PURITY CRUSADE Causps Bitter Words to Fly Fast LORD VERSUS HILL Ike Mayor Is Standing Pat Rumor of JQlncr's '. Hottvcs. The fight of the Law Enforcement League U waxing warmer. Some new ele ments have been introduced In tne cam paign. First the light was on between the advocate of purity, as against the . exponents of unrestricted vice and law lessness! Now two factions on the side of morality have been arrayed against each other. Rev. Hill has Jumped on the work of the Enforcement League with both feet, and made accusations of insin cerity on the part of Mr. Lord and his followers. Mr. Lord retaliates and aald soma thingi which were harsh. The law breakers, meanwhile, are wearing ex pansive smiles. LORD IS BITTER Strongly Denounces Utterances of Mayor and Dr. Hill. In an interview this morning, Mr. Lord stated: "When the Enforcement League planned its campaign against vice, and for the enforcement of the laws. It looked for opposition on the part of the law breakers and the people upon whom the blow would fall. It did not 'figure that the officials at the head of the adminis tration and the church would rally to the side of lawlessness and vice. The Mayor and Rev. Hill have taken an at titude which ean In no logical manner be construed as being in favor of the en forcing of laws or the suppression of vice. We looked to these people for staunch support In the effort to bring about conditions more satisfactory to th public and the reducing of vice and abuses of law to a minimum HAVE SHOWN THEIR HANDS. , "The utterances of the clergy as repre sented by the Rev. Hill, and the talk at the Mayor place them on the side of the gamblers, and In favor of the unrestrlct-. ed liberties of the vicious element. It Is gratifying that they have come to the front and defined their positions. The League, with these people on record, knows where It Is at, and has a better understanding how to wage the war. From the looks of things, we have a foe in the administration, the gambling, sa loon and vicious elements, fes well as the church who are the so-called exponents of morality and order. LEAGUE'S FIGHT IS RIGHT. The League Is right. The laws of the land uphold It. But greatest of all. Is the law, of righteousness. If the League is wrong in Its crusade, then the fabrlo of all government Is rotten; the Bible Is a farce; the olergy a fake, and virtue a mockery. The League does not think that this is the case. It believes that vn this city are men and women of sincerity, honor and firmness of purpose who will 1W. I - M J 1 1 TTTL 1 . few whs are the avowed representatives of the public and the church have put themselves on record, It is believed that they do not expound the underlying sen timents1 of their followers." HILL STILL DOUBTS The Divine Attacked by Mr. Lord Remains Skeptical. "I think the less said about the letter which Mr. Lord wrote to a morning paper the better," said Dr. Edgar p.. Hill In an swer to a query from a Journal reporter today. , "In. fact," continued the reverend gentleman, '1 do not think that It Is en titled any notice whatever, i stated to the publio that, Mr. Lord's league' was a wolf in sheep's clothing and, behold, the beast immediately begins to growl. "Regarding the personailUeaof Mr. Lord's ill-considered epistle I have noth ing' to say. The letter, itself explains them, but as far as his statements regard ing his intended league,. Its object and membership I may be pardoned for re taining the strongest doubts; Mr. Lord tates that the president of his league- (s George H Kilner, but no aueb-name ap pears in thecltyirtctory, and he la frobabTy""a man of straw. Mr. Lord, who lav advertising himself extensively, claims that while his league has a large I nd active membership of the 'beat peo ple,' he has never met any of them and will not give their names. Surely the ob jects of the league as set forth by the tnthuslastlc attorney, are laudable inougfc for any person connected with the nbvement to allow his connection to be Bade public v '"No," concluded Dr. Hill, "I believe that the two objects of the league are lrst, to cast fihv reproach of bad Judg Bent and over-iealousness upoa those ' Wtlxens who desire some mitigation of the . Ml la our city without desiring the op psesslv enforcement of blue laws, and. secondly, to affect the legislation, on the new city charter. .- - . ' , ; ' V . , ' NO BACKWARD STEPS Mayor Williams Determined to En force City Onlinanc.es. Mayor Williams Ip a determined as ever that there shall be no backward step In the effort to enforce the ordinances of the city, and that all ordinances of the city shall be rigidly enforced. ' The oath he took in assuming the office of Mayor obligates him as an official to see to-it that they sr. enforced and he la deter-, mined tnaf it shall never be said of him that he was derelict in his duty. The Mayor was very free to talk of his posi tion this morning. When asked for an expression; on putting the slot machines out of commission, he said: ' "I am giving it noattenUon. ' I have enough to do to attend to the enforcement of the city ordinances and that I am go ing to do without fear or favor. There is no ordinance against slot' machines or saloon closing. - They are regulated by state law and there are state officers to see to their enforcement. I have enough to do Without taking up matters where there are others whose duty It la o en force them." When asked for an expression on Chas. Lord and his reform league, he said he did not care to express himself. ' "Do you think the Common Council Is. giving you the support it should in your effort to suppress gambling and dens of viceT" - - "Bo far I have seen nothing to Indi cate that It would not. The Counellmen are all fair-minded men and I believe are disposed to da what 'is right" AN OLD PETITION Filed With the City Auditor in 1891 to Enforce the Laws. In looking rrer some old papers this morning the clerks In the City Auditor's office came across a petition which was filed In 188L At that time there was a movement to enforce the laws the same as there Is at the present time, and the petition which was signed by several thousand people regardless of race, color or party affiliation, asked the Common Council to take action to cause an en forcement of the law. Many of those who signed the petition have passed" to" their reward, some have fallen from the straight and narrow path, and others have risen to positions of Influence. The petition read as follows: . . "We,, the undersigned legal voters In the City of Portland, do hereby pray that you may each and all take auch steps immediately that the Sunday laws of the State of Oregon shall go into oper ation In this city." Councilman Zimmerman, who was pres ent when the petition was found, suggest ed that it might be again presented to the Council for consideration in view of tlio movement for a closed town. The "paper 'will be filed away In the archives of the office as It Is not thought It will be of any use' In the present fight for the betterment of the morals of Port land. KILNER'S ALLEGED MOTIVE. A rumor has been given ourrency, that President Kilner, f the Lav Enforce. ment Leeague. has ulterior motives in the waging of the campaign. It has been stated that a man named Schmltt, who purchased the cash nlckel-in-the-slot ma chines from Cohen, is In some way close ly related to Mr. Kilner, and that the wave has for its ' object the bringing about of a reaction which will result in re-establishing these devices. It Is well kaown that' ate cash wr BntcnJnWrB enormous dividend payers, and if they can again be placed before the public, thousands upon thousands of dollars will roll Into the pockets of the owner of these machines. REACTION PHASE A BUBBLE. Charles Lord, when asked about the matter, stated: "This rumor probably originated from the fact that Schmltt is a client of mine on a matter' that has b-lntlgrfio--e-the-past-yeaTp hr connectlon with, some business in the Bast Someone has evidently jumped at the conclusion that thhT was the missing link to establish what they do not know about the Law Enforcement League. I don't think that Mr. Kilner is even ac quainted with Mr. Schmltt. I cannot un derstand by what method of reasoning or deduction anyone oan figure out that the way to open up a town is by enforcing the laws for dosing It. The only reao tlon that could possibly occur, if any, would be a tendency toward laxity on the publio necessity line. By closing gamb ling of every description it will establish more strongly than ever that this is a matter" that can be dispensed with. The contention that our move is to bring about a revulsion of feeling by enforcing of the laws is not Worthy the considera tion of anyone of Intelligence. It would be just as reasonable to say that the laws against muraerwidTObbetTttT forced In order that the laws will be abolished and offenders allowed to com mit crimes free from molestation." LORD AND, SHERIFF. On Saturday Attorney Lord sent Sheriff Stctrey a notice that liquor was being sold on Sunday, and that the section un der which to act was 1909 of the Code of Oregon. The Sheriff made reply this rooming that he had Informed the grand jury on Saturday that all places where liquor Is sold contrary to law, are run ning. Mr; Lord made a facetious answer to 4ie letter of the Sheriff, In which he compliments, him f or his apparent Vllf- rngrneas to comply with the la w7 even if it be 34 hours In advance v SPENDING-MILLIONS 0.W.F.fcR.Co.Has Big Plans. THREE MILES SOLID Scllwood to Madison Street 'May Be a Continuous Line of Smokestacks. I The Oregon Water Power and Railway Company's plans, as they are unfolded to the public, take on- greater propor tions than was at first Known, for a total of about 13,000,000 will be expended, md the result may be to bring to pass Industrial conditions that will develop a continuous line of smokestacks from the Madison street bridge to Sellwood, a dis tance of. three miles. The company proposes a new line ex tending forty miles from Portland to Sprlngwater, which will be a partensjrer and freight road, and bring into close touch with Portland a region, that has heretofore been practically cut off from convenient access to the city. Thousands of people live therein, and will experience Immediate Increase of valuation of prop erty; Indeed, such Increase having Al ready taken place In anticipation of.th,e Improvements to "'be made by the com pany. The people of that country, will be able to ship to Portland immense quantities of farm produce and stuff from the dairy, enriching Portland and themselves,. ' IMPROVEMENT AS A RESULT. A sawmill has already been located at Sellwood on account of the Oregon Water Power and Railway Company's proposed extensions, and other Improvements with out number await the completion of the proposed line. Here in Portland the cumpany Will have spacious docks, and will bring Into the city an enormous quantity of electric power to be furnished to people who de sire to establish Industries of all klncia. "The" company's plans Involve such Im provements as have been told of In the papers from time to time, as well as the filling of an immense tract of land that will be filled at a cost of 25 cents on the dollar, compared with the cost that would be entallei if unusual prices be charged for the work. Land now unused and useless, and other land on wntch. there must be piling and consequently high rates of Insurance on buildings, will be brought Into use for various industries. And, all in all, the company's plans prom ise a new era for the city and the water front Interests. AN IMMENSE DOCK. There will be a dock 1,000 feet long;, and every convenience connected with shipping. The company has bought Its own right of way over the three miles It runs through the city, and lacks only a right to build Its new Sprlngwater line across about six or eight blocks In Wator street on the East Side. EySiy other foot of ground (o be used has been purchased outright without the asking of any privil eges from the city. Messrs. Morris & Whitehead, the Port land and Phyadelphla bankers, who are sponsors for the Oregon Water Power and Railway Company, have manifested a liberal disposition towards Oregon and Portland, as shown by the bringing West of the party of financiers recently hero under their escort. These capitalists hiivVieeQ shown the' enterprises anjS'p'os slblllties of the North Coast and good results will flow from the visit. MORE WINDOWS At Post Oftice for Accommodation . f General Public- The Increase of the business at the local Poctoffice has rendered it necessary to add two more general aellvery windows, making four In alL This morning these windows were opened, as also another stamp window. To accommodate the publio Postmaster Croasman has extended the hours of the stamp window from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.. where formerly the window was open from 8 until 6 o'clock. Money orders will be Issued at the stamp window after S o'clock, when the money order dey art -ment colses. SUICIDES 'ARE FORTY. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct M.-There havo been forty suicides during the present month m- this tntyrwhtclrutaea a death rate, from suicide alone, of one person in every 800 in San Francisco for the year. Most of these hare thus fat1 proven victims of misplaced affection. The death rate la this city from love dis appointments alone Is steadily increasing. Every conceivable pathway . toward the beyond Is chosen by the victims, who are for the most part womenA PILL TELLS WHY. ST. PAUL. Oct. 20. Hlu, told before Referee Tngersoll today, in the merger case, why the Northern Pacific and the Great Norther had bought the Burling ton route. The principal reason was to gain Westward shipments and, to avoid the haullns "of empty car West for the great Northwestern lumber traffic . PROOF OF INJUSTICE - i j. r Chapelle .Claims to Have , .Evidence, POLITICS ARE FIRST : - i ' He Makes Serious Charges Against - Americans in the .Philippines. ROME, Oct. t0. Archbishop Chapelle, the retiring apostolic delegate to the Phil ippines, on arriving in Rome today de- clarod that he had brought to the Vatican evidence of the Injustices committed and contemplated against the friars. He says the Americans set Interests In politics and personal alma above the advancement of the church and religion. TRAINING SCHOOLS Y. M A. Institutions Preparing Students for Religious Work. for 1 NEW YORK. pet. 20.-The two train ing schools of tht Young Men's Christian Association opened this fall with more men enrolled than in any previous year. The Chicago Training School and Sec retarial Institute,! located in the million dollar building Of the Chicago ' Young Men's Christian Association, has over eighty students, who are studying to be Young Men's Christian Association secre taries and educatjcnal and religious work directors. The International Training reboot at Springfield has ninety-one mea on the roll and a entrance class of forty elgha One man Is from France, another from Italy. This school has an 'equip ment werth 175.000, a large athletic field and gymnasium," dormitory' and the most complete 'physical laboratory In ex istence for the' study of physical train ing, under a corps of specialists.' STRUCK BY A TRAIN Joseph Woerndle Has Leg Broken and Skull Injured. Joseph Woerndle, a Swiss employed as a clerk at R. Hotels, In Falrvlew, was seriously Injured on Saturday evening while switching at the O. R. A N. depot when the eastbound train due there at tAi p. m., was going on a side track in order to pass train No. 1 westbound. Woerndle attempted to pass the track to the baggage car of the eastbound train and Was struck by No. 1, which dashed through at that moment. Woerndle was thrown twenty feet to the platform and was picked up senseless and bleeding. He was at once brought to St- Vincent's Hospital on the train which struck him, and now lies there In a semi-conscious condition, with practically no chance of recovery. His injuries consist of a frac tured skull, a broken leg and internal in Juttea , ... IRISH LEAGUE. Bourke Cochran Makes Sensational Statement. BOSTON, Oct. 20. The national oori vsntion of the United Irish League of America opened here at noon today, with John Dillon, Michael Davit t and the ven erable Edwin Blake present. The New York delegation was headed by Bourke Cockran, who was chosen temporary chairman. In his speech, of acceptance he aald the object of the meeting was to arouse America to the dangers threaten ing the people of Ireland. He said they neither owned land or government, but proposed to own both before reaching the end. A great ovation was given President FInerty. MAKES STRONG CHARGES. WASHINGTON, Oct. . "It throttles competition," is the declaration made by commission of Kentucky rrjriwiinatt"rMi-vwmJjcomDlalnt of Charles Clement of the Gilt Southern Haiay and others in the lat est Morgan combination. The report was received by the Interstate Commerce .Commission today. It is further declared that the combination eontrola ill rates from the Ohio River south and that its power Is felt clear to the coast line of the Oulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic seaboard to the Mississippi River. Al though generally "considered a most Im portant matter the commission ha as yet announced no date for the hearing . A LOVING CUP. : , DALLAS. Tex.. Oct Jo. Admiral Schley was presented with a richly -mounted sil ver loving cup la the name o this eity today 1 .' V-.V?,'..' ' A GREAT SUCCESS Aeronaut Spencer Makes Wonderful Progress GOES AGAINST WIND The Most Marvelous Invention of 'Airship Yet Made Sails Through the Air. BLACKSPOOL, Eng., Oct. 20. Stanley Spencer, the aeronaut who created a sen sation here last month, made another highly successful flight today, eclipsing all previous attempts of any airship.' He rose to an elevation of 1500, feet and sailed into the teeth of a stiff wind without any apparent effect on the airship's progress. His control of the machine was marvel ous. I This Is believed to excel anything that has been done, even by the famous Santos-Dumont, for, while the latter has made many successful ascensions, he has never been able to make progress, It la claimed. In the face of a gale like that blowing today. Even under the most try ing circumstances and conditions Spencer's ship steered readily and those who, had prophesied fajrure are now firm believers In the final success of the vessel lor. which Spencer has claimed so much and to which a considerable portion of his life ha- been devoted. , DESCENDS SAFELY. BLACKPOOL, Oct. 20. Auronunt Spen cer descended safely after flying 25 miles. BRAKEMAN KILLED Fatal Accident in Southern Pacific Yard at Roseburg. (Special Correspondent.) ROSEBURO. Oct.A20.Taytur iielily, a Southern Pacific brakeman, was killed under a switeh engine at the Roseburg yards early today. He whs In the act of crossing the track as the engine was backing. Ills apparent Intention being to board the footrail of tne tender. Un fortunately, he missed the rail and fell In front of the engine, which passed, over his body, .Jforrloly manaiing Jtt An in--quest will be held during tne day. Beck ley was a young man and unmarried. j GIVEN GOLD GAVEL. PORTLAND, Me., Oct. 20. -The Califor nia delegation to the National Convention of Women's Christian Temperance Union, this afternoon presented President Mrs. Stevens with a gold tipped gavel. The order will commence Its crusade through resolutions which were passed today ngainst the bill board in an effort to dis place female figures," partially or suggest tlvely clad. A ROYAL WEDDING Magnificent Splendor Attends Nuptials of Prince Chun. TACOMA, Oct. 20. -Oriental advices say that the marriage of Prince Chun, a brother of the Chinese Emperor, to tho daughter of Grand Secretary Tung Lu, was celebrated at Pekin late in Septem ber with magnificent Oriental splendor. By express orders of the Empress the ceremonies were according to the Manchu custom. The bride's trousseau was val ued at one million taels, and the presents included gifts from viceroys throughout the empirei' - - " - NO RELIEF ACTION Cuban Congress Adjourned Without Providing for It. HAVANA. Oct. 20. The Cuban Congress adjourned this afternoon without having enacted any legislation for relief of the Island. FORGERY CHARGED. Otto Lueke was ' on Saturday arrested by Detectives Ford and Cordano upon c.age saloon, it hcoii mm iuaae lurgCTi a signature to a money order for U6. and had it cashed upon the Identification of Mr. Clement. Lueke is well , known about town and Is aald to have for a time been In the employ of Meier Prank. VERDICT FOR $500. The Jury In the cast of Wilhelm WU belmson vs. Northern Pacific Lumber Company, which has been before the United States Circuit Court for two days, brought In a verdict for $500 in favor of the plaintiff, i, Thjs sj the case where the little boat Fannie, owned by the lumber company. ratr into the" ship sf whletr Vlihelmsoil ( was captain, breaking the propeller. REQUEST ILLEGAL Senator Should Not Ask for Cam paign Funds.. ' WASHINGTON, '.' Oct, , 20. An official order issued by President Roosevelt prac tically decides that the request for funds issued by Senator Quay is Illegal, and in cidentally censures .the Senator from Pennsylvania for his aotlon in the mat ter. 'Attorney-General Knox, in giving an opinion on the subject ssys that Fed eral employes may contribute to the cam paign fund if they desire, but that they are not required to do SO. FLYER WRECKED Big Four Accident Injures Several Passengers. FLINT, Ohio, Oct. 20.-A Big Four flyer was wrecked near here at 10:20 this morn ing. The engineer i was fatally Injured and 11 passengers were badly hurt. The accident took place at the crossing of the Columbus, Sandusky & Hocking Railway, which is blocked wlthhe wreckage. ' t . FORMING , A TRUST To Supply Breadstuff s to England Cheaper. OPEN RETAIL SHOPS Canadian Products Will Be Sent to Great Britain at a Reduced Price. . LONDON, Oct. 02. Agreat sensation was created here today by the publication of an article in the Westminster Qasette which- states that a great Canadian trust Is being formed which is to control tne supply of hreadstuffs and other Canadian manufactures to England fif 'a greatly re duced cost, it is held that the prices n these prodt'"Cn6"Wtirbe shipped to Kngland at a price which will range from 2U to 70 per cent lower than those thnt are now being paid, by dealers. In order to make the organisation more successful It has been decided by the menibers of the combination to establish shops to handle Us products In all the principal cities throughout Great Britain. These shops will all be retail and will be under the direct control of the trust. SCHOOL MATTERS Superintendent Ackerman Prepares His Biennial Report. , (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, tct. 20. Prof. J. H. Ackerman, Superintendent of Public Instruction, has completed the financial statement "for his biennial report to the Legislature, for the term beginning January 1, 1901, and end ing September 30, 1902. It Is a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the State Board of Examiners Fund, consist ing .of the feet paid by applicants for teachers' diplomas snd certificates. The statistics In the report are as follows: " RECEIPTS. Amount received from applicants for state papers J1936.00 Amount deposited with the State .Treasurer ....... AJ,IW,J4,.1SXS,.0Q Amount refunded IS. 00 Total $1936.00 Balance In Treasury, January 1, 1901 $ 291.31 Paid into Treasury, January 1, 1901 to September 30, 120 191S00 Total r... $2211. 31 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of warrants drawn on Treasury $1960.27 Balance In-. Treasury, September 30, 1902 261.04 Total .$2211.31 Special reports have been received by the Superintendent from the County Su perintendents of a number of counties. In reply to a circular letter requesting In formation regarding the result of the county institutes. In every instance the reports state that a gratifying increase In attendance In the schools has been the result, and that the work In all of them is very satisfactory A NEW PARTY. CHICAGO, Oct. JO. Chicago's new po litical party was launched today at a socret meeting of labor leaders who pro pose to put a complete ticket in the field at the spring elections. They will ap peal to the voters to follow the example of San Francisco and dealers for . mu nicipal ownership and state Insurance legislation by ballot and the establish ment of a vigilance committee to enforce an Impartial administration of the. law .WHEAT MARKET. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct 10. Wheat II-SSSLST.- ' T " " " : CHICAGO, Oct 20. Whet-ri!?t3Uc. - ' : BEAR NO MALICE Mitchell Addresses, the Convention. IS MUCH OPPOSITION: To Accepting President Roosevelt's Arbitration Scheme pa Trust. WILKESBARRE, Pa.. Offt. 2u At th conclusion of President Mitchell's address there was great applause. Delegate Hemerling then offered a resolution ac cepting Mitchell's views as the sense of the convention, to which there was vlo- ' lent opposition, headed by Delegate Sweenv. who declared that many of tho strikers could not get their places back. Several of the delegates who were fire-. men and engineers followed In a like strain. At this point a motion was made to adjourn until tomorrow. After ' long discussion President Mitchell de ' clared that If It was made for the pur pose of avoiding the great throng com posed of the publio and newspaper men ' he would oppose It. It was then agreed to table the motion. The hall was then cleared, and the convention retired Into executive session. nt' CONVENTION ASSEMBLES. WILESBARRE, Pa., Oct 20. Seven . hundred delegates representing local- ' orders of the United Mlna Workers the convention In the Nesblt Theater at : ' 10 o'clock- this morning. President Nich ols called the convention to ordsy, Presi dent Mitchell having declined to wait till a permanent organization was affected.. The report of the committee on creden tials being incomplete it was announced that perfect organization would be made -this afternoon. The convention then ad journed until 2 o'clock this afternoon. MITCHELL SPEAKS. i "In opening this convention I take . ' pleasure in extending warm greeting of ' welcome to the'accredited representatives v ir, nnn i . . . - - r j; struggle for living Wages and American conditions of employment has won the admiration of the entire civilized world. I cannot express the sense of pride I feel In you. Tour -noble defense of union ism endears you to every man and woman In our. land who works for their living.". He then briefly- reviewed the struggle and paid unstinted praise 'to the millions -of Wdrkmen-who' eontrltjiifrd to tho tin. ' port of the strikers and Said they owed a debt of gratitude to the publio and press for their sustaining support and encour- agement that could never be adequately repaid. . BEARS NO MALICE. ' He said that he felt no malice towan . the opponents who had maligned the char acters, Impugned the motives of the min ers and sought victory by methods which' -the miners scorn to use. He believed they should now hold out the hand of friend-, ship and ask them to Join In providing such business relations as would for all time establish peace in the anthracite field. He granted the right to capital to organize and federate, "but I say that we in iuru win aemana ana anau assert me same privileges. Between the two or ganizations there Is no need of irrecon- . cilable conflict, each being a factor In the economic development of our civili zation and the application of good, com mon sense by each would ensure har mony. Should the Interests of labor and -capital be reciprocal, though not Identical, are grave questions before you today. NO PERSONAL FEELING. Continuing, the leader of the miners) stated that personally he preferred an ad- . justment between the opponents direct. -but the conditions were so strained that that became Impossible. "The Impending; national calamity," Be said, "Justified , the action of the Chief Executive of tho. nation In his earnest effort to bring about tbo.reumptlfliL.otaljnlnln'f. proposition which is now submitted to ' you may have Its objectionable feature snd Its details may not meet with your ., unanimous approval, out it is oerter tnan anything hitherto offered. Z am of tho Arm conviotlon that a prompt acceptance) will secure a greatter measure of Jt- iUe than could be attained bjva eontia- nance of the conflict and a greater Jus tlce than ever in the past The eye of the nation are centered on you, an.1 friends and foes alike demand the sub mission of the issues to the tribunal , named by the President of the . United States. I am aware that there aredls-. tuwAant .lAmMits. in iha convention. bUti with all the earnestness I possess I urge you to give your approval and declare the strike off and return Immediately to ' work. ' '?. F.X.h,.--" FRENCH STRIKERS VIOLENT. ; - ' day attempted to wreck a train and at . tacked the non-unionists with Club and, stones. The troops dispersed them. -The dockers of Marseilles have pledged them-' -selves. Wt. tffHow anjrjorelga toal to be landed. - " BELGIAN STRIKE SETTLED. ' BRUSSELS, Oct JfV-Tb Belgian" oaj Y strike was settled thisfternoon. ' ' KAVKATIOK CLOSED ' (Journal Special Service.) TAPfiMA. Oct 20. Navigation on th Upper Tukon close this week, the last tamra rMLehlnr Dawson having en. countered slush ice from the Fully a Stewart river Thousands of puople ar ea 'rout from Dawson by the last feW i. 1