a J- THE ? OREG (XN DAILT ' JOTJIDTAE, rOCTLANP SATURDAY EVEXTSG,- yOVEMBEB 22, '1002: J. Tee Oregon Daily-Journal' NEW TODAY. ' For ads in classified columns of Situations Wanted," "Male" or Female," THE JOURNAL will make no rflarge. Briny or send ad copy to JOURNAL office. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 19 woman. Sine old Dr. Keseler'a return they have bm treat - log: 87 women daily It the ladle1 de partment They cu treat 4i morw Call or write for home ayatem. Enclose 10 wt stamp. Addres St. Lout Med cat and 8urical Dispensary, cor. Sesond and Yamkia Portland, or. HELP WANTED f"ALE, I DESIRE TO EHPLOI a youeg ma of pleasing address, congenial disposition, competent offfice boy and typewriter; no application writ be considered unleaif in writing. Room . 149V Firat at. WANTED- R., R. LABORERS for Nevada, Washlngi ion anu Oregon; wages, $3 up: free (are; also other work. C. R. Hansen Co., 26 North Second at. WANTED practical electric linesman to work ut oi the Hy; state age- and experience. Apply M. C, care Journal. WANTED AGENTS. We desire manager In every city and county Jn Oregon to represent a propo sition which appeals to people who wish to own their own noma. O. B. Street. No. 206 Start at. GOOD COMMISSION, with a guaranteed advanee given to men of experience In life mauraace. Apply to P. O. box 1069. AGENTS send 12 cents, stamps to Scott's Agency, box 209, Portland Or., for red hot article and a seller that will make you laugh til) yoa cry . EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires permanent position. Eastern and city references. Carrie F. Kenes son, 453 Hall. - COMPETENT LADT wishes position US cashier, bill clerk or assistant book keeper. 404 Knott St. SITUATION as housekeeper In widower's family, or charge of rooming house, by widow; city references. Phone Front 9C5. T 1 care Journal. BY GIRL, to do general housework and plain cooking. Call 807 Eavler St., near 24th. A SWEDISH GIRl, wants position to do second work. Address 309 Hancock st. WANTED Situation by German girl, to do general housework. 63o 5th at. ' LOTOfNO-WUSESv TlffiTCOSMOS 4th and M6rrTSon7fuT nished housekeeping suite, suites and single- rooms; $3 per week and up. THE LOCK WOOD. 361ft Morrison at. VurniKifrwi roeaao; transient. Phone Oregon South 606. THE CASTLE 172 Wash.; rooms for gen tlemen; transient. Tel. South 761. FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN fl-room house, close In, best lo cation, $40 Urindstaff & Biain, 246 Stark. BUSINESS CHANCES. R OMING -TlOL'SES ijaHGAINS " 33 rooms, flat" new. very fine 12250 40 rooms, brick, cwntral, lease 2000 60 rooms, corner, very profitable.:.. 17.it 25 rooms, new., pays handsomely . . . isou ' TTfttaWiB; ''CorfleV. baV 'wliMdwaV. "TfSo 12 rooma, excellent, part time t;r,o 20, rooms, part furnished,, rent $20.. 45t TT TOoma, choft-e location, pavs big.. 450 11 rooms, fine building, choice ..... 350 9 rooms, cottage, near City Park.. 325 7 cooniB. fair turultur, rent . $!.... . 250 SNAPS IN BUSINESS CHANCES Sawmill, unlimited supply logs $3200 Interest In sawmill, planing mill, Hume and 800 acres timber 7600 Grocery, good corner. 6 living rooms 1209 (irocery, must sell. Invoice about.... 500 Cigar stare, extra good, invoice, or.. 700 Cigar store, well worth price 225 Bakery, good trade, low rent. 800 Novelty store, salable, stock, invoice luoo Suloon, very fine, heavy receipts 2500 Lots 50x10. $10; 10 down, $5 month. To get in or out of business;' see us. C. R. E. & T. CO., 234frJMorrlaon st. t-'M0 cash will buy htflf interest in a fine paying business now clearing $350 cash each month; will stand Investigation; don't bother a boat it unless you have the cash to pay. Room 219 Abington bldg. 320 acres timber land In Wahkiakum Co.. Wash., near R. R. to South Bead; owner needs money; will sacrifice if can sell now; wants offer. J. A. Henkle or A. A. Baker. 219 Abington bldg. Al l. kinds mercantile, and manufacturing businesses bought and sold; the best In vestments, that owners object to adver tHlng. T. C. SJi reeybgtorijijdg. ' WANTED. WANTED Immediately, 2oTBelgian hares. Apply Mace Market. 1S1 Fourth. ATTORNEYS. U E, LATOURETTE,- lawyer and notary public. 302 Falling bldg. 3d and Wash Pax ton, Beaek 4k Simon, 110 Chamber of Commerce. WM. REID. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, room 4, Aiosworth bldg. Third and Oak. Geo. J. Cameron. Attorney at Law, 718 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. N. Mossasoha, 723 Chamber of Com me roe. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES. EMPIRE" SPEC1ALT V C0.7"advert ising specialties and signs. 206 Stark st. BANJO; MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. Free use of instruments. Wanted player for clubs. Hal. Webber Ia struotor, 717 Marqnam bldg. JiM-LJARD PARLORS. THE NARRAGANSETT BILLIARD PAR- lors. 128 6th St. Office Brown's Orch. BUILDING MATERIALS. THE j7"McCRAKEN CO. Wholesale dealer building materials. 281-235 Pine. CURIOS. The San Woo Co., .wholesale and retail bamboo furniture. 268 Morrison st. SUN SOON HtriE CO., teas, mattings,. Jap, curios, carpets, rugs. 247 Yamhill. CARD JENG RAVE RS. WEDDIJJQriNb vTsiTINCARDTn graved: W. G. Smith A Co., Third Boor, Washington bldg. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. L. W. Clopton, contractor, grader and ex cavator. 88 Egth st. Phone Union 228. CARPENTERS AND BJJILDERS John a. Melton; carpenter and builder, 107 Stark St.; office and store fixtures built, and remodeled, altering' and re pair houses. Phone Main 747. U. S. BLARNEY, Carpenter, builder; estl . mates given. 656 E. Stark. Union 797. CEREAL MILLS. Acme liTfiSTlJoTlMaTfacTu Acme Cereala. 20 de 12 N. Front at. P. JOHNSON ft CO, manufacturer- Feer legs Health Cereals. 132-4 Front st- COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealer In all kinds ot coal and wood, S44 Morrison at. " VtTLCATT COAL 'CTXr WHO LE3ALU dealer best coals, foundry and smelter coke. . . - DENTI3T8. . Theodore 'g. Thompson, 50-S1 Waablng ton bldg.; Washington and fourth' ata. Phone Hood 414. r. Dr. thaa. T. Prebn, vftalisrd air fdr paln . lea extracting. HI -20 UaraUteo bldg. CHIROPODY AND MANJRlMNICLj LTlfltchell Chlropodijit. Knight' Bho Store, SO Wash. at. Phone Hood 721. THE DEVENYS, the Wily aelenttfi chiropodist in the city. Parlors SOl-f Alisky bide- Thia as th long-haired gaiuieman you want to see. Crant IS. CI OARS AND TOBACCO. ESBURO-GUNBT CIOAR CO. Distributer f - - FINE CIGARS. . - Portland. Oregon. MOKE OCR OWIf MIXTURE Can't ba beat. Sig Slchel ft Co., Id St.. CORNICES 8KYLIGHT8. Metal .Skylight, Galvanised Iron Cor 4. tj. jsayer, iss bcuiki st, WE FRAME 1 'PICTURE-' Pacific Picture Place. SI Morrison st DHUGOISTS. Frank J. BtreiDig, drugs, lotiet articles, perfumes. $ Waetoingtoa at EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Co., Z27 Burnalda at. Help of alt kind waataoV - ELECTRIC WORKS. Portland Electrical . Works Offle let BtarK at Waatern Electrl Work. HH W t ELECTRICAL MASSAGE. PROF. E. I BATON, electrical, electro vfbratory" and massage treatments scien tifically given. Aliaky bldg., 265ft Mor- ' rison at. room Sit. Office phone Red 1807. Hours: $ to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p. m. FREE SHINES. CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co. 347 Wash. GASOLINE LAMPS. H. W. MANNING Lighting and Supply Co-. Latest tanproved gasoline lam pa. 10 Sixth street, Portland, Ore. HIDES, FURS AND WOOL. KAHN BROS., dealers In hides, furs and wool. 191 Front St., Portland Or. GROCERS. 1". Dresser A Cav 34vVt42 Washington st. D. C. BURNS. 147 W, fine fresh grocerlea at cash prices. MOUSE PlRNfSHERS. Home Furnishers Furniture, carpet, parlor goods, atovea, eta See I. Gev. urU & Son. 173-175 First 119-225 Tara hlll. Both phones 804. HOTELS. Hotel Belvedere, Europaaa plan. Four La and Alder st. . LABBE & REBE, manufacturers of Ice cream and confectionery. 810 Wash st. IMPLEMENTS. PORTLAND IMPLEMENT CO., farm ma chinery and vehicles, 188-194 Front st. " LAUNDRIES. Clean towels dally. Comb, brush, soap, il per month. Novelty Supply Cat e . 48 N. Ninth St. Tel. 410. TdWELS, soap, comb and brush. $1 per mo. Oregon Laundry Co.. Phone E. 13. JNUj-UNCE JAS. Mc. I WOOD. Concord Building. phono 47. personal, accident. Insurance ana an khiuh or surety uonaa. - J. Philip Kennedy Insurarsset; resident agent Norwich Union Firrins. Society. Phone South 1864. 43 Hamilton bldg. Ai'NA LITE INSURANCE CO. writes JJfe, accident amj employet'a liability In surance. 318 Fitillng Wdg. PUFFER BURGARD & CO.. fire insur ance. 251 Washlngtpn St. Tel. Main 688. ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANT K 225 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone Main m. ARTHUR WILSON. Sherlock Building, 'phone 1008, represents the Alliance and the Home Fire and Marine In. Cos. JOHN KELLY, general insurance agent. Columbia bldg. 82ft Third at. TeEcTTJenrichaen Co.". Jeweler and optic tana, 284 Washington at. The G. HeJtkemper Co., manufacturing jewelera. tit Morrison at A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler. 293 Morrison sL. Geo. O. Brandenburg A Co., Engravers, Mfg. Jewelers. 8Vi Sd.' Phone Hood 437. J. A. Beck, watches, diamonds, Jewelry. 207 Morrison St. Repairing a specialty. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS SIMPSON, mining and mine promoters. Roor 2. Chamber Commgrce. LADIES' TAILORS. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS, cloaks . and eapes. Accor4ian plaitea. Applique work .a jpe.etelty., Stephana, 289 Alder MACHINERY. TRENKMAN & CO., mining, sawmill, log- f iijg machinery, hydraullq ptrcs cast ngs of all krnda fepatred." 104 T'T. 3th st. MJlNJNlBJENG I N E E R 8 jA N DjkS S A Y E R S . MONTANA ASSAtOFFICE, 208 Stark st. Experts on analysis coals, minerals, rock, mineral water. J. T. Qove. Mgr. J. H. FISK. Mining Engineer and Assayer. 204ft Washington st. Phone Clay 621. MASSAGE MUME. H. E. ELY, dermatolyoglst. massage, electrio treatments, 193 Firat st. MODEL-MAKER. For first-class repairing go to Andy Frits machinist and model-maker, 110 4th st Y61!--1-8- BOSS OF THE ROAD Overalls and me chanics' clothing. Best In every detail. Neustadter B-os.. Mfgrs., Portland. Or. MERCHANT TAILORS. MARX'S GTLBERTSON. TAILORS, 2E4 Alder St., cor. Third. PLAjTjNGAND PINKING. MISS O. GOULD, accordion knife plaiting and pinking; steam process; no hot Irons: short notice. 801 Marquam bldg. MILLINERY. MISS A. L, J ORGENSENr Importer and dealer In French millinery. 291 Morrison. MOTQAGE LOANS. ON IMPROVED city and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building loans. Installment lo'ana." Wm. McMastcrs', 311- Worcester-bldg. --j - - , OPTICIANS. Dela B. . Howard, refractlonlst, rooms 20 21, Russel bldg., cor. 4th and Morrison. DR. E. M. DALLAS, refracting optician, 218-219 Failing bldg. d and Washington. PALMIST. MRS. STOCK Teacher of scientific' palm- Jstryi graduate of chlralogical college of California; reading, $1. Fifth street, opposite postoffice. Mrs. C. Cornelius Alisky ,bldg.. 3d, and Morrison. Sittings dally. Hood 403. PHOTOGRAPHERS. E. Wr Moore, crayon and oil portraits. Third and Washington at. PLUMBERS. Taylor A Stanton, plumbing and ataam CtUng. St Sixth L y R0Pgl ROPEI PORTLAND tfOHibAGE 450;. cor. 14th and Northup st.,, Portland, Oregon, NAVAL ARCHITECT. Fred A. Ballln. 43 2d at., TeL Oak 76, na-1 - val architect and mechanical' engineer. FOR SALE. OLD COPIES of newspaper. cleanand rood fer wrappers. Apply Journal, 289 Yamhill St. PERSONAL ' . MRS. OLROCK ha opened masaage and manuicurlng parlors in Abington bldg., room 424. Satisfaction guaranteed. A trial will convince. Phone Red 2864. . MME. AZA HOLMES. Specialist may bJ consulted free. Scieatine face and scalp massage; blemishes removed. 311 Mor riaon St., opp. Poatoffice. ALL CUT RATE Snbaerlptiona and Club Combinations on Periodicals at Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder St.. Portland, Or. "UNCLE MYERS," the pioneer money lender, 143 Third , near Alder, sella dia ftioads. watches, jewelry hart tegular atore prices. Country order attended to. Use and you will obtain Best results from Western gaa or gasoline mantels. CAFE KRATZ, 122 Sixth St. A fine lunch served at all hours. Miss Emma R. Mackle, masseuse, teacher physical culture. 417 Abington bldg. PIANO LESSONS. W. GIFFORTJ NASH, 109 lth st Terms upon application. Beginners taken. REAL ESTATE FOR SjE FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms, for sl In nit parta of Oregon and Washington; payments made to atilt purchasers. For full par ticulars as to various properties, apply to Wm. McMasters. 311 Worceater bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 3, Chamber of Commerce bldg CHAS. HTRSTEL, real estate dealer. 88ft Third aL Room E. RUBBEP STAMPS. BUSBY A LESH CO. Rubber stair ps, Ssala, Steuciis, eta, 4i. The Dettum. SAFES HATLAFrbindarroof th world; safes sold on easy payments; trade your old safe for a new one. Norrl Safe A Lock Co.. 1 First at. BUY YOUR SAFE of J. E. Davis. Tour repairs and lockouts safely done. 66 8d. SHOWCASES R. LUTKE & CO., successors to Dixon, Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. STEAM CL EANIN 6 AN DJ Y E IN RlTabTeTAILORING CO We steam, clean and dve clothes; sponge, press, repair; ladles' skirts and jackets a spe cialty. .Phone 658. H. Kaufman. 148 3d. SPECIAL DELIVERY. t.i nunl nnltvecv. No, 200Vi Wash ington. Phores. Or. Main 962. Cot 261. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. Pick, office S8 FIt St., bet. Stark and Oak; phone 596. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. C. M. OLSON. 128 First at. Furniture and piano mover. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. 20veilowi)lne timbrr claims; 32 fir and cedar cruise 5,00rt.00 each claim; 12 timber land homesteads, cruise 10,000. 000; 30 choice farm homesteads, all verv desirable. Cruiser's fees reason able. WILLIAM HAWKS, , 306 Commercial bldg. - - TfPffWBtTEBS. ' ThTmltbPremfer Typewriter. 122 Thlrd atreet. All makes of typewriters for rent. Supplies tor all machine. L. A M. Alexander ft 0., agentsu TONTINE LOAN. Tontine Loan & Security Co., 30-31 Ham ilton bldg. J. C. Eggleit n, Supt. WALL PAPER. H P. Chrlstensen, wall paperer and painter. 141 Seventh at. corner Alder. Ernest Miller & Co., wall paper and dec orators. 127 First st. WHOLESALE ORY GOODS. Flelselmer, Mayer & Co. Pioneer manu facturers of shirts and overalls. No. 29 Front and 27 First st. Portland, Or. WHOLESALE fJROCERS. Wadhams & Co., wholesale grocers, man ufacturers and commission merchant 64 and 66 Front st Allen A Lewis, wholesale grocers, Port land. Ore. Mason, Ehrman A Co.. wholesale groo m M W. cor. Second and Pin Lang 4k Co.. Firat and Anlceny st. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASS- WARE. Wholesale Crockery and Glassware. Prae! Hegele A Co.. 100 to 106 6th. cor Stark. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. B. Haseltlne A Co., Iron, steel. coaTand blacksmith's suppHes. 4S. 61 Second at WHERE TO DINE. irWOTSiirCArrX 'it Tnhrdst7Tni beat cup of coffee in the city. THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT for French dinners with wine, 50c. 128 Fifth st. Strouae' Restaurant; flrst-claae meals; beat aervlce. 229 Washington at SATISFY YOUR-PALATE by a plate of Eastern Oysters for 26 c. at the West Coast Oyster Parlors. 143 Seventh at., near Alder. We own our oyster beds. WHOLESALEWALL PAPER. Morgan Wall Paper Co". 184-186 2TT bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland Or. WHOLESALELETHJGOOS. W. H. McMonlea A Co., wholesale d dles, harness, leather goods. S3 Front st. MONEY TO LOAN, Money to loan, sma: amounts. nhr nr long time. J. ft Haw ley. Cham. Com. MQNET to Loan on city rot and kn-4 proved farms. W. A. Shaw A Co., 84JI W. A. HATHA WAT Money to loan. 10 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 41A BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESSCOLLEGE, COMMERCLVL BLOCK. . 242 WASHINOTON STREET.- We teach Bookkeeping by the Laboratory Method, which gives the student a thorough knowledge of modern accounting. Pernin Shorthand, the easiest to learn, easiest to write and easiest to read. Telegraphy, by the latest and most ap proved .methods. .. . We hare more calls for Stenographers, Bookkeepers and Telegraph Operator than we can fill. Call or write us -for particulars. W. H. BEHNKE. President L AL WALKER, Secretary. Minneograph work, correspondence. ElgTln & McCarthy, room 19, Russell bldg. e 'newjoday: - WESTERN INVESTMENT COMPANY 291 ft Morrison at., room 3. FARMS FOR SALE 20 acrea, Klamath. Co. $1000 40 acres. Linn Co 600 161 acre), Whit Salmon 11200 lO acres, Beverton ....a.........,.! 350 40 aoree. sardsn. bom ......14000 326 acrea. Ores ham $6780 80 acrea, Clark Co tisuo 160 acre. Sand? $1600 9 acre. Barlow $10o0 0 acrea, Clarke Co . ..t $1200 20 acres. Clarke Co .... $ id 160 acre. Jackson C $2400 HOUSES AND LOTS -room house, Brooklyn ,.$2000 J-roora bouee, Montavllla $ 700 8-room house. Woodlawn $1700 7-room house, tenter $1100 7-room house, KenUworth $1700 (-room house, Albina $1700 g-room house. Montavllla $u50 g-room house, & 20lh 11275 (.ream bouse, (iaand are tmi 4- room house, Vancouver ave $ 850 I -room house, Woedlawn $ 626 5- room house, Montavllla $600 Terms will be grven on all of these nice bouses. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. L. M. Parrlsh, G. E. Watkina, F. E. Watklns. Parrish, Wathins ? (o. R.ee.1 Estate, Insurance, House and Loan Agents NOTA1UES PUBLIC 250 Alder Street PORTLAND, OR. $900 Lot 50x150 ft., on .Sacramento St. near Williams ave. $160 Nice lot in Lincoln Park. $200 Corner lot in Lincoln Park. $160 Lot in Riverside add near Ocley Ureen. $200 For corner in Riverside add. $200 For lots on boulard, near Ocley Ore.en. $300 Fine building lots in block 9. Maeg ley Highland. 1 block from Wil liams ave; choice fruit trees. $325 Txjts on Fargo st . In Rivervlew add. $775 S. W. corner of Commercial and Monroe sts.. 2 lots. $400 lxt oil Monroe, high and sightly. $400 Lot on Morris, n. ar Borthwk k. $500 Lot on Morris, mar Commercial. $400 Lot on Vancouver ave., 50x120 ft., with 20-ft. n!1ev, $450 Fine lot on Gantcnbein, near Mon roe. $250 Lot on Gantenbeln, nar Fremont. $325 Cnrnei- lot, S. V. corner of Skid more and Mfcsoirl av. $400 Lot on lelay. Htr.-Denf Knelt $600 Corner lot N. W. cur. Knott and Kerby ste. $900 Two lots S. E. (orner Knott and Kerby sts. $1200 Four lota S. W. corner Mississippi . t ave. and Munis aim.. ,.Tle above lots comprise" nnly a partial list; most of them, l ean sell on easy payments. ,-They are all located In and about Alhina. A good place to buy lots. HOUSES AND LOTS. $27007 rooms on Tillamook St., 66 2-3x 125 ft., with barn. $1000 House and lot. 40x90 ft, on 8ell- wood. neur Shops. $1550 Nice 5-room house and full lot, with alk-y on Minnesota ave. $1600 7 rooms,, bath, patent closet, fine condition, on Borthwlck wt., near Fargo. $1800 Block 5. Rivervlew add., consist ing of al:out 2ft acres, with buildings renting for $18 per mo.; barn on this property will rent for $2 more $1600 S rooms, Fitrgo St., near Kerby; good house $1600 2 house and lot with alley on Al foina ave.j near Beech, renting for $16. $5000 Corner lot on Third St. and Mont gomerv with 2 houses renting for $33 per mo.; 100 ft. on 3d St.; prospective business. $4000 Corner lot ;iml large building N. E. corner -3d and Thurman sts. This Is only it partial list. Call and get particulars and terms. JoHN M. PITTENGER. Room 562 Sherlock iidg., 3d and Oak sts. Phone Clay 52!. FOR SALE That lawge and . commodious dwelling 295 10th St., Northwest corner Columbia street a very central location, good home with plenty of yard room, the frontage on Tenth street being about 132 feet and 100 feet on Co lumbia street. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 229 Stark Street. BATHS. BIG CUT. no combine for jack kino, "finest Russian baths? the city. 50 cents, to the public we have the only complete betz dry hot-air apparatus in the city, wb cure rheumatism of all - kinds in 21 days or less, no cure. no pat. king's ham mam baths, cor. seventh and washington, open day and night. Finest and Largest Baths In th City. JACK KING. IMPOSSIBLE. Biggs They say Mr. Gabbleton Is guilty of an attempt at blaclcma.lL Dlggs t- don't believe It Biggs Why not? Dlggs o woman on earth wouIoVthlnk of acceptfng "hush money." DetrtMt New. NEW TODAY A ItW SPECIAL BARGAINS $2500 60x100 .on ISth, opposlt Portland Academy. Mrn d up. i yrJxP "MX 4" iAA Corner lot (62x104). West 4l I kidlm ui Manilla sts., Pyw King's Heights, tf" i r A A Corner lot 67x100, on Tay- i4 jUU Mi seD ln 'rction ,ult tfAAA Co1- ,ot 2 cottages, 11th JkiUUU and Kearny, paying 8 per rv'ww cent net tfiAAA FttTT lot and large 8-room Jk4U(l(f house, 704 Flanders St., be f IVVV tweeo 21st and 22d; choicest location in city. A great bargain. 41 1 rAABhCM lot- (0 fet from I . "51 II I Morrison and one- block AV4 V V V trom partial hotel. f A A tot and 8-room house. 331 46UU Chapman. $1500 $9500 $1200 $1800 Will buy a nice fractional lot on Taylor st. Will buy one of- the finest home at Mount Tabor; 2 acres of land. 16x100 and new modern 5 room cottage. Williams ave. Corner lot and 7-room bouse. East Ninth and Lin coln. Will buy a fine corner lot with 6-rdom cottage and barn, East Third and Irving sts, Halllday's add. 100x100 adjoining terminal grounds, choice warehouse property; $1000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. Full lot and fine new 10 room modern home, 170 16 th St., North. 60x100, 4 fiats, now paying 10 per cent net. Full lot and new modern 6-room house, also new car pets and combination fix tures. Beautiful block in Waverly, 200x230. No better buy in tha city. Full block, Patton's 2d add.: it U block 28, and is a great snap. Fractional lot and 5-room cottage. 263 N. Sixteenth. 2 lota and modern house, completely furnished. E. Twenty-seventh and Morri son. Will buy a fine corner. 11 Ox 100, in Smith's Add. and up, beautiful lots at Mt. Tabor. Fine location. $1550 $5000 $5250 $8250 $2300 $1600 $1200 $2200 $3000 $ 550 $500 Many other good bargains on our list In all classes of property. Favorablo terms on asy of the above. ORINDSTAFF A BLAfN. 246 Stark. 72 LOTS ON CAR LINE NEAR UNI versity Park, will sell very cheap or trade for house and cottage. Bargain hunters, please investigate. MOUNT TABOR Near West ave. and car line 168x111 ...$5t0 109x165 $til) lnOx-177 $400 100x158 $100 These are absolutely the best bar gains on the west slope of Moant Ta bor. BARFOOT ft MONROE. 233 Stark St. NEW TODAY Pt)RLANDrIEiniITS 'RESIDENCE well built. 8-roomed residence. with "fnrmtre; ' nre-pinr tira--pioiWnr W 100 ft., on a corner near the car line. Desirable, good home, at moderate price. Any person wanting a home on Portland Heights should Inspect this. It is now ready for occupancy. Apply 4V-K.' Henry, -273 Stark St. Sl!NNYBirm-10-rootned fesldence, on good corner, house Is. well built, has good plumbing, owner anxious to sell. It Is a bargain for anyone wanting a largo house. Apply to C. K. Henry, 273 Stark st. $1800 BTTYS nice, new (Just finished) 5 roomed cottage with basement, good plumbtng, Rood lot, street Improved u nd sidewalked, near car line. The best house to be had for the price. Any person wanting a neat, modern house should Inspect this. Applv C. K. HKNKV. 273 Stark St. Safe Deposit Vaults (Frederick K. Arnold, Supt.) We own the Safe Deposit Vaults In the Chamber of Commerce Building. For a few dollars a year you can b- made to feel secure and easy In your minds re Rurdlng your valuables. Our vaults are tire and burglar proof and furnish entire protection at all times. Privaie rooms for clients, where boxes can be taken, contents examined, letters written, and other business transacted. If you con template leaving town for a season, rent a afe. and deposit therein your Jewelry, keepsakes, deeds, mortgages, your will and Other valuables. SAFETY AND SECRECY COMBINED. Title Guarantee ajid Trust Co Chamber of Commerce. 1 AllforSl.OO! I io xne i-udiic i h uuo.ei siguvu w wishes to announre that for the () purpose of demonstrating the METHOD OF MASSAGE (Dr. Krstr'a Carlsbad Syatem.) We have purchased the leading Turkish and Russian Bath & P rlors, room 533 Chamber of Com rerce Buiidinz where we will give the best service to all who may be our patrons. We guarantee a positive cure (Carls bad Say tern,-Massage Hydropathic) of the following diseases: SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. NERVOUSNESS, VARIOUS NEURALGIAS, run down of th system, etc. Our treatment Is endorsed by prominent physicians of Portland. JOE FRIEDilAN, Maseur of twenty years' experi ence. (Dr. Krantz's Carlsbad System.) ROOM 52E, CHAMBER OF COM MERCE . A TRIAL WILL CON VINCE. .. . E WILD INDIANS OYIRCOfl" Mt Mr b toawtfwttvfa urH tatut r ro ; isr 1 h " Iw4l,h Cvm" lh t a ol eiuii(tH" 1" Mk sr Win nf. I " is itv aavitttfn-turm ' f tkf Bxxit to n mint If rM sVar bVbtm t eo 4 $ Mess v if fof tho.tr jf it carts', h t. faat $ PCMOLtTON WXLEN MtLLV !. Or. HER MAKE-UP. with her beau. She says It keeps her busy making up every time he cornea. May She probably means the making up she does to bar Oheeka. Omsk News, BUYERS DIRECTORY SAVE I SAVE I SAVE! You can purchase your Grocerlea Re tail at Wholesale Price from , RICHET & CO., Free Delivery. 112. 114 FRONT ST. Philip Morris & Co., Ltd., London Cork Tipped Cigarettes, 25c Foeller & O'Neill, Sole Agents Chamber of Commerce. 301 Washington St., 497 Washington St. Rheumatism For relief go to BOSWELL SPRINGS, on the S. P. R. R., two miles aouth, of DRAIN, or writ CAPT. BEN. BOSWELL, BOSWELL, OR. OPEN THE YEAR ROUND. Drain & Coos Bay Stage Line Leaves Drain Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Best road to the Coast. J. R. SAWYER, Prop. .Tilt: HOTEL MIKADO.. Watt Montelth. Proprietor. CORNER SIXTH AND STARK STREETS Phone 788. Portland. Or. G. C. RIDER Expert violin maker and repairer of all kinds of string instru ments. 36 Russell bldg. 4th and Morrison AUCTION AT CUSTOM HOUSE Confiscated Goods Sold by Govern ment Yesterday. Quite an interesting acen was pre sented at the warerooms of the. local custom house yesterday afternoon, when a number of Chinese and other were en gaged In bidding on confiscated goods which were U'lnie a u allot led oil by Dep uty United Statws Collector of Customs R. F. Barnes. The following goods were sold under the hammer: One china tea svt, which sold foe J.'!..", one cua of miscellaneous wearing apparel, which brought Only $1; one un. "4. ."'); a lot of bamboo sticks, fish, toilet preparations, teas, matting, cifiars and opium. The mnfttng anil tea was bought by a white Miider, who ptiid $10 for the 24) cases of tea rind $2 x r roll for the live rolls of matting. Quong Lunir Tal pur chased the AwO i-K us of opium at $4. lo. per can, and .another China rarut bougrbt :U boxes of cigars, numbering 1,500 in all, for $11.2Ti. One reason why The Journal has rapidly gained circulation Is that It Is the only paper in Portland that dares to print the news. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that on the 20th day of October. 1902, "J. H. Griffiths of Portland. Or., was duly adjudicated bank rupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at room KOf). Cham ber of Commerce Building, Portland, Or,, on the 3d day of December, 1902. at 11) o'clock . m . at which time the said creditors mav attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank rupt and transact such other business as may properly come before nald meet ing. ALEX 8WKEK, Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated Portland. Or., November 21. lf03. ,rWW)jVWWrWAW'rWaXfrVWrV'4l .fvPor Kidney j uiaaaer troubles. J Cures In ; 48 Hours; URINARY J discharges! BAilKS' UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK of Portland, Oregon. Northwest corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a general banking business. DKAF'l H liSCKD, available in all cities of toe I nittd States and Europe, Hong Kong -Witt Manila. NO INTEREST PAID ON TIME DE POSITS. President . Vice-President. . . . . . Cashier Assistant Cashier... Assistant Cashier... .J. C. AINSWORTH ,.....,.W. B. AYER F. C. MILLER ...R. W. 8CHMEER A. M. WRIGHT LADU & TILTON, BANKERS Estaollshed ln 1S69. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on fa vorable terms. Letters of credit issued available in Europe and all points In the United State. Sight exchange and telegraphic trans, fera sotd on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and Various points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange aqld on London, Paris, Ber lin, Franafort, Hong Kong, Yokohoma, Manila and Honolulu. CANADIAN BANK Of COMMERCE. With which Is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COL!- MBIA Capital paid up $8,000,oo Reserve 2.000.0M Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sum of $10 and up wards, and interest allowed on mini mum monthly balances. Rate on ap plication. $44 Washingtaon at. v E. A. WYLD. Manager. LONDON A BAN FRANCISCO BANKL LIMITED. Cnarobsr of Commerce Building. Third and Stark streets. -Head office. 56 Old Broad atraet Lon . don. w This bank transacts a general bank ing business, makes loans, discount bills and issues letter of credit avail able for travelers and for the pur chase of merchandise in any city of the world. Deal in foreign and do mestic exchange. Interest psld on time deposit a. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. " . . PORTLAND. OR. J Frank Watson President R. L. Durham Vice-President R. W. Hoyt Cashier Geo. W. Hoyt Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS. Draft and letters of credit Issued available to all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought MORRIS A WHITEHEAD BANKERS AND INVESTMENTS. , FIRST AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND, OB. S WJINBIW tma rt of somtwrffH RAILROAD TIME TABLES. EAST via. SOUTH Leaves. Union Depot. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Rose- 8:30 p.m burg, Ashland. Sao ramento, Uta t:ilL)l ean rranciaco, mo Jave, Los Angeles. El Paso, r7w Or leans and th Kaat 8:39 aca kfornifta trail can ned it Woodbnrn djKilv lMnl Stton. day), mrais arsHnf ior mi. Angei. bu- verton. Browns ville. Springfield Wendllng and Nat- ii. . . Albany pasaenger... I'nnn.rlu at fJ nA 4:00 p.m 7:30 a.rn I 4:50 p.m burn with Mt An get and local. SUvrtoL Corvallls passenger. Shejjdanpassengef. M9p.tl i, :? a-n Dally. HDaily except Sunda. Portland-Oawego Suburban ServIM ana1 Yamhill Division. t LtJ0 Fot of Jefferson Street. ' Leave Portland daily for Oswego ?: ?' 1:60. 2:05. :$, i:20. :2i, :l,f: i il " Paily opt Sunday, SJu,, 6.30 S:J0 10:26 a. m. ; 4:00, 11:3 p. m. Sunday only 9:00 a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland? 7:3a, 9:& -lt:l p. m. batty except Sun- day, 6:25, 7:25, 9:3. 1;30. l.:46 am. f"0 Mondy 12:25 a. m. Sunday only 10:00 sl tn. Leave from same depot fer Dallas an4 Intermediate points daily, except Sunday, 4:00 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:2- a. m. L.ave from sam depot for DaHa and Intermediate points daily exocpt Sunda 6:05 p. m. Arrive Portland f .St a. tn. The Independence-Menmooth Motor Line operate dairy to Monmouth and Airlie. connecting with Southern Paela) Company'a train at Dallas and Indspaa-. er.ee. Rebate tickets on sale between Part' land. Sacramento and San Franetsc rJf rates $17.60 first class and $14 eo4 class. Second class includes sleeper. aa$) class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe also Japan, China, Honolula tad An, trails. City Ticket Office corner Third sra4 Washington street. Phone Main til C. W. STINGER, W. acOMArT. : City Ticket Agent Gen. pas. AC Omman wiimoRPACffiir THrtEE TRAINS DAILY ? -sir r 1 IL (oat t stAsBkl"-! Arnvea. UMUN DEPOT. Leave Arrive. LiilCAGU-POkTLAND "' 1 SPECIAL. :m 4:10 pm Foi- the East via Hunt- Daily DaUjr tngton. ', .,. ,,.' . ..V-' SPOKANE FLYER, """TT. For Eastern Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lew- 6jM p 1Mb) 1 Iston, Coeur d'Aiene Daily Daily and Great Northern points. . ATLANTIC EXPRESS-i - n m 8-lfl a For the East via Hunt- K?,t m n.n in gton. uaHy uauy RIVER SCHEDULE. Columbia River Dlvlalon. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 p m r way points, connecting Daily Ipm with str. for Dwaeo and ex Sua, Daily North Beach str. Har- Sat. 10 ex Sua. vest Queen. Ash-st. p m Willamette River Dlvlalon. . ,, About FOR SALEM, Corvallls, "j46 :0 p rat tnd wav points, steamer J.0- Tue., Ruth. Ash-St. dock. Thura.. FtL . Bafc. : Yamhill River Route. . I FOR DATTONT" Oregon T-aa - -..fta Zr City and Ifamhill River LI points, str. Elmore. Ash Tue Men street dock. 1hUT"" V jWater permitting. l8-. y"- . Snake River Rout. - , VOR I.EAVlSTOSr. Ida.. i . and way point, from4:08 a m .. Winarls Wash. ateam-Dailv "7 ' ers Spokane and Leaf-M SafT lston. Daily Frt TICKET OFFICE. Tilrd and Waasttag ton. Telephone. Mala TH. - PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, aaUIaa at Kobe, Nagasaki and ShaaghaL taking:, freight via connecting steamer for Mav . nlla. Port Arthur and Yladrvostoek. INDRAVELLI SAILS ABOUT NOV. St. For rate and full informatioa eaH eel or address official or agent ef taa X K. N. Co. -. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Taa-va. DEPOT, FIFTH Arrlvaa, nila X J A a Laaa a v For Maygers. Rain ier, Ciatskanle, West port, CHlfton. Asto ria, Warranto, .na vel, Hammond. Fort Stevens, Geerhar: Pk.. Seaalde.Astorla and Seaahor Ex press, Dally. Astoria Expeaa Dally hl:A.l; 8:00 A M. - 4';s H40P.M. 7:00 P. M. Ticket office, 255 Morrison street and Uniun Depot. J. C. MAYO. General Passenger Agent. Astoria Or. References Ladd ft irfltori. Portland; V. S. National bank, Portland: Bank of ' . California,-. Ban. Francisco; Crock- Wool worth National Bank, fias Fraay - Cisco. Dolton. DeBuytcr ? Co. Members Chicago Board of Trad. Baal Francisco Produce Exchange. San Fran- .. cisca Ktoc- and Bond Exceanxa. Grains, Provisions, StocXs. Bondi and Cotton. San Francisco Office: lO ThW StTMt 4s0 California St. PORTLAND. OR, , Boy n ton Hot Air Furnancca . w Ar th best Estimate given en new work an,4 repairing, J. C. BAYER, 265 2d Ct