The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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Tolhti' partly elsedri
Thursday, srabablr ahoweni
wiada, motuj asrtherly, -.. ..
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VOL. I. NO. 23G.
Councilman Sharkey Says
Money and Three Other City Fathers
He Proposes to :Amend the' City Charter That This May
Be Done Mayor Will Enforce the Law Tacoma
- Chief of Police Tells How They Do It.
"The gambling problem la assuming proportion that ur demand legislative action. Our n.w oktrtw la im
perative on the issue and recognizes no gaming privileges. Z know that Mayor Williams will enforce the law la all
Ha meaning. If that law la not rood for Portland, another can be enaoted, which I believe wlU give tola city the
money fee It deserves from gambling privilga. .-.',
"That gambling will go on regardless .of tha saw charter X believe to ba an assured fact, and It becomes a slmpjs
qnastlon whether there shall ba aaerat joints, which arr always bard for tha polio to control, or optn propositions
which mar ba InTastlffatad, morning, noon and nlfht by any officer of tha maniolpallay.
"Por my part. Z would fladly oonstitnta myself an Inspecting' officer and ba assured that games, no matter of
what character, are being; run devoid of thierery.
"Tour Councilman, Including- myself, nave studied tha details of this stubborn matter, and we believe that fully
1300,000 par rear will accrue to Portland, shall gambling privilege bo taxed.
"It Is apparent tha great good a third of a million dollars will do in eltjr Improvements, and there is no on
ao senseless but knows how badly our city needs revenue for street improvements, if for no other porpoaa."
The above expression of his views on
the gambling problem was made by
Councilman Sharkey to a Journal man
this morning. Mr. Sharkey believes that
the presen situation is one calling for
action and does not hesitate to express
what are the views of other counclimen
as well as himself. Continuing his re
marks on the subject, he said.
.'Sft uw.rit, of. .councilman .ImnUoa
had a session with Mayor Williams, and
1 though .the chle executive la liberal,
" he ' is pledged to support the law. I
know that gambling fraternities are en
deavoring- to gain the signatures of a.
percentage of the population. In order wfi's gaming privileges. He stated
present a petition to the, legislature
which will create a, referendum, but '1
believe that nothing win come of it, for
a city's needs are emergency calls and
an initiative or referendum movement
could be defeated on such grounds.
"I believe, nevertheless, that Portland
should have what belongs to It from
gaming resorts. I do not consider for
a moment the advisability of allowing
graft to put in its pocKet what the tax
payers should enjoy."
Mayor Williams does not believe that
there Is any danger of defeating the
new charter.
"It Is the duty of enforcing the law
so far as I am concerned," said the
mayor this morning. "The new charter
lays down certain rules and I will see
that they are enforced. I recognise the
fact that gambling Is an evil. Men are
robbed at the tables, and if I can drive
the iniquitous places into seclusion I will
do so. By so doing I believe that a great
benefit will accrue to this community. I
am not going to discuss a metaphysical
question concerning the benefits that
might accrue to Portland, were fines
from ill-gotten gains paid Into the treas
ury. No. It's a matter of law, pure and
simple, and I will exercise my preroga
tive in enforcing It."
Continuing the mayor said: "If it la
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. The long deferred Omnibus Statehood Bill in the
Senate broke out an hour earlier than was expected this morning, when Quay;
leading the statehood forces, sent to the desk and had read scores of telegrams
from the people of Oklahoma opposing the single statehood bill.
The House this morning, as a committee of the whole,' began consideration
of tha revenue bills. The first bill considered provided that goods deposited in
bond in warehouse can be withdrawn for consumption within three years and
ba subject to the duties of the time of .withdrawal instead of at the time of be
ing stored. The bill was finally reported favorably and passed. The commmittee
of the whole then considered a resolution providing for distribution to commit
tees of the various recommendations of the president's message.
Tha proposal to repeal all land laws except the homestead is vigorously
opposed by the friends of irrigation, because it would stop the supply of irri
gation funds.
MADRID. Dec. 10. A dispatch from Tangier says that rebels have sur
rounded the forces of the Sultan of Morroco and that a fierce battle Is Immi
nent It is feared that the entire army, of the sultan may be destroyed, as
there is no help at hand. The rebels have been gaining rapidly within the last
two weeks and there is great fear of the consequences to the government.
ROMETDec 10. Dispatches from Naples tell of the opening of several new
craters and large lava flows from Vesuvius. Fear is entertained that the
famous old mountain may break forth again Into open eruption and create con
siderable damage. Lava flows Buch as have been noticed for the last few days
have always, preceded violent demonstrations 6f the volcano's "power
- Kotifleation was received to4aj-T1
fVniM. . SPlia .TnnrnaVa mmI.1 a, i
rranolaco correspondent that as
other 90 cent advance has been
chronicled in the price of sugar.
- Xbor Item. Tha wages of. sin will ra
rrwirj the ame as aver. Tha Maw .York
wono. ;
Agree With Him.
the desire of the people to allow open
gambling, then let the Legislature
amend the charter to that effect. Should
such a statute be enacted the gambling
proposition in Portland assumes an
other phase."
Chief of Police Fackler of Tacoma vis-
ltflf!.,t.l)ft.mayc Ms sasrning As etEpany 4
with Chief McLauchlan. The gambling
situation -was discussed pro and con,
and Chief Fackler stated that Tacoma
enjoyed a. handsome revenue from fines
that the police wre able to command
Mie-situation easily, because all opera
tions were in the open.
No expression could be gained from
Chief of Police McLauchlan. although
It Is believed he favors a free town so
far as gambling Is concerned. He says
that gambling in the open Is much more
easily regulated than where the vice Is
driven into seclusion.
Today it Is openly stated that the big
houses are willing to pay to the city any
Just fine, but ir the new charter will
shut them out, every effort to defeat the
measure will be used.
No little Interest in the gambling situa
tion and the reported attempt to defeat
the new city charter by means of the
initiative and referendum is taken, about
the city, and dally on the street corners
and In the stores and offices of Portland
the" matter la being earnestly discussed.
While it is very hard to be absolute.
there is little doubt that a majority of
the people have come to the same con
clusion ai has Councilman Sharkey that
the city needs the money.
The necessity of improving the streets
and the general features of the city be
fore the year of the big fair seems to be
the principal factor in the formation of
1 ' 1
hundred men "reout t- theSprckel
sugar refinery, and the boats wich carry
sugar are tied up and 040,000 worth of
sugar in the boilers will be ruined If the
men don't return-trno. ndarB.T Recently
80 menwere discharged just after form
ing a union.. The management deniea
this waa the -cause. . "
Sugar la up another !0 cents, making
a total raise of 10 cants la tha month.
We Need the
such opinions, while the suspicion that
some one is now getting the money that,
if it is collected at all, might as well go
Into the coffers of the municipality, is
also a reason with the street statesmen
why some revenue shduld be derived from
the rejfulation of those vices which in
the general opinion It . Is Impossible , to
utterly rnp out. -...-. ,.
The probability that the advoaacy of
this plan would draw down, upon thetr
heads the wrath of many people Is said
to be one reason why 'many men promi
nent In the business lite of the city, who
favor the plan, hesitate about saying so
In public. This, however, does not de
ter them from discussing the matter In
private, and an observer who would hear
the matter talked of about the town
would have little difficulty In coming to
the conclusion that the sentiment of the
people Is in great measure favorable to
either licensing, or, if that be not pos
sible, a fining system for the gambling
The statement of Councilman Sharkey
that the revenue from this aource would
reach the sum of a third -of a million
Strong Declaration Made by Under-Secretary in the House
of CoSS Today Nation Stands Ready to
Back Up the Action of Its Minister.
WASKTaTCrTOV, Deo. , 10. The State Department today received a telegram from Kinlater Bowen, stating that
German and .British marines and sailors had landed and seised tha Venezuelan customs house at Za Onayra. There
Is no mention of lighting and this may have keen accomplished without bloodshed. It la evident tha foreign fteet
Is determined to bring Castro and his government to terms at anoe.
LOHDOir, Deo. 10 JFrompt action by tha British government has secured tha release of by far the majority of
tha 200 German and British subjects who were arrested and thrown Into prison yesterday by President Castro of Vene
zuela. This announcement was made this morning in the House of Commons. The utmost efforts are now being put
forth to secure the freedom of tha remainder. There is little difficulty anticipated in this, as it la believed that tha
United States will co-operate In tha demand that private citizens ba released from responsibility In matters of atate.
LONDON, Dec 10. The Venecuelan
question was brought up in the House .of
Commons : this morning and there' was
considerable discussion of the subject.
When Kelr Hardie asked that the govern
ment make known its cause for the coerc
ive measures being employed against the
South American Republic, Under-Secretary
Cranbourne said that full details
would be disclosed In all newspapers as
soon as submitted.. There were many
causes for complaint, he said.
Among other things, tha Venezuelan
authorities had been, without Justifica
tion, Interfering with British merchant
vessels and their rights. There had been
imprisonment and ill-treatment of Brit
ish subjects, and the seizure and destruc
tion of property of British subjects.
He . said the ministers of both Ger
many and Britain simply acted frj ac
cordance with specific orders In taking
the course they did. Unless concessions
ww made at once -the -ministers were
told to'see that force was resorted to.
After the ultimatums had been presented
and Ignored there was nothing else tor
them to do. .
The reported selxure of Veneauelan war
ships was in all probability true, he said,
and if It was, it simply demonstrated that
Britain and Germany were thoroughly in
earnest in the demand that Indemnity be
paid them at ones. The beat way for
Caatro and his government to avoid fur
ther trouble was to settle.
' AJCEmiCAt ITAjrO. .
WASHINGTON, - Deo. 10. Late last
evening the report reached her that the
first actually hostile act In tha Veneauelan
t M f if ' sW r 9 ..... . m. 'il.'V "V m
fY t. ''refill HI
K if a mm K
LONDON, Dee.10. Those who are in the confidences of the con
structors of Sir Thomas Upton's new yacht which Is to race for the
America's cup, declare the cutter will be the fastest sailing ship ever
turned off the British ways. There will ba alterations In her sailing
gear and area from former yacht models. ;
dollars a year, seems to many slightly
strong,' but there is no doubt in the minds
of many of those people who should
know, that even If this figure be ex
trouble had been committed. The English
nd German squadrons entered the har
bor 6f La Guayra.' captured by intimi
dation and towed into the open sea the
Venezuelan fleet, consisting of four ships,
manned by about 500 men. There was no
report of a shot having been rird in this
the first battle. The Venezuelan flotilla
tfems to have clearly realised that noth
ing could be done In the face of the odds
; against it and to have given in without
& struggle.
Another report quickly followed on the
heels of the naval rumor. This was that
Castro had ordered all German and j)TU
ish subjects in Caracas placed undeVaBg
rest. This is by far the more disquieting
of the two, because the German and British-
consuls, before embarking on their
warships after delivering the ultimatums,
placed all affairs of their, citizens in the
hands of the American minister.
With the arrest of German and British
subjects, private citizens who have no
part In the war, the American represen
tative will be called upon to act in the
matter, and it is highly probable this
country may become seriously Involved.
It is certain that Minister Bowen will do
whatever he finds to be right, and that
ha will act with promptness and decis
ion, but there is considerable anxiety felt
concerning the outcome. -
YXsTBSUZ&A. onimuiT.
CARACAS, Dec. rO There Is widely
diversified feeling her regarding the po
sition In which this country is now placed.
In general, residents of this city are dis
posed to view tha situation with alarm,
and scenes of turbulence are already
being enacted. In the Inland districts,
however, there la little Interest taken la
cessive,, enough could be realized
this source-to put the City of Portland
ii. excellent condition before the Lewis
and Clark Centennial in 1906.
the matter. It makes but Mttla difference
to the. Venezuelan, planter or his workmen
whether Castro or some other man Is die-'
tator, or whether the country Is ruled as
a Republic or as a dependency ' of the
British crown.
In Caracas the interest is centered In
I the main about what action will be taken
by the powers In retaliation for the indig
nities heaped upon British and German
subjects during the period Of their arrest
and confinement. A bombardment of the
city is feared by some, but there Is noi
credence placed In this report, by tUe'
more" .Intelligent; as American interests
wou'ld'not permit It.
Castro's popularity is on the wane.
tk bouvab iibed.
LONDON. Dec. 10. Advices were re
ceived at the admiralty office this after
noon detailing the seizure ol the Vene
zuelan gunboat Bolivar at Port of Spain,
Island of Trinidad. There are, no details,
and the seizure is supposed to have been
accomplished without resort to force
other than a display of jstrength. .
WASsTXBTGTOBT, Bsc 10. The State
Department announces that Bowen has.
demanded the immediate release of all
subjects of Germany and Britain who
are still imprisoned at Caracas.
LONDON, Dee. 10. While England
snd Germany will not waive their claim
to damages for violation of the rights
of their subjects at. Caracas, they are)
pleased at the occurrence, aa it obviates
the possibility of (he mobs getting be
yond control and attacking cltiaena.
1 01AM
They Need Shorter Hours
Are Broken Down and Worn Oat
When Competence Is Reached
Civic Federation
NEW YORK, Dec. 10."Tlo manufac
turer needs shorter hours as well as the
working mn. At the terrific pace he is
compelled to travel Under present condi
tions ha often burns the midnight oil
and when he has ut last gained a compe
tence and Is ready to retire from Business
and enjoy his rest, so wrapped up has
he become in commercial affairs and fac
tory duties that he cannot rest away
from them. He is like an old street car
horse ever waiting for the bell to call
him back to work."
This sensational statement was made
today before the National Civic Feder--atswir
mmirir itt' "ehiar "city by'" Marcus
; Marks of the clothing firm of Hart,
1 Heiasffner & Marks. Ha's-duressed -the
! meeting regarding the best method to
pursue, In obtaining shorter hours and
advised frequent conferences between
capital , and labor. The whole-world Is
working too hard. Is the substance of his
remaiks. yet It would not be fair to any
one to shorten the hours of labor at once
and great Inconvenience woujd follow.
"Bhorter hours for the employer means
shorter hours for the employe," he said,'
"and this must be brought about. We
want frequent conferences and opportu
nity and time for education. At present
we manufacturers have no time for any
thing "
Senator Mark Hanna arrived late at the
National Civic Federation this morning,
and when he got there the meeting had
already been opened by Archbishop Ire
land. Tresident Underwood of the Erie Rail
way presented a long article which was
read in full. Mr. Underwood declared
that he believed the best method of ar
riving: at a satisfactory conclusion of the .
present capital and labor questions was
by arbitration. All labor difficulties
could be gotten over In this way.
He thought each side should be edu
cated to fairness and ought to drop all
personal feelings and differences and
work together for the good of all. It was
a mutter of education, he said, and the
working man and the operator needed it
Returns from 5,000 manufacturers were
read. To these letters had been sent re
questing opinions regarding a shorter
working day. By far the majority of the
replies were favorable- to- the establish
ment of an eight-hour day. This should,
they thought, be gone about in a grad
ual way. There should be no radical ac
tion taken at once, as many interests
would be Jeopardized if such a thing,
were undertaken. They thought, how
ever, that both the laboring men and
those who hired them were working
longer hours than was right to expect.
This is the most significant statement
ever made in public on the labor ques.
A feature of the session was a speech
by Gompers. He warmly praised tho ef
forts of the Civic Federation and be
lieved In personal meetings between both
sides as the most effective way of reach
ing a good understanding. Each side thus
learned that the other was not so Mack
as painted. He said he heard much-criticism
of strikes, but no word concerning
blacklists- or lockouts .in .England.- He
appealed to the employers to turn their
way to see If there Is not some fault on
their side also. He opposed the incorpo
ration of trades unions or compulsory ar
bitration. The coal strike rs"depiore.d by
both sidos, but would eventually be ben
eficial. He was loudly applauded at the
Washington French was -fined $390 by
Judge Frazier late yesterday afternoon.
If the fine Is not paid. French will spend
150 days In Jail. The case occupied all
of Monday In court and' facts were
brought out that French, a young col
ored man, stabbed O. W. Johnson when
the latter appeared at French's residence
and demanded the person of Bertha
Brown. Johnson was deeply In lovfe' with
Bertha and it seems that; .Washington,
was affected with the same disease.
French put up the defense that he mis
took Johnson for a burglar. "
In passing sentence, .Judge Frazier
said that assaults of such character
were becoming too frequent and by im
posing heavy punishment salutary effects-
would be gained, - French is still in
custody, but his friends say his fine will
be paid. xv,.;- " J
WASHINGTON. Deo. 10 Secretary
KooroW' not return toaay, so warn zor i
carrying freight and men to tha Philip- I
pines were not opened. . 1
110 Hill! ; vi
Boys in Mines Have Not
the Time.
The Scranton School Superintendent.
Gives Strong Testimony in'
Favor of the Miners.
SCRANTON, Pa.. Dec 10. Tha atW
ment of wages from the Philadelphia '
& Reading Company waa aubmltted to
the coal strike arbitration commission
at the opening of their session today.
This has been long delayed. It will
enter into the proceedings as ar portion
of the evidence. . -TT
George .Phillips, superintendent ' of
schools for Scranten, was the most lm
portant witness before the commission
today. He detailed evidence concerning .
the education of the children of miner
and declared that alter they were U
yeas .-of., .age. M -wott'4e.'tS!sW4iw,Mr
child of s, coal miner "was ever privl-r' enter the" school. room.) .Many- '
pf the. little ones had to . be remove
from tha. schools prior to that time. '
aome to work and aid tn tha support ol
the general family and others because, - ;
tueir parents could not afford to buy,
them clothing and school equipment- '
Day schools were seldom attended by ' .
miners' children at any age. . Those "
who gained even the rudiments of an -education
were compelled to labof '
throughout the day and then . attend,
school at night. This proved very try
ing and often resulted In 111 health. i'
Miners' children. Superintendent '
Phillips said, were more ' anxious t -learn
than those of men engaged In bthes. '
occupations, because they saw tha ter '
rlble privations and the hardships "to
which their parents were condemned ,
and they wished, if they might to ae .
quire education sufficient to lift them
from the level of "3,000 feet beneath "
the ground." No matter how eager tha , '
boys were to learn, however. It " waa '
Impossible for them to give time t4
their school duties when they had to "
work all day, hurry home to supper and
then study their lessons and recite then
In time to get enough rest ao they ,
would be able to accomplish a full shift -aext
day. -.
"A dollar a day la a big average fos) .
a miner to earn," was tha declaration
made by John Archibald, a miner, wha
was next called to the stand.
Allen dark Stabbed the Wrong"1
ManJcry Is Still Out -
The trial of Allen Clark wag concluded
before Judge George this . afternoon. .
Clark waa charged with stabbing Antoa
Moe, a Norwegian, on tha night of Co
tober 26, at First and Davis streets.
From tha testimony It waa a cold- .
blooded affair, as Moe' had nothing;
whatever to do with Clark In connec
tion with his saloon row that night.
Toung Moe went Into the Anchor sa
loon on the night in question and was)
peaceably reading The Journal. . ' Clark
had, a disturbance with tha bartender
over the price of a can of peer. Most
took no part Tn,""the "" controversy and
walked out of the saloon. . Wien , on the)
street Clart approached him and vicious
ly stabbed him in the face.
A crowd of a score of men who wit
nessed the assault came near lynching)
Clark. He, however, escaped by run
ning into back yards and climbing over
fences, thereby gaining his room, where
he was arrested an hour later.
The Jury, at J o'clock this afternoon
Is still out. but It is believed a verdict
6f guilty will be found. -.-
Montana is) furnishing Oregon : wltlt -quite
a few settlers. This -morning tha . '
Board of Trade received a letter ffOia
resident of Great Fan stating that sev
eral families wish to settle in I Oregon,
preferably near Portland, Tha following
questions are asked: "-'. . " 1 - ,
Is there" a market for farm produce ott -
lana-wirou a-rauge- m. nv w
from Portland T : -
What t the usual time for seeding? '
Can there be any land taken up withiaj
a range of from five to IS miles from
What does land rent for per acre m the"
ftewTno- -teflftHy i...r-.i
What is tho going price of cows, wot .
horses and hogs? If there Is no land to
be taken p for rent close to Portlsnd,
can you let ram "know any other locality v
la Oregon where such conditions prevail t
wheat mmj.::
' CHICAGO, Dec 10. Wheat 7 3i