The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight and Saturday,
partly cloudy,! possibly -
showers Saturday. ,..
John H. Mitchell, Junlon United
StatM Senator ; from Oregon and
the most powerful man In the Re
publican party of the etate, de
olded Wedneeday night, finally and
definitely, to support Charles, W.
" Fiulton to succeed .Senator Joseph
Simon. '
Mr. Mitchell alto decided to
give his support. ' to George
Brownell, SUte Senator .from
Clatkamas County, for president of i
the Oregon Senate.
The announcement Is as Important a
piece of political news as ever was gVren
ut In tho state, so far as It affects state
politics. It determines the position of
the man who is held accountable far the
wielding; of the major iafluenoe In Ore
' icon ' politics. Senator Mitchell will en
deavor, so it ls assumed, ' to force the
Multnomah County Republican'1' Legisla
tive delegation to the support of the As
toria man nd the man frpm Clackamas,
against any candidate that may be decid
ed upon by the local Republicans as cal
culated to best serve the stats In the
upper national bouse, and against Dr.
Andrew C. Smith, of Portland, who has
been regarded as the leading" candidate
, for the State Senate presidency.
The conference at which this remark
able decision was reached was held in the
room of Senator Brownell at the Portland
hotel, between the hours of 11 o'clock
p. m. and 1 o'clock a. m., Wednesday
eight At the conference were United
States Senator Mitchell. Congressman-
elect J. N. Williamson and State Senator
George Brownell. . -:"A
The next day State Senator Fulton ar
rived, accompanied by Secretary of Stats
F. I. Dunbar, end State Senator J. A.
7100th, of Lane, is also in the city and
Ik Interested In the arrangement. ' It Is
expected that a number of other promi
nent state Republican politicians will ar
rive in the city tonight.
Tomorrow, Senator Mitchell leaves for
Washington, to attend to his duties in
Congress. He will remain away from
Oregon until after the fight has ended.
With these facts stated, and they re
facts, come speculations by everybody
who has heard of the arrangement, the
number being rather limited, for the rea
son that it was desired to keep the fact
from the publlo until the Senator had
left the state.
The fact Is already known to the friends
of H. W. Scott, and to some of the regu
lar followers Of Mr. Mitchell, as well as
to some of the faithful adherents of Mr.
Simon. It has started an under-current
of feellrte; that may yet swell out into a
tidal ..wave, of whatT Strengthening of
Fulton, or an Intensifying of the opposi
tion to him? That's the question.
Those who know the history of Oregon
politics know these things:
Mr. Mitchell is under obligations to Mr.
Scott for what the latter did during the
June election, both state and city. And
It has been urged by the Scott people
that Mr. Mitchell owes more to the astute
editor than to any other man in the
Then, too, Mr. Mitchell Is under obli
gations to Mr. Fulton for promises made
to the Astorlan when Mr. Mttcnell was
elected to the Senate, and for years of
And, for Sol Jilrsch, who ha kept free
from all entagllng alliances and who has
with remarkable statesmanship avoided
the making of an enemy in Oregon,, while
yet maintaining a strong position in the
politics of the commonwealth, Mr. Mitch
ell qwes a debt for lifelong friendship and
favors that could have come from no oth
er source.
It has been said lately that there was
a quarrel between Walter F. (Jack)
Matthews, Republican chairman and
United States Marshal for Oregon, and
Senator Mitchell, over this very matter
of the endorsement of a Senatorial candi
date. Some who claim to know, assert
that there is in reality no such quarrel,
but that it has been a part of, a political
game whereby the Mitchell forces could
bo heid in a position to meet all con
tingencies, Mr. Mitchell being loyal to
Fulton, and yet desirous of having a
friend In the opposition camp to look .
out for his interests. It la claimed that
anything that Matthews does will., be
agreeable to the general plan olTMri
Mitchell, and it is silly and cautiously
hinted that it is the Intention to "hand
a bunch" to Mr. Scott, on account of old '
scores. No one knows, but that la the
assertion, anyway.
The next question that arises Is: What
will Multnomah County do in the prem
ise? Will the local delegation consent to
a man from Astoria? In short, will the
Fulton program go through without the
fiercest fight that ever raged In Oregon?
That is the problem that today will ab
sorb attention here when this statement
goes to the people, and throughout Ore
gon, when it Veaches the outside counties.
At Head of the Strike
The President Appoints Neill and
Mosley to Assist in the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. Judge George
Gray of Delaware, was elected president
ef the special strike consideration com
mission. WASHINGTON. Oct. 21 General Wil
son was the first member of the Arbitra
tion Commission to report at the' tem
porary White House this morniner. He
presented liimVeff at 10 o'clock and was
(Immediately ushered into President
Roosevelt's private study. Closely fol
lowing W ilson came Spalding, accom
panied by Rev. Stafford, pastor of St.
Patrick's Catholic Church, whose guest
he will be during his stay in Washington.
These also went to the President's closet.
Ten minutes later Parker, Watkins
and Wright made their appearance and
each of them was conducted Into the
general conference room. Within a few
minutes Grey arrived and Clark, the last
member of the commission, reached the
conference room before the hands of the
clock had moved very much past 10.
After the members of the commission
had. ptrld their respects to President
Roosevelt, they returned to the Cabinet
' Room, and there received their, official
Instructions, which were written. The
President was very brief.
The Instructions announced that the
decision of the board hail been agreed to
In adyance by both pnrt'es to the con
troversy. It was the object of the com
mission to re-establish friendly relations
between the workmen and their employ
ers on a Just and permanent basis. An
other main poinrwaa to so arrange mat
ters that " a recurrence of the present
trouble would be remote and. If possible,
not at all. Contained In the written In
structions were the-published statements
of the coal operators agreeing that they
would 'abide by the decision and, also a
letter from President Mitchell, of the
Mine Workers' Union, containing the
agreement from the opposite side.
The President appointed Messrs. Mosley
and Neill to assist Recorder Wright In
keeping the minutes of the sessions.
As soon as possible after receiving In
structions the commissioners made their
way to the office of Recorder Wright for
the purpose of effecting organization.
Their route to the rooms was before a
lino of set cameras with, manipulators
representing every newspaper and publi
cation of prominence In the world. Sev
eral London correspondents were on hand
nnd there were American newspaper men
The two assistant members of the com
mission announced today are Charles
Neill. vice-president of the Board of
Charities for the District of Columbia,
and Edward Mosleyt secretary of the In
terstate Commerce- Commission. Both of
these men were at the office of Recorder
Wright when the other members of the
commission arrived and at 11 o'clock the
commission went Into executive session.
The entire commission took luncheon
with President Roosevelt.
Just before noon the commission ad
journed until Monday. Wright's office Is
the place of the next session aad 1 o'clock
in the afternoon the time.
TJfe only point decided at the meeting
today was that all formal meetings would
be "puBlToT T2tegraiH were sent to- Mltcfr.
ell and the operators, asking them- to be
present Monday and make arrangements
then as to the time and place for further
sessions. " - ' !
The meeting Monday will be of a pri
vate nature, but anything of importance
that transpires will be given out by
Wright at the end of the tsesslon. N
decision has" as- yet been 'reached as to
jVbather Mitchell and the operator will
be heard In person In regard to their
respective claims.
President Roosevelt will be consulted
regarding whether Wright will have a
vote as a member of the commission.
Judge dray, of Delaware, was chosen
president of the commission.
HAZLETON, Oct. 24. The coal ope
rators at the Market mmes today gave
out the statement that they would not
open their shafts until they were fully
ready to do so. They would not be
forced, they said, by anyone. It certainly
looks like a loekouf. The local miners
have held meetings and decided to con
tinue the strike until such time as the
operators withdraw the obnoxious agreements-
which they are attempting to
force the men to' sign.
WILKES BARRE, Oot 24. All miners
who apply for positions here are being
returned to work as rapidly as possible.
Considerable more time than was at
first thought will be required to put the
mines in perfect working condition, but
in the meantime everything possible is
being done to alleviate the uffsrlng oc
casioned by the. strike. When seen to
day President Mitchell declined to pass
comment on the lockout at the Markel
mines in the Haxleton district.
mmiORK; Oct... 24. -through a dis
agreement between the strikers- and.
operators last night, wnlch was magnified
by delay, things reached so bad a pass
this morning that a strong guard was re
quired to escort the few men who re
turned to work this morning.
T AM AQUA, Oct. 2. There is little
change In the mining situation here to
day. The men again reported for work
but .were told, very curtly, that when
they were needed they would be in
formed. There is .still greater dissatisfac
tion and many families are on short ra
tions. The miners are coming to a rea
lisation of the fact tluit they celebrated
the declaration of peace too soon.
HARRISBURG. Pa., Oct. 24.-An order
was Issued today to return the troops as
rapidly as possible from the strike scene.
Morton means business.
CHICAGO, Oct. 24.-In an Interview
President Morton, of the International
Stationary Engineers and Firemen, has
given out the following:
"It Is not the intention of the organiza
tion of which I am the head to permit
'discrimination in the strike region of
Pennsylvania. If the mine owners take
back other, men they must also take the
firemen and engineers. We are not to be
treated unfairly. We want as good a
show as any other branch of labor and It
Is the intention of the union to see that
we reoalved It The union was formed
for the purpose of protection, and as
long as I am at Its head It will exercise
that function. We had no wish to Inter
fere in anyway with negotiations to
ward settlement of the general strike,
but that strike was declared off and now
It is time for us to take a hand. The
fact that firemen are members of the
Miners' Union does not forfeit their
membership in their own organisation."
There is a feeling at headquarters of
the union that the miners hae not lived
up to their obligations In settling with
out reference to the firemen and engineers.
Lynched in Georgia for Attempting
an Assanlt.
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct 24. The morning
papers; publish accounts ot a negro lynch
ing which occurred at Tallapoosa, this
state, last night A colored fellow named
Brown was .taken from the county" ' Jan
at 7 oVlock in the evening and strung up
to a bridge. His body was riddled with
bullets. Three hundred men participate!
in the lynching. Brown was accused m
attempting the crime of assault on Mrs.
Henry Dees yesterday morning.
tl. rate for the Irrigation Convention to
be held here November "has been
fixed by" the railroads. The 1 Northern
Pacific and O. R. N. have made a
special rate of one and a third of the
regular fare for the round trip from
points on their line In Oregon, although
the Astoria and Columbia River Rail
road Co. refuse to make any "reduced
rateei' elalming that the rata from As
toria to Portland la low enough alreadjk
Chicago Board of Trade
Is Sued
THE SUM IS $400,000
Lewis Wood, of St. Paul, Was
Expelled and Now Re
sents It.
CHICAGO, Oct. 24 -The bucket shop
question and the crusade against It had
a new and Important development today
when.JLewic Wood, jjf St Paul, . brought
suit agampt the Chicago Board of Trade
for damages in the sum of 1100,000. He
was excelled from the Board for bucket
shopping and alleges that he has lost a
sum equal the amount of the suit and
costs. It is believed other suits will fol
Wood alleges that he has been dam-
aged both in character and trade. The
expulsion from the Board of Trade, he
claims, has made It hard for blm to en
gage In business because it has ruined
his standing. Further than this, he
claims there was no just reason for his
being cast adrift and says the Board
acted wholly without Its power in, tak
lng the action It did.
PIma and Cabinet Are
Reciprocity as Submitted, Is to Be
Approved Except in Minor
Points. .
HAVANA, Oct. 24. President Palm a
and the ministers of the Cuban Cabinet,
while they have not yet made public
declaration In. regard to-the-natter(-4t-ls
understood will accept, the terms of the
reciprocity treaty without adverse com-
Unsuccessful Hold-Up in
Important Cases Set for Hearing
Next Week.
Bloodhounds Are Tracking Out
laws and a $5000 Reward
Is Offered.
BUTTE,. Mont., Oct. 24-The North
Coast Limited, east-bound, was held up
early this morning near Barmouth. The
robbers- were two - -masker mm,- one" of
whom thrust a rifle In the. face of the
engineer while the other attempted to use
Line From Denver to Be Completed
Next Year.
- ,si yyewse ""' 'p
NEW TORK. Oct. 24.-The Moore
Brothers are believed to be furnishing
the b uk of the capital for building the
projected Denver, Northwestern eV Paolflo
Railroad, of which D. H. Moffatt, of Den
ver, is chief promoter. The new road, It
le pelleted. . jyi , .become nraqtjcally the
extension of the Rock Island system from
Denver to Salt Lake. Speaking of the
new road Mr. Moffatt said: "Final ar
rangements have been perfected and the
work incidental to building our line is
rapidly progressing. The road will be
completed within two years to Salt Lake.
Its length from Denver to Salt Lake is
about SOD miles, and by arrangement with
Senator Clark we will establish a road
passing through Colorado, Utah, Nevada
and California."
Edward VII Will Make State Entry
LONDON. Oct 14. King Edward la to
make his state entry Into London tomor
row, a part of the coronation ceremony
postponed because of his majesty's ill
ness. The route Is being elaborately dec
orated and the pageant promises to bs
one of great brilliance.
ROME, Oct. ti. -Arch-Bishop RIordan.
of San Francisco, was tpday received by
Cardinal Ram polls- The official ' docu
ments from the tribunal at The Hague in
the Pious fund matter were' presented by
fHhe former.
LEE SUMMIT, Oct. 24. Yesterday
afternoon the remains of Jim Younger,
the notorious bandit, who committed sui
cide the first Of the present week, wet
Interred In the- family lot In the local
cemetery. .
BERLIN, Oct S4- German politicians
and capitalist here are laughing in their
sleeves at what they term Andrew Cat
Bogie's vision of aa Buropeaa alllsaoa.
ment There may be alterations in a few
minor details, but nothing that will in
any way conflict with the general con
tents -of- the -American-treaty as submit--ted.
.There is little doubt that the rec
ommendation of the President will be
actl Upoii-SJXwHiy. " " - -""
Merger Matt'.r to Be Taken Up in
New York.
ST. PAUL, Oct J4. After a session of
four days, during whieh time President
Hill, of the Great Nortehrn; President
Harris, of the Burlington, and President
Mellen, of the Northern Pacific, offered
testimony, the hearing by Special Ex
aminer F. G. Ingersou in the merger
case, ended in this city last evening. The
next meeting will be in New York City
on November 10.
Manager Mathias Died From Fire
dynamite on the mall car. Entrance was
effected but all efforts to blow open the
safe were unavailing. Engineer Neill
resisted tha robbers and was shot. Five
hours later he died. The robbers got
only registered mall and not much of
value. '' The passengers were "noVmolest
ed. No attempt was made to enter the ex
press car.
After the hold up Conductor Quinn
brought the train to Drummond where
he reported the matter to the authorities
anu to the officials of the railroad.
The railroad has offered a reward of
WOO for the robbers, dead or alive.
The. officers took instant action. Blood
hounds from the Deer Lodge penitentiary
were loaded en a speelai train and taken
to the scene. Posses from Deer Lodge,
Anaconda, Butte, Missoula and other
points are in pursuit and it Is probable
the robbers will be taken.
HELSNA, Oct. 24. It is now stated that
only one man held up the train. The
desperado told the trainmen that if any
one wanted to know who he was to tell
them It was the sams man who held up
the Southern Paolflo south of Portland a
year ago. -
(Journal Special Servlca)
SALEM, Oct. 21 In the Supreme
Court yesterday the appeal case of R. D,
Hume, appellant, vs. Jesse Turner, Sher
iff, respondent, was argued and submit
ted fur the appellant by General George
H. Williams, of Portland, and R. H.
Countryman, of San Francisco, for the
appellant, there being no appearance for
the respondent
During theafternoon the Clerk of the
Court, Judge J. J. Murphy, set several
cases for hearing, for the week begin
ning Monday, November 3. The cases on
the calendar for that week are:
Monday, November 3 Edgar Pendle
ton, respondent, vs. George W. Jones, et
al., appellants; appeal from Yamhill
County; pn motion; 12 m. C. H. Robert
son, appellant, vs. T. T. Geer, et al.,
respondents; appeal from Marlon
County; 12 m.
Tuesday, November 4 J. A Baker,
plaintiff, vs. Williams & England Bank
ing Company, defendants; Ladd & Bush,
objectors and respondents; E. C. Glltner
nnd Phil Metschan, claimants and ap
Prtiantft;. Ladd A Bush, aupellant. yu
J. A. Baker and W. H. Odell, respond
ents; appeal from Marlon County; .12 m.
Wednesday, "rNovember & Cynthia I.
McCall et al.. respondents, vs. James C.
and Joslah Porter, appellants; . appeal
from Lake County; 12 m.
Thursday, November State of Ore
gon, respondent, vs. John Daly, appel
lant; appeal from Marlon County; 13 m.
Sioux Indian Murderer "Joshed'
on the Scaffold.
VICTORIA. B. C, Oct 24. It is now
established that in the hotel Are at Fair-
view, Okanogan, Wednesday morning.
Miss Louis E. Smith, a school teacher,
was burned to death. Manager Mathias
died from his injuries late last night.
TACOMA, Oct. 24. E. O. Specht a
merchant of Woodland, Cowlits County,
filed a petition la bankruptcy in, the Fed
eral Court today.' His liabilities are I70XO
and the principal creditors are Portland
CHICAGO, Oct 24. Wheat T2H "214 c
SAN FRANCJSQQi JPt,, 14, Wheat
WASHINGTON - Oct 24- It la an
nounced here -that the- Treasnry eotrrmtt
tee on state municipal bonds has decided
that it will consider a law authorizing
the investment of the savings banks of
New York in the bonds of any city in
any state in the Union to which the debt,
water debt not considered and sinking
fund omitted, is less than 7 per cent of
the assessed valuation of city property.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Oct 24. Allen
Walking Shield, the Sioux Indian murder
er, was hanged here today. He went
through the trap with an unfinished joke
upon his lips and cared nothing that deatn
was near.
The crime for which Shield was hanged
was committed last May, the victim be
ing Mrs. Sarah Ghost Face, an Indian
woman. The motive of the crime was
the desire of the murderer to possess
himself of the woman's"' 17-year-old
daughter, of whom he was enamored.
Mrs. Ghost Face and her daughter, JEml
ly,' lived almost alone at an isolated spot
on Little White .River on the northern
border of the reservation, the husband
and father having died some time ago.
Walking Shield called at the house at t
o'clock In the morning and awoke the
inmates by tapping on the window. The
mother arose and asked the unknown
what was wanted. The reply of Walking
Shield was that be was hungry and want
ed to pass the remainder ot the night
under their roof. The woman, true to the
customary Indian hospitality, dressed
herself, unlocked the door and had start
ed to walk away when Walking Shield
entered the room. Without giving the
occupants of the little cabin the slightest
warning he shot the mother twice sn
the back with a double-barreled shotgun
which he carried, scattering her brains
about the room.
OHAMA. Oct. 24. The following offl
eers have been eleeted by the grand eaian
ell of the Young Men's Catholic Institute,
in session here: Supreme chaplain. Moat
Rev. William Henry Elder, Cincinnati;
supreme president F. J. Klerce, San
Francisco; supreme secretary. James M.
O'Brien, Roanoke. Va.; treasurer, D. J.
Culllnan, Pittsburg; W. H. Weber, of
Walla Wallv Wsab wasejecte
ber of the board of supreme dlreotors.
Letters have been received by the
Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation from
James H. Wormaa, United States Consul-General
at Munich, Germany, stating
that he has called the attention of the
artists of Munich to the prise of $250 that
la being offered by the corporation for a
design .f orTtBS 1SC" FalA : 7"7
Frank O'Neill, Consul at Amsterdam,
has also written that the Artl and Ame
citla, aa art society, has taken up the
matter of the design for the Fair, and
that much can be expected from them,
Is Outlined in Another
Statement '
Connected With His Mysterious
"League" for Enforcing
the Laws.
Mr. Charles Lord, the attorney (or the) '
Law Enforcement League, stated this)
morning: "We are waiting for the de
cision In the slot machine case to be tried
before Justice Reid in the morning... bo , .
fore we take any further action. If a, ;
conviction is not secured it looks as 1C
the whole matter had better be propped.
As it stands we have been laboring under
great difficulty. The least we could x-' '
pect was the support of the church peo
pie. They have made themselves known. ,
but not on the lines that their teachings
would indicate. It is- no nse-.-for -tfre
League to get in and flghftne "power,':
that in this city, have arrayed them- '
selves to the support uf vice and the lawr '
breakers. The church, the administra
tion, the peace officers, the gamblers, sa
loonkeepers and adherents of vice are aif-
up in arms against the enforcement of;
laws and the betterment of JM, pubUa
morals. If the jury tomorrow falls to
bring in a conviction we must take It as
an expression of public sentloytnt, whlcS ,
there is no use to combat In any move '
ment As a great jurist ones expressed -it
there is no use of 'one? man trying to)
indict the whole people.'
"The personal attack of a local paps
on Mr. and Mrs. KJlner was most vae
warranted and brutal. Mr. Kllner ia idene
tilled with a public movement, aad in thlsT
connection he should be openly censured
if his acts or attitude were such aa ta
prove a detriment to the gsneral welfare)
of the community. Nothing more , Tin
dictive and' cowardly can be conceived, ...
than the reflections cast upon a man wha
is sincaraJjyinc-ts ili jdtyTriii-s
owes as a good elthten, taxpayer and -conscientious
man. This method ot ware
fare Is held In oontempt by all fair .'
minded people." v j
Tomorrow forenoon the case of . Jefl -Nye,
who was arrested by Constable
Jackson for operating slot machines, will :
be heard before Justice Held. In the af
ternoon the ease of Schiller wilt be tried.
Both cases will be before a jury. Deputy) ;
District Attorney Gaten will conduct thai
prosecution. He stated this saornlngt
"There is no question but what the mem . j
have violated the law in oeprating eard
machines. A conviction should be" se
cured under the law. It is all up to the
jury. In cases of this kind It is hard td .
convict, as public sentiment is always oq -the
side of an offender, -wherein the of- ' '
fence Is of a nature where the general
public ia as much la the wrong: as the) -persons
prosecuted." ,
The French Strikers Follow the
Roosevelt Plan.
James Farrell Must Spend a Month
in Jail. -
DUBLIN. Oct. 24,-amea FarrelV a
member of .Parliament waa today sen
tence tp serve . one month at hard, labor
and to, deposit ball conditional upon, his
good behavior for a year. The incident
has caused a "great oomxnotioa feera
PARIS, Oct 24. The strikers In th
French coal mining districts . today an
nounced they would "'accept Premier
Combe's suggestion - to arbitrate thel ,
grievances against the operators. Presi
dent Lou bet will name a commission;
along the same lines followed, by Presi
dent Rooosevelt in disposing of a similes:
matter in the United States. - .
. NEW ORLEANS, pct, f !.-!$ Js. report- (
ed by passenegers who have arrlveed from
Central America that the Yolcano, Iiaico,
in the state of Salvador, has been in
violent erpution . for some time. K
crater were o ported and vaat streams if
tava. poured forth, A lake, r thr et
ter, waa filled with sulphur and Its wir
boiled. It la not knewa how butiiy .
were. last. . " - - t
.;. 1