5 ...... o-rt nal Taaiffht 1 nartlv elanJv aaalrl ntwul showers ; ; nxwbl wises, I i" V r 'i biJi.C- yo. 255. 6?V:::.v jaxuauy 1, 1003. PRICE FIVE CEXT8. SENATOR S. F. ELKINS THIS ItlillKi t Not Fairly .Treated by -lOttawa Officials, Million Dollar Baby Left Motherless ' 4 J., t. t .fir- v-vv? - ...........4 1 EMPEtO R;0'E?MH E INDIES PM Of B. C. THE INDIAN RAJAHS; 2Sf ! W' .01 .... . j .. .... . . i..m-'- .ii m i..-. - . - :.-..r m T I . . v , r M .....4 Great I Day J at Proclaimed ; Blaze of Dtitll. India. Jan. crown ing rvent of th great Indian Durbar oc curred thia morning, when ' Edward was formally declared the Emperor of India and.; the oat of flty. i. wa taken by tha : native rUlera. ' The spectacle was the fnot magnKloent and. tar exceeded 1b. splendor anything ever before wJt nesaed In India. In gorgeouaneca and expense the display la estimated jo have exceeded fourfold the recent coronation exerclaea in Londpn. ; . ,' 1 Lord Curxo'n, the viceroy, occupied a throne Jn the' center of an. Immense pa vilion, shaped like a horseshoe, with a seating capacity of 12,000. Above the dais was a magnificent cupola of white -and gold, a beautiful triumph of Orien tal aft, designed by Bt Badar Ram Singh, the famous artist who decorated the Indian drawing room at Osborne in which Queen Victoria took special pride And. pleasure. On either side of the viceroy's throne were ranged the lesser thrones of the (Bt lilt (ill Dili i Hawaiian Conditions Are Most Depressing Natives Too- Lafly fas Too Smtlhlfte Sfar Spanglea Ba'naer' and the Chinese Excluded. Are "The exclusion of Chinese, the admis sion of whom is the only possible solu tion of the present labor problem in the Hawaiian Islands, has done more to con vince the residents there that annexa tion to the United States was a wrong move than anything else that could have come up. Touch the sugar Indus try and you aim a blow at the whole business of the Hawaiian group, for sugar is the main thing there. It is time the United States government was waking up and doing something to re lieve thg pijjBent strain." ' The above? statement, 'made by one who was long a resident of the Ua wallans, and whose integrity will be vouched for by half a million people, is moat significant. Rev. K. J. H. Van Deer 11 n was the speaker and he directed his remarks to a reporter for The Jour nal. Rev. Van Deerlin, who has been for some time In this city, will leave this evening for Seattle, where he lias accepted a call to the United Anglican Church of Kent, a suburb Of the Wash ington metropolis. PRINCE CUPID" NOT BAD. Rev. Van Deerlin, contrary to the generally expressed opinion, is a strong believer in "Prince Cupid," recently elected to represent the Territory of Hawaii in the American Congress. Al though it has been announced that "Cupid" would favor an open town, gambling, houses of prostitution, etc.. Rev. Van Deerlin takes an opposite view. "Prince Cupid' Is a very fine man,7, he said, "and he Will not run to extremes In his views. He is very popular among the natives and with the Americans as well." "Do the people of Hawaii believe a mistake was made when the country waa placed under the American flag?" was asked. VThey did not until the labor troubles came up." Rev. Van Deerlin replied. "The natives are too fat and shiftless to work, the Japanese think they are too mart, and the Chinese have to be de pended upon for the plantation labor. Porto Rlcnns were brought there, but they did not prove a success and the sooner they return to their homes the better." Rev. Van Deerlin was for fodr years president ,of the standing- committee of the United -Anglican Church In the Hawaiian Islands, and In that capacity visited every section of the gjoup. He ha.g been on the American continent several months, having returned to San Francisco from Honolulu some time ago. MINE HORROR f Fifty-Eight Miners Killed by Ex plosion in Russia. ST. PETERSBURG, an. 1. News has lust been received of a terrible explosion In a tual mine near the Russlon town of Bakhmoot Fifty-eight miner were killed. Twenty-one others, after being entombed for five days, were rescued. Only meagre details of the catastrophe have been rcetved. There are extensive soal about Bakhmoot and the popu' j of the town is chiefly, miners aa4 JUMU. tawueg. Delhi - Edward - ;yn AmidS a -Big: ;Glorfe i ' '. s. ... ; , -. ; i-' ' native' rulers. :The barbaric sptendorr of their adornments ind decorations was daaatlng and surpassed anything of the kind In hlstoryi -t f ' ' j Every department of the government wa represented by distinguished men. Famous soldiers, statesmen and civilians took part in the Impressive ceremonies. Many members of the British nobility ware In the great throng.' occupying places' of prominence. and beautiful women, richly-dressed,' added to the beauty of the occasion.- r - - While this is the crowning day of the Durbar, the celebration will continue for ten days. . .Illuminations. Inreworks, in vestments, bails, reviews, of troops, games, feats at arms, polo matches and other sports will enter into the elaborate program. All India has assembled for the occasion and from ail parts of the world have come thousands of specta tors. It is estimated 'tliat the cost of the Durbar to the government will be about $880,000. ....... j President and Wile Hold j Gorgeous Reception Opened the Musical Pro gram Rendered WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. At 11 o'clock this morning a bugle In the new marble corridors of the White House sounded the President's eall. Immediately the President and his wife, followed by the cabinet with tneir wives, proceeded down the broad stairways nnd passed from the corridors to the blue room, where they took stations at the bay windows. Today's reception was the most brilliant the national capital has ever seen. The specially invited guests, who on former occasions were crowded behind the Presi dent and his cabinet, were today placed opposite them, where they were able to greet the long line of visitors. Col. Bingham was on the President's left. In full uniform, and Introduced each visitor to President Roosevelt. . As soon as places had been taken -the United States Marine Band played "The Star Spangled Banner," which was fol lowed by patriotic airs during the entire reception. In compliance with a time honored custom the diplomatic corps was first headed by Von Hnlleben. who la now dean. The genial figure of Iord Paupcefote. who long headed it. being sadly missed. The diplomatic corps, after the reception, went to Secretary Hay's annual diplomatic breakfast. THEY WELCOMED THE NEW YEAR Crowds on Streets and in the Clubs Greet 1903. The New Tear was welcomed last night with noisy demonstration by the "Iiie Watch." Whistles were blown and the bells rang out a noisy greeting to 1903 and a parting to the old year. Crowds gathered on the corners and shouted and sung as the hour of 12 struck. Fireworks were set off and the resonant firecracker gave sharp intonation to the peeling of the fire bells. At .the various clubs of the city mem bers held forth In number and drank toasts to the coming twelve months. The theatre crowds lingered to enjoy the street scenes, and added their cheers to the shouts of the small boy. Nineteen hundred and three waa .'given a royul welcome. CAR CHANGES. With the completion of track Improve ments, the "U" car, on the City & Subur ban line, has resumed its former route along Morrison, Eleventh and Montgom ery streets to Sixteenth street, where terminus is made. During the period of improvement this car made its stops at Yamhill street. This service affords . bet ter transportation facilities for Upper Al bina residents. A change of time is an nounced to be in contemplation on the St. Johns line. The service will be made a 40-minute one as soon as a complete system la Installed. INCREASED WAGES. The Riggers and Liners will go to work tomorrow at 60 cents an hour, instead of 40 cents, which they had been receiving heretofore. The new scale was prepared some time ago, and was acceded to by the era.' Mt yesterday. There are about n Willi IlllflW W aim i& Hum wgaDizajlan . . DTTXE AND DTJCHESB COjrpA.TJOH, OP Who are in attendance on the great Coronation Ceremonies now being, held in Delhi, India,. AMALGAMATED WOODWORKERS Confident They Wfil Soon Granted 9-Hour Day. Be All the planing mills of the city shut down last eventogana.wUl. r8JS4.nr fiiomgi. until Monday morning. The Amalgamated Woodworkers, who are employed ut the mills, seem confident thnt they will soon be granted a nine-hour day. Their rea son for belie.vlufc ao Is wed on 4he fact tht-t the A lllainette Iron Works have taken the Initiative step In the tritter. and Immediately ufteiwards all the mills in the Grants Pass country announced their Intention of adopting the nine-hour system at the beginning of the new year. The tendency of the limes, they argue, is for shorter hour;-, anil they say they feel assured that, what the Amalgamated Woodworkers went on a strike lor last summer will soon be vuluntai ily granted by the proprietors of tile mills. Ther." is a movement on foot for the organization to become afillluted with the Carpenters' Union, and many of the lead ers In both bodies are 1n hopes that this will soon be biv.ught about. It Is held that the coi. elimination of such a plan would prove of great advantage to all concerned. POLICE ARE ALSO DISGUSTED Detectives Drop Work of Capture caiKta Dy uregoman. The police are as disgusted as Is Sheriff fitorey over the premature publication in a local mornlntr paper of the attempt of Keldlng and Smith to break Jail. As was stated yesterday in The Journal, the morning paper foiled the plans of the officers and defeated juwtlce by publishing a garbled and incorrect story of the plot to escape, thus notifying the conspirators on the outside. The latter, of eoure, escaped nnd are now at lare. The police,- as well as the sheriff, have dropped the matter, an they now have nothing upon which to convict the men und the woman, should thy capture them. NOT THE GREAT DANTE. There was a flutter of excitement when the classic name of Dante was called InJ tnc Municipal i oun yesieraay. i npre was a stretching of necks, but the author of the "Divina Commedia" was not the man referred to It was only C. J. Dante. In plaintive strain, he told his tale, worn threadbare by frequent repeti tion. He said he tried to pasc a rail road train on a single track three years ago. He did not say that the train was broken up to any great extent, though he admitted that he came very near go ing to tho- plape whence his illustrtrtus namesake drew facts for his immortal production. For 30 days he will meditate upon matftfs in general, to the merry cltck of' his hammer as it swings up and down on the city rock pile. . CITY HALL DESERTED. The City Hall presented a most for saken and desolate appearance today, on account of the New Year holiday. Fire Chief Campbell, accompanied by Man ager Swigert of the City & Suburban Railway Company, put In an appearance. All the doors were locked, although within the corridors Head Janitor Sim mons was visible. He said that Mayor Williams would not visit his offices to day. School .Clerk Allen was in his of fice, clearing up somework. and Assist ant Secretary Himes oll the State His torical Society was clearing up some matters In his office, Mr. Himes Is cataloguing andacrang Ing data which have accumulated dur ing the past year for the society's an nual report He says that the number of visitors to the Historical Society's rooms during the past week .have been unusually large, often averaglrjaT more 'V. They Give Up Immense Revenues ; but Get Nothing in Re janv Tkcy Say. Rank discrimination by the Canadian autnorittes at Uttawa sgalrist the Prov ince of British Columbia is responsible fU fu 'flllttf ''MIm.lfllnv liruluval, e Pacific Coast territory of the Cana dian Dominion was better off when un ir the rule of England direct than since ti became a. part Of the North American federation. ; There IsJ dgiioratice at Ot tawa concerning 'the needs and vaiuea f the Northwest ,ands little thought is given them. ' The above opinions: were most em phatically expressed Jlrfc the lobby of the Hotel Imperial this mornlim by Rev. M. M. A. Cohen, In e'nar of the Jewish Church at Victoria,? MC w ho came to Portland to confer with Dr. S. 8 Wise. Rev. Cohen hopes in ashort time to be transferred to Tacorja. Wash., and. placed In charge of thetllebrew churches Of that city. .-.;-. 4 TOO HIOH' -mRlKK "The Canadian ta rift duties are too high.''-said Rev. Cohen, emphatically. "When we were underKngllHli rule di rect we had free ports and prosperity. Now we have nothing. The officials of the Dominion government at Ottawa know almost nothing iout us and care even less. British " Columbia turns larger suras Into the Canadian treasury than any other province, but It Is con sidered as being peopled with savages who have no rights and but few desires. The feeling is very Strong against this condition and there wUl be proper ad justment In time, tfher Is no doubt of this, but it is very bitter while it en dures." ;? Rev. Cohen came to Victoria, B. C, from I.ondun. Jnl.nd. He laughed as he told of the Londoner's Ideas of the Northwest. ;"Xliey advised me ,a take plenty of heavy clothing and furs with me," he said, "for they thOughC ju was going Into tlie vicinity of the North Pole and it would be freezing most of the time. The tfArtrC" f find, Ya .'that the climate of British Columbia la much more mild than that of Loadon,- This serves as an illustration of Tho.-ignorance of one British possession concerning another." VICTORIA HA8-kt Vuf'URE. Rev. Cohen does not believe that Vic toria will ever amount to anything more than at present as n shipping point. "Railroads re needed." he said In response to a o.uery, "but Victoria will never be anything but a residence city. It U a most beautiful place but Is not properly located for a commercial cen ter. The Canadian Northwest will prove a vast mine of agricultural wealth at some future date. There is abundant evidence of this even now. But Victoria will not be the outlet for this produce. I predict the growth of a large city In the vicinity of Fort Scott, as that Is the most advantageous point." Rev. Cohen returns this evening to his home In Victoria t Commissioner Begins Re forms. His Inaugural Speech Followed by Summary Removals and Nu merous Transfers. NKW YORK, Jan 1 new police commiss charge of the New V ment today. The i i t 10 O'clock Oen. ( .fell corned by Commissi"! introduced his mines: -Oen. Greene, the i.io-r. look actlv" ik Police Depurt inony occurred at was wojmly wel--r Partridge, who : ir to the officers of the lcartment iln-cne began his re gime by summoning the police inspectors Instead of the captai! s, as Is the usual custom. He Inform. .1 them that they would be held personally responsible for all theatlons of the uniformed force. His brlfef inaugural sp. -ech was prompt ly followed by a sl.ikeup In the depart ment that causel in milling throughout the entire force. T'.ii.sfers were made all over the lend. Thai, district. Five cap tains and two Inspectors were suspended. The new commissioner declared that in future he proposed to make every day a Sunday tn the dlstrtrts which a re now known as the tough, st in New York. LAFGE POSTAL INCREASE Postmaster Croasman announced this morning that the sale of postage stamps, stamped envelopes and postal cards for the month of December. 1902, amounted to P0. 471.33. a gain over December, 1902, of $6,041. 2-an increase of nearly 25 per cent. December, closed the heaviest quarter's business in the history of the office, which exceeded J70.000 in round numbers. SINGING EVANGELISTS At the Volunteer Hall, 29 North Second street, tine blind singing evangelists. Wil liam V. Baker and wife, will etna; and read the scripture lesson, Friday evening, January 2. This wUl be their last night with us. before going to otoer neld. are cordially inviteO, Ml HEW O f f.ve S 'Y V' "'' Jt.' T.: V'VS fti r , . v . l v , ..-5 v ' ' .- , -A y" V . . . V ' !. ; v ,-- ,. h A the coming session of Congrsss Senator S. B. Elkins, of Pennsyl vania, win Introduce a bill to greatly enlarge the power of the Inter state Oonuntrcs Commission. SOUTHERN PACIFIC EMPLOYES IN LINE Will Aid in General StriK-lf- One Should Be Declared-Labor Leader's Views on the Matter, Close on the htels of the disclosures recently made exclusively by The Journal that the eniplcycs of the Breat northern, Worth era Paciflo and the Canadian Pacific were contemplating a strike to enforoe their demands for higher wages, comes tlie Information that within ishe last few days the switchman employnd by the Southern Pacific have presented like demands. Managtr XoehUr, who represents the Southern Faolfie In Portland was the oOclal approached. He was asked to sign a new agreement by whloh the wages of the men were to be considerably incroased, bat at once re fused to do so. This action now puts the ft. P. employes in the same po sition as are those of other roads anS in case a strike Is declared it mans that the railroad workers of the Northwest will e able to put up a solid front with a good chance to win Hn what Is likely to be one of the most far-reaching strikes .that ever occurred west of the Mississippi.. It Is learned from an authentic ; source that the switchmen of lh Southern Pacific presented a new agree- ; ment, in which increased w:iki s and other important concessions were asTi '.l. to Manager Koehler, of tills city, a few ; days ago, for signing. That geiitl-man refused to affix his signature to the doc- j ument, hut the switchmen do not d- spalr. The Informant says that the en- glneers and trainmen will soon follow j their example. They will act in concert I with the employes of all the other roads i of the Northwest, and bv their great ; strength have the utinoM conildtic c in being able to win their point. ., ' A labor leader who Is well posted on movements of this kind but who ...es I not wish his IdHiitlty disi h-scd. in this connection, says: ! A I.KADEU'S VI1CWS. j "111 my. opinion th Nuithwcst is on : the eve of u great railroad sink.-. i:.i. h : local organization that is now asking ; for concessions has rceeU.-tl t lie s.ni tlon of the national bode I" act. and the i entire plans have undoubtedly :i j mapped out for weeks. This Is tie- most onnortune time for th-m t" ask lor tbeir I rights that they could possibly .Vn chosen. The country was never o pros perous as but the railway employe; have not l... -of, teil bv that prosperity Their wanes remain the same tin GRABBED THE PUBLIC DOMAIN How Eastern Oregon Ranchers Ac quire Land. In November a. complaint wns made lite I nited States Courts against U'il linm W Ilrowr, of rook I outny i"i having Illegally fenced era I thmi lan.l on sand Sicres of government Wagon-Tire Mountain, was sent out to i-.e lnspei tor Deady the off.-iider. who agreed to remov as soon as tl. Brown filed an the offending fences weather permitted. aftidait with I'nited States District Attorney Hall, snowing that the man who nan jm i " him had also inclosed 1! acres of The public domain, himself; In Lake County. In addition he gave the district attor ney tlie names of IT other persons who have inclosed an aggregate of 30.000 acres of government lands in Crook, Lake and Grant Counties. United States District Attorney Hall intmediately wrote eacU of Upi otteuuers, were In the hard times, although theirliv Ing peiises have Increased almost one f'.. irth over what they were at that tin).'. Their demands are Just and any hi. blase. I rcasoiier will? . whnoet'l edge-.-pa i t ieiilarl y when the railromls are de clariiiK such enormous dividends. IlKAIj HEASOjy'. ' I '.ut I will give you the principal rea son that the men nre choosing this par ticular time to better. their condition. The manner In which the Pennsylvania coal Miike terminated gave tlutn n co ii l avement. They know that the na tional administration feds kindly dis pose! toward them, and If they are compelled to strike they will do so with tlo- almost positive assurance that the dtrtiiiiln will finally be settled by a board of arbitration. The roads will not be tied up long until a great wail will go up from the general public, and as is usually, the case, the majority of II, I" i... will uph'.ld the strikers. ell Will be appealed til ill time. 's action In the Pennsylvania will be duplicated. He will call Koo-.o ai.:i hi trooble the la and in .iro.i.l magnates to Washington I Mst s i stroni;!:, upon in nitration W- "mr twrnrstie-Ttrflt they obliged to do so. Mark my if a strike occurs, it will tcr in just this way. At the last i. Ic.vve . er. the companies may iai-c wiih the men.' I as llo- will b. I w,,:,l-, ; miiiile I .mo notifying them to .remove their fences. Ti.;-- wis on I ., mber 23. Today lio re .. :.-d nr.sw. i from two of these. These lia .c dKi-eed to obey the law as soon as w.-ather permit In the meantime this mil- has cut liis fencen every 2i0 feet. M .-. Hall says, that about 3n.nH to 40. nun f,. rs of pdteife drnnahn wttt thus h tl rown open The second writer also says that he will furnish the district attorney with tile narncs of other Of fenders. AMERICAN L1KER LATE. POVTIIAMPTUN, Jan. 1 -The Ameri can liner St. Louis, which wa due to arrive h.re yesterday, baa net yet pat in an n i pea ranee, and some. at. x My 1s felt as to her safety. Amonlhe notables on bourd the liner Is John Phihip hdusu the wiAWJamous bandmaer and com poser. 0DELL RE-IMUGURATED. ALBANY, X. Y., Jan. l.-Gov. Odelt was relnaugu rated today, great ceremo nies taking place In honor Tjf the occasion: This is the first time In the. history of the state that- a Republican governor has succeeded himself, and naturally JAere la conjjijjiTaia exuwjusiiMiy, Efforts of the Physicians Proved Unavailing and Change for the Worse Came. HELENA. Mont.. Jan. l.-Mrs. W. A. Clark, Jr.. who gave birth to a son on' December 2. died ut 4:23 o'clock, this morn-t lng. The child has been known as the', "million dollar baby," as he will receive that sum from Senator Clark, being the' Senator's tirst grandson; Mabel Foster Clark was born In 18S0' at Pittsburg, Pa. While still a child she came to Montana und'graduated from the Butte High School. Her education wa completed nt the Women's College o Pittsburg, and she took the eonaervav tory course in music, being considered av muslchin of much talent. ., Miss Foster becanin the wife of W. A.; Clark. Jr.. on June 18. 1901. Ever slnced the birth of her child a month ago Mrs. I -lark lias hten critically 111, and the at tending physicians have at no time beer able to give any assurance of her ultl' mate recovery. Numerous consultations) were held, and Dr. .Perkins,, the .notedr! spfffillst of Denver, was called Into con ference. The physicians decided that air' operation was necessary, and it was per formed on Christmas Day, being pro1 ,1 nounced successful. Mrs. Clark's condi tion seemed more hopeful until last night.; when a change for the worse occurred. ! The end came at 4:25 this morning. The: child Is in a very healthy condition, and will probably live to enjoy his fortune. POULTRY SHOW. Will Be Held Soon In Old Yam' hill. M'MINNVILLK. Jan. I. On January . 6, 7 and 8 the poultry fanciers of Tarn, hill County will hold a poultry show at ( Newbejr', ., T4wJIMOct!il3ttAt7;. Forth every effort to make this meet" '' lng a success and there will be birds oq exhibition from all over this" county and many other points In the VTillamett"; ' Valley. :" Last night there was held a social and watch meeting at the Christian Church. At midnight the old year was "rung out and the new year rung in,." Kev. II. F. Mills of Kansas Will oc cupy the pulpit at the Methodist Church, Sunday at 11a. m. and at the Presby terian Church at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Mill Is a brother of C. F. Mills, a business man of this city. The real estate transfers for Tarn County for the last six days aggregate fl2.73S.58. When taken Into considera tion that this Is probably the dullest week In the year for business of this) kind the showing Is not so bad. and la' perhaps a forerunner of the activity of the real estate market the coming spring' and summer. A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN", Sang the Prisoners as the Glai New Year Came In "There'll be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight," reverberated through the cells and the corridors of the county jail this morning, as the new year burst forth Into existence. The priaonert, in eluding Murderers Beldlng and Smith. remained awake until the midnight hour., when they broke into a chorue or sons;, the old-time rag selection being; the first "melody" on the program. owIiik to the treachery of Beldlng and f Smith in attempting to break, jail, n j turkey dinner will be served to th Pfls oners today. Too much time wa wasted) , In trying to capture the criminals osj the outside, who were to aid In the cape, athl no turkeys ware bought. THE LONGSHOREMEN. On Saturdaj'. J. A. Madsen, fourth Viee., president of the International Longehorexj - f-men, Alarme anu innipwc nuorem ; send out circulair letters to tho vmriouaji.' locals on the coast, apprising them, 0f, the fact that the per capita, tax f r the) .. support of the central body which was) I i organized in Portland on October . lai now due. It is not tho intention to hayr paid oHlciaJs of the organisation, butt ' many incidental exuenses are UjeurretV and to meet them ItTis necessary to have) -a certain amoyjit of funds on hand. J. Hurley has een elected secretary of the, organization, to socceedu Thome Arthur, . -who rtjigned. SCOTCH CELEBRATED. A large number of Scotch residents o4 this city and many of their especially in vited friends gathered at Blank' Hall. Koprteenth and Powell atreets. last night to participate in "Hogmanay 'a cuatont. of the. people.l A most enjoyable tlm was had, the entertainment belnr alonf lines peculiar to Scotland and th,Scotch. , CIGAR . STOKE ROBBED . The cigar' store of J. A. THx, at th, ' east end of the steel bridge. wa brokea f Into and robbed last night The burglar ; secured but Uttle bct j.jta thejr ; wer w -frightened away. . J ANOTHER BANKRUPT ' John. D. Murphy of Bugarloaf, lineoM County, filed his petition. In bankruptcy p; this morning In the United -Btate Court., y,. Utt tU4 UbUiU m Uk IkJUUBt OS KJ.5fc i.. r 4