The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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nw r-.
Tonight and Friday...
showers, westerly wind.-
VOL..!.-. UP. ' 231i
City Has Opportunity to Put in IHer
Claim for Part of the' Business '-vHV
t ...).
r Vf. V ..' .1
' V 4 . . ' , k 1 . ..
.With the
Has XongNBeen; Favorably Looked Upoii
as 'th Pla:e WherieReturned Soldiers
Gould Be Well Taken Care ofc
. Portland's bid for handling
Seattle claims a victory before
.work. Act now! . ,
. 0 . .
While San Francisco end Seattle re
' wrangling over the-eecurtnc of the frelrht
contracts of the United States Quarter
maater'a Department; they are overlooking
the fact that Portland has just as much
chance of securing her share of the Gov
ernment contracts to be given as any
city on the Coast.
vThe letting of Army transport contracts
by-the War Department will depend in
the future, to a very large extent, upon
the facilities that a given point has for
handling men destined to, and bound
from' the' Philippines, For this reason
it was made public by Secretary Root
' t the time of the visit of the commit
tee from the San Francisco Chamber, of
Commerce to Washington that Portland,
Or., owing to the excellent military post
at Vancouver,;. Wash., nhra miles frpm
the "city, ' wej8eriously considered "as a"
place for the harboring of recruits des
...tined 4c.sexvJtee,Jn the. JslaMftttt for,
returned soldiers. ,
This matter was'.ta .private
conversation with representatives of the
War Department at the time of the uri
rival oacx ai v asnington or uenerai aira,
General Superintendent or the Army
Transport Service; y -r '
Vancouver Barrack Is one of the finest
military posts" In: the country.- .Trie
Presidio at San Francisco Is too exposed
for men whose health has been under
mined by the trying , climate of the
Philippines and who must revive their
waning strength In a more equitable
temperature, not subject to audden and
violent changes. Seattle Is not regarded
with much favor on account of Its lack
of quarters for troops and the Govern
ment did not think It advisable to spend
millions In establishing a finished post
The pretty Army post on the Columbia,
equipped to take care of many thousand
men, healthfully situated and within
easy access by sea and land, was regard--ed
as a very creditable competitor of the
big Government reservation at San, Fran
cisco. . !
It is cot probable that the Government
will abandon altogether its own Army
transport service. The handling of troops
by a private line is impracticable and w ill
prove a very expensive task for the con
cern that undertakes it. But whereyer
the bulk of the Government freight is
handled the transport .service wlU send
Portland's bid on freight, which Is the
same as-tmrt of Seattre; W.SO per' ton,,
will be considered by the War Depart
ment at Washington lust at f avorabty as
Seattle's bid- Portland stands well with
U S Representative at
Japanese Court
Stricken by Heart Disease Yester
day WhUe Dock Shooting
Was an Able Diplomat,
' - - WASHINGTON, Dee. 4jJapans Mln
Isler Takahira called upon Secretary of
-: Btata ilay today tth notified him that
United States .Minister Alfred Buck, at
Tokto, had fallen dead from heart failuro
while duck shooting yesterday. Buck was
appointed minister to Japan In 1897, and
has been at th capital of 'that country
ever since. .. .' .,"' ' '
New of th death of Minister Buckl
'caused great sorrow In this city,' where
' he is well known. Sine going to 'Japan
his work has been highly satisfactory in
. vgrwayJaod.ltjyas,jnaialy.-thrniigh his
influence that . friendly relations re
mained, perfectly to the. satisfaction of
both countries during th newspaper con
troversy over the 'exclusion of Japanese
'. from the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Buck
xwas recognised a an able diplomat and
jan energetic worker. .. .
" The body will be returned to tha United
State for Interment. . " , v .
, , CHICAQO, Dm. 4. Wheat TU.073KO,
freight for the war department was $4.50, -Seattle's bid. was $4-50.'.
it is won.; 'Let Portland do a little intelligent and. effective
. y -..
' - . '- . "
the War Department as a transfer point
for troops and freight, snd this fact Is
known to all Army officers and to the
merchants ef San Francisco. Portland
should loss no time in making good her
claim to recognition in this matter, for
the bids Just , let are only a series of
similar tenders that are to be called for
during th future years ef Government
service In the Philippines.
A reat many Inaccurate statements
have been made concerning the amount
of , business that the Army transport
service brought to San FVunciscd. Tha
expense of maintaining the vessels of
the transport service during the moat
extravagant year of the General Long
administration was a little over $11,000,-
The real benefit that has been
by San Francisco from the- war - ln.Jiic.
PWM9Binea.l..fnB.'--'-th"t. purchase and
handling of commissary supplies. This
Army. Transport Service, but through ar-
rontrmeu - made - with transport
vessels in service ana coniruous wwi
regular Ime f steamers. -The War De
partment is aiming' io nave aii i""
quartermaster's stores and the commis
sary stores handled by one or more pri
vate lines. The; transports have been
handling a deal of the quartermaster's
shipments and it was for that reason that
the merchants of San Francisco at first
advocated. that the goods be carried' by
private contract.
The government would not bo nvers
to making of Portland and Vancouver
Barracks the receiving points for troops
coming from the! Philippines. It Is not
generally known that , at one point of the
life of the transport service, the War De
partment officials discussed . the advisa
bility of maintaining a triangular .route
for troops, the shipping point to be San
Francisco and- the- receiving point ort
laqdV This matter was brought up be
cause of the exposed position of the Pre
sidio and the cold fogs which are, as
aforesaid,' bad for men returning from, a
tropical climate. One of the most serious
detriments tothis move was the main
talnance on 1 the Presidio reservation at
San . FTanclsco of otie of the finest mili
tary hospitals in the world. It was ar
gued that as the transports always
brought .home a large percentage of siek
It would not be well to have them landed I
at. any place n6t thoroughly equipped for
handling many sMc soldiers .m
' "One) 'ofTfisprlriclr screes' of' revVnuo"
derived by San Francisco from the trans
port service- being there is the Immense
amount of money paid to troops retum-
Doctors Hope to Avoid
an Operation
Fear, in His Present Condition, the
Patient Has Not Strength
to Survive It.
" WASH IN GTON Dto. H'fto Yondltloit
of Thomas B. Reed Is much more, serious
th'1s afternoon ' and'ie'" may die at any
time. . ,
WASHINGTON, Deo. 4. Ex-Speaker
Reed passed a comfortable night , and
Doctor . Gardner ' and . MacDonald 'tiow
have hope of avoiding an operation They
say that the patient's condition is such
that he might not survive the shock.
His condition is critical and there may be
a change for either better or worse at any
time. The-moat- sotious feature-of the
case is jBrlght'a disease of the kidneys.
Mr. Rfiut'i" unaware of this condition.
Hi faffiify is- constantly at his bedside.
H. W. Corbett, president of the.Xewis
and Clark Fair, has been confined to his
home with bronchial trouble for the
past five days. . He is rapidly improving
and was taken out for a drive this after
noon, a hi physicians say this will do
him good. " ''' j'-v
- : ".- : i :: :
lng from the Inlands. Millions are spent
annually at the .Hay , City by returned
soldiers .who, have to bSiyall , of - tbelr:
clothing and general .(equipment on re-j
turning to the . private ; life, of citizens,,
from the San'Franclsco 'stores. . ! i
If Portland can get control of a part ef
the freight business with the Islands, it
would not be a very hard task for bar to
secure a share of the regular troopship
service. Part of the transportation of
troops will co Where the freight contracts
go, but the troops may never be handled
by private companies, as Root has re-,
peatedly opposed such a measure. -
The government intends ; to help all
coa.t cities with business accruing from
the development or the Philippines with
the ieonle's money. This was President
SrrlZ'WttAUv'&U-v and thou who an wall
wno ar
up in army uiTajrs . say ... that .President
liooseveii is irynig to carry out me pian ut
nis preaecessor. kuhilanu shuulu
SHE Wl NS. t. . .
. 1 :
Sleeping Watchmaiiv Did Not i Warn Guests in a Crowded
Hotel and Many Wat Qvefcome by the
CHICAGO, Deo. 4.-A leaking gas Jet and
a negligent night watchman caused the
death of H guetta of the Lincoln Hotel,
between ' & an'-selbhiwnoitngf
This loss of life is made all the more
wonderfnf -frm"the-f aef-tttrth -tlW
lng was not entirely destroyed;-..-The ho
tel was overcrowded, and guests on the
upper floors fought with one another .to
force a passageway through the narrow
halls. Night Watchman Weber, has been
arrested, as It Is believed ha was asleep.
Fourteen corpses ha ve been recovered
from the two stories that burned, and are.
ranged in a row on 'the pavement -for
identification. Many of these were al mi
ply, overcome by smoke. " . . 1
It Is not known how long the fire had
been burning when the police discovered
it, between 6 o'clock and 6:J0 this morn
ing. A leaking gas Jet is supposed to have
filled one of the i rooms on the second
Moon and this accumulation of gas be
came Ignited. No explosion was heard,
but the fire bad gained great headway
when found. The firemen responded
promptly to the call and assisted nobly in
the work of rescuing those still Impris
oned In. the upper stories. A strong fight
was made against' the flames, and they
were confined .to the third and fourth
floors, and finally subdued. Tbe loss has
not yet been estimated. -- . ,
When the alarm of fire came, 'hundreds'
awakened from a sound sleep and rushed
for the stairs. The cots that had been
placed in the halls tripped- the would-be
escapers and puea them in confused and
struggling masses. Many men and ev
eral women. ere trampled . under .foot
"and hadly hurt"."" Others' rushed; to -tth
wiridftWs and Jumped io the pavement
When the flame were subdued many
were found still in their beds, where they
had been smothered to death by the fumes
of the burning wood and clothing below.
Others had been suffocated and:' then
their bodies had been frightfully muti
lated, by the slowly licking flames that
partially consumed them. '., J -. . X-m .-.v',t
Cut off from all chance of descending
thet. stairs, held prisoner by tbe flames
on the third floor, Mrs. Shepherd, of
Davenport, Iowa, sacrificed her own life
to save that of her 7-year-old son. Taking
the hoy in her arms she clambered into
an open window and Jumped to .the street
below. Her ooay sirucs n roor of a
restaurant and caromed 40 tbe pavement.
8he was injured Internally and will die.
but so well did she protect her boy that
he was fonnd to be unhurt when rescuers
picked him- tit. - " " : rr--;: .
Not one of the guest of th hotel had
time to dress, and several hundred per
sons cam scrambling Into th open street
, , .h r , " i i ... ...
, i :,'"'!.' -
, i
. &
1 ,
Secretary Portland
Privat Irrigation Men Making Trouble
i i I in the Board of Trade
- - An. echo-'.ot th recent- irrigation bon
ventlon la .hrlo 'btought Into the afllairr
or the Portland v Board of Trade by repre
ocstcJJbs'f 'fHp-- &zimtetsi8teix8nK& or-rtude, ror an
panics. -For the past week mutterlngs
have been fiard and meetings held. Starr
chamber precefrdTV cave been .the order
as a Result
to face the, cold winds of an Illinois Win
ter with nothing but their night clothes
to shield them fiotn Jthe weather .
sufFeringi Yntensr """"
The. sufljeriius. at thflsewho-reaehed. Ibe.
ground, in safety, was intense. Ten in
jured, by Jumping .were carried into a
drug store, near by, and. given the best
possible attention .until the ambulances
began to arrive. A restaurant warthrown
open and scantlly-clad men and women
gathered about the stoves and shivered.
Table cloths were pressed into service as
dresses and a cordon of police was placed
about the building , to keep back the
carious. Later several other hotels ex
tended their hospitality, and the unfortu
nates were made comfortable.
Three of the 13 person injured will
probably die.
A number of dead found in the hall.
ways were evidently where they had been 1
obliged to give up the' battle for free
dom after having worked their way
through the blinding smoke until Its
deadly fumes conquered and overcame
them. .
The Lincoln Hotel Is In the downtown
district, and in a very popular, medium
priced resort. There is never a time when
it has not a comfortable supply of pat
rons, and during the stock show It has
been crowded to a greater extent than
ever before in its history.
J. E. Herbert, of gallnevllle, Ohio,
Jumped from the fourth floor, where he
had been sleeping, and struck the roof
of No. 178 Madison street, near where
Mrs. Shepherd fell."- His right leg was
broken" and he suffered; Internal Injuries. -He
was taken to tha county" hospital.
W. J. Thomas, a mall, clerk of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, Jumped through a window
on the fourth floor, and In his blind haste
narrowly escaped falling to the street. He
managed to make hi way to the fire es
cape and climbed to the ground. Pre
vious to Thomas' escape, from 25 to 30
persons had climbed down the fire es
cape to the street All wer In their night
clothes., m '
8 far as identified, th dead are:
Htt-K-WOODSt ibanonV4nii.
I. V. SLOCUM, 39 years old, Oconda, I1L
I. C TOCUM, believed to be a brother
of the above; Davenport, Iowa.
EDWARD TORNEBjaO years old. Mlf,
waukee;-Identified b?; letter found on
his body.
VAN FLEET, Richardson. Ind.
N. N. FARDY, Janearrllle, Wis.
GEORGE MORRIS. Richmond, Wis.
. From wtiat could b learned from per
sona, who escaped from the building It
appears that the fire '.may have resulted
from dropping lighted cigar on th car-
Board of Trade.
of the day.- The reason for all this Is
that the' private irrigation companies do
not wish to re-elect James M. Moore.
other term. On this hunarfl n Htnrv.
When "tbe first murmur about irrigation
escaped- from the lips of Congivssman-
pet in the hallway on the second floor.
The smouldering fire filled the. building
.with. heavy, suffocating smoke. ,
-Allen - OWerfi of --Milwaukee-, -mart K
perilous descent.-, from the .fourth floor
by" scaling the wall by means of ' iron
shutters. Oldort stated tie had seen at
least a 'dozen persons on the top floor
vainly endeavoring t make their way
from 'the building by means of the front
Many of the bodies were found In beds
in positions of slumber. Others were
found In the hallways, lying face down
ward, th positions' that mutely-portrayed
how they had vainly tried to save their
lives. Some were half clad, others wore
nothing but night clothing It was by
means of articles and letters in the pock
ets of what little clothing some of the
dead persons wore that many identifica
tions were made.
F. A.' Smith, proprietor of the hotel,
said: "I am certainly not to blame for
this awful catastrophe. Three weeks ago
the agents of this building were 'notified
to place a stairway in the rear of the
building, and also to build a fire wall
arou?d. : JhVfrS,K-hl--elTOr. shaft. In. tnoJ
rear. The contractors came" and looked
the building over, but nothing was done.
Last night our 70 rooms were all filled,
and I should Judge we had about 123
to 1&0 guests.
"From what I can learn, the fire started
In the rear of the building on the second
floor. This probably accounts for the
escape of guests who occupied the front
rooms on the upper floors. They had an
opportunity- to reach, the stairway hef or
the flame reached-that--part of the build
ing, but the occupants of the rear rooms
were cut off by the flames. Most of our
guests last night were persons who came
to Chicago to visit the stock show, and
knew little of the building."
Chief Musham, of the fire department,
said that It was the worst fire he had
attended during his career as a fireman,
and that so dense was the smoke that It
was Impossible to reach the imprisoned
guests, who died like rats in a cage.
When tfie firemen finally managed to
make their way Into the rooms tha sight
that met their gaze was appalling. Men
and boys lay ' about the floors of .the
rooms and hallways, where they had
fallen in tbelr eagerness to escape.
"The 'bsimmgr- iatd Thar chleCwa;
one of the worst fire traps I have ever
seen. - The floors In places had cracks in
them large enough to drop a .penny
through and the smoke fust sifted
through and suffocated the Inmates of the
rooms before they had time to make
iptm is AaUways.
Funny Politics That Have Caused Split
in tM Central
Committee More Rumors
(From the Astorlan. Astoria,. Ore.)
Whether or not Jack Matthews has resigned as chairman, of the Stats . '
Republican Central Committee Is a question that has been Interesting the I
ptople of Oregon forsome days past. The Portland Journal has demanded I '
Matthews' resignation of the chairmanship or the United States Marshal- '
ship, but it was unable to learn In Portland if Matthews still tabid both po
sltions. Matthews was qyoted by Henry McGinn as saying that Ee re
signed the .chairmanship In July last. Yesterday Harrison Allen, secretary
of the state committee, was asked by the local representative of The Jour
nal whetheror not Matthews' resignation had, been handed In, hut he de-
cllned to make any statement He said that any Information he had on
the subject would be placed at the disposal of the state committee when1
next it met, but that It Would be withheld, so far as he was concerned,
until the meeting. Mr. Allen further stated that be would not permit him-
self to become involved in the fight between Matthews and Croasman. It U
was learned, however, from another source, that Matthews had tendered
his. reslpiation.K .handed. It In to Mr. Alienator aetloa at Um --us meet- -J
mg or the committee; As the time for thU meeting rests with Mr. Matthew
himself, he is holding his political position by virtue of a desire to do so.
W. F. Matthews is the master of his
own political destiny. Ha holds in the palm
of his hand the option of a chairmanship,
and lie doea not intend to let go of It.
"Jack" Matthews is a real Jack-in-the-box,
ready to spring into political promi
nence at the release of a trigger or to
remain a passive factor holding jdown the
limited quarters of a United States Mar
shalship. He says .that by, virtue of his
resignation, "now In the hands Of Secre
tary Allen of th Republican State Cen
tral Committee," he is now a political
nonentity, , , ,. , i ,
Thls at correct, but tha State Central
Committee cannot accept th resignation
u n 1 1 1. that body is called Into session. Mr.
Matthews can continue to carry water
.ojJboA JKhHUldjM-, a'J4ldrsthe4
meeting to convene. In other Words, If
Mr- Jack . Matthew Ur-not thairman'of
the State Central Committee, there is no
such thing as a State Central Committee.
A special dispatch from Astqrla to The
Journal haa It that Secretary Harrison
Allen, of the phantom Stkt Central Com
mittee refused to maks answer ta Inquiry
as to whether the smooth Mr. Matthews
had disposed of himself before disposing
of the State Central Committee. The sec
retary was -then asked If he knew that
by Mr. Matthews disposing of himself he
had disposed of the. State Central Com
mittee, as he, as chairman of same, would
have to call its next meeting. Also, that
by disposing of himself and allowing no
action by the committee, and calling no
meeting, new officers had not been named,
elect Williamson, a few weeks ago, and a
meeting of Irrigation enthusiasts was
held, Mr. Moore was also present and
was elected secretary of the Oregon Irri
gation Association, and A. II. Devera
president. At this meeting Mr, William
son declared himself against private irri
gation of government lands, and was up
held by Mr. Moore aid opposed by C. C.
Hutchinson. ; 8harp words were one of
tbe features of the meeting.
When it was decided to hold a conven
tion of all the lrrlgationlsta of Oregon,
the private irrigation men said, '"Yes!
that's what we want" But between
drinks they plotted to ' overthrow Mr.
Moore-i-but they made one mistake they
included A-1L Do vers, g they: considered
Mr. Devers and Mr. Moore a very closely.
onneetd-i- -they- dried to- "knock'" Mr
Devers at tbe convention also. This, they
almost succeeded In doing; They became
discouraged ft. their 111 luck and, as the
wise ones say, they1 lost their head, and
instead of nominating a man from East
ern Oregon for secretary, they wer al
lent, and as a result Mr, .Moore was
elected unanimously. This was a bitter
pill to swallow but they rallied and then
commenced directing their eyes towards
the Board of Trade. .. .
The leaders In the fight for Moore's
scalp are W. A. Laldlaw, C. C Hutchin
son. C. M. Idleman and A. King Wilson.
These gentlemen were holding a star
chamber proceeding in the office of W. M,
Klllbigsworth, vice president of the Board
of Trade, this morning, and endeavored
ta win him over to their side. When the
matter was broached to Mr. Killings
worth, bis reply was that he would have
nothing to do with the affair, as he
thought Mr. Moore a capable officer.
This somewhat nonplussed the ' lrriga-
people-and they repaired to Mr.
King Wilson s office in "the Worcester
building to catch their breath.
The outward reasons given for the op
position to Mr. Moore are that be is not
capable and that his account are not
kept straight.
When Mr. More was seen regarding
this matter, this morning be stated that
his -books are open to inspection and that
he would like the gentlemen who talk
about- htm to Bpealt to him and not behind
hhr.-backt---'- . -.. "
it is understood that the private irriga
tlonlsts will take advantage of a 'slight
mistake made by Mr Moor in sending out
notices for the annual meeting. Instead
of stating 2 p. m., as tha by-laws pro
vide, he had 8 p. m. The result . of this
error- la that the hrrigationlsta Intend to
hold the meeting at 2 o'clock anyway.
Last reports at 2:39 o'clock state that a
few of them are on the spot.
On point that Is very much In favor of
th private companies is th fact that
PVesiaehfF. E. Bech,"oF the" Board of
Trade, was called away on business, to
Tacoraa a few day ago and has a yet
not returned..-. ,v - Vr
As regards tha meeting, tt is doubtful
whether the private irrlgationlsts will
carry their point of meeting- this after-
TtTff highly TprdBabraTnal obre'sTn'Rlng Hi eunsuwUou lift porta gwyail-
nartv mar come in with a majority, call
the meeting to order and adjourn until
o'clock tola evening. . :' -.
V At th annual meeting tha report of the
secretary Wilt be read and a hot time tt
Ukely m th jarlvat krigationlsts .will
ana cannot be, named, until said meeting
is called, j, ' s-r- , . . ' : : v
Mr. Allen could not answer.'1 Th gen-!
tleman occupying an office in which h
Is answerable- to. tha Republican of Ore-; ,
gon, refused to talk to the 'people. Poli
ticians quickly noted hi action and wer
fully aware of his reasons for same. That
Is why Allen's nam has been mentioned
often of late in connection with the Mat- '
thews phantom central committee. - Th
result has been a lively row in th com
mittee and a genial split In the Matthew.
faction of the Republican party. -
It is believed that At the time of Mat
thews' name being mentioned for political' '
ojfice, about fu.y2 Kcmber-"tf I " "
prominent citizens here protested again -the
recognition -of the- poll tician i by s t h
Washington officials. Now tha- question
arises whether this protest will be repro-"
.42aed -r fsr - ifeeappMoseaf ven&t bfif the" '
attorney-general of tbe United State that
Matthews has always been an "ottenaivs
partisan.'' -., -. y . '. J:. .. .,;-v --v : .X:
. Few people of Oregon appear to bellevst
that Matthews reaUy intended to resign
as chairman without having first attached
to the office a good -sized political wire.
The Pooh Bah of local cotnio political '
opera will have to answer to Washington. .,
It is said, for his making of his publio
office a. public" nuisance, as - powerful
agencies are reported to be at work tut " '
put a stop to the Jugglery that has mad
a farce of a state central committee and
a cheap political headquarters of an lm
portant government office.
' . .' . 1 , i , ,h.
attempt to pick It to. pieces. Thl wUti i
probably, be followed by the election ofl.
officers. -, i cv,: ,,-v , '
The present officers are as follows: -
F. E. Beach, president; W. M. Killings.'
worth, first vice president; James Steele,
second vice president; Tyler Woodwards !
treasurer; i James M. Moor, . secretary. T
, An attempt will probably be made tc
postpone the elections if things do not,
go the : right way th excuse for tbiat .
Will be that new by-laws ar being com-4 -plied
by Judge Seneca Smith and thejff
may provide for the abolition of soma of-1
flees and the substitution of others. j
The following resolution will be Intro-,
duced, if time permits:- - . . '
" Whereas, Tb Oregon Minljig StockTEx-,'
change has been an institution among uW
V lor- three-years;- doing- sr targe' amounTTosf
advertising lor tn state, and through itst -efforts
Oregon has, ben given a place i
among mining states In all the: leaadlnaf 'v
Journals of the world; and, .
Whereas, It is beyond desput th&
money la coming freely for the develop)
ment of our vast mineral sonea, w hie IX
was not th case before the Exchange wi .
launched among us; and, , . - t , , '
Whereas, Through tha good work of thJ
Exchange many important mining dlstrlotsvj
tributary td Portland ar fast being!
brought into promlnenoe, and cannot helgjl
but add largely to tha commerce of outt'
city; therefore be It , . - -
Resolved. That the Board of Trade ofl
the City of Portland hereby acknowledged
the untiring efforts of the management!
of the Exchange, and urge the contin-
uance of that body. And be it further i
Resolved, That w pledge our CO-opera ,
tlon and propose to assist the managed
ment in building, a ft. has, already laid)
the foundation, an Exchange worthy ofi
our city, and worthy of tha con&denc ofi c
our JmX
In his report Secretary Moore will stat,' -that
the Board of Trade was re organised .
on January ii, 1902, at Which time new '
1 by-laws - were adopted, - changing- - the
transaction of business formerly cob-,
ducted by a board of director to that of .
all tta members at open ; meeUng; JieW v
monthly. ." s , ,
. REVIEW OP WORK. ' i to
Th report then review the work of th
board. In. the- last year, among which ret.
erencer is mada to rtha following:. . .
Th r; co-operation ot th fVaeratsl ; .
Trades In securing a reduntion of street) ,
car rate and other matters pertalninf
to the city was secured, and. ' througla - -united
efforts a reduction of over. 38 peg t
cent on school children rat was .
cured, and a general movement toward - .
the betterment ot th street was secured, ,
enhntnating in an ordinance preventing
the laying of wooden walks in th greatw -part
of Xhe city, cement walk takln?' : :
their place. ; t. ; : -' -. .. ' . ,
A resuiuthm -wss--poBBwr argtnir th'
commencing of work on th drydok. - ,
Delegates to th Columbia River Basil
Board of iTtade WerB appointad. -a. Th
work of this organization in . assisting ta
reduce freight rates n grain from th, .
upper Columbia and Snake Rivera, by
Coneress for th construction of' lock
t The Dalle, has resulted in tfte saving
of thousands ot dollars to the farmer Li
OregonT Waalungton and Idaho.
The formation of a permanent BurTi
Continued on Sococd page.)
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