The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Tee Oregon DadlyJournal
'! Proprietors,
39 Vamrttn St, Between Fourth and Fifth
; ; y Portland, Ongoii.
INDEPENDENT democratic paper
i -,, ; . Or OREGON.
Enured at the Postofflce of Portland,
ftrmn fur Irinim lasinn through the
tneils as aeoond -class matter.
Postage tor single copies 10;
cr paper. 1 cert; 1 to pages, s
fsn ta - gtvmr nmMt 1 cents.
Anonynou eoramunioausms will not be
tAtlnjkjf W 4. ad nrimmnnicfitlons Will
Hot be returned.
Business Office-Oregon. Main S09: Co-
Ivmbls. 70S.
i fcdltorial Rooms Oregon, Main M".
' Cits iwllter Ortioir, Main
Subscription rates.
The Dally, by Carrier. -The
Journal, one year
ihe Journal, six months
The Journal, three month
The Journal, by the week
The Dally, by Mall.
The Journal, by mall, one year
The Journal, by mail, six months....
The .ournal. by mail, three months,
. 2.60
. 1.80
. .10
2 00
Weekly ana Semi-Weekly.
one year
vear v.. '-0"
ProDortionate rate for shorter periods
Where anhacrihera r served With
dally mail The Dally Journal at H a year
by mail it the best paper to take; where
the are served twice a week. The Twloe-
a -Week Journal la an excellent news
purveyor! oc, where once a week, take
.The Weekly Journal.
AH three issues carry an the news, lo
cal, state and general, special features,
articles by distinguished writers and full
market reports. Address.
BOX 121. Portland, Or.
The Eastef representative of
this paper Is Albert U. Hassbrook.
81 Times Building, New York, aad
Hartford Building;, Chicago.
The JOUfna desires, efi passant, to
call attention to the fact that it ta
telling: the newi to the people without
restriction or favor to anyone. This
la the' fsnctldn of a newspaper to
pecortl the events of a community or
(wider scope of territory, according to
the extent of U8 circulation. It should
be fc comprehensive history of affairs
Of fttfiSt Import
Publicity la the best means of set
ting things right Often the mere
Statement that some plan Is of) foot
Will suffice to spoil the "plan. If it he
Vorthy of carrying; out then publicity
will not hurt It is only the doubtful
Schemes of mice and men that gang
aft aglee when told to the world.
, The sunlight Is a purifier. ,Jt Is the
Ideal sanitary agent It cleanses the
fil ttnd altmlnataa Vi o WnnrlHaa
, The sunlight of publicity does this
tor social and political conditions,
hence the newspaper that tells the
. ho finTl tv trm rt n AntMMiiMlli, -l I IK l , ,
fear or favor is doing a signal service
M th people.
It certain candidates, for Instance,
Are to ask the Suffrages of the people,
or to secure support for elected repre
tentative In a leg-Mature, it Is right
that the public should know it. If
iney oe proper men to ee elevates to
high office, then their appearance " be
for the public as candidates will not
Injur their chances. It is often the
only hope of the doubtful candidate to
keep in the dark his hopes and de-
tires, and therefore It Is quite common
for them to put forth other men as
Ostensible candidates, keeping them
selves in the background.
.- Why should not the people know
WbO are probably to be their repre
sentatives in legislative or administra
tis Offices? Is it not their right?
And, these things being true, is it not
the duty of newspapers to keep the
people informed upon these subjects?
The Journal has endeavored to print
the news fearlessly and without regard
for the consequences, excepting to con
serve no bad interest, and to advance
the interests of right and Justice. In
so doing, it Is merely performing Its
function as a purveyor of news and a
recorder of events In the territory
Therein it circulates. And it Is not
displeasing to be able truthfully to say
'(hat It is constantly extending Its cir
culation into the regions beyond this
Bishop Potter, who has contributed
SO tnany pertinent thoughts to the dla
ffUSSIOn of current Issues, recently
said: .
1 tell you. my brothers, that it does not
Shake a copper's liltTcn nee whom you put
W W whom you put out. No one man
can create a force loyal to duty, unless
behind that man or commissioner .ere Is
A pressing force of .public opinion which
Wakes him -fee! Jnai. Pis. position -would
be Intolerable unless he did what was
Bishop Potter v as talking of the
Matter of enforcement of law. He
certainly hit the nail squarely upon
the head when he uttered the fore
going remark in Ni-w York.
It Ib deplorable yet true that the
average citizen hns little courage in
Standing by his etmvir-tiohf". PrivufreJy.
1... 'will .!,. V. r. .
Cored, yet it is also true that he will
refuse to Stand for what he believes
and as a consequence virtually be
comes an ally of vice and sometimes of
There is a disposition to Inveigh
against Officials who do not enforce the
Srs Yet jyheri they inauiriirt
movements for that end, they find
Cowardly shrinking by business men,
And hot infrequently prominent expo
1tS 'of righteousness and morality
OVAdO duty and stand not squarely be
hind the ttublic official.
(Public sentiment that must be edu
cated tO the proper conception of civic
purux ijerore iners wut oe any con
siderable regress towards higher
taadads. And. then, with ptiblic sen
timent educated as ft should be. there
inuat be. the Introduction of courage
Into the makeup of the cltleen. and
he must not hesitate to support the
official who wants to do his duty, but
who is powerless without something
more than formal authority upon
which to base hla action.
When men who vlolato the law are
socially ostracized, when only law
abiding persons are reeogniied, when
the great body of public sentiment
comes to the point when it is neces
sary to obey law itt order to be classed
among representative citizens then
will officials be enabled to accomplish
something substantial for the better
meut of elvie conditions.
Public sentiment is the best law in
the world. It will do more than stat
utes, ordinances or evsn than constitu
A reporter telling the Story of, the
irrigation convention for The Journal
Indulged In a bit of unconscious humor
When he said:
"In spite of many long speeches, the
convention got through its business
and accomplished something substan
tial." The usual convention speech Is
merely an opportunity for the speaker
to get himself before the people, and
display his ability as An orator, or, as
often Is the case, demonstrate that he
has no ability. The average speech
in the average convention is about
three times as long as It need be.
There is a wearisome multiplication
of words, constant repetitions, and fow
succeed in accomplishing that prime
essential of Oratory succinctness and
Words are to convey thought.
Hence, to use more words than are
necessary is to cloud thought, and tend
to confuse the listener.
Turn back Into the past, 'and read
the addressps given at the battlefield
of Gettysburg, when Edward Everett
delivered the Oration of the day, ex
panding it into an elaborate, Involved
affair, presumed to bo a model of
scholary perfection, rhetorical con
struction and elecutlonary eitcellence.
Yet. how many of the people of the
United States have read the speech
of Everett, and who has not read the
classic of Abraham Lincoln, who said:
The world Will soon forget what we
say here, but cannot forget .ja-hat you
did here." That celebrated address
that fills but a page of ordinary print
is included in all Volume! Of American
classics and deserves so to be re
garded. Brevity, succinctness, directness,
clear cut phrases, simple diction
these are the retjulsitles f oratory,
and so many speakers fail to appreci
ate this truth that the average con
vention Is looked uponf by'the average
person as something . that must Of
necessity carry a heavy load of per
sonal concltt and unnecessary string
ing out pf words. .. .
General Grant W.s, of course, no
orator, yet he never failed to hold at
tention Wheft he rose to express his
thoughts. He simply said what he had
to say with Just as few words as could
convey the ideas of the occasion, and
then sat down. When he finished, no
one had failed to catch his meaning.
It was, indeed, a bit of unconscious
humor that was dealt out by the re
porter In telling the story of the Irri
gation convention. While some excel
lent addresses were delivered, there
was, as always In public assemblages,
some multiplication of words that was
not necessary, and therefore, wear!
Emblazoned upon bright badges, the
following- device was conspicuously
worn by the members of the Umatilla
county delegation in the late irriga
tion convention:
We Raise 6,000,000 bushels of wheat
annually without irrigation. We
have 100,000 acres susceptible of i rri --
gation. Annual production Careals,
$3,500,000; hay, fruit, wool and dairy
products, $1,000,000; livestock, $1,
000,000. Good markets. Fine cli
mate. Pretty women. Smart men.
Fine children.
These figures are more nearly cor
rect than those usually given out to
advertise a region. Umatilla county
has really attained closely to these re
markable productions, and yet has
only begun to develop the possibilities.
Vast areas remain Arid, awaiting
merely the Water that runs down the
rivers to the sea, to add so Immensely
to the sum total of annual products,
that the present enormous contribution
to the wealth of the state will be
small. Indeed, In comparison.
Easterners are lnvlTed to study
Umatilla .county- as a sample -ot Ore
gon counties. But a few years ago, it
was presumed to be fit only for live
stork grazing. Cattle, sheep and
horses Tanged the hills and wintered
in the pleasant valleys. There was no
thought of agriculture, excepting In
the minds of a very few far-seeing
persons, who peered Into the future
and there saw a strea.ta of golden
prain. tfalntoads of luscious fruits, and
other pastoral products to add to the
already large output of livestock and
The developments have Justified
their th,pn apparently correct pres
cience, and today Umatilla county glve
fo Oregon millions of wealth annually
to.-aeU J;o ihe world; at .Jarge. Instead
of being only one enormous pasture,
It Is also a granary and a beehive of
Industry, the country teeming with
prosperous, progressive homes, the
United States and Europe sending
yearly to secure ofTTS rich production.
So recent has been this development,
that there Is not one man In that
county who has a quarter of a million
dollars of wealth. The weath is dis
tributed among all of the 'people, an
ideal condition, Indeed, lor any community.
Alan Mason, w ho was arrested, in
Boston, being su8h ted of the murder
of several women, but who was dis
charged for lack of evidence, has be
come quite a social lion. From the
way the women (lock around binv, ob
serving people will again begin to
think him the guilty man!
Watterson Is acquiring the ground
hog habit with slight variations. If he
comes out of his bole and doesn't see.
Cleveland's shadow, he goes back.
The only .way to catch a street -car
In thaso days of betterments Is to meet
The testimony In the gambling case
is like that of the Irishman called to
testify in a esse In which Pat Duffy
had been arrested for selling whisky.
He was asked if Duffy had not drawn
whisky from the barrel. "Sure I don't
know what it was," said he. "I saw
him draw something." "Was not the
barrel marked?" he was asked. "Sure
it was: it had whisky on one end and
Pat Duffy on the other, and I couldn't
say on my oath which of 'em was
in it."
The coal miners at Washington,
Indiana, struck recently, In sympathy
with the mules which they claimed
were Ill-treated. They won their
fight In a few hours. It seems strange
that they should stand up for the mule
and sit down on the Baer, but still, the
mule at the worst could only kick
Volcanic outbreaks are reported
from Utah, but the story Is probably'
untrue. It was not an outbreak but
Apostle Bmoot trying to break into the
United States Senate.
If you want to get your enemy over
a barrel take him a walk up Morrison
The burning of the log cabin eating
house at Meachem is to the traveling
public simply a calamity. The famous
meals and Splendid service under the
direction of Jolly Grandma Munra
well, If you've eaten there, you will
understand, and if you haven't, no
body can tell you so you will.
When Bob Kernan was about to be
taken from the Harvard football team,
on atcount of his father's demands, thS
team got President Roosevelt to re
quest the father to let him remain, and
the Intervention was a success. Bob
will continue to kick.
A New York paper wants to know
how you would spend a minion' dol
lars If you had It? If the paper will
furnish the money,' we-'will put Its
owners in the grand stand and request
them an to think they are Missqurlans.
It Is said Mollneux wrote a play
while under sentence of death, and Is
now preparing to stage It. It Is hoped
this Is untrue, for the public is dis
posed to be lenient with him and does
not want to mourn his acquittal.
Some of the Eastern papers say that
Hill Is the Democratic party's Jonah.
Now, if they would explain whether
the whale Is in the condition of "be
fore" or "after" taken, it would add
clearness to the statement
No wonder Teddy is out after bear.
Lady Curson, formerly Miss Letter, of
Chicago, and at present the first lady
of India, has Just killed a monstrous
tigress, and she shot it from the back
of a Mg elephant.
John W. Gates, since his recent Wall
street experience, cannot understand
why the President or anyone else
should go bear hunting, but Still
ttiinkS If preferable to being hunted
by them. ,
When Lady Cur7n shot the tiger,
it is presumed she did not wear a
buckskin fringed suit. Will the Presi
dent please make a note of It?
A Kansas Judge has decided that fl
hypnotist has the right to bury his
wife alive. Maybe the hypnotist got
his work In on the Judge.
The reason the hop market keeps
Jumping Is because It depends, for get
ting there, on Its hops.
The St. Louis man, who lost his
mind In a poker game, must have been
in a Jack pot.
If the occasion had been opportune
"Ned'V'.tlay, the, band --writing, expert from
Washington, could have Klven Justice
Lambert. Jerome, Frank Black, and the
rest of the lawyers In the Mollneux case
a lesson In oratory, In law, In stagecraft,
In dialect recitations. In sinking. In polit
ical haranguing, in sermonizing. In plead
ing. In post-prandlal speaking, in anec
dote narration, in facial delineation and
In concrete epicurism. He Is the best
known man In the National Capital, and
the most versatile and brilliant. An ex
pert in handwriting?; Why, that .Is a
mere sideshow, an Incidental. He. ia said
to know more about sciences, arts, pro
fessions, trades, and religions than any
other living man. and it all his knowl
edge were brought together under one
head, as it is In one head, his equal
would not walk the earth. New York
-friinmaiidfer-Robbrt-8, Parry, tha arctic 1
explorer, who has arrived home on his
way to Washington, where he will re
port to the Navy Department for doty,
says It Is his belief that the arctic re
gion la cne of the best places on earth
for persons afflicted with pulmonary dis
eases. In proof of the hefrUh-giving con
ditions there, he said that nearly every
body who went up there came back
weighing more and In a much better
state of health generally. He did -not
bring any Eskimos south for, the reason
thai these he brought saveral years ago
bad a hard time, many of them having
succumbed to pulmonary diseases. Wich
ita Eagle.
" " empnatlc sentiment manifested
by the Eastern pragoa delegates toAbo
irrigation .con-rentten is that in favor of
toZJEfEfiSiS!9 wwtomatloa. The eon-
ti.. .
" JV "r are now in .icfual pro-
sromisa wm immediate re
turns and sons practical demonstration
Or. 2i ? 'W out by the Stat of
7"Th largs Irrigation companies
want government irrigation, because they
, " waoii with the authorf.
har?e of surveys and location of
"uworaa aad will yet extensive
contracts, which will enable them to hold
government Jobs for years o crm Ore
i to ho handicapped by any
mast bo free to receive
"... JU returns; fruln wnauoever
- we will not throttle the small
contractors, working under direction of
, ZJ r 0T WU1 w br out the prof
it government supervision. i
-iii .ww n" work- the Quicker
will the harvest an-in. ....
domain. Judge Hawman, chairman of the
ummuiia Delegation, has votced the semi-
l " Oregon :vhen he says:
vregon snouid encourage the private
w" we gerernment enterprise
" ""owu go arte the money coming to
u. uuuer me nanooai act. but we should
io respect the rights of companies
working under the Carey law."
w. miner, .chairman of the Baker
County delegation says, In support of
Judge Haitman's idea:
"We can get more irrigation under two
"'"" man wider one. and Eastern
Oregon Is an of this opinion
Refreshing. Indeed, this splendid senti
ment in favor of local enterprise; in sym
pathy with th State of Oregon. In sym
pathy with the common people, who are
awaiting the frolts of this tedious and
far-reaching movement.
Oregon has had her quota of land and
timber transactions, that have a shady
appearance. Bhe wants no entangling
contracts with tho government, which
will be manipulated by corporations look
ing to their own private ends. Recom
mend more stats Irrigation. It will bear
fruit, while the present generr.tlon Is yet
alive to enjoy ItEast Oreonia
Something Man, Civilized or Uncivilised,
S 8ur to Keep.
A particular pet of a country lady of
whom we have heard Is a vev knowing
donkey, whose passion for apples has
more than onco got him Into difficulties.
On a recerit occasion4 this fruit loving ass
was turned out to grate n an orchard,
and. to prevent him from lifting his
head to the trees, his halter was fastened
to his forefeet. la spite of this precau
tion, however, he contrived to reach the
fruit. His Ingenious schema was to back
against the trees and kick at them earn,
estly until a shower of tne ('.electable
dainties he desired descended all around
him. On the occasion referred to he
chanced to kick JuM a trifle too high, and
SO got one of his -bind. hoofs firmly fixed
In the fork of a loss-lying brnnch. In this
ludicrous . position Neddie had to pose
for more than four hours, until one of
the family discovered bio trouble and re
leased him.
A merchant known to a friend of the
writer brought home from In last voy
age A small donkey which oitt ttecame
a general pet. His favorite friend, how
ever, was the family cat, which he ap
peared to think It Was tit duty to pro
tect, as welF as her family of kittens.
One morning, the. outhouse where they
all llw-d together caught lire, and the
astute' monkey who eVidmttr-feared for
tho safety "5f his charges w nt Into the
shed and brought out two of the kittens
In his arms. He returned to Ird the cat
and her other kitten, but his heroism cost
his life. The flames caught the plucky
little fellow, and he was burned to death.
A gentleman In London has a pretty
raTTo'it which plays about the house with
the children. The rabbit has seen the
gentleman take up his walking stick. In
the evening prior tof going for a stroll.
The thougln'ful a nl feral evidently consid
ered the suTiject and concluded that
fetching tV Mlok'-waB the proper pre
lude to goir for a walk. So when this
odd pet is tired of running nbout the
house he goes and finds a short stick
stands on his hind legs and nods to the
assembled family. Then he makes for the
back door, waits until It is opened for
him and scuttles a Way to his hutch.
An Indian soldier had a grass snake for
a pet. The creature was quite harmless,
though rather noisy, and by no means
pleasant to look at. One night the sol
dier's tent was visited by thieves, who
were about to confiscate ull available
valuables, when they were suddenly con
fronted by the snake, who approached
them in a threatening attitude. This cir
cumstance so scared them Ihnt they at
once made off. On another occasion this
curious pet saved its owner from death
by facing a snhtle enemy ""ho stole in
at night to take his fTre in revenge for
some fenced Injury. The snake Was after
ward killed by a mongoose.
A gentleman residing In Scotland has
a superb collie dog and a small Persian
kitten of which the dog IS very fond. The
two will play together for hours. One
day a member of the family openly pet
ted the kitten and ignored the dog to see
What would happen. The coMIe became
very Jealous. Shortly afteword he went
Into the garden, made a hole in the mold
with his paw. put the kitten Into it, cov
ered her entirely with earth, which he
pressed down with his feat and then
walked Indoors. The gardener. Who had
witnessed this peculiar premature Inter
ment, went and released the unhappy kit
ten, and told the tale to the astonished
An English photographer has arranged
a unique device hy which birds and ani
mals are made to take thetr own photo
graphs. For Instance, It Is desired to
obtain a picture ( f some timid bird. The
camera is placed" neair ay--nesf; or in- a
place frequented by the bird and con
cealed with the exception tf the lens
with twigs and leaves. A wire Is run
from the camera to the nest or a bough
on which the camera Is focused, and on
the wire Is a piece of bait. The bird
picks up the h;.it and in doing sp pulls
the wire and releases the shutter, there
by making her own picture. In cases of
birds or animals with nocturnal habits
a Hash light is set off at the Instant, the
i ... ... . , A.wHntr tlie TWO
sniuter is rieaeu u ijy.u"sv-3' ,"-7
A' skilled X
with an electrical apparatus- rA bhwi
naturalist, ought to be able to oniain oy
this method noire excellent photographs
which could not be otherwise f ecu red
Golden Penny.
A story Is told of a Pennsylvania
farmer who wore his old suit until every
one was tired of it, aad his estimable
wUe-aaalmiisl..ahamdjOf the hustUnc
nn ho had been inside 6f1tSO"Tonf:
But one day he went to town to sell his
produce, and while there ho determined
to buv a new suit and happy thought
surprise Eliza. So he bundled a neat suit
into the wagon and drove homeward. It
was atter-jutcnt na ne nuiac" ..yuicc..
and at a bridge over a river ne stooa up
on the wagon and "peeled" and threw the
despised old suit In the water. Then he
reached for the new clothes they were
gone had Jolted out Of tho wagon. The
night wis cold and his teeth chattered as
he mirrted home. Ho sisrprised fcltta
even more than hs aattotsatsA Kansas
City Star.
Tho Arid Lands Meeting.
The) arid men of Oregon came Sown the
other d&v.
To hold a bis; convention la tho good old
fashioned way. J
And, Incidentally, of course, to chew the
- local rag,
And give the bland Empire on big gov
crnmental Jag.
Tho gentlemen from Malheur had aa
tastawrroal sonjo
That was drier than a sermon, or a pre
iua i or u: sons.
A wealth of black absorb lent soil that
needed But a Aram.
The only plaoe In Orsgon worth a de
panment nam
The delegation down from Crook had still
a Diaa-er scheme.
Am empire m Its vast extent. In wealth a
mwers Bream.
And Barnes a gorgeous picture draw, be
wuaering to tne eyes.
The Valley of the Nile for soil, for
verdure, Paradise.
And Miller, bo of Baker, talked about the
KOlden irrainB
That glistened on the bedrock, or that
waved uoon th nlainai
And water! you could fairly see its pools
, so aeep and etui.
until you almost dreamed yon saw
"Blloam's shady rill."
Then Hafley, Umatilla, drew (we wish
his words were ours)
And wiped the sagebrush an away and
aresseo the plain with flowers,
From where the "Echo" of the hills the
Umatilla mocks.
With ditches built a hundred miles with
out a sign of rocks.
Then Williamson, our Congressman, be
naa nis little sav.
And Sears got endways on tha floor and
talked tne other way.
Then Chairman Devers sat on him, and
then all Dulled their freight
To practice what they all had preached.
ana go ana irrigate.
But laving idle Jest aside, wo wish you
an uoo roeed.
With water all that heart could wish.
and otner. if vou neea.
we know ten thousand happy homes
your acts have made today.
And the one regret you leave with us Is
tnat yon win not stay.
Tht Man From No Where.
He's only a man from No Whers,
With nothing- at all to do:
A ship that sails before all gales.
To never a compass true!
No harbor, haven nor anchoi-
A freak of tho waves and tide
No lighthouse beacon to prompt him,
xso aim nor eoaat to guiae;
A lost, lone, aimless, nothing
Jnst day in the hands of chance:
No form of soul or action
No motive to make advancer
No business, but others' business-
No thousht. but of todavl
No goal but a frenzied phantom,
That melts with his dreams away!
Ah. lifeless man from No Where,
With No Where as your goal!
Go back to the living Somewhere,
And search till you find your soul!
Take up the maze of fancies,
Tne threads or tne tangiea skein.
And weave thetr flashing fabrics
In a chart for hand and brain!
And down on the coast of Action,
Where the sea of Truth rolls wide.
Make fast to the earth your anchor,
E)efv. the waves and tide!
And there by the Human Compass,
As sure as the Polar tar
Map out tomorrow's voyage.
By the gleaming light afar."
Choosa aomething for a cargo.
Be worthy of your aftT
Though the Fates be atrong and the voy
age long
Don't "carry an' empty "heart! ,v
gut ilk a fair ship, sailing , '
With wings to the breeies bent
Qo straight to the faultless arrow
Toward some Good Intent'.
Bert Huffman In East Oregonlan.
Sweetest of all, thou fairest one,
I bow my soul to thee.
Thine eyes shine brighter than the sun.
More beautiful than when dViy is done,
1'pon the far horizon fair
The rifts and tendrils of the air
Bene'th his rays turn clouds to pearls.
Thou art the queen of all the girls
The One that's loved by me.
I ask for naught, thy trusting heart
I.s all I want in life;
Of gold the rest may have my part
If I each day may see the start
Of love-light spring Into thine eyes,
Giving a taste of Paradise
To one who would, that joy withdrawn.
Be like 'a night without a dawn
I speak of you. my wife.
Silent Boarder's Lament.
The life at apy boarding house
Im strenuous. Indeed.
No matter who the boarders are.
No matter how the feed;
There may be thirteen kinds of pie
And fourteen kinds of cuke.
There may be bread and biscuits
l,iKe your mother used to make.
There may be tea and milk and spice.
There may be many a thing that's
There may be waiters by the horde
But it's always "that place where
we board.".
When one sits down to eat his meal
He always has to stop
And listen to a stiyy of
The outlook of the crop.
Or, if the farming expert's out
Some other bore Is In -And
you have to sit and listen to
The wiggle of his chin.
There's always men and women, too,
Who never, never do get through.
O'er, o'er again their tales they've
Into your ears "down where we
Your mind it can't get settled on
The grub you want to eat
For there always comes that fellow with
His story to repeat;
His yarns would turn the finest soup
Into the vilest swill.
He fills you with his heated air
Till you can't eat your fill.
You wonder if they pay him cash
To tell you reminiscent trash
So you'll act gently, kindly toward
' Ttie'-feod that's offered 'where -yo
- board."
The racing camel Is very carefully bred
and valuable prizes are offered by a rac
ing society at Bisskra for the fleetest
racer. I have seen the start of a race
and It reminded me, in a far-off sort Of
way. of a horse race. The camels were
all arranged In line and they sniffed the
air In their anxletv to be Off. A flag was
waved and they set off at a terrible pace.
as if they were only racing ror a snort.
distance. They kept together until they
were almost out of sight. Then they
seemed to settle down to thetr habitual
pace and the race proceeded with long
intervals between the competitors. I have
also seen the finish of a camel race, and
It reminded me of the first motor car
promenade between London and Brigh
ton. The camels were certainly not so
came in at the intervals of several hours
and great patience was necessary to
watch them arrive. Pearson's Maga
zine. IN THE PAST.
you w-TirTT
intended to do on my thirtieth birthday?
Miss Jere No, but I suppose you did
it Philadelphia. Press.
"He says that he is a self-made man."
"Couldn't get anyone elee to assume
tho responsibility, I suppose. "Brooklyn
"Mr. Doosengrsss, said the Real Es
tate Man, as the Cheap. Clerk came in,
"did you Hear Anything about tho eood
nough Buljding being sold, and if so, why
didn't we Sell Itf
"Nobody sold it" said Mr' rvmtenrru.
"There was a Man named Qulnean who
trled to Get his Mlts On It for hotel nun.
poses, but no Didn't Get It." the same time,
"Why?" asked the Heal Estate Man. The most notable sale of residence prop-
"Well," said ' Mr. Doosengrass, "mom I erty reported during tho week was made
time Before the Flood Mr. Oulnean used ' b' the Title Guarantee and Teust Com
to be Proprietor of the Imperial Hotel pany, who sold a handsome house in the
here. Since leaving there hs has been Couch Addition to a recent airlfal from
Full of Anxiety to break mto the busl- the East for $7,000. )
ness again. He thought the Goodnough ' The scaffolding on the now XvVTtrrrarff
Building would make a grand hotel for Building at the corner of Pour and
him. and gathering together a Bunch of Alder streets has been torn down and
Investors who were willing to Take the work of finishing the Interior of tho
a Chance ha Commenced Negotiating' building Is progressing rapidly. It will
"Is he still negotiating?'' , probably be completed and ready for oo
"He la. but. thspopl who Own thejeupancy by the new year.
"" wiwtv la A"S sr t fSarsrVL V
cost about 15.000 plunks to make the
Necessary Alterations In the building.
iveno,rfh.7 1'?
6lad to put up the Maxuma, It Is not
likely that the Courts would Allow Any
Estate to Invest-As money In This Way."
As this was About All the Gosslo that
Mr. Doozengass had On Tap. he with-
drew before the Boss could Think Up
j va v uw iu v yr, csnu tiiu ivwn uoiaie
Man, began to sing. "The Good Old Sum
mer Time," as he rememocred how the
Transfer Record used - to 'ook In , last
July and August
The real estate, dealers say the past
week was very satisfactory from their
standpoint The total amount of trans
fers was somewhat below tho average,
but. as one veteran dealer said, "Just
remember the kind of Weather we had."
J. Woods Smith, who la going to build
a 7,000 residence for himself Id the Hol
laday Park Addition, has become so im
pressed with tho advantages of this par
ticular section that he is contemplating
erecting two more handsome homes as
an Investment. The plans fcr these
houses have already been prepared, and
It Is probable that construction will com
mence early In the Spring.
The city council has also made a new
Words That Sorprised a Good Many
Who Listened to Them.
"Wall street and Broad streets are Just
as near Heaven as a Presbyterian pulr
pit." said tho Rev. Dr. Charles H. Park
hurst In his sermon in Madison Square
Presbyterian Church yesterday morning.
Dr. Parkhurst mado several other state
ments which he declared he was well
aware would grate upon the ears of his
congregation and seem In conflict wItH
merr established views of what Consti
tutes reverenca for sacred things. His
sermon was intended for young men, and
nis text was Bt. Luke 111., 23: "And Jesus
himself began to be about thirty vears
pf age," He satd in part: r -
i ner ara pToachers who should be
manufacturers and manufacturers who
should be preachers. There are men who
are figuring out problems of what they
call statecraft who should be following
no plow or cleaning the stroeta. Christ
egan and completed His great work in
42 months, a period very brief to the mil
lions- of men who complete their three
score and ten without accomplishing any
lasting purpose.
"The reason so many men utterly fall
to succeed in doing good In the world or
even achieving their selfish ends Is due
to the fact that they often have two or
more alms in view. A man cannot give
50 per cent of his time to God and the
remaining 50 per cent to his own schemes
and expect to reap spiritual success. We
cannot do our whole duty by doing, it part
of the time, however earnest we may be
during the hours set apart for God.
"Jesus might have gone Into the real
estate business and led Just as complete
life as the Son of God. It matters not
what a man does. He can foliow the
eachlngs of Christ. It la Just the same
If he is making money a banker, or a
nancier, or a laborer shoveling gravel.
He can follow the straight line of God's
urpose. I can conceive Jesus entering
Wall street. I mean precisely the same
Jesus we worship, the second member of
the Trinity. This statement seems bor
dering upon the profane to those who
have been tausht narrow yjews of .At?
sacredness of places: but it Is not 'The
Scripture tells' us that thero should be no
spot upon the earth where God's law Is
not fully obeyed. Observance is not to
be confined to temples.
Christ would have entered Wall street
with many "points favoring His success.
He wouia not nave oeen an easy person
to compete with. He would have had
foresight, He would have known when to
buy and when to sell. Business In Wall
street Is wholly legitimate. There Is no
reason wny jeaus cuuia nui nave w pi -m-
rly entered 'the Street' to make money
as to enter the temple to preach the Goe-
nel. To some of my hearers it may be
offensive to think of the Saviour going
Into the places where men buy and sell
stocks and bonds. It may rate on their
moral and religious nerves; yet Jesus
would have been Just as holy had He
been a successful broker and He could
have made His financial exnloits and
winnings the source of as great human
blessing ' & lflftrSermon,. ,on ,th e Mo,u n t J
nd other teachings. " '
"A man who is not enough of a Chrls-
tlon to deal In stocks Is not enough of a
Christian to proach In a pulpit or be sent
forth among the pagans. I recall a case
f a mother who had two sons. i ne
good but' stupid one, she planned, was
to be trained for a minister, but the
bright clever, enterprising cne was to ba
trained to deal In stocks, t et Wall street
and Broad street Is Just as near Heaven
as a Presbyterian - pulpit, and tiere Is
no reason whv the Tjovs should have
been trained differently.-' v r i
"There is but one standard or ethics ror
all mankind. Two standards or ethics
are as bad as two standards or-money.
Nine out of ten persons have varying
standards of moral excellence for differ
ent walks ot life, and are content to exert
themselves to reach the lowest estimate.
Other persons Who have higher ideals
and yet spend half their time wholly
wrapped up in their own schemes lead a
Dr. Wll and Mr. Hyde sort cf spiritual
hm,.,. o rearhlnir for the sky while
securely riveted to the ground,. They
have too much experience oi n 'i
to be happy in hell and too little to be-
comfortable in Heaven.
Man7"young men admire the devil for
being so terrifically devilish, and rever
ence Jesus for being so majestically holy.
But they reject a mixture of the two.
They know truth as truth,-and should
be able to take the next step of accept
tne the rloe of what t i
be troe,'' Rsrr.-Charles H. Parkhurst la
New Tor fiuxu : ,. r
precedent by entering upon a scheme of
wholesale improvement in Holladay Park
and in an addition of acres lying to
the east of Sunnyslde. At Its last meet
ing ordinances were passed providing
for the opening and grading of every
street in these districts. Cement stde-
i walks and sewers will be construct at
Another hew Industry announced for
1 miadnat"E;the rrrM?ary to ha
" EIeventl "d Morrison street.,
: The Lnlted Carriage Company has leased
! the tract and will put up a substantial
building 100x100 feet. The structure wll
i be two storesl hlrh. and win n
, the modern facilities of a factory and re-
In speaking of the matter this morning
Mr. piamond, of Rountree Diamond,
aald: "T negotiated the lease for the
United Carriage Company, and ground Is
already being broken for tha erection of
the structure the concern Intends to
"Is there much demand, or many in
quiries from manufacturing firms?" Mr.
Diamond was asked.
"I never knew a period when Portland
seemed to be so much the objective point
seemed to be so much the objective
point," replied Mr. Diamond. "There Is
hardly a day that does not record some
negotiation for real estate with parties
wishing to locate in this center. Not al
ways do the deals carry, but it shows
that the Columbia River country Is looked
upon by Investors as a good proposition."
To the Editor Oregon Dally Journal
I would like to hear from Tho Journal
and other papers of the country their
opinion concerning a resolution that was
passed In the last International Mining
Congress at Butte, Montana, namely, a
resolution Petitioning Congress to survey
mineral lands free of eost.
Tho resolution provides that when the
price 15 per acre of a mineral claim
shall have been paid Into the land office,
that the person making the payment shall
receive an order of survey, which shall
be free of expense' to the olalm owner. If
the press of the country will take that
resolution- to be good and advoccfe tha
passage of a bill on line with It, I be
lieve the prospectors and mining men
tw taw fa-W niwr" rn
terest In a. very short time. I will also
suggest that all people interested In min
ing In-different parts of the country write"
to their respective Representatives In Con
gress urging them to assist in the passage
of such a bin. v. ...".I
And with our Joint action the press and
people interested In mining. Congress will
surely do What they can towards tha
passage of a bill on line with the reso
lution, which undoubtedly would be very
beneficial, especially to the poor pros
pector. It is a well known fact that all
lands other than mineral lands are sur
veyed free of cost to the locator, and I
am of the opinion that mineral land Is a
very essential factor In the world's In
dustries, and that the locators of such
land who suffer more Inconveniences and
hardships than any other class of people
should be encouraged and granted theso
rights, which locators of other lands en
Joy. Yours Respectfully, DAN EVANS.
Jonas Hoover, who lives on Bear Creek,
had a rather exciting experience the other
night In which two black bears played a
prominent part. Hoover has a small cidnr
press located about half a mile from tho
house at the edge of a woods and directly
along the road.
The press has been busy ever since apple-picking
time, and as a result a great
pile of pomace, or apple pulp, has ac
cumulated at the press. This pile of po
mace has been soaked by an all-night
rain of a week or more ago and tfeon for-
mented by the rays of the sin day after
day until It became as rank a mess of
"sour Tn ashr"- or" thtrtf - wfass- a jpletek - so
ever twisted the legs or "reeled the hsatt t
of a country swain.
About 10 o'clock the other evening I
Hoover had occasion to go to the press
for a demijohn of cider, which the in
tended taking to market tha following
morning. It was bright moonlight and
when a hundred yards down the road he
could see to the edge of the wood where
the press stood.
He discerned great bulky forms hurry-,
Ing to and fro about the press and hs I
concluded that thieves were helping them
selves to his cider. Procuring his gun ha
took a round about way and came out
suddenly at the edge of the timber within
two yards of the building In which the
press stood.
Hs earsSrero greeted by a series of
the queerest sounds that he had ever
heard. They were not human he could
tell that. He could see nothing, for the
shed was between him and the location
t u ,-,nrta Mnkiiic a. detour of the
: ' . , - , . . - ... .V. .. ..1. .ll'la .tit
the press, where the moon glinted run
on the scene, and there he beheld a pic
ture that was at once exciting and ludic
rous. Two old bears had feasted and wallowed
in the fermented pomace until both were
so drunk that they acted like two tipsy
woodsmen. One of the bears had laid
full length In the succulent "mash."
The second bear was engaged In an ef.
her inxv. mate, but without
. . lolLuu. BMimait. fleter
mined to. enjoy his cheap drunk to tho
fullest extent. Once the female bear,
herself as unsteady as a sailor half-seas
. . . , . . V. nlA vman a riff nil the
over. Bin!.- mo "iv -
head that made him shriek with pain."
It was the she bearV constant squUnSJ
thai Hoover had heard.
Hoover, thinking that his family Would
enjoy the picturesque sight of two
. . i. nr,r.t .taalrhilv 1m rk tO
aruimeii uraia,, . i- .-
the limine. They had retired, however,
and before they could don their clothes
and reach the cider press the farm dog
had gotten to windward of tho tears and
they shambled off into the woods.
Hoover could easily have shot both
bears, but he declares that he could not
have taken advantage ef ev-n bear whes.
they were drunk Philadelphia Record.
It Is a pity that soma of this praise
of the way mother used to do things
which men throw at thetr wrves, was
ever given mother when, she would bars
most appreciated it , .