8 n at j VANDERBILTS CONDITION. OUR. STORE IS FULL OF BARGAINS FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPERS lV m Christmas Buyers Will Find Here a Carefully Selected Stock of Furniture of Every Description. We Show the Newest and Best ".'"V i the Manufacturers Make. oudimhi! Ex-Chief Lees of San Francisco Is Dead Famous Criminal Hunter, at Good Old Age, Goes to His Rest. Isaiah W Lees, ex-Chief of Police of Ban Fran. .. -ml one of the most , wldelv known criminal detectives In this country, died tit his home In that city Bunday. alter a brief Illness. Chief Lees was 72 years old und was connected with the police department over 40-yearn. He was known by every National wrongdoer and had the record of sending more bank robbers and forgers to prison than any : ether captain of detectives In the United State. One of the most famous cases In Which ha took a prominent part was the ;, running down of the noted forgers Becker. Creegan, Dean and McCloskey. A check for II dollars on the Hank of Woodlawn, of Tolo County, was cleverly . raised to $22,000. and cashed at tiie Crocker-Wool worth bank of San Fran- Cisco. The fraud was soon discovered and Captain Lees began to look up his . list of forgers. Soon Dean and Mc Closkey were caught at Minneapolis and . later Becker and Creegan were arrested : mX Newark, N. J. TURNED STATE'S EVIDENCE. At tae trial Dean and McCloskey turned state's evidence and Becker and . Creegan were sent to Folsom Prison for , long terms. One of the closest calls that Lees ever had was In an encounter with Reese, a notorious second-story man. Reese had i" stolen considerable jewelry and was In a store on Kearney street. Ban Francisco, J - selling thesolen goods. Les was t ele - phoned for and came at once to the tore and made a grab for him. In the . struggle both men fell to the floor. The ' fight continued for some time. Rees . Laving somewhat the better of the argu :.; inent Just as Lee's strength was giv ing away a plumber named Ellis, who . ' was passing the store, was attracted by 'v the shouts of the men, and upon entering recognised .the chief lying upon his : back and Reese in the act of killing ; him. Bills seized a piece of lead pipe . and dealt the robber one blow on the head and the fight was won. Ellis' ln- - tervention probably saved the detective's life, as Reese had a revolver In his hand ' and was about to shoot when he was ' toppled over by the plumber's blow. El lis was appointed to the police force for - this act of bravery. OTHER coNvrcf TONS. OtJervcrpoks that, the, chief was ln ' trumental in( sending tO'prlon were Jimmy Hope, bankrobber, and Barney "Maloney, Charles Marshall and Abe Coakley, wh"b robbed the office of the , Propwtjr rli-i oft SBJ.ae;n'Ci. "-- r Through the assistance of Chief Lees the conviction and execution of Wright Leroy. the attorney who strangled M. Skerrett, an old wealthy man, for his money, was made possible. , . Ex-Superintendent of Police Byrnes of . New York City had the greatest regard for Chief Lees' ability. When looking : lor National crooks, Byrnes would con sult with Lees before taking any action. Throughout, the entire Pacific Coast Lees was as well known as he was in Ban Francisco. After a four years', term as chief ol police Lees was retired, be i ing succeeded by Chief Crowley. Since , his retirement he has been associated with the Fatr estate. ' : Around police quarters in this city Lees was well- known. In speaking of him. Detective Day said: - "I think Chief Lees was one of the greatest detectives that this country has ever produced. He knew the charac ters of criminals. As soon as a certain crime was committed Lees would care fully examine what methods were em ployed and how the work was donet and from his knowledge of those men would at once have In mind the guilty party. Bankrobbers and murderers were afraid of him and rarely did a big Job without being caught." . FOR THE CHRISTNAS DINNER ""-Major Kooert DubT.IHi orthSaTvatlon Army has wrlttei to-h vgrtou pasterc 'and ' principals of schools of this city asking them the names and uddresHes of poor people to whom Christmas dinners may be sent. The Salvation Army ex pects to distribute 1,000 dinners In Port land not later than the 24tl. so thut the recipients may have ample time to prepare their Christmas dinner Sev eral officers have been exclusively en gagod In the work of house to house Visiting for the past weeK with the view of ascertaining the deserving poor of Portland. On Christmas evening a party of 30 .Officers will leuve for San Francisco to meet General Booth, the leader of the Army, who will visit the city of the Golden Gate at that time. W. C. T. U. WILL PROTEST. CHICAGO. Dec President Roose'-elt ; has hung in the W hite House Wait's K pointing entitled "Love and Life." re f. moved by President Cleveland In response "to the protects or tTte "White Kibbone'rs. Mrs. Lillhm Steven. National President r of the W. (.;. T 1'.. In reference to ; the report that Mrs. Martin, superinten . dent of the department for the promotion ;, Of purity In an ami literature, Intended to protest to the President: . "Mrs. Martin Is a woman of discretion wa4 1 am sure that anvthiiig shr may do Will meet with the heartv approval of the W. C. T. U." i', YALE PROFESSOR MADE CONSUL WASHINGTON, Dec 2" -Richmond Pearson having, by (able, accepted the (post of Minister to Persia, W. H. Bishop has been appointed to .succeed him as Consul-Oeneral at tienoa. Italy. Mr. Bish op Is a well-known man of letters, of Considerable reputation as a novelist, and Is professor of modern languages at Tale University. v , .. ,r Th Journal Dishes. i Subscribers to The Journal, old or : new. who are entitled to a set of The Journals dishes under the contracts made with them and who desire the dishes before Christmas, can call at .fh Journal office and secure them, as 1 delivery to the homes is rather slow, ; and such a largo number of subscribers cannot be served within so short a time. The Journal business office will be open until . 11 o clock at night for the ac commodation of those who cannot come for the dishes in the day time. Cetfman'a Xmas Candles. Cornelius Vanderbllt, now dangeroui-ly 111 with typhoid, is the most popular of all his famous family. He is an Inventor of gome note and an officer In the New York National Guard. These facts and the addi tional one that he sacrificed the Inheritance of IiIh father's millions to raarry the girl he loved, endears him to "the public to an extent not equalled by any of his fellow millionaires. HO ITICFATHT TOM, MUKSEREKB. ...lyhiladalphla- InquKw.) - - I A few days ago this city was shocked by a niurder. A beautiful woman walk ing On the street was shot down by her ever mn 'tc case of premeuitatea of premeditated crime unrelieved by any extenuating circum stances, this Is one. Onewoukl suppose that the shock to the .moral element of element of great that thy for the the community would be so there would be no more sympathy murderer than for a mad dos. On the contrary, we already hear excuses made, as that the man was Insane, or unac countably jealous, or some other such suggestion, and, curiously enough, women seem to be the sympathizers, though It Is one of their sex who was the victim. Unfortunately, this Is not an Isolated case. It happens after nearly every crime. No matter how heinous the offense, there are always apologists for the crim inal, not to mention the hysterical wo men who run after him with (lowers and sympathy and tears. The "Insane racket," as It Is called by criminal lawyers, has been worked with such success that ItIs a menace to the safety of the public and a crime against society itself. No man who can plan out a murder Is so Insane that he deserves either sympathy 1 r any thing less than the last penalty of the law. The persons who suddenly take such an Interest In the criminal seem to for get all about the murdered person, the Innocent victim. There Is usually money PRINCESS WifK aW .mmhlHij'' '''fSM'S. aSI'Ji.h ''; Wit' ' -'' ''' tSZS' 'J . , '; 1, ''&. : 4! !Cfi feuy u wii v rllw The story that vrince Henry of Plcm Is to succeed Dr. Von Holle ben as German Ambassador to Washington has been denied. The Prince, however, was so much struck bv what he saw of America during his re cent visit that ftp hopes to return again on a second and longer visit Th oeautiful Princess Henry of Pless will accompany her husband on this occasion. jjfi " .. enough raised to defend the criminal, who too often escapes any punishment 1 or Is given less than he deserves. Some ears ngo a crime of almost the same nature occurred In this city and ' " " " kjuiu noi occur ii wpre not hbuw ou hysterical sympathy for offenders. This helps to make a public sentiment , I wn,l'h enables law officers or Ju j ,,'n,l,pr JtlKtt'p wlth l mistaken urles to sense of mercy. The fiend who shoots down a d ictiseless woman In cold blood should not he pitied. He should be hanged Learn to &lk It. Qervals Star: Stormy weather has prevailed to an unusual degree the past month or more. Oregon winters are as a rule wet and with little cold weather and almost no snow. Occasionally the rainy season Is more severe than usual and this Ib one of those occasions and seasons when there Is sn abundance of rain. Crops are benefited and In this respect the rains are timely and helpful. Easterners are ngt as a rule favorably Impressed with our rams the first sea son. hut the longer they remain With us the more contented they are. Going to St. Louis 7 If so. learn about the new tourist ser vice Inaugurated by the O. R. St N., via Denver and Kansas City. City tloket Of fice. Third and Washington. (?) IS COMING. A Carload of Ornamental Xmas Gifts TOILET TABLES Tor Bedrooms, In all woods chairs to mitch. SQUARE-TOP TABLE In oak tr cherry, Beautifully shaped. Medicine Closets, Hall Racks and . Staiids, Diiiing-Ropm Tables, Sideboard, Couches, Brass Trimmed Enameled Beds I - .J 17Q-173 FIRST 10 1(111 1051 Invites Leading Gtizens of Oregon Accords Them Special Privileges and a Reduction in Steamship Rate. Japan is inviting a few of the promt exniomon. 1 tie Following letter, en closing an engraved Invitation, is being sent out by S. Takagl. vice-consul for Japan In Portland: "Being Instructed by his Imperial majesty's government to 'forward to a few of the prominent citisens of Oregon to attend the Fifth National Industrial Kxliloltlon to be held at Osaka. Japan, from March 1 to the 31st of July. 1903. I have the honor and pleasure to for ward to you the enclosed Invitation, which, as you will perceive from perusal of toe accompanying circular, entitles you to special rates on the Nippon Tusen Kaisha's steamers, as well as other ad vantages." THE INVITATION. The invitation referred to Is beauti fully engraved, with the seal of the Government of Japan embossed on it. It reads as follows: "Baron T. Hirata. his imperial Japan ese majesty's minister for agriculture anil commerce and i . -president of the Fifth National Industrial Exhibition, re quests. the. honor of Mr. visit, to the exhibition to be held at Tennojl, in the City of Osaka, from the 1st of March to the 31st of July, In the year nineteen hundred and three." PRIVILEGES GAINED, privileges referred to in The Mr. 1 aKagl s letter are rate' letter. It read: "The bearer of tin ntained in a sepa as follows : invitation card Is ilities for the ln ition, traveling. in 1 20 per cent dis both. outward and entitled to special fi spectton of the exhi the empire., etc., eir 'He will ! allow. count on single fare homeward by the Nippon Yusen Kalsha, if traveling on their steamers.' ciforts are being nia.lo to Induce the Osaka Shosen Kuislm and other steam ship companies also i,j allow a discount on their fares " BIG POULTRY SHOW OPENS PULLMAN, Mash., Dec 23. The annua poultry and iet stock show; under the auspices of the Whitman County Fanci ers' Association, opened today, and Will contlrtue until next Saturday All the beM birds of the state are here gathered together. They make a total Of -over LOOO birds, including every kind of fancy breed. Especially notable are the dis plays of chickens and turl eys. . Judging was commenced today under the direc tion of F. W. Hitchcock of Denver.- Toy Trunks t Toy Wanks! Harr Trunk Co., Morrison, near Second. 1M Mil Roll-Top Desks These Desks were selected especially for this Xmas trade, and are offered you at a lower price than Is usually asked for goods of a like description. Order one now and have it delivered when you like. Useful and WB ARE STIUL, IN THE OL.D STAND HENRY JENNINGS SONS THE 4-STORY .STREET GIFTS FOR PRESIDENT Flood of Christmas Presents Arriv ing at White House. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23.-Chrlst-mas presents are arriving In great num- hers at the White House, coming from j relatives, personal friends and admirers ; of the Roosevelts. The character of the gifts is varied. Some are costly, others unique and not a few on the freak order. They come not only from the States, but from the West Indies and the far East, cigars without number are sent to the President from Cuba, Porto Rico and Ma nila, the senders evidently not being aware of the fact that Mr. Roosevelt, unlike his predecessor, has no great fond ness for tobacco. From China and the Philippines come many curios, and not. a few of these are addressed to the jbunger members of the President's family. Tropical fruits, Including crates of pine apples, bananas and oranges, have been BUY A COPY OF THE JOURNAL'S Cferistaaas dumber Leave orders with The Journal, 289 Yamhill Street, or ask the newsboys or newsdealers for it. Another Car of the Celebrated Steel Ranges . So far during the year 1903 we have disposed of seven carloads of this range. It is made by the CLbVhLAND CO-OPfcRATIVe STEEL RANQB CO. The reason assigned for Its fuel-saving qualities Is that It Is built ' right" All material for stoves and range has ad vsnced from 15 to, 35 per cent., and consequently stoves and ranges will be higher, A long-time con tract enables us to offer the CLEVELAND STEEL RANGE at the same old price. Chairs and Rocker In all styles and shapes in evidence everywhere about the store. Blankets Nothing; nicer to give as a gift. a good assortment. RED BLOCK s " , -PORTL-AJSID.. OREGON received at the Executive Mansion, ami turkeys, barrels of apples and wild game have come from friends within the States. The dally delivery of Innumerable par cels at the White House bear testimony to the fact that It is Indeed going to be a merry Christmas with the Chief Exec utive and his family. In spite of numer ous exacting duties, Mrs. Roosevelt has managed to spend several hours each week at the different stores and in con sequence all of her gifts are ready for distribution. Like Mrs. McKInley, she se lects the present for her Intimate friends from little keepsakes made by her own hands. wfss Ethel Roosevelt will not receive a doll this year, and this will be the first time that her mother has not dressed such a plaything for her daughter. Mrs. Roosevelt, however, learned that Miss Kthel had concluded that her family was large enough, and that she would pre fer books or some Intricate puzzles, which are popular at her school, instead of more dolls. Little Qulntln, however, be lieves In boy babies, and has quite an as sortment of rough riders, clergymen and soldiers, and he will doubtless add to his collection. Archibald scorns such play things, and aWftys asks for something Tomorrow, Dec. 24th 36-PAGE EDITION There's No Waste of Space SO IT'S GOOD We hava alive or for collars or other ornaments for his numerous pets. The Cabinet ladies will follow the prees dent established last year, and will pre Bent Mirs. Hoosevclt with a handsoma gift. This present Is exceedingly beau tiful and costly. None of the ladies feel free to disclose its nature, but they all say It is something Mrs. Roosevelt has desired for some time, and for which she has frequently expressed a wish. Mrs, Hay, as the ranking lady of the Cabinet was selected to purchase the gift. KABB CHANCE TO GO BAST. Ths O. B. k IT. Hakes Low Bats fo Tlrst of the Tear. If you are going East, do not forge( that the O. R. & N. has made a rate oi J60, Portland to Kansas City and return. Tickets on sale January S and 9. and! good for 80 days, with stop over prlv lieges, on return passage. Call up O. R, & N. ticket office. Third and Washing; ton, and learn particulars. The time of the O. R. & N.'s "Chicago Portland Special." which leaves Portland every morning at 9 o'clock, is 70 hours. Save a working day by this route. In quire city ticket office, Third and Wash-, burton.