;K.TW,WEATHEa,., Tonight and " Wedne. day, occasional rain ; brisk -to kl(b aoutnarly wlbda. - ?VOL; fcvt itro: 193. ; PORTUVKi), OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21. 1902. TRICE EIYE CENTS rT?!' ; ' . -- . ' r . ' ,' . ....... .. V. i " - - ' - - . - - . ' -" - - . j - i - " ' . .- ' - ' - '.' - ' ' ' .' 1 ' , ' , ' T . . SPECIAL SESSION Taxpayers League Wfll Petition Governor HUCH WORK IN SIGHT Important Subjects Need Speedy and Special Attention From Legislature. 8ALEM Or., Oct." 21. Governor Geer waa today aaked by Tha Journal what ac tion h would taka ahould tha Taxpayer!' League) of Portland petition for an extra SMlon of the Leglalature In a conalder le number. In responae ha aald: J can only eay that tha . Taxpayer League of Muttnomah County conaltta of a number of the moat aubatantlal and rep reeentatlve men of the City of Portland and any request they might make, asking for a apeclal aestlon of the Legislature would have great weight In arriving at a final determination of the question." It la very possible that an extra session of the Legislature will be called to con elder two subjects which snern of such weight aa to entitle them to settlement In advance of the regular assembling of the state law-making body this winter. These aubjeot slt. the- exact status, of - the- inr itlatlve and referendum amendment to the Constitution, and the appropriation for the Lewis and Clark Fair. An Important meeting of the executive committee of the Taxpayers' League was held yesterday afternoon. All the mem bers of the committee were present as follows: A. L. Mills, W. M. Ladd, J. V. Cook. Leo Frlede, J. C. Ainsworth. J. Thorburn Ross and J. N. Teal. The prin cipal subject considered was the advisa bility of recommending to the members Of the league and citizens generally that the Governor be petitioned to call an extra session of the Legislature. After discuss ing the matter it was the unanimous opin ion of the committee that It would be to the state'B interest to have a special es afbn and the sooner it was called the bet ter. It was determined to have a petition circulated to be signed by those concur ring In tfle committee's views. - - ACTieWV' TVTtiT BET INDORSED. ' "" The action of the committee is not bind ing upon other members of the league, nor does the committee undertake in this in stance to speak officially for the associa tion. At the same time from expressions secured from other members it is be lieved there will be practical unanimity on the question. A member of the committee said today: There are several questions of great In terest to the state at large which ought to be gotten out of the way of the reg ular se'sslon at which In addition to the usual legislation a Senator' is to be elect ed. "Whatever laws are necessary to p(ut the Initiative and referendum in effect ahould be passed at once. "The appropriation for. the Lewis and Clarke Fair Is a state matter, not local. and whatever appropriation la to be made ahould be determined on now. This should not become Involved with any extraneous questions or its merits affected by other matters. The Board of Direcotrs should know as soon as possible if there la to be an appropriation and the amount. "Then, too, the new charter, although local In application. Is general in Its ef fect, and if a session is to be called could be passed. While a apeclal sesalon ijirlll "cost' pFoaoly'il'5,(j66." 'ft' Ts" Yhe belief -of those who have given the matter much -thought, that the money will be saved many times over." BUYING PUBLIC SUPPLIES. It waa reported to the committee that the law relating to the purchase of pub lic supplies on bids after being duly ad vertised waa not being followed. This will be th6roughly investigated as one of the. most fruitful causes for criticism in the past has been the buying of supplies without an opportunity being given to all who desired to bid. The last Legislature passed two laws covering this point. This was one or the League's "measures and they believe in its efficiency and that it should be observed. CONSOLIDATION EFFECTS SAVING. The first returns from the operation of the consolidated offices of Clerk of the Court, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Recorder was very gratifying as it showed a net saving In the first quarter of U.D00. PROSPECTIVE LEGISLATION. The attorney for the league reported the following laws, which the league de sires introduced at the next sesalon of the Legislature, as ready: Amending the Fee Bill. Amending the act creating the office of County Auditor so as to provide that on the refusal of the Auditor to allow a bill, r.o warrant can be issued for the pay ment of the same; and further providing that the Auditor's report shall set out in Cctail under the headings of the different offices and subjects.. the amount of income snd expenditure for each particular pur pose. - Amending the bill regulating the adver tisement for county supplies, so as to per mit purchases to the extent of one hun (red dollars ($100) without advertising therefor. A new law relating to the taxation of personal property, under which stocks of roods and property of a like nature which re brought into the county after the 1st f March, shall be assessed. . Amendilng the law relating! to the cora H"itlou of .the County Commisainera, limiting their pay to a per diem, when aciuauy employed on county ousinesa. NEW LAWS IN PREPARATION. Tha following laws are being prepared and will be ready -soon: A law limiting tha amount, of the county's expenditures to a fixed xnillage. A law relating td tha taxation of cor porations, that" will provide for the pay ment to the stata of soma compensation upon the organisation of the corporation. A law X6 compel foreign corporations of very kind to appoint a resident agent In tb State of Oregon. A law to make the County Treasurer the tax collector for tho county. A law providing for an Inheritance tax on estates. WITHOUT- RAILS. Train Passed Over Bridge on Tics Alone, but Wrecked. CINCINNATI. Oct 2L-Ten are In jured, one fatally, in a wreck on the Cin cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad, near EIrawood this morning. Miss Blake, of Hamilton, Is the one who will die. The flyer tore through an open switch and careened over a bridge In f afety run ning on the tlea alone. On the other aide of the bridge a switch, engine waa struck and wreck and chaos reigned. TWO ARE KILLED. FORT WORTH, Oct. 21. Two men met death and It la. passible that others have also been killed and not yet found, in a colllssion near Hearne's this morning. A passenger train on the Irfternational Great Northern was run Into by a freight train which had been lost control of by Its-crew. Eight men were serloisly in jured. The wreck has not yet been cleared awayi and there is a possibility that other deaths may be ascertained as the work progresses. MINE IS ON FIRE Four Miners Die Near Glasgow, Scotland. - TRY TO DROWN IT Output From the Shaft Has Been . Large and the Property Valuable. GLASGOW, Scotland. Oct. 21 Four min ers have been burned to death and hun dreds of others are fighting interior fires In the tunnels and shafts of the J-'nitoJ Colliery, of Fauldhouse. There Is great excitement among the mini-rg and the owners have ordered all work suspended and the battle against the flames taken up by all employes of the mine. It is tm possible at this hour to tell to what ex tent the total of damage will climb be fore the fire can be quenched. TRY TO DROWN FIRE. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of water are hourly being dumped down the shafts of the mine in the hope of drown ing the blaze which is supposed to have originated from gases Ignited by the flame from a miner's lamp. . The coal output from this mine has been large for the past few months and the Are. if it continues, may have con siderable "effecT' upon 'the local "market, It will hardly be felt In labor circles be cause of the men being required to con tinue work aa fire fighters. It Is not considered possible that the mine will be abandoned as it is a very valuable prop erty, and there is known to be still much coal beneath the aurface. STOLEN HARE RECOVERED. (Journal Special Servioa.) SALEM, Oct. 21. W. O. Trine, superin tendent of the Fair grounds, who last week lost a valuable pacing mare from his barn, hag recovered the animal. The mare was found east of SUverton, in the hills where the thief had apparently turned her loose. It Is generally believed that the mare waa taken by Fred Reese, the reform school charge who escaped from that-trnrtitatton-biriTte- night the mare disappeared, and It is thought that the boy rode the animal Into the hills, near to the place where his grandfather lives, and turned her adrift. CLOTHING THIEVES SENTENCED (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. Oct. ft. W. H. King and Larry O'Hearn, th-e two- fettowa who were arrested early Sunday morning charged with stealing clothing fronv sev eral places in this city, were arraigned In the City Recorder's Court last even ing and both men pleaded guilty to lar ceny and each was given 90 days in the county Jail. MRS. STEVENS AGAIN. PORTLAND, Me.. Oct. a. Mrs. LHlan N. Stevens, National President of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, was re-elected today almost unanimously. ; WHEAT MARKET. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 21. Wheat 1.28. CHJCAQO, Oct. 21.-Wheat 72fco. COAL AT 12 laOCK TODAY Not a Dissenting Voice When Vote Was Called on Report of Committee on Resoldtions, Which Said Return to Work Thursday-Mitchell Would Not Permit "Railroading" of Motion. President of Mineworkers Declared All Should Have Oppor tunity to Speak on the Question, and Vote Did Not - Come Until Clamored For By Convention Pres ident "Roosevelt Gets Copy of Resolutions- WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 21 The coal strike was settled at 12 o'clock, noon, today. There was no dissenting voice when President Mitchell called for a vote on the resolution presented by the special committee which reported this morning. This unanimity of opinion Is more4han even the most sanguine had hoped r-and there will be a resumption -of -operations by theworkmen on Thurs day in accordance; with the committee report. President Mitchell patiently listened to the remarks of all delegates who cared to address the convention, declaring there would be no action taken and no vote permitted until each had been given opportunity to speak. An effort to force the issue shortly after the committee report had been read was balked by Mitchell, who declared he would stand for fair play, and would not let anyone take the conducting of the cam paign upon himself to the detriment of others who might choose to be heard. WILKESBARRE. Pa., Oct. 21. Prior to action by the convention on the resolu tion, its Import was fully explained by PresiilentT Mitchell,, whose remarks were translated into Lithunanian, Polish and Slavish. At the conclusion of his ad- dress Mitchell announced that he had re ceived word from President Roosevelt as suring him tha t the Board of Arbitration would meet immediately following the adoption of tho resolution. It waa his opinion that the commission would report within a month. This ia considered .good time and the miners will undoubtedly await the decision peaceably. MfcT AT 10 O'CLOCK. WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 2. Tha con ventlon opened at 10 o'clock this morning with a large attendance. It became at once apparent that a night spent In think ing over the matter had proved a winning policy and the discussion of the day be fore had won many of those who had be fore opposed surrender. Before the credential committee report ed one of the delegates asked President Mitchell If the Independent operators were iiciudcd In the agreement to arbitrate. Mitchell made a brief addresa in which he stated it -to -be ht3 belief that the under standing w as very clear that all operators who signed the proposition did so for all companies. Other speeches along the line of adoption were heard while awaiting the report of the committee on resolutions. One delegate created a sensation by de claring that talk .On the- question. . of adopting the resolution had gone on long enough and the men who held back because of personal sacrifices would ac- REACH DECISION Clark Gets 360 Miles of Short Line Road. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct ZL After dis puting every foot of the surveys for the past three years in the courts and by a policy of obstruction, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt urki, and Oregon Short Line officials have arrived at an under standing whereby. It Is understood Sena tor Clark acquires 360 miles of the Short Line track Aouth of Salt Lake for a main line tt Los Angeles,. This morning a special train left for an Inspection of the property prior to a transfer. On board this train were-W. D. Cornish, Vice-President of the Oregon Short Line. Harriman'a business repre sentative; General Manager Bancroft and General Superintendent Oalvln. Thar1 were also Vlce-Presidenui i. Rosa Clark. SUM ENDED cept better positions and forget the cause of unionism if they were given opportun ity and forget tha cause of unionism en tirely If they were given opportunity to do so. RESOLUTION SAID ACCEPT. When the committee came in there was an. instant hush f expectancy. The re port of the committee was read. It de clare! for a resumption of work Thursday and provided for a copy of the resolu tions being aentto.aTresident Roosevelt. Just aa the motion for adoption war about to be put a delegate interposed and opened the discussion afresh. No sooner had the speaker gained his feet than his voice, was all but drowned by cries for the question. It was with the utmost dif ficulty that President Mitchell quelled the disturbance and restored order. He declafed emphatically that until the laat man had been heard from and the dis cussion on the matter had been thorough he would not put the question to a vote. In an extended address Secretary Wll- i son urged acceirtance. CONVKNTTON ADJOURNS. WILKESBARRK.. Pa., Oct. 21: Permls Blo has been granted by the resolution as passed for the men who have been strik ing to begin work tomorrow to prepare JOHN MITCHELL. the mines for t!:-i resumption of active coal mining. As tha mines have been neglected for s.x?e time thJLa , la .an. lm- L portant question. . . The question protecting those men who cannot g t their places back wis T. E. Gibbon. General Manager Wells, of San Pedro, and a party of englneeVs. A close Inspection of the property will be made, covering three .days. KILLED HIS SWEEIHEAXI. AN FRANCISCO. Oct a. Suicide and ! murder occurred In this city yesterday afternoon when Edward Marschutz shot and killed Marian Nolan, one of the most famous stage beauties on the Pacific Coast, and then -turned the gun upon himself. The Ehootlna; occurred on the Steps of Miss Nolan' home. After a quarrel she struck him with her umbrella and he drew a revolver and fired. After standing and looking a moment at the corpse of the woman he loved. Marschuti took his own life. Tha two bad been lovers for years. HILL TELLS NOTHING. ST. PACL. Oct.. J. Rill was cross-examined. today In the merger hear Ina: by Richards, but little nW Of of gen eral interest to tha cast waa brought out. left entirely In the hands of the 31s trlct leaders. Father Curran was given an ovation. When he rose to fln;, ., . . " President Mitchell announced through GEORGE F. BmER, the press that he was willing for all spe cial laborers, engineers, tinnivti. pump men, foremen, stable bosses and railroad men and those who would be r')iiin;d .o get things in condition lor u resumption of work on Thursday to report for duty "fn tirenrot-HtitaT ' " ' " - Just before the convention adjourned President Mitchell arose and led the con vention In singing the national hymn, "America." Reports from all over the coal fields Indicate the declaration of peace Is belnn received with Joy that verges almost on insanity on the part of the laboring men. COST OF I'EACE. WASlUNOT4W,--(:-. WM'rt-. -wivo-has been Investigating the subject. Is of the opinion the arbitration commission will be compelled to pay Its own expenses trusting to congress to reimburse them. He believes the cost of investigation will exceed 00,000. COMMISSION IS CALLED. WASHINGTON, Oct. .-President Roosevelt has called the. strike commis sion to meet In Washington on Friday. Action will be taken as speedily as pos sible. THE HOP MARKET Dealers Active and High Prices Are Offered. SALEM. Oct. 21-The hop market here is atrong and slowly rising. Dealers are very active and offers are being report ed from various sources at figures higher than any yt twU4 in the pg. . Two grower!- report having received bids or 25ft cents per pound for their crops, bat in each Instance the offer was declined aa tha growers are in no Hurry to sell and are holding for hlghei1 prices. On sale, was yesterday reported In local hop cir cles. It was the sale of the William Stele crop at Buena Vista, consisting of 100 bales. The crop of Mrs. Httle Jones, of Independence, was late last eight re ported to hare been sold to Klrkpatrlck & Will tarns. Of. Dallas,, the pries paid be ing 23 casta per pound. If "11 NEW CRUISER Armored Warship Is Named for State of Washington. WASHINGTON. Oct. a.-On November S bids will be advertised for the con struction of the new armored cruiser Washington, named for tho most north weaterlyi atate in the Union. It is thought here ahe will be built on the Pacific Coast. Her speed will probably reach 22 knots and sh will be almost as heavily armored as a battleship. All of the new armored cruisers now being planned will be slower than their sister ships in the 'British navy, as-a re sult of at conference just concluded. However, the batteries of these vessels will be much more powerful than those of foreign fighters of the same class. Rear Admiral Henry Glass will suc ceed Casey In command of the Pacific station. The latter is now protecting American Interests at the scene of the Colombian revolutionary movements on the Isthmus. MADE RICH HAUL Spanish Express Was Robbed of $400,000 Last Night. IRT.'.V, Spain, Oct. 21 Robbers entered tile mail car of the Spanish express last nipht, mortally wounded one clerk and secured checks, money orders and cash amounting to St l,;ast JIW.OOO. The rob bers escaped. This Is one of the most during robberies ever chronicled In thy history of this country. MORGAN IS OUT Yerkes Controls London Traction Situation. r NO -CAUSE- IS GIVEN The Fight Between Traction Kings Seems to Have Ended Very ArTtrptly. - , LONDON', ot. 21. Indications point r'r. My . I'liarles T. Yerkes, the Amer i .mi I'Ui'iion musnut,.. having won his ' 'iit .i;.i4!ot the Morgan Interests for eoiiin I of tli" London underground rall- u.iy. At a nioeiing of the House of Com I minis' committee of tube railways this ! iie;n:n,; it was announced thut Morgw j l,.n uiihiliuwn Ids liill. No reasons tor ! this net lor. were given. The Yerkes bill v. i (riven :i reading yesterday, j I 'id, .s other and unexpected action is t iken this leaves Yerkes in control and little uppcsitiiin is expected to hla bill. The light between the two magnates lias Keen hanging on before the committee lor some time and Is one of the most Im I ort.'tut maiters before the Knglish trans portation world today. Great surprise i as occasioned her e by. the announce ment of Morgan's withdrawal- -A FEASIBLE- ROUTE Successful Survey fo'r Salt Lake and Coos Bay Road. ' - ROSEBURG, Oct, 31. Engineers Llnd sley and Moody, of the Great Central Railwuy Co., have returned from a re- 'cnissimceorBtrbTermr'CttTP cade Mountains eust of here for the Salt Lake-Coos Bay railroad. They reported this route as an entirely feasible one for a railroad. Tho engineers went out by way of 1'eet to the summit of the moun tains near Diamond Lake. As a result of their examinations they favor a route away from the North LTmpqua River where low passes throush the mountains are found available. The exact location of tills route cannot be stated until the engineers make a definite survey next spring. However, the line will very likely pass over the 'Summit a few miles north of Diamond Lake. - This pass reaches a gradual elevation of 5.400 feet, and pre sents no serious engineering difficulties. NOTED PRELATES ATTEND. TRENTON, N. J.. Oct. n.-The anni versary of the elevation of Bishop 3ft Faul to be the aecond bishop of Trenton was observed with impressive ceremonies in the cathedral. Bishop O'Connor of Newark celebrated mass and many noted prelates and priests were in attendance. Thursday , next Bishop McFauI's silver Jubilee will be colbttd.- 'an.Uboi-tu scale. AMERICANS STARVE HAVANA, Oct, 21. The distressed con dition of many Americans inr Cuba has caused Minister Squires; to call a meeting tomorrow of alt Americans In Havana to provide, Vays and means' for the transpor tation of these sufferers to tha states. A number of cases of Americans starving to death hava been recorded this inuur. FINAL ft BATTLE Action Is Anticipated" at Once, MOVE TO OPEN TOWN The Enforcement League Being , ; Investigated Lord Is ; Confident, . ' ' r Interesting and sensational develop ' ments, In the reform war are about to. be) made public. For the Past few days tha movement has been void of results.1 The- -three-cornered war of tongues has Jen waged in an inspiring manner. The minr v Isters have not been alow in" pressing ' their opinions of Mr. - '. Lord and his Law Knforcement League. ' Mr. Lord has expressed some sentimcata) - t!iat grilled the' heads of the churches. The brittle of words has now expended Its force, as both sides hava com- -pletfii their delivery of "hot-air." ' SLOT MACHINES TO RUN. - . The slot machines' will again be placed ' upon tho counters. When this move 1 made. It Is expected tiat mattera will ba , brought to a show ''down. Attorney t Humes states that he will instruct a number of his clients to bring out their siiit machines' aA4Lni''(-ittiol " ttie clients, Jeff Nye, of the Hoffman sa loon, has never removed his machines. It Is not thought by those on the inside that, the peace ofllcers of the city will trlr to enforce the laws on the Issue. If they refuse Mr. Lord will step in and see -whether it Is possible to make them do their, duty. LEAGUE INVESTIGATED. , Some of those who jro skeptical as to the sinrerlty and personnel of the League are making an Investigation of Its mem bers. It is Bald that tthe tax records tdiow that its president, Mr. K liner, paya taxes to the extent of $." a year on some Motitavllla property. An effort is ajuo being made to learn something about others, who. 8,rs ldt;uUfl.ed with.j:he,jtnoVBv, LORD RESTIN'O EAST, , Mr. Lord when Interviewed this morn- (, : Ing stated: "I am satisfied' with the present ouUookVafi;d HW"ffilW wB.Svr V' move circumstances may,, require. The, fight of the reform faction, that Is fight- ) lng the reform Of tho League, is playing into the hands of the law breaker.- I ," understand that In view of the expre- Klons'of the representatives of the church and the administration, who have given . out in no unmlstakeable terms that they are In favor of laws being violated, that a move is afoot to throw tho town wid . open, and the slot machine men and a -number of gambling houses hava already opened." ' ' - SUPREME COURT. Decisions Handed Down in Several Important Cases. (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. Oct. 21. The Supreme Court yesterday handed down decisions in sev eral appeal cases recently heard. They are: Newt. Hoover, appellant, vs. Alice L. Xiai'Uttt-au4. G. Ba.ctUiiU-roaopndiiftUi,x. appeal from Harney County, Hon. M. 0.- Clifford, Judge; affirmed. Opinion by 4 Chief vJusttce..F.. A. Moore. - ; " J. Thorburn Rosa, trustee, appellant, vs. The City of Portland, respondent; appeal -from Multnomah County, Hon. Alfred V. , Sears, Jr., Hon. John B. Cleland, and Hon. M. C. George, sitting .en banc. Judges; affirmed. Opinion by Associate Justice C. E. Wolvenon. al. aDDellants. vs. Wm. Multnomah county, rion. a. a. rr, Judgf; affirmed. Opinion by Associate i Justice R. S. Bean. Minor orders were made in cases pend ing as follows: John Quirl, respondent, vb. Wm. Frai ler, Sheriff, appellant; ordered on stipula tion that this case be dismissed. Laura Deane Cox. respondent, vs. The Royal Triba.cX J.oae.Dhj- appellant; ordered ' . cn stipulation that respondent's tima tt nerve and file her brief ba extended to November 1, G. B. Penelll. appellant, vs. C. F. Can- dianl. et al.. respondents; ordered on -.. stipulation that respondents' time to serve ind file their brief be extended to fjecenv f ber 20, 1902. The apyeal cae of the Pacific Co Biscuit Company, arr;sUfint- vs- - A" Hugger, respondent, an appei'-l from Linn County, was argued and aubmtttd by A, M. Cannon for appellant, and L J. WW ney and W. K. Bilyeu for respondent. WARSHIPS ARE SENT. , , SHANGHAI. Oct. II. British war TrS ' sels" have been ordered to the Yaagts Kiang. It is reported they, will force tea -( Chinese to bring to justice the murderer , of Lewis find Bruce, British wlsslonartea. .. ' MRS. NATION MOVED. ' . ' HOUSTON, Oct 2L-Carrle Nation wal forcibly ejected from three- satoc-M lat night and anally arreeted and ordered t leave town.: She agreed, was esoortod U the demit and put en tb train tur fUA Bluff, -t; . ' '