The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 09, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    L. " ' - .
k t " SBSISSaBSaBsss-l -
Secretary of Horticulture
Commission Reports
Increase of Trade Discussed and
a Few Pointers for
BALEMV Dec. 9 -Hon. Lloyd T. Rr-
' Bolds, Commissioner of Horticulture for
' th Second District. has Just completed
till biennial report to the Btate Board
of Horticulture, to be submitted by that
board to the legislature in January. He
J ' report a considerable Increase la the
' "'acreage devoted to. fruit culture In the
district under Urn Jurisdiction. The report
In full la as follows:
f To the Honorable Btata Board of Horti
culture: Gentlemen! I herewith submit my bi
ennial report for the Second District. In
- my last report I attempted to give some
' Idea of the sis of the district, the acre
' - ejre devoted to frutts and the land avall
, able for that purpose. In the present re-
port, therefore, no attempt will be made
; to give a description of the territory In
1 ' eluded In this . report.
The Willamette Valley has In some re
; Teots been at a disadvantage In the
- marketing of her 'fruits, from the very
f tot that all varieties of deciduous fruits
can too : grown successfully. At first
glance this would seem to be a decided
'benefit, enabling her fruit growers to
nave a targe and Increasing trade In such
fruits as would allow them to greatly
i rolon- her shloDinc season. In prac
tice, however, with the exception of
1 irunea. the growers of the different torn-
f " tnunitles havs so selected their trees that
they are not able to ship carloads of any
ingle variety cjf fruit, whether it be cher
ries, pears or apples. As a consequence
1 - "thr are compelled to accept very low
prices for their products, because a buyer
; snust spend too much time traveling ana
collecting his fruit before he can make
x ft shipment. The remedy for this lies
-etth the -rowers themselves. At every
Shipping point, the fruit growers In the
. . Vicinity Should organise an association,
-j If their orchards are small, they should
1 agree to top work their trees Into a few
verletlet. which do well In their particu
lar locality,
They should study and practice the
Sast methods in the cultivation land
SDrerins- of their orchards, endeavoring
1 to produce perfect fruit. When fruit is
produced in sufficient quantity, buyers
' can deal 'with the secretary or manager
r of the orgaplzatlon and be assured of re
ceiving first-class fruit of uniform pack.
Better prices can then be secured, for by
...Ihs .present -reetiod -of -purcttttS-"m
- 4 mail-lots from the individual producers
the buyer is not sure that any two lots
will grade alike.
Mot only 'is an organisation an asslst
fte"; immarlteQtui Ptne' producU of 'tne
orchard, but It will tend toward the pro
duction of a better quality of fruit. Each
; member knows Mi fruit must reach the
required standard If he is to sell through
the union, and this naturally leads to
: Arrester cars: on the part of the members.
Aa association of this character should
not 'attempt too much at the start A
vary small beginning may lead to im-
portant results In a few years, while if
a great deal Is attempted .before experi
ence and reputation have been gained,
the Undertaking may be so disastrous as
to discourage further efforts on the part
, of the growers. The advantage of such
an organisation when firmly established
is very apparent.. The Individual is no
longer compelled to hunt a market for
- . bis crop, as this Is done for him, and if
a high standard is always maintained,
fine demand for the product Is likely to
. Increase faster than the supply.
The Hood Hlver Fruit Union, at Hood
River, and the Willamette Valley Prune
' Association, at flalem, ' are illustrations
of successful organisations of fruit
growers, the one handling strawberries
and apples and the other confining Its
operations to dried prunes. In each case
n essential faetor in their success has
been the establishment and maintenance
Who wish to he intelligently informed
o the true character and legitimate
market values of Dry Goods See
Store noted for GOOD GOODS at
Oure reputation for sound linens has
never been questioned.
Tt-lnch double damasks, extra heavy,
.rich designs.
Special 65c yard .
Similar grade In 65-Inch.
- Special 50c yard
Great range of bleached and cream
25c, 30c, 35c, 40c and
45c yard
"Extra specials in napkins: .
$1.30, $1.35, $ 1 .65 and
$2.00 dozen.
Checked doilies,
20c, 25c, 40c, 50c and
65c dozen
We are headquarters for TABLE
. Xoa run n rislfc We -protect you in
McAllen &
The storw notsd for good 1
So4t at lowest price
of a Jrtgrli.reputmon for qualify of pack,
and with each tihere has been aa increas
ing demand for their products.
With co-operation In the handling of
tb crop will coma co-operation in spray
ing and combatting injects and dlya's,
as there wlH be a common Interest in the
welfare f the district, and tU is oiiiy
through continual , warfare with Insect
and fungus pests that perfect fruit can
be obtained. The esiaousnmraii "
nlng and preserving factories, ' elder and
.1... .,.-, ,. foninHM t . srlves the growers
a market for a large amount of fruit,
. . . . l I - L ... WftMt-
mucn oi wowa Kmaui " " ' T
ui tv,. mmmmt nnatA at Salem has
been contracting with growers of sm:ill
fruits, to take their raspuem.-i.
berries and other fruits lor a m-hu w
., tnaiuHn thm a. market. The
IOgan berry has become quite common,
several extensive plantings having been
made. There promises to be a good de
mand for this berry for cunning purposes.
especially is It popular ior uuiire v-.. .....,
as It takes the place of the wild biaek
wo... ki.h h Aiuavi been" highly es
teemed as a canning fruit, but Is becom
ing difficult to obtain.
During the past two years there has
been a large Increase in the acreage of
mall fruits, though there have been no
large plantings of orchards. Changes can
be noticed from year 10 year, mti,
that orchardists In dif
ferent localities are learning what fruits
are best adapted to their particular soil
and olevatlon, and are working over their
orchards accordingly, finding it most
profitable to work in harmony with their
natural advantages.
spectlon of the whole .district could not
be made, but we have endeavored to give
attention to many, oases of Infected or
chards. '
ir .hinmonifl nf rreen fruits were
trnm Mila rtUIHrt durinff the Past
season. The cherry, plum, pear and
strawberries yielding ltgnt crops, i nere
will be a roimber of cars of apples slilp
ped, and some very fine crops are re
ported. That the Willamette Valley can
till maintain its reputation for the pro
duction of "Big Red Apples" is Illus
trated Jay the crop of 12.0UO boxes of
choice apples Just picked at the Wallace
orchard, two miles from Balem. In this
orchard modern spraying outnts are in
use, a gasoline engine being used to fur
lsh the necessary power.
While the fruit crops, with the excep
tion of apples, huve been lighter than
"usual, good prices have been realiied,
and the year closes wtth the fruit grow
ers in a ivopef ul frame of mind, encour
aged to continue steadfast In their
chosen work.
When new plantations are made It Is
usually done by those who are already
engaged lit the work, and are prepared
to profit by Ihe txpcrlence they have
While tnere la a small but steady
growth In the orchard acreage, I am glad
to report- there Is no boom. It Is the
boom In prchard planting that occasion
ally occurs whleb Is responsible foi; many
of the troubles of those who make a busi
ness of growing fruit.
When a few stories of large profits In
fruit growing are published, many per
sons are fnuueed to rush Into the busi
ness and plant extensive orchards with
out previous experience. The result Is
.usuAl)xdjsastraua.for.ahe .too-.entfcu--,
lastlo itbvice, the profits figured out hope-'
fully on paper prove disappointing de
ficits in practice, the trees are 'neglected
and become a source of 'danger t well
kept cscharda- 4n tha wlatntty . There are
several such orchards, planted by stock
companies. In. this district, which should
serve as warnings to those wlt are In
clined to invest in fruit lands without
Jrcvlous investigation. There have been
oo many orchards planted on lands en
tirely unsuitable for orchards, and uch
places cannot be made profitable.
There Is a good demand for Oregon
prunes this year, and few-will remain un
sold by January 1.
The following Is an estimate of the
value of the fruits produced In the Sec
ond District during the two years in
cluded In this report, though no claims
are made for Via accuracy, aa sone-of-ihe
necessary data Is very hard to obtain.
1901. 1902.
Prune J225.O0O.O0 I100.000.tl0
Cherries .... 60.000.00 10.000.00
pear d.000.00 It, 000. 00
Apples ...I 68. 008. 00 100,000.00
Other fruits and
fruit products .. J3.000.00 100.000.00
(382.000.00 tU5.000.00
NEW 'YORK, Dec. . Cornelius Van
ilerhilt Is declared to be recovering.
Oregon wool- blankets, white, with
fancy' borders, standard size,
$2.95, $3.85 and $3.95
l " -.. ;
Silkoleen and Cretonne covered,
snow white cotton tilling, full sixes,
extra specials, in extra tine goods,
95c, $1.25, $1.35, $1.45
and $1.65
We have cheaper, grades also.
Blanket Sheets
Soft and fluffy in gray and white,
65c, $ 1 .00, $ 1 .25 and
$1.50 pair
Out of the Conimon
Lace curtalii remnants, 1h to 2
yards long, representing values from
$1 Oil to $10.00 pair, will be closed out
at prices ranging from
15c up to $1.00
Each, or in pairs to match. '
Cor. Third and Morrison
15 Your
To Secure a selection from jnany "
hundred fine framed pictures ...
Beautiful lines of Framed Etchings t...:..r......;jr.oo, 1.50 ni
Fac Simile Pastels i6xao, Green and Gold Frames at 1.50 and 3.00
Platinum Prints 16x30, Ebony frames; each...;.-,., a.00
Large line of Photo Medallions at each..'.;.'..".. asc, 50c, 75c and 1.09
The best assortment of Picture Frame Moulding ever shown la the
City. Bring in your pictures and we will assist you In selecting a suitable
frame. Many novelties for Xmas presents. . )
170 First St.
John H; Gorman Addresses the American Civic
Federation on Restricting the'Output
of the United States,
NEW YORK, Dee. 9. Former President Grover Cleveland entered the meeting
of the National Civic Federation this morning Just before the call to order. He
was warmly greeted by Archbishop Ireland and BenatQr.Hanna and ass invit
ed to a seat on the platform, but declined. Several Important addresses were
mode today, the first speaker being John H. Goman,. who, with Carroll . D.
Wright, hue charge of the Investigation of the question . of restricting the out
put of the United States. He said this question must be considered entirely
separate from that of wages. He held that the labor unions were right In de
manding high rates of wages, but that their unfairness came when they began
to place restrictions upon the amount of labor thaf should be performed by each
Individual workman.
111011,15 i JEfi)
flltH MI
Body of Noted Statesman
is Interred
Thousands Attended Last Sad
ervTces it Hergrcen Ceme
tery in Portland, Maine.
PORTLAND, Me., Dec. . In the pres
onnu r hunilreila whose tears fell in sor
row for the dead the last earthly rites
were gone through and the body of
Thomas I! Reed, one of the foremost
Americans of his day and age, was low
ered to rest within the dust from which it
sprung. The funeral was held from the
t : , 1 I n f'ViMi'cVi anil th. hnriv WAS
r iiol i i i i .... ........ . . --
I.., nrrnii in Kverirreen Cemetery. Rev.'
John Carroll Perkins delivered the fune
ral oration, whic h was snort ana iuu oi i
comfort to the living rather than eulogy
nf ., AtaA Tha ohurch was not thrown
generally open duping the services and
the family and most iniimaie irienus were
with the body for the last sad hours be
fore the burial. '
ii nvinplc this mornlna until 1
o'clock In the afternoon the remains were
In state in the Unitarian Church, and
during that time thousands passed before
the flag-draped casket or paused to take
one last look at that cold clay that, when
i v.. ...a ,ith tha nwl-rtvAn Riilrlt' of life
and Intelligence, had swayed a nation and
bent the will or minions u lis own.
There were many noted personages and
...I lna rnmnt at tha funeral. MOSt
of these were admitted to the church dur
ing th service, but mucn me larger Doay
of fhose attending were unable to gain
. .i lupine, th .hort and informal
-Tethj1m" enerefcwst -Gov. HH t Matoe,
together with his stair; uov. trsns vi
Massachusetts. Collector H. L. Lyman of
1 (.ff)nn rfnrt the Qrand
UWAtUllt -ww - '
Army of, the Republic were represented.
The Cumberland war association was
also present In a body.
Just before the hour of the service, i
o'clock p. m., the members of the Imme
diate family entered the parish house and
the large folding aoors wnicn counsel n
with the church were thrown open. Here
they remained until the conclusion of the
exercises and the benediction had been
- Business was suspended all over the city
today and houseB as wen aa puum; u.
nees were decoratud In crepe. Flags were
,no,.io,nH it hnif-Btnff During the pass
age of the funeral cortege from the church
to the cemetery ana wnire xn snun ociv
ice at the grave was being gone through
all bells In the city tolled In unison.
The special train bearing tna body of
Thomas B. Reed, formerly speaker of the
House df Representatives, arrived here
at 1:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon.. The
run from Washington. D- C was made
vry rapidly aad not -once ,.wa . chsag
of cars necessary, There were hundreds
present at the depot when tha train ar
rived. The remains wer at once taken
to the Unitarian Church, where they re
mained during the night
GRANTS PASS, Dec. 9. A rich s;old
discovery has been made on Josephine
Creek, 'of western Josephine- County. . toy
Horn and Day. two miners of that, dis
trict. It was on Josephnle- Creek that
gold was first discovered in Oregon. -A
ledge 10 feet in width and which can be
traced on the surface for a dlstanee of
600 feet, has been uncovered. Pieces
have been broken off from the main body
of the ledge In which the free gold glit
ters visibly. Josephine Creek was ex
tensively worked during the early days
!r its placer gold, but after the shallow
bars were mined out. it was abandoned
ancTliaa hot been prospected till recently.
Barah A. Shattuck, an old resident of
Portland, and wife of Judge E. D. Shat
tuck,. died late yesterday afternoon at
her home at Fifth and College streets,
aged 77 years. Deceased was born In
Vermont and came to Oregon to 185S.
Three "children survive: Ira, Oscar and
Lucy A. Shattuclt.
T :
Sanborn, Vail & Co.
Neg.1 At 144 . i?ai-k sUei, December
8, 18li to Mr. and Mrs. George H. fieat,
a boy.
Cole At 631ft Union avenue, Decern -i
oeT i, lauz, io Mr.- and Mrs. Jonn tt..
Cole, a boy. " .
Pague In Portland. December J, 1902,
to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pugue. a boy.
Pangle At J4S Vara hi I. street, Decem
ber 6, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. William
Pangle, a girl. -
Calllknonn At 165 Lake street, Decem
ber 4. 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cal
llknonn, a boy.
Running At 941 Albina street, Decem
ber 1, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. John Run
ning, a girl. : "
Clifford At 41 Eugene street, Novem
ber 6, 1902, tto Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clif
ford, a girl. ! ' '
Burbank On Str Helens road, Decem
ber 7, 1902, to Mri and Mrs. Frank Bur-
bak, a--eoy,
The following-marriage 'licenses havs
been Issued" today:
P. D. Prints, :a4 3C years, to Anna
Sjabborn, aged 3(Uyears; both oX Port
land. Rose A. Price, 26 years, to Edna
Harper, aged 23. years J both of Portland.
A. "H. Massey, aged 22 years, to Emma
Lee, aged 21 years; both of. Portland.
H. C. Hanson, aged 87 years, to Xottie
Nestor, aged 24 years; both of Portland.
Eliza Davidson and husband to Otto
W. Nelson, lot 1, block 21. Lydla
Buckman's add ., 1375
P. H. Marlay to Lucy I. Slckler. s.
7 636-i.ouo rt., lot ii, block A,
and n. 37 374-1,000 ft. lot 10, block
"A," Dunlway's subdivision, Riv
ervlew add to Albina 1
George H. Durham-to Jane Fergu
son, lot 10. block S8, Woodlawn .. 110
G. C. Morris and wife to M. C. Rus
sell, lots t to 8. block 16. Woodlawn 290
L. E. Donner to A. OV. Page, lots 9
and 10. block 20. Highland 425
Estate of Ida M. Bryant, deceased.
to M. smmomura, a. H w. and
lot 1, sec. 25. twD. 1 s.. r. 3 e.... 99D
Edward Martin to Nancy B. Martin,
lots i ana . mocK lao, I ara add
to East Portland ..v.. , 1
F. M. and Peter Both to E. C. Gels
ler. lot 5, block , Paradise Spring
Tract 1000
Julia ...15. -BUnn to M-.-fihlmoaiura,
s. 54 nw. 4 ipt l, sec. 26, twp.
I ... t 3 c . . ..-4.j ' ;
Walla ce. McCamant Master In Chan
cery (John B. Pllklngton et al.) to
German Savings & Loan Assn.,
. 300 acres in sec. 22,' twp. 1 n., r. 1
w.. also parcel land Caruthers add.,
also s. 4 sec. 22, twp. 1 n., r. 1 w
also 14$ acres sec. $4, twp. 8 n., r.
10 e., , 29440
Marlon E. Lange to George W.
Lange, lot 4. block L Bewail s add.,
lot 19. Qlenhaven Park, lots 1, 2.
block 3. Orchard Place 1
Joseph B. Heller and wife to Alice
McCauley. lots 46 4, block. 22,
Mount Tabor Villa .. r. ........ 150
Margaret Moore to H. S. Rowe, Sr.,
lots 7. 8. block 44, Holladay's add. 6250
W. T. Willis and wife to Wirt Bacon
and wife, lot 17, block 1, Evans'
add to Albina . .t ...... i .. , 650
M. M. Briggs and wlf to E. W.
Ronseter, lots lo, . 11, block 3,
Portsmouth v. 1600
Pres. & Trustees of Tualatin Acdy.
A Pac. University to May E.
Swigert, block 24, M. Patton's
add. No. w. Vi lot -"!." M. Pat
ton's tract, lots 7 to 10, block 1,
subdivision L. C, and .part lot "D,"
M. Patton tract 881fr
W. A.. Montgomery et al to E. C.
Minor, lots 13, 14, block 38, Sunny
side ........ " 1700
Ellen Devlin to Leslie T. Perry, lot
4, block 9. Cook s add 10
Henry West et al. to Ellen Devlin,
lot 4. block 4. Cook's add 10
Mrs. Fannie K. Godfrey to Esther
Pierce, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Ful
lerton . ... 100
Edward Schmeer and 'wife to J. R..
Posoon. e: lots 9 and 10, block r
1. Pleasant Home 1
Fire Asso. of Philadelphia to F. W.
Ieadbetter, lots 48 to 63, 69, 70,
Cedar Hill . . i . -,r. -fr-i - -.-- ,vrfi rtOOOft
Josephlnft Rupp'ell to E. 8. Howe,
e. "4 of lot 5, block 9, Garrison's
subdivLaion to East Portland 260O
See Pacific Coast Abstract. Guaranty 4k
Trust Co.. 204-5-6-7 Failing Building.
Get your title insurance and abstracts
to real estate from the Title Guarantee
Trust Company. Chamber of Commerce.
A. O. BJelland. two 2-story dwellings,
Bixteenth and Lovejoy, $4,000.
M. Roth, 1-story cottage. Mason and
Grand avenue, $500. '
toy trust;
(.A 'toy Bianufac-
turing trust was foi
rtmed today." the capt-
tal being $3,500,000.
Ta Take Effed Feb. 15
'pmttfttcTffl April 30.
.: ;4-r' '.'- .. '
Low Rates to the Coast Will Bring
-More Than 100,000
Settlers Here.
The large amount of business done by
the railroads during the time the set
tlers' rates have been In effect has caused
them to resume the same to take effect
on 'February 16 next and continue until
April SO.. The" roads have decided that
the same low one-way second class "set
tlers' " rates will be In effect, from the
East from all points on or reached by the
local transcontinental roads as heretofore
mads In tha spring and fall months.
MINALS. The rates decided upon and Issued by
the O. R. & N. Co. from North River ter
minals except Sioux City via Huntington,
will be as follows; To Umatilla, Spokane
and ' Intermediate main and branch line
points, $22.68: to all points west of laia
tilla, 626; to Portland. $25; to all points In
Oregon on the Southern Pacific main and
branch lines south of Portland, to and
Including Ashland, $26: to Puget Sound,
via Portland (not north of 8eattl), $26;
to Puget Sound, via Spokane, $25; from
Sioux City, $2.60 higher.
The rates from Minneapolis and St.
Paul, via Spokane, will be as follows: To
Umatilla and Intermediate points. $22.60;
to all points west of Umatilla, including
Heppner branch, to Portland, to points
east of Umatilla and south of Walla
Walla, and to all points in Oregon on
the Southern Pacific main and branch
Mnes south of Portland to and includ
ing Ashland. $25.
" The rate from Chicago to Umatilla,
Spokane and Intermediate points, $30.59:
to all points west of Umatilla, to Sort
land and Puget Sound. $33; to all points
In Oregon on Southern Pacific, main 'and
branch lines-south of Portland to and in
cluding Ashland. $35.
The rates from St. Louis to Umatilla,
Spokane and Intermediate points, $27.60;
to all points west of Umatilla Including
Heppner branch, to Portland, Puget
Sound, to all points in Oregon on
Southern1 Pacific to and Including Ash
land. $30.
The low rates will. It Is estimated,
bring more than 100,000 settlers into Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho. This is al
most entirely due to the extensive work
being done by yie Harrlman Immigration
Bureau in, Chicago,, -whieh la. la charge of
Mr. McKlnney, one of the best posted im
migration men in the country.
Absent Porto Ricans Petition Gov
ernment for Aid.
HONOLULU. Dec. 9. After having
been brought from their native Island
to Hawaii under promise of remunerative
employment and happy homes, 4,000 Porto
Ricans are now petitioning the united
States government to provide them with
transportation back again from whence
they came. At a mass meeting held In
this city last night it was decided to pe
tition the government to provide trans
portation back again to Porto Rfco. The
majority of Porto Ricans here now wish
to go back and there is neither work nor
means of livelihood here for them. Maqy
of those who came over are in prison
here for petty crimes committed, it Is
claimed, through ignorance.
Temple Beth Israel was packed to over
flowing last night by both Gentiles and
Jews eager to hear the address of Rev.
Drr JaeotTVOWsang1!' or SsttVranCtse"
"The Sabbath Question and the Jewish
In his address. Dr. Voorsanger stated
that he was not Itt favocof a Sunday
Sabbath for Jews, but said that some
thing must be done to observe the Jewish
Sabbath In a proper way.
He was followed by a short address by
Rev. Dr. Stephen S. Wise. The meeting
was held under the auspices of the Coun
cil of Jewish Women. Mrs. S. M. Blu
mauer Introduced Dr. ' Voorsanger. in a
neat speech.
Some person In -the audience took ex
ception to Dr. Voorsanger's remarks and
created a disturbance, which was quickly
quelled .
Mr. Jabour, who has his menagerie
housed at Sixteenth and Jefferson streets,
has had an addition to his already large
family by the birth of a baby camel.
Mr. Jabour Is greatly elated, as "mother
and child" are both doing well.
Military and
Civilian Tailor
Northeast Cor. Third and Stark Sts.
Second Floor. PORTLAND, OR.
Present Your .
Boy or Girl....
With a Course in....
It not only is a most desirable Christmas
present, but it starts him in life.
Laboratory method In bookkeeping, gir-
- trig the student a knowledge of modern
W milt Oltp mdufttH In .MMirln nn.
sitions and we always have mora calls
inaa we can nn.
Call or writs for particulars.
W..H. BEHNKE. President.
JL M. WALKER. Secretary,
if 7 lVTwlV0
m I elegant
sold at
J. P. PUgemann, Mgr.
t "'! t : i: J '
RiW'ff&ftV Seventh and Washington Sts.
BECK. 15hQ Jeweler
In a location of low rents. Goods bought (or cash. Email profits. MT
PRICES TALK. Look at my stock before . buying holiday presents.
Opp St Charles Hotel. OPEN EVENINGS.
&e Little
if" Exclunlo Picture Artistic Framing :: Novelties
Will Be Brought
j skteu-.
Portland will at last be provided with a
flreboat. Action was taken on this, mat
ter at a Chamber Commerce meeting
this morning. Resolutions were also
passed indorsing the Oregon Mining Ex
change. The matter ot obtaining a part
of the transport trade of the govern
ment was also discussed and John Bar
rett was Indorsed as Minister to Japan.
Thoso present at this meeting were L.
A. Lewis, C. E. Ladd. Lewis Russell. Wil
liam 8. Slbson, W J.' Burns and Adolphe
Wolfe. . .
The special committee on flreboat
handed in a report, stating that it had
come to the conclusion that the only way
Portland could huve a flreboat was the
passage of tha foowlng bill by the Leg
islature. The report was adopted and
the secretary Instructed to have the biU
appear before the Legislature. .
The bill Is as iouowb:
"An act to authorise the City of Port
land to levy a special tax for the pur- !
pose of acquiring a flreboat.
"Be it enacted by the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon:
Section 1. The Council of the City of
Portland is hereby authorixed ana em-
,x in it. Hikx-etlnn to assess, levy
IM I W V, ' .'
and collect a special tax not exceeding ,
one and one half mills on each dollar
of valuation, upon all property, oqfh real
. .within the Cttv of Portland. .
and not exempt ffora execution. Such i
special, la abail. onljr be tleyia for the
fiscal! year ana tti proceed of said tax
shall be placed in a separate fund cre
ated therefor, to De wows as. m
fund, and shall be expended only fox tife
purposes of constructing or purchasing
a flreboat under the provisions of section
169 of the charter of said City of Port
land. - ....
"Sec. 2. Section 114 of the charter ot
said City of Portland . Shall be deemed
m nniv sa to fhe time and manner of
ttie levy of such special ta1.
"Sec. 3. Jnasmucn as xne city oi run
land Is in Immediate need of the protec-
. i.ahADt an .nvrMDCV is de-
llOU VL . . .1 " . .. . .
clared to exist, and this act shall be in
force from and after, its approval ay me
"The emergency telause has been chang
ed somewhat from this so as to conform
winh the initlatlva and referendum
nft.t trnm .the- mlnlnor committee
recommending the Indorsing of the work
done by the Oregon mining xuxenange
was unanimously adopted.
The matter of obtainmg a pari oi jne
trnspirt "business .for Portland was
taken up, but aa tne awaro nas proDaiMy
n.oio oirootv. ti matter was dls-
enssed and laid jn the- table for further
PARI8, Dec. I. Word comes from Ber
lin that the Germans are preparing to
teunch another political pafty which It is
hope wtlt gatn strength- rapidly and soon
control the elections in that country. At
Us head are, Baron von Eckardsteln and"
many other Prussian's of note. , The party
will be antl-SooiaJlsUc
ST. LOUIS, Dec 9. Shortly after ioon
yesterday the Santa Fe passenger train
going West was deraUed at Rothville and
two were killed Many othera-were serl
.i. h4 Tha train was passing a
switch at a high rata Of speed when a
guide rail broke and the passenger
coaches went into tn ajicn.
i Vm nl wsron belonirinir to ' F
Dresser Co., th grocers, came at fuU
speed down the Portland Heights trestle
last night, resulting in a uauiy injieu
horse and a .still worse broken up wagon.
Liebest & Co.
$30 Electric
Seal Jacket
The Jacket pictured here is of
Electric . Seal, beautifully lined
throughout with heavy saun: deep
UIU 9ka alM VVM 9 M
little Jacket, and will be
a wonderfully low price: not
6 order as soon as possible.
NICK SCARFS, ytry fathloubla, at
ric4M that will command your trada.
285 Morrison St.; Portland, Or.
.. C. W. KNOWLE8, Mgr. ,
Art Shop
Between SEVEMTH and PARK
Second and Oak Streets
Can It be wondered
that he Is called
great When his won
derful remedies cure
and help so many
sick and suffering
people, not only here,
but throughout, the
United States? Many
are given up to. die;
other told that an
operation was tha
only help for them,
yet their lives were
saved, without the
great suffering of an
operation. Cured by
these powerful Chi
nese herbs, roots.
buds, barks and vegetables, that are en
tirely unknown to medical science In this
country. Through the use of these harm
less remedies ne treats any anu ui ur
eases of men, women and children. This
famous doctor knows the action of over
K)0 different remedies that he has suc
oanhillv naiad In different diseases. Ha
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lupg
irouoies. rneujrmusiu, ni uunumn, owai
ach. liver, kidney; female troubles, lost
manhood and all private diseases.
Charges moderate.'' Call and see him.
Consultation free. Patients- out ot tbe..
city write for blank and circular.. Inclose
stamp. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese
Medicine company, 102 niiru street
Portland. Or. Mention this paper.
Th fmir local lodees of the Independent
Order B'nal B rith wlll hold a joint meet
ing this Evening at s o ciock ai me aeur
ii4i,.uh Rnllitlnir. Addresses will ba
delivered by Grand Orator M. S. Levy and
Grand Secretary 1. J. Asnneim, 00m ui
San Francisco. Contrary to expectations
Grand . President . Mareua . Rosen thai will
not be present owing to circumstances
which prevent his being present.
The meeting will be held for members
of the order 'only. ,
l ne Diaie cww v. . . - .
commenced the annual examinations yes-"
terday with nine applicants for licenses.
The work was lh charge of Dr. W. A.
Wise of Portland. Dr. Beattie of Oregon
City and Dr. Logan of Astoria. Today's
work will be in cnarg 01 v,u.
mlng and Reavis of thlajElty.
- Miller A.t -.'658 Borthwick street, De- .
cember.6, 1902, Eugene MiUer, aged
1 y&r.
Harper At St. Vincent's Hospital, De
cember , 1902, aged 26 years.
Peterle At County Hospital, Decem
ber 6, 1902, Alexander Peterie, aged 26
years. "
The Edward Holman Undertaking Co
funeral directors and embalmers, 280 -Yamhill.
Phone 807.
- ". .
j. p. Flnley Sort, funeral directors
and embalmers. isvs removed to theli
new establishment, corner Third and Mad
Icon streets. Both phones No. .""-
Crematorli'm, on Oregon t City . cap
Un near 8ellwool! mQdern. sclantlfiv
complete. Charges AdulU. 35; child
ran, 25. Visitors, 0 to 8 p. m. Portland
Cremation Association, Portland, Or.
" Clark Bros, for flower. 298 Morrison
i: i
'; .- M-