a.. : v The Oregon Daily Journal --AAA1AA1i TrTTTTf f yf I 1 trcHave you A Want? Do you fVANT a Position? ', i Do you WANT titlp? I Do you W A AT to ront a ; !X) WANT to your . v Homm?, .. , ( v; , Do you WANT to buy a Homo? J Do ot WANT Boardors? f Do yott WANT a Boarding tiousor f T Do you WANT anything? IF-SO 8 ADVERTISE IT IN THE JOURNAL TA Want Columns will sat , isy fA Want. Tti E i OREGON DAILY JOURNAL - -- - TtTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTT T f 1 ATTORNEYS. fax ton. Beach & Simon. 610 Chamber of Commerce. WM. REID, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW. room 4, Ainsworth bldg. Third and Oak. Can. 3. Cameron. Attorney at Law. 713 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or. N. Moaeaiobn, 722 Chamber Xt Commerce. SEND TOUR WANT ADS to The Journal for result. Phone Main 600. BANJOjJA N DOLIN AN D GU IT A R Free use of instruments. Wanted players for clubs. Hal. Webber In structor. 717 Marquam bids;. BILLIARD PARLORS. THK NARRAGANSETT BILLIARD PAR lors, 128 .tith Bt. Office Brown's Orch. RIErANDJBUILDER9. Jonn A. Melton, carpenter and builder. 307 Stark St.; office and store fixtures built and remodeled, altering, and re pair houses. Phone Main 747. . V. S. BLAKNBY. carpenter, builder; esti mates given. 655 F.. Stark. Union 797. CARD ENGRAVERS. ivKDDINGANrr VISITING CARDS graved; W. G. Smith & Co., Third floor, Washington bldg. CEREAL MILLS. acme Mills Co., Acme Cereals. Manufacturers P.alaton 20 & 22 N. Front St. P. JOHNSON & CO. manufacturers Peer less Health Cereals. 132-4 Front st. COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all kinds of coal and wood, 844 Morrison st. VULCAN COAL CO.. WHOLESALE dealers best coals, foundry ana smelter coke. -jCONjfBACTCtRS'..AN.D. BUILDERS. . L. W. Clapton, contractor, grader and ex cavator. 288 H. 81b. sL J'hone Union 2281, CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. L7 Mitchell Chiropodist. Knight's8noe 8tore, 294 Wash. st. Phone Hood 728. THE DEVENYS. the oulv scientific chiropodists in the cltv. Parlors 301-2 Alisky bldg. TbN is the lonp-halred gentleman you want to see. Grant t. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. , RELIABLE S'l'KAM CLEANING & Dy ing Co.; elotheH called for and delivered. Phone Hood 058. H. Kuufman 184 3d st. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. SMOKE OUR 0YN MIXTURE Can't be beat. Sisr Slchel & Co.. Ill 3d t.. CURIOS. BUN SOON HUIE CO.. easTma'ttingT Jup. curios, carpets, rujfs. 247 Vamhlll! DRUGGISTS. FrankjTstrtiblg. "drugs. loileTarticles' perfumes. 342 Washington st. ' BANKS. TILTOWT BANKER9 LADD Established in lk&a Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on fa vorable terms. Letter of credit Issued available in Europe -and all Dointa in the United States. ,n Sight exchange and telegraphic trans fers sold en -iw Tork. Washington .t'llP0. 8L Jpula,, -jaewwAtaiaJsji. San rancisco and varloua points in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia, a Exchange sold on London, Paris. Ber. fin, Frankfort. Hong KonB. Vokohoma. Manila and Honolulu. CANADIAN QANK OF COMMERCE With which la amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Capital paid up $8,000 00 Reserve 2,000 Ouo Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sum of 110 and un warda, and Interest allowed on mini, mum monthly balances. Rate on in. plication. 244 Washlngtaon st - E. A. WYLD, Manager. LONDON & BAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Bulldlna: Thbvi and Stark streets. Head office, 66 Old Broad street. Lon don. This bank transacts a genera bank ing business, makes loans, discount Mils and lesueo letters of credit avail .able for traveler ana far . the nmC chase of merchandlsa ln any cltv of 1 1 ic w j i iu. imio in iuri n ana do mestlc exchange. Interest paid on time deposits W- A. MACRAE, Manager. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK ' PORTLAND. OR. r?an tm President R-LDha.m ' Vlce-Presiden R. W. Hojt Cashier Geo. W. HOyt Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL Bank! INO BUSINESS. "AKJV Draft and letters of credit Issued available to all parts of the world Collections a specialty. Gold "dust bought. THE-XITBD-STATES NATIONai"4 Transacts a General Bankln? Bulnu Dtafts issued avallabia In all cities of the United. States lind Europe Jrsident TTLER WOODWARD Vlce-Preildent ?JACOB KAMM F. C. MILLER AIN8WORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. . C. AINSWORTH r&esldeiTt PERCY T MORGAN Vtce-Prea dent ft W. 8CHMEER Assistant Cashlar Transacts a General Ranking Business Interest on time deposits. Safe Deposit Department MORRIS & WHITEHEAD BANKERS AND INVESTMENT FIRST AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND, 6a ' DENTISf 8?' 'r" " Theodora S. Thompson, BwTwashlns;. ton bldr.. Washington and Fourth st. Pnons - Hood -alt. . 'zy.t;." .- ' CO WN ICESKYMQHTS. ; Metal "bkyligbis. GalvalnJidTron Cor nicea, J. C. iiayer, M geoond St., . eXMPLO YM ENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Co.. Xtl Burnsids at Help of all kind wanted., a. "'electric W0RK9. Portland Stark at. Electrical Works Offlca 161 Western Electrlo Works. SOtti Wash at GAftOLINS LAMPS. H.'W' MANNING Lighting and Supply io. latent improved gasoline lamps. K0 Sixth street. Portland. Ore. JSRCMCfftS Dresser Sc Co., 140-M2 Washington St. D. C. BURNS, 147 8d, fine fresh groceries at casn prices. ' HAIRDRESSING, MANICURING. ROSKNTHt 'filTJW'S Wlg-maklnSanS manicuring, laO Fifth St. Hood K14, HOU8ES FOR RENT. DONALD G. WOODWARD, 2.46 Stark St., rents ana insure. iTione Main HOTELS, Hotel Belvedere), European plan. Fourth ana Aider sts. HOUSE FURNI8HER3. Horns Furnishers Furniture, carpets, parlor goods, stoves, ate. See I. Gev. urti & Sons, T7J-176 First, 219-225 Tarn bill. Both phone 204. ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY. LAIiKE & REBB. manufacturers of ice cream and confectionery. 310 Wash st. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE. m Bherlock bldg. Oregon phone Main JAS. Mo. I. WOOD, Concord Building, 'Phone 47. Employer' Liability Insur ance, represent American Bonding Trust Co. Fir Insurance. ARTHUR WILSON, Bherlock Building, 'phone 1008, represents the Alliance and the Home Fire and Marine Ins. Cos. JEWELERS, The L. C. Henrichsen Co.. Jewelers and optician. 284 Washington st. Ths G. Heltkemper Jewlera. m Morrison tt '4V tiwv A. A. WRIGHT, Morrison st. the Iowa Jeweler, 29S Geo. O. Brandenburg & Co.. Engraver. Mfg. Jeweler. S8V 8d. Phone Hood 417. J. A. Beck.- watches, diamonds. Jewelry. 207 Morrison st. Repairing a specialty. LADIES' TAILORS,. , LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS, cloak and capes. Accordian plaltcs. Applique work a specialty. Btephans. 289 Alder J.AUNDRIE8. PACIFIC LAUNDRT CO., 22 and 221 Ar thur st., oor. First Lowest prices con sistent with good work. Prompt deliv ery. Oregon Phone, 849. ciesn towels dally, tl per month. N Comb, brush Jovelty Supply Co., o- 42 N. Ninth s st Tel. 410. - TOWELS Soar), oomb and brush. 21 nnr mo, Oregon Laundry Go.i vPhoni K. 18. MCHINERY. TRENKMAN A CO., mining, sawmill. 16g- f:lng machinery, hydraulic pipes cat ngs of all kind repaired. 104 Jsr. 4th st. MASSAGE. MDMB. H. maesege. First st. E. ELY, dermatolyogist, electric treatments. 193 SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO. removed to 611 DeKum bldg. MERCHANT TAILORS. MARX & G1LBERTSON Alder St.. cor. Third. TAILORS, 264 INES AND MINING. SESSIONS & SIMPSON, mining engineers. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. MILLINERY. MISS A. U JORGENSEN. importer and dealer In French MHHnery. 219 Morrison. MODEL-MAKER. For first-class repairing go to Andy Frits machinist and model-maker, 110 6th st MINING ENGINEERS AND ASSAYERS. MONTANA AS8AY OFFICE. 208 Stark at. Experts on analysis coals, minerals, rook, mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Mgr. J. H. FISK, Mining Engineer and Assaver. 204H Washington st. Phone Clay "21. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley, 2 Cham. Com. MONET to Loan on city lots and Im proved farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., 343 Stark at. W. A. HATH A WAT Money to loan. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 418. 10 4 per cent money to loan. 246 Stark st. READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS of The Journal if you wish to buy, sell or trade. , MONUMENTS. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 720 Front st. Fine work, low prices. NAVAL ARCHITECT. Fred A. Ballin. 43 2d st, TeL Oak 76. na- val architect and mechanical engineer. PERSONAL. iit.wc iEKBr tnw -A.eT money lender. 143 Third , near Alder, sells dia monds, watches, jewelry half regular store prices. Country orders attended to MME. AZA HOLMES. Complexion Hair Ski n and Scalp Specialist, may be con sulted dally free. 311 Morrison St Use and you will obtain best results from Western gas or gasoline mantels. CAKE KRATZ. i'ss Sixth St. A fine lunch served st all hours. HOjrjrAPHERS. E. W. Moore, crayon and oil portraits. nd wntngt". ta. PLUMBERS. Taylor ft Stanton, plumbing and ateain retajujNtjb, Strouse's Restaurant; first-class meals best service. 229 Washington at. MPEIROPEI PORTLAND CORDAGE CdToontlTand Northup" sts., Portland, Oregon. RUBBER STAMPS, BUSBT ft LESH CO. Rubber stamDs. SPECIAL DELIVERY. Post Special Delivery, No. toon Wash ington. Phones, Or.. Main HJ, CoL HELP W ANT t 0-r 8 M At tjJ WANTED 48 women, tine v.ld Ce. Kessler's return Vhey have been- treats ing 27 women dally In the Oadie' "de partment They can treat 4 more. Call or .writs foe. honu .aj tern. -.EiiuIob 10 8-cent stamps. Address St Louis Medi cal and Surgical Dispensary, cor. Second and Yanhifr sta.7 Portland. Or. READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMV3 oi TlMKjo.urnal if you wish t4jy.ysJl or .trade. ' HELP WANTEDMALE. wXNTEDRTRmetr for Oregon, Wash ington, Nevada and Utah; free fare; wage 12 to 3 a day; king Joba. . C. R. Hansen X. Co., J16 Second t. i n . GOOD MAN WANTED to present a finan cial proposition.' K48 Stark st. A TOUNO MAN to work for hl board . and go to school. Apply V70 Milwauki ave. WANTED. WANTED Immediately. 200 Belgian hares. Apply Mace Market, 151 Fourth. ROOMS FOR RENT. THE LOCKWOOD, fci Morrison St. Furnished rooms; transient. Phone THE CASTLE 372 Wash.; room for gen tlemen ; transient. Tel. south l. H0U8E FOR SALE. HOM'ES TO SELL on small monthly pay ments. 245 Stark St. HIDES, PURS AND WOOL. KAHN BROS., dealers In hides, furs and wool. 191 Front st., Portland Or. MEDICAL. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOTT. - success fully treats and cures all diseases of wo men. Successful home treatment by mail. 308 Salmon St., bet. 6th and 6th. IMPLEMENTS. PORTLAND IMPLEMENT CO., farm ma chinery and' vehicles; 188-194 Front st. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD Overalls and me chanics' clothing. Beat In every detail. Neustadter Bros., Mfgrs., Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE. MAXWELL & KNAPP URAT. KHTATTC. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHAS. H1HSTEL. renl estate dealer. 88 Third st. Room 5. , SHOWCASES. R. LUTKE & CO., successors to Dixon, Borgeson ft Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts. SAFES, i HALL SAFE, standard of ths world; safe sold on easy payments; trad your tor a in orris Bare a Lock Co.. 81 First st BUT YOUR 8AFE of J. E. Davis, repairs and lockouts safely done. Tour 66 3d, STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. Pick, oftlce 88 First St., bet Stark and Oak; phone M6. pianos ana (urni turs moved and packed for snipping; commodious fireproof brick warsnoui. Front and Clay sts. TICKET OFFICES. Overland Cut Rate Ticket Office, 140 Third at; 16 to 820 saved to all points. 'i YPEWRITERS. The Smith-Premier Typewriter, 122 Third treat All manes or typewriter for rent. Supplies for all machines. L. ft M. Alexander ft Co., agents. W. A."" Rldeout, Agent Bllnkcnsdsrter Typewriter. ZK4 Biarlt st. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATION 20 yellow pine tiinoer claims; cruise 3,000,000. 10 homestead timber claims; fine fir; cruise 6,000,000 to 8.000,000 to the quarter section: fees rensonable; money obtained to prove-up on If de sired. WM. HAWKS. Room 306 Commercial Bldg. HAVE BONA FIDE purchaser for ood timber lanas; principals oniy. Wm. Hawks, room iOb c ommercial plug. WALL PAPER. H. P. Chrlstensen, wall papercr and painter, iu exavenin si. corner Alder. Ernest Miller ft Co., wall paper and dec orators. lZi first st. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Wadham & Co., wholesale grocers, man ufacturers ana commission merchant. 64 and 66 Front st Allen ft Lewis, wholesale grocers, Port land, Ore. Mason. Ehrman & Co.. wholesale groc ers. N. W. oor. Second and Pino sts. Lang ft Co.. First and Ankeny sts. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. - llegeie a vo juu to i oth. cor Stark. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. E. Haseltine & Co.. lion, steel, coal and blacksmith's supplies. 46. 61 Second st WHOLESALE LEATHER GOODS. W. H. McMonles & Co.. wholesule sad dles, harness, leather goods. 53 Front st. WINDOW CARDS. An attractive show card In your wtti dow will remove goods from voSr shelves. Matt T. Eddy, 211 Allsky bldg. WHERE TO DINE. "Z. RATH & SANDYS, successor to H,- C. Brandes. leading restaurant servlcr and table unequaled In this city. 146 First st. E. HOUSE'S CAKE. 12s Third st. best cup of coffee In the city. The THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT for French dinners with wine. 5Mc. 128 Fifth i. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. M. and W. A. Laldlaw to M. K , Wright, lots 7. S, block: 4, Holla day's add $3000 Portland Lone Fir Cemetery to G. 'V. Bushnell. lot 71, block 37. Lone Fir Cemetery 33 Geo. B. Gardner to R. C. Prince, lot 8. block 13, Alhihft ., 140 Canada Settlers L. A Tr. Co. to L. P. Beno, south 4 ft. lot 7. block 41, Caruthers' add to Cnruthers,. . . 2100 J. W. nhd N. A.. Minto to A. M. - Crawley, lot 6, block -2, Willamette Heights add , , . 5600 IL-Nickerson and . wife to Dtfv. Rurt, lot 35. block 14 Alblna 1250 Thos. Soott Brooke to K. P. Gas Light Co.. lots 1. 4. block 77. East Portland t 3125 Oet your Title insurance and Abstracts to Real Estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust Co., Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING PERMITS. Peter Taylor, alterations, Davis and Third streets; $10n0. D. Canulo, alterations, Clny and Fourth streets: $309. F. R. Tell, one-story cottage, Kell.r and. Porter streets; $no. Geo. Guesttn, alterations, Mill and Seventeenth street; $66a V DEMAND CEREALS Wheat Crop Short and High. FOREIGN- SITUATION War Settlement Makes' Market in . .... Africa. ao4 China Low . Freights. 3 ! J. E. DeRuyter, of the brokers' firm of I Uoitcm. DeRuyter & Co . v. Im lias charge I of the Sun Francisco ollu-. , is iu ih- city. I Mr. DeKuyter is one of ilu- li.-st iiilurmfu men on the Coast in rW'-r.-iu in ih crop situation. In speaking f ih- ontiook for wheat this morning lie sialyl: The prospects for the wheat and bur ley crop this year are not a ifood ui last. Wlille there, will In- h shoring'-, tin jfiws' will be ooWpui'Htively higher and the farmer will reap the advantage. Never in the htelnry of Hie Co.ist hus there been a better demand for wheat than ni present. Till cart be attributed to the fart that there was no hold over crop from last year, and the shortage of the present crop. In San Francisco wheat l. selling at 2.1 cents a hundred mure thuli at the same time last year. I NCHEA8ED FOREIfl N M A R K ETS "Another cause of the healthy prices and great demand Is the Increased con suming capacity of the foreign countries. The signing of the peace terms In South Africa and China has caused it whole some demand. South Africa in particu lar will sfford an excellent market as the people these . are engaged principally in Diliilng,' " to Which pursuit" they- nre how turning tht-lr attention with great ac tivity, since ihe reorganisation f the turbulent republic. Since the Boxer trou ble In China, business Is mk.hi on a nor mal basis throughout ilie orient, anu foodstuffs Und a liberal market." COMPARATIVE CHOI'S Last year the production or foodstuffs In the Northwest was esiliiiaicd al nun.unu tons. This was of a tlrst class quality. Thin season tile crop will probably full short of 700,0110 tons, uial this will be of an Inferior grade. In California (he crop usually runs from IXRi.t) to l.mm.ooo tons and hus went us high us 1.-'iki.iiu. Con servative estimates place it Hs iW.IIOtl tons thjs season. ' LOW FREIGHT HATES. This yeur freight rates are lower than usual. This will redound lo the benefit of the farmer Heretofore the ship have had more- cargo than they could enrry. This year ships are being put out of commission for the reason that they can aertire no loads. In Ban Francisco a number ot vessels are tie up, as the wheat for lining them cannot b- secured. nlthout;li n 1h 111 gient de mand In the foreiK'i countries. IN RUSSIA AND INDIA While Russia exports almost ns much fheat as the l"nlte,l States, we are ship ping flour there from this country. The trouble with them has been that they have not Iwen snlllclently progressive lo import Hour mill machinery and prepare their own wheat Since the building of I the . trans-Siberian Hallway a rich and vast country has l.e.-n opened ami mar- j ket afforded for wheat. An increase in ' exportation from that country Is looked i forward to. In Iu.lia the crop is normal In South America H la shorl, j CANNOT SUPPLY DEMAND. I The production of the Coast will r far short of the h mand. lor the local and foreign markei.-. This will nieiin cor- espoiiflinKly hi: I'll, es. The low freight ' rat-s and evcrythhia considered will give the growers a h.tur chance for profits; than they have had in a number of year . CHARITIES AND CORRECTION PEOHIA, 111.. o, t 21. The seventh an nual meeting of the Illinois State con ference of Charities and Correi tions. which formall; opened In Peoria lodayr promises to be the most important ses sion In the hist'iry of the onguniz.itlon Th attendance Is large and representa tive, and several speakers of note are ,i be heard durliit the coming two days Such important s 'hjects as traffic of children, slate -ire of epileptics and feebie minded, and state visilallon of children placed in homs are scheduled for careful con-a h ration. A feature of I the conference nill be the discussion f the question of . .mI service in slate in I stitutions. ; j MACHINERY DEALERS' MEETING . , MEMPHIS. Tei.n . Oct. 21.-Promlnent i moroh.nl. and ma n 11 fact lifer, of TV.a. ! Arkansas. Keniiaky. Alabama, (lirgia and other states sre attending the meet ing; of the South-: u Supply and Machin ery Association which began in Mem phis today. Th,- meeting was called to order at JO o'clock by C, B. Jenkins, of Charleston, S ..' Addresses of weleom.' and routine tm-i oss occupied the fore noon. This afternoon the convention went Into executive session for the con sideration of mailers of great import ance to the trade.' The Question of freight rates Is ne of the most Import ant subjects to receive attention. TEXTILE WORKERS CONFER. "WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. ?1. The annual convention of the United Tx til 'Workers of America opened here to day. Delegates are In attendance repre senting the thousands of textile workers Ih New England and the South. The convention will probably continue several days. 'Wages and conditions of labor will occupy much attention. The annual re port of Secretary IHbbert shows that V) local unions were last rear? ed during the j , G ACROSS THI RIVER ROADWAYS CLOSED East Side Resident Thinks There Is Something Wrong. A general protest has been made by residents of all sections of the East Side on accpunt of the closing up of the ele vated roadways. ' THe City; Engineer mas barricaded the roadway on Larrabee street over, Mont gomery's gulch in Lower Alblna. The bridge Is over 600 feet In length and is over HO feet high. The structure has been used by the'tity ft Suburban Rail way Company for It Lower Alblna line. Since i's closing, however, the cars ,h not cross and a trunsf rr has trr be mail,-. This the puf-sengers strongly object to oa account of the wintry season. The elevated roadway on Williams ave nue near Broadway street has been fenced up for seven. 1 dayii byllie cltv Engineer. This s.rcet belns no of ih Principal I lioroiiKh'nrcs In Albnu. cu ries u majority of the tn.nt v. hull siiue lis close lias be.-n diverted, to other dis tant chj urn Ik. Thai portion uihc l oud way uM.n which tin- Upper Aibinu cars run had been reinforced fiv heavy tim bers, and the curs sre still allowed to cross. Sunnyslde resiilcnix still, cor.'iiiue lo I protest ngullisf the r :'. A eloslug- f t !aeU,VKted raadivay lielwi en Knm I Ninth and East Tenth stnels. GRAND AVENUE STILL CLOKKll Notliing has been ihuic toward milking repairs lo the Gi-md avenue brhlge over Suillvun's gulch since Its cIIiik rom time ago. It Is sold bj coiriiet.Mit en gineers that the bridge Is not In us un safe a condition us It Is mid to lw. The i Ity ft Suburban ( omimny formerly ran a (Jar over the bridge t" connect the l . vlrjgtnn with the East Ankeny line. Thb residents along the si i eel are clam oring for Its operation. A prominent East Hide property own er said: "I don't understand why nil of I the East Side elevated roadways wer" fenced tip at about the same time, it doesn't look possible thai a'l of tlipin were worn out within u few days of each other. There is sum- thing radically wrong in this mutter anil I Intend t bring It up before the various boards of Irnde on this side of the river." SHIPYARDS BUSY Albina Ferr to Resume Run This Week The Arrow. Ths Eaet Bide shipyards are busily en gaged. In building a number of new ves sels and making repairs to various obi ones. Worlt on the government tender being constructed at the yards or Joseph Sup ple Is being rushed foi wiml as rapidly as possible. The vessel will be used as u tendT for lb" carrylr g of supp les be. tween the various nnul stations on the lower river. She will be handsomely fur nlsh.'d ami will l.e one oT the dleyt cn.fls of li.-r kind on Cm river. KEKRY TO fTART SATI IIHAY It lie been sl .ted I,,- Captain Henry Van Aiiic-P. who nn. e na;i- of th- pairs lo tin ferry stiuira-r . H. Ma thai h expects lo colnplel,, til time lo put Inn- on' the AHiln latter part of the wt-i k Tin lindtiauiie extensive ri pah.- VSH-'I in run Un feri ha.i ,i ml u ie ., wl'l he in nrs! ci.n h.i he, a She OK Hi) t ikes to the w i ' r. a li'tler condition than wh n Htructeil. Captain Van Ankin very car- fiil to sc ilia anthill but Ihe soundest planks are put Inlo tin- esse! frame Captain A'au Ank'n says thai hi an mergeliev like this th" ionlll sholll 1 I have another hut;,- f.-i r to Ink,- Ihi ph.ee of thf one lind, !' Irpalv.- A s'eel ', lllllled boat Is SlIKgc-'icd. i A.HP.dW WILL I l.Y i The fleam-r Arrow, utidei con- trui lion ! at- Hie yard of Jnsi pa I'.oiiut. foe; ..f i ICiist ;tk Htr et. wh'n i ,,iapieied is x I peeled lo make a sp,- mI o'' over : mil' s a"n" flour." -Trre" WtrfJHv-rti Vi lit- fiW? 'WH'ffrftrf'f the nam of the ow iici'm of the houl nor i upon which joiue it will be operated Tic- A :row will onl carry passengers iind a very limited amount of haKaKe. The cost will amount to about JC.ilot) FORTY-NINER DEAD Co burn Purrel', an O'd East Side i Resident Passes Away. rohlrn Harre, :ln ,,, rM,,.nMlt ,he ffi a an 0rtln ,.,T llf ,s..,. (1t(1 r:l(hr suddenly Sunday I'veninx t tllo home of his dnrlKhter, Mrs. A. It. w m KaM Tw""-"'ir'1 Mr. Hurrell had Just lioen on a visit to th ''tve ol his wife and wa returning to his daunl.ler's home, when he Wa suddenly s-l'ad with pnlns In his heart, and had to he assisted to th residence two blocks distant. Here he was al lowed to lie dow;i and soon passed peace fully away The deceased was born . in.. Boston March '. I.'!, within a few yards of ill: Hunker lllll monument, in after year he entered ttie services of the govern ment as a navsl carpenter. When the news of the famous jrold discoveries reached the Easl.'Mr. Burrell was one of the first to go bv ship from Boston. He was married to Aurella, J. Montgom ery in September, lira Four sons and two daughters survive him The funeral was held this sfternoon at l:S o'clock from th family residence The body was Interred In Lone Fir Cem etery. Drydock Site. There Is a strong likelihood that the land surrounding Mock's slough, near University Park, will be selected as the site for the Port of Portland drydock. A party of engineers and surveyor I have been . over the ground for the past 1 seek and expre themselves as Mm f favorabls for th loeatln f the dock there. It U said that It is one of tn few place on ths fiver wnr an YI1 abl tit an b seeufed, -that ka ft good bat torn. ' ' WANT PROTECTION St. Johns People Arc at Outs Over Annexation Project. There Is discontent at St. Johns over the efforts to bring that suburb Into the City of Portland by annexation. 8tj Johns people have had some exper ience In hls line and a large number of the property owners are unwilling to again come In. One of the complaining residents says that he owns about one half of the town and he doesn't care t pay Inrg" city taxes on vacant land Bome of the residents, though not fa vorable to a-nneyatSoti. are willing to have the town Incorporated and operate Its own government1. St. Jtihne Is coming to the front as a manufuefiirli'S site, about half a dor.en industries if In; established- tnere In the pn-t two years. A mnrtsger of one of these an id thai omeililne wlil soon have to he done tu ftlve thes Industries fire prote.-tiun The Inrpist sr-wmill In the dty will soon be constructed In this su burb. Ferry Ccmraittee Appointed. President 1). M. Doiiaugh, uf the Scll v.'ood Hoard of Trnrl", has malle his p polutiiu nt of th ilvf members who will try. to Induire the legislature to grant rtollwond a free ferry. The committer wl'l have a bill to iht effect drawn up. Those appointed' were: A. N. Wills, Ed ward Curtis J. M. Nlrkum, W. E. Pet tinger and E. R. Madden. PROPERTY W1EREST SETTLED 111 tin- ilh on e procredingH of Wsrd C. S c(i!ore vs. Dorothea Welir.ore, the mat ter of the division of the property having been settlfd out of court. Judge Bears permitted that part of plaintiff's plea " no stricken out. and hIso hs sgulnsi Martha M. Karrell, a supplemental de fendant. wh was ailegt-a to be conceal ing some of the property. 30 BUILDING LOTS In Central Locations WE HAVE just been authorised to place on the .market b't choice residence lots, surrounded by fine homes. The lot are high and sightly, streets Improved, convrnli -id io two ear lines, at prices tanging from llmiO to fHuiiu per lot. Call nl mil ufllce and learn all about the ii.i rly. hi ul si lect a site for a home in the best irsidyioe pal t of Portland. MON l'AOl'K A K1NU, 228 Btark st. . Good Investment HOARIilNtl HOUSE--12 rooms, rents Toi 4t); lot 72X100 feel: vacant ground sulll cteni for iwo double Hals, close In: will heur Invest inn lion as an Inteiest-beui -Ing pioposlllou. MONTAHI'E A KINO. 2fri Static si. $22tC00 WILL til'Y a fine :'(i-toiy modern house, all well liulslu d. In perfect con dition. M lots, choice assortment of trees mid -liHdil ci y ; lisuled In bfsl pal I in the city. If you wai:t n fine home slrcao; foi i i 1. 1 ih lic y . call and see. .V.c. STATUE & KINO. fltaik st. Fruit Farm SMALL l lil lT Im in on fine of S. P Co . ;n nJliN from rintlund; K. ia lion on tinni: la seres iu hearing prunii ai.il ai'iii.i. I aliii'c t iinher and liaHivne; poo.i soil, fine location; f-ilMHi; JlvOti i -a ih i lo in . i; per cent. MiiXTALUK fi KINO. Slink st. Hi-rnenccs-Ladd & Tll'.on: Portland: U H .National i.auk. Purilaud; Bunk of I'.ilifoi tna Si: n ''"rarclsco; Cioeker W'oolMiulh National Bank. Ban Fran cisco. Memi-ci? f'hicriKti Hoard of Trade, San Kiara l-to Produce L'Kehange. 9an Fran cisco S.oc and Hond Lxchange. Grams, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton. 15H I rniT tsco OtI'.ce: 4.10 I'nlitori'ln fit. ioa Third Street lM'O'LAND. OK. KB ml WILD INDIAN'S r OVTRfQiT Jco ll 'it. M St. I W H tan i- it '- iKe (Kcwatit 14 l id..., tt.cie' the MOI n i'iimVoki!)" fcuSli- Wu re, I t. di:.n V I e- - r-srUtt iL, . t-i li e let I -tlul l4 4J .r. r If tM'ir 4i'i ! Uttlird ietm .,i ner-J I i v x-ifrtiW l-Hrr (TLOur wl . ... i ai'li r'of i'U S ifU'uin .'. -rn,!. l.d.ii. Ht.r. rtir- prcpail n ii .I'.ini m ttiiff't. Iff toi M PLSDLETO WOOLEN MILLS. $ PnJtrtwn. Or. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. THE ONLY THROUGH TRAINS WITHOUT CHANbE OF CARS eETWEEN PORTLAND AND- CHICAGO RUN OVER CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. TIME 70 HOURS TO CHICAGO A.; G. BARKER, ' WI. f tnt, C s K. W. Ahllwaf. 133 Third St., ' " 0JiTLANb, OR iDoiton. DeRuyferKo. JSI mm RAILROAD time tables. EAST via. SOUTH Leaves, f union Depot. ;-;;). . OVfiRLANO " Kit. nstrAim, :30p.m lem. , Has- jburg, Ashjind, Bft ramento. Of its, San Kranclsoo.. Mo ' lave, Los Angele. El Pao. New Or. l it SVC9 leans and the -Bast "t - v, - t f S . JO a m At Wntntttg dally le-ceot Sun day), morning train ior Mt. Angel,- all i verton. B r e w n v i 1 I e, SprlngneUJ Wendling and Nat- ! i - n. 4:00 p.m Albany passenger. ,. f onnecis at W ood bum with Mt An gel and Bliverton local. lfl;l 7:50 a.m Corvallls ii8jPT"!Sherldan passenger, pasaer.ger. 5:59 p.; I 5:25 a.ra Dally. i.Dslly except Sunday. Portland -Oswego Suburban Servlt and Yamhill Olvlilon. L-JOt Foot of Jeff.rsen tteeet. Leave Portland daily lai Oswega at 7:20 a. m.: 12 30. 1:56. 3:25. 1:ttl "3 p' "V Pa"y "cept Sunday. :M: 1:4 a. tn.; 6:05. 1 1 :S0 p. m. Sunday only, ;M a. m . Returning from Oswege arrlv Port Inml dally S:30 a. m.. 1:36. 3:10, 4:10, gill J000 P- m- eaoept Bunds fl;!5 9:30. 10:60 a. m. Esicent MoBoay 12 -1 1 a, m. Sunday only T0:0f a. m. L.-ave from same depot foe Dallas 4d4 Intermediate points dally except Bunda 6 i5 p. m. Arrive Portland S:80 a. m. The Independence-Monmouth .Motet T.lne operates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with Southern Paclflo Company's trains at Dallas and Indepead er.ee. Rebate ticket on sal between Port. land. Sacramento and San Franolsea, Net rates $17.60 first class and $14 second class. Second class Includes sleeper, first class does not. Ticket to Eastern point and Europe; also Japan. China, Honolulu and Aus tralia. City Ticket Office corner htra and Washington streets. Phone Msln fit. C. W. STINGER. W. B. COMAN. City Ticket Agent. Osn. Pa. Agl Oregon Shopj urn k Union Pacific If.kui; IkAINS DAILY I C1R ALL OINrS EAST l MUS I l'.l' ' I . i m I Ann aSPl-.CIAI.. I or tho iO.ist M4 Hunt liiiiton lam I." it in Dully Sf'Oi. ank I-lAicI'.. j I'or tension Washinu ' toil.' Al alia 'Wuiii. Lv'w-'i:! lDt iston. (Jueur ,)' A lene I ljuiiy am Cre.it Nori tu-ri. : t.ca a in' Dully : I i ?''-"VN ''i1'';t1: !:. . m!:ia iii r icon's imiik- itiaton. RIVER SCHiiDULE. '),! ASTOIiiV cut t.vo . u. way points, i ohcci li: , iii .- It m w I kit. for llwin n. t l-l'n. ; Usiiy "i ih ilciii h. sir Mart- '" ; er .nt. .-1 -..ii't ... sh si. un.li. ti ! ' 'if I "A YTtlN. Ui wii.ui. ; Cl and i iiniall I' ' M III ( iM..i. vv.i.'. points, sir. Modoc. AU .' -i,. ilnelf I I Hill., Water permlttlnR. I'"- ' ' TICKET OFFICE. Third "an.? Wusia ton. Telephone, Main IU, . PORTLAND & .ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong. kllintf t Kobe. Naxasakl and Shane baL aaktaal freight via connecting steamer for Ma nils. Port Arthur and Vlsdlvoafocg. INI iRABAMHA SAILS ABOUT OCT. It. For rate and full information call oa or address offlclals or agents of th tX It. N. Co. TIME CARD 1 V - " -TRAINS ORTLANDi , Leavsawd .Arrives. . Puget Bound Limited 1:26 a. m. 1:4 a, tu. ' Kanaa Ctty-8t v Louis Special, tll:Wa. m. U:l ,, North Coast Limltsd 1:30 p. tn. 1:D a. au , acoma. Seattle Night Express 11. 'tip, tr. It rsv Take Puget Bound Limited, or Nort Coadt Limited (or Gray Harbor point Take Puget Sound Units tar Qlyaapia Take Puget Sound Limited of kaJaaaa ity8W -Louis-, apsclal- lor jwlata pt.. South Bend Irsncu. - Double daily train servia M Orafs) Harbor branch. Four trains dally bstwten Pafttsad sYOot Tacoma and tattta. ft U. , Assistant General Passenger AftaL - 155 Morrison St.. Portland. 3r. , - " "-'." Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DEPOT, FlrTH AND t 8TRKET8 Leaves. Arrl ves. , For Msygers. Rain- ter.Olstskanle, Wests port, C'titton, Astn rta, Warrenton, Fla vel. Hammond. Kort Stevens, Oearhart Pk., Seaslde.Astortn and Seashore Ex press. Dally. Astoria Expretfc Dally :0O A. M. Hill A. U. T:00 P. M. Ticket offlca, tsi Morrison trt sad Union Depot; - ' - 1 J. C. MATO. Oeneral Passsagar Agsai. Astoria Or. . 30 JsaurLh Vd (wiih or without Btii'" n Thi i and Reiairat Jarmruu Ifwunwr irA.--m fC svii MtvtM Ltm Pwr. t rfc n i snauli . . H a fall sL. . . u..i.ir aua. t h m IITiail'll ijrf'V" - i 349 StOlM tU, I lil 11 SOtftts IQl I if.-., 0, 3- I