The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 21, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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The Okbpi Daily Journal
jocavAt publishcm compawt
rv , Proprtotora.
"'' '' Add res
J8 Yamhill St- Between Fourth and Fifth
- ' ' Portland, Oregon.
Indopondont Demoeratio Paper of Oregon.
Entered at tho postofftc of Portland.
Oregon, for transmission through th
pi lis as second-class matter.
Postage for single oopiee For an , 10
r M-page paper, 1 cent; 16 to 28 pages, 2
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Telephone! ...
Busine Office: Oregon Main. BOO;
polumbla. 706.
Editorial Rooms: Oregon Main. 08.
v City Editor: Oregon Main, 260.
The Dally, by Carrier.
jne journal, aix month ...
The Journal, three month
a journal. ty the week
Th Dl1w htf Mali.
on journal, ny mau, one y ear
The Journal, by mail, six months .. 2
ah Journal, by mall, three months. . 1
The Journal, by mall, oneyear
m ,
r , - Weekly and ml-Weekly.
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The Weaklr Journal St conies, one
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i Where subscribers are served with a
daily mail Tho Daily Journal at $4 a year
... by mail la the beet paper to take; where
they are served twice a week. The Twloe-
a-Week Journal Is an excellent news
rveyor or, where once a week, taae
ha Weekly Journal. ,
. All three issues carry all th news, lo-
cat, state and general, special features,
article by distinguished writers and full
maxiter taaerta. Address,
Box tlX.:, .,. , , .,, ... Portland. Or.
, The Eastern -' representative of
this paper la Albert E. Haasbrook.
1 Times Building, New York, and
Hartford Building, Chicago.
When vou leave the eltv or ahanoa vour
AdOre, even for one week, don't fall to
.calt-pt Dullness office and leave your
r croon tor Th Oregon Da Iv Journa I.
.1 i i i
.. A British - Columbia coal miner gave
- tome important testimony before a royal
commission. Investigating the cause of
recent taplottorur at Pernie and Nanalmo
. coal mines. He said the most disastrous
explosions, had resulted from a practice
ef too rigid economy;. In the way of saving
Instead of requiring Che miners to re
tnain outside the shafts and drifts. long
enough, to allow the gasses to disappear,
(hay. war compelled by foramen to enter
the mines, with lighted lamps, where
gasses remained in sufficient quantity to
- causa an explosion. This is the sworn
testimony of a miner on the witness
. Stand. lje says that the inexperienced
' .7 among -th miner would obey the orders
to go back, the older men remaining out-
aide. These orders were alvnn frnm hnait.
era "of hours of "dead" tlme'showh up
daily, in waiting for mines to clear after
- blasting, AS a, result of the order several
. fira damp. xploaions have occurred in
IWhlch many lives and a great amount of
' property were destroyed.
That this economy Is disastrous. The
amount of time lost In one day in a mine
.working 200 men, by this force waiting
for t minutes twice a day for the gas to
clear out after blasting would be 29 work
ing; days, of 4Q hours each. At 2 per
day, there 20 working days of lost time
Would amount to $SI per day, clear loss,
. t to the operator. This is from the business
. standpoint. It is the way the matter
. foots up In the office of the company audl-
tor. ; ,
fiut thtre is a side to it, which is not
howa on the balance sheets. Suppose one
tnaA toes bock tdjyork 10 minutes before
the ventilating chambers and fans have
, Cleared the gasses away; perhaps this one
man's life is not reckoned by the com
- pany to be worth much; but suppose' his
. Ignorance, combined vlth the rigid rule of
economy sent out from an office, results
in an explosion which wrecks, the mine
' 1 il fl. 1 Iff" jm m. .j.a liu. Mx.m r 111
tunneL " Its income stops. The work of
years of painstaking labor must all be
' ' done over again, under very disagreeable
conditions. The company pays out its
reeerve funds In repairs, looses its place
In the business circles, while non-productive,
and Is set back at least a year in Its
paying capacity.
la this economy a kind that saves
money? Is there not a business principle
Involved in the conduct of all large enter
prises which takes the broad ground that
safety, while paying less actual dividend
than risk, is th soundest basis? This
priricIfiT also" considers the human Hfe as
iworthy of a high regard. It is a sort
,? of economy that reasons out conditions
. pnd surroundings before It Issues Iron.-clBd
, rules. It is an economy that saves and
pHest tip., f oFtuneer .ai4 reepeetaWlity -
The Common Council of the City of
Tortland proposes to permit the essential
" point t escape them in the matter of the
franchises asked for by the street rail
way company. Important as it Is that
Juat .compensation be paid for the pur
. chase , of the right to run over public
. street-land for a term of years, the exact
- aum-paid Just now is pot so important, so
- vital,' as the giving up of the right to
regulate fares 'and other features of cper-
atioa tha,t .pertain to the rights of the
people. -1 .; -t-
. The plea of the street railway company
that money does hot seek Investment in
treet railway eeeurlties in a city wherein
uch right are reserved. Is btwh. It has
"lee4 fought ont In a score of scores of
cltle and with the rtsult that todajrhsrs;
"are prosperous companies submitting to
alterations front time to time, as eondl
tlona changa
Indeed, the very essence of the fran
chise clauae contained in the new char
ter la hV there shall be ne such unre
stricted francnlaeprivlleg granted. Th
now charter demands that the people tire
street franchises subject to regulation by
tho Council. This it the essential point
regulation y the Council, power retained
to conserve he interest of tho people
cooruing as cenaition alter With The
passing years.
And yet there are cltisena of prominence
and high standing who urge tho Council
to enact Into law a "pro poled ordinance
that virtually makes the street railway
qpmpany owners of the streets for
quarter of a century.
It passe understanding that there
should be such a scramble to escape the
provisions of the new charter and that
such extensive privileges should be asked
in the premises, and so few see the value
of what is asked, and so few object to tli
consummation of plans that amount to
circumventing the determined .will of th
people of the city aa expressed in the last
lection when the charter Waa adopted
by a 10-to-i vote.
-Ehali the hMrch, th"oHeger-th tiew
pital and other Institutions of that kind
accept from sinners a share of the wages
of sin? That is the question Kev. E.
Bradford Leavttt of San Francisco, from
his pulpit, answers In th negstlve.
It seems to Us that he 1 mistaken. If
the institutions named wait for financial
aid until only virtuous twenty-dollar
pieces come to them, they will soon go
out bf business.
Senator Stanford's munificent endow
ment of the Stanford .University Is un
doubtedly beneficial to humanity, and yet,
if ever money was covered with the
crimes of bribed Congressmen, debauched
legislation and robbery of the people, that
money waa.
Th University of Chicago is a grand
institution, but we see no reason why
it should refus the gift of a small portion
Of the coin strueexed Out of the public by
Rockefeller. - - -
Carnegie's aid to the libraries is mildly
beneficial, yet his money was the result
of Infamous tariff rates, and was stained
with th blood of many of his employes,
shot down in oold blood at Homestead.
We fall to see wherein the money is
tainted, and. Indeed, H seems that this
Is the very money that should be devoted
to charitable and benevolent purposes.
Accepting ih"mone
imply that the manner of obtaining the
money Is indorsed or justified, -The state
punishes a person Violating Its laws by
Dnlng him, and It uses the money so pro
cured in its business, yet the state can
hardly be said to approve the crime.
And, again, in the plan of salvation
Was it not told the rloh man to Sell all
he had and give unto the poor? Is it not
also a tenet of the church that the penl
tent may, even at the last hour, be saved ?
If it is practically Impossible for a rich
man to get to heaven, what chance is
there for the Carneglea and Rockefellers
and Vanderbllta, unless they can give to
the poor or get rid of their money In some
way? "-'-y ''
However, the discussion of the question
is a waste of time, for aa long as there
are those who would, give to colleges, etc.,
there-will be an abundance of both secular
and religious institutions to receive the
goods, and not look too closely in the gift
horse' mouth.
If Charle Lord ha any respect for
himself he will tell the public who are
the members of his Law Enforcement
League. He will show that he Is not in
the employ of the Very people who de
sire that there be laxity In the enforce
ment of law. He will repel by some sub
stantial showing the charge that he acta
in good faith. v
It Is not pleasant to say so, but Mr.
Lord is under the necessity of giving
some exceedingly good reason why he
now fayors so earnestly a principle of
which he has never heretofore been a
distinguished exponent. It Is not light
to be eternally retroactive and to always
go into the past for a search after acta
and records that are inconsistent with
present professions. Tet the people quite
generally wonder , that Mr. Lord, once
viewing so differently the matter of law
torney, now blossom out Into a, martyr
to the wrath of men with whom his rela
tions have ever been very pleasant the
men who want law unenforced.
Mr. Lord's unsupported word does not
suffice. He must show to the people, and
show them quickly, who are behind him,
that they are men of auoh statua as to
give the earnest of sincerity to Mr.
Lord's acts. His wordy moutbtngs in re
ply to citizens of high standing and
known freedom from taint of sympathy
with law breakers have convinced no
The story comes from Belgrade that
Queen Diaga boxed th royal ears of her
husband, King- Alexander, and did it in
syatematlc -and'selentlflo manner. The
row started over the Queen's allowance of
pin money. The royal revenues are not
large, not as large as Carnegie's or
Schwab's; and heretofore the Queen has
had an allowance of 4400 per month for
those Incidental expenses so minutely de
scribed by Xenophen, but commonly
known as pin money. . .
Alexander waa a little shy on collection
day and concluded to fatten the royal
coffers by levying an Income tax on the
queen's private purse. Then the row be
gan, and the King got the full benefit of
a special presentation of that well-known
play, "The Royal Box."
In the meanwhile the pin appropriation
has been cut in two, and the bill re
ported back to th house. When the con
ference committees meet we put our
sesterces on the proposition that the
original 4MrtitWftl tat "pTrfticR In the
bill, for Alexander need not now weep
for lack of something to conquer. He
has a government contract oil that line.
If Kansas were not so younjf in tradi
tion, she might b consistently called the
"tamping ground' Of th Nation. -
President Roosevelt, when asked by a
member of the Cabinet If the operation of
having; the bone of hi leg scraped was
painful, replied: "Well. It was not a sea
son of unalloyed pleasure, and when they
got down deep, I felt as if I should like to
have another talk with that PitUfield
motorman." We might imagine, from the
suggestion ia th speech, that th Presi
dent wanted to retaliate, by talking a
limb from the motorman. The law reeds
"an eye for an eye," etc.
If any one, exeepl the Sultan, had writ
ten that book disclosing th secret crook
ed nee of th European monarch, w
oould believe It. But the Bultan's record
as a "truthful James" Is so miserably
poor that we prefer , to believe the mon
arch straight in the face of apparent
crookedness than to believe them crooked
on the Bultan's word.
The Ctar wants to divorce his wife be
cause she does not bear him a son. At
the same time, in some parts of his do
minions, the husband Is treated to a visi
tation of the knout when a girl baby I
born in his family.. The Cxar might have
the remedy tried on himself.
Cleveland advises Democrats to stand
by tariff reform. He speaks from ex
perience. Elected on a tariff reform plat
form he immediately called a special ses
sion of Congress to monkey with th
money queOtion. Then he went to Bus
sard's Bay, to think.
A fuel famine In Portland would have
one good phase, Inasmuch a It might
cause some of the unsightly bill boards to
be used for fuel.
General Corbln dined with Edward
Seventh recently, and the latter told him
he was glad to see him, because, he said,
I feel we are not only friends but rela
tives. Then General Corbln began to
well until his $800 uniform sprung a
doxen leaks.
Judge Hogue is becoming either sar
castic or cruel. He fined a violator of th
city ordinances 116 and said he would
have fined him more, only he had a wife
and mother-in-law to support, and he let
him off to do 1L -
In a Berlin Insane asylum I a patient
whose hair is yellow when she is not ex
cited, but; which turns red When eh gets
angry. There is proof positive as to th
fiery temper of red-headed people.
The Eastern colleges are advocating
giving the bachelor's degree at the end of
two years. In th meanwhlle.the Dakota
divorce courts will confer the degree of
widower in fiv minutes.
The San Francisco Bulletin says "few
men are wise In judging women." Right
you are, only you don't go far enough.
No men are wise enough to even think
they can Judge women.
Leon Sklxlwinoasmolowsky was sent
enced to 10 days In jail at Long Island
City, but his sentence expired whil the
Irish Jailor was trying to get his nam on
the jail record.
Will "female messenger boys" go. In
quired the exchange editor of th chief.
If they don't travel faster than the male
ones, growled the telegraph, editor, they
won't go far.
The doctors tell us not to breathe the
.nlKht.aU-.Jout j4flBgabau,t,il.p, jn.s.that'sj
the only kind we have, or been able to
find, and we've always had to take that or
When the cooking school graduate cast
her bread upon the waters it didn't return
after many days. Th attraction of
gravitation compelled it to remain on the
The world loves a warrior, and the King
of Italy and the Pope have made no
change in that universal sentiment by re
fusing to meet the Boer Generals.
And now when there is ho coal, and
everybody In the East Is shivering.
Evangelist Fry comes to the front with
the assertion that there is no hall.
New Orleans has an old ihossback who
rejoices that the street cars are not run
ning. It makes the elty so nice and quiet,
like it was 60 years ago.
Oregon feels lonely, with a splendid cam
paign echoing over her. from both Idaho
and Washington. Our festivities are
booked for a later date. -
Peary says the Arctic lone is a good
ealth resort As he wants $200,000 to pay
his next year's beard bill there, it must
be first class.
The local indebtedness of Great Britain
is said to be 300,000,000.r This does
not Include those old baccarat debt at
Monte Carlo.
The Klii r said I waa his relativ. said
General Corbln. True, replied OenaraTT
Wood, but he wa only trying to tray
deuce you.
The Venesueia revolutionist hav
placed a price on President Castro's head.
If it fv than It U1 be a fluotuatlng
Oh, Lord, pray tell at
Who the s acred ten time fix
The vague, mysterious sixty ar.
Who are making vigorous kick
Against the penny Blotters.
Pray tell us who hy be.
These mighty men of action "
And exceeding modesty.
To our benighted vision,
'Tis sad to say, but true,
They look like "Mrs, Harrises.
Oh! if we only knew
Who the wis mn and faithful
Are, who mean to Close the town,
And teach out worthy Mayor bow
To call the gambler down!
We think he know his builness.
Our Mayor, staunch and 'rue;
But of course the aaoTed sixty
Can direct him what to do.
Overheard on the street: - Now I don't
mind if a fellow talis me a cheerful lie,
but when h tells me one that makes me
want to go oft and hang myself, I'm
down on him. If the pessimistic liar
-4ha -I- have eTrudge. guBL'-' . .. .,
"Great thing, thl absent treatment
greatest discovery of th ge!"
"Well, yes, wonderful but dangeroua
Now mere's Simoklns Simuklns' cas3 Is
peculiar, I admit, but it Illustrates how
even a good thing may b too long drawn
cut, as it, were. Slmpkins M! in with a
Christian Scientist on th train going out
to Roseburg one day last June. She was
a sweet-faced, gentl little tllng, and It'
wasn't more than ten minutes oofore she
was unlocking his inner consciousness
with Mrs. Eddy' key .to the Scriptures.
She noticed that game leg ( Slmpkins'
right away, you know one of Ills Itgs
was always a trifle shorter than the otn
er. and offered to give him Vomnt treat-
i. ent for It. He wa pollte'y ' cptic-.l.
hui hc held U mad io .01(101100
Slmpkins thaf.l.ed rer, and whoii she got
off the trsln at Eugene She said by way
of farewell that she Would o"i' .iis case
in mind and he might exp-tt rcauits
"Manlike, however, he forn"t all about
It till one morning a month lat.;r he was
el rprlsed 10 a ttfVer that tne sf'ort c
had lengthened out. After t)u he kept
c!i if tab oh It, and alto he irir.l to ob
tain the address of the fair cintia in
order thst h might write and express
his grstltude and thank htr In some sub
stantial fashion, ou can Imagine his
Joj', he jiacj Jlmoed all his life and now
to oe cured in mis miraculous ana pain
less manner"
"Wonderful, wonderful! V tell you
there's nothing equal to It' '
"Well, that's the way Slmpkins felt.
then along about the middle of Septem
her a change came o'er the spirit of his
dream, so to speak, that leg had kept
right on stretching out and he found by
actual measurement hat It was half an
Inch longer than th other. He writing
to all the lady Scientists in the country,
and putting frantic ada. in the pa purs in
the hope of opening up communications
with that particular healer and stopping
the treatment, for his leg Is still grow
ing. Yes. Christian Science Is a great
thing, it can. go too. far."
"No," remarked th pretty girl- in th
picture hat, "we are not fickle. Men
misjudge us when they call us Incon
stant. It Is only that we -change our
mlhds." (
"I Was over In Washington. The stu
dents from a college in Idaho came down
one day lant week to take part In an
oratorical contest," said th traveling
man to his friend, "and When they carrtetf
off the honors the Washlngtonlans drove
them home."
"In a coach and four?" asked the friend,
Who was only mildly interested.
"Coach and four nothing," exclaimed
the traveling man. "They used brick
bats." "O mamma," aaid Jlmmle, aged 4, "Kit
ty says there isn't any Santa Claus any
more, her teacher tola her so. 1 s'pos
next thing I'll be finding out that there
Isn't any neaven and the angels ar Just
"If love Is a dream," the maiden cried,
-"lata a dream that will last forever."
"If love Is a dream." her lover algher,
"I hope I shall waken, never."
That ias a year and a month ago.
They were married in last September.
And they both look forward to the oourt'a
That will set them free in November.
"T dofff know wtry 1 r Is;" - said -the - edi
tor to his assistant, "but every time that
woman comes into the office I am seised
with an overwhelming and irresistible
desire to sneexe."
"Oh, that' easily explained," replied
th assistant. "You know you are subject
to hay fever."
"I don't see how that ha anything to
40 with It," snapped the editor.
"Well, it has. That woman uaea new
mown hay on her handkerchief."
Il l seldom that the old furriery rhyme
Is reproduced in real life, but that was
the surprise given the guests Of Mr. and
Mrs. John O, H. Pitney on Friday even
ing. The fourth course, supposed to be gam
pie, was brought' on by-the waiters ia
two large dishes and placed at each end
of the table, When the covers were re
moved there fluttered into the air two
dosen live canaries. The branches and
limbs of th decoration were soon alive
with them, and their singing drowned
even the exclamations of astonishment
from the guesta
Even the hostess was surprised. - She
had' given th steward, Mr. James Bar
ber, oarte blanche, merely remarking
that shs'd like to .have something out of
th ordinary. H certainly filled the or
der to the satisfaction of everybody.
New York Herald.
City Editor What did you discharge
that reporter for?
Managing Editor-For lying. I eent him
bp to interview -my mother-in-law, ana
ha. cum ..back and said ah wouldn't talk.
-Chicago American.""
In return for a monopoly of the prepa
ration of opium in china a German firni
at Shanghai hi ottered the Chine gov
ernment an annual eayaient f evr P6,-
-- . ...... v..
Scorched, but Stilt Patriotic.
Gcrvaia public, cltUen. wk Or o
ago subscribed, something like t?0. toward
a taroy recognition of Admiral Clark.
Since that time fire destroyed the town
and the following, roessaga has been re
ceived: "If any subscriber to the Clark
testimonial suffered material loss by the
recent fire in Gervtls can cancel his
subscription at once," An answer has
been returned that every subscriber was
"scorched,' but not a sent will b asked
returned. Ah effort will be made to com
plate the original promise Of (25 to the
fund. aervaf Star.
A Second Pennsylvania.
ir th coal strike Jn the East is not
ended soon, the Western portion of the
United States wilt look to the Morrow
county coal field to supply them. Prom
all appearances we can meet the demand
In time, a Indications point to a vast
amount of coal. As yet there has been
nflJWeat,1aUsatltv..ha.uled .9u.(Uubjj.t fts
wagon road is practically completed,' we
expect to be burning our Own production
In th hear future and will not be depend
nt on the outside world for fuel sup
plies. The people of this county general
ly do not seem to realize what it means
to have a second Pennsylvania In our
midst Gold mines will be no compart
son. Heppner Garette.
His Request Wat Granted.
. Already Morgan has begun to use his
great power to coerce others, but on this
occasion his weapons were turned against
the mammoth beef trust. Morgan fairly
took this trust by the throat and de
mended that he be given the underwrit
ing of the corporation or his ship com
bine would reduce freight rates on rne
product handled by the trust. His "re
quest" was granted. This means a rool
110,000,000 in Morgan's pocket and demon
atrates that he can be a dictator for good
or evil. It Is Roosevelt's purpose to are-
vent, If possible, one mnn possessing
power to paralyse a. whole nation.
Aurora Borealls.
Somewhat Poetls.
The autumn days are here. VThe sun
swings southward as he piles his course
across the dome of axure and flings down
his golden kisses on the fleecy veil tha
nature stretches 'twlxt the earth and
sky -to hide- fr&m view the v tears ..that
constant-fall In autumn season and the
Inter through. And nature rhanirp its
great coat of green for one like Jacob's
with its many colors patches here of
yellow a crazy quilt designed, artistic.
such as He alone can make who weaves
Nature's loom. Eugene Register.
Passing of the 0lg Rancher.
Slowly but surely the Western ranch
man Is being crowded to the wall by en
croachments of the small farmer and new
Settlements, and it will not be many
years before the rauge cattle, will be
come as scarce as buffalo ere now. The
grass that furnished food for the cattle
on the range will supply the mall farm
er with sustenance for his herd of tame
stock. This is true In all jhe- csffie
growing sections. Texan, Indian Terri
tory, New Mexico, Dakota, Wyoming and
Montana stockmen admit that they are
being crowded out and many of thejn
predict that within twenty years the
range will be so broken up that the
business will no longer he profitable, and
the farmers will" sneered them as cattle
producers of the country. Sheridan Sun.
An Age of Big Things."
Frank Andrews, a Michigan bank
wrecker, who robbed his bank of $1,000,
000, has beer! Sentenced to fifteen years'
imprisonment In default of giving ball
in the sum of $100,000. If he had stolen
horse it would probably have been
twenty years, at least the enormity of
the crime seems to lessen the term of
sentence In these times. It Is nn ago of
big things. The man who does thlnps
on a big scale Is the man admired,
whether It be a bank wrecker, a highway
man or a trust manipulator. East Ore-
Where Strikes Are Unknown.
New Zealand has done the most daring
things ever attempted by any modern
government. The New Zealanders claim
that New Zealand ia a country without
strikes. Laborers and employers have
their disputes there as elsewhere, but
the one cannot quit work, or the other
teefcjout .Workmer pending a settlement
of the dispute in courts. It Is also
Country without paupers or poorhouses,
for Injured workmen are cared for by
their employers. The aged workman Is
pensioned by the government as a sol
dier of Industry worn out In the rtonks.
The government owns not, only the post
al system, but the express service, the
telegraph lines and the railroads. Re
cently it has purchased a coal mine to
supply its locomotives with fuel, and
It Intends to compete with private mines
In the sale of coal tp the public far
enough to keep the price of coal down
Itoa reasonable figure. McMlnnvllle Tele-
Government Ownership.
It Is coming government ownership of
public utlllzes-but the people, between
striker and operators, must be squeezed
harder than in this coal strike before
they will look Intelligently kilo the fu
ture and call for enactment of laws,'
and amendments to the Constitution, that
will hav a tendency to ward off further
Inconveniences and hardships by the gov
ernment assuming ownership. Then em
ployes, organized, like the letter-carriers.
111 not strike for what they want, but
will work through, the ballot box to gain
their ends, and will not fail to realize
on their expectations. Woodburn Inde
pendent .
Baron de Bradsky and his engineer
were both .killed at Paris while sailing
through the air." for one reason or
other. White the effort was successful,
th car became detached fram the bal
loon and thy felt a distance of a hun
dred treWPeoris, News. ,
water is dangerous:-
If all men drank water." , explained
the orator, "there would be no warlike
contentions In th world. The spirit 01
peace and happiness would reign."
Did you ever know a Bengal tiger
to die . a ,drtinkard;t death?'' inquired the I
skeptic in th corner. Washington Times
Portland Nd Ralkfoa. , ,
PORTLAND, Or., Oot. .-To th Edl
tor: Hunjan, affair, serm t have their
tide like the sea; l ties especially hay
their period of ebb and flow and for.
tunato is a city If te oitixen diacern th
rising tide and profit -by. it rather than
be outstripped by Pther cjtie,.
Portland is Just now coming up to com
merclal condition! which' mean' great ad
vancement for us it w tah advantage
of them, or th revert if W do Hot We
must decide whether th spirit of progress
shall be entertained or banished.
Railroads ar the greatest element in
city building, because we have ceased 1
most entirely to do work with animal
power, steam and electricity haying tak
en Its place. The latter power Indeed has
almost driven the truck-horse to pasture.
There 1 nothing unique in the railroad
situation In Portland. , Nature's laws
govern In this as In everything else.
Anyone observinjtjhe magofj Pqj'Und,
win goo that west romana ties in an el-
hp w of the river and is thickly built up
from Nlcolal street in the north, almost
to Hamilton avenue In the south, and
from the river back to the hills about one
mile. The grades rise rapidly from- t-he
river back to the hills, and the only por
tion of the city on the West Bide where
the grades are admlssable for a railroad
doing a freight business Is aldng the
water front, which ia built solidly.
It Is apparent to every one that no more
freight roads can travers the city from
north to south oh the West side of the
Willamette River. But Portland has not
neatty enough railroads. If we are to be
a city we must have more of them, roads
that will develop not only the city but the
state and the district immediately tribu
tary to. the city.
A farmer living IS miles out ought not
to have to spend a whole day to market
a .ton of produce when a car could carry
it for him for less than a dollar. A que
tloner might now ask where Is the best
place fur our increasing railroad activity?
A glance at the map will show that the
city on the east side of the river Is on the
outside of the curve reaching from Uni
versity Park to Sllwood, and that most
01 the country bordering th river Is al
ready low enough for sultablee railroad
grades. One tun easily Imuglne that soma
day the water front from Portland clear
nrottnd to Vancouver Wifl with
railroads, wharves, manufacturers and
ships. But this Is In the future. There
arc things up to us now.
I do not know that the sentiment "Two
cities out in Oregon atgwPovidence
PiVst-d a river through" is exactly log-
cal, but the district extending from the
sled bridge Id Sell wood seems to have
I'fen made 011 purpose for commerce, e-
Kdally that portion from Burnslde street
bridge to Inman A 1'oulsen's mill. Th
made here are right. It is in the heart
uf the city. The warehouses can do a
wholesale and retull business; wholesale
n cause when railroads are constructed
tor it. a ship at the dock can discharge
argo into a cur for the interior; retail,
Mt-ause this district IS convehfeMt ttf'the
flail business of the city.
The district Is now traversed by the
Southern Pacific and" Union Pacific, great
roads, both of them. But this Is not suf-
Icient. We want roads that will do more
of a retail railroad business. Roads that
will reach the farmers quickly and many
times each day.
This will not only accommodate the
fuimer and enable htm to take advantage
of the market, but will build up the retail
trade of Portland. The Oregon Water
Power & Railway Company is building
for this business, not a street railway
business, and Is showing Its faith by Its
works. It Is spending large sums of mon
ey every day, and is asking the city for
wo or three franchises that ought to be
granted without a moment's hesitation,
because they amount to simply terminal
fiu'iHtles. One of them is almost entirely
for the right to cross streets connecting
property it has purchased, and another
or the right "to run along East Water
street through a district where the prop-
ity owners generally want the road.
The company has been exceedingly care
ful of the interests of others and has paid
freely for property rather than resort to
ondematlon proceedings. This company
ought to have the franchises, and we
ought to encourage it for selfish motives.
If not others, for It will help our property
-along -the-1 to,, and the. -whole-olty-ln gen -
eral. J. C LUCKEL,
Ex-Councilman from the Sixth Ward.
President Roosevelt in one of hi
speeches having drawn a comparison be
tween a trust and a river, a contributor
to an Eastern exchange Is moved to offer
a few reasons why A trust Is like a river
which our honored President neglected to
ifKmflon." ' ' " " -
It looks on the level, but It Isn't.
It is always next to the banks.
There are sometimes a great many.
bluffs along the way.
gome are a "dam site" worse than
There Is a lot of water In Borne of them.
Its course Is strewn with wrecks.
It flows through many communities ot
Tt "Is ' usually rather crooked.
It floats bubbles nicely.
The big fish In It gobble up the small
fry. '
It runs smoothest where the waters
are deepest.
It abounds with "rocks."
Suckers are numerous.'
It takes an awful frost to stop H-
Beware of running"thraplda "
Trusts are like rivers.
Dam the trust! '-
The small dealers In stationery in this
quarter have neartjr ruined Broadway.
Rents are cheap, and no sort of help Is
employed In the conduct of a buslnens,
for the proprietor's rife and children do
11 the buying, selling, 'packing, dllver-
ng, etc. Children fiee an 'institution on
the East Sid,- A- fattwr,
11 unless he hfts flye el leven d&ub,ter
"rend" three' or four sees. These begin
working at 5 or 0 years and keep at It
When a large business Is built up they
move to the swell streets or avenues ana
become aristocrats. They will buy gqods
from the Broadway Jobber and lmmedi-
tely undersell, him at .a profit New
York. Press. - .. .
Marquam "Beald - thfr Bohm Brie
Bush," J. 11. Stoddart.
Th Baker-"Friends."
Cordray' "Convict' Daughter."
Marquam "Beside the Bonnie Brier
BusVt Wednesday night,
West's Minstrels, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday nights, and popular price
matinee Saturday, 1:15 p. m.
ine Baker Friend," for th week.
Cordray's "Convict's
Daughter," fee
the week.
Great Play, Great Acttr.
J. IL Stoddart gave to tiv 0 i - 01
th Marquam last night the itu mi , .,1 y
that 1 icliowe Mtiora than if-"T' frtw'
pf training in the art Of acting. The m-e-
sentatlon of the yames MoArthur drama
tization of lan 'Maclaren'e "Beside the
Bonnie Brier Bush" was a realization ot
the highest ideal when th eactor Is the
equal In hi art to the writer of the play.
J. H. Stoddart Is a great actor, an actor
of the old school, who attains the acme
of art In exact portrayal of truth. In
deed, there ts a paucity Of, , words ade
quately to describe the man and hi per
fect work. -He is upon the highest level.
He Is more than equal to requirements.
He could have fallen below his standard
and j et been great The best com pi i
meht that could be paid him is to say
that it waa J. If. Stoddart that placed
the part of Lachlan Campbell, and when
that be said there is nothing mora to
say, for Stoddart himself Is a stanlard
of excellence. 1
There was such support as scfJom
comes with any star to the Pacific Coast.
There was Reuben Fax, as - Pos'y, ' Mr.
Fat being, so It is said among the ;.ro
fesslon, a protege of Mr. Stoddart. who
was delightful as a comedian. Mr 1'hll
llps was a most pleasing Rv Mr. Car-
michael.N Mr. Bassett won the audience
with a good portrayal of Or M.r-i .nr.,
Mr. Jackson was quite gocft as lord
Donald. Mr. Duncan showvi to advan
tage as Tammas. Mr. McDonald Was -a
dignified Earl Klisplndle. 7
Miss Mulklns, who took the leading
part of the ladles as Flora, was thor
oughly equal to the demands of so Im
portant a character, and Miss Baldwin
as Annie was sweet and charming, while
Miss Holmes was excellent as Kate Car
negie. The settings are beautiful and appro
priate, and the singing of the always
lovable Scotch ballads by a capable male
quartet with Mr. Easton aa the tenor.
ent an air of sentiment to the produc
tion that was wonderfully pleasing.
If the Marquam Is not crowded to the
doors tonight, it will be an Indictment
against Portland's appreciation of the
bes products of the stage. If the house
be-not Ailed -to-capacity, then need Port
land no more ask managers to bring
good things to the Coast Few better,
none much better, ever will he n,n in
Portland than J. 11. Stoddart and his
capable company,
'The Convict's Daughter" at Cordray's.
Laughter, tears and smiles chased each
other throughout the production of "The
Convict s Daughter" Cordray's Theater
last evening. One 'VnfWite the audience
Is roaring with laughter and the next the
tears flow swiftly down the check of every
The play Is well presented and deserved
better patronage than was afforded it last
evening.- It runs for the 'remainder of tle
At the Baker.
The Neill Stock ( 'ohijiany -holl-i tlx
excellent business ihnt has ri.n! Iv
crowded that piny house nnd 1 a
presentation of the i-m,-dv-dranyi
'Friends," winning praise from ev-n-oiu-.
There are strong features in the ,,-ci.
and the company Is accorded uVs. t wt'
recognition by frequent recall.".
West's Minstrels.
That minstrelsy has lost none of Its
attractiveness and general drawing quali
ties with the American public has been
amply demonstrated this season bv the
phenomenal success that has attended the
tour of the .William n. West big minstrel
jubilee, which will appear at the Marquam
Grand Theater next Thursday," Friday 'and
Saturday nights, with a popular matinee
Saturday at 2:15 o'clock.
The late William IL West, whose com
pany continues under his name,' has al
ways been considered quite the most pro- '
llflo and enterprising of minstrel pro- '
ducers. It washis pride and boast be
fore his death that his organization was
th most oomplefe and perfect with which
his name has ever been connected, and
the faet that- this--empafvy haa thls.jteajson
broken all minstrel records in the cities
Islted, amply demonstrates that the
public, are in accbrd with his opinion.
The advance sale of seats commenced
this morning.
"Barbara Frletchle."
wiiiiuer immortaiixeu uarDara irrlet-
chie, Clyde Fitch, the dramatist has re
cently added tremendously to her popu
larity through his great war. drama by
that name. It-is to be produced soon In
this city by Mary Elizabeth Forbes and
her fine company. Whlttier builded a noip
of fact and fancy that has given rise to
more or less speculation over this herd'in .
And In spite of its solid foundations 01 1
fact there has been ever since a very
widespread belief that It was all a legend,
.ind that Barbara was no more than a
vory pleasant and Inspiring myth. This
is in itself a rank Injustice. In 1791 she
wasone of a party who. entertained
George Washington at the Frederlclc
tavern. She. married John Frletchle.. . a
glove maker, who dies In IStO. His adopt
ed daughter and grandneice, Mrs. Ab
bott, still lives in Frederick, Maryland,
and owns the celebrated flag that Bar.
bara shook In "the face of the rebel foe."
For one Week commencing Sunday mat
inee, October 26, at Cordray's theater.-
- - - PEARY.-' "
Peary, the Arctic explorer is In FbHa
delphls, undergoing an operation on his
feet. Four years ago his feet were rroaen
and it has been found necessary to am
putate several of his toes. It is expects!
that the Intrepid explorer will be forced
to lay In the hospital for4vrl weeka.
Porla Nwa ,J V
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