The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    "v- --:
,;- '-7: . ' -:- -
; . THt WEATHER. ,
i Fair -tonight: Sunday; '.
Increasing cloudiness, fol
lowed y allow era. (-., '
VOL. I. NO. 191. "
:r ty ; --
Was Enjoined 4 by the
Federal Curt.
Bill of Sale in Form of
a Lease
May Be Witnessed by
the Public
Liverpool to Lose Her
Maritime Power
Bridge Over the Golden
Horn Collapses, -
iy:.y:.yyXXy ' . : : .
HUE .iQliiPi
Have Been Increased 400 Per Cent
It Affects Oregon Stock,
' United States District Attorney Mar
shall B. Woodworth, ot Ban Francisco,
baa sued out a restraining order In the
? United States District Court theret Judge
W. W. Morrow presiding, that put the
Federal Salt Company at least tempo
rarily out of business. The Federated
Bait Company Is the Paciflo coast combine
that absolutely controls the uandllng of
alt In the West.
- Mr. Woodworth asks the Court to de
termine whether or not the Federated
Company Is a trust within the meaning
Of the Sherman anti-trust law. being in
restraint of trade, and therefore repug
nant to the Sherman statute and the
common law.
i These are present rices, compared with
those before the coast -trust got hold of
the control:
Former. Present.
Coarse salt, used by stock
men, a ton H0O 118.00
Refined salt, a ton 12.00 JS0W
Table salt, a bale 1.00 160
These bales weigh 150 pounds. Coarse
alt has been as high as $18.60 to fU, and
refined salt as high as $28 a ton.
The plan of operation Is to regulate the
Output of salt by the various companies
In the trust, and those who .have the
privilege of buying from the trust and
selling to others must pay what the
trust dictates. As an indication of the
margin of profit between the actual cost
of the salt, compare the price at which
locoes ty howisurter with the average
price the trust pays the producing com
panies, which is from $1.25 to $2.65 a ton.
The difference between these prices and
the prices charged to dealers b.b" shown
In the table Is the profit, less operating
expenses of the trust, which are not
These enormous prices affect Oregon
Stockmen, who must pay four times as
much for salt as tney did when the prices
were upon a basis of legitimate profit,
taking Into, account cost of production
and fair profit. Oregon stockmen use
Immense quantities of salt on the ranges,
and the, difference in prices makes them
lose Just that much. Of course all oth
ers suffer likewise, for salt everyone
kaust have.
The Journal caused the interviewing ol
S'ortland jobbers on the subject, and
found that their position is about as one
Of the most prominent of them, who said:
"From the financial point of view we do
not suffer, as we simply take over the
salt ana sell it at a usual margin of
profit. Personally, however, we deplore
the fact that the people must pay such
enormous prices. for what is a necessity.
It does not Injure us materially, al
though we would prefer to see It sold
Upon a legitimate level of profit"
Of, course, every person in Oregon and
felsewhere will await with intense Interest
the outcome of the injunction suit be
gun in the Federal Court at San Fran
cisco. It goes to the whole question of
trusts and combines, that is agitating
the country, and also possesses local in
terest ' for the reason that there is con
sumed annually an immense amount ot
salt In the country tributary to Portland.
, Th suit has -created a small sensation
among the local jobbers, having a deep
commercial significance, as well as bear
ing' upon the political situation of the
It is of Interest to state that the Na
tional Salt Company, the Eastern Salt
trust has gone In the hands of a receiver.
' 5. R. GHstrap, one of the grand Jurors,
(Was taken down with chicken pox yes
terday. It was first thought ne had
Smallpox, but the developments this
morning showed It to be a mild case of
fchlcken pox. The Jury Is , expected to
resume its sittings as soon as he re-"
fcovers. ,
important Decision Regarding Strikers'
' BTRACUSE. n. T Oct. lS.-In the Su
trems Court Jiistice Andrews today de
Wded the question f the - legality -of
Con men .placing picketsIn front of
ootted stores. He says ths merchants
"tV" :X'. y ' :y 'X
Portuguese South Alrica. Now Be
longs to Great Britain New
Treaties Necessary.
BRUSSELS, Oct. 18. What has created
one of the most Important sensations In
official circles here for some time was
the announcement today by the Petit
Bleu that the sale of Portugese, South
Africa, to England, had bean accom
plished. ! To avoid sounding the Portu
gese susceptibilities the bill of sale was
drawn in the form of a 99 years lease.
The- sale will necessitate a new treaty
covering the German possessions as well.
The Kaiser and the King of Portugal
will meet In England to discuss the mat
ter in the near future.
This move is one of the most, important
moves that has been made by Great
Britain in the way of making a pur
chase "of territory in South Africa for
some time and it will be the means of
making her power there much stronger.
The move is one that has occupied the
attention of diplomats ever since the ne
gotiations were started and the final out
come Is being watched with Interest.
What will be the final result of the meet
ing between the rulers, only time can tell.
Fifteen of Them Charged With the
Murder of One Man.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Oct. lS.-The
federal grand. Jury today returned lu
dlctments kgalrist" ten more convicts who
participated in the mutiny at the slat
prison last fall. During the fight Guard
Waldrup, who was attempting to quell
the mutineers, ;Was murdered. Today's
indictments makes a total of fifteen con
victs who are charged with the crime oi
killing one man. It is believed by the
authorities that by Indicting those who
participated in the. revolt they will be
able to secure evidence that will convict
the man who was the direct cause of the
death of the guard.
NEW YORK, Oct. 18-Mrs. Rachel
Richman, the wife of a wealthy merchant
of this city, who was arrested at Alex
andria Bay, in July, on the charge of a
$25,000 theft of diamonds from Mrs. Walter
Delabarre, has been adjudged Insane.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 18. Mrs. Soflel, who
liberated the Biddle brothers from prison
and who la now in the penitentiary, has
decided to resist her husband's suit for a
divorce. Today she asked for counsel
fees during the defense in court and will
deny the charge of infidelity.
AUGUSTA. Ga., Oct 18. The handsome
new hall , of the local T. M. C. A. will be
dedicated tomorrow with Interesting cere
monies. Ex-Governor William J. Northen
will deliver the dedicatory address and
other participants In the exercises will
Include representatives of the association
from various cities of Georgia.
EDINBURG, Oct. 18. St. Andrews' Unl-verslty-
today twnotttrced-"that ttr- wowa
confer the degree of doctor of laws next
Wednesday on Choate, Whtye, Carnegie,
and Alexander Graham Bell.
The attorneys for William arid George
Baldwin argued a motion before Judge
George this morning for a new' trial.. The
motion Is being bitterly fought , by Dis
trict Attorney Chamoerlaln.
Andrew White was taken to the state
penitentiary this morning to serve his
five years' sentence for delivering the
blow which killed Peter Beauchene.
have the right' to an- injunction restrain
ing trespassing, obstructing or threaten,
fng-upom-thetr -promises or stdewa-ks: He
holds, however, that peaceful picketing
1 lawful
1 i ' i i .i nil ... T Ul. ; 1 jsi..i.m.i mm
They Follow the Lead
of Americans
Over Two Thousand Truckers and
Freighters May Be Called
Out Today.
PARIS, Oct.. IS. France is threatened
with a strike that will assume a magni
tude that will rival that til the great
strike' of the anthracite coul miners in
it was given out here today that the
general workers of the Federation of La
bor of France have threatened to call a
general strike throughout the entire re
public in order to aid the striking miners.
The 8tlemetit of the great American
strike has been received by all the labor
ing classes with great enthusiasm, and
has been the means of giving great courJ
age to the French strikers who Believe
that by following the same lines as those
persued by the anthracite miners, they
can win a victory which means so much
L to them.
CHICAGO, Oct. 18. It has just been
learned that 600 freight handlers, ship
pers, packers and truckers employed by
the largest wholesale grocery houses in
the city who went out on a strike this
morning, will be Joined by 2500 more if
the general demand which has been made
for a uniform scale of wages is not com
plied with. The strikers" have demanded
that a scale "of $2 per day be "granted
them, and If this is refused a general
strike will be the result,,. -
W. C T. U. Begins Its Annual
PORTLAND, Me., Oct. It Promptly
-to- the- -jnlmite-at thethno- set -for-the
opening of the 29th annual national con
vention of the W. C. T. U., Mrs. L. M.
N. Stevens rapped the convention to or
der. It was quite evident that the suc
cessors of Miss Frances Willard enjoyed
the highest esteem and affection of the
cultured women before her, as she was
required to stand for some time, bowing
her acknowledgements, before'the warm
applause subsided. Surrounding the na
tional president were a score or more of
women who are foremost in ths temper
ance reform movement in America. The
stage was neatly decorated with potted
plants and bunting. The main floor of
the theater was occupied with the delega
tions from the different states and terri
tories, while the balcony was filled with
interested auditors.
T WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 The announce
ment was made today at the White
House that President Roosevelt would be.
compelled to cancel his visit to the In
auguration of President Wilson, of Prince
ton University, as his physicians say It
would be very unwise for htm to attempt
to travel for at Jeast two weeks,
WASHINGTON, Oct 18. Consul Smith
cables the Btate Department from Cairo
the following: "Since the 12th there have
been 705eases of cholera and BS deaths
in this part of Egypt." ' , -
CHICAGO. Oct. It WheatT7!mc
Slot Machine Crusade
Saloon Men W, fight To Test
LawsLord Lkfines
The Constables d -the Sheriffs office
are still at work lit giving notice to the
operators of slot machines that they must
be removed. Yesterday the warning of
the officers was heeded and the card de
vices were taken from the counters. At
most of the cigar stores another game
has been Introduced, to take the place of
the machines suppressed. ' It Is practi
cally the same game, iu played In a dif
ferent way. The fact of .using dies In'
stead of cards to play for cigars does not
side-step the ordinance on the matter, al
though . It leaves room for a technical
doubt. These new devices will be pro
ceeded against and removed.
The nlckel-ln-the-slot machines at the
Hoffman Saloon, in the Sherlock build
ing, near Third and Oak, are still run
nlng in spite of the notification of the
arm of the law. It is said that this case
will be used ss a test and will be backed
up by the Othet operators In the city. It
is exoressed by many that the law can
not Decade effective... Developments are
looked 'forward to with interest by the
saloon keepers and cigar dealers.
Chief of Police McLauchlan this fore
noon received letter from Charles Lord,
of the Law Enforcement League, calling
his attention to eh- Surrey -eloelng- law
and requesting that it be enforced. The
Sheriff and Constables were also made
aware that thev are supposed to act.
Whether the town will be closed or open
tomorrow is what the saloon men are
guessing over today. All of those Inter
viewed stated they would open up in the
morning and take a chance.
The saloon' men will not submit to the
Sunday closing move wltn tne docility
of . Iambs .From an- authoritative- source
it Is gleaned that the Liquor dealers"
Association have held a meeting and cre
ated a fund to fight the move to a finish.
They are of the opinion that the law on
the issue cannot be enforced.
Mr. Lord states: "I have had a talk
with Mr. Kllner, and the members of
the Enforcement League are well satis
fled with the progress made up to this
time. We are not saying anything but
sawing wood. As to who are the mem
bers of the League, that is a matter On
which I do not feel at liberty to commit
myself without the consent of my clients.
I don't suppose that any of them would
have any objections to having their
names published and will probably do so
at no distant period. We are going
ahead and doing the work ws started
In to perform and are askiag no odds of
anyone. No one will deny -but What the
move is right If this is the case and
results are being accomplished the per
sonnel of the men back of the movement
cuts no tee. There are men supporting
the League who are highly respected,
and are prominently identified with the
business and financial interests of the
NEW YORK. Oct. IS. Harold Shafter
Howard of Oakland; CaL, a cousin - of
General 'Shafter. whom he accompanied
hero Wednesday, has been taken suddely
violently Insane. He was taken to the
Bellevue Insane Hospital yesterdajr,. Gen
eral Shatter said today that the yeung
man! would be taken back to San Fran.
cioo ' at onos.
Spectators Will Give Five Dollars
Eachior Murderer's
. . Son
If Sheriff Storey consummates his pres
ent intentions. Murderer Beldlng will pass
into history as the 'first criminal who
made money on the scaffold, and the
Sheriff will Incidentally be remembered as
having originated a system whereby a
curiosity, not altogether admirable, may
be made to contribute to a laudable char
ity. The Sheriff proposes, in short, that?
those persons who attend the hanging of
the wife-murderer shall pay $6 toward the
support of Beldlng'g little 6-year-old boy,
whom the grim, , soaped noose will make
an orphan October 31.
"The idea." said Sheriff Storey to a
Journal representative this morning, "Is,
I think' entirely original, and was sug
gested to me by the numerous requests
for Invitations to the hanging which I
have received . already. Boldlng's little
boy. who is now being cared for by the
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, has al
ready been deprived of his mother, who
Was shot by Beldlng, and will bu left an
orphan without any means of support and
dependent entirely on charity. It Is the
custom to issue tickets or rather Invita
tions to a limited extent on the occasion
of a legal execution, and I think it would
be eminently proper that those receiving
them who care to attend should con
tribute something to the support of the
child whose father they have come to see
"The position of this little boy Is an un
enviable one, and it seems to me that it
would be much . Improved if a sum of
I think, entirely original, and was sug
money were placed In - the hands
of the County Court to be ex
pended under Its direction for tire child's
education and benefit. 'So KeerirydbT feel'
this to be the case that I will donate my
self and fees which I may receive for ex
ecuting this sentence toward the fund
which I propose to raise. It has been cus
tomary in the past for the court to give
the Sheriff an honorarium of $100 upon
the execution of a capital sentence, and
should this practice be fctlowed In the
Beldlng case I will turn it over to the
murderer's child.
"I am aware that In making public this
idea I am advocating an idea which be
cause of lt novelty, may entail some
criticism," continued the Sheriff, "but I
am free to say that I do not think any
valid objection can be raised to my pro
posal. I shall not put it before the pub
lic in the light of a spectacle for which
an admission fee is charged, but rather
as the circulation of a subscription list,
the subscribers to which will receive Invi
tations to the hanging as a matter of
The plan outlined by the Sheriff, which
is now practically assured, will result
probably in realising nearly $2000 for the
boy, whose father, his natural support,
stands In the chill shadow of approaching
The enclosure which will be erected by
the Sheriff will hold some 600 persona,
and in previous executions it has always
been comfortably filled. The statutes pro
vide that certain people. Including the
Coroner, a Sheriff's Jury and a religious
attendant, must be admitted, arid In ad
dition to this it has been customary to in
vite the members of the jury which con
victed him, court officials and such of
the general public as the Sheriff may
Cc4Mnsnl.n.U)ft. SJl
free among those who heard of it and
mingled with a natural surprise at the
novelty of the Idea, was a generally ex
pressed determination to subscribe to the
fund. Beldlng himself is muoh pleased
at the prospective opportunity of leaving
his son some money.
Passenger Train Runs Into Freight
Injuring Many.
LAKE CRTSTAL, Minn.. Oct 1.
What might have proved to be a terrible
disaster occured near here today. Early
this morning a passenger train collided
with a freight on the Omaha road ser
iously injuring five and slightly disabl
ing eleven persons. Among those ser
iously hurt are Mrs. E. C. Elgler, of
Mankato. internally injured; Ira Van
Polton, Iowa, skull fractured and thro
others whose names could not he ob
tained. The accident was caused by a
mistake In orders.
George Keith, a young son of M. Keith,
foreman at the Madison street oriage,
fell out of a cherry tree this morning,
Struck on his chin, cutting it badly,
broke his left arm near the shoulder, lay
unconscious for two hours, and .la how
sei4ouolFr frWotusstan of (the
brain. Ur". Keith resides on jSighth street
ear sssi ianers
Shipsing Interests Alarmed at the
Action of the Liner Com
bination. LIVERPOOL, Oct 18. Ail kinds of
comment In shipping circles here have
been caused by the announcement this
morning that Liverpool is on the verge
of losing her marine supremacy.
It was given out here this morning
that J. Plerpont Morgan's shipping trust
has come to the conclusion to take ac
tion toward gaining the absolute control
of the maritime situation. It Is said
that this trust has decided to operate
the great Leyland . liners which run be
tween Manchester and Boston. By so
doing the trust will succeed In drawing
an immense traffic from the east coast
of England, which will greatly enhance
the business of the organization which la
now under the control of the great finan
cier. Morgan.
This action on the-part of the shipping
trust has aroused all the shipping inter
ests of Liverpool and a strenuous ef
fort will be made to block the scheme,
for if it is successfully carried out It will
mean the death of the-maritime suprem
acy which Liverpool has held so long and
which she will not give up without mak
ing a gigantic struggle.
Denver Road Will Be
Its Extension to
Salt Lake .
SALT LAKE. OVi'"lS.-iipclal to the
Deseret News from Chicago, says that
Mor Bros are believed to be furnishing
the bulk of the capital for the building
of the Denver Northwestern & Pacific
railroad. The new road is practically an
extension of the Rock Island from Den
ver to Salt Lake. Speaking of the new
road. D. H. Moffat said:
"Final arrangements have been per
fected for the work Incidental -to the
building of the line are progressing rap
Idly. The road will be completed in two
years to Salt Lake, a distance of about
WW miles, and by arrangement with Sena
tor Clark, will establish a road passing
through Colorado, Utah, Nevada and Cal
if oi nia."
Nominees of Ninth District in Mas
sachusetts Still Contesting.
BOSTON Oct. 18. Before the time limit
for filing Independent nomination papers
in the office of the Secretary of State had
expired, the three Democratic contestants
In the deadlocked Ninth Congressional
District had each filed such papers. Those
Defnocratlc-Cltixens, and of John A. Keli
her as the Democratic-Gaston nominee,
and as the Democratic-Citizens. One of
these, however, will have to be with
drawn. The papers of Joseph A. Owyy,
the Republican, are marked "Democratic
NEW JTORK, Oct IS James T. Will
iamson Mas been nominated- forfCongress
by the Republicans in the Seventh Con
gressional District of Brooklyn. He was
named in place of General Horatio C.
King, who declined.
DETROIT. Mich.. Oct. Mayor Will
iam A. Maybury was today nominated by
the Democratic city convention for a
fourth term.
His Forces Are Victorious After Seven
Days' Bloody Battle
(Scripps-McRae News Association.)
NSW,yORKiJ Oct. 1-The Consul
General of Veenauels today receive d"m
following cable which was sent from
Immense Crowd Thrown Into Deep
Water Without a Moment's
VIENNA. Oct 18. A most appalling
disaster occurred this morning wbea the
bridge over the Golden Horn, connecting
Stamboul with Galata, - collapsed, pre
cipitating an immense crowd of people
into the water, drowning 100 persona
This morning a large crowd of peo
ple assembled on the bridge over the
Golden Horn to witness the docking of
a large boat , When the ceremonies of
the event were about to commence the
supports of the bridge gave way, throw
ing almost the entire, throng of specta
tors Into the deep water below. Ths
crash came without a moment's warn
ing, and escape from the falling struc
ture was Impossible. Men, women and
children were dashed Into the water.
lany of thorn being drowned before help
could reach them. The sight, of ths
struggles of those who could not swim
was horrifying and their cries for as
sistance were most heartrending. Moth
ers with their babies in their arms, frant
ically struggling to reach a place of
safety, sunk to the bottom, never to rise
again, men who tried to save their child
ren became exhausted and soon went to
the bottom, clasping their precious burd-
ens In the embrace of death. For a time
the surface of the water was a solid mass
of struggling humanity, frantically fight
ing In their efforts to gain the shore,
blindly grasping at every object that
came within their reach, which only
proved to be some poor unfortunate like
No sooner had the accident occurred
than those on the shore went to the res
cue or the victims of the terrible disaster. ..
Boats were manned irrespective of own
ership by willing hands anxious to assist ..
in the "work of saving the lives of those
poor beings who were so bravely fighting
against a fate) which was almost certain
death. Without ceremony the struggling
forms were lifted Into the boats and on
quickly Improvised rafts. By the heroic
efforts of the rescuers the lives of the ma
jority of those who were precipitated Into
the water were saved. A careful estl
mate places the loss of life at over 100. v
Largest Tobacco Shipment Ever
Landed at Tampa.
TAMPA, Fla., Oct 18. All records of
tobacco shipments which have been made
to this port have been broken. On next
Monday the largest tobaoco Importation
ever made will be landed here. Tne
value of the shipment amounts to an
even million dollars.
VICTORIA, B. C, Oct 18. News Is Just
received here that the tug Vancouver
struck a rock and sunk at.Jones' Island,
12 miles from Victoria, while en route
here from Vancouver last night The
crew were saved,- but the vessel is prob
ably a total loss.
DALLAS, Texas. Oct 18. Fifty thou
sand people witnessed the parade today.
The sky-was .clfiar-ARdbrlght s.Uday. -Six
thousand school children took pari"
In the demonstration and Schley's car
riage traversed a literal pathway of cut.
Complaints were this morning drawn by
Deputy City Attorney Fltasgerald for ths
arrest of Occupation tax violators. They
were Chas. B. Hand, J. Blum, Christian
Blum, M. J. Gill. J. J. Kadderly, George
L. Eden. R. Rudolph and H. ChulL
The bridge on Larrabee street over
Montgomery, gulch was closed this after
noon on account of its dangerous condi
tion. . .
Caracas: General Castro has rained a
sweeping victory over toe revolutionists
after seven days of a bloody battle. There
are tOOO casual lies. In ths rebei camp." ,