Till! OREGON DAILY JOimXAL, rOItTLAD, FRIDAY EVENTN'O, JAXtTABY 2, 1903. We1 to'Mdve. We take pleasure In advising our num : erous friends and customers that we will soon move our store to new prem Ises in the new building now vnearing . "completion, fust "across the street from our present location. : v We want to move to our new store) 4 with as little of our present .stock as possible, therefore on Saturdays Januf -j III t :; -'I. v. r- ary OU, wc win inaugurate r Great During which, every article In our en tire stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing, f Hats and Furnishings will be offered at MOVING SALE PRICES r , ,', :v::."w, Seeing is believing. There's only one - thing to do it's to come and see., ; If we cannot save you money on your pur chases we won't expect you to buy You certainly can afford to investigate Every Article Reduced EACH STATE SHOULD HELP Colonel F. J. Parker Says Wash ington Will Help the Fair. Colonel Frank j. Parker, Indian fight er, editor, pioneer and worker for the progress of the Northwest, will be in Olympia, Wash., when the Legislature of that state convenes, and will exert his every influence to secure an appropria tion of J100.000 to represent Washington at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Colonel Parker is chairman of the Washington State. Commission of the Lewis and Clark Exposition and is in Portland now con ferring with those at the head of the Dig Northwest show billed for 1905. He has ideas of his own as to the proper method to B pursued Ih promoting the Interests of the Fair, and to a reporter for The Journal said: "There, should be men sent out who have a 'vide personal acquaintance nil over the "esi. A man to man canvass 1s what woVld be productive of the best results. A rnan who could go down into California an talk to the Legislators of that State as Irlend to friend wou!d do some good. Yoj want a man who can Call the people bV their first names and Vho knows who vis who, and what is hat. The foundation for the success of the Fair must be luld In the West, and it is absolutely necessary that each state should co-operate. I do my best to tout Washington Into line and do not an ticipate failure." Colonel Parker says he has spent $400 of Ills own money in advertising the fan in his state. He makes his lome In Walla Walla, and Is well known throughout Oregon and Washington, having coma here as a polneer in the early Sixties. NEW YEAk CLEARANCE SALE Sale continues this week and next. Un usual values in Lighting Fixtures .and Household Or naments. Every thing reduced in price. STORE OPEN EVEN1N0S !; S6e John I Barrett Co. 1 Establish 1866 Sixth and Alder I Removal Sale Posi tively Reserved SPLENDID GIFT" FOR THEIR CITY The Y.H. C. A. of South Bend, Ind., Remembered The Btudebaker Manufacturing Com pany of South Bend, .Indiana, through Its local manager. Mr. E.'M, Brannlck, announces that Abe, big carriage making concern and manufacturers of all manner of furm wagons has set aside the sum of J200.000 for the purpose of erecting Ih South Bend a home for the Young Men's Christian Association of that city. Yes terday Mr. Brannlck received the fol lowing telegram from hta company: "Mr. E. M. Brannlck, Portland. Ore. As a fitting close to 50 years of business and a memorial to five Studebhker Broth ers our board has proffered to build tbe Y. M. C. A. a permanent home at South Bend. The estimated value of the gift Is r?oo,noo. "BTUDEBAKER BROS' MFQ. CO." The Studebakers have helped to make South Bend what it la today, and have been foremost among the leading manu facturers of the country. Tney have al ways been noted for their liberality in dealing with public matters, and the present to the Y. M. C, A. is a hapjy climax to the half century of their life as manufacturers. COMMITTEES APPOINTED President Huston of the Bar Asso ciation Makes Selections. The following fommlttMt have been appointed by President 8. B. Houston of the Oregon Bar Association: GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE. H. H. Northrup, chairman; K. L. Gli san. W. E. Thomas. A. King Wilson and A. C. Emmons, all of Portland. LEGAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE. H. G. Piatt, chairman; It. W. Mon tague and Dan J. Malarkey of Portland: EaK. Sklpworth of Eugene, and Stephen A.Lowell of Pendleton, . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. C. . Bellinger; chairman; W. W. Cot ton. y. D. Fentpn" and C A.- Dolph of Portland, and W, R. Kilts of Heppner. SPECIAL COMMITTEE O. L'NIt'OHM LEGISLATION.. ' Otto 3 Kramer, chairman; Earl C. Bronaugh Nof fortlond and 8. II. Gruber of St. Helens. . INCREASE IN LIBRARIES. County Superintendent Ot Schools Robinson feels highly pleased in the matter of county school libraries. He said this morning; "The movement was inaugurated last fall to place libraries in,rehtoIs not al ready supplied. Th" result .already is most gratifying. Sines the plan was launched, IS schooVg In Multnomah County outside of Portland ; have been supplied. The most-hopeful indication is that these libraries, have been In stalled in Bchools .which had not pre viously taken deep interest along the lines of supplying students ; with the higher class of literature.", , , CHARGED WITH-LARCENY A true bill -was filed In the State Cir cuit Court today charging Frank Car ter with larceny from ths person. Car ter is said to have been on the street car when Harry. Thomas,", how" under , sen-, tence to the- penitentiary, stole the dia mond stud from S. t Haaawalt, Carter, it is alleged in the .information, was ft party to the theft- and . is . therefor equally guilty. , HV lIl be triel torn time this nwntha . - ? s : Wit lUffi III lift' (Ml Peculiar ; Cfeuse ; :May Work Great Harm; Would Make Franchises Perpetcal ' Quick Action by Cotmcil .. Is Needed "Soma weeks ago Conneilmaa Xlsysl Introduced an ordinance la ih Oonaell to repeal sertaln . ordinances lxerrtofor snacted grantixLg various rights and privi leges to the grantees therein, Tb objsot of ths ordlnanos was la bo sense inimical to the rights of any person bat was introduced solely to protect the city. This ordlnanos was, referred to tbs street oommittee, bnt has never been reported back. Its purpose was to avoid the possible effect on existing franchises, bavins; no time limit fixed therein of ths wording of the last line and one self of section 106 of the sew charter. As originally drawn this section pro vided in effect that all franchises ' or privileges which had been theretofore granted and which were not being used or which if not commenced to be used or exercised within lx. months after the charter takes effect are forfeited. This Is a usual provision in charters. An amendment was offered and accepted which, after declaring that nothing in the charter should affect the validity of franchises theretofore given by the Cities of Portland, East Portland or Albina, reads "and the same shall be and. eoa tinne in foroe and effect as given or granted by said cities or either of them." Good lawyers now claim that this lan guage In effect makes all these termina ble Rights . and privileges, perpetual grams. Or to put it another way, every franchise heretofore granted by the city which has no time limit will under this section become perpetual. Other lawyers equally good, say no such result will fol low. The Charter Board never intended that such a construction should be, placed upon the language used, but it would seem there la a doubt and a grave one as to what the courts might say. When the remedy is so clear. It should be ap plied immediately. The duty of the Council is plain. It should repeal at once all such ordinances and under proper restrictions re-grant to those holding th&m the same rights they now have. No possible harm could result to anyone from this course. , Nejther, is there time for delay. The Legislature meets one week from Monday. The char ter will be passed at the earliest mo men't,antT nonTThat T TiW TjueTaTOTTrrlre"- fore the Council let them act and act at once. There are to be special meetings to consider the gmntlng of new fran chises, why pot have a special meeting to consider the repeal of some? The Journal brieves that if the Council ap preciate the Importance of this question they will act at onoe. Let the street committee report It bttek and let action bo taken thereon. ' GOVERNMENT IS ADVERTISING Wants a Rock in the Rapids of Cascades Removed. Captain Langfitt, U. S. Engineers, Is receiving bids for the removal of a rock In the rapids of the Cascades of the Co lumbia River. The bids will be opened Bt 11 a. m. next Wednesday. The work to be ilne consists of re moving about elfjlit feet of the top of a certain rock in the Cascades rapids op posite the Cascade Locks. This rock is submerged except at the lower Stages of the fiver, oceurlng generally between October 1 and' March 1. Preliminary plans have been-made for reaching. the rock with men. tooN. powder, etc., by means of a cableway. The work In re moving the rock is somewhat compli cated. The rock must .be drilled -with drills of two and one-half inch bit; 450. feet of holes being required, of an aver age depth of about 12 feet each. On the completion of ajl the holes, they Will be sprung with light charges, then loaded and simultaneously fired. OSTEOPATHS ORGANIZE. A meeting of the Osteopaths of Oregon was held at the Imperial Hotel parlors at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. There were about in attendance from various parts of the state. The object was to form a state association. The gathering, after electing the following officers, adjourned at noon to meet again at 3 p. m.: Presi dent. Dr. W. A. Rogers of Portland; vice president, Dr. J. A. Anderson f The Dalles; secretary; Dr. R, B. Northrup of Portland; treasurer, Dr. Gertrude Gates of Portland. At -the meeting -this after noon a constitution and by-laws will be adopted. The advisability of affiliating with the national association wilt be con sidered. Osteopathy is a comparatively new science. Within 10 years It has been (rec ognized and legalized in 21 States. In this city there are 10 persons belonging to the profession who ore recognized as such. - - - MESSAGE FROM HAWAJJ. Manager Annand. rf the postal Tele graph and Cable Company, expects re plies to the messages sent to Honolulu by the Chamber of Commerce and Gov ernor Geer, sometime this afternoon. The cable was completed last , night at 11 o'clock, and replies- have already been received In San Francisco. There is no explanation given as to the reason why replies have not as yet reached this city. . WAUS KEED-iAUOMIHING. It is unmistakably s fact that - the walls of the City Hall neve accumu lated a coating of dirt which should be removed. It is said that although the building has been occupied ever since li'il, that no attention has Deen paid to its walla and they certainly glva myI dene thttt this must be Uie case. - Don't- Depend Upon Others.. ISN'T it'about time you had a watch that could be de pended on? Aren't you tired looking at other people's watches to see if yoii are late? We can repair any "watch that's worth it, or we can sell you one that will -Tegulate to the min ute at from $12.50 up in gold-filled or $6.00 up in a silver case. Come in and let us show you. Repairing Watches Is .-. one of ; our Special ; ties ' We're Experts in r that J line JAEOER BROS. Jewelers.. ..Opticians - 890 Morrison street, user Tlfta. if city subscriber! fail to secure their paper, they will confer a favor If they will oaJl up again 500 and enter their complaints. WliTHXB rOBECABT. A disturbance of alight energy is cen tral northwest of .Montana. It has caused light - rains in Northwestern Oregon, Northern Idaho and Washing ton. High winds occurred last night along the Oregon and Washington coast; a maximum velocity of 6 miles from the southeast was reported from North Head. It is much warmer this morning In Washington and Oregon anil correspond ingly cooler In Montana, and Northern Nevada. The indication arc for occasional rain in Northwem Oregoli and Vv"estern "Washington, Saturday. Western Oregon, 'lonlght, occasional rain, cooler; Saturday, cloudy and threatening, with possibly rain; south westerly winds. Western Washington: Tonight and Saturday, occasional rain; southwest erly' winds. Ej.stern Oregon: Tonight and Satur day; cloudy and threatening, with prob ably rain or snow In east portion to night. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho: Tonight and Saturday, cloudy, with rain or snow tonight; cooler south portion Saturday EDWARD A. BBAT.S. Forecast Official. Uinneoeraph work, correspondence. Elg lln & McCarthy, room 19. Russell bldg. Have yon a piece of gold to make over? I can do it. Tinpry. Jeweler, Washing ton and Third. UDMtuirs. Robert SnorteU, ap-d 79 years, died at the St. Vincent s Hospital yesterday. Deceased was the falher-in-law of W. O. Van Schuyver. ., JPWI. JMMSAL .BBKrt..(JM . State Board of Horticulture is now In the hands of the state printer and Is expected to be out some time next month. The Altar Guild of the Temple Itcth Israel will hold ita regular meeting Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. All members are requestoU to be present. The subject of thl evening's sermon at Temple Beth Israel will be "Is Happi ness Attainable?" Services will com mence at 8 o'clock and all are welcome. The Portland Bine Book for 1903 Is out and presents a very neat appearance. It consists of the names of members of the leading dubs in this city, and an In teresting article on "Card Etiquette." , It is related that a s(out and healthy member of a recent graduating class of a local ucademy was told by his tutor that he was better fed than taught." "You teach me; I feed myself," was the calm retort. The fnneral of the late John linker, father of r.coi k Ij- Baker of theatrical fame, who died a few days ago. will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from 8t. Nark's KowMral Church. Interment at Riverside iVmotary. Sr. Bhepardson, the evangelist, will deliver n s. rmort' this afternoon at the First I?artlt Church, on "The Father hood of dod." Services will also be hold this in ning, at which time fine mugic will he rendered by the children's chorus. rcrttand Club, Fifth and Aider. Finest lunch in the city. Portland Clnb, Fifth and Alder. PERSONALS. J. II. I.nwivy is In this city from Pen Oleton. ,. Harris Is. at the Imperial from Seattle. Mrs. J. N I..iws of Astoria Is a guest at the lnu-eilal. C. A. lh'ldcr of Ooldendale Is at the Imperial i.-:.iy-' - - - A. M i-'innnon Is In this dry from Camden. N- J- J. H. Tuik'-r. a Tacoma business man, Is stopping at the Portland. II. Nii-hid of Victoria, B. C. Is in Port land, aci'omimnled by his wife. Dr. J N. Kaxe. a prominent physician of Everett, ':i?h., is at the Perkins. Arthur i h.penbcimer, a hardware mer chant of Hj ' k.ine, is In Hlils city. F. W. tiraves, of the Bremerton Navy Yard Ih shipping at the Perkins. M." V. Hi'1 a resident of Ooldendale, Wash., is i entered at the Perkins. George 11 Holden, formerly of Dawson, N. W. T.. ! at the Hotel Portland. Georsfe i' Salch, well kpon in San Francisco. 1 In this city on business. Charles S. Fisher, editor of the Capital News, of nu;se,'rdafiarls stopping nt the Hotel Imperial. Mrs. J Furnish of Pendleton is at the Imperial, spending a fw days in Portland Ki,h her, sister. Mrs. F. W. Vincent, ai?o of Pendleton. Representative N. Whealdon Is in the "city from The Dalles. He says he cume down to attend to personal business and is not intciisted in politics for the pres ent Charles II Flsher,. of the Capital News, of Boise, one of Idaho's flourishing news papers, is In Portland, today, enroute to Boise from his bid home at Roseburg. where he has been visiting for the past 10 days. C. H. Breck, a well-known business man of Baker City, Ore., is in Portland to day. Mr. Breck speaks in the highest terms of the future of Baker City, and ays the mining Interests In that vicinity are fully coming-, up to expectations. ' Impossible to foresee an accident. Not Impossible . to be prepared for it. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Monarch over pain. if -;-' '-.,-. The best Accident and Health Insur ance sold at 209 Uiraium Bldg. Agents wanted in Oregon and Washington. ' AXDRiCH WfiTZBU i.- .f, . .-r-.u Disctissesa; Number of 'I&tere3tiiig Miitters BkoM Fowl Elk, Buffalo, Ex .' penses ind Sore Feet Considered. The regular meeting of the Board of 'Park Commissioners was held at Mayor Williams' bfflce this morning at 10 o'clock. There were present: .Major Williams, Henry Fleckenstein. Rev. Thomas Blllott, Col. li h. Hawkins, City Engineer W. C. Elliott and J'ark Warden Lowlts. Those absent were Gen, Beebe and Judge Mal lory. . The minutes of the previous meeting Were read by City Auditor Devlin and approved, A. communication was read front Charles W, Sanders, secretary of the Seattle Park Board. In his letter he referred to the firm of Olmsted Bros, of Poeton Mans., who make a business of making improvements in parks and in furnishing estimates therefor. It Is the desire of the Olmsteds to send a mem ber of their firm out to the Pacific Coast to get tusiness. JOINT ACTION WANTED. The Seattle Park Board contemplates making improvements to the extent of 1100,000 and desires Joint action with Port land, so as to make the trip out here one worthy of the Boston firm. Kxpenses to the amount of (1,000 are askcfl for by the Olmsteds Just to make a preliminary ex amination. After considerable discussion Dr. Elliott and Col. Hawkins were au thorised to write to Seattle in the matter, but were not authorized to agree to the expenditure of any particular sum of money, until something more definite can be learned. The county clerk's report; certifying as to the amount Of city property on his records and Its valuation, was read. This reaches a total of 44,l.'i2.592. A letter from A. IS. Westland, who de sired to introduce himself to the board With a view to future employment as an expert In park landscape gardening, etc., was read. LETTER FROM NASHVILLE. The secretary of the Park Commission of Nashville. Tenu., sent a letter, in Which he- asked for a copy of all the rules, regulations, by-laws, ordinances, etc., of this city for the government of its parks. The City Auditor was or dered ' to comply with the request. The payroll for December for the City Park, amounting to $718 and miscellan eous bills, all for the month of Decem ber, were submitted ana approved. "The total payroll and bills reaches $Si33. Tho eslmate of expenses for January, amount ing to IS7S.40, wre approved. secured street railway transportation with both, of the street railway compa nies for the use of the park warden. The question Of disposing of two of the elks now Jn the City Park was dis cussed, A suggestion Was made that perhaps two of these could be exchanged for buffaloes to Cost $900. The value, of the elks was estimated at Jl.VJ each, leav ing a balance due of tGOO. It was decided to let the matter rest for the present, i FOWL AND DEER. Col. Hawkins brought up the matter of thoroughbred owls for the City Park. He said he had had donated to him for ihe park three trios, consisting of eight varieties. He asked the approval of the board for what ho bad already done, which was granted without a murmur. He was applauded for his enterprise and a vote of thanks was ordered tendered to the donors of the high-blooded, poultry. The corral, where the deer are inclosed, was ordered paved with cement and an expense of t5 was authorized for the purpose. It was shown that the deer are troubled, not with cold feet, but sore feet.. It was to be supposed that native deer cotild not possibly come under the head of "tenderfeet." but perhaps con finement hts made them nore suscept ible. It Is believed that the rocks are at fault, and that JMnoptb. paving may make a ereat difference. Today's meetlnar was the last one of the present board. The mayor said h would shortly, make appointments for the purpose, but everything is dependent upon the passage of the new Portland charter, which may become a law some where between January 12 and 20, " The hoard adjourned to meet with the city auditor, at . .10 a. m. tomorrow, at which time It will close up Its affairs. 'TWAS KOT STELLA. The District Attorney has filed a statement In the State Circuit Court to the effect that sufficient evidence can-, not be ecured to warrant the prosecu tion of Stella Brown on a charge of lar ceny from the person. She will, there fore, be discharged. Stella Brown was arrested on a charge of stealing the sum of $400 from one A. j. Fowler in a local Baloon. He was positive she was the guilty party until it came to going on the stand and swearing to it, after which he changed his mind. He now thinks It may have been Mary Butler who took the money. "HOW EXTRAORDINARY." A good story Is told on an English man who passed through the city re cently. It appears that a lawyer named Strange said to this Englishman tlinrr he would put -on his tombstone only the words. "Here lies an honest lawyer!" and then everybody will say at once, "That's Strange!" "Excellent, bah Jove!" responded the Englishman, and carried the story to the hotel where he was stopping, where it was retold as' follows: "An ale -eccentric solicitor directed that they should carve ah on his r monument you knew. 'Here lies an honest lawyer;" and folks said, you know, 'All. how extraordinary!" " CREW LOADING VESSa. ii I, i .i The union longshoremen at Vancou ver, B. C. are en a strike, and the Brit ish bark Call on1'1 is bcir loaded with flour by the crew of . the vessel. A clash between the strikers and crew seemed Imminent, and. several police men have been detailed BP watch pro ceedings. . WATER COMMITTEE'S REPORT ' The water committee . ef the City of Portland will hold a meeting' at I p. in., January 20. 1903. At this meeting the an nuel rejjort Will It rubmittad. Nnw ta Vnnii R&ee- rUAMmilkt )a Csmim Am1a ftie t- f the Finest and Completest Under Muslin Store on the Coast Our Great 25th Annual Clearance Sale " The first buying day of the new year find us with larger, finer and more varied stock than ever before, and vith a vider de parture from orthodox prices on everything. Wise buyers U1 do their choosing now, while the stock is full, for our choicest bargains are far too rare to go long a begging. For instance The extremely low- prices we have put upon all . our. this season's Jackets makes this lale a veri table slaughter. $7-so Coats for , Sio and 13,50 $4.98 $6.98 11.65 14.89 ' coats lor. $16.50 Coats for $35.00 Costs for Fleckenstein Mayer Co, , Importers of and Jobbers 4n WINES AND LIQUORS Of which w carry a full and complete) line. 235 Oak St.. Portland, Or, A large, new and well-assorted stock of watches. Jewelry, silver and ebon jr goods, direct from the) East. '. ..;.v 1 A TO P C THE MINNESOTA WATCH V ' O I J JL L VJ MAKER AND JEWELEtU. V tea rtasT stxebt. poktiiAjtd obsqov. y IF YOUR WaTCH WONT KEEP TIME LET ME REPAIR IT.; ,; ifiuiii mil Port of Portland Com- mission the -Host. Hultnomah Delegation Will sped Dredge ''Colombia" Tomorrow. In- Tomorrow afternoon the Multnomah delegation to the Oregon Legislature will visit tin! new dredge Columbia of the Tort of 1'ortland by special request of tin.- commission.' A boat Special en sured for this purpose will leave the foot of Oak street tomorrow'afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Various rnembetp of the commission will accompany the delega tion. This visit to the dredge will give the Multnomah legislators an opportu nity to see for what purpose a special tax mukt bJ levied by the body of which they are members. The dredge will be a( work on Postofflce bar, and the visitors will be shown through the entire dredge and have explained tQ'"thenvthrmetlid of Its operation. This will be the last opportunity for a- visit to the dredge, as it will be taken In .charge, by the United States engineers the early part of next week. LOCKWOOD THE ENGINEER. As exclusively stated In The Journal of last Wednesday, a secret meeting of the 1'urt of Portland Commission was held late Wednesday afternoon with J. H. C. Lockwood, designing and construct ing engineer of the new dredge Colum bia, for the purpose of ascertaining whe ther he could assume the duty of being superintending engineer of the drydock, now under construction. The result o this meeting is the engaging of Mr. lockwood for this position, Mr. Lockwood succeeds J. E. Black wood, tin designing engineer of the dry dock, who resigned about n monlh ago. Mr. Lockwood is from Seattle, and is recognized as one of the leading engineers In the West. As designing and Construct ing enginet-r of the dredge Columbia, he has proven his capability. There is gen eral rejoicing among -the engineer colony of Portland in the addition to its ranks. There were quite a few applicants for the posllto? and Jt-la-a-aourca-of grati fication to the employee) of the Port of l ortland that Mr. Lockwood is to be with tlvem once more. CHARGED WUH HURDER. . Information formally charging 0. Castronuove w'th the murder by stab bing of G. Gugllelmo was filed In the State Circuit Court today by Deputy Pistrict Attorney Arthur ' C. Spencer. The murderer will hare his trial during the coming term of court, which will begin on January 12. He will make: self defense his plea when he' Is placed on trial, as he claims that he was assaulted by the murdered man and his son. and thought they meant to kill him. ,. , . 6-&a TbfrtJ it: Warm Fur Capes At Zero Prices. , TM i' iL.l - ki.J r-iegani garments mat are wauicu h just now during the cold snaps. S Children's Coats We still have a good assortment of short and medijim length coats at half price. ' . Walking Suits At Extra Clearance Prices $25.00 suits, latest colorings, style and finish, J 5 45 Grand Ridge $6.50 .. and ISSAQUA The MOST ECONOMICAL HOUSE HOLD FUEL ON THE MARKET. TALK TO" King Coal Cor OAK isgi. AKTJSEXZirTS. MARQTSAM GRAND. Tonight, tomorrow aftarnooa end nlgbt, Jas. JU Herse'i Beautiful PUy, : "SHORE AC1ES." al. Heillg, Manager. POPULAR MATINEE PRICES, Serorday-. Adult. &oe; eblldren, 25 to any part of the tiieatrp. BtpiiIu prlige, 1, T5o, Sue, 88c 2&c 8eu la are now K-Uliii for the eutlm eugagw nieut. 4 Mon., fruea.. Wed. nHjrbts, -Jau. B, t, 7, Cbda Vitus iM-ama. V "CAPTant mnrs or ths HOUSE XABISXS." : ; MARQTTAM Q RAND. Cal. Heillg. Mana ger. WIU KUattbeth Kennedy and an Excellent Company. Prlcea Entire paniuet, fl.SO; entire parquet eln-le. SI; bnlcoiij, tirat three rown. II; aeeoud three r..v. T&e; laat alx rows. 60c faUurf 35c and 25c; boxes and lofee, $10. . . . eaU are now tteHIng. . v ' ' COKDBAT'B Thestrs. J. F Cerdray, Manager Tonight and Saturday night, and oanal Saturday Matin" laat thraa performances 1 W Spear's Bis Musical Comedy, THE IHISH PAWOTROXEE.' With SuIIIthq and Mack aad Masts TramhuK . l,...r ..f nthra in raat. All BeW SDedai- I'rieee Ke.. 25c and BOe; Mat SM iff part ot houae; children. 10c. v- . Neit week "Sandy Bottom.' : ' The BAKES Theatre. Tonight and every Bight this) week, with Saturday Matiuwi, Charles Holt's- . "A TEMSERAjrCS TOW." alll, MMftll .11... Geo. L. Baker Manager. tlou to everr detail by the Incomparable Nelll Htm Co. liio Baker prlcea Evening, 15c, itc 3oe and SOe. Matinee, lOe. 15c, XDe, - Nest week. eurUng with uaual Sunday Mat. Auguatua Thomaa' oeauuful play, "JOabama.'" I'NDES NEW MANAGEMENT FKEDEHICKSBUBO CAFE aa4 THEAIBE. ORPKSTfa) Congress of Kince Sod Queen of tb VsdTlll4 World. ' Attraction from the Keith and Orpbevm Circuits Acme ot 1'pHte. IUgn-Claa Act. Admlaaton- loe and 26c. ; .-j ..-, SIMONS BBOS A CO.. ITojlrtetofS.. . . CONCERT HAIXr- . BLAZ1ER BROS, CONCERT EVERT NIGHT 242-243 BURNSTOHL . FRITZ'S NEW TUBATBB AJD CAT!-. FRED FRITZ A A DOtLMAX, J"rop" . CHANGE OF PROGRAM KVKRT tV'KESa PonoUr Prlcea 15c, SJc, OOe. - e . SUKBAI - MATINKB. :.. . . 240-246 Baraalde St. Portland. Or. " WUL MEET TUESDAY " The board of dlrctor of ths Manu fheturers' Association will ' hold thel regular monthly meeting Tuesday even ing, January 9h in their rooms In the Chamber of Conunree Building. ; Only tho regular routine business will eome up before the board; tbe secretary transactions for ths) past month, will b ratified and bills ordered paid. EXCLUSIVE CARPET Street, OppoIta 2jmler cf Cc COAL