I Of W TRUSTS ..... . - Blasterly Discussion of Problem by Hoar STRANGE POLITICAL COM : BINATION THAT WOULD -SACRIFICE PORTLAND (Continued - from First Para.) ; Venerable Massadmsetb .Senator ' Hakes Able Presentation of ':; Need of Legislation. ' WASHINGTON, Jan.' The Senate today listened to a masterly -discussion ef the trusts problem. Mr. Hoar, the venerable Senator from Massachusetts, opened the defeat, saying- that ha ac- - . knowledge that his bill la in. perfect, it being tentative and experimental in char acter, ijo contended that with the ex- ception of the coal strike, the country had not suffered (ram the trust evil in - any way to affect the general prosper ity. The condition of workmen ta bet ter than In other. -countries,.. and bettnr -j.Jlhan la. any other period of American hiBtory. . Trust legislation should be en , actedwith a. view to the future, raXher than the present. Such a terrible money power as Is concentrated In, trusts Is In some cane greater than tha power of . " many states, and greater than tha power of any nation except ours on this contl-v nent The money power can make or prevent wars: It can threaten tbe com munfty with a, coal famine or a wheat famine, and It can execute the threat. Senator Hoar enumerated the chief evil of the trusts as -followsi -.- 'Destruction of competition; manage ment-of local Industries by absentees In the Interests of absentee capital; the de structlon of local public spirit; fraudulent capitalisation: secrecy of management tor the private benefits of officials', the power to corrupt, elections, and to soma canes to corrupt courts; th wnnt of per- :. sonal responsibility to public sentiment,; the absence of personal liability for con- -r tnacta or-wrongdolngrMte-hotdlnB; of: vast properties In the mortmain or dead hand ' of the undent English law. r-v,r .-. ,The sneaker, approved combinations of capital and paid tribute to Morgan's . tenlus, but said he did not want Amer . lean trusts to dominate the world at the expense of American local public spirit. ' He Mid Socialism never accomplished anything, and would destroy American manhood. ' -v r- . ' '. I' LABOR DELEGATES.' - . T. 8. Heskett, W. H. Tapper and sev- eral other labor union men from Spokane spent a few hours In the city yesterday while en route to the Washington State Federation of Labor convention now In session at Seattle.' The two first named belong; to tha Spokane Typographical Union, ' , , ft yon wish the Dally. Journal deliv ered to your horns or office by carrier at t9 .cents a week, send In your order "bV Oregon pkoM HkU TMi bt Vlilxm'bl phone 705. ",';'-,: V-v- yon bo deaf to that thing of shreds and patches that you call jroax bono as to be unable to hear this trumpet callT Tou are. And whyT - Because yea wrote those letters, and yen are not man bmt dastard! INDURATED SCOTJNDRELISM. (Morning Oregonlan.' Monday, , - Nov. 1 D8o.) Mitchell at last proclaims himself a candidate. This was to have been ex pected. . Me was pressing his candidacy covertly; be can do it openly with less effect Were he not a scoundrel with out shame be never would have the hardihood to announce himself as a candidate, He hopes by brazen denial of the In famies with which he Is chanted to make it possible to secure an election. He challenges the - publication of the letters in Xac-slmile, knowing that the engraving cannot be done here, and trusting that It will not be possible to get it done till the election has passed by. fte confidence of a scoundrel has often carried him through, but this time It will not Ths Oregonlan never makes false promises. It will have the letters engraved and will print them in fac simile, just as soon as the same can be done. Many members of the LegiKla ture have already seen tha principal ones and know they are genuine; In fact, no one for a moment doubts their authenticity. If any profess to doubt it they are wholly insincere. - They know the Oregonlan would not have dared to print forged letters; and they know if the letters were forged that Mitchell would, not content himself with a mere denial. . , ;? -. v To the complaint of this lecherous poltroon that the Oregonlan, in order to "defame" him, has brought, through misrepresentations and falsehood, the names of women and children in a dis graceful manner efore tha public, the appropriate' reply la. why did he- not think in time of what was due from de cency and manhood to those women and children? Jt was he, tha seducer, lecher and villain, who dishonored the wife he had promised to 'cherish, the wife's sis ter, whom he proposed tu put in the wife's place, and the children, whom, were be a man, would have bound him to tbe mother. by the. strongest of all earthly - ties,--' But,.' having., dishonored them by the Infamy of his proposals, he now comes with a snivel at the pub lication of the "disgrace" which he de liberately attempted. Did he expect to change wives, and nobody know It? : The denial that he was guilty of cor ruption as a Senator' iff as worthless as bis denial of. the Authorship of the let ters. For the public knows that no journal as responsible as tha Oregonlan would make such a charge unless it were prepared to prove It. With bombast he pretends to "defy" proof. Now proof In such cae proof that cannot be questioned- can , be bad only through a court r of law. Let Mitchell bring the Oregoniin - before a court of law, and he shall have the. proof. Will he do It? Of course not It ' is quite character istic of the brasen effrontery of this dis honored scoundrel to - wind up his "piece with an effort to commend him self by a. demagogic appeal to the coun try, as a. man who could and would do great things in the Semite. .His charac ter would not be complete were he not in office, add a scoundrel beyond redemp tion. - .''' - - - H ' 'THE REAL QUESTION... K (Morning;' Oropoolan, Tuesday, Novem- A - tor 17, 1MM SOMES 4 OF MITCHELL'S .CLAC QTJERS BAT: "OH, IT'S A PERSONAL WAR BETWEEN SCOTT AND MITCH ELL; NOTHING MORE." JT ' 18 NOTHING OP THB KIND. THE QUESTION SIMPLY IS, ARB THE CHARGES MADE BT-THE-OREGON-IAN AGAINST MITCHELL TRUE? THET ARE TRUE. OF COURSE, ELSE MITCHELL WOULD HAVE AVAILED HIMSELF DATS AGO OF HIS LEGAL REMEDY OR REDRESS. BUT HE HAS NOT DONE IT. THE ONLY REASON WHT HE HAS NOT IS THIS, TO-WIT: HE KNOWS THE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, lND HE DOES NOT MEET THEM. WfflOUT REGARD TO ANT POSSIBLE PERSONAL CONTRO VERSY BETWEEN THE TWO PAR TIES NAMED. THE QUESTION 18 DID MITCHELL WRITE THOSE LETTERS AND WAS HE A CORRUPT SENATOR? ON BOTH POINT8 THE OREOONIAN HOLDS ITSELF READY TO ANSWER. IF IT HAS NOT TOLD THE TRUTH IT HAS LIBELED HIM ATROCIOUSLY, CRIMINALLY: IF IT HAS TOLD THE TRUTH MITCHELL IS NOT FIT FOR ANY P08ITION. NOW IT HOLDS IT. SELF HEADY TO ANSWER, EITHER UPON CRIMINAL LIBEL OR IN A SLIT FOR DAMAGES TO ANY AMOUNT: AND IT HAS CALLED 'If PON MITCHELL IN TERMS AS STRONG AS LANGUAGE AFFORDS TO TAKE NOTICE OF THE FACT, BUT BECAUSE HE IS GUILTY HE CANNOT HEAR THE CALL. CERTAIN MINOR MATTERS. . (Morning; Oregonlan, Monday, November 16, 1885.) ... Thr-character- of -th,s- editor of- the Oreironlan. personal or official, is not in question. He is a private citlien, seek ing no public place and minding his own business. But he is ready at all times to submit to the most careful and searching inquiry Into his acts, per sonal or official, and to aid such inquiry to the fullest extent There is nothing in his life of whichUie Is ashamed, ex cept his association tn politics for a short time with John H. Mitchell, Tbe only loss of reputation be ever suffered was from that incident; and even Mitchell and his friends are aware of this, even they never fall to use it when they want to cast a reproach upon hi name. His only extenuation is that when he was associated with Mitchell in poli tics, helped to elect him to the Senate and tried to sustain him afterwards, Mitchell was not known as ths utterly corrupt, vicious and Irrecoverable scoundrel that he is now known to have been, awf IS' kndwir still be.- , - GUILT AND COWARDICE. (Morning; Oregonlan, Tuesday, November 17. 1885.) . "O that my tongue were in 'the thunder's mouth!" exclaimed Constance In "John King." But even such a voice could not reach the ear of J. H. Mitchell. A respectable newspaper publishes statements that fix upon him the deep eat possible brand of Infamy, and it challenges him, with all the terms in the vocabulary of entreaty and Invective to adopt the . simple and adequate measure of redress whioh the law gives to all person who are wronged by libel ous charges. But he cannot hear I Thu it appears that even the most hardened knave has conscience enough left to make him a coward. Are there... any broader, deeper, infamies than those With which the Oregonlan has charged ij: WMltchell? What would an honor able man not gumy or tne xnarges aoi Here is a responsible newspaper, which he says has pursued him with a deadly a pretentious and lying 'demagogue aw Lenmltt.. Wit,, tf. Jt has,noJu.tPMjthn, Weil '-"ga -ecHer, Waueera professiomuTtruth about him he can destroy It Yet EVENING PAPERS- HAD THEM ALL Portland Merchants Say They, are the Best Advertising' Mediums- and : ; ; Don't Print Stale News; ; , rascal, a oorruptlonist ' In politics and he does not act What Is the explana- Gradually tha morning newspaper Is being set said for the more Interprislng evening publication. A recent Issue of the San Francisco Bulletin said: "Thirty, years ago the work of gath ering, puttliiff into type and printing news i took a good deal more tme than It does now. ' When the day was done, and all the news of the world has been gathered by. reporters and correspond ents, the night was slven to printing It, This the successful and popular dally panjer that succeeded the weekly was in nearly every case published in . the morning. .? ; -j "Improvement and Invention, however, did not stop' 10 years ago. American mechanica-Jiav made it possible for a newspaper to put on the streets of San Franclscoasheettelllng in full, the news of event which happened half an hour previous In Peking, Calcutta, Berlin, London or any other part of tbe civilized world to which telegraph wire run. "The natural consequence of this con tinuing invention and improvement ha been tbe rise of the afternoon paper, telling the new ef today, and tha de cline of the morning paper, telling tbe new of yesterday. If a man. , when be arrives home from work, can ret an afternoon paper, quite as large a any morning paper, and containing all the new that happened In any part of the world today, it 1 hot reasonable that he should Ignore the afternoon paper and wait until next day-for the tardy morn ing paper containing the same news." Now, many of Portland's busineas men have declared that they believe in an evening newspaper, and do not care for tha ancient, system gathering aaws adopted by the morning newspaper. Mr. Olds, of Olds, Wortman A King, in a written communication, said of the evening edition of -a local contemporary in said paper's last evening's issue: "The evening" : paper on the Paclflo Coast will have more prestige than on the Atantlo Slop because the difference In time gives It a wonderful advantage as a chronicler of telegraphic news, 'The owners of the Telegram may be congratulated ; upon the manner In which they have Improved the local and telegraphio new and advertising serv ice of the oaDer." ---'-.v .' " Naturally the .. public will' also con gratulate The Journal for having forced the issue and compelled , Portland '.even ing newspapers to be up-to-date, but. however. The Journal is glad of this. - John Fellerman, manager of the O. M. Co.' store.- aaysi . ."During my advertising experience of several year in large dry -good and dothnsstores, I have found the. afternoon paper, better than any other if us cir culation was as good, and never had the least trouble about other merchants cut ting my price next morning. 'although the competition I no keener here, it a great a in Denver or Spokane, where I passed several years a advertising- tnta- ager for leading stores." v Mr. Hen Selling, writing; to tbe same paper, says: - k , "I consider the afternoon or evening paper, the best advertising medium for this section of the country. A the larg est advertiser In the clothing line, after an experience of many years I have no hesitancy In saying that better results are obtained from evening than from morning papers here. 'In short, the evening paper. 1 the paper of today the morning paper that of yesterday." Wise Brother declare In their letter to the contemporary: , "I find It pays, and cannot account for It except on the ground of big individual circulation, and the other fact that the people have time to' read an evening paper. ' ' . Messrs. Robert Brother add: 'In... tunning ,ou,r advertisements- pages ' or otherwlse--ws have neveir ex perienced any drawback in having our items 'cut the next morning by other ad vertisers. It could not be possible where there is so little duplication of subscrib ers." Thus It will be seen how mCTch has been, accomplished by The Journal In Portland by forcing tbe evening system to become so much better In all its de partment that it has completely put the morning paper out of business. tlon? It I almple-cowardlce . follow guilt alway as a troubling hadow. Nothing but consciousness of guilt could prevent a man from taking, even under provocation Immeasurably lets, the ac tion for protection -and redress which the law Justly provides for those who are dealt with unjustly by the pre. But Mitchell Is deaf a Baalt . Ho oanr. not hear. '-'"' ; (Saturday, NovmbeE 11, 1881.) , The Oregonlan (n the late Senatorial BOntJ. Wfath JfoVMtililtJk. powerful ' protetft-iSlji the Republican party and amongr decent people without KEEP THIS LIST. J, S. G. SKIDMORE & CO. cutoutthisust. ouvenier r- ;PURE FOOD PRODUCTS - DTot how cheap, bat how good.) fw Cream Tartar, 14 lh, lk, ,- and 1 lb. , 7o, 15o ana 07o Vara Baking- Soda, 1 Ib..v 4o Pore Sugar XUk, powdered, 1 lb. .aao Cloves, Allspice, dinger, Black Pepper, Bed, Pepper, Mustard and Bare, - ' groaad, t V4 lb. sifting sane, each 13o Cinnamon, around, the ehoioest, H lb... aao jrataaegs, ground, the choicest, 4 lb aao , Maoe, groaad, the choicest, v$ lb. 32o ' trout; Extract Vanilla, J os-, and Vi pt,.4o and 14o X rtraot Vanilla, sztxa flavor, 1 ox, and -. . 14 Jft.' ,J . .'. . . .To and 33o Strong Sssenee tamon, l os. and M pt.vto and 14o Strong ssseaea Cinnamon, 1 os. and -H r"- --r.- .r. .. ... . . . ., , . .4o and 14o Strong Sssenae Olnrex, l os. and H pt..6c and 19e ' Strong Essence Peppermint, 1, os. and H !-.. .60 aad lso Pare our OU. V pt, H pt. and 1 pt ... .v ,. - . 13a, UZ and 38 v Choioest OUve O0. .U pfc, pt, and 1 pt, aao, 3e and sae rtnesrt amp fuit. pts. and qnta. . .820 and SSo , V ataaega, per e 44 ' LABORATORY PRODUCTS XJtaia TaUets. B gT, per bottle ...... Stead's Xrom Toaie Pills. S gr, per loo Xrfuca-Pratt Tablsts , S tea. in box Ktdaea- Vea. es. paekaa-e , Bpselal Strenc-tkesing- Plasters , xcjraci Cora sain . Chlneek- White Pine - Oocgh Cure .184 ,.ao 14o ,..80 F..TO ,.16 ; -........a Cod U Oil, U pt. or pt. . . . .84a and 4o Presh Xmalsion of Cod Xiver Oil with - " sTypevaospbitea, aos svad SI at....33o and 6e Witoh Basal stalva, s-m. tins . ...14a TegataU XArwr Pellets. 40 ta botUe. IS Beaf, Zre anal Wine, fan pi. .as Papain Oosa, per psekag-e f.t ..e ,.18o ' Commences to-day of Household Drugs, Rubber Ooods, Bristle Oood. Leather Goods, Soaps, Perfumery, Cutlery, Bath Cabinets, .. Trusses and Surgical 5upplies, Camera and Photo Supplies and Drug Sundries. 5000 Souvenier plates to be given away duritig this sale. : These are 6-inch decorated Bread and Butter Plates, nice enough tor any table. One .plate given to each purchaser of 50c or more,' Purchasers of $1.00 will be given a fine kid bodied doll with bisque face, real balr, and shoes and stockings. : Patent Medicines are excluded from the Souvenier Sale. Our reputation for hlgh--dass. drugs will be maintained during this sale, ; If you do not see what you want in this list or in our store ask for it, because we have everything appertaining to the drug business and at lowest prices. Canadian money taken at full value. Stamp and Stationary window open from 7 a. m. to ,11p.m. HERE ARE A FEW OP OUR SALE PRICES. ' HOUSEHOLD DRUOS , Strong Ammonia, pts. and ts......,...4e and 7 Oasoun or Bsnsine, pts, and qU..,...e and Ta - -Dickinson' beat Witoh Xasel. Pt and at, .-. . . . -. ...... 1M and 8e " Pure Olyeulna, 1 os. and 4 lb..,,..,.Se and Ta Par Petrotetnm, 8 , and 1 lb.... . and 17o ' Pax Carkalia Acid, 1 on, and hi ptt,; , , .4 and loo Olyeerin and Xosewatar, 1 ox. and H P !. . , . , f , . ,9. , 3o and So Cteanslnr Cream, H pt, i,,, ,.....lt Sewing Machine Oil. 1 on, and M pt,. .. ,8o and Ta Pur Sweet Oil. 1 H pt, and 1 p. f ."; ....... .. So, Ta and 83 . StenneA Wood Alcohol, win pt, and - . t, ise and. 83a Strong- Spirits Camphor, 1 oa. and H .. ' ....... . ,-io' and I8e Pure Powdered Borax, H lb. and 1 lb. .40 and 8o Bird Seed, mixed and gifted, 1 lb...... ....... 4c Salt, S-lb. packages ....... .,.,,..,.,.,,...80 Carboli Salve, 8-oa. tin Preah SeldUta Powders, C, 18 and 84 in -box .'. so, to and lo Blm Xrtteares, per paokage ......... ........So Charcoal Tablets, per box ....... ..,,......,,180 Bronchial Troches, per box 14o Cathartia Salts; Sprndel, per bottle ......... 33o Headache Tablet, per box o Keadaoha Wafer, per. box ....... . . . .... .16e Oyspepala Tablets, 8 kind in box .33c Toothaohe Drops . , . . . , so bister's AntUeptio Plaid .......18a, 88e and SSo Moth Ban. H ! n4 1 1- 3o and So RUBBER GOODS Xot Water Bag. Plor da zas, i o.tfc, 8 t and 3 qt. tio, 46o and 81 Xot Water Bags, guaranteed, 1 qt-, a. qt, a qt. and 4 qt sec. eeo, too and 8eo Xot Water Bags, red rubber, a qt, 8 qt and 4 qt 78 o, 90o and 81418 Xot Water Bags, pore gram, 3 qt wad 4 at ,....fi.48 and $1.63 Ponntaln Syring-as, Popular, 8 qt, 8 qt and 4 qt 36c, 41o and 46o Pons tain Syringes, extra quality, 8 qt, - 3qt and 4 t . , . 63o, eso and 73o Xnltnomah Ponntain, rapid flow, 8 qt and 4 qt $1.03 and $1.13 Clatsop Ponntain, rapid flow, 3 qt and 4 qt $141 and $1.58 Combination Syringa and Water Baa, 8 qt. s qt and 4 qt ........ .-. . ,78c, eeo and 86e Combination Syringe and Water Bag-, 3 qt3 qt and 4 qt . . .$1.43, $1.63 and $1.73 Combination Syringa and Water Bag pare gum. 8 qt .83.45 Bulb Syringe, Popular, 8 pipes ,. :..88a Bnlb Syrings, slate color 43o rrr49- ...630 . . .870 .81.08 .83.63 . . .660 .$14 IB Bo 40 ...18c Amaxon, 1500-sheet roll, extra nne,,,....$l.l$ Kanunoth, 800-sheet roll, extra fine. ....... $1.8 A.- p. WH sufflolent for a year's anpply, roll or package ..-tl-OO Olendale, In paokare 600 sheets ......... . .38o ' Pnlon, In packages 1000 sheets, ' fin $40 ' Xajlional, in packag-es 1000 sheets, extra flna 4. ." '.,. , , .$1.18 -4 ft-4- In- paokages - aeiwff"' w year's upply .... ... , $1-00 SOAPS 4711 White Bo Glycerine Packer's Tar Jack Bos. . . . . . , ...... BCedieated Skin Ontlohra Soap Paris Transparent ....... Violet Beokseeker's Tar Pears' Olyoerlne, seanted . . .100 .13e .,...... 8a . . V .'-4'.. i .ISO ,;..iio To .....110 . Bulb Byriag-e, in wooden box ... . . . . . . Bulb Syringa, In wooden box. 4 pipes.. Bnlb Syringe, Pulton, special quality.. Bnlb Syringa, Shasta, antra quality , Whirling- Spray Syringes ....... ladies' Safety Syringes Wllkoft's Indies' Syringes , , , r r. . . Bnbber Bipples, small, any color, each. . Bnbbe Vippies, lara, any eolor, each.. Bnbber Bipples, extra quality, each . . . . . xarsiar Bottla and ontnt afaeeeee SUNDRIES Toothpick maple, lOe pkrs......,,,,... .....T) Toothpicks, soft wood, large pkgs. .......... ,4o Toothpicks, qaUl, 8 pkgs. for............... so Boyal Olosa Shoe Polish . .So Bixbys .Shoe Satin Combination . . , .Bo and 13o Basov Strops at lee, 83c. 33o, 67a, . 73o and np Shavins Mars St ISo, 86c, 57o and .. ........ TSo Bath Cabinets, regular $5, for ........... 83.78 t TOIl.FT PAPPD t . .. .-r- - ... -- Oregon, 80s. rolls .i".,.,., 88 Palaee, 8-oa. rolls .... . . .480 Oriental, 1000-sheet roll w . j. ..... . .640 Cascade, 1000-sheet roll, fln tlssna...,.r.e3o Capital, 1000-sheet roll, extra fln..,.. ....$147 Transparent Carnation, per dos 6o Assorted, 4 kinds In box, per dos .,...,,, .a? Brown .Windsor, S-os. cakes, per dos. ...... .B8o William's Shaving- Stloks. each ............. 16o Beckseoktr's Shaving Sticks, each ..... ...... 14o ' Pears' Sharing Sticks, each V,,,W..',,18a Bound Shavins; Cakes, each ................. 6s Pairy . Soap, per dos ', .,; . . . . .SSo Ivory Soap, each.. ..,4o and To Orandpas Tar Soap, each ..:4o and T Olyoerlne Tar Soap 4o Par Castile Soap. S-lb. bars far . .U, . . .-13o . Plaest CastU Soap, in eakes for.. Bo, So, and Uo Plneat CasUl Soap, per lb. ..16e : TOILET ARTICLES SCennen's Talcum Powder . . . White's Tooth Powder, bottles Gerard's .Balr Beaewer Icon's Tooth Powder Borated Talcum Powdsr . . . . t Blaoh Powdsr, "bevy's . Cryslen Cold - Cream ........ -Xerpioide , Superior Bay Bum, Y. H and 1 pt.So, 146 and 87a regard to party against i. H. Mitchell. That these Republican. ' protestators could beat them in their own party the Oregonlan had not the slightest doubt But it did not expect to beat a combina tion and bargain with the pemocrata for his election. In the Republican party Mitchell can always be - beaten . with greatest ease. . ... " 5tT Alt DEED THERE'S CONSIDERA BLE SATISFACTION j 1 In knowing that you get the best of . r -everything, particularly so if It doesn't cost any more than the ' other kind; :: J --T ( SHIELD BRAND HAMS AND ; , BREAKFAST BACON ...Are ; considered by Experts to be the Best, . t V Every piece Is passed by Government Inspect- Tr. ; ' ors before being placed on the market. v :: ' 5 HAMS AND BACON OF THIS BRAND1 ARE FROM THE . --,thej0RE00N v!5XT-FEDHoas;:r r- v Insist apon your grocer supplying you. . f , , l , UNION MEAT CO. lHIL MCTSCHAM, Pres. ' C W. KNOWLES, Mgr t f iThe IMPEIUALHOTEL , f ( PORTLAND. OREGON J raSWi Seventh and Washington StsI ! mmmm.jjaajjj.j.j.j.j aaaasa aaa m m a as as a ansa -Ta. Suit Begun in United States Court .......i 13S .83a . . . , " -, , . . . .4o . . . - . . - - S8o 8o and ISo . . . .y.1., i . ri 9 , i SSO . Oerard's Tabs BentUrioe Bnbifoant ... .......... olme'es ProstUla .... 0erard'ssa Balr Benewer Antiseptic Tooth Powder ensota and Almond Cream . . Almond Meal. Mme. Snpont's Crystlens, powder or liquid . . , Witch Basel Cream Howard's Tooth wash Ingram's - Milk Wsed Cream osodoat, liquid or powder , Ayer's Balr Vigor Pastnrln Tooth Pasts roilet Pnmlos ........... . ' Toilet Chamios Skins ,.130 18S e ys" . . . a s,. .' H0 1 j e.a ' a eo eXTO ; a $ . . &.'. IT 5 s eAs al5 .a.......ltO ..,360 a 160 ..-wV'U-w-Vs-MOr --: 7 a 140 5s 8c So and 13o Kind's Money and Almond Cream ...:...,...8o. Prepared or Precipitated Chalk, V4 lb. pk, . 3 . Chalk with Orris, Champhor or Winter ... . ' .' green,, H lb. pks;.. ...... .-. . . 4- Tiolol dmmonla, r pt. and. .,.,,..$ and l$s ao discount osrall brushes, combs, mirrors, leather goods, sponges, chamois, perfumes, trasses sad surglcst supplies, cutlery, toilet articles. " - i . , ' v-.v-'.v v. v : v Cameras and nhnra sunnlimt. n.ront Ari -A ? : W". rTT Cameras and photo supplies, except dry plates, films and paper. "i ' ' ff-t i- C. A. Punhnell of North Yakima, Wash., today filed his complaint in equity In tbe United States , Circuit Court In this city, to set aside a deed, naming X'FT Phy, W. T. Phy and Edith Phy. all of Oregon, as defendants, t, V. Phy resides at Union, and W. T. Phy and XMltb Phy, his wife, at Baker- City. It Is shown that on No vember 12, VKl, the plaintiff brought so action for damages againat i. F. Phy and on A. K. Jones. JiriXJMENT AGAINST PHT. Judgment was given against the defend ants -JfOTi-m. for $2;i7X"arCoTiii lis, Wash. Nothing .was paid on the judgment, which has now reached tha amouatf J jIX .'TSlft xecftUon, which. istiued on the Judgment September 2, IS'jS, was returned unsatisfied. July . 1802. the; plaintiff found that J. T. Phy owned real estate in Chehalis County. Attachment proceedings were Instituted, and J. F. Phy executed Ms bond therein., The time for answering the complaint expired September IS, 1903, and Judgment was given against the defend ant. . ' , - 'V ; . , , A fraudulent conveyance of the prop erty for 12,000 to W. T. Phy and Edith Phy is alleged, on July 6, 1902. Tbe plaintiff having exhausted Ms rem edy at common law, takes recourse to equity to recover his rights. CHANGES IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE WASHINGTON, 5 Jan. . Dr.; David Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, has been appointed Minister to SwitserUtid in Place of 'Arthur Hardy, who has been nominated for the. ioat of Minister Jp Spain. Charles Bryan, the present Min ister to Brazil, who was originally se-, locted f or - tha- flwltserland jwt, I to be sent to Portugal, and Francis Lew!, who is now Minister to that country, has been appointed to succeed Dr. Hill as Assistant Secretary of State. v : RUSSIAN:CHR1STMAS-T0DAY- .. - .-' WASHINGTON. Jin.-. .Thls was Christmas Day, according to the. old cal endar, and at ths Russian Embassy the holiday was observed In the customary manner. Tha 'children connected with the embassy had a royal good time, while-the grown-ups enjoyed a feast.'. In further Observance of the spirit of the day. Count Cassint, ths Russian Ambas sador) mads -a substantial - donation for the .benefit of ths poor of the city, v COMMITTEE MEETINGS. ' City Council committee meetings for the present week are as follower. To day at 8 p. tn., committee on account and current expense: Wednesday, at 1:1 p .nv, street cleaning and sprinkling eoramlttea, - park and - publo property, commerce,- landing -and whares; water. So-far a is now known there- is very little business of importance to eotne be fore these committees, V. YOUIHFUL THIEF ARRIVES - ,i i - - Deputy United States Marshal Roberts arrived today from Pendleton. He brought witn him Herbert Mundell, the 15-year-old lad who robbed the poet office at Alba. Ore., of $70 on C' trismus Day. The boy, after arrest, confessed the crime, and tha money was recoveed. lie was exam ined before TJnltad States Commissioner Haiiey at Pendleton and by him commit ted to the county Jan at Pendleton to await arrival of Deputy Marshal Rob erts. The latter placed his charire in tha will be Mid, pending the action Of tha Brand jury. The lad Is likely to get a Reform School ewtftnoe. SPAIN MOURNS FOR SAGASTA MADRID) Jan. 8. The death last night of ex-Premier Praxedea Mateo Sa gas t a has. plunged the Spanish capital into mourning. Arrangements for tha funeral have not yet been' completed. but the Interment will take place Wed nesday of this week. . , , Already the fight for the Liberal lead ership has begun. It Is probable that either Canalejos, whose proa-ram is antl- aertot ror.-a. fanner minister 1 of the Ini terior, who has been known as a con servative, will be chosen as Sagasta's successor.! The Queen Regent 1 said to favor theBelectloh of Monet. bronchitis and gaatrlo trouble. . His fam ily was at the deathbed and many of the former Liberal members of tha Cabinet -were near their old chief. Sa-( gasta was in he 76th year.' C. GEE WO - THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Can It be wondered that he is called Sreat when his won erful remedies curs and . help so many sick and suffering; ' people,-not only here, but throughout - ths -Swelled Btates l-Uestr are lven up to die; others told that an operation was the only help for them, yet their Uvea were saved, without the groat suffering of an operation. Cured by these powerful Chi nese herbs, roots. buds, barks snd vegetables, that are en tirely unknown to medical scienos in this country. Through tbe use of these harm less remedies he treats any and all dis eases of men, women and children. This famous doctor knows the action of over. 00 different remedies that he has sua cessfully used in different diseases. Ha guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stom ach, liver, kidney, female troubles, lost manhood, and all private diseasea. Charge moderate. - Call and see him. Consultation free. Patients out of the city writs for blank and circular. Inclose Stamp. -Addresa TheC. Ges Wo Chinese. Medicine Company. Third street. Portland, Or. Mention this paper. ' SLOT MACHINES FOR .PORTLAND SPOKANE, Jan. , On account of tha suits pending by the city, all the nickel-tn-tbe-slot machines which nave been In use hers sre being shipped to Port land, where It Is --expected they will be allowed to run unmolested. They are 60 in number snd today Spokane is practic ally clear of ths devices against which such a bitter war fcasbeenwaeL-'' the reform element regard this as a signal victory.- - .-' - . ' ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. A Huggins and "wife to 3.- O. Downing and wife, 45.11 acres e. 1 boundary .Hue of Stephen Rob- , ert's D. U O F, twp. U,r, l..l 1 Title Guarantee. Trust Co. to EmU , Fentnhgr.'TofTsrWoQK J, North ; - lrvinirton ...... . . ... . .......... 860 D. F. Sherman and wife to Sarah K Finch, lot . block 26, Alblna Menet,a---'-i-rtrt''s'rVT'rs'r-r The Hawtrrorna Estate to Sarah B. - Gratton, lot 11. block 9. Tork 250 Arthur J, Oaresche and wife to Ed win Merrill and wife, lot Hi block 2, Wilson's ... . . . . ...... n ..... . S00 O. M. Smith and wife to ' Alice Smith, lot' 18, block 14, Mt-Ta- 3. O. Orover and wife to- IE W. , Oober, lota 1. 2, block 1, Chase 'add to Pleasant Home'.,....,,. 100 Ella Ii. Blair and husband to Nerls- aa J. Stark, lot 2(, Brookdale. . . . (00 Ainsworth National Bank to R. A. Kean. lot 82. block I. Orchard ' Homes . . . .. . 60 ' FOR GUARANTEED TITLES See Paclflo Coast : Abstract. Guaranty aV Trust . Co., 2M-8-6-T Falling Building. Get your title Insurance and abstracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee at Trust Company. Chamber of Commerce. BUIUMG PIMTS . William jiorgenson, ' . 2-story cottage, East Alder snd East Eighteenth, 11,600. Same, same, same. 1 1, 1 0 0. BIRTHS. To A. E. Newcomb and Edna New comb, 421 San Rafael streets a glrL r "CONTAGIOUS DISEASES - Mrs. Ira Baker and two children, Failing street; diphtheria; mild, 44 DEATHS, Wllhelmlna " Hubert aged two years, 45H Union avenue; diphtheria., . Miss Minnie Johnson, acd" It years, St. mcent's Hospital; gastric ulcer. . She Bdward Bolxaaa Vsdertakuf Co fuutl alreotors and smbalmers, t gao Tamhlll.. fhone 607. v 9. 9. Tlnley s Con, fnneral direetors and smbalmers, have removed te their new estasuanment, eoraer turi amadlsoav streets.. Both phones Ho. a. ' ' " 111 1 "V i Crsmaterfnm, ' on Oregon City ear line, near Seitwaodi modem,- seiestlho, eomplete, hcrgeo Adults, $3fi( chixd rea, $33. Visitors, S to S p. m. rortland Cxematlen Association. .Portland, Or. , (Slarke Bros, for fiowtrs. Street, v 883 Korrisoa MWSSJSMMHMSMffln)i I j nsj "V7 Q SPICES. COFFEE,TEA DAItlNO POWDER, Fixvcni:;oEXT7Aa$ rffartyyml,KraiJfTiccs CLOSSETGDEYERS FORTUANCl,OPICOM. 0 GUMls F.W.BALTES&COs -Printers Second and Oak Streets r ' . 1 BOTH PHONES -V MARRIAGE' LICENSEST ' Marriage licenses have been Issued to Joseph McDonald and Mary H. Gallagher; Frank Stainart and Susan Meder; Har rlsoh T. ' Holmes and Ea7lerJP. .Hoff garty; Jacob Johns and Carrie Swanson; John P. Farmer and Mrs. Lou Monrali Essell 8. Holmes and Ida M. Blackburn; Angus 7U Sutherland and Lorraine - E-. Dygert; Richard ,W. Price and Minnie B. Struble.. ".:. TEACHERS WERE BELATED. , .'.? . . '.', '-' :-i When the city schools reopened y-terday- all the teachers but - two wers promptly -on hand.- One of these is en gaged at the ClintontKelly snd tha other at the Couch School. . Both ? ' teachar were delayed by tha flood prevailing at Seattle. Superintendent Rigler .-reports, however, that both finally succeeded In . reaching Portland In safety aad thr wars sn duty teda las usual, i - . Ar. ztT ..... - - -, t i X. V i f- ; K--,