The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    IHB OHEGOT DALL X JOXJ1UN AlJ, ..TUIaTIaAJTD, MOJN PA X , ii Y JaJN UN tr, jJiSUJilMJIiSIfc 5-2, 1903.
v , .y
IPI 111)1
Is not equal to -the beat The frm and raouatlnr and ell the cna
terlal In our optical work U the vary beat that money and kill can
. preauoe. OXTM LIVISI are superior in quality and the process wa um
In making th complicated lenses la undoubtedly batter aad -makes a
mora perfect lense. la the proceae Of artndlnf wa break the. glass In
stead of crushing It . -, ii -j J; A- .
011 m m
Vcuitaia prescriptions uucu. t 'C'jwMl.-".
Local Position Is ' Not
Yet Fiflei
Manufacturing Jewelers and Opticians. Cernai Third ana" Washington Streets.
. su DimBumir . tixmivru in
,e.v n inn .yyy!yy
mil lax 1
v "'-'"--. v,,' ;. , .. : ; . ,.V!I.;
fl If If I II 1 1 1 1 II III- III
HrrviiiiiiLiu ' vi
Willamette Iron & Steel Works.
'- . 3d and CBsaa Stt Portland, Or. V
locers are Invited to Inspect
our Holiday Assortment of -
Various Types of . ,
J,.':.,. ".'.'.'..;" ,1 !
Logging Machinery
i TTi "1m "T'i'iBBSSBi i i in " '
TEa Holidays in reality present
.a good opportonity. Com
bine business with pleasure
when you are In town. v
Now is the BUYING TIME,
and we are holding some
interesting machinery for
your Inspection.
V -f Y f . i "i
Willamette Iron & Steel Worics.
3d and Cliaaa SU, Portland, Or.
Annual Disposition of Misdirected
L V-T Mail 'Matter.-
(Journal Special Bervlca.)
- WA8HINOTON, Dec,. 2i. The annual
ale of articles that were lost In the
mails and have aocuraulated tn the dead
latter office has bevun.
The list of things to be sold forma a
pamphlet of no mean sice and beajdas
ahowlnar the variety of thlnra that ara
. entrusted to Uncle Sam's mall carriers,
-ha ln oatalofTse f rPackaces-ltidicatea
f V- the American people are as eareless aa
, aver In addressing their communications.
- It is a. lrabbaK'c-saTe and onlir tha
4 barest indication is riven of the con
A tenta of the several lots. ... The usual
tm, crowd waa n hand thla 4oornln Ut take
f part In tab lottery, which is a favorite
"Juat-before-Chrlatmaa" event with
giany because of the possibility of et
"'.a-t--a-"Ju.- a-. .... if- , ' , ''
ting a really valuable article for few
There are Z.39S lots of miscellaneous
articles,, ranrtna; all the way from dam
used lamp-wicks to bathing suits and
harmonicas. There are besides Ml lots
of books and 16S lots of Jewelry.
Some of tha oontanta of the packages,
as given in the auctioneer's catalogue,
are remarkable. For instance, lot 6(
container a damaged silk muffler, wo
man's undervestt damaged shirt waist,
spoon and 1 lampwlcka and - a pipe. No.
136 contains a pair of woman's rubbers,
rosary, , two ties, hatpin and a tobacco
pipe. . Lot 248 consist of a woman's
night dress, pair man's) bose, damaged
hair clipper' and toy. Another lot con
tains two pairs of corsets, 14 falae teeth
and cheap jewelry. Other things In the
Hat are clocks, -watches, monkey wrench
es, gaa tips, typewriter ribbons, base
balls, suspensory "bandages, pocket
knives sewing machine attachments
and fountain - pens, - Among -the iyooke
are Bibles, Testaments and a large num
ber Of copies Df rtiayia Harum.r a dlc
tlons,ry. or two and several volumes of
Kipling's; worka. .
'Coffmen's Xmil Candles.
Cents each for hand-
some Japanette ini-
tial handkerchiefs
well worth
Christmas present.
Not more than three
to one customer.
Sale continues as
long as they last.
When you see it in
our ad. it's so. : :
.. -r .4.4f--i--f-
: : J.. Third and Oak Streets.
Laid Orcr Till Congress Meets in
. Jinciry Causes of
- the ltelay ; . -
Tha battle between A. B. Oroasman,
representing the business men of Port
land, and F. A. Bancroft, who U credited
with being the nominee of tha "Jack"
Matthews faction of tha Republican par
ty, for the appointment ,ae postmaster of
Portland, did not come to a finish on Sat
urday in Washington, as was expected,
and now the announcement is made that
nothing will be done Ull Congress recon
vene on January i. y .' v
The cause of the delay undoubtedly lies
In the fact that tha Oregon delegation.
Senators Simon and Mltohelt- -have not
been able to come to any understanding
dn the matter. Senator Simon Is now on
his way to Portland and will probably
arrive here Tuesday night or Wednesday
morning, at which time If the Senator
will talk-the exact atatus of the case wjU
doubtless be learned.. , .' ; :. ,;
Opinion in Portland Is general that the
delay in the appointment is favorable to
Croasman,' tha present ' Incumbent, and
It la thought extremely doubtful that the
President will ignore the very general -
mand from tha prominent business bouse
of tha city for his reappointment. .
That the people of both parties through
out the state take a very active Interest
In the matter and that the conditions
which surround the fight are by them
thoroughly understood Is to be seen by
the appended quotation from a recent Is
sue of the Salem Capital Journal, which
says -under the head, 'The Portland Post
office Case:"
"Practically, all the business men of
Portland have united In a demand- that
President Roosevelt re-appoint Postmaster
Croasman, of that town, as. a protest
against the assumption of State Chair
man Matthews to dictate the appoint
ment. "Nearly 1,000 names of business men
have gone down in a formal manner
and been preeented to President Roosevelt
through Congressman Moody business
men -representing nearly 1100,000,000 of
capital. -- ......
'This unanimity of sentiment to retain
worthy and competent official over
rides all factional differences within the
party, and oxtends beyond partisan lines.
The Republican party and the people of
Portland sink all differences when it
comes to sustaining Mr. Croasman.
"When the caae comes fullv before
President Roosevelt It' will be found to be
one of the squares t on the records, in
which the. party and the- Beoole demand. a
jponnnuance .of a gentlemanly and Able
omciai, and a single self -constituted boss
assumes to dictate his successor.
8 till more squarely on its feet is this a
case where a boss assumed to demand the
removal .of competent subordinates, some
of whonl have been appointed at his own
request, when he was assistant postmas
ter at romand. -, j . .
'Because he cannot have elerka and
outer employes removed at his pleasure.
ne aeciares lie will have a postmaster
appointed who will do his bidding.. This
threat coming from a man who was at
the same time Republican Stat Chair
man and -United States Marshal, Is on i
vi mo moei reroarxaDie cases of offensive
partis-nsnm in the history of polities.
"If Mr. Jack Matthews is sustained in
his fight for prestige from a purely spoils
basis, neither for the good of tha service
nor the party, the effect will be far-reach
ing politically. It will turn Portland up
side down, and may affect state politics
Jt was almost entirely Au tn ur-
Mat thews' management that the last state
campaign cost the Republican party the
governorship of Oregon for four
Of course, he had help in tha way of
minor noaeea in turning the state over,
so far as the office of chief executive.
But even those local bosses are now -.
rayed against him in several
The matter Is entirely in the haads of
rnuuni nooeeveil. v
. ,. . . . ' .i 1 - '
Orpha Mack was granted a - divorce
this morning from W. A. Mack, tha de
cision being given by Judge George on
grounas or cruel ana inhuman treat
ment. ' The defendant had 4llat . num.
ter complaint but the court found' that
ine preponderance or evidence - was on
the side of the fair plaintiff, and gave
11 cr 1 tie oecrwau
The court aettled tha e-nn!-).' rt
of the counla bv -tvina- n tk. nt.ll
tha bouse and lot, and tha defendant the
personal . property. . , . . .
rate preparations have been completed
for tha annual axhlHttlnn. hla --lr ne
the Southweatjirn lSliilnn Pwmi1w mwA
Pet Stock Association. . The entry list la
unusually large and from all Indications
the Show will ha tha mnat iwttAls u.
hlbltlon of poultry, -dogs, hares and cats
ever given in Michigan. Several thou
sand dollars In ' nremiuma will ha
- mTWEM rornxoAsr. -
The area of hlah Dreaaura which 'ti.a
enveloped the entire Northwest during
the last several days bas moved east
ward and now occupies the central val
leys.' A storm of considerable energy Is
this-morning central over Western Brit
ish Columbia, movlnar eastnnl.. Tt haa
caused general rains in Western' Oreo-on
and Western Washington and high winds
anu saiea along me uoast.
At North Head the wind attained a
maximum velocity of 0 unties an hour
from the southeast and at Tatoosa Is
land the maximum velocity . was i it
miles. soothea ' Storm warnings an
nouncing the approach of .this storm
were ordered disDlaved at 'tha tnouth
of the Columbia River and on Strait of
Juan de uca last night, and this morn
ing the warnings were extended, to all
ouna forts. ; ;,;.ir-.-. - .
The- indications are for Occasional
rain in this district Tuesday.'
Western Oregon and -Western Weah
Ington Tonlsrht and Taewdayyooeaslonai
rain; brisk southerly winda....
Eastern Oreeron Ton! ah t aiul Tnaai
day, occasional rain,- with snow In the
mountains and foothills. " -
Eastern WaahinKton Tonight, snow,
turning to-ralnj warmerv Tuesday, oc
casional rain, with snow in tha noun.
tains and foothills. - .
Idaho .Tonight, fair south; anew or
rain, north portion; 'Tuesday, occasional
rain, with -snow la the mount hi nsanii
foothills. A.-B. WOLLABER. .
: . - - Acting Forecast . Official,
Coffmaa's Znu Candlea. " ; s
to our store and yon
win tee one of the most
complete and up to date
assortments of
hatsKties, cloves,
mufflers, fancy
Each and every artide
shown b perfect, and
they will surely suggest
some forgotten present;
An early call will be to
your advantage.
VTliintaad Stark Sta. ,
Prntyour rriends with an order
on us for . Knot or Warburton Hat
Another Carload
"W. L. Douglas"
All Styles
. . . . . -:
1 .V
Goddard - Kelly
. mi ll 1' .
The caae of the' State of Oregon vs.
Hugh Traynor, , charged , with larceny
from the persoh. Will be taken up- again
in the . State .Court this afternoon.
The jury will be selected, which will
require perhapa tw .hours.. After that
it la probable that counsel for the de
fense will move for a continuance.
The Traynor caae- 1 the one which
has been hanging fire mo long owing to
the fact that the jury failed to agree.
They stood 11 to 1 in .favor of convic
tion, but the juror who stood for acquit
tal would not yield bis' position.
Traynor is charged, with grabbing a
roll of Canadian bills from Ed Louth
In a saloon near tha Union Depot,
Toy Trunks! Toy .Trunks!
Harris Trunk Co., aforrlson, near Second.
Vf,T;v ? .1'""'""""""""" """"
Weather God Did Not Do WeU by
. , inosc ; wtsoing to Sow
In the opinion of H W. McComas, one
of (he moat prominent grain buyers of
iaatern Oregon, and a resident of Pendle
ton, the amount of wheat that rolls Port-
landward from tha valleys of the Uma
tilla, Walla Walla and Columbia will bo
curtailed durln the coming; season, be
cause of the leakage from the Willamette
Valley that. for once gave' tha first men
tioned sections too much rain. Mr. Mc
Comas Is In Portland today on business.
and In speaking of the crop outlook, said:
"Too much rain is the cry this fail fend
winter, - where before the prevailing in
clination has been toward
ever varied from exactly what it should
do.' This rain, coming at a time wben
the farmers should have been engaged
In sowing their fall wheat, prevented this
i work, and not. more than So per cent -of
the acreage bas been covered,.' Winter
wheat Is always the best producing, and
' for this reason noxt year's crop will be
short. -.-yv .;. -
"The crop of 1902 has been welt cleaned
out. i Umatilla County produced 8,500,000
hnshels of wheat this year. There, ia
about 10 per cent, of this that has not
been shinned out. and some of that re
maining- is already sold., This same con-;
dltlon, both as to. shipment and super
abundance of moisture, applies equally to
the Walla Walla Valley. Prevailing
prices have been- good and the farmer
ns a rule "have done we!l:V
Mr. McComas believes that the rebuke
that was administered to Eastern Ore
gon through turning down by the people
of W. J. Furnish, the Pendleton candi
date for governor, is alone responsible
for the failure of Judge Stephen A. Low-
ei to appear as a senatorial canaiaate.
"Wo flf the East Bide are viewing the
political battle from afar," said Mr. Mc
Comas. "We had our little fling and lost.
Although we have not yet sat down, w
have gone 'way back,' and are Just
'standing' 'round. Of course, we take
an interest in the senatorial fight, but
that Interest Is not particularly near
home. I do not believe the East 84de
has a candidate. I have never heard
one discussed, -
"Wool and wheat is attracting atten
tion and energy -over our way. Th9 la
some thine real In that, and it la-the reali
ties of life, after all, that appeal mpra.
iiiTiiiiij 'iu iie yumwou people
H1 X " ', ww-w w - ww.MMtisat.t,s,a eMeeeeaaaMteeeeaAawaeuige' s
U : 8.00 SOk VmbnlUuZJZj..;:.:-
f iumu dux umonuat,
Jit Sp9cial'....,.n,.,...t., $8.7S, f 10.35 s
Sp0cla pmr boJt..v..v..h... 63c to $1.98 :
At the fourth annual meeting of the
Oregon Historical Society, held in the
City Hall Saturday, the need of a new
building waa discussed by Secretary F.
(1., Young. In his report he comments
upon the gratification of the members of
the society in watching the Lewis ' and
Clark Exposition project take a definite
snane, tor it waa tru-ougn the Historical
Ducieiy ina,i uie scaeme waa launcnea.
The project for the erection of a Memo
rial Building by. the National Govern
ment wa. heartily Indorsed.
The report shows a marked increase In
the collection of curios, having received
12S pioneer relics and 110 archaeological
specimens, and 1,120 arrow heads.
1 Our Usefuf
and Welcome
for Men are
therFine$t in
Ladle, only three days left
In which to make your
elections, -, r
3 & . , J
ssrg"i-v a ava,i i'-Brf.f uiaa.
nf.. r-- m ; -?
All Oregon,
Xmas, 2:30.
Every dayi takes several of our choicest pieces
from articles' for holiday presents, but our
stock is good the year around and our supply is
not exhausted nor is it likely to be up to the
last hour: before Christmas day, for we calcu
lated to have some pieces left for New Year's
presents. Come early and avoid the rush.
We suggest below some f our lines pt good
sensible goods from which to select presents.
CELLULOID TOILET CASES, Shaving: ','Sets, Manfcure Sets,
Work Boxes. Collar and Caff Boxes, Handkerchief and Qlove
. Boxes, Smokers Sets, Military. Brush Sets and Photo Cases.
SILVER-MOUNTED EBONV Ladles Brushes, Combs; llllltary
Brushes, Cloth Brushes and an endless variety of Ebony
Articles in sets or single pieces. . . .v .
TRIPLE MIRRORS In oak,' maple, mahogany, ebonlzed and
celluloid at all prices.. , . - '
LEATHER GOODS In Ladies' Purses, Coin Purses, Card Cases,
Cigar Cases, BUI Books. Chatelaln Bags, Music Rolls,' Belts,
;-- Photo Casej,ia:K-.7g
MEXICAN HAND-CARVED Leather Purses, : Chatelaln Bags.
Cigar Cases, Belts, Music .Rolls and an endless variety of
:niaUartlcI.vnt-:,i:i- ;:.V-', . . - .
' P -t-'r' ' : i
PERFUMERY, aU .' French 5 and ' American high-class goods In
original packages. In fancy cases or plain bottles. j:
HATS, ttie very latest
Everything prelerred by the
refined Gentleman. ,
0nlv flood aoods-Onlv Reisbnable Prices,
. "5,'-o,vV- r'--'.'V-r..y '; -::V;-r?..w.,., ..VV?.
'": Men's Furnisher and Hatter
svn n(ni tvr ids
'Vr"'- ;"x ?;04?;i:'JnANW OF
' i of All Descrlotlons.' -
I Office and Works ; ts ! 14 and Northrup St.
DRUaaiSTS, 151 Third Street.
? For. delays are- dangerous J !
and sometimes" 'costly .
When - teeth - first ; show f
a. -a. at - L. a -V 'J
signs oi neeaing axieniion, A k
they should 'be -examined. -If
a person waits' a month;
. or: two longer. it usually is
more - expensive 'and con
sumes more time.", ;. JT
: 8D8, 809. BIO, at, 213 FaOlsar Waf
WISE BROS.I Dentists.
-ones: Or South 2S?1! CoL S6S.
Open eveainvs till Bun., t to li
, v var. Tlui& iu lraaounaTtoa am. .