The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 09, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    , - THE WEATHER.
Tonight mad ' WedaesiaWT
partly eloaey, witk aistahlr .
iierj triads suet ,-Mrtar '
-'rly. '.-'. ... . f. . :'
VOL. I. NO. 235.
new pdumi m mmxmmwm
" ' . . ; " . ; ;
-"Pave Your Streets" Say They, "and We Will
Be Glad to Furnish'You With
; the Money to Do It
'M fcelleve that the elty should celve revenue for Its gambling, privi
leges and any effort te defeat such proposition had better bs discouraged.
I am In line with Henry Griffin In hls statement In yesterday's Journal,
when he eald that fcarter would go on until the world ends. I recently
came from Minneapolis and have Invested In property In the City of Port
land. I Intended to establish an elite gaming resort, but found that I
could have no protection. Had I created such an Institution the city, under
Its existing laws, would not receive a cent for my privilege, although I am
safe In saying that my house could run.
"Last Friday I returned from Grants Pass. While In that town I was
Informed that an effort was being made to secure per cent of the voting
population of the state with which to call a referenduM that would delay
Portiana s new cmncr unm me next
"Personally, I believe tne meaeure to ds hi aavisea, for wu
The Board of Control made necessary by the new charter can -regulate ;
'ttimtffirTov end "from tne-pTrvTfegei-Minir eertn--mower -mmmm "td "pave- -
every street In this --city. -Mayor Williams "Is no Silurian,' and so long as
men will gamble, It aeems to me to be a choice between two evlle then
take the lesser." DEL BEDFORD, In Blatler's this morning.
That the gamblers of Portland are en
deavoring to defeat the charter la an as
sured fact. They are not spending' their
own money In maijjjtaiBtrlcts throughout
the Btate for nothlrtJ. as Is found by the
following telegram received from Astoria
"Del Bedford. Portland. Ore.:
"Can get 20 per cent, of voters here.
It la ou.- object to establish a precedent.
We do not care what Portland does, but
we do not waht mossback towns. GrasB
should not grow In atreets of any city,
town ot village In this . commonwealth.
I Inform you of "this and want you to re
port to' Grltfln, Blazler and thereat. Im--TTOviyoim-ty-'iJytW&
ittrfgr Tees "you"
get. v J. D. DAWSON."
At the Glty HaH this morning- expres
, elona., qrj(,
tha gamblers' entimnta. Nobody from
tb,a mayor .down would o on record, bat
aometlmea a straw tells the way the wind
blows, and It now seems to be a growing
opinion that three or four thousands of
dollars each month la much better in the
city treasury then in the tills of gaming
houses that run wide open today.
"Barkis is wining." says Henry Grlfl
fln. "There la no, denying the fact tha
wo want to confide in the law. Give us
police protection. Let ue pay the city.
rUamp gllurlanism deep down. Portland
Is promised the favor of this vast North
west, so do not make the pretty place an
asylum for putative respectability."
Just what will be the outcome of the
present situation seems at present a very
difficult question for any one to answer.
Ttio city officials are saying nothing, the
mayor, naturally, will not disclose what
his poilcy wtll be when the new charter
comes into force, and while the gambling
fraternity are not averse to discussing-thf-
matter, they also are singularly reti
cent as to the scope or the originator'
of 'what It Is now certain is a concerted
plan to block the system of "closed
towns" which now Impends In Oregon.
This much is sure. In Astoria, lit
Market Still Rising A Rise of
Almost $1 in Short Time.
Sugar is still continuing to rise. The
market report shows another advance In
20 cents, making the price per sack, $5.30.
Where not so. vpry long ago one could
purchase sugar at $4.35, today the price Is
almost one dollar higher and is still ad
vancing. The consumer, of course. Is tne
one to bear the burden, while the retailer
makes very little if any profit in the sale
of this commodity.
The direct benefit of the rise in the
market price is derived by the manufac
turer, and Is In turn partly derived by
-trt :
Anarchists Taken While Plotting to . Murder
Ruler-Fierce Fight
Wre Caught
ROME Dee. 9. Jdst as they had bared their breasts and had begun, upon
the points of poniards, to swear a dreadful oath that they would kill Italy's king,
thirteen Anarchists were surrounded by the police last night. The officer heard
the men repeating the oath and they will probably be tried and execisled. The
police rushed them, each having a man to deal with! but In the melee that fol
lowed the lamp was overturned and a desperate fight In -the darkness followed.
When the assaasln3-effi nt last overpowered 1 anct -g -ItghT-witSsTrucK-orie"po-"TlMmanwas
found to have been fatally a tabbed and a member of the Anarchist
brotherhood was lying on the floor with a bullet hole through his head. The
reet of the crew were prisoners. There Is not lack of evideno?, as the officers
were for some tlm concealed within easy hearing of the conspirator. This' is con
eidered further proof that organised Anarchlatie activity is assuming dangerous
proportions throughout Europe.- I , ' '
yenvrtu oicuuun j
Grants Pass, In Marshfield and In many
of the towns of Haaiern Oregon, emis
saries of the gambling fraternity are ut
work, and from all accounts they are
meeting wfth no difficulty In getting the
signatures of far more than the required
5 per estit. of the voters, which will
bring tht city charter of Vortland under
the action of the Initiative and referen
dum. Who the genius was who originated
the Idea and his object In go doing is the
subject of much interesting conversation,,
among the citizens of Portland, and there
are many who claim to dlncern the tine
hand of the machine politician in what
is generally regarded as one of. the most
get'?ssrdr'c)i5s"In "tne pell Teat ETsTory"
of the state, i
Ex-Sheriff William Frazior, who knows
,iLoyievisiSrIswes . -ofrt mtwjleS!i- oefatlv"
anwrsaidthis ttTOmoonr "Big gamblers!
"trf" TbrtlaniT aire endeavoring to gain a
referendum for the new charter. That
they will- succeed Is problematical. For
my part, and I know the situation from
A to Z. I believe Erickson. Blaster and
the rest of them-should leave it to Mayor
Williams. In my Judgment, tjie chief ex
ecutive is a live man. I honestly think
that he will appoint a board of control
that will-legally license gambling. I
have met Del Bedford, who in of very
sound mind, and with him, I think that
the effort to defeat the new charter Is
111 advised.
"I understand that a large sum of
money will be spent In the state, between
now and the time when the Legislature
meets. The smaller towns In Oregon are
adverse to Portland's precedency."
In conclusion Mr. Frailer said: "I
stand for good government. I cannot go
further. I am convinced that so long as
men will gamble, it is far better to have
it done openly, with the mayor's sanc
tion, than to patronise, secreted Joints
that can only perplex the police..
Put me on record." continued Mr. Fra
iler, "as voicing my belief that a refer
endum call Will not be made, and in my
conversation with the" men who gamble I
have become convinced that tjiey believe
a 'little bit' In the mayor."
taller must nay any price set by the com-
" Thejsjneunjej; jjllLo.f jtaufNtjaet.
"pa.yryery rmuch more, a-rta therefore -the
burden must be borne by both the retailer
and the consumer.
NEW. 'YORK, Deo. J. It Is announced
here that It will never be possible to remove-
the remains of Thomas Nast, who
died Sunday In Ecuador, back to the
United States. The contagious nature of
the disease from which he died will ren
der such action -impossible.
LEXINGTON,' Dec. 9. The Jury trying
O'Brien, the boy burglar, who, with his
partner, killed C. J. Chlnn. returned a
verdict this afternoon of guilty and .fixed
the penalty at death. O'Brien Is un
moved. KILL
With the Police
Red-Handed " .
ii ..........p........ ...... im ....m
, - t.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9. It Is certain that several of tfie stronger vessels now maneuvering In the Carrlbean
will be detached from the fleet of Admiral Dewey anot sent t once to the Venezuelan coast to look after American
Interests and prevent violation of the Monroe Doctrine, durbig the present crisis between Germany and Brituln on
the one hand and the government of President Castro on the other. :
Germany and Britain Will Not Recede From
Their Present Strong, Stern Stand Regard
ing Venezuelan Payment
LONDON, Dec. 9. A cabinet meeting was held today for discussion of the
Venezuelan situation. Nothing definite has been given out. It Is understood
that vigorous action will be at once taken, aa Britain has gone too far to stop with
any halfway course.
CARACAS, Dec. 9. There Is con
sternation here. For the first time the
people have begun to realize the serious
situation In wlilc. tb,e country has been
placed and with gaping brown guns of
the German and British warships frown
ing upon them they are in a position
from which there is no such thing as ad
vance or retreat. Completely within the
power of tne "foreign devils" they are
. t ft. jcate. jKluUevdc. iaoe.. terme
shall be dictated to them.
Castro continues to bluster and affects
tw-taogft-HfTht? ;tdta W seriburf omplica-'
tlons following. They will not. They
are already here.
Venezuela is facing the most stirring
climax of her existence as a separate
In spite of the common enemy that
confronts the nation Internal rebellious
fires continue to burn and it Is hard to
tell whether the greater peril to Castro's
administration is from within or without.
However, the greatest danger to the
country is without doubt the gunboats
of Germany and England, knocking at
her treasury door.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9. At the State
Department this morning a long dispatch
was received from Minister Bowen, at
Caracas, the Venezuelan capital. This
message confirms the heretofore unoffi
cial stntement that the German and Brit
ish ultimatums have been presented to
the Venezuelan Government. It further
announces --that both - the British and
German ministers turned, over their
He Was on the Tracks and Happy
--Portland Police His Enemy. t
"My poor man. I sympathize with
you. Take this gift, for you must be In
sore need."
Mrs. 'J. C. Beats of Corvallls said this
last night when the train waa pulling out
for Tacorna and Seattle.
His name Is Duffy and having battled
with Chief McLauehlan's men for more
than two weeks he decided to move to
greener fields.
Mr. Duffy climbed way up under the
rods on the first coach of the 1135 train
last night. Mrs. Beals saw him aa he
executed she
pereff under tne car and called htm. She
tendered a sliver dollar, and this Is what
Duffy said:
"Lady, you're all right: but yoit've
balled me out. I was comfortable on
the trucks and could have ridden to Ka
huna, but now yon hv nol m."
i i '
' r
"I I , l '
business to the American legation before
departing on board the warships.
Shortly after the message from Bowen
was received a messenger called at the
State Department from the German
Kmbaasy and left a note from the British
minister. It Is supposed that it contained
formal notification of the action and at
titude of Germany and England.
A cabinet meeting was held this morn
tee; and - the-- Veflpraelfffisltoatton'" was"
discussed at length. Nothing has been
given out but it is notlJhpught proba.Ule
flierif'will be any departure from the
poilcy aa already outlined.
WASHINGTON, Dec 9. When the
British and German representatives at
Caracas had delivered the ultimatums of
their countries they at onoe left Vene
zuelan soil and went on board their war
ships. That meant that anything that
was to be said' by Castro must be said
by special envoy. After presenting the
ultimatums it was In the hands of the
government to which they had been de
livered and anything that was to be done
mdst emanate from that source. It would
appear that whatever there is to be done
must be done quickly or the matter will
pans" Into a period when action on the
part of Germany and Britain will have
to be taken. It Is admitted In diplomatic
circles here that Castro is in a very
tight box and It will be extremely diffi
cult for him to stjulrm out of It. Ap
pearances are that he must either pay
orflght and fighting is out of the ques
tion.. . - - . v -
When he had finished. Officer Wilkin
son came up and arrested Mr. Duffy.
Duffy has his dollar yet, and he says
when he gains freedom he will walk to
Puget Sound, rather than endure the
privations of Portland. .
Tatum & Bowen. E. C. Atkins 4 Co
and George Ainsile A Co., creditors of)
the St Helens Lumber Company,
died a petition in the United States Court
this morning requestlnsMhe court to de
clare the latter firm bankrupt. William
T. Mulr appears as attorney for the cred
itors. J. T. Tantls of Fossil, Wheeler County,
filed a petition this morning In the United
States Court, praying to be adjudged-a
tjankruptVDgbe assets are leas than $1.SU0.
The first message sent over the new
.cable. Jh-onV-Ylctotla. -CU-to. Autra41
baa been received in this city by the
Portland Flouring Mills Company. The
message was from a I firm In the Fiji
Islands and waa for a Urge order for
flour and feed. It cosf 68 cents a word,
a reduction of nearly, fcalf f the charge
before th cbl al flniahmt -
t -
V ' v
They Must Endure It or
Strong Evidence of Black List Is
Given Before Commission at
Scranton This Morning.
SCRANTON, Dec. 9. There was some
thing out of the ordinary this morning
to break the routine of proceedings' be
fore the coal strike settlement committee
In the announcement of the death of Dr.
Rice, one of the Independent operators.
When the news was given out, President
Gray, of the commission, paid a high
tribute to the memory of this man and
expressed the sincere regret of the entire
membership of the board at his untimely
death. Dr. Rice was one of the most lib
eral of the independent operators.
.Xtvstimoty Uiking--u-pesurrKii M-s
Melgle, a former employe of the Markle
Company, Was the first witness. Evl-.
dene given by this man "was most sen
sational and detailed how an effort had
been made to compel him to work under
dangerous hanging rocks and at the peril
of bis life. . .
Rather than placo himself In the threat
ening danger he quit his Job. Shortly
thereafter he was evicted from his home
and, together with the members of his
family, turned into the world without a
house to live In or remunerative em
ployment. McMeigle went into details over the
statement of his wrongs. When put to
work in the dangerous tunnel he had
complained against the danger, but was
told by the foreman that unless he did
what was assigned to him he could have
no more work in the mines. The miners
were there to work and not for the pur
pose of choosing where that work should
be carried on.
McMeigle also detailed "an Incident of
another miner who walked out at the
same time with himself and refused to
work In the dangerous shaft, lie was
also compelled to leave jhls homo and
went for months without employment.
Since the strike, however, this man has
been put back to work at a place, where
he can make but GO cents a day.
All this evidence is along lines that tcd
to show there Is a blacklist In operation
in the mines and that If a miner is once
found guUty of disobedience', to e-cn th
sHghtesr -wish- of the operator 'or theif
bosses he Is piaced'forever under the ban.
A circular has been- issued by the Ore
gon Railroad & Navigation Company giv
ing the reduced round-trip rates from
points on the Coast to Chicago during
the exhibition of the National livestock
Association, -which will be held in that
city next month. The rates are as fol
lows: From Portland. Puget Sound and
common points, JfiO: from Spokane, Pen.
dleton, Lewiston, Intermediate and com
mon points, $55. Stations west of Uma-tiiia-.
double-4oca4-rale Is added to tmj
rate from Spokane, not to exceed rate
from Portland.
The dates of sale will be' January. & and
only, and the limits will commends date
of sale, and going will be for continuous
passage, while returning stopovers will
be allowed with h rm!t of to dnv
- ...... MS. , ..-....
Champion J J, Jeffries and Robert Fitzsimmons:
Will Spar Tonight:Some Talk of
Their Future Plans.
Portland has for her guests today two
men whose names are known In every
section of the globe. The visitors are
marvels In the Antic arena, and. the great
est glHdlatora of the present, decade. The
men are James J. Jeffries, the mighty
bollermaker. and Robert Ftttsimmons. the
brawny smith. They have, by the exer
cise of grit, , science and perseverance,
worked themselves to the top ot their
profession, and stand ready to defend
their tit Ips as the greatest boxers on
earth. They stand In a class by them-B.-lveM.
head and shoulders above all other
usplrants for the worldUl honors, In the
art of self defense. As specimens of
1'liys.lcjtl development they are bordering
on the. pw tuct. -Theyv arrived ' In town
this morning, and are spending tie day
visiting friends and having a good time.
They ure both In tine form, full of life
and vim, and bubbling over with good
nature. They are like two overgrown
boy's out on a vacation, cracking Jokes
and making the most of their outing. For
the past, 1U days thuy have been hunting
wild geese In California, and the weather
lias bronied their faces with a healthy
Champion Jeffries, In conversation with
The Journal, stated: "My plans for the
future are uncertuln. I don't know what
day some one malr call upon me to defend
the championship title. At present there
seems to be no immediate prospect of
lighting. A few fights among the lesser
boxers may develop a man who is en
tlllea 'to Meet ?he champion." t ' thltilc
that the time is not far distant when from
same. artion of ther gldbe a big, strong man
will be brouKht out, who will make an
I effort to gain sv.DreBafiS5K1JUi.,,fSfe--r :
f AWTKht-'ciaBs. While at present I am the
undefeated champion, I am not egotistical
enough to think that there are no other
men on earth who are not as strong and
sclentine as I am, If they go through the
proper training and experience. When a
man who Is in my class springs up, and
. Ha u til led te meet rat hi will have
a chance to do buslneae. only w
men who have any demand on me at pres
ent for a fight are Gus Kuhlln and Cor
bett. I qon't think that they are willing
to meet me on terms that I would de-
Telegrams From Different, Sections
Presented to Senate.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. Two tele
grams were laid before the Senate this
morning urging adoption of the omnibus
statehood bill and opposing the single
admission of Oklahoma. One of these
was from the Commercial Club of Kan
sas City, and the other waa from the
Chamber of Commerce and " prominent
citiiens of Guthrie. Oklahoma. At the
conclusion-q( routine business, the mlll
ttarfcrtll --intur trtewttpi-v.- -r
In the House the London dockage bill
was called -up- nd dlscaswftd. THIS tHir
provides there shall be nothing In con
tracts between shippers and the ship
companies whereby the latter can make
charge of the dock tax imposed at the
port of London.
LOUISVILLE, Dec. 9. The sheriff of
Minneapolis, assisted by the local police,
are searching the city to find and arrest
ex-Mayor Ames of Minneapolis, for whom
a requisition has been IfHurd. He Is be
lieved to have gone to Boston. His bond
has been withdrawn and he Is now a fu
gitive from Justice. t
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 9. The question
of restocking Transvaal farms has again
brought (Ireut Britain to the American
markets in search of mules and horses. I
The cow pontes of the "West ..frill
shlppefl from this port in large numbers
during tho coming Spring.
The Whole Business Section Swept and Property
Loss Is Placed at Fully $1,000,000 :
in the Southern Qty . -:
ATLANTA, da., Dec. 9. A fire which originated In the mats business por
tlon of the city early the morning completely destroy ed an " Immense furniture
enatsllHnmeOt; the" largest la TtieB6W;nTnaiausea" other damage"7 and" the
probable loss of half a dosen lives. The total loss ki estimated at fully 11,000,
00. ' In the very center of i the area that was swept over by the fire fiend was a
cheap hotel which Is always well patronised. The firemen struggled through
! the' flame and smoke and did their, best Uj arouse- the sleepers. . Many came
staggering cut through the Intense heat and reached safety, but six ar still rn Inn
ing and it Is believed they were' strangled by the smoke and perished. In the
flnnea. . -.v. N- "i : .''-"..: " .'.'" -v-' .. s a-. ''.. r-..
mand. When I fight again It will 1 for (
the purse and a side bet, I will not,
divide the purse with anyone. . If any
one thinks that he can defeat me, that - -arrangement
should be satisfactory. I ,
think that I can defeat any one on earth. -and
if I fight I want all the fruits of Tic-
tory. I will not divide a purse with any
man. I don't think that any of the men
now before the public will meet me oa
this basis."
Robert Fltzslmmons says: "I am so sit
uated that I don't care whether I ever
fight again. I have a good thing In my '
Institute of physioal culture., at Betilon
hurst. N. Y. The business there la In- v
creasing "every day. I am willing to
fight anyone for a purse that Is to go to
the winner, or for a side bet. I am going
to take a trip to Australia to see my , '
mother at the first opportunity. The . !
present sparring trip may take us around
tho world. Jeffries and I are friends, but
the play may come up so that we may .
again fight at some time in the future,
but at present there Is no probability.
Our exhibition will be. for points, and
my system has always been to mix thing
when I go Into a ring. I will land on '
Jeffries good and hard at every oppor. j
tunity and have no doubt that he will
come back rough shod. With the eoft
gloves we can not do any serious dam
age, but I expect tha both of Us will -hit
the floor many times before the tour
is over."
Since the great battle at San Francisco -
In which Fitzslmmons was put ut in -' !"
the eighth round, the two men have been
healing their battered hands and recuper- p l( m
attfc fwhnr Wry' leTfteTts " 6r the "strenuous'"" '..
engagement. The meeting tonight will be.
the first of the twognen In the ring since
that occasion. They wtll. adopt the same
tactica that they used in the champion v ,
ship battle with the exception of guarding
against points that they at that time
learned by experience. Jeffries spars In'
a crouching attitude and Is continually' ' ; '
forblog s.uead. Fltxsltamon Is lanky find .
depends on foot work" and side-stepping'""""' '
to keep away from the assaults of his .
sturdy opponent. The exhibition will be
a pretty one from a sparring standpoint.
Ill COAL til
Five Are Dead and Many
More Hurt
WILKESBARRE. Pa., Dec. l-Falling
several hundred feet down a mine shaft '
and striking the hard floor of the tun
nel, a box of dynamite exploded this) '
morning, and created havoc In the Le
high colliery. Although It la not possible
ns yet to determine the extent of the
damage, tl is feared thatflve men have
been killed and many more Injured.
The bodies of four men have been re
moved from the mine already and nine
men, who are dangerously hurt, have
been removed to the hospital. The others
are less seriously hurt.
Tho box contained 50 sticks of dyna
mite. The extreme cold weather ren
dered it unfit, for use, and it wasbelns;
thawed by a stove. When a workman un
dertook to carry it into the shaft he
stubbed his toe and fell. The explosive
fell down the shaft". The man's body
was blown into small fragments.
The colliery will not be closed.
CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Wheat 7i76c