The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight, fair, warmer;
Sunday, increasing cloud
iness followed by showers.
VOL. I. NO. 221.
Second edition
Feeling Runs
Slurred the
Fair to Which It Stands Pledged.
The Board of Trade, , the Chamber of Commerce and the
Directors of the Fair Will Await His Reply Already
His Words Act as Boomerang on His Road.
The member, of the Manufacturer.' Association have determined to a.k Mr. Mellen, president of the Northern Pa
cific Railroad, whether he gave utterance, to the word, attributed to him by The Journal. Whatever may be the presi
dent', reply, and whatever may be the .tand taken by .ub.ldlzed Journall.m, the fa:t remain. THAT MR. MELLEN
UNMITIGATED FALSEHOOD. However, Mr. Mellen will repeat hi. word., and, a. The Journal has said before In Its
editorial column., Mr. Mellen ha. done much good for Portland by putting her on her mettle. The Lewis and Clark
Fair U an assured success BECAUSE MR. MELLEN SAID IT WOULDN'T BE.
The Manufacturers' Association met
last night and look up the matter of
J'reHldent Motion's statements to a Jour
nal representative relative to the Lewis
uiid Clark Fair. It was decided to write
to Mr. Mellen for an explanation, inclos
ing a clipping from The Journal wherein
his interview is published. Indignation
whs pictured on the faces of all present,
Quite a good deal of 111 feeling hus been
engendered by bla statements, and it Is
the unanimous verdict of the people of
Portland that the Insult tendered them
by President Mellen is entirely uncalled
for and unjustified, and is bound to art
as a boomerang on the Northern Pacific.
The -Board of Trade, Chamber ot Com
merce and the Lewis and ('lark Board
of Directors have decided to await the
resutf-of S. h investigation commenced by
the Manufacturers' Association.
It la an established fact that trade Is J
already being diverted from the North
ern Pacific. A local wholesale house
oounterrdanded a routing of two ears,
or merchandise which wis to go1 over
that road and transferred tame to an
other road. The people of Portland are
asserting themselves and will prove what
they can do when they are determined.
In an Interview this morning, W. H.
Morrow, president of the Manufacturers'
Street Committee of the
to Terms With
Portland Railway
Last night the 'street committee of the
common council practically disposed of
the blanket franchise, for which both the
Portland Railway Company and the city
have long been agreed upon.
The new ordinance destroys 26 old
franchises. City Auditor Devlin was In
structed to check up the old ordinances
with the new one and when this Is done
the blanket franchise will be passed by
the council.
Those present at the meeting last night
were: Councilman Bentley, Kumelin, Mer
rill and Zimmerman, of the street com
mittee; Councllmen Card well. Albee and
Foeller, and President O. F. Paxton, Gen
eral Manager F. J. Fuller and J. C. Ains
worth, directors of the railway company.
Elected to Succeed Himself The Vote
Was Unanimous Other
Officers Chosen
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. Without anyone being In th. field against him and
by unanimous vote of the the entire convention of workmen of America, Gompers
was this morning chosen again as the head orthe Federation of Labor.
Gompers made a brief speech ofThanks. pledging himself to do all In his
power to bring the labor problem to a successful conclusion. He had. he said, al
ways acted to. the besj interests of the. members of the Federation of Labor jyul
he hoped that there would never be a time when he was not foremost In the ad
vocation of everything that was for the good 6f the order.
Mayor Schmits of San Francisco was introduced and when he appeared on the
platform he was cheered to the echo. He made a farewell address and said he
hoped loUave the TSteasure of welcoming "the next poriventlon In bis own city.
The following were elected:
Vice-Presidents John Mitchell. James McConnelL Max Morrla, Thomas Kldd,
Daniel Mays.
Treasurer J. W. Lehnon. Bloom tngt on, IU.
Against the
of Portland
Association, said:
"I think that It waa very Injudicious on
the part of Mr, Mellen to have made the
statements that were published in The
Journal. ' He mutt not have realized the
vast Interests hi. road has In Portland.
If he affirms the statement, which I have
no doubt he will. I think the merehantH
will know what steps to take by trading
with other roads."
Governor-elect George E. Chamberlain
" The remarks of Mr. Mellen were en
tirely uncalled for and not warranted
by the history of any former exposi
tion that has ever been given in the
West. When the' Midwinter Fair at San
Francisco was being talked--of. thtr;
were persons who said that It would not
be a, financial success because It was
too far from the center or population,
but notwithstanding these prophesies of
ill, omen, it is said to have netted over
WSS.txXv. ' The same argument la now
being used against the Lewis and Clark
Fair, and just about the same founda
tion." '
Major Alfred F. Sears said:
! "Thin statement is what might be px
i pwted from a man like Mellen. About
antr m
lit was ion
East Side Councilman
Very Hostile
Takes a Shot at Flegel, Charges
Plot to Down His
East Siders are up In arms over the
recently created oil district by the City
Councilman John P. Sharkey of the
Ninth Ward, In which the district is in
cluded, ls wrathy over the action of the
Mr. Sharkey says that the committee
meeting to consider the project was held
when the other councllmen knew that he
was out of the city and unable to protest
against the measure.
Mr. Sharkey was around on the East
Side this morning Interviewing the vari
ous warehouse men whose property is In
cluded In the district set apart for the
storage of oil.
E. Brannick, manager of Stude-
i :
Man Who
and the
j two years ago he tried to bulldoze the
people of Portland and threatened dire
Ions If concessions were not made to Ills
' company. His slalements arc like a sick
! child's gurgle against fate. They are
but empty vapor ami should not be taken
seriously. Howew'r. the two interests
; would le served well by mulual eonces-
' HloflS "
'ol. iJavId M. Dunne. I'nitod Slates 1
Ciillectur of Internal Revenue. sukJ:
"I llilnk Mellen made a mistake when I
1m- made Die statement attributed to him.
; It seems to. me that il Is u. very pour I
J pulley on his part to antagonize the peo-
i pie of Portland.
W. H. McAIonies. another member of
i the Manufacturers'. Association.- said;-
"The statements made by Mr. Mellen
I were entirely um ailed for. He did not
show rood business judgment in making
I such remarks."
: A. H. Gnnlenbeln of the Pacific Coast
j Hisonlt Company said:
"Mr. Mellen's remarks were very fool
ish., I don't think he was justified in
making- Mich statements, as thev were
d for.'
baker Pros.' Company. Is especially
angry and says that there Is no doubt
that his company will have to move if the
proposed measure becomes a Jaw. The
Studebaker liios. have just completed the
erection of a large four-story structure
which they use for a warehouse.
According to other prominent ware
house men In the district there will be
nothing else for them to do but to move
their establishments to some other lo
cality if the district Is created. They
say that they cannot possibly pay the
vast insurance rates that will be
Councilman Sharkey says that the cre
ating of the oil district Is a deep-laid
plan to drive all the warehouses and
other business houses from the East Side
the same as was done when tho East Side
voted for consolidation with the City of
of Portland.
According to Mr. Sliarkey, the Eastern
representatives of the large warehouses
In this city will pay a1 personal visit to
Portland during the coming week and try
to persuade the Mayor to veto tho pro
posed oil, district law.
i vfld
112' 2f - I MMykuS .
ROME. Nov. 22 The new princess at the Italian court Was been 'named. Although but four days old she Is known
In the official records of the court as Princess Mafaloa. The child is strong and health. notwithstanding the fact
that it birth- was prematura -by - at least a month-.- Queen Helen is doing weit since her sir-vrtirrtfnent King Vic
tor Emmanuel has received many congratulatory telegrams and official note;. Althoug.i the birth of a daughter was
a great dlsappolntment 'to the Italian people, who had looked forward with great expectation tA the coming of a son
and heir to the throne, there is a general feeling of rejoicing that the mother and child are strong. The elder daugh
ter of the royal house is S years old. Her name is Volande Jaargherita.
; . - . , i l I I : ' t : ; r t t j. . - . j
AiluT KM
New Complications
Coal Strike
Coramis sion Has Adjourned Unti
Dec. 3' to Permit of Agree
ment on the Side.
SCRANTON, Pa., Nov. 22 Although It j
was rumored last night and very gener- !
ally admitted that a settlement had been 1
practically agreed upon between the coal j
operators and their employes, there was
a sensation sprung when the arbitration 1
commission met this morning. ,
It was an effort of the Independent oper- '
ators to force the issue, and the demand -made
by them that the commission should
give an expression of the sentiments of )
the American people regarding the strike. ;
lis riots and bloodshed and the methods !
of settlt-ment. It was declared tliut ne- J
Initiations between the strikers and their
employers relative to settlement outside
tlie council were being carried on In se-
ere I and the independent operators-: had
not .been consulted.
When the commission met this morning
Darrow announced Uiat the questions at
issue had been takeiT up last night by
all parties concerned and that there was
strong hope of satisfactory settlement out
side the commission He. therefore, asked
for an adjournment until such time as a
decision could be i cached. I'lenty of time
to take up the various questions and dis
cuss them relative to a compromise was
desired, he said.
Judge Gray, president of the commis
sion, announced lliat he would close the
sessions until December 3, that date be
ing acceptable to both the workmen and
the operators.
It was at this point that the Independent
coal operators began their objections. At- i
tornev Burns, representing them, got to I
his feet and addressed the commission.
"The Independent Operators have been
duly admitted to this court and are a
party to the claims," he said. "In the
negotiations for settlement that wereun
dertaken last night they were not con
sulted. We want the thing threshed out
to an Issue before this commission and
will consent to no otner course. We be
lieve that an agreement reached before
the commission would prove vastly more
lasting than one that had as Its parties
only the mine workers aa Individuals and
the combined coal mine owners."
Judge Gray Interposed at this point.
As president of the board he declared
that the action of the independent opera
tors was anticipating the work of the
commission and trying to force the issue.
The attitude of the commission, he said,
It J it' M 4 1 i
i .t
WASHINGTON. Nov. Word has been received here of a conference
betw-en Monslgncur Guldl. Pun I delegate to the Philippines, and Gov.
Tuft, at Manila Monslgncur Guldl. during his' brief stay In the Islands, has
entered In art and soul into the work of settlement of the troublesome friars
question, and there is no longer fear that the matter will be be brought
to a speedy conclusion, (iuidl Is one of the foremost Catholics Of the
present da:
that the plans now undertaken by
miners und their employers were along
! lines approved by the members of tho
I arbitration hoard and all assistance possi
ble would be given in the undertaking.
Burns then read a statement placing the
independent operators on record as oppos
ing an agreement to which they were not
admitted on e jual trms with others.
The statement sets forth that tho mut
ter of wages Is -lot a vllal point In the
controversy, jcorillng to the minds of Ids
clients. A cn.i.iili.m of an.-rchy is alleged
to exist in the minim region l. i.nd it w.'s
thepurpose jf th iinTi pendent cperatrr?
to force an xpn-s tion l' t tic Amer-can
people through uie commission regarding
it. The desltv ix tn pl.ic- the seal of dis
approval on forth -r ,ids oi laftiessncs,
Intimidation or terrorism.
Ut I n i
t i
In reply Darrow said It was not the In
tention to debar the Independent opera
tors from participation In the negotiations.
Judge Gray appointed Clark. Watkins
and l'arker a committee to remain and
assist in conciliation.
The Independent operator, declare they
will also dispute the wage statements
j that were made by the miners. They are
In position, they say, to prove that work-
men in their mines receive more than $700
i per year and that the pay In some cases
', is as high as $1,200. What they want, is
, declared, is something more than a tem
porary peace.
Counsel Wilson; for ' the Delaware &
'. Hudson Company, emphatically declared
the meeting held last night was not a
j formal one and said 4t was only for the
I purpose of making an attempt at outside
i M-ttlenicnt.
j Counsel Lanah.m, for the non-union
I workmen, said his clients were highly
j gratified at an oppertuoty for outside set
j tlement.
Judge Gray then declared the meeting
adjourned until December 3.
KNOXVILLK. Tenn.. Nov. 22! "Kid"
Curry, the notorious Montana train rob
ber whose real name Is Harvey Logan,
was found guilty last night of tho crime
of robbing the Northern Pacific train a
year ago. when $40,100 in bonds was
taken. There were 10 counts against the
man and he was convicted on each one
of them. Sentence will be passed next
Is Announced Today That Her
Ailment Will Prove Fatal.
Great Sorrow Results.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 22. There is great sorrow throughout Russia today
over the announcement tlat the Ciarina cannot survive her present physical bi '
flrmities. She has been dangerously ill for several weeks and a special phyalolait
brought here from New York has declared that medicine can be of no avail In
dealing with her case. Dr. Hulan, the American surgeon, held a- consultation--this
morning with tho various court physicians, at the termination of which th '
above announcement waa made. - . r ,
Czarina Alexandra is greatly loved by the people of Russia, t whom she has
always been kind and gentle, a true friend, In marked contrast! to many consorts
who have Jointly occupied the Rusian throne in the past.
Th? -greatest secrecy has been maintained regarding the illness of th Czarina. -Time
after time her sickness has' been denied, and she has dragged herself into
public notice in order to atlay the fears of her friends and the Russian people.
Although suffering she does not oomplaln, and requests' simply that the nwraevry
T ,
! I Thousands Witness the
Annual Game
The final score
was Yale23, Har
vard 0.
NEW HAVEN, Nov. 22. At th and of
the first half th More stood: Yale, 12
Harvard, 0. Yale will win.
Yale scored the first time uvm minute,
after play began.
Tho second half began at 3:30 and five (
minute, later Yale haa .cored her third
touchdown and kicked goal. Tho Mora
then stood 18 to 0.
. NEW HAVBN, Nov. 22. Before a field
audience that packed, every stand and
crowded the grounds to the gates. Yah
and Harvard are battling for the football .
championship today. Before banks ,oC,v
cuiors a no. inapirua Dy aeep-cneatea
cheers and the piping, shrill voices of
the gentler sejt, the Sons of Old Ell
were on their mettle, and the lads from
Harvard were not less earnest In their
effort to wrest the laurel from the
thousands of judges who watched
eagerly for a chance to bestow the token.
For days the people have been gath
ering here to witness this, the greatest
gridiron battle of the year. Three days
ago hotels were crowded and 24 hours
before the game every seat in the Vast
ampltheater had been bargained for, and .
there were thousands bidding for
"standing room only" Inside the fences.
For hours before the contest began foot
ami carriage passengers lined before the
gates and crowded and cheered, jeered
and hooted while they waited for the
doors to open. Once Inside the grounds,
there was greater noise than ever.
Harvard, on one side of the campus,
and Tale on the other, lined up and be-. .
gan the battle long before the teams had
finished their light luncheons and got
ten into their football togs. Students by
thousands cheered and cheered again
when the name of soma favorite waa
mentioned, or when an exchange of
repartee across the field brought out a
point. Brass bands discoursed muslo
that was not heard Jn the din and flax
waved until the ban&s of seats were on
great mass of undulating color.
' As th-e teams trotted upoa WJ.tfald-.thA,.,
noise became deafening. As one Indi
vidual the "eh'tfre" audience rose and
shouted in unison. Yale voices mingled
with that of Harvard In a grand chorus
that shook 'the heavens and made the
bedlam that had reigned before" seem
silence in comparison.
Beyond a few minutes devoted to pass
ing and the practicing .of a few punts
and place kicks, there was little -timer -taken
up In preliminary work. Both
teams were eager to get Into the ac
tual battle, and soon the coin was
Hipped and the men began to tear oft
sweaters and rush to their places Oh the .
field. Nothing could be heard above tha
din of the partizans, although It was ob
served that the referee directed remarks)
toward the captains and the umpire gave
warnings regarding certain changes In
the rules, so there could be do misunder
standing. Thn the whistle sounded and the gam
began amid a silence so intense that it
was oppressive.
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