The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    . i
Tonight and Thursday. .
cloudy, showers Thurs
day; southwesterly winds.
SLS t.fcMJ( l or i - - I ir :l SB- as i 1 Tl t
VOL. I. NO. 194.
A T V.; . .TfTTTnTCT'A T :, . , Fl;(:. i
Legislators Will Follow
Public Voice
Representatives Indifferent About
Special Session, Bat Agree
on Its Objects. J
A rapid esnsus taksa by Tb Journal
this morning of th opinion hsld by
Multnomah Xeglslatars on ths oaUing of
a special sesslora ; of ths IjlsUtur,
ellolted tfas followlnc sanersi facts:
A majority of tha Reprasntatlves re
sldlnjf in Portland are somewhat ladlfler-
ent as to the proposed extra session, rath'
r deprecating the expense but expressing
a laudable anxiety to carry out the
Wishes of their constituents.
There is a practical unanimity on the
question of taklnr steps to make the
initiative and referendum Immediately
A feeling exists that the appropriation
for the Lewi and Clark Fair should be
most liberal, although an undercurrent of
sentiment la opposed to a figure aa high
as 500,00ft.
. The Legislator as a whole fator the
payment of flat salaries to state officials
but thinnk that the salaries as fixed by
the constitution are contemptibly small,
and will have to be raised to such a figure
as will be reasonable. While still remain
ing democratic, if the fees are cut oft
Following are the synopses of the opin
ions expressed to a Journal representa
JOHN GILL. While I am disposed at
this time to look without favor upon the
proposal for a special session. I am of
the opinion that the status of public
sentiment throughout Oregon ' generally
' should be ascertained, and the decision
made in exact accordance with the wishes
of the people. In the event the people in
dicate with sufficient clarity heir desire
- for It; of course I would favor Jc - The
state should contribute as much towards
the Lewis and Clark appropriation as
- Portland doee. T am In lavsr"f -'tas In
itlative' and referendum and if It Is Inop
erative it should be made operative. The
salaries of officials should be flat The
Governor, in my pinion, should receive
a salary of 3000.
SANDERSON REED. It is not the
business of a Representative to object to
a special session. If the people will feel
any happier by having same it will prob
ably not do much harm. As to the Lewis
and Clark appropriation, I am In favor of
the state appropriating 9300,000 and even
wore. I think tSOQ.OOO to be a reasonable
turn. I am also In favor of making the
Initiative and referendum amendment op
erative by legislation but not in haste.
Another Important question of much lm
. portance to everyone is that of flat sal
aries. The constitution provides a limit
which is disregarded, as the latter is so
small aa to be contemptible In several in
stances. I am In faror of fair compensa
tions for all publlo officials and am sure
that it is not economy to try to squeeie
them on the question of salary.
DAN J. MALARKET. There are many
reasons why a special session should be
' called and there are equally as many why
fixed opinion on the subject. It really
r. makes little difference what! my opinion
may be, as I would have to go to a special
session If called, whether' I wanted to or
not. However, the fact that the matter of
the Lewis and Clark Fair appropriation
will come up at a special or the next reg
ular session of. the Legislature, will have
me as one of its most earnest supporters,
as I am thoroughly In favor of $500,000
appropriation for it. and shall do the best
I can for the bill to pass. As to the
- -Eltlattva-ana referemtemr-I am -quite -at
a loss in the matter, as I don't quite un
derstand the stand taken by many. I con
sider that it is In effect now and that by
reason of the adoption of the amendment
at the last election an Initiative petition
could be filed at any time by not less
than t per cent of the voters, and that
any bill passed by a.ny future session of
the Legislature could be referred to the
people toy petition of 6 of
dEORGE M. ORTON "I was elected to
serve the Interests of my constituents,
and if they are so inclined I am in favor
of a special session of the State Legisla
ture. I shall eertainly vote for a $500,
M0 appropriation for the Lewis and Clark
Fair. That amount is small enough and
should meet with no opposition by any
one in the state, ly understanding is
that the lnlatlve and referendum amend
ment is already in operation, but u a spe
cial act is considered necessary to put
It la force I am in favor of accomplishing
tha result as quickly aa possible."
J. 8. HUTCHINSON "The real neces
sity for a special session, lies largely with
the nature of the call;' As it has been
talked over by taxpayers, not only of this
trat other counties, it seems as though
there are some grounds fqr.a special ses-
aion, owing to the probable interference
with the action jof the Legislature on
these particular matters'. I am ready at
any time to "answer the call whenever
those In authority are ready to take such
action. Personally I am in favor of a'
special session In order to get an ap-
-. proprlatioa lot- the . Fait as quickly
possible. I think that 1500,000 is small
; enauCB U ask for. Regarding the tmtla- j
tive and referendum, I am In favor of any
legislation that Is deemed necessary in
order to make it effective at once.'
A. At BAILEY "I do not see any real
necessity" for- a ' special r session of ' the'
Etate .Legislature. It seems to me that
everything can be doner' at the regular
session, and thus "save an unnecessary
expense to the taxpayers. I shall certain
ly vote for a $500,000 appropriation for
the Fair. " I am a great believer in ad
vertising and that enterprise will be a
great thing for the state and entire
Northwest - It will bo money well spent,
being the means of showing people of the
Eastern states the boundless possibilities
of the West I do not think that it wiU
require, any special legislation to Insure
the. Immediate operation of the initiative
and referendum amendment, but if so I
am In favor of It ' I am also in favor of
carrying out promises made by the Legis
lative delegation from this county in ref
erence to the charter."
8. B. COBBS "I am not in favor of a
special session of the Legislature, because
I see no necessity for It as tha work can
bo done In regular session and so much
money can be saved to the state. .As to
the appropriation, I am in favor of a
liberal appropriation, 'the amount of
which I have sot as yet decided on. If
the Initiative and referendum is not ope
rative in itself, I am in favor of a law
to be passed putting the Initiative end
referendum into immediate operation, in
response to the expression of the people
of Oregon. As to flat "salaries, provided
the duties of the different state officials
could be specified and It would not be un
constitutional, I would be In favor of Leg
islative action being taken on It."
W. W. Banks "I have bten opposed
to, a special session of the . Legl'ilMture
fof the reason that the good to sworn- ,
ptlshed over and above whet ( "iiUl )e I
attained at the regular session vo!d not l
justify the expense. The iyuhou un
signed by the executive commi'tee of the
Taxpayers .League for : culling a ...extra
session have considerable force, on 1
coming from repres-jntativt- fnc-n must b
given careful consideration. Among,
these reason are the necessity for nn
early passage of the new rlty charter,
the appropriation for the Lewis nnd
Clark Fair and the Initiative find refer
endum. I believe that with ,1 united del
egation in favor of these measures from
this county there will be no difficulty in
passing them.
If it were not for the fear that these
important measures wl;l befome en
tangled with the Senatorial proVdem, th
clamor for a special seEsinn would not
exist and I believe the d-.-legatPs from
this county may be depended ti to see
that proper legislation will not be de
feated through , the petty Jiaiousicsof
party" politics. ;
the general , se,ntJment of. roy. .. ,t ongtj t-
uenta that a. special session is. advisable,..!
I will favor it ;
"I am heartily h. favor of a libera! '
appropriation for the Lewis and ClarK j
In order to properly place the state
officials on flat salaries under this sec
tion of the Constitution it la first neces
sary to amend the state Constitution.
"I am In favor of the initiative and ref
erendum but think that there are serious
Constitutional objections to It."
H. J. FISHER "I have riot given the
subject any consideration, and have no
opinions on it. No. I have not any Idea
of how I shall vote."" '
Business Men Seem Generally ia
Favor of Extra Session.
Mr. J. N. Teal, secretary of the Tax
payers' Leagife, which has taken the in
itiative in the movement for a tpeclal
ees4o'Ol--the-IjegisJa4jt'eretd-,ie af
ternoon that the petition to the Governor
was being generously signed. The peti
tion, which vu only completed this
morning, will be at the SecMrlty Sav
ings and Trust Co., on Morrison street
between Third and Fourth ail Thursday
afternoon, when those who wish may
sign it The petition Is as follows:
Portland. Or.. Oct. 22, W: -To the
Honorable T. T. Geer. Governor of the
State of Oregon.
Slri The undersigneds citizen s end ia x-.
payers of the state of .Oregon, residing
In Multnomah County in said state, ra
spectfully represent thnt after having
given the matter careful cona'dorntlon,
they believe that on broad grounds cf
public policy it would be largely to the
Interest Of the entire stat.? that a special
session of the Legislature be called early
in the month of November to consider
Certain questions whlchiave arisen, and
which in our Judgment should be acts i
on before the regular session of the Leg
islature. Furthermore, we b!leve, in
view of the fact that a Senator Is to be
chosen at .the next regular session, nnd
the ordinary business of the state Is of
such moment that' It will require all c
the time at the disposal of ths Legisla
tors, that it would be to the Interest of
the state to have the matters herein re
ferred to, in connection with such other
matters as to you or to other citizens cf
the state may seem meet, disposed of at
a special session-
First We belie that in view of the f
fact that at the election held in June
last an amendment t the Constitution
was adopted. Incorporating the principles
of the initiative and referendum into our
organic act and that the same was adopt
ed almost unanimously, and that there is
doubt as to the amendment being self
operative, such legislation as may. be nec
essary to mjfte it effective should be en
acted before the regular session o, the
Second The Lewis and Clark, Centen
nial Exposition and Oriental Fair is an
enterprise in which the entire state is in-
. . . M I.V. . W . f I. ,, T". k
leresiea equouy fhh h w . uii-
land, and It to known Wat an sppropria- 1
twU'Di"'MlM''Ye''lrbs-'(nr tegSOft
(Conttw4 am Bond per A
Camille Flammarion
Shows It to 5000e
Weight Suspended From Dome of
Pantheon Lagged Behind, in
Race With Earth.
PARIS, Oct. 22,-Flve thousand persons,
including the most eminent scientists of
the world, at 2 O'clock this afternoon wit
nessed the demonstration by Camllje
Flammarion that the earth revolves.
Great Interest was taken in the event and
the experiment was a complete success.
It was the first attempt of this kind since
Flammarion swung a 60-pound weight
from a wire 224 feet long and suspended
the latter from the dome of the Pantheon.
The deviation In the line of the pendulum
in a direction contrary to that of the
rotation of the earth was marked. Thou
sands ciieemel the successful conclusion
of the experiment.
This is the great" demonstration of
popular astronomy ever given and offers
a practical example of whut was orglnal
ljf theory. : ' ' "
Frank- Nelson, of Salem, Kilkd by
a Falling Tree.
(Journal Special Service.)
' SALEM, Oct. 22. The report reached
i hare early this morning that Frank Nel-.
j son, a young man wall known In this vl
1 cinity. was killed "by a falling tree, at
j the Gold Creek mines. In the mountains
j above the little town of Gates, In the
i eastern part of this county. Vesterday
on ajnltiiiiR claim.' Nelson was employed
i'lry a miiiiuR" company to clear a tract
of land embraced In a mining claim,
where the company orrnlns the property
proposes to begin mining operations in
the spring, and it was while engaged at
tills work that the fatal accident oc
curred. The officers of the mining company and
the. Coroner were notified of the accident,
and the body, which had been carried to
Mahuma. will be brought to this city to
day, and a Coroner's Jnqucst will prob
ably be held here this evening.
Nelson formerly worked on tha farm of
Samuel Rundiett, a farmer residing near
thi3 city, and' last Beason had charge of
Mr. Bundiett's hop yard. He was a
young man, scarce 24 years old, and was
well spoken of by all-who knew him. He
was an industrious and hardworking fel
low, whose sadden taking off will be
deeply regretted by all who knew him.
Nothing Is known hqre of his family.
The remains will probably be brought
to this city for Interment.
Nelson was a son of Kichard Nelson of
this city, and was employed by the In
vestors' Mining & Milling Company ot
Roscoe Morrlsand Earl Burchard felled
the tree. whlleTelsoti was worklniflear
jaijv.-AVtieo.... tljp. .tree., jwent. .down- ASoirls.
called to an nanus . a tier tne tree,
had fallen the men gathered around,
when Nelson was found .missing. A
search was made and Nelson was found
lying pinned to the ground. The tree had
struck him ncross the hack, breaking his
bade and neck and kiying him Instantly.
Molineaux Case Furnishes Another
Sensation in New York.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. There was sensa
tional testimony Introduced In the Moll-'
neaux trial this morning, wnen a new
witness was introduced to prove that the
man who purchased the bottle in which
the poison came did not resamble Moli
neaux in any way. The witness gave a
earefull description of the man who
bought the poison and all present could
see that there was nothing in it that at
all tallied with the man who Is on trial.
He Hay Go to Troanct the Mad
iurif-Ll T :L.
ROME, Oct. 22. Lord Kitchener, here
on his way to India, said today that '1
the situation in Samaiiland. grows any
worse he v ill go there and organize an
antl-Mullah --campaign.. This -Is looked
upon as the beginning of the Mullah's
OMAHA. Oct.? 22.-The Toung Hen's
Csthofle Institute has lowered its in
umjrrom u to IS year . A compllmen.
tary reception and dinner wag the
delegiitee hre last night
House of Commons on a
Irish Leaders Gave Hot Shot to
: Avenge Insult to Their
' LONDON, Oct. a. There waa a turb
ulent scene la the House of Commons to
day. The Irish .demanded a day to dis
cuss Irish grievances. Campbell Ban
nerman, Liberal leader, supported their
. Balfour caustically replied that the Ir
ish party waa only a faction.
Thomas O'Connor excitedly arose to his
feet and said: -
"The Prime Minister has used the most
Insulting language to our party which we
claim represent a nation. The descrip
tion of us aa a faction is a deliberate in
sult to a country whose civilization pre
ceded and max succeed that of Eng
land." In the tumult William O'Brien, of
Cork, gained a bearing, and said:
"Haa the-Prim Minister observed that
President Roosevelt had sent a friendly
message to the Irish League Convention
at Boston? Does he dare to make the
announcement that England Is not d-1
posed to learn wisdom as to Irish af
fairs from such an acknowledgedly great
ruler as the President of the United
Tremendous disorder followed. "When,
O'Brien again gained a hearing be
asked : '
"Will you allow me to sumblt that this
message of President Roosevelt is an
International fact of he first Importance
in future relations with the United
The Speaker vainly tried to quell the
applause which was prolonged. It was
some time before order was restored.
After the speaker had declared his ques
tion Improper, CBrteir moved an adjourn
ment of the house to discuss the- question
of "future relations between Great Britain
and the United States, raised by Roose
velt's message. The speaker refused, on
the grounds that standing orders pre
cluded the 'motion. Tha house then ad
journed. " " 1
BOSTON, Oct. 22 The letter which
created the scene In the British House of
Commons today was sent the league here
by Secretary Cortelyou. It said:
"While the President very much ap
preciates your cordial. Invitation.' he re
grets public duties prevent his being pres
ent. Owing to the pressure on time Inci
dent to the preparation of his annual
message to Congress he is at present un
able to accept any Invitations."
LONDON, Oct. 22.-rThat a, secret treaty
exists between Great Britain and Germany
was prctically admitted this morning In
the Commoners' debate, by Parliamentary
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Cranvorne.
This is the first public acknowledgement
of the existence of such an understand
Carnegie, Choate and White Fa
vored in London.
LONDON, Oct. 22.-At St. Andrews to
day Andrew Carnegie was Installed as
rector of St. Andrews University in the
presence of a notable gathering of edu
cators, llterateurs and men in public life.
Following the installation ceremonies the
degree of I.L. J- was conferred on Mr.
Choate. United States Ambassador to
Great Britain, and Andrew D. White, the
United States Ambassador at Berlin.
yVYTHEVILLK. Va.. Oct. 22. This
town is gay with flags and bunting-today
In honoT ttw- nfederate Vetera n,'l
partment of Virginia, whoso fifteenth an
nual meeting and reunion Is In progress.
The gathering was formally opened at
noon today by Grand Commander Thom
as W. Smith. The attendance of veter
ans Is gratlfylngly large, many of them
being accompanied by their wives and
families. The William H. Terry camp of
Wytheville is acting 'as host and has
prepared an elaborate program for the
entertainment of the visitors.
LONDON, Oct 22. This morning's pa
pers devote a great deal of space to the
fight between Morgan and Terkes for con
trol of the tube railroad situation, and
there seems general pleasure In the out
come. Yerkes won out through correctly
interpreting a bluff on the part of Mor
gan, who threatened to withdraw. Mor
gan says he will still continue the battle.
The English company was offended and
offered the franchise to Terkes.
NEW YORK. Oct 22. Late yesterday
afternoon the. CroWn Prince' of Slam re
turned to this city, Shortly after his ar
rival Mayor Low jjald Mm au' mX the
Waldorf-Astoria. ,
The Danish Landsthing
Voted to a Tie
Ratification of the Sale to the
United Statest Was Refused
Late Today.
COPENHAGEN, Oct 22. The Lands
thing today, at Its second reading, reject
ed the bill providing for the ratification of
the treaty ceding to the United States
the Danish West Indies. The vote was
a Me. A popular demonstration followed.
Outside hundreds of people were waiting
for announcement of the vote and they
went wild with Joy when it was heard.
There has been some time here a strong
belief that action would be unfavorable.
Yesterday It was claimed there would
be a majority of one against the measure,
but when the ballot was called today the
tie waa -apparent through the absence of
a member.
The proposed sale of the islands has for
many months been one of the leading
political toplca here and publlo feeling
runs high.
Congregational Association in Ses
sion at Salem.
(Journal Special Service.)
SALEM. Oct. 22. The Hth annual meat
iiig ot the Congregational Association of
Churches and Ministers met with the
First Congregational Church of this city
at I o'clock yfbtvioay, and wasgrgani)d
y electing Hev. Mao II. WUlaco, Eu
gene, moderator; Rev. J. M. Pick, Hub
bard, ass'su:'t irGderator; Prof. James R.
Pobertson, Ft 'tat Grove; eterk Rv." F.
D. Healey. C)H'!on, assistant moderator;
Rev. David Stiver, Forest Gtve, rehu
trar for three years, and Geo. H. Himes,
Portland, press reporter.
The attendance at the opening session
was unusually large,' and a good deal of
enthusiasm waa manifested.
Rev. H. A. Ketcbum, of the Presbyter
ian Church, and Rev. Mr. Ritchie, of tha
Christian Church, both of this city, were
invited to sit as corresponding members.
Three ministers who have recently been
called to pastorates In the state were cor
dially welcomed as follows: Rev. F. D.
Healey, Condon: Rev. Elwln L. House,
First Church. Portland, and Rev. Beth
A. Arnold, Clackamas.
The general theme of the association Is
"Loyalty." The specific topics treated
during the afternoon1 were: "Loyalty to
the Sunday School," by Mrs. Walter
Hoge, Forest Orove; and "Loyalty In
Bearing Financial Burdens." by B. S.
Huntington, The Dalles. These papers
were very helpful and suggestive, and
were discussed at length.
The "Narrative of the Churches," by
the registrar, Rev. David Staver, Forest
Grove, gave a brief review or the work
In each Congregational Church in the
state, and indicated that substantial prog
ress had been made during the year.
Thirty-five churches reported, and of
these 13 reported addltione te- tholr mem
bership during the year of 205.
After an enthusiastic praise service, led
by Rev. J. M. Dick, the assoclational ser
mon was preached by Rev. F. V. Jones,
of the Hassalo-street Church, Portland,
after which a brief address was given by
Mrs. A. P. Peck, of the American Board
Mission at Paotlng Fu, North China.'
About 1200 in Number to Locate in
the' Pacific Northwest.
(Journal Special Service:
ST; PifJV 301. a T- -yzvG.. H
Great Northern left here yesterday after
noon, In two sections, consisting of
nineteen cars of settlers for Oregon,
Washington and Montana. They will ar
rive In Spokane tomorrow morning. The
total number of settlers Is probably be
tween 1000 and 1200. t
In the state Circuit Court this morning
an order was issued compelling W. J.
Toung' to pay Ms .wife,-Leila. Toung. J3
per week alimony pending her proceed
ings for divorce.
The Southern Pacific train No. 18, due
here this morning at 7:45 from the South
arrived at 1:45. owing to the delays ex
perienced in Northern California, where
several Wrecks have taken place.
A. T. Oladissee will be put on trial
again November 5 for the murder of
Louis Borgus. He was tried for the of
fense, but th jury, waa unabla to Agree,
standing to C
Explosion and Fire at Chicago
Cause Great Loss.
CHICAGO, Oct 22. -An explosion In the
drying house of the Chicago branch of the
Glucose Sugar Refining Company. late
last night, precipitated a conflagration
which nearly destroyed the entire plant
At 10 o'clock this morning five men were
known to be dead and seven other are
still thought to be burled beneath the
The drying house was four stories in
height and Immediately following the ex
plosion the fire ran through the lower
floors and spread to those above. Many
of the workmen could not escape. The
loss is estimated at 00,000. It waa only
hy the greatest effort on the part ot
the firo department that other property
was saved.
Efforts are being made today to cool
the ruins sufficiently to permit of further
investigation. Seven, in addition to tha
five known dead, are believed to have
perished In the, flames:
The dead are:
fifth story.
EDWARD STEINKB, fell while en
deavoring to Jump.
Several who were injured are in a most
dangerous condition, one having died this
morning at daylight The others ar ex
pected to recover.
New Steamer for the Sound and
... 0n$ iptj:$mfaMy&, v ... 4
Contracts will soon be let for the build
ing of two large and fluei sternwheel
steamers in Portland. One of them is
for tha Pacific Coast Steamship Company
of Seattle, , and will oost 1100,000. The
reason assigned for her being built here
Is because' all vessels turned out in the
Portland shipyards have given better sat
isfaction than those built in the northern
ports. The White Collar line will have
the other built She will be known as
the Telephone and will be equipped with
powerful engines. It is quite probable
that she wi run between here and The
Rev. Dr. William T. Sabine Suc
ceeds Bishop Latane.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22-The twenty-first
council of the New York and Philadel
phia Synod of the Reformed Episcopal
Church met here today and oonsecrated
the Rev. Dr. William T. Sabine, pastor of
the First Reformed Episcopal Church of
this city, to the episcopate. Dr. Sabine
was recently elected to the bishopric to
succeed the late Bishop Latane. He was
formerly a priest in the Protestant Epis
copal. Church in this diocese, from which
communion he withdrew because he
thought Ajigellcan Communion was lead
ing too much toward,- the Church of
Colombian Rebel General Will Ask
for Recognition.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. It is an
nounced here by Consul General Mantilla,
for Peru, who arrived on the steamer
Peru, that Geenral Castillo Is in the
United States on his way to Washington
in the hope of securing recognition ot
the Colombian revolutionary party by the
government here. Castillo, according to
Mantilla, came aboard the steamer at
Panama. During the voyage up the coast
he told his errand to tne Peruvian consut
Mantilla is en route to Australia.
(Journal Special Service.)
SEATTLE, Oct 2?. A vast lake, in
the heart of the mountains . of Clarke
County, with Its surface covered with
the decaying carcasses of bears, deer.
by a timber cruiser named Duval. It is
believed the animals sought shelter in
the lake from the forest ftrea of Septem
ber. They were either' smothered by the
heat or crowded so closely that they
SALT LAKE. Utah. Oct. 22.-r-Early last
evening William J. Bryan concluded a
speechmaking tour of this state with an
address delivered from a platform erected
near the Rio Grande depot. He spoke on
the money question and was heard by
3000 people. " -
PITTSBURG, Pa,. Oct. 22. Two were
fatally burned and six others very seri
ously injured this morning by the explo
sion of a ladle of slag, caused by water
dropping in it The explosion occurred at
the Rankin furnace and all .the injured
ones are Slavs.
,' ' .
OMAHA. Oct 21 The Christian Church
convention today chose Detroit aa the
pnexK place oX meeting , ,'
Great Joy Over the Strike
A Non-Union Miner FatallyShoV
Last Night by the
WILKESBARRE, Oct !2. Front etQ
over the coal fields today come reports ot
miners and other employes of tha coal
district returning to work. Not only axe)
theso men willing to go back and do thai '
part toward preparing the mines for the)
resumption of active mining, but they ar
elated at the conclusion of the stflk
which was bringing diaoomfort and dis'
tress to themselves. There la not a homai
in all the great coal region that la noty ',
celebrating as for a holiday today.
At the shafts and on the ooal roads; .
everything is being done that It la pos "
sible for experienced laborers to do to
put things right and remedy tha defects!
In machinery, bracings and equipment!
that have resulted from disuse and delays ,
It is thought that everything will be in
fairly good condition by the end of thai
present weeTfe, -although th miners wia
be taken back to work on Thursday, aat
announced. There are some places wher(
the damage has been quite extensive '
and these will be brought into normal
shape aa soon as possible. In the mean
time the men who would have been! .
working there under ordinary conditions)
will be given other positions so the .
need not be longer Idle. This is a part -of
the policy of the operators to conciliate!
their men and is meeting with great suc
cess, as all are pleased with tha aa
Women and children all over the Penn
sylvanla coal district are in holiday at,
tire and there has not been so much Joj
and happiness in months as is to be sees). ,
on all sides today. , , ?
TAMAQUA, Pa., Oct 22,-r-AU night Ion .
there were parades, bonfires and publlo
demonstrations In -Panthw -Greele Valley..-
Mass meetings were held, addresses made) ' .n
and prayer of thanksgiving offered. This) t
morning pumpmen and firemen repartee) '. ... .
for work at Landsford Summit HUL -
. MAN WAS SHOT. !' - ".
COALDALE. Oct 22.-Whll the celo
bration was at its height last night the)
militia, which is still on the scene, erw
gaged in an altercation with a mob. M :
shot was fired and a non-union miner re
ceived the bullet In his neck. Jha mas)
la believed to be fatally hurt ,
ly one engineer reported for worX- this) .
morning at this point Markle, tha own '
er of the mine, failed to sign tha arbltra
tlon paper. j
WILKESBARRE, Pa.. Oct Z2v-AttesJ .
adopting the resolutions presented hy the)
special committee, leaving the matter ta .
arbitration and permitting workmen to)
return to their labors Thursday, tha Mia
ers' Convention yesterday afternsorj , .
drafted and passed other resoratione)
thanking officers of tha state-and nation,
as well as leaders of various societies,
for th iate-es'they havata3tea--nd'taiat'
influence exerted in behalf ef tha stfrUs.
ing miners. These resolutions war pass
ed just before) adjournment j
HAZELTON, Oct 22. The MarklenCOSM
pany posted notices this morning, notl.
fying its employes to apply indlvKroallW
for work tomorrow. Excitement followed!
as the miners fear they will be required .
to renounce the union.
At Jeddo and Drlfton ' men returnlnsj
this morning were asked to aignjaaTM
metres to "gv hack: at the trtd scalaTAe"""' '.
who refused were sent home. v,
SEATTLE, Oct 22. A great marks
for the hemlock lumber from tha for-.
ests of, WahinQ ha beejvmenefl ''mS
testa just completed in Manila, and'whtcB
show that hemlock, alone of all timber, -'
is not attacked and eaten by the vas
armies of white ants which infest tha- ;
Island of Luzon and other tropleal aeon
tries. The hemlock of this state la sow
practically unused and mUllonof few4
it is standing. , .
WASHINGTON. Pa,, Oct 2X Twent -thousand
cubic feet of gaa per day
now being wasted m the lr- from tta
greatest well In the history of oil mining
in Armstrong County. Every effort mads
to get it "under control has thus t ir heauf T
without other result than failure,.
NEW YORK. Oct 13. It is' report
here that the umpire7 In the Bamoan con
troversy between the United States sj4
German, King Oscar Of Sweden aad INo
way, has decided against this country. ..
s CHICAGO, ' Oct SS-Wboat 72Q
I SAJrf t-RANCISCO. Qct. 3&-WbU" ,
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