The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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You are, no doubt, aware that no House is complete without ELECTRIC
LIGHTS Uye conveniences are manifold. In the first place t
But Just Press the Button
No mo lie to spoil the paper or tint in your House. Consult your wife
about this. All Her friends use the ELECTRIC LIGHT. Remember that
rou pay-only lor whatyou uae-r-nothing more.
Give us the opportunity and we will please you on the lighting
Allow us to send our solicitor to explain the merits of the ELEC
TRIC LIGHT over all other modes of lighting.
?rtlaid General Electric C
Shippers Say Oregon
Prices Are High
Lard Prices Unable to Stand at
Quotations Decline a
Quarter Cent.
Tho potato ouiktt ii causing quit a
bit of uneasiness among the farmer of
this vicinity. Quotations are much lower
outlook la not very pleasant to ploture.
large crops in the various states that
Oregon Is generally called upon to sup
ply has weakened the market conslder-
, ably. A prominent Stockton, O&L, dealer
. has this to say in writing to a local
"it is too early in the Beason for us
to use any Oregon BurtMLuks. There has
been an unusually large crop in this
vicinity this year and they are giving;
general satisfaction. Ruling prices are
very low the present quotations being
; between 40 and 50 cents per hundred-
v-! weight. The lower grades are selling us
low as to cents. In view of these condi
tions we do not think It advisable to
try the Oregon stock at the figures you
specify. There is too much difference
between your prices and the ones quoted
A large Arizona broker says: x
".. T"ho difference between the Oregon
"MWaiito-asMt-'tteff' "&imizS: Stockton or
Sacramento, Cul., is so great that we do
not think that we can handle your prod-
' ".; uct at this time. You quote us at' 65
" cents, while we can buy very good Cali
i 5 - fornla potatoes at 45 cents and onions at
, i 65 cents per hundredweight. When the
" present surplus of California stock is
reduced we can possibly handle some of
yours at quotations."
Since the change of 20 cents a hundred
-:" quoted ltt-'yeeterday's- Journar ort sugar,
"the -market is unchanged, but prices are
ruling strong with the prospect of an
early advance.
r- . A decline of a quarter cent Is noticed
today In the lard market. Storks are in
v very unsettled londitlon, and it is
. very bard to predict whii h way quota-
tions will jump. No change is recorded
or local parked mi'al iLtiiay
As exclusively mentioned In yesterday's
Journal, .f? quotations on urain and
Hour made a sensational advance. To
day the market is quite weak in sym
pathy wlththe large declines made In
tue Chicago and Sail Francisco market
yesterday. However, no changes were
mads today.
(Several oars of California oranges
-were received by local wholesale dealers
today and are selling well.
The local market is glutted with Cliln-
You will notice that this man is
troubled which, no doubt, can
be applied to you when the ques
tion of Lighting your home or
office is brought before you.
There's No Reason Why It Should
When All the Facts Are Considered
ese pheasants today, the receipt of about
600 of the birds this morning overstock
ing the market Quotations remain at
a dozen.
An extra demand for pork today sent
the quotations oa that product upward.
Reoelpts the past week have been very
light sad everybody wants to buy pork.
Turkey prioes made a large advance to
day oa account of the very small re
ceipts. Borne more advanoes are ex
pected the fore part of next week.
Today's quotations as revised are ' as
follows: '
Grain, Flour and Feed.
, Wheat Walla Walla, 69 oc; blue
stem. 76c; Valley, 7273c.
Parley Feed, $22.00; rolled. J28.00
Oats No. X white, $1.10L1; gray,
Klour Eastern Oregon: Patents, $3.0J
S.0; Diamond W., IJ.76; straights, 12.20(1
ISO; graham, IS.00; Valley. $3.46.
Mlllstuffs Bran, $19.00 per ton; middl
ings. 2.S0; shorts. $19.60; chop, $18,000
Hay New timothy. $U.00i312.00; clover.
Hops, Wool and Hides.
Hops 25 f 27c .or choice.
Wool Nominal; Valley, 1515c;" East
ern Oregon, 10jj14e.
Sheepskins Shearing. 14H19c;
short wool, 253!c; medium wool, 30
Jtef-lMK. wnrd. ari,:.v.7:
Tallow Prime, per lb., 34c; No. 2
and grease, 22Hc.
Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and
tip, 16(jJ16V4c per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 6
to 15 pounds. 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under
6 pounds, 15 He; di.r salted, bulls and
togs, one-third less than dry flint: salted
hides, steer, sound, '0 pounds or over, 7V,
fcc; 60 to 60 pounds. T'iKc: under 60
pounds, and cows, c; stags and bulls,
sound, 6to6c: l;lp. sound, 15 to 30
pounds, 7c; veal, round. 10 to 14 pounds,
7c: calf, sound, under 10 pounds. e;
freen (unsalted1. lc per pound less; culls,
c per pound lees; horse hides, suited,
each, 1.2o1.75: dry. each. ?1.001.60;
colts' hides, each, "HfbOc: gout tklns.
common, each, 10ti!ic. Angora, with
w.n.l on. each, 25ctf$1.00.
Mohair 27c.
Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
Butter Creamery. 3032&c; dalrji, 20
224c; store, 17c.
Eggs Oregon. 2830c: Eastern,
fresh, 26r27Uc; cold storage 22V423c
Cheese Full cream, twins, 16s; Young
America, 17tflHe.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, J3.E0JF4.OO
per :do; hens. $,6Ct4 i per aoz; fcrfies;
S2.OOfe2.50; springs, $2.503.00; ducks.
$4.00ft4.60 per doz; turkeys, live,
16o; jo dressed, lifff ISc per lb; geese,
1(TWT1S6.50 Der doz.
Groceries, Nuts, Etc.
Sugar, "sack basis." cube, $4.95; powd
ered $4.80: drv granulated. $4.70; extra
C, $4.20; golden C, $4.10; barrels, 10c; H
barrels, 26c; boxes, 60c advance on sack
basis, less 25c per cwt for cash, maple,
12H16c per pound.
Honey 14c per frame.
.Coffee Green, Mocha. 212J3c; ., Java,
faivcx, 26ff-S2;'.ava, eo9. 20& 24e; Java,
ordinary, lSig 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1
20c; Costa Rica. good. I618c; Costa Rica,
ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia
roast. $16:63: Arbuckles', $11.13 list; Lion,
$11.13 list; Cordova. $11.13 list.
Teas Oolong, different grades, 255c;
Gunpowder. 28, 32 to 35c; English Break
fast, different grades, 12V4S6oc; Spider
Legs, uncolored Japan, 3060c; green Ja
pan, verv Bcarce, 3060c.
Salt Bales. 2s. s, 4s, 6s. 10.1 $2.60;
fin table. rts Iry. and, imported - Liverpool,
60s. 52c; 100s. $1.02; 200s, $1.95 per bag.
Salt Worcester salt. bulk, bbls, 820s,
J5.00; Worcester 140 2s, $5.60; Wor
cester. 100 3s, $5.50; Worcester. 60 5s,
15.25; Worcester. 30 10s, $5.00; Worcester,
linen sacks. 60s. Stic.
Salt Coarse, half ground, 100s, per ton,
J15.5U; 50s per ton. $lti.00; Liverpool lump,
rock, $24.00 per ton; 60-lb rock, $17.60;
110s. $17.00.
Grain bags Calcutta, $6.50 per 100.
Nuts Peanuts, 61J7C per lb. for raw,
8V4&8c for roasted; oocoanuts 8590c
rr doz; awlnuts, new to arrive, 14H15c
per lb: pine nuts. 10W12Vjc; hickory nuts.
Kc; chestnuts. Eastern, 16il6c; Brazil
nuts, 16c; filberts, 16$16o: fancy pecans.
14ft.6a; almonds. 14&15c.
Soal oil Cases. 22c per gallon; tanks,
Water White, 16Hc net; tanks. Headlight,
17 He net.
Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1. ic; No.
2, 4'sc; New Orleans, head. 77ty&
Salmon Columbia River. 1-lb tails,
$1.70; 2-lb tails, $2.40; fancy, 1-lb flats,
$1.86; -lb fancy flats, 11.10; Alaska tails,
pink. 6c. red. $1.26; 2-lb tails, $2.
Beans Small white. $4.00; large white.
$4.00; pink. $3.76; bayou, $4.00; Limas.
Tobacco Plug cut, smoking, 1 2-3-oi
packages: Seal of North Carolina, 70c
lb; Mastiff, 68c; Dixie Queen, 40c; Red
Bell, 39c; Pedro, 60c; Golden Scepter,
$1.15; fine cut. Cameo, 40c; Capstan. $1.85;
Duke s Mixture. 40c; Bull uurnam, hto; ;
Old English Curve Cut. 72c; Maryland J
Club. 71c; Mall Pouch, 38c; Yale Mixture, I
$1.40;. Plug t&baceo. Drummond's Mat- i
ural Lear, 58c; Piper Meiasiecit, ttc;
Something Good, 4oc; Btandard Navy,
44c; T. & B., 63c; Spear Head, 43c; Star,
43c; Fine cut chewing: Golden Thread,
68c; Fast Mall, 70c.
Fresh Meats Beef. prime, 6H7c;
bulls, 3$4c; cows, 6if6c; pork, 7
74c; veal. 88V4c; mutton, 2A3e:
gross; dressed, 6 4 if tic; lambs, SVi'fioc per
Hams, Bacon, etc. Portland pack
(Western) hams, 15V;c; picnic. 12c; break
fast bacon, 1819e; light sides. 14c;
backs, 12c; dry salted sides, 13c; dried
tieef sets. 18c; Insidea and knuckles, 18o
per lb.
Eastern packed hams, under 18 )b,
iSHcrorerTS jbs ,se- ncxiffc: jjlcnio,
12c; shoulders, 12c; dry salted sides, un
smoked, 14c; breakfast bacon, 184c; do,
smoked, 164c; butts, 12ig213c.
Lard Kettle leaf. 10-lb tins, 14c; 6s,
14Sc: 60-lb tins. 144c; steam rendered,
10s. 13c; 6s, 13T4c; bos, 1314c.
Fish Rock coo. 8c: flounders, 7c; hali
but. 9c; ling cod. 5c; crabs, per dos..
$1.60; razor clams. iOc dor; red snappers,
8if9e; black cod. 890; stripped bass,
104rl24c; salmon, 67c; soles. 8c; smell.
He; lobsters, 12c; shrimp. Puget Sound,
16c lb.
Potatoes 6570c; sweets, $1.76 cwt.
Onions Oregon, 90cill.
Tomatoes 40(fi)60c per box; turnips,
sack, $1.10; carrots, $Hil.l0 sack; beets,
$1.26 per box; crab apples, Sc per lb;
Kali Butter pears, $85ofi$l per box; cran
berries. Tillamook and Coos Bay, $8; Cape
Cod, $9 a barrel; huckleberries. 10c lb;
mushrooms, 26c lb; pomegranates, $1.60
2 box.
Apples Fancy, 75cC$L26; cooking, 60
Grapes Concord. 25c per 10-lb basket;
California, $1.2601.40;- Oregon, 76cl.O0.
Kdlsfte;- per dov, IJfcijJsiot; cabbages;
Oregon, lgilVie lb; lettuce, head, per dos,
12 4 15c; Oregon green corn, 15c doz;
beans, 3ic lb; eggplant, 66c lb; cu
cumbers, 4060c box: green peppers, 60c
box; squash, $1.50 cwt; pumpkins, $1.60
cwt; horseradish. 8c lb; celery, 75c$l
doz; hothouse lettuce, $1.752 per box.
navels, $4.004.50 box; bananas, $2.00
Dried frulte Apples, evaporlated, 1
74c; apricots. 774c; peaches, 74c;
pears. 84c; prunes. Italian, 4464c,
French. 3444c; figs. California blacks.
,j4c;. do., w hi.. 74&8or plums,-pitted,
oetc; raistns, seeaea, iancy, 1-10 canons,
60 packages to case. 840 tkg; seeded,
choice, 12-os cartons. 74c; loose Musca
telles, 60-lb boxes, 644T74C lb; London
layers, fi.ib.
Liverpool Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 22 Spot opening
wheat, steady and unchanged; com, firm
and unchanged.
Spot cotton was dull with prices easier.
Middlings, - VA, tmclJangedT"" BatesT 3000T
receipts, 8.000; American. 7,800; futures
opened quiet, I to 24 down and closed
easy. 4 to 44 decrease from yesterday.
These cables should cause no surprise In
view of our heavy market at close yester
day. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 22. Wheat Decem
ber. 6-11. lower; March, 4 lower.
May, 6-OH. H. lower.
Corn January, 4-6, lower; March,
4-3, 4 lower.
Queen Bee is Indeed Queen of all Cough
Preps. Sold by druggists and confectioners.
But Armour Interests
Beared It Slightly,
Gossip of the Stock Broking World
and Markets Foreign and
CHICAGO, Nov; 22.-The -Record-Herald
says. Vosi-rd.i ;'h developments in the
wheat pit were about ua generally anticl
tBrtMT" AfmouV Interest ""was evidently,
ahxloMs for some" tiirtner ""decline " and
made a demonstration agalnstthe market
in a small way by selling December. The
general mood was bullish, but with the
leading Interest so all-powerful the small
man was not inclined to venture. There
was a much smaller trade than on Thurs
day, a slight further decline In May and
90 break in December. As the Armour
people recently bought the December
when it was almost 3c under the May they
can well afford to part with some of it
now at lc under. There will be no sur
prise if wheat drags along for a while or
perhaps gets som.- lower, but there will
be a good deal of surprise If the leaders
are not found quietly taking back their
recent May sales when opportunity offers.
December corn lungs have been selling
for a week ami ihu leading December
long has been going Into January at
about 10 cents discount. Weare has been
most conspicuous in this operation sell
ing the December day after day and buy
ing the January. Thjecember turn
har been a ' very neat and profitable one
with the price up about 15c from the low
point last month and not much off from
the top yet. iv.iple who have made
money in it have Im en Ellwood, Lambart,
Cudahy and St. Louis interests. Profit
made already in January turn is not to be
despised, since w,- began to buy the
January It has moved up from 43c to
over' 60c.
t New York Summery.
NSJvT YORK. 'Nov. 22. London ftiarket
closed.' Proposed to settle hard coal dis
pute outside of government commission.
Rumors are that the arrangement be
tween the Interborough Company and
Manhattan will ultimately Involve New
York Central. Absorption of floating sup
ply of Reading continues. Reported that
Lehigh Valley will issue $6,000,000 col
lateral trust bonds- Ease in time money
attributed to loaning of early Baltimore
& Ohio . subscript!, ins, Advance - 4n- Eng
lish bank rate considered likely In De
cember. Banks have gained $950,000 from
treasury. Bradstreet's and Dun's reviews
both say favorable conditions still govern
the trade situation.
Railroad- 8toek.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22. The Sun says:
While no authoritative announcement was
made regarding the much talked of Man
hattan deal, Wall street has little doubt
that Manhattan has passed Into the hands
n tha In I Ai-k..A, . 1, t t I rV ( r
pany, although considerable skepticism is
expressed as te whether the terms of
proposed lease, or contract Justify the
present price for Manhattan stock. .The
general market today was very strong
from beginning to -close. St' Paul was
the leader among the railroad stocks as
usual seoring a rise of nearly seven
points. These were susses that the rights
of the stock, whose kxfluenoe in the steek
market has been oonatant ever since the
directors authorised an saoreese of St.
Paul's capital stock some wees ago,
were at last to be Attributed, bat these
rumors west not confirmed and probably
arose naturally out of the market's ac
tion. Rock Island issues were steady on
enormous transactions. A. C. P. was a
feature among Industrials. ,
Bank Statement.
NBJW YORK, Nov. 22:
Reserve on deposits other than
United States. Increase . . .$1,T70,25
Reserve on all deposits, Increase. 1,201,625
Loans, decrease , , 2,207,000
Specie, decrease 122,300
Legal, increase 896,600
Deposits decrease 2,513,000
ClroulaUoB. Increase 731,600
Cattle and Hogs.
CHICAGO, Nov. 22. Union Stock Yards:
Hogs. Cattle. Sheep.
Chicago 18,000 200 2,000
Kansas City ........ 1,600 700 .....
Omaha 6,000 900 100
Hogs opened steady; 9,360 left over
yesterday; receipts year ago, 42,000.
City and Farm Property
for Sale or Trade.
lOOO-acre stock farm, in Southern
100 acres, near Newberg, Yamhill
County; part improved; house, barn,
etc.; for property fn Portland or su
burbs. 26 acres, all cultivated; joins Oregon
CHy; for Portland property.
28 acres. Improved, near Gladstone;
for home in Portland.
80 acres good land, unimproved, in
Clackamas County, with some cash for
a house and lot or lots convenient Ful
ton car line.
Fine improved farm, nearia Center,
Wash., for Portland"property.
Nice suburban home In University
Park, and some cash, for house near in,
214 acres. Improved, convenient to
electric line; running water, house and
barn, for farm or home in city.
80 acres Improved fans In Wash
ington County, for Improved acreage
near Portland.
10 acres, part Improved, honse and
barn. 6 miles out, for Portland property.
$4000, nice farm In California, for
Oregon property. '
609-acre fine stock and grain farm, in
Linn County, for Portland .property.
160-acre good Improved stock farm,
on the coast, in Lincoln County, Or.,
for Portland property.
20 acres, nice Improved land, near
Reedvllle, convenient to proposed elec
tric road to Hills boro; for small house
In Portland.
9$ acres of land, part Improved; good
house and barn, family orchard, near
La Camas, Wash.; will trade.
Business house and cottage In Lower
Alblna; rents for $31 per month, for a
8 -room new house, modern, cement
basement, on Woodlawn car line; take
some unimproved lots or land as part
4-room new cottage In North Port
laud, near fair site; sell or trade fqr
farm: $1550.
16 lots in Seattle. Wash., for Portland
property or a farm.
"'''eaft'tVftrl' house lif Vanctrtrvet, Wash.,
for a farm; $2800.
7 nice lots, 60x100 feet each. on Wood
stock car line, and some cash, for house
and lot.
A snlendld stock of country merchan-
Otae. doVng-" good' btiBineas,m a good
Valley town, for a-form; $7000.
160-acre Improved farm, in Clarke
County, Wash., for Portland property;
720-acre Improved stock farm, all
stocked complete, in Southern Oregon,
with cash, for Portland property.
220-acre Improved farm in Yamhill
County and some oash for a large farm.
Fine Income property on 4th street;
trade for si farm.
Many more good things to trade.
What have you to offer?
219 and 221 Ablngton bldg., 160 3d St.
4-Choice Bargains-4
IRfh C West Sld0
IDi.ll Jlreni income $5
nriee J4750.
with 3 houses;
500 per annum;
fin let r A 2-story building, 4 dwel
UI1 lot tMiings, cor.; rent income, ex
clusive the storai over $700 a year. Price
for the whole only $6000.
134$i C Lot 60x100, with an 8 -room
lOIU Ol.nougei on 13th St.. near Mill;
$4000 will buy it.
"it A Q Near Hoyt, house and lot, $8600. SU This is the best buy In that
choice residence portion for this amount.
C7I00 A new modern full 2-story house
$IUU on East 17th St., close to car line;
a desirable home.
7P.flvin0 Feet, with 7-room house, on
lUU4UV Hawthorne ave, west of Sun-
nyside; $3e0.-' "
17 I n(sAnd house on E. 30th St.; price
i LUla jsoO, easy terms. A first-class
bargain. -
, . ...IWO. SNAPS,,-" - -
Woe CMa',3I0 w111 Duy a cot'ase and
TV CM 3ltCfra0tlonal lot on 16th. near
Olisan st.
tlp,-Cil($19B0, house and lot on Hoyt,
TT Cat OiUClear igtn st. Anyone want
ing to purchase a little, home, centrally
located should look this up at once. These
will be sold without reserve.
For sale by
room 444 Sherlock bldg. 83H 3d st.
t?nnA -High, level quarter block, N. E.
4&UW corner 3d and Weidler; great
C4AAI Fine modern house and full lot,
WW Nob Hill.
tlnAO 60x100, 8. E. comer Hood and
4IUvv Porter; a good buy. s.
tfjOAA ?-Ftne, sightly quarter block, S.
$OyJ) w. corner 14 th and Johnson.
J 375 Flne lot' Central Alblna.
C?fVl 2acres, South Mt. Tabor; house
$UUV and barn fcnced, in fruit.
$ 325 Fine quarter block, Ivanhoe.
$tJC Fine lot. Paradise s'pring Tract,
3 blocks to car line.
Fine 7-room house, all modern
conveniences; 124 East 10th, N.
house 'and lot," Tabasco
-." addition; installments. "
$i?C Fine inside lot, Grand ave., near
OLO Beech, Lincoln Park.
$800 leo acres timber land back of
wvv Scappoose; near a coal belt.
I can sell you timber claim If any one
I have a list of fine properties, and plen
ty of money to loan, in sums to suit.
A. D. MARSHALL, 8a$ 3d St.
Have S Rouses on East 11th St., bet.
Oak and Pine, each containing 6 rooms,
barn, pantry, attic and basement 33 l-3x
100, whioh I win sell as follows:
Corners, $2560 each.
Next to corners, $2350 each.
Two lnsides, $2200 each.
J.A. D, Marshall, Ajrent, 3d St
Ts make contracts with and te also give them a guarantee te cure them
of any disease we take. i
It Is experience and memory wbloh enables a man In any Ka of busi
ness or profession to agree to do a certain thing for stated asMunt
In a stipulated time and not lose money oa the contract. With 2t years'
agreeing to Cure Diseases In certain time. Dr. Kessler has cured hun
dreds of cases In the time be said, and below he gives the usual time
required to cure a few diseases named. First, we would say to regain
the great natural power of inheritance physical and mental
perfection Is the one unceasing desire of the man who has lost his
greatest desires of life through the ravages of' disease. He often Imag
ines himself Incurable simply because be has been treated without bene
ficial result. H this has been your experience, my afflicted - fellow-tman,
(whether young or old, I ask you to honestly and freely' consult old
Dr. Kessler's treatment of diseases and weaknesses peculiar to the male.
Of the legions of men who have recently been treated by him. not a
single failure nor an unpleasant result has been reported. " What bo
has done for others he can do for you. He Is reliable In all his dealings.
Has been running the old St. Louis Dispensary for 25 years.
lie Cures Varicocele in 10 Days.
Under his treatment this Insidious disease rapidly disappears. Pain ceases
almost Instantly. The pools of stagnant blood are driven from the dilated
veins and all soreness and swelling quickly subside. Every Indication of Vari
cocele soon vanishes, and In Its stead oome the pride, the power sad the
pleasure of perfect health and restored vitality.
lie Cures Stricture in 27 Days.
His cure dissolves the strlctere completely and removes every obstruction
from the urinary passages, allays ail Inflammation, stops every unnatural
loss, reduces the prostate gland, cleanses and heals the, bladder and kidneys,
invigorates the organs and restores health and soundness to every pari of the
body affected by the disease. . -
He Cures Rupture in 34 Days.
It wiM be to the interest of every one who Is ruptured te oome and eee
him before throwing any more money away on trusses. His method of treat
ment win contract the dilated rupture-opening and restore it to the nor
mal condition. There Is no operation which will produce the ssme satis
factory result, nor does the treatmest Interfere with your usual occupation.
Perfect protection rrcm the very first day of treatment. It matters Jiot how
long you may have been ruptured, his treatment will cure you, and cure you
permsnently. He has many patients in New York and vicinity who can
certify as to the efficacy of this treatment, and after years of suffering from
this condition are more than glad to be able to tell others of the relief ob
tained. .
lie Cures Syphalls or Blood Poison in 97 Days.
His special form of treatment for this disease is practically the result
of his life work, and is Indorsed bythe best physicians in this and foreign
countries. It contains no dangerous drugs and forces out every particle of Im
purity. Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forever.
The blood, the tissues, the flesh, the bones and the whole system are cleansed,
purified and restored to perfect health and the patient prepare anew for the
duties and pleasures of Ufa.
Nervous Diseases Cured in 64 Days.
His oure for feeble men stops every loss of vigor and builds up the mus
cular and nervous system, purines and enriches the blood, cleanses and
heals the bladder and kidneys, invigorates the liver, revives the spirits,
brightens the intellect, and, above and beyond all, restores wasted power.
; Keflex Diseases Cured in 72 Days.
Reflex Is on yon caught from other diseases. For Instance, vital weakness
sometimes comes from Varicocele or Stricture, Innumerable blood and bone
diseases often result from contagious blond taints in the system, or physical
and mental decline frequently follows Impotency. In treating diseases of
any kind, he always removes the origin he cures the case. Cured In from
20 to 73 days. !
Neuralgia, Rheumatism and old Sores, Ulcers or Cancer. Hydrocele, Vari
cocele, Pimples, Blotches, Ecema, itch. Piles. Tape Worm removed In 4H
hours. When In our office, ask to sea sons Tape Worms from 10 to 86 feet
One personal visit Is always preferred, but If you cannot call at his
office, write to him stating your ease fully. Hundreds treated at their homes.
Medicines are securely packed. No one can find out your trouble.
Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 11 to 12 A. M.
Address, enclosing 10 2-cent stamps,
Corner Second and Yamhill Streets, - - - Portland, Oregon
Steel Combine Institutes
War of Extermination
Price of Tubes Reduced Smaller
Mills Defy the United States
Steel Corporation.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 22. The United
States Steel Corporation has commenced
a war upon the independent producers of
steel tubes. The evident Intention is
to drive the -independents out of busi
ness. Some time ago the first step was taken
In th&V eirectioto when reduction in
the prtee of tubes- was announced toy the
corporation. On inquiry it was found
that the reduction had little or no refer
ence to the market conditions, but was a
display of antagonism between the larger
and the smaller mills.
It Is now evident that a war of ex
termination against the smaller and so
called Independent mills has been com
menced. The fight dates back to the
time when the .United States Steel Cor
poration took over the Shelby Steel Tube
Company and wanted to buy In the other
tubing mills.
Most of the independent companies,
however, preferred to remain Independent
and withheld their property from the
combine. The United States Steel Cor
poration did not commence action Imme
diately, as it had no need then of elim
inating this competition and for the safe
conduct of business the smaller mills
were needed.
. Even at ihe present time the pmrket
condition does not intimate that the
products of the smaller mills is cumber
ing In the least. The time has now come
when the United States Steel Corpora
tion will need room on the general mar
ket where It may dispose of the produc
tion of Its new mills which are to be
erected at Duquense and at Loralne.
The original plans of the Steel Corpora
tion were to buy the smaller tube mills,
which .they, did, . but they ..intended get
ting -the .older and less, adequate -mills
also, and after' having obtained these the
intention was to dismantle and abandon
The owners of these mills,, however,
having a prejudice against the central
ization of control of Industries of that
sort decided to retain their old mills. The
corporation must now have them off the
Held. The first reduction in prices was
marked and others . wjll Xollosr,.
Newspapers Win
Southern Oregonlan: While pol'iticians
may rightly claim that issues determine
elections. It is a fact tnat the pary with
the greatest newspapers behind It Is the
one which will suooeed Now -York-aty
is about the only exception of note. There
Tammany cannot be aowned, although
nearly all the journals are Republican.
However, their Influence la felt through
out the state, where the Democratic ma
jority given In the city Is usually over
come. The newspapers make suroesrful
candidates today.
Dr. Talcott & Co.
We offer an experience of over 1 vea
In the treatment of Diseases and Dis
orders of Men, and as a result of that ex
perlence we give our patients the banefltj
or Modern Metnoas ana an originality of
treatment distinctly our own in tae cur
ing of all forms of so-called
'Weaknesses, Varicocele, Contagious.
Blood Diseases, and Acute and ChronLa '
Urethral and Prostatlo Inflammations. v , .
In our pfflc;,the. strictest urivaey is -obr .
talned. Our patients are in no way i
annoyed by disinterested parties.
240i Alder Street, Portland, Or.
Can It be wondered
that, he Is calle4
Sreat, when his worn
erful remedies euro
and help so many
slew and suffering
people, not only here
but throughout tho
United StatesT Many
are given up to die:
others told that s
operation was the
only help for them,
yet their lives wera
saved, without te
great suffering of a
operation. Cured by
tn.u nnwarful- Chi-
buds, barks and vegetables, that are en
tirely unknown to medical science la tms
country. Through the use of these harm
less remedies be treats any and all die
eases of men. women and children. Tnis
famous doctor knows the action of ever
600 different remedies that be has suc
cessfully used In different diseases. Ho
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lun
troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, tons
eeh, ttver. kidney, vfesnale troubles, lose
manhood "and all private diseases.
Charges moderate: Call and" see him.
Consultation free. Patient, out ' of tne
city write for blank and circular. Inoloee
stamp. Address The C. Oee Wo Chinese
Medicine Company, U2H Third street.
Cortland. Oi. Mention this paper.
L A R S E, N
The -Only r
in the city.
He is not a mys
tic or a fortune
. teller. Honest
scientific read'
50 c.
Alisky Bids).
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