The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 08, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    (D e o n : . ODa o ni- '3m is n a q
- , THE. WEATHER. ' -
- TonlrM ul Tsudar, -
easienal mn brisk ul pos
sibly . hick smiths stsriy
wtads. - ...
VOL. I. . NO. 234. . i
r -1
. - .
: iiii; new city oiiil
' ' - ; . ' ' ; 1 - i . ' , ' " ' , ., ' ' ' J ;
Emissaries Are
They Mean to Block All Relief for City Untir 1905 The
Mayor, Chief of Police and a Sporting Man Give
Their Views of the Situation-Neat Scheme
"I am not to b quoted as caylng thst'the big gamblers of Portland will use their money and Influence In attempt
ing -to hold up the new charter that was carried at the election last June. That gambling should be regulated by fines
paid Into the city treasury I do believe Is the correct manner In which to control the proposition. It Is human nature
to speculate, whether by dealing In futurities, cr by winning or losing at the fard table. Men will gamble so long as this
world stands, and It Is the simple .question whether or not the City of Portland shall receive revenue from the traffic.
"I am firm In my opinion that It Is better to have open doors where all operations are In sight, than to perplex
the police with secret assignment houses. Whether the new charter becomes operative in January or February makes
very little difference with the gambling situation. The Board. f Control jrbodle,.Jere,ln WUl" flflrt Jth . .fJMMfcWn. ;
prvbUm -Wtaf srWfrnteoT'ThUnlcrSnfles sine HENRY GRIFFIN,
Manager Erlckson's Saloon. ,'
That the gambling fraternity Is casting
out lines to defeat the new charter la a,
certainty. That money In large sums Is
being contributed to create an initiative
and referendum to be presented to the
Legislature In January Is an assured fact.
Throughout -he state It Is said that
agents are already active In presenting
petitions, which. If signed by a sufficient
percentage of the population will cause
Portland's new charter to come up for
a vote at the general election In 1905.
Should 5 per cent of the votefs of the
State of Oregon protest against the new
s.JBlWftsr... the isStef Mrs. could... .not ..act
- until an- election la held, 'three years
: The following telegram was received
from Marahfleld today: ; . "i
i-. vUti&amm&MJfe -clty- today
" "WbfklHg; In 'the " interests of "Pprtiana
gamblers, I believe he seeks to gain sign
ers to a petition which will hold up the
new charter and make It Inoperative.
Five per cent of the voting population Is
all that Is ' required to turn It down.
Gamblers here are very much Interested
In the matter, as It carries a precedent.
"Mayor Williams, when asked this morn
Must Produce State
ments at Once
Have Had Ample. Time Markle
Counted Against.
BCR ANTON, Pa-, Dec. 8 Justice Gray,
president of the coal strike settlement
commission, this morning declared that
the operators had been given, ample time
In which to submit their statements of
wages, and that the same must-be forth
coming at once. He said that If they
were Incomplete the commission would
ask for further data.
The matter of hearing testimony on the
miners' side of the controversy was taken
up where It had been discontinued on
Gallagher, formerly an employe of the
Markle Company, was recalfed to the
stand. To the great surprise of all, not
one of the Markle Company's lajvvera
Was ,preyen"t.-pJVstIce Gray "field that
Markle hnew that testimony was being
presented against him, and said that It
Wholesale Vice and Corruption Charged and
Many Officers Will Soon Be
Prosecuted "
BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8. Wholesale
't-KMruing tne pnnr department-and as a result hueHtluailon l
bcI,.B ,.mde. Many officer ot the San Francisco department will be discharged
and It is probable that many may be prosecuted. It Is claimed they have been
levying tribute upon fallen women, accepting bribes for nonperformance of duty
and in many other way so conducting themelve as to render a general house. -cleaning
neceasary Th tight her has been on for some time but not even those
who tarted It suspected the cess pool of corruption that have been thrown open
to the public gasa 1 .
Support of Five
Cent of the Voters.
ing concerning the threatened holdup,
"I have heard for a week past that ef
forts are being made to defeat the new
measure, but I do not believe that any
thing will come, of it. Why should' per
sons In other parts of the state wish to
mingle In the affairs of this city? I do
not believe that It Is possible for the ad
verse element to secure 5 per cent of the
vote, which would be necessary to delay
the adoption of the charter."
Crlef of Police MeLauchlnn was equally
decisive, in his opinion that nothing could
be done' by the gambling fraternity to de
feat the. charter'. He said thai ,, the. suc
tion creating the Board of Control was
excellent, and that It would greatly facil
itate the work "of his department. He
said that everything he cpuld do to stall
any effort adverse to the new instrument
pwclila -be. acne. --
. . ..
The section in the new charter that;
causes all the consternation among the 1
gamblers Is the following:
Gaming and. Lottery Houses, Obscene
Amusements-Mayor and Executive !
Board to Suppress.
Section 194. Whenever the Mayor or
the Executive Board ascertains or receives i
was his duty, therefore fo be present.
ordered the testimony to proceed.
The most Important pohit brought out
by Gallagher wns that cars were being
mado considerably larger, hot that the
miner got no extra pay for the Increased
HONOLULU, Dec. 8.-ChrIstlanity Is
having a backset in the Island of Maul.
A Japanese church and school were dedi
cated six weeks ago under Christian aus
pices and today the Buddhists laid claim
to both and successfully maintained their
hold on them.
At Walelulu since the completion of a
Buddhist temple a large and hitherto
thriving Christian Japanese school has
been well-nigh broken up.. -She Japanese
Buddhists are fighting tho Christians with
their own weapons, that of schools and
kindergartens, .
HONOLULU. Dec. 8. -The Builders' and
Traders' Exchange, lanre employers of
white and Hawaiian labor, favor re
stricted Chinese emigration, and w ill work
with the Merchants' Association and have
endorsed a memorial or the Merchants'
Association to a senatorial committee,
setting forth their desires.
PITTSBURG, Dec. 8.-feeventy-flve mill
ion dollars is the sum that will repre
sent the capital stock of the new Union
Steel Company that Is to make Its advent
Into the financial world about January 1.
-GHBENNB.Becvv T hn Cheyenne
Opera House, the finest in the city, was
destroyed by Are this morning, the loss
being $100,000.
charges of vice and corruption have
satisfactory information that any house,
room or premises within such city on
within four miles of the corporate limits
thereof Is being kept or used as a common
gaming house or common gaming prem
ises for playing therein for wager of
money nt a game of chance, or If the
same Is kept oil used for any Ic.wd or.ob- j
scene public amusement or the deposit I
or sale of lottery tickets or policies. It
Bhall be lawful for th Mayor or the
Executive Board to authorize and direct
the Chief of Police or any officer of the I
force ti enter Hitch hnna mr,m sir i.irt '
Ises and forthwith arrest all persons
therein JfoMd ofrendjnc tmalnat any law
anil to seize All Instruments "Of gaming,,
lottery, tickets and lottery policies, and
to bring the said articles Into court. .
As. matters stad " today, .. sag ,th
authorities, It Is well up itf the friends
,....t.KaoA.goyBrnment.iaf,cult through
proposed code of laws that will regulate
vice in an Its rotms, and that will put
into the hands of the chief executive a
power to eliminate evil wherever It Is
'If the gamblers are active, which they
are, It is for the purpose of advancing
their own Interests, and whether those In
terests are for the public's good ran be
guessed," says the chief of police.
Ultimatum Has Been
Sent to Castro.
Germany and Britain Mast Have
.... Money- (tee --Way or- -Another. -Castro
Is Helpless.
LONDON, Dec. 8. In the House of
Commons today Balfour announced that
the British government had delivered Its
ultimatum to President Castro and the
Venezuelan authorities, should the reply
be unsatisfactory, he declared, he would
urge upon Britain and Germany that
measures be taken atoncejf.p enforce the
claims. , .
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. There Is much
anxiety here regarding the reception that
will be given the British and German
ultimatum which is known to have been
forwarded to Venezuela but has not yet
been received. There Is a feeling, here
that Castro will, when he finds h la
forced to the wall, recede from him im.
However, snoum it prove that VeneV
xuela is stubborn and will resist. It ls
au,......A v....v n.w vouu-, mtj Ameri
can government will be extremely deli
cate. While it is understood that noth
ing will be done toward Interference un
less there Is plain effort on the part of
Germany and Great Britain to break the
letter ft the Monroe Doctrine, there is no
doubt that a strone United Statu.
will be dispatched at oa'ito s Veneauelan!
hand to prevent anythingraat should ap-
j pear to be In violation of the doctrine
that has been upheld by America for a
The announcement that ultimatums had
been sent Venezuela came rather as a
surprise here. It was rather understood
that concessions had been made that
would tide over the differences and ren
der an open breach Improbable.
The acknowledged policy of the German
and British nations Is to seize customs
- houses and retain possession until the
sum, total of their claims against Vene
zuela had been collected. If this plan, is
followed out strictly there is no danger of
controversy, but If there Is anything that
saVor of a war for conquest and reten
tion of, territory there will be plenty of
protest on the part rof the American gov
ernment and Its people. "
That President Castro and hi country;
" fy
-- 4:rr-r - . -
: i ...
a Rrd in Portland and It Was- Brought
'"4a Atafncf Htm in Pnlittrc
'. " V.
S.V?V -r , . .... J
CHICAGO, Dec. 8. James O. Dsrden, formerly a resident of Portland,
Ore., who was recently compelled to withdraw from the Democratic con
firesslonal race In this city's Ninth district because of alleged crookedness
In his past record while In the West, has again sprung Into prominence here
by reason cf the suit his wife has filed for c'lvorce. She alleges that her
hutband Has been guilty of adultery. The couple have only been married
six months.
James O. Darden, mentioned In the
above dispatch, will be remembered by
many Portland people as a pseudo busi
ness man who was for some time located
are helpless before the strong front of
Germany and King Edward and under the
guns of foreign cruisers Is certain. His
own people are not sufficiently well ce
mented together to guarantee anything
like effective resistance to foreign en
croachments and the only thing that will
prevent Venezuela being wiped off the
map when faced by two such Strong pow
ers will be the reeling on the part of the
United States allowing European nations
to interfere on the American continent.
There Is a fear, also, that the rebels In
Venezuela, encouraged by the attitude of
the" Kaiser and rfngtend and while Castro
has other thlniti to occupythis mind than
chasing guerillas, will multiply tapldly
and. regain the ground they recently lost.
CHICAGO, Dec. 8. The police today
closed their investigation of the anony
mous letter scandal in this city, and now
declare they liavo the most positive evi
dence that the letter were written by a
prominent society woman. It has taken
many days to probe the matter to the
bottom, but there Is not the least doubt
that the thlnn; has been cleared up. The
lettejs mailed were of the most obscene
possible character, and .from several
sources the . matter-waa brought to the
attention of the police. Unless some of
those to whom these missives were di
rected will prefer charges and cause
warrants to 1" Issued, there will bo
nothing further done and the name of the
writer will nut be made public.
TRUE. iQY8IS- ia. - . -
NEW YORK. Dec 8. Cornelius Van-derbilt,-
It was announced this afternoon.
Is seriously 111 from typhoid fever, and
has been confined to his bed for a week.
Mis wife, formerly-Miss. W41son, for
whom he gave up his fortune, is con-..
staVtly at his bedside. He has been em
ployed as a mechanical engineer for some
SEATTLE, Dec. 8. Several persons
were more or less seriously Injured yes
terday afternoon in, a collision between
trolley cars operating between this city
and Tacoma.
. 1
LONDON, Dec. 8. Harry McCalmont,
world famous In yachting circles, a major
in the BritUh militia during the Boer
war and a member of Parliament, died
DENVER. Dec. . A fire which origin
ated In the planing mill of MoPhee & Mc-
Oinnlty yesterday resulted In a loas of j
flM.OOO. Th flame war fanned by a
high wind,
- , - Jt?
here. His most recent act of promlncnro
was an effort to become the Democratic;
candidate for Congressional honors from
the Ninth District of Chicago, where ho
The House Praises
-Former Speaker,
Body of Lading American States
man Is Being Taken to Portland,
Me., for Burial.
PORTLAND, Dec. 8. The body of
Reed arrived at 1 o'clock this afternoon,
and was taken to the First Parish
Church. The funeral is at 2 o'clock to
morrow. Governor HIM and visitors from
all over the state will be in attendance.
BOSTON, Dec. 8. A special train car
rying the remains of Thomas B. Reed to
Portland, Me., passed through this city,
tftls "" morrilrig.' 'Mr "Reed, "formerly
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
died early Sunday morning at Washing
ton, D. C.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 The House of
Representatives honored Its former mem
ber this morning when It passed without
opposition resolutions Introduced by Con
gressman Sherman of New York in praise
of Thomas B. Reed, former speaker of
, that body. The resolutions, whlcht will
ieJWad o the minutes of "the House
j of Representatives, follow:
I "Resolved." That Thomas R. Roed. who
I died In Washington. D. C, on December
j 7. served for i!2 years as a member of the
1 House of Representatives ami was for
! six years of this time speaker. His
j services terminated with the Fifty-fifth
j Congress. Within this chamber the
! scenes of his life's greatest activity are
! laid. Here he rendered services to his
I country that placed him itt the (Pont
j rank of American statesmanship. Here
i"he exhibited those characteristics which
j compelled respect and won admiration.
His forceful ability. Intrinsic worth and
general strength of character here
brought him popular fame and Congres
sionalleadership. In him depthr and
breadth of intellect,- coupled with full
rounded development, had produced
giant who towered above his fellow and
Impressed 'them with his power and wis
dom. A distinguished statesman, - lofty
patriot, cultured scholar, lnctatve writer,
unique orator, unmatched debater, nu.
ter of logic ftrit and satire, the most
ID 101
Mill DUD
A Former Portland Man Is Row Being Sued for
Divorce in the Chicago
' Courts; " y. . ' l r
was opposed; by James Hamilton Lewis,
ajid other politicians. Darden was
looked upon as certain of being chosen,
when a section of his past record, dug
up in this city, and exported for politico t
purposes, was thrown into the buttle
against him and he was compelled to
i 1- w vw w iat
and other politicians. burden was
Who Is Mrs. Darden who Is now sulnK
for a dlvorco? This question will be one
of the first to suggest Itself to Portland-
ers who knew the gay secretary of the
alleged commission firm of D. C. Mo-
Kercfler & Co., for when he was here he
was a married man, or at least appeared
to be. However, the Chicago dispatch
aa the-JKonmn who is -now sulwt o - - b
keiwrtilud from her husband., has been
but six months a brldo. Darden left this
city more than six months ago, and took ; the nominee, said: "This Portland af--his
wife with him. fair is only an incident In Darden'i ca-'
This point is not plain to the casual reer. W can show that he 1 probably"
reader. the most colossal adventurer that aver
Darden flatly ' denied' the charges en- appeared in American politics as an as
tered ugafn.t .him In tho Chicago political plrant for a high and honorable office. ,
contest, nut novertheless withdrew hi "All the charges are corrupt mlsrepi
name from, the race. In a special dis- l resentatlonS or rank perjuries." said Mr. -patch
to The Journal at that time he de- 1 Darden, in reply. "In 189 the Oregon
clared he had been mado a victim of the ; Packing Company, of which 1 was prvai-'
city hall gang." Following is the af - ' dent, went under, forced out of business
fldavlt that was produced by those who ; by the panic.- 'My headquarter were'
opposed him and- which proved so effect- then, and had been" for some time. In '
lve In clearing the Congressional roadway CMeago at 5808 Washington avenue; On I
of his presonce: j ono 6f my frequent visit to Portland, J-.
THE AFFIDAVIT i waa Induced by McKercher tq go Into
State "of Oregon. County of Multnomah: ! Partnership with him in a scheme ship
I. 1). C. McKercher. belrnr firKt du.v
j sworn. dcpo.a and say that, during the
fit-t. iiHr n' th, IkftK 1 oiiim nv.i i.u.l
in the commission business In the fitv
of Portland, Btatb of Oregon, with Mrs. flwenrr-that MeKercher y drawing an
J. a. Darden, wife of J. a, Darden. under j ?,,r '"nda ,from. tne bank fPproprlat
tho firm nam of D.sC. McKercher & Co. 1 them to his own Jise, I telegraphe-J
;f4l, .n-tha-HtK-ahur Of. May r TS35 ; . T
chars tur him with cmboXElument. it k -
lug collected money belonging to said
I Him and appropriating It to his own use.
On the 20th day of May, 1895, I mado
complaint against J. O. Dnrrien. charging
him with forgery, he having indorsed a
chi'rk mado pnyable to the firm of D. C.
McKTrhcr & Co., and on such Indorse
ment received tho amount of money due
on elvck and appropriated It to his own
us.-. Both of these complaints and tho
subsequent proceedings had thereon were
In the Jcmtlcc-'s Court fo Portland Dis
trict. Multnomah County, State of Ore
gon. After tho filing of the complaints, and
before the hearing thereon, the wife and
mother-in-law of Darden male restltu-
famous of tho world's parliamentarians,
this great representative citizen of tho
American Republic has now gone into
In his honor the Houso adjourned at
12:16. 1
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 8. The whoT?-
i salo plumbers' supply house of parlrrr &
j Kinney was burned today, amUthe .loss
)-is estimated itt .JtW.OOO. J'he insurance is
half that amount. Other losses by tho
fire are: Herman Welisch, trunk manu
ufacturer. $t,(Wi.
Oe4dentel - Supply Company, - liquors,
Lops on building, owned by Bothln
Realty Company, J30.000 to JjO.OOO,
Sheriff J. W. Sewell and Coroner C. L. ,'
Large, of Forest (Jrove, yesterday ex- I
humed the body of Gue She at the. Lone
Fir cemetery nnd obtained the bullet that I
killed him. Tho Chinaman was mur- I
deied two years itgo. A man named
Aitken was convicted of the orimo and
sentenced to impriHonment for Hfo. The
man has been successful In securing a '
new second trial, and the bullet will be
used as evidence In the trial. j
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Oliver Wendell
Holmes was (Worn In as" a member of the tempted to rob Joseph Irrlsh. . a Jnail-4?rprwr,Tssr-
ttrhv-mnmiqg.v Atftifney- 1 carrier 'hear" Sprtngwater, last liieaday.'
General Knox Tias gne to Saint Augus-
tine, Florida, to bo absent two weeks j
on account of 111 health. He waa accom
panied by Doctor MeGowen.
The Recent Attempt to Assassinate the Russian
Leader Has Led to-a General
Defensive Plan. . 4 :
VIENNA, De. I. Newspapers today give details of the attempt to sJu1nat
the cxar, which -wa made by four supposed student. They gained hi private .
grounds, presumably "by the treachery of servants. - They pretended the wanted
to hand the- cxar a petition. One carried a high explosive bomb nd all were
armed with revolvers aha Snives. The-police today identified all as members of
the- Kleff Secret Society of Anarchists. Papers indicating a big plot to assassinate.
the cxar end minister have been found-. The sara guard has been Increased,
tenfold, , The palace 1 now surrounded bx n unbroken otrelo of troops, :
tn A (hi MMtlit M tMAMMV la
w V u nut will K vt juviivj Allb- uv imu
obtained. Thereafter the wife and the ,
wife's mother, through their represent-
tive, implored and beseechsd tn net to
press the criminal prosecution further1.
In consideration of tbetr entreaties, and
not desiring to. bring disgrace on the wife
and her mother, they being of most ex- i-
cellent family, I consented to not further
I ?fen n. Prosecution and consented to
2.ave. Dot.B ' tn aW charge again
awmisseo. 1
. ouDscriDea ana sworn to oerore me this -
aa' ol "cioDer, ijuj.
, -.?' ByLLOCK, ,
Notary Public for Oregon. : ,
- i THERE WJaBjOTSHiaf1-
Fletcher Dobyns, of Chicago, who wa.'
Instrumental In looking up the record of
nour io ..'nrna. I put up z.5u. we put
Fp nothlrjs; but promises . In.XSJ5. whlla -was
In Baltimore attending to other
nteret. I was telegraphed by my book-
' 5m praw out, jrnawver ,
"Well. McKercher knew that I eould
make things hot for him,-and tried to
play the first card by having me arrested
as soon as I stepped off the train. r I waa
released on my own recognisance, ana
when I went before the court next day to
demand a hearing, the charge wis dls- ,
missed, becauta McKercher' doctor tele-
1 phoned that his
patient' mind wa so
I unsettle that
not appear
against m:i (The um that my book-.
keeper had b im to save for tne waa ,
atom $7, ,The' 12,600 I lost for good. No
body talked about restitution, and my .
wife had nothing to do with the mattes :
except as my represeptatlve."
In Trying to Get Her George Wasty
ington Is Stabbed.
Georgo Washington Johnson wanted hi :
Bertha Brown, and In trying to get, he!1--1w
received a "itttire "wjHtfia "lnlHa "abOd-r"
men. The case was on trial before Judga
Frazier today and sparkled With featuxsa
ot love And love' deceit.
Mr. Johnson and Bertha lived happily
In San Francisco. Ho ont Bertha to
Portland last September, and sh took .
up her residence at First and Couch
streets. Washington French 'conducted!
the house and when George- Washington
came to 'claim his lady love, he allege
that French stabbed him. Mr. French
puts In a dental and say that he took
Mr. Johnson for a burglar, as he cam
so late at night. As brought out In court
today," Mr. Johnson and Bertha are united
agnin, and so far as their trouble ar
concerned, there la notlffiigTIoihg.""
Alvin Baxter and Robert Herman th
two young men who held up. and at1
were examined by United State Com-
mlssloner Sladen this afternoon and
bound over to the grand Jury, They
held In default of (3.600 ball each.