palmer before the tatter fred to the street In a desperate effort to escape. Banning Street SaaL Barnes, angered because hi man had taken an undue advantage, soon reached the street, and fired at the fleeing form. maimer was but 10 feet distant, and in stead of ' surrendering, turned deliber ately and fired again at the officer. This bullet was the one that tore the flesh out pf Barneg' cheek. There wa a large crowd on the scene quickly, and Barnes did hot dare use hi revolver. Palmer broke away, but Barnes followed him, though stunned from the wound. . Patrol men - Barley, Gibson and Burke also joined In the chase, and Palmer was caught eoon. He had thrown hi revol ver away, but it wit fottnd later on. It waa loaded, ecapt for the two shells he had fired. . . Palmer wa arraigned In the Munlelnal K uun mis morning on a charge of at tempted murder, and hi hearing wa et for next Wednesday, He is believed to be the Individual who has been doing the. hold-up work In Portland for the past few weeks, as he tnte the description given by victims, and his desperate char acter, aay the police, mak htm greatly to be feared when at large. ' "llf - ' i r in ri. - r-.f SUICmF MYSTERY. . THE PORTLAND AJCEIUCAjr , rxuur. $3.00 rer Say aad Upward. nASQtTABTXBS TO TOTJaUSTB AsTD COnonOXAX. TBATI!X.IimS. Special rata made te.famlll aad alagl gentleman. TB management will be plaad at all time to show room and giv prices. A snodsra. lurkiek bath establiahmamt la the BoteL X. a BOWZmS. Xanad-et. TO DEDICATE A BOYS' DORB&TORY Preparing for Impressive Ceremo nies at the State Capital. (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, April 80. Tomorrow the dedication of the new boys' dormitory at Chemawa will be held with Impres sive ceremonies, aad Hon. Binger Her mann of Roaeburg will deliver the prin cipal address, -An excellent program has been prepared for the occasion. The new dormitory la called Mitchell HalL in honor of United States Senator John H. Mitchell. U. S. STEM. KXXTUTO. April to. The BAN rRANCISCO. body of a man with bullet hole m his head waa discovered in Golden Gate Park thlf fhoTnlhg. If appeared to be a case of suicide, for the pistol with which the shooting was done was found by his side. From marks' en the clothing it Is evident that the man came from New York. '; He has not been identified. , V Jawed tnsMk Oaaned eeda. - AUea V JLewU' Beat Brand, (Journal Special Service.) NEW YORK. Abrll 80. The report of the United States Steel Corporation for the year, having already been made public Wall street Is manifesting but a passing Interest In the annual meeting of the company at Hoboken today. It Is generally understood that routine busi ness only will be transacted at the meet ing. The stockholders are expected to ratify the "purchase ef the United Steel Company, tn Which Director Henry C Frlck is .Interested, and . likewise to ap prove of the purchase bi the stocks and bonds of the Troy Steel Products Com pany, in which Director John D. Rock efeller and Henry H,; Rogers are inter ested. The program also calls for the ratification of the plans of the board of directors for the expenditure this year of to8,00,009' In the -improvement of the plants of the company. It Is con fidently expected that the elgHt'dlrectors whose terms expire 'will "be re-elected for a period .of three years each.. . Beellna ef Oriental Art. Th future hlstoslan cf iiastem cul ture will have a somewhat melancholy chapter to write on, the decline and fall of Oriental art. jHe: will ahew: how the Western nations, .among whom machine workghad destroyed ' handicraft, filled, the (Eaet with,, brummagem manufac ture. He will explain a. still , more crippling blow by fetiuirlng of the East ern artist the work of the Western ma chine. ' The '. people W Aha, hlnetee .H century, he wlH say, asked of China. Japan, India, PersUv, Asia Minor, 'not their best, but their, worst anything, so it bore the ttg Oriental. Under this foolish demand, he will explain the art of rugmaklng virtually dtaappeaaed from th Asian villages, while the potteries WT In -V W irriiivu aa. . aw.' FULL, STOCK ALU SIZBS LrOW PRICES DAYTON HARDWARE CO. First treat, oezmer Taylor, Fortland. ..CLAIRVOYANT. Mrs. Leslie Tbi talented Spiritualistic medium is unllltt all other. Wis restore Ut aaectioM, weaiej nlaslug property, and brlnga loy and gladueal k, .mtiirin. luaru. 8 ha ahvay given -sat la. action, aad there are thousands who can testify ts tbla fact. Don't loa anotoer usy osrort eonaalting her. Hira W a. in. to a p. u. ARCHITECT ti. C. DITTRICM . . Is located at i CSS . Union Ave. N., Where he will be pleased to receive cat alogues, samples, prices of building ma. terlals, eto, ' of Japan gave themselves to carlca. turea, "for export. of their older and finer, .product, and Japanese painter cast away the beautiful linear symbol. Ism to the perfecting of which centariel had gone, and gave themselves to mean ingless imitation of the painting ol Parle.", ,..' "I had a running, itchlnr sore oft ml leg. Suffered tortures. Doan s Ointment took away the burning and Itching In etantly, and quickly effected permanent -cure." C W. Lienhart, Bewllng Oreegt Ohio. ;;V,-;"i.;lv ::. n -',! ,';- i '