The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 13, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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V . 1 : ' 1 " i ' TT
' v 'T '"'' !,, i'vt Vi (V 'S ' ' 4.
Pacific Coast Prices Are
Now Higher
E&s Again on the Downward
8 ' Coarse Hog Receipts Lib
V eral-Demand Heavy.
" " Grain price on the Fsclfic
'Coast are several ceuta higher
than those quoted on the Chicago
. Board of Trade. This condition
' la cue to the large shortage of
- the crops In the West. ,
Japan, S0Q60c; greaa Jipsa, ary acarce. ioa
war. ,
Salt-Bale, lb. 8a, -. 6. 10, $110: flu.
table, dairy. BO. 8ic; lot), 74c; ImpurUd Ut
erpuol, Wa, Mc.
Ball Woiraatw Belt, bulk, bbla.. 820, (9,00:
Worcaater, 140 fa, $3 50; Worcnter. loo S.
16.00; Worceartr, SO a, 84.26; 80 10, 88.00:
Uwn aarka, Sua, Mr.
Bait t'uarae. balf-froond, ' 100a, pr ton,
814.00; (. par ton, 114.60; Urwpool, lump,
rock, )2u.0U wr ton; W-l rock, 814.00: low.
113.60. .
Uralo Bim Calcutta, 86.60 per 100.
Kiu-1'mboU, W7e pW-xtb. tar raw. BQlOe
for roaatml: eucoaauts, k3uoo per doa. : wal
outa, 14HU1&C per lb.; pine nut. Ioa 12
iht lb.; Hickory sat. ise per
Eaatera. lbil ltc Dr Mk: Braal
lb.; flllria, l&ttlBc per lb.: fancy pecaoe. 14(0
16c prr lb.; alinonda, 140 1 &c per lb.
Kio iniDoriai jaoan. no. I. 0c: No. 2.
OVac; New Orleana. scad, THC
frw Orlt-au. bead. 7 He.
Ureakfaat rood Pramlnm. 8S.J14. 12 00;
rurre M.wi: II I) oata. sa.10.
Salmon Columbia Klver, l ib. talla. II. TO: 1
lb. talla. 82.40: fa Oct. lib Oata. 81.84: U-lb.
tancr Data, vi. 20; AUaka talla, piuk, eoc; raa,
II. 25: 2 lb. talla. 12.00.
Coal Oil Caaea. 2Hc per cal.; tanka. Water
White. IflWe net: tank. Hradllitbt. 1814c: tur-
wiitlne. NA nrt.
Beana Smull whit. 84.85; large white. $4.10;
pink, .I75; bayou. 4.(Xi; UM oye.
J oDaeoo I'lur rut aaiokluff. l. I. s-oa. para-
area: Heal of North Carolina. 71c oer lb: Maa-
tlT, Wc per lb.: llxte Unren. 41c per lb.; Urd
Hell. ac per lb.: i'edro. 60c per lb.; olun
Hornier. $1.16 per lb.; fin rut. Cameo. 41c per
lb.; Capatan, 81.N5 per lb.; buke'a Mixture. 4nc
per lb.; Hell IHirbain. 60e per lb.; Old Bufllan
arre cut, j-k- per in.; uaryiana nun. nc
xt lb.: Mall Ponrb. 88c per lb.; Vale Mixture.
11.40 ner lb. . I"uc tobaoro: Drnmmond'a Na
tural Leaf. 5Hf per lb.: Piper lleldalerk. euc
i iifffiiiio
SUverficId Wants Frank Restrained
From Bttfldlng It Higher.
Duffy's Pure! Malt Whiskey Cures Qrlp Colds, Catarrh, Consumption, Malaria
Bronchitis, Asthma and All Diseases of the Throat and Lungs.
1 1f fit TT I A W"PR may be granted
Armour Thought to Have sara
Qosed Up His Deal
Floor Trade in the Northwes
Encouraging News of the
World's Markets.
and cables to
per lb; Something Good. 46c per lb.; Ntanaara
Nary. SSc per lb.: T. B.. B3c per lb.; Bpear
Inea, sl.ooajl.ltft,
granate. fl
nauaa. 12.0041 2. 76 per
bourn ; fall near. 86cil.25 per box; ponie-
.6o2 00 per box; eranberriea. jer-
T. 111. 00 barrel: knekleherrlea. 10c per ID.
Veetablee-Vroroatue. Sl.104tl.SA per box;
tarnlp. 7 lie aack: carrot. Il.0ordl.10 ack;
beeta, $1.00 aack ; rarlahea. lMj(25c per dot.;
eahl.aeee .1 JKO1 Kit mt lettUCe.
bead, per do., 12Htl6c: greea peplr. ljc
per lb.; aouaah. $1.50 cwt: puoipklna, $l.BO
cwt; boraeradUh, 8c per lb.f celery. d6186r per
uo. : aotaoaaa- aanuoe. ai.7biii.w w
r an advance. Flour '"- fPf lb: ,,ai0e K TTUe
. Dried Fruit Apple, eraporated. T7JT"
firm with yeaterdays p. ,b., ,prtcoUi 7'JfTHe per lb.; pe.cDce. TH
rone. Italian.
LLe er ID. :
wblt.. THI
fancy, Mb. cartoae. 60 packifea to caae. He
per w. ; pear, ec per in.; r
4H5Me per lb.; rretvb. SQ
OK. California bla ka. Sitfec: do.
He ner lb.: nlnma. ultterf Kfrfte: ral
. Portland, ytinat, prlyea are, nuw alwye
thosa quoted In Chicago. Vunti wheat in
this city la quoted as follows: Walla
Walla. 7i(rTVic: blueatem. 87l$c;
Valley, 7lDS0c. The Chicago price to.
day la THc for May and 76 77c for
caah wheat The supply of milling wheat
on the Coaat la now so short that the
Northwestern State are being drawn
ob for a supply. Although no changes
appear la local quotations today there Is
very, prospect for
prices are quoted
quotations. . A Urge amount of Eastern
' Hour ,4s being placed on the local market
on Account of the shortage of borne
stocks, . . - '
m CrOlBaT Sow.
gg prices are beginning to tumble, as toyJrT'gBOgm
- was exclusively preoiciea in yesieraay
Journal. .Today's prices are HHtfUc
. a dosen. Receipts today were quite
heavy with a small Blackening up of the
usual -heavy demand. - Lower prices are
looked for.
. . Good Demand for Poultry,
Receipts of poultry were heavier today
than" for-several weeks previous. De
mand is excellent and all stock is essily
cleaned tip at current quotations. Tur
keys are In small receipt today.
'7rr;---Moi"CoMi"1a' Tast '
' 'Perk was In liberal receipt today, but
the demand, was strong-enough to Clean
up the market at yeaterday s quotations.
Beef Is In larger receipt with demand
slack. Veal and mutton are still wanted.
No change in fresh meat quotations' to
day. ,
Bolls Control Xop Crop.
The bulls are in control of the hop
market and a freexe-out game is being
played. Coast growers are holding on to
their stocks and expect the market to
reach the JO-cent stage within a short
time. No sales of hops have been re
ported this week.
; Select Oysters a Xiuznry.
1 wnned select and extra select oysters
are a luxury this season. The supply
of choice stock has been so limited that
Eastern packers have again advised local InffrnaMnnal Gatfiffinc at Work
to sup- o
rrom special wires
Bolton, ds Xnyter ft Co. -
CHICAGO, Teh. IS. The Record-Her
ald Bays: Yeaterday Liverpool waa off
14 to lower on wheat It was not
much of a decline compared with the
break of to 1 14 cents per bushel made
here Wednesday. Weather Indications
yeaterday suggested nothing alarming
11.60: cooking, 60475c per box. Oranea: I for the winter wheat belt A somewhat $2 tbB 00 V x; CilirofBtl tsaterrf lower" temperature) Ts to" be ' preceded
nananaa. z.ww.i i" ,,. u..n h Th.
trade anticipates comparative quiet in
Head. 43c ner lb.: Htar. 41c per lb. Fin cut
rbearinc: ColiVa Thread. 08c per lb,; Fast
Mull. 70c per lb. .
Frulta aad Tc.Ukla.
hitihiM r .v v. Mi, X'2 'ft rwt (ireruu, tOM75c; (tarllc. lo7c per lb j
Freak FrolU Apnlaa: Fancy Oregon. T5c
a speculative way lit the wheat pit for
a time. The departure for Florida of
President Valentine of the Armour Grain
Company, is taken as indicating this in
terest, the most active one in the mar
ket, has evened up.
The news from the Northwest sug
gests some surprise In that direction at
comparative liberal receipts. The atock
at Minneapolis Is now within 1,000,000
bushels of the total of last year, but
so far thla week the milling intereat has
pkg.; seeded, ebolca. 12-oa. carton, V- ,aJten care ot the receipt. The North-
tauactelle. BO-ih. boxe. Se7tt per ; Lo" western Miller says: "Flour trade
Vb tm and WrAwlalMia.
Feeah mmmtm ue lulUr: bull.
44c: enwa. UlaOr: tiar. f fac; eal.
ktiMr; toattoa. SHt4c; grow, dreamd. T47MC
Haaia. Bacon, etc. Portland pack (local)
ha ma. 14c; picnic, 10c; breakfaat bacon.
aalted aide. llu uir lb.: butu. aalUd, Oc
per lb., smoked. lOc per lb. ....
Eaatern-packed llama Under IB tb., 1414c;
orer 18 lb.. 14o; fancy. 15c: picnic, H.c.
aboulder. llttc; dry salted aldea. unamokra.
4ac; oreaaiaax ouua. ine: xbdct. itb-
Loeal I -.4 Ia Be ltu. 10a.
6. 18Hc: BO-lb. tin, ikue: a team r.ndr.d.
iu. ixtc: 0. 12ic: 60. 12tte per 10. ....
Ea.t.rn Lard Kettle leaf, 10-lb. tin. ":
6 la4ci lb tlu. 12lke: ieam rendered,
10. 12He; 6. 121e; Bo. 1214c-
Abora Darkine kuu. rwiea ara net en.
Flah Bnek eoA Re: flntinrieea Be: halibut.
JHc; ling cod, Tc; crab do.. $1.50; raxor ciaroa,
w ner ooa : refl ananneea Mbiue: niaL-a cvu.
trlped baaa, 10tol2Vic; aaluon. 8c; Chinook.
l2Uc: aolea. ae: .melt iu,e- lobater. 12Vtc;
taruop. Facet Hound. lSc: aturneon. 7c per lb-
with Minneapolis mill last week was
of better volume than In the preceding
week. Everything considered, the busi
ness done was encouraging. The do
mestic trade, though bearish in its views,
sent in scattering orders .which in the
aggregate made a pretty fair showing
The car shortage and the delays in
flour in transit make the situation very
trying to buyer and seller, and all work
at a disadvantage. But local millers
lean to the view that the worst of the
derangement to the railroads has been
seen, and conditions are gradually grow
ing better. As to foreign trade, little
was done." v
Spring wheat flour output for the
week was 440,000 barrels, compared with
409,000 barrels last year. Car acarcity
has kept the seaboard bare of supplies
of corn and haa alao kept the corn.stock
abroad at a minimum. There has been
the fear here, however, that the Western
car situation might Improve suddenly
and that there might begin to arrive the
corn the countrymen have had ready to
ship. The seaboard was not as anxious
to buy corn Wednesday or earlier In
the week, and there was an idea it had
beon affected by reports from Baltimore
of some of the long delayed grain ar
riving in poor condition.
Jobbers that they . will be unable
piy any runner orders.
- Jobbers are- complaining that the
withdrawal of the. White Collar Line's
boat irom the lower river has left them
in the lurch, Shipments are now so de
layed, they -say, that a large amount of
it la spoiled beforo it is received in this
cityv lastt dealers, especially, are com
Potato Drop Again.
Oregon . Burbanks took another drop
this morning in consequence of the con
tinued 'weakness of shipping orders,
Local dealers say that they expect the
pries to go down again in order to reach
th California market level and let the
Oregon Jobbers dispose of some of their
surplus stocks.
Today's quotations, as revised, are as
in Detroit.
. ... Orala. Floor snd r4.
-Wbewfrs-Willa Walla. "T58T054cThlOelem7
74188c: Valley. 7841 SOc.
' Barley Feed, I23.00I rolled. $24.00.
Oata Ne. I white. Sl.lS01.75tt; gray. M2K
t tour Eft'iarn uregon. . ratenra, fa. 00124 .85
TUamond W.. $4.00: (traurnt.
Valley, $3.600176; gnham, $3.7524.00
Ullurtnff Bran. $10.00 per ton; o
124.00; aborts, $20.00; chop, $20. 00
Bay New timothy. $12. 00 14.00;
Heps, Wool aad Kid.
Hop S6&26MC for choice; 1803 contract
15Q1514c; Eaatern
u$ wool.
I4(,j Ida.
Wool Nominal j Valley.
Oreanau 101 14c.
fcWpaklna Sbearlnga, 141401814c;
. arooL ibtfUct Biedlum wool, HOc; Ion
iir(.i 11.44 each.
. TaUow Rrliu, per lb., 814 04c; No. 2. and
llide Cyy bide. No. 1, 16 pound and op.
15tol614e !' Pound: dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 15
' pouna. ut, ury can. u. i. uuuer o pound
iBttet dry aaltf.J, bull and Ua, 1-8 lea than
dry flint; lted hide, iteer. ound, 60 ponnda
or over. 71,tt8V4c; 60 to 80 pound. 7lT&Kc-
: ender 60 pound and cow, 7c; ataua and bulla.
1 sound, 5514c; kip, aound, 16 to 80 pounda, 7c-
: eal.- eoand, 10 to 14 pound. 7c; calf, aound,
ander 10 ponnda. 8c; green (nnaalted). 1c per
pound leaa; cull, lc per pound lew; borae
tilde, Hlted. each. $1,2541.75; dry, each, $1 00
ijl.60; colta' bide, each, 25ft 50c; e0at aklua
: eoBmoa, each, 1016c; Angora, wltfi wool on.
each. 25ce$l 00.
ButUr, Egg aad Poultry.
" Butter Creamery. 32 He; dairy. 20Z22Kc
(tore. 15&17c. '
- Eve Orekon freab. 22424c.
Cheese roll creaui twin, 17Hc; Yonni
America. 184jlRHc; WIconlu. lilttieHc.
Poultry Chicken, mixed. $4.5ot(0.oo per
am., nv11 e-. e-'.-'M.otr per do;
brullera, $3.00184.00; aprlnga, $4.0tiW4.00; duck"
$7.6O28.00 per doc; turkeyi), lire. 16iai7c;
arewea, uitJK per iu. ; geeuc, 1x147. 60
Orooerlea. Nut. .tA
Burar "Sack baala
$4.86; dry granulated,
cube, ir,.no; powdered.
4.ia; extra ('., $4.25:
E olden V., 4.lo; barrel". lOc; barrels 25f
axea 50c adrauce ou aack baala, I cm. 26c uer
cwt for caah, rat pie, la l(Jc per pound.
. Honey 154J16C per frame.
Coffee oreen Mocna. 2iit28c; Jaa. fancy
26(; Jara. rood, 2024c: Java, ordlnarr IS
a Blc-a, rancy, isy20r; Cvata Idea
i8c; CoaU Kie. ordlnarr. moi
olumbla mat. $10.63: Arbu.-klea'
tL'Jue: CoaU
good, 164118c
ner lb. s Oolu
ll. 75 liat; Una. $11.25 Uat; Cordom, $11.76.
Tea wionx. ainerent praaea, af05t-: Oun
. powder. 28. 82 to 85r: Eucllsh Brcnkfaat. dlf
terent grde. 12ijtt5c; Spider Lb. uncnlnred
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why nae gelatine and
spend Jiours soaking,
sweetening, flavoring
sua coloring when
(Journal Special Service.)
CHICAGO, Feb. 18. Of vital import;
ance to the milling Interests of the
country Is the convention of the Na
tional Federation of Millers, which
opened here today.
The principal matter for discussion
before the federation, which was organ
Ised last year and of which this Is the
first regular meeting, is that of calling
the attention of Congress to the neces
sity of paying greater attention to the
milling trade in the negotiation of reci
procity treaties.
Of the 13 treaties negotiated under
the direction of former Representative
John C. Kasson, the government's agent,
flour was mentioned in but three. The
millers regard this as a discrimination
against them, and the federation, whico
includea 26 millers' clubs and associa
tions over the wheat-producing states,
will endeavor to have remedied the ap
parent forgetfulness of the officials
charged with the work of negotiation.
Special effort will be made to have
Congress preserve the interests of the
wheat growers and milling men twhen
the Cuban treatyts finally ratified.
Another reciprocity matter that will
receive attention is the fixed desire of .
he milling men of the Northwest for an
arrangement by which the duty on Can
adian wheat can be removed and it can
come to Chicago and Minneapolis with
out restraint. Sentiment for this move
ment is not based: upon special consid
eration for . the Wheat grower of the
Canadian Northwest, but is the out
growth of a growing conviction among
the millers that the freei entry of Can
adian wheat therr . only projection
against the competition of Liverpool.
The big British port makes the wheat
and flour price of the world. By reason
of being shut out of the United States
market by the tariff, the Canadlun wheat
Is sold at from 9 to 18 cents under the
price In this country and shipped to
Liverpool. This arrangement. It Is ar
gued, gives the Liverpool millers a de
cided advantuge over those In the
I'nlted States, and Tfifves to keep the
home price 10 or 16 Cents. a barrel under
what it should be.
A i :!-- a
produces better results in two minutes?
Everything in the package. Simply add hot
water and set to cool. It's perfection. A sur.
prise to the housewife. No trouble, less ex
pen. Try it to-day.'' In Four Fruit Fla
vors, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, laap
berry. At grocers. lOo,
(Journal Special Service.)
DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 13. A large
and representative attendance is evi
dence of the general Interest maifTested
In the international conference on the
subject of good roads, which began Its
sessions in Detroit today. The main ob
ject of the conference Is to discuss the
proposed plan to connect all the capitals
and principal cities of the L nltel States,
Canada and Mexico by good roads, con
forming in this respect with the prin
cipal countries of Europe.
The project is already before Congress
through a bill introduced by Represent
ative Brownlow- of Tennessee, which
provides that Cfclvgress shall appropriate
$0,000,000. which shall supplement
moneys raised by thf various states for
the building of" the , roads. Another
question to be discussed by the conven
tion Is that of sta-eet roadbeds, and a re
port of the practical working of the
steel road recently constructed In New
York City tyiil be presented for consideration.
Stocks Zisss Active.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. The Journal of
Commerce says: Influenced perhaps by
the occurrence of a mid-week holiday,
the stock market of Wednesday suf
fered a loss In activity. Manipulation
of pool favorites was restricted and the
public showed little disposition to under
take extensive purchases while London
sold moderately. The prospect that
numerous active operators will shortly
arrange for their mid-winter vacations
in the South seemed to exercise a con
servative influence. The suggestion
was raised whether these leaders had
been disappointed in their recent efforts
to enlist a-response from the trading
public. The undertone of the market
Bentiment nevertheless continued cheer
ful. Net changes were exceedingly nar
row and about evenly divided between
advances and declines. Individual price
movements were devoid of feature.
Wew Tork Bnmmary.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Bank of Eng
land rate unchanged. Americans heavy
with declining tendency 14 to4 below
parity. Erie will authorize $50,000,000
bonds, issuing $10,000,000 immediately.
Northern Pacltlc will show earning ca
pacity for 1903 of 9 per cent. Eighty
five rotids for December show net in
creases of 8.03 per cent. Serious effort
to adjust back dividends on Leather
preferred understood to be in progress.
Banks lost to sub-treasury since Fri
day $383,000. Best reuBon to believe
Aldrich bill will be promptly passed by
Congress. Smelters' earnings In past
three months larger than in any corre
sponding period in companies' history.
Cattle and Hogs.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. Union Stock
Hoes. Cattle. Sheep.
Chicago 26.000 1,600 4.000
Kattsas City 3.600 l.puu 2,000
Urnaha 6.000 l,6ou 420
Hogs Opened strong, 6c higher; 6.000
left over yesterday; receipts one year
iiko. 41.000. Mixed and butchers' J6.654I
7.05; good heavy; $7.007.12H ; rough
neavy. tn.nou .o; iignt, b. -u.zo.
' Cattle Strong.
Sheep Strong.
Xilvemool Markets.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 13. Close, Wheat
6-314. lower; May, 6-174. lower.
Corn March, 4-6, ft up; May, 4-3ft,
14 lower. g
Everybody's liable to itchlnir dies.
Rich and" poor, old and young terrible
the torture they suffer. Only one sure
cure. Doan's Ointment Absolutely
ware; cant run.
The Journal prints today's news today;
Preferred. Stock Canned Goods.
Allen;. & Lewis' Best Brand.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over 6TXTY YEARS by MIL
is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. Sold by
Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winilow's Soothing Syrup,
tad takenoother kind. - Twcaty-fivscta a bottle.
In spits of all that can be dons, th
"spite" fence which 8. Frank is building
between his horns and that of S. SU
verneld grows higher: there may be a
respite, however, despite the fact that
Frank feels spiteful against any respite.
A respite may be granted, though, in
Ions, as Or
appealed to1,
In spite of the spite of the spiteful, to
grant a temporary Injunction, which
means, if granted, a respite.
Slgmund Frank has built the fence up
to 18 feet, and it is said Intends raising
It to SO, and then- painting it In mourn
Ing. This piece of business Is In pro
gress on Twelfth street, between Co
lumbia and Clay streets.
Frank owns a splendid and palatial
residence there, and 811 verneld has be
gan to build three flats nearby. To this
Frank objeots, and to shiit out the view,
had the "spite" fence built. Then came
Sllverfleld, praying the court to order
the fence down. Arguments were made
by counsel for plaintiff and defendant
yesterday afternoon, upon an applica
tion for a temporary injunction, pend
ing tne outcome of the suit for damages
against Frank. Judge Sears took the
matter under advisement.
Vew Suits rued.
Rosa Halght has sued her husband.
Hafy Height., for.iL. divorce,.. alleging
uesenion. mere are two children, both
being with the mother. The couple
were married in Vancouver, Wash., in
Harriet Mason has filed an action for
a divorce from her husband, William
Mason, alleging ' cruel and inhuman
treatment. She states that her husband
has repeatedly knocked her down, and
mistreated her.
Albert and Arthur Helney have died
an action for damages against Joseph
Helney. In the Circuit Court. The
amount asked for is 13.760. It is alleged
that the defendant set fire to a tree,
which spread, destroying valuable pas
ture land and fences.
District Attorney Manning filed In
formations against John Morgan and
Fred M. Anderson yesterday in the Cir
cuit Court. Morgan is charged with
robbery, and Anderson with larceny.
Morgan. It Is alleged, held up J. O.
Boulln on January 14, taking from Kim
$21. Anderson la. accused of entering
tne nome or Irene Watrln. and stealing
a watch.
Orlo Is an infectious disease which at
tacks weak and strong allko, especially
If the blood Is sluggish, and generally
involving the mucous membrnno of the
air passages from the nostrils down to
snd Including the lungs. - Serious com
plications are liable, to develop In the
course of the disease, as srlD settles in
the weakest part of the system, some
times the kidneys, the brain, the stom
ach or the heart, resulting often In heart
failure, but the most dreaded of all is
when' It settles In the lunss. Consump
tion is sure to follow and certain death
If prompt action Is not taken, and
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey adminis
The fatalities resulting from this dis
ease within the past few years have
sumcienuy aroused doctors to the im
portance of giving the disease the clos
est investigation.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is the onlv
absolute cure for grip, lnfluensa. asthma,
bronchitis, catarrh, consumption and all
diseases of the throat and lungs; it pre
vents complications and bad after-effects
that grip so often leaves in the system.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey not only
kills the germs, but It stimulates the .
blood, aids digestion and tones the action
of the heart.
- The voluntary testimony received from
thousands of our grateful patients Is
sroof positive that Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey Is the greatest known remedy
for- thrntrttj- una an diseases' ortne"v
throat and lungs and all wasting dis
eases from whatever causes. Doctors,
ministers, public speakers and a num
ber of the leading temperance women,
praise Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey for
the great good It has accomplished in
saving lives.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
t ----,- m . A a .. .. ..
Dr. Willard H. Morse, the eminent
practitioner and world-renowned thera
peutist, after careful study of grip in an
its stages, savs: DufTv s pure Man
Whiskey Is the only absolute cure for
tne grin: it builds uu the system ana
enables R to throw off the grip germs
snd prevents bad after-effects, because
It is chemically pure and contains great
medicinal properties."
The Bulletin of the American Iron and
Steel Association has received from the
manufacturers complete statistics of the
production of all kinds of pig iron In the
United States in 1902. The total produc
tion In 1902 was 17.821,807 gross tons,
against 16.878,864 tons In 1901 and 13 -789,242
tons In 1900.
Terrible plagusa, - tho itching, pes
tering diseases of the skin. Put an end
io misery, uoans uintmert cures,
any drug store.
G. Metsler has filed an action for
8800, alleged to be due him for school
ing, boarding and lodging Annie Meti
ler . . from- - January,-" 1894, to January,
Burlington. Vt, Jan. 21, 1902.
Gentlemen I consider it no more than
your due to tell you that the use of your
whiskey has prevented me from having
the dread disease, the grip, this winter.
Everybody else on my street has had it.
I am not over and above healthy, and
was afraid I might be taken down with
the grip; but I took -a moderate amount
of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey each day
and never enjoyed better health in my
life. My wife has also derived much
benefit from its use.
Truly yours, A. A. YOUNG,
Mgr., Young's Information Agency.
Sirs After being given up by several
of our best physicians, having throat
and lung trouble, and pronounced a case
or Incurable consumption, my sister
started the use or your Pure Malt Whis
key. She has taken three bottles, and
is so mucn improved: in strength that
we are an xeeiing quite noperuL Una.
BELL SHAUL, Charlotte, Mich.
Nov. 8, 1902.
Gentlemen I take pleasure In Inform-
Ing you that I have been cured of a e-
vers attack of grip by using your Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey. My age Is 70 years,
MRa ELIZA H. REAM, 71 Cherry st.
Reading, Pa Dec 1L 1902:
CTTzxD TXBxa orr rroTzm.
Gentlemen My family had "La
ree or tnem
Grippe." I pulled three of them throuarh
with Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and
Rochester, Mich., Nov. 8, 1902. .
CAUTION. When you ask for Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the
genuine. Unscrupulous dealers, mindful
of the excellence of this preparation, will
try to sell you cheap imitations, and so-
called Malt Whiskey substitutes, which
are put on the market for profit only.
and which, far from relieving the sick,
are positively harmful. Demand
'Duffy's" and be sure you get it. It Is
the only absolutely pure malt whiskey
which contains medicinal, health-giving
qualities. Look for the trade-mark, "The
Ora Chemist," on the label, ,
It is the only whiskey recognized by
the government as a medicine. This is
a guarantee. The genuine at all drug
gists and grocers, or direct. II. 00 a Dot
tle. Medical booklet free. Duffy Malt
Whiskey Company, Rochester, N. Y.
1903. He claims that he took the child
at the request of the mother, Mrs. Katie
Metzler, and sent her to school. During
that time, he alleges, he also boarded
and lodged her. He claims that when he
took the child, it was understood that
he was to have remuneration, and he
claims that this has been refused him.
W. A. Campbell has filed an attach
ment suit against J. E. Relnke for S214,
alleged .to be due htm on merchandise
furnished the defendant.
T GIVES YOU. an opportunity such as wo never before have been able to offer. This is how it happened : several weeks aero Mr.!
Jennme went Jiast to attend the .f urniture inhibits and buy for the Portland trade the best these Eastern manufacturers put on show.
Ii ordas to buy iust right.and at prices that we could sell these goods for. we had to buv in very laree Quantities. The poods will arrive
in carloads next week, and we have determirie&lo make room for them BY DISPOSING OF the GOODS now on THE FLOOR AT VERY
LOW PRICES. Come in and look around and you will be surprised at the littleness of money required to supply your needs in
the furniture line.
Eight Car-Loads
This sounds big, but it is an
actual fact that we have coming EIGHT CARLOADS OF
IRON. BEDS. There are all kinds and shapes, and at prices
that will surprise you.
Steel Ranges
The same kind we have always
sold you- THERE IS NOTH
Steel Range
That's why we bought one thous
and of them.
All Metal Constructed on Sanitary Methods.
Handy, Easy to Move About.
When the bed is folded and has a curtain around it, it has the
appearance of a bookcase or stand.
Price . . . . . $15.00
The construction of the mattress is of the best and the springs are
built so strong that two men can jump and bounce around on it
without breaking, straining or damaging it in the least.
r sjjsysjjr V