lUE OHEGON DAILY JOtmXAL, rOItTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBIUXAlVr 1 i, 1003. Tell me, good Cupid." the lover cried, "Which of the ultor nay Shall win my lady Oeraldlnc horn I've worshiped this many a day? ''Shall It be tire soldier with courage bold? OrMhs aallor with heart bo gay? Or the. gilded youth with the dreamy eyes M'ho shall steal her love away?" "Khali It be the man with a heavy purse? Or a long-haired brainy mtin? Or the feted pet of a football team Now, tell ma If you can. ' QUoth Cupid, tossing; his curly locks, "Mjr friend, you are blind an a hut. For the lady fair was thinking of you . .When she. bought her last new hat." . Bo the lover took courage from fc'upld's words ' ' And this fourteenth day divine. With a missive tilled with hearts and darts, Wooed her for his Valentine. work again olong the line of the heroes who made the age of Alexander famous Alexander. Aeachlnes, and Isicrates. Mrs. Harry F. Clark's home on Seven teenth ami Lovejoy mrets Will be the next place of meeting. Carp Stem Dance. The t'arpe Diem Cliil) gave one of Its dunces Monday night in New Woodmen Hall. Hlbbons of purple and white were worn by the members and were draped from the three chandeliers. . The center ones, held a hasket of white carnations. Each alternate light had a I purple Klobe. while upstairs in the punrh ' room tlie same effects were curried out. A uu..f "t prrtrevpning frocks were worn In white and the more brilliant reds and blues. Everest's Orchestra evening this St. Valentine's Day for her cousin. Miss llovey of Eugene, who is spending a few weeks In Portland as her guest. St. Helen' Kali Hop. The Junior ld km of the St. Helen's Hall give a St. Valentine hop this even ing. ,Two hundred Invitations have been sent out. The hull Is strikingly decorated with Oregon jrVape arid dusts flags. The members of the Junior Chins und therefore the hostesses of the even ing are Misses Sara Y limit. Rena Knl In, YVIIcita Leisure, Krataes Wilson. Margaret Walter.". Josephine Smith. Oladys Karrnr, Elizabeth Ford. Milium Van Walters. Nellie Slops. Marguerite Hume, Kate Itnmsdcll and t'lnra Hoot. Graduating- Jarty. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. (lei lert was the scene of a most enjoy able gathering Wednesday evening In honor of their son, Samuel 'Uellert, gnicluatlng from the Portland .llgh Hchool. The decorations of cardinal carna tions, (jniilax and. .cardinal. rjhhuiui. the. school colors, was most' artistically ar ranged. A number of the season's pop ular games were played, followed by an elaborate collutlon. which was dain tily served In the dinlngroom. While nt the table the young ladles were present ed with handsome souvenirs, toasts were drunk and congratulations show ered upon the young graduate.' After supper dancing began and It was a late hour when the gay gathering dispersed. Voting the evening all too short. Monday Bight Class. Mls Iluckenmeyer's Monday night Dancing Class entertained on Thursday I evening of this week with a swell little j hop at Parsons' Hull. The 65 couple I present were all so well acquainted it j made the affair doubly pleasant. ! At Parsons' Friday Wight. The Eta Delta Iota Chi Party at Par sons' Hill last night was n decidedly pretty affair. 'The rhiuideUor " " . & meeting place for hearts, us sti.tuds of them were looped from the corners of the room to that common center. The 9 i .i i 1. . . . I , . 1 r a rtt-in nnii lurnomeu ...e .nun... ...... m Oilncse lanterns were lighted all sometimes two. encores were given for , . .. . " . . ... BOCISTT TXU WMK. The clubhouse at the Waverly Links V last Thursday night made one dretim of " epHns;. tot everywhere were bowls and ; baskets of jonquils against a background of vivid green. Mrs. W. B. Ayer was hostess for the evening at a dance given for her niece. Miss Smythe. Refresh- ', inrati ' were served In the delightfully Informal reception style to the 60 guests who were present. Kiss X70BS' At Horn. MJss Elsie Lyons gave an "At Home" Tuesday afternoon that her friends might meet her guest. Miss Frances lkssel of Lob Angeles. The effective ness of the pretty decorations of the rooms was heightened by the gowns worn. Miss Lyons' dress of soft green organdie blended with the Oregon grape A . T J 1 . .. 1. . i ' HI... ' vrnuiKVU III lUlLiiil muiuii uucnriB. winn ' ' Hessel's creation of lavender organdie ' matched the. paper shades used in sub- duing the lights. Miss Bessie De Be- I '. voise, "Miss Kate MrtJuIre and Miss Jen- I nie JUoneyman .assisted. Their gowns wers.of airy white. . Myrtle 8haefer and 1 Helen McEwan served ' tempting Ices. Their Hams Say. This afternoon the home of Mrs. Julius L. Meier Is running over with many little people who are enjoying lip their wee way the first party of the 1 ' tiny 'Misses Meier. This is their name day, and every baby Invited, after calm ly sucking his thumb, decided to accept the Invitation, and authorized his mother to write to that effect. A quainter bunch of letters would be hard to find, for every mother knew just what her baby wanted said. With a pretty group of : her future playmates about her, Mrs. Abe Meier's daughter will first hear her name, Janet Augusta, and her, tiny cousin will become Jean Allen. Monday Evening. A pleasant event of this week was a box party given by J. A. Horan. at the Marquam Grand Monday night to Bee Florence Roberts in her most popular role. "Zaza." In the party were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bracket t, Miss Rosen steln. Miss Fouch. Miss Hoyt, Miss Franklin, Mr. Macdonald Potts, Major Charles Donell and William O. Fouch. ' Miss Foulsen Entertains. One of the special events of the week was the dinner given at the Hotel Port land by Miss Thora. Foulsen. A table for 12 was laid in the south ptirlor. j which waa handsomely decorated with palms and cut flowers. Pink carnations, I smllax end violets were used unspar- ' ingly about the table, while tiny colored ' globes made pretty points of light. The , guests were: Miss Poulsen, MJss Ethel Waiter, Miss Hilda Hextcr. Miss Julia Payne, Miss Corrinne Sheldon, Miss j Clara Boot, Miss Mabel Divers, Messrs. Paul Bates, Roy Durham. Fred Bickel, I Rocky Mason. Oill Durham, Earl Cle- j bind. Bert Lovelace, e.iid Dr. Trom muld. Valentine luncheon. Mrs. George Weidler gave a Valentino luncheon today for 16 young friends of the little -Misses Weidl. r. Tuesday Afternoon Club. i Mrs. Allen Gilbert pave a most In- ' v terestlng lecture on "Greek Art" before 1 the ladies of the Tuesday Afternoon . Club., The meeting wap held In the lecture room of the Art Association' and t as an illustration for her lecture Mrs. Gilbert led the way into the cast room and explained the pieces of Greek sculp r ture. Many visitors shared the treat. '; Next week the cluij takes up individual I each dance, and with the extras made a lengthy program of the original 14 numbers. Stag Sinner. Mr. Sidney Mayer gave a stag din ner Sunday afternoon for some of bis special chums. About the rooms were the evening and threw down a soft glow on the dancers. Every one was In full evening dres3 and that always jdds t" the pretty effect. The John Ivy Water Color Club. Saturday afternoon the John Ivy Wn ter Color (Tub gave n large reception to new members at the homo of the presl- pretzels and cigarettes, touches df.M( MvH j p w.,K,.r 17:, Arl,,lr slr,.(.t of crimson ribbon und the prune, lgnH of Jolly bachelorhood iWnralcd the table. Enjoying tile menu were Messrs. Archie Goldsmith. A. Boskowltz. Berry 8trnt1h.1l. Henry Metcger. Milton Kahn. M. Friendly, Duvls,, Harry Marcus, Clar ence Kaufman. Herman Karsky, Milton Friedenrlch. "Sidney Beck. Marlon Coop er. U Ackerman, 8eligman and Sidney Mayer. j Tuesday Cinch Club. J There was a full attendance of the A laro number of visitors Interested In the club called during the afternoon to enjoy a elimpse of the exhibition of wa ter 1 olor work make by the members. Four of John Ivy's own pictures were given prominent place and each was u little gem in itself. The club colors, of pink and olive green, were used In all the house decorations, and ivy was every where. A dnlnty souvenir for each guest was an Ivy-shaped card, with a wuter color ornamentation, all the hostess' own work Mr. Frnrk Bruhti end MbisC j ' . - t f 4 4 U r . t ',." I J ' A i' - )vj,' , 1 1 iJj -. : 1 i '.4 f, ' ' ' py i - , 1 ; I f' ' i 1. fc i 1 ' ' vJ ; t : ... . . . . You will seldom find such a sharply defined line between best and sec ond, best as In plunos. There are many makes that claim, with mors or , less reason, the honor of being second best, but there Is no question at i, ull as to which plane) Is entitled to the proud title of beat. m ' The Steinway is Acknowledged Best the World Over Even an untrained enr distinguishes the truer tones of the Steinway with distinct pleasure, und to a musician there is no comparison. Bteln wuys are Imitated with indifferent success, but their numerous pp. tended features prevent them from being copied. OUK ASSORTMENT OT STEINWAT PIANOS Is larger this season then usual, and contnln TTP aXQHTS, MIKIATUBE GBANDS und COHCERT OBANU8.. Every In strument has been personally selected by us to Insure our patrons the choice ef the sweetest toned examples of the sweetest toned piano In the world. WE ABE AX.AO AGENTS FOB THE EMERSON, ESTEY, RICHMOND, A. B. CHASE, STARR And Mnny Others. CALX. AHX) SEE US WO OBUOATION TO FT7BCKASB. SOULE BROS. PBANO CO. 326 WMjshlnjton Street, PORTLAND Brown. Coffin. Orace fl.iie. Mclvinley. ay. Hastings. A. Has;iiiKS. Anderson. Ullle Wilson. M. Blaiiclmrd. H Downing. I. Brhlges. i:ila Brhlges. I,. NYvlns. Dres- r, Hlchardsou. Hazclwuod. !. I tore. N. Drown. Sloat. I,. Sloat. Mel aniels and Messrs. L. Hunion, Slont, Percy (Jeorge. ). Hemming. Hlamhai.d. KM Taylor, P. limns. H. Hamilion. (;. ninnlni;. M. one, W. J. Montajr. C. K. Tuvlor, U. I'. Done. V. Sirulile. J. Daniels. 1,. Walker. P. Nelson, J McMiller. M!al;e. II. Al. tallaghcr. Smith. (Ireess. ItiynCnul. C. tyets. S. Jai rs. II. Sloat. F. J Foley, CATBKXHE COtTHTISS at the Baksr Thsatrs. iCUwell. A M. 1; F. Fay. . ' " f . ) ; ' - 1 r ' '"'' - 5 ' " ' ' ' k I ( . i ii: ' , x ?:Kf i 1, t 'rf. ' 't ' ' ' "-izj" A ' . y 4 t ( ,! . ' , . ii V , - " 1 . , 4 It m- 4 f , ' i . ! f , ' J ' Slgnor G. Ferrari of Portland. Or., who has attained high rank as a baritone Boloiwt, his reputation being world-wide, is gaining still greater praise for bis method of treating catarrh and lung troubles. His method of teaching for vocal studies not only develops the latent talent of his pupils, but eradicates completely all catarrhal and lung troubles so prevalent on this coast. ' , Cinch Club with Mrs. E. S. Jackson Tuesday evening. Her homo at 329 i West I'nik hud special decorations of Oregon grape, so pretty this time of year. Three prizes rewarded the fortu nate guests. The ladies' cinch prize became the property of Mrs. E. Shelley Morgan and the gentleman's reward fell to A". F. Jones. C. E. Rumelrn carried off the prize in a. clever fishing game. Mrs. Herman Varwig entertairis on the evening of February 21. RAIN 1 1 THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE " The coffee habit is quickly- over come by those who let Grain-O taie its place. I properly made , it tastes like the best of coffee. No grain coffee' compares with it in flavor or healthful ness. 'TRY IT TO-DAY. ," At grocsn srsrywhere ; 15c and sSc per pickc A Luncheon Saturday. Mips Robson and Miss Flora Robson entertained charmingly at luncheon last I Saturday. Their guests were the Misses iClla Kumelin, Mabel Johnstone, Reed, .Myrtle Reed, McFarland, Bishop. The Saturday Bight Cinch Club. To Mrs. Varwig fell the pleasure of entertaining the Whist Club Saturday night. In addition to the regular mem bers present. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were special guests., A handsome spoon was won by Mrs. Arthur for the high est ladies' cinch score, and Mr. Miller won the shaving mug offered for the gentlemen. Mrs. Varwig's refreshments were very dainty and appetizing. For Miss Hovey. . Miss Eva Roach gives an Informal Meussdorffer received with Mrs. Wager. A short musical program was given by Mrs. Farnsworth. Miss Profzman and Miss Barr, and Mrs. Dodd read an ex cellent paper, having "Composition in Art" as Its theme. Refreshments were served, with Mrs. Charles Malarkey. Mrs. Knapp and MrsMays-aJf the daintily ap pointed table. Fifteen new members were added to the already large list during the after noon, and they will have their first op portunity for class work at the next meeting, which will be held with Mrs. Herbert Thorne, 465 West Park street, on February 21. The guests of the club last Saturday afternoon were: Mrs. George E. Cham berlain, Mrs. Jarvis Varnel Beach. Miss Myrtle B. Moffett, Mrs. Edward Rucker Root, Mrs. Julia B. Comstock. Mrs. Geo. M. Gllnes, Miss Eva Graves. Mrs. Ralph R. Duniway. Mrs. M. A. Butler, Mrs. John H. Hall. Miss Ethel Wentworth, Mrs. Clark W. Cather, Mrs. Cadmus J. Groat, Mrs. Charles D. Frazer, Mrs. Mays, Mrs. Mable Plowman, Mrs. Adrain McCalman, Mrs. Edwin A. Bamford, Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mrs. M. A. Flinn, Mrs. S. R. Wentworth,-Mrs. David Muir, Mrs. Wel lington G. Howell, Mrs. E. J. Hadley. Mrs. Marshall B. McFaul, Miss Helen Spauldlng, Mrs. John E. Magers. Mrs. William F. Fliedner. Mrs. Glenn O. Graves, Mrs. W. W. Kerns, Mrs. Frank h, Grant. Mrs Floyd N. Averlll, Mrs. Geo. II. Kland. rs. Mrs. William M. Cake, MrsV J. M Miller. Mrs. MiGnire, Mrs. John ordtny. Mrs. Clair Farnsworth. Mrs. Woodbury. Mrs. G. W. Mulks, Mrs. F. Driver, Mrs. Slmoson. Mrs. Rush Gilt- ner. Mrs. lien Selling. Mrs. Sk-hel. Mrs. Kdward N. Wilson. Mrs. M. A. Butler. Mrs. Merwln Pugh. Miss Esther Krouse, Mrs. Loomis. Mrs. Piatt. Mrs. M. McFall. Mrs. Frank Grant. Miss Greta Strlckler ind Miss Knapp. Musical Club's Afternoon. The Musical Club met With Mrs. E. F. Tucker, 859 lloyt street, last Wednesday afternoon. A brief business session pre ceded the program, which wag arranged y Mrs. Schuitz md Mrs. Davis. The numbers In full were as follows: '. Harnaby "The Twilight Star" b. Miller "May Song" Miss Watt. Miss Wilson and Mrs. Miller. Chopin "Scherio," B Minor Miss McGinn, a Sullivan .. "Oi pious with His Lute" 1) Handel "Aria From Joshua" "Oh, Had I .Tubal s Lyre." Mrs. Miller. Beethoven lOighth Symphony illegretto Minuetto Mrs. Brewster and Mrs. Tucker. To Seo Florence Roberts. Among the theatre parties given thb week at the Marcuam Grand was n verr leasant one Wednesday night by th. gentlemen lor the ladies of the party The evening Included a supper at Th Portland, where a table had been es pecially decorated with violets. Mr iose Illoch Bauer. Miss Vivian Lew Miss Germain Samuel. Miss May Kosli and. Miss Frances Jacobs, Miss Florenc Kohn, Miss Edna Han, Miss Seller of Boise and Messrs. Julius Koshland, C. Jacobs, Adolph Jacobs. Sanford Lowen gurt, Alex. Frledlander. Otto J. Krne mer and Sam Rothchlhl were the merry makers. Miss Buby Crichton's Party. A party that oroinl-es to 'be one of the prettiest affairs of Valentine's Day is to be given by .Miss Ruby Crichton Cols evening. The house Is just a bower of "hearts and darts.' with naughty Mas ter Cupid hovering over If all whenever an arch or doorway jives him an excuse for lingering. In addition to the'always popular progressive hearts, there Is to be a fishing contest for Valentines and an attempt to" outwit Cupid himself by proving that mortals' arrows, too, (ind a Jieitrt. The refreshments will b served at long tables In the dining-room with red-shaded candelabra and vivi roses as a decoration. To Flay High Five. Mrs. O. E. Green entertained the High Five Club at her home in Irvington las Wednesday evening. Mrs. Foster Entertains. The friends of Mrs. Thomas B. Foster who were her guests Wednesday evening experienced all the excitement of a war time campaign. Military Cinch was played at eight tables. Each was a fort flying the flag of some nation. It wa- the duty of the four wearing the sam color to divide Into two parties. On stayed at the fort to defend the mi while the other went out to do battle, game won meant a tiny flag to lay tne toot or tne nome nag. When 01a parity had appeared against all eight forts a change was made, nnd the d fending became the attacking party France was the International victor. Mrs. Foster's home looked very pretty. The season was remembered by a frlex if hearts that encircled the room niu blended with the varying reds and greens r the Oregon grape that was used ii leasing profusion. The dining-room was he military spot. A large American fiiif vas flanked by many smaller emblems f other countries. Miss Gilllland and Miss Mollle Murphy ssisted Mrs. Foster. This Afternoon. Battle Is again being waged thiB after ,oon in Mrs. Foster's home. The con testants this time are all ladles. A Pleasant Affair. The Carnation Social Club gave r party at Burkhardt Hall Thursday ev ening.' As yaual there was a large at tendance to enjoy the music and pretty decorations of English Ivy. cedar and carnations. The committee and clut. consisted of Miss Lucy Dore, Miss M Murphy. Miss Mabel Dore. Mrs. K. Oet zen and Messrs. K. OeUen, Otto Ilosk L. Dennlnger and Karl J. Staub. Among those present were: Mrs. McFarland. Mrs. F. J. Foley, Mrs. A. Ritter, Misses Ford, Alice Banfleld. Moore, Foster, G. Manning, Dlckel, L. Clemmens, E. Rose, Gald, Vllcox, Nellie Brown, Carrie Straub, Straub, Mary Johnson, May for Cold or Damp Days nothing Is so cheering as a cup of hot Llebig Company's Extract of Beef. Every cup erects I one more barrier against the approach of dis ease. Beef Is a better stimulant than alcohol and more lasting. ft COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF is the purest concentrated Beef. There are many so-called "Ueblg's" bat only one gvauiue juicBin toi Pi NT's Extract known by this iignstare In bias on every Ju: ffi "I, Al. J. S"i 1 Nicholson nnd C. Eddy. Thursday Night Club. Anoth'r pUasi.nt evening was spent ;).ls v . eek by menfbers and their friends it the social gathering of the Thursday Night Club In Hie small G. A. It, II, ill. M agreeable surprise was 1 1 - un expected return of I'apl. Peter Rudolph, io' Mpulnr Vice Prt'sldeii;, from Sail 'ranelseo. Mr. Rudolph euti rialued the rili cruig with a few, c'.io.. a remarks. Tisldet-al 1 interest Is bi ini; shown In in' i"hi.irsai of ' The Noi.ic llnir 'lit w.ll in- produced at the club hail emilay voi.intr. February 1.". for the 1 "lit of th" m. mbers and tli- ir Minds. V xt Th'trsday eviiiing the di:! will :' n basket social. The cominittee ap ectei! to inamtge the uff ifi are Miss M.ule 1.1 !iire. A. Pavloff. :thel McParland. Martin E. Kuhns and la lluvi lm. A ball is being nrranged 1,:' the :uer future ilml the President iHdnted the following numbers to nannge Tff.ilrs: H, S. onn.iky, chalr t.:i:i; Stella Coopir. Gus Wirt, Adolph Kaufman and Miss R. A. Stevens. The N'bate ccmmlttee. consisting of Walter !. llcyes, rhalrmatr, John Donoeky and M. M. I'ra?g. have arranged to have aort interesting debates at every meet !iij. l ommeni lug with K-xt Thursday. Mrt. Edwards' Muslcale. A charming muslcale was given last Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. T. 11. Ed inrils nt her home, I.m Seventh.. At the lose of the program 11 gifessing game .1 popular musk' was played. Miss Rus- II winning the prize. Dainty rei'resh r.ciits brought the afternoon to :i close. Mrt Edwards was charmingly assisted by Mlns Mary Edward. Thos jireSent vere: Mrs. Vafger, Mrs. lvonurd, Mrs. McCorqucdule, Mrs. Trenkman, Mrs. :Cuhn. Miss Kathrine, Countiss, Miss rix.ks, Miss Mae Season, -Miss Ivy lurker, Miss Cornelia Barker, Miss Alice 'ItiFsell, Miss Klosterman, the Misses !:ehatrell. Miss Cronin and Miss Kret-man. He Is able to sit up for an hour or two each day and may go out for his llrst drive In another week If the weather remains pleasant. .Mrs. Edward Ehrman and daughter leave Sun Francisco soon for Portland. Mr. at"' Mrs. Maurice Ix'vy left the first of the week for rbelr home In Sac ramento. They have been the guests of tl.elr daughter, Mrs. L. Samuel. Miss l,cnn!e Williams bus been spend ing some time with Albany relatives and Mends. purled from Portland for a tour of the I ajtopc-'u continent, writes from Vienna, Austria, that he has settled himself tl ere lor the pursuit of some special surgl. al branches, und expects to return to America lu a tow months, coming via Sin Franclsco. us he crosses the cordi te nt .Mrs. MHUt will meet him there us lie comes home. .M fuses Myrtle K. Long. Gertrude D. Wolzlcr. Marguerite V. SloChT, Hattie L. C.russl and Grayce A. Baldwin have Issued invitations for the next Centen nial dun.' at Parsons' Hall, February la. at v;.M o'clock. The Relief Corps of George Wright Post No. 2. i. A. R., hold a social dance Friday evening. February 27. The W:slerlii Club will give the last of Its series of whist iMrties on Thurs day evinlng, February 19, at St. Francis Hall. men staduvsiaiu Purity t Lsi and Heart TILL DEATH US SO PABT. Dr. Joseph V. Hill, principal of the lid Military Academy, and Mrs. Luura. i-J. Mue Ewan were quietly nuirrled, Wednesday, February 11, ut high noon a thij residence t W. J. Root, 193 Twenty-seventh street. Some 13 of the most intimate friends and relatives were present to witness tlfo cermony, which .vas performed hy Rev. W. R. Powell. The house was tastefully decorated with Oregon grape, puscy willows and. cut lowers. A wedding breakfast was sprv-,-d before Dr. and Mrs. Hill left amid .varmest congratulations. Belohle-Murton. The mnrrlage of John D. Reiohle und Miss Mina, M. Murton was solemnized Wednesday evening, February 11, ut 8:30 ;t the home of the bride, 106 North thirteenth street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D. jvl th the assistance of Mrs. Glbaon, the Interpreter for tho deaf and dumb. The house was simply yet beautifully decor ated with Ivy, potted plants and cut (lowers. Tho bride wprw a pretty gown of white with trimmings of lace and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. The groom's sister. Miss Relchle, attended the brideu.stmald of honor and Mr. Neubauer was best man. A wedding supper was served be fore Mr. and Mrs. Relchle left fof their new home- on East Sixth a,nd Mason steels. They will be at home to their friends on Tuesdays after February 2S. With a Clear, Transparent Com plexion. If a bad skin veils inward beauties; why not let us remove the mask? All face blemishes perma nently removed; dandruff cured; manicuring. New York Electro Therapeutic Co. THIS AND THAT. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Fleischner are ex pected home the first of the week from their European trip. 4 X 702 Marquam bids., Portland, Or. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup , has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MH LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN while TEETHING, with PERFECT SUOCESa It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup,1' ndtalcenootherklnd. Twenty-fivects.abottla Every Woman If inuireiwu ana intmia nnuw boat tbe wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray iion and auction. BeBt- eifc jiiok convenient. News cornea of the delightful visit MIssJ Vae1a!Sar?.'5!: Mabel Lawrence is enjoying In Arizona. Mrs. J. Hard and family are having a pltasant Kaatern trip. Since tfiey left Portland on the 7th of last month they have visited San Francisco, Ixi3 Angeles, New Orleans, Washington; D. C, and are now cosily settled In Boston. J. B. Werleln, City Treasurer, and Mrs. Werleln desire to announce, to their friends their removal to thieir new home, at 725 East Madison street. At home Thursdays. Mr. and Mrs. Henr- Holmes return to the city tomorrow morning. ' They will make their heme for the present with Mr. Holmes' parents, at 734 Johnson. Mr. Henry Jennings Mr, home again after his extensive trip to Eastern points. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie Is reported as getting on nicely but of. course Slowly. Auk yoar drwnritt rbr Its . If he cannot 6irjtly tbe MAItf'KI,. accent no ottier, bumend tnnii for II- ctlrinii fn. valuable to lailles. M 4RV:l,rO., BoemlSH, Times Bldir..'Nw York. tot Mile by WOODARD. CLARKE CO. Art and Science SIGN0R G. FERRARI Formerly of flilan Italy Cures Catarrh and Asthma Simply by lis method of voice culture. L Singing taught from foundation to artis tic finish. Testimonials open to Inspection at his studio. riULKEY BUILDING, Cor, Second and Morrison Streets