The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 02, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Daily Journal
. " ' ' Vf' iiv-" 8. Jackson.
AddreM HI OREOON DillT JOURNAL, 889 Yamhill B tract, Bttwiw Points
ad Pifth, Portland, Oregon.
1 Entered at the Poatofflee of Portland, Oregon, for transmission through the
' nails as second-claps matter.
- ; Postage for single copies For an 8. 10 or 12-page paper, i cent; 16 to 2S
pages, 2 cents; ovev 28 pages, 3 centB. - ( ;
. 1 . ' Telephones:
1 Business Office Oregon. Main 500; Columbia, 705.
Editorial Room Oregon. Main 600. City Editor Oregon, Main 26ft,
Tama by
VRF! -TTiTTRNAI.. one vesr.
THE JOURNAL six month
three months.,
by the week. .
THE JOURNAL, by mall, per year
THE JOURNAL, by mail, alx month..
THK JOURNAL, by mall, three months.
, On the 2d of December, 1823, President -Monroe inserted in his annual
- message to Congress a declaration that since that time has been denominated
"The Monroe Doctrine." It has been re-quoted upon many occasions,
and no European nation has denied Its authority.
It is therefore noticeable that General IJoguslawskl, an eminent German
military writer, denounces the doctrine and protests aguinst ita continued
acceptance by the government of the Emperor William.
General Boguslawskl in part. said In his recent-utterance:
That was a true word. America la divided into many states. In varieties
Of race and language she Is hardly second to Europe. How can one Mate assert
that it has 'the right of Interference and protection over an entire .continent
and that It will tolerate only under certain conditions any actions, -however
. just, of European nations against an American stute? A further question Is
how It happens that this doctrine, set up HO years' ago by an American states
r mail, has, been able to justify Itself In fact with absolutely no Justification in
'j the laws of the nations? When the United States feels herself threatened
through any occupation of territory of course she has the right, like any other
nation, to raise a protest, a' A if necessary, employ force. But there must be
no talk of even an apparent '-cognition of the Monroe Doctrine as un interna
tional principle on the part of the European nations. If the latter act other-
- wise, they will soon feel the thumbscrews which they put, on thereby.
What Is the Monroe Doctrine? Does the average American citizen un
derstand Us import? And does the average American youth know even in
outline the tenets of that declaration made 80 years o go, and held Invio-
late ever since? Probably not. Yet It 4s simple, us. Indeed, aK) most
great laws and doctrines.
The Monroe Doctrine is simply this: .The United States agreed to re
frain from Interference with European policies, or to take any part in the
, management of affairs upon that continent. In return, the United States de
manded! in reciprocal manner that all European powers refrain from inter
fering with policies or to take part In the management of affairs in any of the
.numerous republics or countries In North or South America.
- The occasion for the declaration by President Monroe was the "prob.t
: blllty that Jths, Holy Alliance of Europe would strive, to aid Spain to re-con-:
juer her lost American colonies. This was looked upon by President Mon
"roe as suggestive of danger to the peace and security of the Unitel
' States, " and" therefore, he pronounced in that 1823 message what the world
.has evr since called the Monroe Doctrine. It should be said that President
: Monroe, did not originate the doctrine, but became the active means whereby
It went into permanent form through the medium of his message to Con-
gress. ;'
. President Monroe's declaration was accepted by the states of Europe and
has been continuously regarded as one of the rules of international luw
since 1823. Many times It has been the baBls of diplomatic action, and even
0 short a time ago as during November. 1902. both England and Germany,
albeit the former hesitatingly and tardily, Intimated to the federal govern
ment that they would reBpect the Monroe Doctrine in relation to the Vene
zuelan troubles. :
International law, of course, Is lex non scrtpta, or unwritten law, law
s,vrrM0 .JBnXitiiQri&ed body of taan. , bu ,.4a -sose4i m ir4tn -
broad and general principles that have come to be accepted by the powers of
--the vorid to-gbvefn IntWcourse" and i'"seTtFe'itriiaUbriar" disputes. "
' The Monroe Doctrine has the warrant of SO years recognition. It is as
valid a clause In the international code as any other that has never been
pttMtr - - - - -
President Roosevelt has reiterated the Monroe Doctrine. He did so a
few weeks ago at the Boston gathering when he addressed the people as
, much as for anything else to make an occasion for reiterating it.
Are there reasons for standing by that doctrine at this time?
From the appearance of things down in Venezuela, It Is apparent that
reasons are plenty. Almost all of the European nations are hungry to get
at ScSith America. They will hardly dare to approach the republics of
-Central America or the islands upon which this country has set Its hand
or about which Jt has thrown its protecting power In a close relationship.
But, as to the greaf continent of South America, the matter Is different.
There general, indeed, must be the inflence of the United States, to keep the
hands of "those European powers from the prixes they fain would draw In
the lottery of revolution and Intrigue that Is permanentry carried on.
However, imagine the rush towards South America that would ensue,
were this country to abrogate the Monroe Doctrine, or the powers of Europe
take stand against It. With no other opportunity to colonize anywhere In
the world, and unlimited opportunity flown there In South America, w ith
out the Monroe Doctrine there would be a scramble such as would soon
bring chaos and make South America a bloody battlefield. The Monroe
Doctrine is for the peace of South America, as well as for the safety of these
United Btates. and there Is abundant reason for us to insist upon Its con
tinuance as one of the accepted international rules.
- pertinent to the discussion of what
news should be printed In the dally
press, might ensue a discussion, ap-
rop: pf the functions bf the 'edflor.'
. .'Is not the editor to the dally news
paper what the critic Is to the pub
1 Usher of books? A reader In a big
publishing house commends or con
demns a proffered manuscript, and ac-
-cording to its merits It is put Into book
form, or returned with the usual ap
pended note: "We regret that the ex-
. cellent story you sent," etc., etc.
Imagine a publishing house accept
ing every work offered. What a flood
of "even woree s puriotiH " literature
would be poured forth, than now finds
lt way, into the book stalls. It is the
function of the man who acts as the
. arbiter between the ambitious author
t and the public to prevent senseless
tuff from being put Into print. It Is,
4 likewise, the function of the editor of
a dally newspaper to see that his
readers are saved the worry of search
ing through page after page of multi-
cms xiaail..'ud..4--liL-bf-4.i494.
readers only what In his judgment
they require in order to keep posted
upon the Issues of the day, the pro
gress of science, the concerns of tlje
. . people of the world.
' All of this points nwards the policy
;NTof using the news reports of thevold-
line agencies, thut do not edit their
- stuff, but thut pour into the hopper
dally a mass of nyitter to be teb?
' graphed to every client, regardless of
What may be the local interest.
t-r--.- The subscriber of the up-to-date
newspaper, resting secure that his vig
ilant editors will see that no essential
ubjeet may be overlooked, may peruse
; his selected! telegrams and save val-1
. liable time for other things.
, ,4, The East Oregonlan pertinently
suggests that It Is easy to sit in an
office knd indite screeds about how to
avoid wrecks, but more difficult to
go out and organise a force of 1,000
rqen to rua a road. The Amrt-Icap
. .$5.00
. . 1.60
, . 1.80
. . .10
. $4.00
. 2.00
. 1.00
people demand shortening of time in
train running, press each year harder
upon the railway management that It
must contrive to send the malls and
Tpnasett-ge-rs rastery'hurrles and rusher
and crowds and gives the railroader
no peace, and then wonders at acci
dents. Under the existing phases of
life in these United States, it Is smull
wonder that accidents occur with so
great frequency. Employes are nl-w-ays
as anxious as the management to
avoid accidents. An accident means
loss of position, often, and there Is
every reason why the railroader should
desire to obviate them. Rules govern-
lng employes are becoming more rigid
every year, and the employes -are -observing
them more religiously. Habits
have improved and the degree of relia
bility has Increased. The frequency of
awful accidents-Is in large part attrib
utable to the great pressure upon .all
systems for., lessening -of time beyond
the normal capacity of equipment for
. If China -tamwt-pay-t h e I rtdennTity
in gold, and silver is not acceptable to
the powers, why not the Mongolians
pay them in coal? China is said to
have the largest deposits of coal In
the worid. According to the bright
.lexicon of the newspaper jokers. Just
now, coal is the most greatest thing in
the world. Henry Drummond to the
contrary, notwithstanding;
Where has gone the anti-clerk agi
tator who always heretofore has made
Oregon howi with complaints against
former abuses In the Legislature, and
who never before has failed to pror
pose all sorst of reforms therefor?
Have the watchdogs of our Oregon
treasury gone to sleep at their posts?
Men are children grown tall, tall in
ptature, not Jn mind. Witness the
gorgeous pageants in India at the
celebration of the coronation, and the
Show of; tinsel and gaudy trappings,
and thiyk of millions of people, white
The reception to -King Edward by the
great Moguls of India reminds us that
we forgot to add to the spletidor of the
display by sending His Royal , Highness
a Umatilla reservation blanket
The Kugene football team is crying yet
over their loss of a game. Too bad some
peopl cannot learn to play ping-pong
lnslcud of wasting their time on the
eriUJron. i
The Ilffwaliati coble has been spliced
ami Djflv has 'congratulated Roosevelt.
Wffiuy look for more Doleful expres
sions later when sugar dropd.
There are so few policemen In Portland
that th"y do not' even hav time to go to
sleep on their beats.
Hades and the New Year are leaved with
good resolutions.
The charter hath charms.
No man who lives In a tower ouffht to
curry bricks.
and colored, going mud over such
meaningless affairs as processions of
that sort! Yet English subjects are
but doing what all people do. Little
girls are presumed to love dolls, from
mi Instinct born In the female human
being. What clnss of mortals does not
love dolls, or something with no more
real significance. In fact with not one
Wi :.U'4..i,l.auut thai.. dulls have-
for girls? "'""""""'""'"'"
The Oregon Dally Statesman oY Sa
lem Issued the most elaborate annual
that has come to the exchange desk of
the Oregon Dally Journal. It Is a 60
pnge magazine with profuse Illustra
tions, exhaustive articles, and Is
printed upon fine paper.
Alfalfa huy nt $12 a ton Is the state
Of the hay market' nt North Yakima.
Irrigated land there and elsewhere in
the Northwest produces from five to
six tons an acre each year. Who
would not own an alfalfa farm?
No one will Inveigh against "pen
sion frauds" on those railroads on
which the new systdru Went into effect
on New Year's Day. The magnates
may pay as many and as large pen
sions as they desire. '
Idaho joins the other Western states
In pledging through her governor a
liberal appropriation for the Lewis and
Clark Fair. Here's to Idaho. May she
live long and prosper.
BY K. K. K.
Company 1J, O. N. G.,"flre giving their
.friends some good times this winter.
Every month the Armory Is gully dec
orated with bunting, flags and ciiiar In
their honor, and one of Portland's best
orchestras furnishes music for those
who care to dance. Their December hop
came off New Year's Eve and was the
most successful given this year. Fully
1U0 were present. The feature was the
tolling of a bell, hung especially for the
occasion, when the whistles outside
wi re announcing n.ngther year. The pa-
tronesses of the evefrh-
T. X- I 'unbar, Mrs; M. Wilson and Mrs.
W. K. Daugherty.
Miss Rate gave n watch arty last
Wednesday night at her home. 450 Park
street. .Most of her gtjpsts were young
people trom the Calvary Presbyterian
Church, hihI they were so well ac
quainted it made the affair-most - de
lightful. Games appropriate to the were played. The bells of 1903
were soumling while they still lingered
over the tempting ref reshmcnts. The
JJtappX. .X.e,w. Yihies" of thepa ny rather
vied with the bells Ton. corpo .time. In
volume and good cheer.
The Carnation Social Club remem
bered the dying houy of 1802 with a
guy dance at Burchard Hall.- Kv A.
Oefzenr Otto Hoakf Louis '. .Dennlnger
and Karl Straub. as officers of the club,
received many congratulations before
the evening was over, the affair was
such a pleasant one. The program of
music furnished by Everest's Orchestra
was unusually long to fill in the added
hours a New Year's Eve party always
has. 'l he decorations were very pretty
and appropriate.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gibson also enter
tained very informally Wednesday evert
ing, in honor of the coming of the glad
new year. Many of the guests were
gifted musically and so made the even
ing a rare treat with their -pongs and
instrumental music. There were little
roiks In the party, and. to please the
sand man; lhe guests slipped away close
on the aeeia of their o44 4rtencL-490,2r-
ti ,. . -
STOlSs Z.A8T BAS3.'.".
Bpokane Review: . The ball player who
wa caught In the Great Northern, wreck
while becting his passage, has made his
last steal for home - . . i
The New Yeur should bring to Portland: Setter streets, the present Condition
Of , the thoroughfare is disgraceful. ..' ,
Better municipal management; our po'ice department is one of the smallest
in the country for the population represented. A better fire department; the
present department ix well handled, but entirely too small. -.
Better street pignx; few of the streets of the elty re designated by signs and
strangers And difhYulty in locating themselves when going about the city.
Better lights; no city has fewer or poorer lights than Portland. '
More hotels; there are not enough hotels and lodging houses to accommodate
the transient traffic There has been great complaint of this all over the country
and Portland has xulYered much by the adverse comments on her lack of hotels.
Those she has are good, but there are not enough of them.
Better meeting!- of public bodies and less of closed-door proceedings. Secret
sessions give opportunity for municipal corruption. ' They don't look good under
any circumstances. Be open and above board with the taxpayers. .
Better chances lor the progressive men among us to come to the front. The
policy of "let well i nough alone" doesn't apply these days of strenuous efforts of
cities to geti business. Somebody must be "up and doing" or we will get left in
the race, Don't wait or you will be too late to eorrect the loss you may suffer.
Better explanu '.ion of what becomes of the money . collected for taxes. With
a poorly equipped poll. e department, poorly manned flre department, poor streets,
poor lights and poor everything else that pertains to city management, there Is a
high rate of taxation. - '
Apparently, there will never again be a Congress that will appropriate less
than II.OOO.OOO.UOO In the aggregate at both sessions. When our federal appropria
tions first reached that enormous sum, protests went Up, and it was one of the
most prominent issues in the national campaigns. Now Congress appropriates a
billion dollars without particular comment.. For the present Congress the follow
ing is recapitulation of the estimates by departments, cents omitted:,. Legisla
tive. 111.608,483; executive. $319,500; state department. $2,676,825; treasury depart
ment, $130,986, 605; niivy department. $M, 725.798; Interior department. $163,018,616;
postoffice departnn nt. $10. 363. 482; department of agriculture, $5,660,150; department
of labor, $184,220; department of Justice, $7,431,900; total. $589,189.11J. Following
are the principal Items under the departments which phow the increases or de
creases as compared with the appropriations" for the year 1903: Legislative
Salaries and expenses. Increase. $13,000. Salaries and expenses civil service com
mission, increase $73,000. State department Foreign Intercourse. 211,0oo.
Treasury department Public works. Increase 1 $7,000,000; miscellaneous increase
$3,000,000. District of Columbia. Increase $2,700,000. Permanent annual appropria
tion, decrease $3.ti"ii.iion. War department Military establishment, decrease $14,
000.000: public works, decrease $4,683,000. Navy department Naval establishment,
increase $6,00O,O". Interior department Public works, decrease $273,000: miscel
laneous, $l,650.tHM'; permanent annual appropriation, increase $470,000. Postoffice
department Salaries and expenses. Increase $fl5,000. Department of agriculture-
galariea and expenses, increase $463,000. Department of Justice Miscellaneous
Increase $471, Oou.
Note The Journal has adop
rule , that Its columns shall ulwa
open to the people for the discuss
public matters. The editorial manage
ment does not. However, hold that any
of the communications published in any
way involve the policy of the paper, but
simply reflect varied expression!! of pub
lic opinion. Editor.
To the Editor The Oregon Daily Jour
nal. I have been reading a good deal
lutcly the opinions which have been
printed in your journal in connection
with the steps being taken by Mayor
Williams. Judge liogue and other great
reformers In this city.
The church of today is no better. If
as pure, as the church ' In our Lord's
time. If the-Wturch of today were more
sympathetic and would only take the
fallen by the hand they would do more
good than by preaching hell and damna-
hisv-fwmhe palpiv. - Wfcwt -ha, they
rtmtvrTwterrhTrr--ttir'KTtmaTt Ctrrhrrffr4
Church and , the Salvation Army, have
done) to uplift the fallen?
TUe Judge of the bench is satisfied
when he tines and imprisons for a breach
of the law. Quite recently. I find, one
of our judges was visiting some gam
bling pluces, whilst, as it is alleged, he
was more fit to be in the care of a good
i hilstian Science wife. This Nation,
or any other civilised nation, has never
countenanced the acts of a spy.
Imagine a judge before whom some of
those people he visited may be culled to
u bar of Justice for a breach of the law
regulating gambling parlors, etc.
1 do not know Judge Hogue, but I Judge
of him by his acts in vtnltlng gambling
resorts, etc.. and then involving respect
able people who were there on business
and never g.imbled In their lives.
It is an unjust law that permits the
rich peopie of Portland to gamble at
their clubs and punishes men who fre
quent or gamble at other clubs. All
should be on an equality and not be dis
criminated against. I don't think, how
ever, that the law does discriminate, but
that the members of eacli club are equal
ly liable, else the law Is unconstitutional.
Judge lioKiw may pose as a great re
former, but he must first wash his own
hands and I .- clean. HI6 zal outstrips
his discn t Ion. like a few.- more of our
would-be reformers. ,
What has hecome of the "Dr. Hill
reformation of 1901? It lias vanished
l.e smoke Just as I predicted In Dei-ember,
mm. that It would. Bishop Pot
ter. the New York City reformer, said:
We must replace men by sending angels
to New York Gambling has been In
dulged in since the foundation of society
i even In our Lord's time.
From my personal experience In
Ireland and subsequently In Canada for
nine year s during, my time there as a
police court judge. I have come to the
conclusion that vice and crime can be
only dealt with so as to keep both with
in contnd cm- proper bounds. They are
both like- pi.cty. referred to In the
Bible: For th. poor ye shall have with
you always." so long as a certain class
of men and women desire to run and live
in the atmosphere of vice' we can't eradi
cate the ev..s
can only be - ertatned by experience.
The preset. t generation and that to
come must ! educated by the church
and In tnc home so gradually we will
find vice unci . rune becoming diminished,
but never ioi c!y eradicated.
We are ju-; as righteous a city as any
other citv in il . United States In fact,
this is a Paradise compared with other
cities l li;iv
ftedon this Coast. No
rtght-mindc d man can look around and
observe tnc evil that is in Portland
without fe c i lie how awful It is to see
such an amount of evil that exists here-
in. '
As 1 said on a former occasion, we
ought. InsL. el of Imposing fines on pro
prit tors of ! us. s of HI fame and gamb
ling resort.-, la ense these and name
such a sum io !, paid by each party that
few could conduct them. You would.
In this wa. ontrol the evil and limit
the numliei. and the fewer could be bet
ter watched I . the police, who would
have r to close up their placet)
of amusement unless conducted as prop
erly as possible. The closing up of
gambling houses and other resorts will
never stop ,. Ann crime now com
plained of 'rids matter rests with the
public itself :,nd not with a particular
sect, or with -.! . churches, unless In so
far as Ch-isivn training Is concerned.
The penitentiary never has educated the
criminal to do what is right; such places
of correction ,,iv harden him.
Had they been better treated they
would have led a better life. Let the
Churches and Christians of Portland
try this reclpejnstead of hounding those
fallen women aim better results will
surely attend their ministrations, for
11 fs bettei f.. to rule Dy Love than
Wear." Love ts the only reliable, power
and remedy to stop crime.
An open game is far preferable to a
game In a hayloft or behind closed doors.
Of the two evils", -always choose the
lesser one, j. CJlEAOJii
The Mftrquam Grand "Shor.j Acres."
The Haker "A Temperance Town."
Cordray's "Irish Pawnbrokers."
Fredericksburg -Vaudeville.
The Marquam Orund "Shore Acres."
Saturday matinee and night.
The r.uker "Temperance Town," Sat
urday matinee and night.
Cordray's "IrlBh Pawnbrokers," Satur
day matinee and night.
Fredericksburg Vaudeville every night.
"Shore Acres."
It was highly gratifying to the admir
ers of the lute James A. Herne. that
fther.,w... the Marquam. Grand-Thetr4
-fMHd"4i capacity 4!ts4-lghr'WiR-"Sliur'
Acres".. wax produced -by. a visy -competent
company.' The New Year's night at
traction could not have been more hap
pily selected. Probably no one sees
"Shore Acres" without more or less of
a kindly feeling toward the world as tie
leaves the theatre, and certainly the play
Is not calculated to shake the geod reso
lutions that have been made earlier dur
ing the New Year Day.
"Shore Acres," familiar to theatre
goers, us a rule, should be witnessed by
very one. It is a powerful sermon,
without one single Incident that partakes
of the flavor of melodrama; nor is it
"preachy. And there are no ruined
women nor other such things to make It
interesting. It is a masterful analysis
of human nature, and at the tame time
It Is a perfectly drawn picture of scenes
and conditions, and then, too, it has "at
mospher." The company producing the play Is
simply satisfying without one exception.
The distinguishing feature of "Shore
Acres" la that every member of the pro
ducing company has something to do to
complete the story. It Is not a piece
wherein one star absorbs the Interest.
' Martin Berry, second In Importance to
Nathaniel Berry, Is yet almost so good
a character, so far as . effectiveness is
concerned. And so on through the play.
And the company Is so evenly balanced
that In justice to all of the members one
could net select one for special men
tion without partiality. For Instance,
were one to speak of the wonderfully fine
facial expression of Mr. James T. Gal
loway tas Nathaniel Berry. In addition
to his 'artistic acting, he must concede
that each one of the company had also
some point ol excellence that might en
gage the 'attention of reviewers and de
serve space In any newspaper.
"Shore Acres." .running for the week,
will no doubt draw capacity houses to the
end of the engagement. It deserves to do
The Marquam Katlnse Tomorrow.
Tomorrow at 2:15 o'clock "Shore Acres"
in matinee performance.
"Temperance Town" Matinee.
'A Temperance Town" will be given
at the Baker tomorrow at a matinee per-
.1 2:15 o cluck.
"Irish Pawnbrokers" Matinee.
At Cordray's. "The Irish Pawnbrokers"
will be given at a matinee performance
tomorrow at S:15 o'clock.
"Sandy Bottom" at Cordray's.
Theatre-goers will be given an oppor
tunity to see one of the most cleverly
written and one of the best st igjd plays
produced in many years, when "Sandy
I lot torn" comes to -Cordray's next wick,"
comroenclng with Sunday's matinee, Jan
uary 4.- This play, which has. run the
gauntlet of the dramatic, critics through
out the United States for the past sea
son, and ' never received anything but
enconiums like "Shore Acres" and plays
of kindr ed type, portrays a simple coun
try people in their home surroundings.
Being laid In the Mils of Arkansas, Its
author has afforded an opportunity for
depleting characters whose traits, pe
culiar to themselves, have furnished
America's best authors with many a
theme of human interest The - comedy
of the people Is so nicely blended In
"Sandy Bottom "' with a deep heart Inter?
est of a pretty and well-told story that
the audience must perforce smile
through tears thfci will not be restrained.
It Is a. play that those who love the
best In drarrmtio art should not fall to
gee. Usual ladles' and children's mati
nee Saturday,
"Shore Acres- Mattnaa.
James A. Hernea beautiful home plays
"Shore Acres," began an engagement
at the Marquam Grand Theatre yester
day. Tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:15 o'clock
a itopular matinee will be given, when
adults will be cleirced 60 cents: children
23 cent, to any part of the theatre. Bring
Mr. William E. Curtis contradicts the popular Impression In writing of ex
Speaker. Keed. , "Mr. Reed.' -he says, "was always a frugal man. leaning more to
economy thart extravagance, and not only saved good part of his salary, but
made an extra $4,000 or $6,000 annually by legal and literary work. He would
never deliver a lecture or contribute an article for publication without pay, charg
ing for a lecture $600; $200 was his lowest price for a literary production no mat
ter how short. . He had a quiet' but comfortable home in Portland, Ma,, a. modest
eottage at Grand Beach, a modest summer resort pn the coast of Maine, and while
In Washington occupied an Inexpensive suite of rooms at the Shoreham Hotel, for
which he paid only half the regular rates. In "New York he occupied a -flat In a
large apartment house, where he lived very quietly. Neither Mrs. Reed itor her
daughter have social ambitions. While in Washington they went out very seldom,
and In New York they have gone out still less. Mr. Reed, however, was fond of a
good dinner, and a poker party was his especial delight."
Aati-Oambling Ordinance.
. Marshfield Dally Mail: While there Is
naturally some kicking about the new
gambling ordinance, ' the result ' of ita
passage and enforcement seems to be giv
ing general satisfaction. Some , of the
merchants say that It made a noticeable
difference la their trade, and that some
working men who usually came to town
Christmas and blew to their; money- at
inc game berore making tnelr purchases,
this year fitted themselves out with new
clothes, etc., beforo spending the balance
of their wads on "a good time." "
One good effect already to be seen from
the ordinance Is a thinning of the num--
ber of tin-horns hanging around town
and performing no useful service for any
one. The shutting down of the games
ha compelled them to seek new pastures.
Se Slant Xlok.
Heppner Gazette: The wlfa ot one of
our business men was rushing to catch
the train not long since- and .stopped in
the store on her way to the depot. On
inquiring of the clerk, she founH that
her husband was In the . harbor shop,
Hushlrg up to the barber chair, he
placed a most affectionate kiss on t
lather-covered cheek of her supposed hu
hand and told the occupant to write of
ten, but her husband vUwed. the parting
scene from an adjoining Chair.
Woman BwliiiXter.' "
Real estate took quite a boom Sat
urday. A strange woman came to town
and bargained for property on Plnkston
Heights, and the butcher and barber
shops, owned by Page & Dlmmlclc She
also wanted the vacant lot east . of
Steurns & Chenoweth's." Suturday sev
eral purchases were made from Oak
land merchants, but Monday morning
they all took possession of the goods,
and the would-be purchaser departed for
greener pastures. Oakland Owl.
Made Hunting Place.
Ilwaco Journal: Mejnbera of the II
B'lico Gun Club are now enthusiastic oveir
the results of their efforts and small
amount of money expended In rendering
tlte Gile Lake norfh of Ilwaco the popular
hunting ground of the peninsula. They
were out lust Sunday with a full con
tingent and equipment anil captured no
less than I birds, many of cthem large
birds which heave hetofore been scarce
at this season of the year. Feeding the
lake has proved satisfactory.
Many Such Places,
Crook County Journal: A good chtckcm
ranch would be a paying investment for
some one in this county, as there: Is al
ways a scarcity of eggsand at ttrls tilfie
of " the' year ' it "is almosT'Tmposslbte "to
pet t nough to cook with. Chickens seerm
to do well In almost any part of.. the
county, as they are comparatively fre
from discuses of all kinds.
the childTen and enjoy the turkey din
ner. "The Princess Chic"
As a gviicrul thing, a comic opera is
merely an excuse for the introduction of
a few vocal and terpsichorean special
tits, but in the case of "The I"rlncesB
Chic," shortly to be presented here, the
rule Is broken, according to the San
l 'runclsco papers. These Journals Indorse
the claims of the New York pupers that
Kirke Ii Shelle has written .a libretto
which contains dramatic and narrative
Interest, as well us a persistent comedy
clement. The opera represents the clos
ing splendor of feudal days when the lord
entrenched In his castle could defy even
the encroachments of kings. The locale
Is the province of Burgundy, nnd the his
torical personages Introduced are Louis
XI. of France. Churles the Kolcl of Bur
gundy and Princess Chic of Normandy.
Although historical accuracy and dra
matic sequence are there, one seldom
seeks these things In comic opera. Suf
tlce it, then, for the present to state
that critics everywhere, consider "The
Princess Chic" merry and musical
' 'PrlncLhs Chic" will be the attraction
at the Murquam Grand Theatre next
Thursday und Friduy nights. January S
and 3. The advance . sale of seuls will
open next Monday morning.
Saturday Matinee at Cordray's.
Those who want (o .spend a jolly Sat
urday afternoon can go to Cordray's to
morrow, as a special ladles' and chil
dren's matinee will be given by that
mirth-provoking musical farce, "the Irish
Pawnbrokers." The Jolly trio Sullivan
and Mack mid Mazie Trumbull who, with
a good supply of choruses end dances,
have given great enjoyment during the
week, judging from the roars of laugh
ter. from the big audiences which have
been In attendance.
"Captain Jinkt."
The advance sale of seats opened this
morning for "Captain Jinks," which
comes to the Marquam Grand Theatre
next Moh'day, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, January 5, 6 Mid T.
Miss Elisabeth Kennedy is he young
actress who will be seen here In the part
of Madame Trentonl. In the Clyde Fitch
comedy, "Captain Jinks of the Horse Ma
rines." Miss Kennedy Is described as be
ing of "the "Gibson Glrl'type of beauty,
tall and willowy, graceful In movement
and Imperial In carriage. There is a
romance attached, to Miss Kennedy's ca
reer. Hhe comes from a distinguished
old Sgttthprn famtiyr "whose Tgrt ones were
impoverished at the close of the Civil
War, necessitating the removal ot tho
whole family to Australia. In this far
off, country'. Miss Kennedy spent her later
childhood days and the first part of bud
ding womanhood. She,. became an expert
horsewoman, spending" her summers on
her father's vaBt cattle ranges In Tas
mania, going" to school In winter time,
In the city. At the early age of 17 years,
she manifested ah unquenchable desire
for a stage career and joined a com
pany touring Australian provinces, it
was not long before her clever work came
to the notice of Williamson ft Musgrove,
the big firm of Australian "managers, and
ere long Miss Kennedy was " entrusted
with the most important parts In the big
productions which this firm made ln.Syd-.
ney and Melbourne. , . ,, .
Miss Kennedy then went to London,
playing In the support of Bitch stars us
Beerbohm Ttee. J ohn Hare, E. S. Wtl
lard and Henry Irving.
By this time, however, an uncontrol-'
able Impulse to visit the land of her
birth took possession Vf the young ac
tress, and Miss Kenhedy arrived In New
York last spring. She was Immediately
besieged by a number of ; prominent
Broadway managers, but she refused
them all, as her ambition was lo appear:
before the Southern and Western people.
. :' ' ' ,HU'- ;
am liooiaauou, ' -
logging ob Baker's Bay.
Ilwaco Journal: Bupt. John ft. Goulter
was absent the lira! of the week. During,
his Btay he visited O. R. & N. head
quarters In Portland, and It is rumored
.has straightened out the logging situa
tion here, so far at least, the the log
traffic from the Ilwaco boom to the Port
land mills has been resumed. ' It is also
quite certain hat the company will noon
begin the- erection of two rafting slips
In Baker's Bay, in addition to the pres
ent improvements. Logging 1b Baker's
x ay uurmg ine neavy weather in winter
is a burdensome task, but with the proper
appliances it can bo conducted satisfac
torily and wiTh ease. A. L. Young, who
Is connected with these logging and mill
ing companies, returned from Portland
the first of the week, and says the com
panies are going ahead with the log
tratlic as soon as possible.
Big P arming.
Aurora Boreails: A young man was in
the real estate oHIce Thursday, and in
looking at the large wall map, he saw
where It suld: "Coded by Spain in 1S19.'
He said: "Wall. I'll be gol darned, but
them Spanyarda must have been the
goBh-durndest farmers ever ylt, and, by
Jing, they put the whole In ISlil!"
Umatilla Representative Sick.
Milton Eagle: Representative H. C.
Adahis. who has been sej-lously ill with
typhoM lever In a hospital at Walla
Walla, s recovering gradually, but will
probablybe unable to attend the begin
ning of Ote approaching session of tha
ssbaok Idea.
Lincoln Cour.fy Leader: The State of
Washington wuiXapproprlate $100,000 for
the Lewis and Clark Fair. Such awful
extravagance is Vsltively paralyzing.
Don't thoso Jays up here know that ev
ery dollar of that wad will be soakedj
up by the Portland sptinges?
Too Warm for Ice Saving.
Crook County Journal: John Ceinrer put
up 16 loads of Ice lust week, but the rain
and warm spell the latter pArt of the
week cuuscd a discontlnuanc(K of lce-
gathering. The lea was only about three
inches thick, but firm and clear Vf im
Ben Must Rave Something.
Atlanta Journul: Senator Tillman, nat
urally, ooesn t want to send the negroes
to the Philippines. It we had no negroes
in this country. lien wouldn't have an
issue" with which to attract attention.
.... .. . '.'. 011 American Tip, .,
SalVm Journal: The "c'ubun who lost
$.ron On a "sure thing" ..American racing.
up is uouiuiess more convinced than ever
that his island should remain' Independent
of the United States.
to whom sho fell devoted, feel In ir that
. they were her people. Miss Kennedy
therefore secured control of "Captain
Jinks of the Horse Murines." from Mr.
Clyde Pitch, the purl of Mudume Tren
tonl offering an opportunity to display
emotion, as well as to enact comedy. It
would be hard to find a role giving Miss
Kennedy the opportunity to displuy her
ability us well us this character of tho
prima donna, whose whimsical manners
and genulue love troubles afford sucn a
splendid theme for the playwright.
There Is always difficulty in determin
ing when a break Is coming In the crest
of the wave of national prosperity. In a
sense, the break is always coming until
It has come.- but the signs of the coming
uro what people want to be able to de-,
cipher. In the United States the wave
has been Increasing In bmidth and
height during the last six years. In ISmI
tho low level hud been struck. When in
17 there were evidences of returning
prosperity no one looked "for six years of
a steudy How In the right direction, it
Is only in the last hair of that period
that people huve come to. regard pros
perity as their natural condition. There
was- no decided increase In the market
value of reul estate in this state until
the dawn of the present century. A year
ago conservative people were predicting
thut the time had come to prepare for
a break In the wave. But at present
there are no signs of a break. Real
estate transactions are more niA.Terous.
than ever, and buyers readily cover the
difference which had been maintained
between buyer and seller. If there "is one
element In the business situation In this
state which, more than any other, has
conduced to the permanence of the pres
ent prosperity. It is the (discovery and
application of oil. The lack of coal was
regarded as limiting our manufacturing
industries to such branches as did not
come In competition with the products of
the Fast. Oil taJxes the place of coal,
both on this coast and In the East. Be
ing ' thus supplied with cheap motive
power, the only advantage Eastern com
petitors had over us Is removed. Con
sequently we hear of new manufactur
ing enterprises In - of! localities whtcli
have easy access to tidewater. Under
such conditions only the pessimist looks
for a break in the wave of prosperity.
So long as nature Is reasonably kind to
us tnT4 will be no grouri for the appre
hension thkt the present good times have
culminated. There may be1 little ebbs
and flows, but the general movement will
be onward. . 7 '"
As a resuR of the hard-coal famine
the, Washington Monument Is turning
black. The immense shaft whose white
stone successfully escaped the stains ot
age and weather until the coal famine;
came on la already a dingy gray. Until,
this winter bituminous coal has neve
been generally used In Washington, but
now dense volumes of sooty smoke dally
Issue from two tall chimneys near th
monument and the effect is very notice
able. Those In charge of the shaft are.
speculating on the effect of a long, hard
rain. It came down In torrents one day
last week for a short time, and a tre
mendous wind raged while It was falling.
When the njonpment dried It was striped
like a tiger The coal stains seemed to
have been washed Off In" broad furrows.
Now the officials ore waiting to see the
effect of a long. ' steady ruin when thero
is no wind. They hope it will remove
the dirt uniformly from the face of the
monument. If it docs not do so they say
the shaft will have to remain dirty, be
en life there is no way by which its 555
feet of length can Je cleaned. The mon
ument is not perceptible . more than
three fourths of the distance It was when
It was so white -it glistened In th sun
shine." .
- XT