mTIIIJ OlIEGOJT DAlLT JOTJIWAI., PORTtAimldKbAir EYElNGJAtrATlY ' ff, 1903. 4 J . , ' iW ; V t v i I h'1' t fff - The Oregon Day Journai V -FBEEI FREES I - FBEEr , "SITUATION WANTED" V t .' ADVERTISEMENTS --' ' INSERTED IN ' V THE JOURNAL TWO TIMES FREK PHONE. Or" WRITE. ' -4 I SITUATION WASTED MALE. . POSITION aa salesman, clothing; or general line.. i ! -1 j L. .. I Ah wkkloaaU ? nu objections to iMTtitf eli AddrM I. . . . 1 Mminn & ' i - . J I4la ' a nutrition aa janitor; la competent ; flrat-euuia 1 city reteranoea, Aduraaa h. t. Eaamaaaen, 1 JIK ati. . .11 'liH Ullli cm. ' Mill. WANTEl-By manwife and two chfldren. two fc or turee rounu, larnianaa, set orer. lu oiocaa from Portland Hotel; atata price. Addreaa IXMf Jnnrnal -ottlre. IL 1 1 "L , , - , HELP WAHTED TIltAI.1. WAM'KD woman. Since old Dr. Kaaaler'a return they nave been treating 87 womaa ' dally la the ladlee' depart men t. , They caa treat a 9 more. Call or write for bonw aya- tem. t Etwioae jo cenc atamna. lareaa at. . Bwfflia ana lamtilll tta.. fort land. ure. HELP WANTED MALE. . WANTEU- B. K. LABOBEB9 for Oregon, Washington and oiuvr pueea; ax oay ana up; other work . K. Waneeo i io.. 'M N. Second. K00MI WASTED. WANTKD Two or three rooBU. furnlahed, not over 10 bkckl from Portland Hotel;' atata price. Anarww iau vonrnai omre. I,QD0HI0-H0UBEa. 1HK 0O8MOH th and Morrison, furniabed Boaaekeeplnc aultea, aultaa ana aingle nan TllaS UCKWOO!, 361H MorrUoA . at. mr- nianea rooma: trarment. t'none ureron 8. OUS. 1 UK CA8TLB 872 Waab.; rooma for (eatl. en: rranaient. lei. Hmitn FOB SALE. VHKAP. GENTLB BOBSB, 1.000 pounda; aln ' ale barneaa: one-boree waaon with aitrlnffa: ;.S-tuch fiu-m wagxjh. loa ilolgata avenue; ' w ooaaraca car. i'OK 9ALB Antora coau (bllllea. nannlea and wethera): also Cotawold sheep (rama and ewea). SMmttn I,. Naylor, Koreet Oo. Or, hkM, tsikA.U , H.'tMOJ; MU Chamoer of vjtowmvtt. lMb.HKlli.AiToUNKt.AT-t.AW, room a, AUuv wort i bids.. Third and Oak. ifUO. 1. CAMEUON. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW,. TW A Chamlwor uaaimerce. twtland. Or. V. mWKSSPHN. 72, Chamber of Commerce. ACCOUNTANTS AND AVDITOBB. MKKCUANTS' ACCOUNTANTS peoll atten tlou glf en to the renderlof of Sbaaclal atata pen; amau aeta t oooca poaiea weeaty. jwfMHojiKiriocJoiTja ADVEBTISINO SPECIAL7IZ8. thMl-lUB OI'ICCIAXTY CO., adrarttalna apwetat- 1le iinil efifna. 2" sturlt nt. i ' BAN0. MANDOLIN AND OUITAB. IANTUUCTION oluba for adranead puplla; to- , atrumenta- ror aaie. uau weooer. acuoto ill Marqimm nin. ,, BAKOINO AND LIGHTEB1N0. uavJwON HOUND l.l.MUBU CO., Ul Buraalda t. mone Orimt 1171. . . BUILDINO MATERIALS. 4ir. J. UdJUAKUN yd Whohaale dealer la pniiuma nieierieii. r.ii-z.wi rine CAFES. A AT KB' 'flilM, Sfa- WaahtiMttoB u Phone at. - Main 771. Men laree. prop. Portland. Or. CONTB ACTORS AND BUILDEB8. t"W.TI''itr'aWtrWfi. ajrader" and caTator. 1PM rt BIB at. rnone DBina ZM. CABD EVOBAYZBS. WtOOlNU AN1 VlbUI.SO CAUDB ancraeedi W. O. BBJith oo., ipiru.noor, Waahlas ton bid - , ". l;0BNpfc--8KYXI0HTSr kitiAi. aKlfj-'UHia, falvanlwU iron; yotnfaf. '1 f.V Brrrr 8fl Sremiit et. - . CABPENTEB8 ABB BOILDEH8. : JUUS A. UalLTOM, carpentar and ballder, sot BUrk at.: ottlce and atora fix t urea ballt aad resMdeled, alterlas aadiTepau: boeaea. Ptojea Main 7f.f !" ... - ... V. B. BUAKNpx. ' carpenter and ballder: ett- marea riTen. ooo k. nrara. rnone union 7H7. , CEREAL MILLS. ACMkl MIUJ CO.. Mannfaetttrere Acme Cereala. ao and 22 N. Front at. P JOHNSON ft Co.. maanfactorara Paarleaa HeaHh Cereal. 184 fTont at. - COAL AND WOOD. iiattUON k'Ufcti' CO., dealera la all klada af coal and wood. M4 Morrlaoa ct. VULCAN COAL CO-; WHOLESALE- DKAIo . era heat coan. fnofidrt and pmelter coke. CHIBOPODT 'AND MANIQUBINO. L. M11CUBLL, Cblropodlat. Knluhfi Btnre, km waas. at. Phone Hoed T2S. CIAB8 AND TOBACCO. -fcBUttU4L'Mii' UUAB CO. blatrlbatera of rmn cidabs. : " Portland. Ore yon. BMOKB C-JL OWN MIXTURE Can't be beat, Wtr Wlehel -On.. Uj Third at. - ' PALLAS AND BALEM STABS. LEAVES DALLAS T a. in. and Salem at 1 p. m. dally, eipcr Bnnday; beat of aceoinmodatton. ELEOTBIO WO KM, PORlLA-NO hlLKCXatlCAL WOUAIH OnVtar AM Stark at., f ; -. ; , Weetern r.lerrlc Work. Ooil 1-1 wh. et. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. OHl'KR OF WASHISOTON Foremoat fraternal . eoclety of Northweat) protecta the Bring. J. U Mitchell, aupreara aecreury, 612 and SIS - Marqnam Bolliling, Portland, Or, Telefaooae . Mnln f) -. ' DEVEXOPINO AND FINISHING. WE FBAMB PICTURES . Paclnr ft.-mr riare. !JT Morrlwm at DBUSOISTB. a BANK i. BTBElBlti. druga, tuilat artaelaa, perfume, til w aahliurtaa L . . 'Giymg Notice'-- This incident no longer I terrifies womenffor an ad.- in TWIT inilDMA I - .AQwMy jemedies it ' , (. One Cent a Word -j . ,1 y -- V' V CLoTHEa CLBANhlAnd preaaed $1 per nooth. ntoiie iniiorl ng Co. H4T waaii. . . GASOLINE LAMPS. U .W. MAN NINO., - LlahUnk and BuhulT Co, u tkteat Improved gasoline tampa. . ilUS Blxt arreet. -,rrtianfl. ire. ' . ... iflROOEBIES. '! -V ' .v D. C. BURNS, 84, at. ana freak grocer la f at ceah trlcea. :, t - - .' . , . y- t y HOTELS. ' v UOTBIi BKLVMtnaanV Kuropeta pUn. ' Fourth and Aloer eta. ,IN8UBAN0E, J AH. Mc. , I. WOOD, Concord Building, Pbona ' 7, .Emptoy'e Liability Inauraaee. repre- aenra Aiiutncaa uonaiug utiuh sua uu auranea... - - .' 4. PHILIP KESNEDTV Insurance; reeldent agent norwicn union rire insurance society, - rnone aouui lotn. ra iiamiiton piag. ' AETNA LIFB) 1N8UBANCB CO. wHtea - Ufe, a aeddeat and employer'a UabUlty loaurance. eia aiiiag - aiagi------ -r-- : ; ABTHUB WILSON, Bherlnek Building. Pbona 1008. repreeeute the Alliance and tba Bama nre ana Marina I me ranee- Oompanlea. ISAAC L. "WHITE, FlBH INSUBANOH, S28 ,; Bherlock.Mtfg, -Oregon pbona Maui ' i iOHH KKLLZ. general Inaorancd agent Calna ICE CREAM AND CONFEOTIONERT. LABBM BKBB, manufactnrere et lea eream and confectlimery, 810 Washington at. IMPLEMENTS PORTLAND IMPLEMENT CO., farm nuchlaery JEWELERS. THM L. C. HBNBICUBklN CcK, jawalera had oppjiana, aj4wasningtpn St.. THE) O. HEITKKMPER CO., manufacturing Jew elera. 288 Morrison at. A. N. WttiaHT. tbe Iowa Jeweler, 283 Uut- naon at. CEO. , O, UBANDENBtJUCi A CO.. Kngrarera, Mfg. Jeweler, rtft an at. Phone Howl :7 LADIES' TAILORS. TAITIH-MillB! i;VTl ekke nil capea. Accotdeoa plaitea, Appllaua work a LAUNDRLEB. CABIN NT, clean towel dally, aoap, comb and Brueo. f i per men tn. uregoo uiunury c toi let eapply Co., 8o4-8o8 East Oak. Phone, Kaat in. .e rii in . iu vBntli h.'itv r vaAi. ivnaua - vuuiv, -uruwu, 81 per mouth. - oreliy Buppljr Ca.. 0-a2 n. mm ilntB at Tel. 410. 14 VERY AND FEED STABLES. FRA2IBR A M.LEAN .Llrery and feed etablea. No. &3 to 20f 6th at., cor Taylor. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SKUBlONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro. winrer; wnom y.- t-narmee. nr AXimmeree. MASSAGE. MDMB. H. B. ELY. derintttitoglat, auajaga. ajlr i, IV gjra-aa euIT, StTOT V IIBV 'HOU8"FURNrSHER6. " UOMB PURNlSHEriS Furniture, aariwta. oar lor goods, a to Tea, ate. Bea t. Gerorta A . Bona, ria-i (o nrac, auv-xta. xamaiif. Data puoiiee eoei - - -1 MANUFACTUBER8' AGENTS AND BROKERS. BBLLYLAMKB CO. Maaufacturera' ageata and merctuiDirlae broken; toaaaoa Overland wroue, Orhre No. 4 Vine t. Main ln, MACHINER1. XRKNKMAN A CO., mining, aawmlU. logging machinery, ' hydraullo plj-ea caatluga of all etnoa repaireq. -iwe n. -,urtn ac. MILtlNEt. M1SB A. L. JOKuwiShKN, Importer aad In Frenrb millinery. 201 Morrlaoa at. MODEL-MAKER. FOB Fl RUT-CLASS KBPAIBlNa go to Aady rriTa. niacniniMt ana UHKHii-maeev. iiu ata et. MINING ENGINEERS AND A8BAYERS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICM. SOS Stark ta. 1(7 porta on analyala eoala, miaerala, rock. Bain. erai watere. a. -je. wre, ay, i. U. FISK, Mining Engineer 'and Aeeayer. " j -a waaningion a.- faune clay tun. MOBTOAGK LOANS. ON 1MPB0VMD city and farm property, at w. ea current rate; building loans. Installment ansa, arm. aacMaatcra. an worceeter bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MUXKX,. TULttAN, . long time. J. H. Tie all amoaata, tttf. 1 Okaa abort Okaat. of Com. MONBY TO LOAN oa city lota and Improved larana. w. a., ease at do., aw stark at. W. A. HATHAWAY Money to loan. ' 10 Waah tegtoa bldg. Phone Heed 418. NAVAL ABOHITEOT. FBKD A. BAIX1N, 43 Second at.. Tat. Oak IS, "...I Tmuwn inu bhiwwicii engineer. 0TXBALXS.. BOSS OF TUB ROAD OVERALLS and ka' clothing. Beat -la ererr deUIL stadtee Bro.. Mfara. Portland. Or. Nea- 0PTICIAN8, DR. B. M. DALLAS, refract! ng optician. Sla I wanhlnrtnn et. yia falling Mrlg.. Thin ' PUNO LEMONS, W. OIFF0HD NASH, 108 loth st.1 terma PLAITING AND PINKING. MISS t. GOULD, accordion knife Blaltlog and piaamg: eteato oroceaaj o, aor Bonk; faort notle . ,.!-- M- if-,eam hide.- 7- FSOTOGXAPKEXS. S. W. MOOHB, erayoa aa4 aU portrait. Third L: and Waahingrnn ate, - - PtCMBBBSy TAYLOR A STANTON, plumbing aad a team itHn. aa aiwk m . , .PEBSONAL.- MBS. OLHOCK Be -WBeaed suaaaa and aneoi. curlng par lota .tawAolngloa bldg,, aee-Ar aiiaciEO ' gearnieea....A . uui . wua aaMa eince. 1'koaa aea pw. MMB. ABA HOLMES,. CothplexloB. Baar. Bkta ana scaip Bpeciaust, aaaj aa eooaulted aally free. 811 Morrlaoa at. - --t. ALL CUT-BATB irbcrlptlov aad elub coa. biaawma aa penoaicaa aaaaa Sook gtara, mi Alder at..; Portlaad. Or. , CAFB KBATE. 122 Sixth, at. A 'Baa taacA) erred .at alt hour. - MIS EMMA M, afAdrUB. BiaaaawMT aayatcat cvuoro- tii aningtoa aidg. BLAZIER'S, 248 First at. J (re aoaeert every 5 WB 8EEK HUSBAND for widow la CaUfornla. age u. n caiiu. mge a year. ,- an swat valuable farm aad aamet J refined and knew arable. . The Home aud Cum fur t, Toledo, O. ilATRIMOMAL Honorable hi die and gentle- men ran - aserry - to euveauige; atata aga. The Mutoal Book Bxchaflr. Toledo. O. " J 1 wa-ew-wa TOBAOX AND TRANSFER, U O. PICK, eahee 88 Fleet at., aetweea eHatk and oaa at.: aoona otnv - rianoa and farai. turc moved and 'packed for shipping; eoaa modloaa arpreo4 brick warvaottv - Froat aad Claj aUk .: ,-. , ... . .. , ... v 4 REAL I8TAT. OH 8AI.K FABV18 ' r , Improved farm for sal tn all part of i Oregon arid Washington: payment . mad to ult purchaser, tor .full particulars at to various propartlea, apply, ID Vim. UJaatre, WBS'JBRN IN VBSTMRNT CO.. Mfc, Morrison v at., -room 8. - Rooming . house, ., buslneea :', chance, city ana suburban property, (arma and timber land.' tea tf Uiif lietore buying. It YO0 wISt A HOUSE B.DILT i any part ' of -th civ oa . Xerma, eU on W bailey, Benson bldg,. Fifth aad Morrison; ope vB lux T:S0 to 8:30. MAXWELL KNAPP Room 8. Chamber of Commerce- BhiMlrtg. BOOF 8HTN0LER AMD BEPAIBEB. ROOF BUPAIU1NG; best roof paint ou earth; , wood or tin. J. B. Gall. 768 Ev Sth at.. N, Phone Pink 1871. . .. . ROPE. , . PORTLAND ' COTOAGB. CO., cur. . 4 4th '.arU Northnp a la., Portland. Ore. " - SHOWCASES. B. LUTKB V Ga. aueceaaor to Dtaoo., Bors aon ft Co.. Sixth and Hoyt ata. ' . - : SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFBVot J. B. Davie. Your repair and loekonta . safelv -done. ir fW 'Srhird. at. LOT MACHINES. -'-'It TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINM C0.-8tot marhinea H4H Waah. Or Phone jsni nfcjlT(V SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. '"WO 12 Weak lngtoa at. Phones; Ore. Main 662. Col. 2il. TYPEWRITERS. TUB eMITH-PRliUIEtt TYPEWRITER., 122 Third atreet. iAU makca af tr pawrltera f if rent. Supplle for , all machine. b- A ' Uv Alexander ft Co.. agent. - T . ; IIaTBEB-LANDS, CHOICE HOMESTEADS and timber claim yellow 4r aud Port Orford cedar, from 4, 000,000 to 6,000,000' to quarter t tlon t also yellow pine, 2,600,000 to 3,000,000. 423 Ab ' Ingtnn bldg. " ,' --' " i-i- . TONTINE LOAM. TONTINB LOAN ft SECURITY CO., 80-81 lltoh ldg. 3. C. Eggleejlirtn. npt: - WHOLESALE- CROCKERY- AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESAL CUOt'KERY AND GLASSWABB. Prael Heeele- A Co.. 100 tot 106 8th. ror. Stark. WALLj. PAPER. U. P. CHBISTBN8BN, wall naparw and painter. 141 Seventh at., corner Alder. BBNEST MILLBB A CO.. wall paper and dec orators. 127 Flrat at. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. t. & HASELTINB A CO., Iron, ateel. coal and hlapkamltb'a enpplle. 45. 81 Second at. WHOLESALE GROCERS. WADUAMS A CO., ! wholeaale grocers, - maao. , fcturer and eommiaalon matcfaanta, 84 aud i 80 Front t- - - -,r . . : - ALLEN A LEWIS, wbolaaala grocer, Port land, Ore. . . ' !'.. ..: MASON, EHBMAN A CO.. wbolaaala grocer. fi. W. Corner Second aad Pine at. IiANO ft CO..- Flrat and Anken? i.treeta. WHOLESALE LEATHER GOODS. W. H. , McMONlEB A CO., wholeaal aaddlaa, harneaa, leather gooda. 83 Front at. WHOLESALE WALL PAPEB. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 184-184 Second t.. het. Yamhill and Taylor, Portlend. Or. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. FLKISUH.NBR, MAYER A CO. Pioneer maun facturera of ablrta and ovaralla. No. 28 Front and i-l Flrat ata. Prrtlnml. Or. . WHERE TO DINE. SATISFY toot palate by a plate of Eastern ayatera for 26e. at tba West Ooaat Oyster 11--1. ilulh Woum.A1.Imi.. 1a awa one oyaier -weuw. . - -- - - - BTROUBB'S RESTAURANT; Cnt-elaM meal. beat eervice. IBW Waeblngtoa t- BANKB. UNITED STATBtt NATIONAL' BAN hi of Portland, Oregon. Northwest corner Third and Oak ata, Trim act a general bauklna business. DRAFTS ISSUED, avaUable Ta all cities of the United out aua .urepa, atong a.oag aad Manila. . Cllactlou Mad on Favorable Term, Preeloent........ t CHAINS WORTH Vlca-Pnaldent W. B. AVER Caahtor., F. C. MILLER Aaalatant Caakier. R. W. 8CHMKBB AalUat Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LAUD A T1LTON, BANKER, Batabltaued la 1668. ' . Ijitereat allowed oa time deposit. CotlecUona mad at all pointa oa favorable term. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all pointa in ta UBitea BUteev Bight exchange and telegraphic transfer . aold la New York. WaUlugtou,.lljie. S. Louis, Denver, Omsba, Saa Franclaeo svd , arl'MW pointa in uregoa, waaniugtoo,. Idana, i Montana aad BrtOah OolnittbU. ' Rxchna aold ou Loadon Parla. Berlla. Frank (urt. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. .. . "TUB OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN tlHIHaWn." rlncoroorated April 22. 1887.1 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. No. 108 Tklrd Street. . Tnnuk a general troat. agency and bank. lag bualneaa; collection made, aavlng de- no! receivea, iue.-e-riug -cer-iincntes er deposit lesued at rataa'tUed by the term of the certincaie. HKNJ. I. COHEN ..President ' B.-- LKB PAGET '.v.......w....eV.ereliiy . CANADIAN BANK OF COMMBRCH. With which la amalgamated THB BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Cardial Bald BP ..... 88.000.000 React-re 2,800,000 rj,ranacta a general own-aig BBusaa, BAVINH9 BANK UKPARXMRNT. Aeceanta aliened tor Bam of 810 and aa. Wards, end Interest allowsd CB 'minimum monthly balancaa. Rate on (pplicaUoa. M Waablagtoa at. B. A. WTLD. Manager. LONDON A BAN FRANCISCO BANK, UU- ixaiu. Cham bar of Commerce Ealldlng. Third and SHtrs BUWB, . Head oce. SO Old Bread street London. Thla bank traaaaet a general hanking boat aeaa, make loan, diacouata blU and leeoe letter of credit available for traveUra aad for the parcna oi mcrrnaaame in any city at tba world. Dee la la foreign aad domes tie aschaage. Interest paid on time deposit. w. a. aaauwAay Manager. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OR. J. rrank Watsoa fraaldant R. L. Darbata Vlce-PreelUent B. W. Hoyt ....Caahler Ami W Hurt . . . . ..L . .... Aaalatane rl.lM XfcvAM oALi la AV, uinmaii SASAiaii BUSI i.oj. i- Drafta aad letter of credit lasaed available to all paru af the world. Collection a apedalty. Gold dost boaght MORRIS A WHITEHEAD BANKERS. INVESTMENTS. - FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND, ORE. - - - BZBsnnbAoa ; or - nxrvn. . . Vienna, ta called tha Mrthplaca of tba trust. They first itw th light there In 1873, and cartels regulating- production, rtw trtctlng competition and governing- prlqeg now exist in steel rails, iron, petroleum. gugar, alcohol, plate zUtss, giasaware, paper, boots and sboes and trxtlie abrica. A comprehensive Iron and ateel trust cov ering the entire .Empire tnd consciously modeled on the American steel trust has lately been formed. Even in the Drodue- tietx of honey a. cartel obtains, and ca oe- casion the busy mountain bee' is prac tically put upon short boors." ' . (- , - i t ' i - i. i ' ' tE8 THAN TMHEt; DAY,. " Time Portland te Chicago, via O. H A - . aeveniy nouni.- - , y t The txrtjtilar O. RAN. , ' tana BDeciai. . leavina? fortiand eaa4 -1 : . . - , , n w . , . .. . . a iiiui -una ;is v i!i(H;eu nun, toe trip to Chicago In to hours. Tou can' save" a working day by this rout.-' Inquire O. R. A. N. tlckftt fnce, X2Urd and Wash logtoa, - ...... NEW TODAY. TfieFfird-Wilson iufctfeq Co. ! Auction Sale - !: ;7 , Of :Tro u b I e At Salesrooms, 132 First St, Wcd ncsrJay NcxtatIO A,M. : Irt ohloa time when there was TROUBLE In the family the "LAWYER was called In and he : demanueu. : BOTH PARTIES TO BETTLB IP (In eoib). ; But In thin advanced age the AUCTlONEliB 1 called In and demanded to SKTTLB .UP IN- CASH WITH BOTH PAR TIES, and 4hut la jiwt what we have to do next. Wedneailay, after we anil for them thla ounmlete , otitat of "HRDKOOM 8UITH; IRON BEi)8; Liady'g OAK DESK, EXTENSION TABM2S: CHa'.kS; ' ROCKERS; LACB CUB TAINS). v PORTIEUMS),! BED toUNGB; CpL'CH- COOK STOVEl HJIA J'ERS," ETC., la all about $400 worth of fine furniture. Miist he old at 182 FIRST STREET WEDNESDAY, JANUARY T. ' j-,, ,-WILBON A - FORD, Auctioneer. . COurltrUiay Sale " Vai iacjuda"' fail Una of GROCERIES This week, a well aa.oota and shoes, cloth ing, gents' ftlrnUhluga, etc., etc. W alwaya bars t . -: i , , Something: ' new for the Auction " Sale every Friday, 10 A. M.t at - .82 First St. u' " i WILSON . A FORD, Auctioneer. For Private Sale W have a number" bf XODEBX CASK REG IS tERB, COMPUTING SCALES and other stor ttxture ta be 14 at J thaa iuo en tha dol lar, WILSON A FORD, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Cows Implements and Household Furni ture, Etc, on Sattir day, JaniclOr 1903 TUB FORD-WILSON" AUCTION CO., HAY ING RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS FROM MB. One Mite East of Lents School house, Betweeii the Powell and Foster Roads (take Mount Scott Cars for Lents). 85 nrat-cUs milch cow; T head yoaag atock: 1 ,?eraey and Holateln bull; 2 span good delivery horse, 2 milk wagone; 1 farm wagon; 1 top buggy; 2 seta doable harness; t ft aingle harnees; 3 fat hoe; R young pigs; elect lot of chicken; Champion' Blower and rake; ptow; feed -cutter; 1 larget mlrlt tank. And abdnt 100 milk cans, and alUthd other article necemarv to conduct a large milk ranch, as well aa all the coutents of a weU-furulabed home. THB TERMS ARB CASH. SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 10 A. M AT THB RANCH, ONE MILE EAST Of LENTS 8CHOOLBODSB. Take -Monti Scott car or Lenta. " WILBOH A- FORD, Auctioneers. -j " FUNNY SAYINGS Interesting Incidents Concerning Some of Our Greatest . Boxers ' The following account of sayings of fighters in trie, ring; was written by Charlie White, and Is about as Inter esting a story as was ever told concern ing the pugs and their! doings: A clever fighter never neglects any legitimate chance to beat his antagonist. The - talking that goes on between two men who are punching- each other in the ring-is newrty' alwayr crn"'for -a- feet. I don t suppose, that any man in the . business would know what you meant if you talked to him about hyp notism by suggestion, and yet that is Just what any clever man will try to do to his opponent say something that will make him think ha 1 beaten, I have heard hundreds of amusing dia logue in the ring a I, ma referee, stood closer to two fellows who were trying to put each other to sleep, with .their flats. I can't remember thm all, of" course, hut some of them I shall never forget. For exnmnle. when Jim Jeffries was de- Corbett, that night at Coney Island, Cor bett flew around thett!gr fellow like a nimble deer hound around a big Stag, jabbing and worrying him almost as he pleased. Naturally, if be could make Jeff think' that he had him at his mercy. -thart-artater of- nrlntl would hei him- to victory, so after whirling- a left hook on the champion's -mouth. Corbett laughed and exclaimed: "Well. Jeff, I taught you all you know out at Carson City, but I kept a few things up my sleeve. I'm going to apring them oa you tonight" This didn't worry Jeffries little bit. He grinned his good-natured, schoolboy arte as he answered: . " i A Fi:W TRICK. "Well, I have a few tricks that I never showed you out there, Jim, but I will show them to you pretty soon." - In the tSd round Jeffries' swung his left on Corbett Jaw and put "him down and- out. Corbett was still dased 'when he got up. and hi second had to lead him back to Hi corner. Jef fries came over with a look on his face as if he was sorry for What he liad don !jand wanted to apologias ror It. Day, ixin. vmuzw. luuaujt you fair, didn't I?" 'jz l "Well, I don't know," answered Cor bett, who had not quit come to. "It was a good fight, wasn't ltf I guess it's all right Jeff. , The most effective conversation. Jadsr- tng by results, that I trvr heard In the ring, was .between Kid MoCoy and Peter Maher in their celebrated fight at Con ey Island on New Tear Cay. They clinched in the second round and Mc Coy held Maher arma so that he could not move. Then he, looked him In the eye and smiled tit malicious, cold. sneering smile: and sard i - "Well, you big stiff, X sea you are in the newspapers hollering for sympathy because your wife is sick. Well, when I a-st through with you you will want more sympathy than ever; As a .matter or fact, I'eter' wife was terribly sick at t ha time. When he heard McCoy's words, the Iriahman be came frantic with resentment' and, of course, that helped McCoy beat him. When the fight was over McCoy went over to Peter's corner and ahook bands With bint .r-fc ". ', .. en,. ,. e th m tt'A ' v-uu tA-law4 SnaolaL which - rv. 1 1. every morning at . 9:10 o'clook. ' 1 -10 hours. . Save. a working dav by -thU route. Inaulre city ticket offhfaui'i'hierl Slid Waahipwe'. . r Tar1 CTT rXTTf A in WILLPROTlSt - 1 ti ' Miss-Meeting of. Brooklyn Resl : dents Is Called. r ' CAUSED BY. SCHOOL QUESTION Jastke Setoa Says the Bailding 1 Is Unsanitary. The residents of Brookyn Addition, do not think that they havoiadequate school foolUUea In -their section ql the city and have called ft mass meeting tor next Mon day evening at Blank's Hall, on Powell near East Thirteenth street. J A number of prominent cltlsens have signified their intention of attending and delivering addresses. Justice W aide mar Seton, in speaking of the matter, said: " There is no doubt that our section of the city1 is badly In need of added school facilities. A committee appointed from til former Brooklyn Board of Trade called oa ithe school officials about a year ago and demanded that something be done to relieve the congestion in that district." . ' . , "The eemmlttee had their say, and that la about all that resulted from it. Not the slightest attention was paid to the matter by those in charge, and the meeting which has been called for next Monday is to- determine what course to pursue in order to compel the school authorities to do their sworn duty. 5 RUILDIKO IS UNSANITARY. ' The- present Brookyn School building is not a fit place to send children, The structure is unhealthy and should be condemned or ' else repaired at once. More rooms are badly needed to accom modate the 'pupils of the district. At present all the overflow pupils have to be taught in outside rooms and stores. This is not right, and the defects should be remedied as soon as money and labor can accomplish it." The trouble with the school board Is not' all the residents of Brooklyn are about to pretest against. They want po lice protection,, and say that they intend to- fcavfr-ltra-ren .if - the . ofHcenr 'have -to-be paid by public" subscription. The mass meeting for next Monday was partially called for the purpose of protesting against the poor electric light system in vogue in that section. Earlier and more lamps are wanted. GET STOVE FACTORY Jfctfrisetfill Soon Be Given HontavlUa. ' Aocordirig to William Deveny, secre tary of the Montavllla Board of Trade, that, subujllL l. Ukely to have stove foundry- in (operation before many months have passed. Irk. U nrA.iul Dtnil. V.elnfV rnW&-' TW 'Wivr W --iirV K oifttavUrii 4U& that If they would furnish, .the. company With a sit; a large stov factory would be established in the suburb. . The ground has been selected and all arrangements for its transfer to the stove company are about completed. "This factory proposition," said Mr. Deveny, "is much larger than was at first submitted to the organisation. The promoters Of the enterprise have' found that they WilF put up a larger factory than they had atiflrkt Intended. Their stoves 'have been long enough -on the market to show them to be a success in every particular and there is litle doubt that th new corporation will be a go from the start. It will employ about 40 men when in full operation." Mr. Deveny points with pride to the many projects that the organization of which he is secretary-treasurer, has ac-mpllh-. ' "W land JO different project and already eight of them bave been carried to a successful termination." At th next meeting of the board. Wednesday evening at AyUworth Hall on th Base Lin road, the reports of the secretary and treasurer for 1802 will be read. The annexation project will also be thoroughly discussed at this meeting. WORKMAN IS BURIED Steve Getty, a Railway Laborer, BcapesJWitfc .Slight Injuries. By th caving In of an excavation on the new line of the Oregon Water Pow er A Railway Company near the foot of Spokane avenue, Bellwood, yester day, Steve (Jetty, a workman, was rath er severely Injured, and today occupies a cot in a local hospltat Oetty was working in th pit when some earth which had become looaened by the heavy rains, started down the in cline, burying the lone workman before he could think of escape. His compan ions noted his plight and at once re sponded to hi cry of alarm Getty was excavated from the loose earth and Dr. Perry( a neighboring physician, called. No bones" were found to be broken, but it was thought advisable to send the in jured man to the hospital. BURGLARS CHOOSE Take Time to Select Booty in ; Albina Residence. Unmolested and wth names unknown, burglars entered the residence of A. Xhrlstenson," 883 Berth wick' street, Al bina, yesterday morning, isotranc to the place wa affected tnrough A rear door. In their tour of the house, the burglar selected torn Jewelry, an elec tric battery and several rmsora as their booty. Th matter was reported to th police), . . i , . GRANGER INSTALL - " .pi I HI iBMii awBaia, Evening Star Grange Holds, Annual Keeling Endorse Fair. Iba annua msjetlnf et Krtnin Star . 'V,-.'." I -I v n i !' Orange;' Patronar of? Husbandry, 'has been held and the following recer fly elected mcers Installed: . , - Arthur F. Miller, worthy master; A. B. Gates, overseer; Mr. Anna Lehman, lec turer; C. Milam, steward; A. :v. ralk man, assistant steward; Plympton Kelly, Chaplain; A. Anonlsen, treasurer; Mrs. H. I Vail, .secretary. Ernest Meyers, gatekeeper; Ella v. Antonlsen,. pomonav Emma Larsen, flora; Mabel Fake, ceres; Busle Gates, Jady assistant steward; Mrs. Ellen ' Farms worth, organist The in stallation service were in charger of Mrs. J, Wa Shattuck; state deputy. , Duringr the day a resolution was of fered endorsing the action of the Lewi and Clark Fair promoters, in asking the Legislature" for aa appropriation of $500,000. Strengthening Bridge. ' While . the elevated roadway over th gulch at East Seventh dnd East Morri son streets la being repaired, the Mt. Tabor cars of the City1 & Suburban Com pany are compelled to transfer. The trouble will be remedied in a few days. Sttesl on fje,, - Turney & Wadell have brought suit in the East' Side Justice Court against A. Thompson for S37.G0 said to be due on money advanced to buy a, business house. Costs of the action aro asked for. - , j Th BrArgomaster Was "a" good show. Everybody said so. Preferred Stock Canned Goods are of excellent quality. Everybody says so. Try them. Reference Lftdd &. Tllton. PortlandiTJ. - B. National, bank, Portland; Bank f -California San Francisco- Crocker 'Wool-worth National Bank, San Fran- CISCO. ..... Members Chicago Board, of Trade, Baa Francisco Produce Exchange, Ban Fran cisco Htoc- and Bond Exchange. Grains, Provisions; Stocks, Bonds and Cotton. San Francisco Office: loa Third Street 480 California ISt- PORTLAND. OK. Th Tonlo Par Excellence. (mum (AWInOordtaW The beat snecieu. Malarial nd Typhoid, VfcTC." ".s DIRECTORY 0. 0. EIDER, maker of eloltoa and sll kind of stringed Instruments; all kind of repair ing. Room 80 Ruseell bldg., 4tb and Morrlaoa. SUNSET A Migazln of the Bordtr. i Handomely Illuatrattd ............. $1.00 par year Review of reviews The Busy Man' Magailn. . . $2.80 per year SUCCESS America's Inspiring Monthly. $1.00 per Tea ALL FOR T1LEEE DOLLAES TO ANY ADDRESS :":-' ' Mali ordfirt dlfeot to SUNSET MAGAZINE Published by Paaaencr Department Southtra Pacific Compaay No. 4 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA WE WAFT AGENTS fob SUN SET IN TBIB OOONTY, SPECIAL TO GOOD WORKERS :w TMi: StST OF EVERYTHIMQ ONLY HOURS PORTLAND t TO"' via the 0. R. R. & N. Co, Oregon " Short" Line, IJwoiS FMT&TiMd " Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). .AND SPECIAL connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luiurioua train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast.-; ..... ... - . . - ... -nre jocr tickets read over tbs Chicago & NorthVestenu " -. ' A. Q. BARKER, Os-ri,' AOT. cli. N-W. RY. 13 TM1BO 8t.. POaTLAMO, 011. 70 BAILBOAD Tim TABLES. 7 J " i EAST ia. SOUTH " Lean OKIOa DEPOT. ArriT OVSRLAKD MX. PRESS TRAINS, for Salens, BoMborg, ash land. SacraaMnto, . og da. Saa yrandaco, Mojave, i Lea - Angela, Bl Paso, New Or lean aad the Bust. At Woodborn ' dally (except Sttnday), morn ing train for Mt. An gel, SUverton, Rrown ville, Bprtngfield, Wead Ung and 2atroa. AUaay paateager Oounecu t Wood bora with Mt. Angel aad Sil ver too local OorralU panenger ...i Sheridan paeaenge. ... 8:80 p. xa. nsasaVlB, 8:30 a .ax 7:00 p. ka 4:00 p. m. 10:10 ax 7:30 a. m. 114:50 p. m. 5:68 B.BT I O (octi'M t ivsrxl I W.l'v7nl n-M- I in . ..' . .. ki' . . t ' x9 ur.iurt tuiiriiAV THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL, P0INT5 EAST . uiauy except Banday. -, Partlaad-Oawega Babuio Sagrtoa cad TamaUl , , r Diviaioa. f . DJ"t Font af J.fCrrKjn Street. , ,r..?r. Portland dally for Oweao 1:80 a. xa-i ''A 4aliy except guBday. 8:au, 8:80, B:8ft, 10:1bV U" Ii 4 0" " Sunday onl, S.tW , JSftitn,'n 'fora "eo. si-rtve Port .and daily iiMn! " -i65' :06' 4:88, :16, T:8S, 8;6S, 8.30, 10:20. 11:46 a. m. Except Monday. Ullli a. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. ,r,im m dPt for Dallaa and Inter mediate pointa dailr. except SuDulay. 4:00 p aa. Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. 7 l"iependence-Mmmoptb afotor' Line operates dally- to Monmouth, and Alrlle, coo , "y"?, wltn Soothern aclOo- Company' tcataa at pallaa aad Independeoc. Plrst-tlaa rebate ticket oa Bale from Port, land to Sacramento and Ban i'rane.seoi Nek -rat 817.80, berth $8; eeond-cU tar $16. . (2fi0 "bat or partb; laeoud-claa bert ' Ticket to Baatem pointa aad Karop. als Japan, China, Honoliilo and AaatraUa. City Ticket Otflo corner Third and WMblag. ton atreet. Phoac, MaU Til 0. W, BTINGEB, . . W. COMAM. City Ticket Agent. dea. Pas. Agt : t1 D?i,l it TJNIOM DEPOT. ' Leave ' Arrive CUIOAGO-POUTLAND SPECIAL. 0:20 a. sa. 4:90 . v For the But via Boat- .Dally. Dally ingtoa. . t 8POKANB FLYER. For Bastera. Waahlag- 6:00 P. X. 7:8S a. as. ton. Walla Walla, Law- Dally. Dally. , latoa, Goeat d'Alea and . Great Korthern pointa. , ; ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:15 p. to. 10:80 a. Xav ror th Boat via Hunt- Dally Dally . r . ... Jattolt - - ""I' v OCEAJf ABD RIVER SCHEDULE. tr, ooiumota, tMe. , 18, . T. ' Btr, Geo. W. Xlder. Dee. lo. SB. ' Alnaworta Dock. 5:oa p. x, , 8:00 p. a. Coluxn'jia River ; Ivlaioa. rOB ASTORIA and way points, cmaeattBg with itr. for Uwac aad North Beach, atr. Haa alo. Aab-St. dock. 8:00 B. as. Dally . ax. Bandar KM p. vauy ax. Bi Matorday 10:OQ p. m. Willamette Klvas Brrfsloa. !8:5. aa. Aboat 8:00 0.8 Ta., . Thar, Sat. rAAt,. airpiii, rin..Miiia Mob., . Wed and way points, steamer tutu, aan-ac awca. ll-rL Tamkul Bivar Be rOE DATTOW. tfgoa City and Yamhill Rlvarl To a. Tnasday Thursday Saturday 8:00 a. Monday points, atr. auotora, aa atreet dock. ' (Water permitting,, Friday Bnak Bivas Boutaw . roi LEWISTON. Ida. Aboat 8:00 Bk Dal It as. fit. and way point, from Rtparla. Wash., steaxa- 4:08 a. xa. Dally exTSat, ere apuaeje. tuna ymw tstoa, - -. ; A - TICKET orjnCB, Third aad Waablagtsa. - pkone. Mala TIB. - . PORTLAND & ASIATIC .:jraHipca..4..v For Yokohama and Hong Rang, calling at - . W 1.1 I I.M.. vl- cetrnef thig rteamera- loc Maalla pert Arthn - . ana viaaivoncocv. . - INDRAPCRA SAILS IAKTJART . Per rate aad fan laformatJao call e or ; sddrea efficjak oa ageata .f the O. B. . Oa. . - TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget Boned Limited, fur Taooma. Seattle. tepartal - Aralvef - lrmple. , South Bead 40a.ta,' ' - . - . . ? T .-08 a. as, . IJSl.. 8:00 s. a, ana uraya , aaarBw poluta. North Coast Limited, for Tacema, Seattle, Butte, St. PaaL Min na polls. Chicago, New York, Boston aad aetata Kaat nd SoBtheaat. Twtn-Cttr BPbb. far Tacoma, Seattle. Spo ts no, Helena, St. Paul. MlBneepolla, Chicago New Tork, Boataa aad all pointa Bast aad Son these t- North Coaat - Kanaaa Cltr-St. Loqi BpeciaL fn, Taennu l Reattle. U:B w as. .. ' . &V .,5" I.-00 P. at, TUBB.1 Bpokan. Batt. Billing raw i Denver, umaaa, aanaae City, St Loot aad aU points Beat aad Sooth-et- " AS tralh dally axcepr ar Sestli -ttrnt-. breach. ' A. D. CHARLTON, ' Asslatarjt Geiwrel Paesange Agent. SCS Morrlaoa at,, ceraer Tklrd. Portland. Ot Astdna & Columbia : River Railroad Co. (DKPOT, FIFTH ABB1 Leave I STRBBTS -, Arttrea ror Ma.vgera, Baloser, tf-tatakaale. tathvt 8:00 a. aa. U:1B. SB, Clifton, Astoria, war- reBtoa. Maw, nani mnod. Port Pteveoa. tea.rbrt Pk.. rVMld. Aatorl. ana srtusis , aUpr, Patgr. Astoria txprarav TKKIS. 1:40 a, a. Dlly . Ticket office. JS, Morrlaoa atreet t,d t .. Depot. -..:.,"..-.. J..C. MAIO, Ce-rl Per.i- r : i torla. Ore, : ,1- " -X' "' ft' "l e. -'.J,. ' - i