v 4 mtKff biixirT JOtmiTAi ronTLAyp, rniDAX evening; octobeb i7, ,1002, (l'JLLB : ft ft lfr?y in m 'iiififi, , " Vii'i", r , I ' ." in 'T () ll PLANS For housekeeping: are not com jplete unless you include a visit to our store. We have so much to interest you in prices that you'll feel well repaid for your time. We've never had a choicer lot of goods to show, or lower prices to tempt you to Duy., IRON Like cut extra heavy I 1.16 kich posts. There's no excuse for pay In; more money for ; beds whe these afr only t, 5 " ... n..!,-- ' 3 v si , $2.75 We have other iron beds of every style, price and quality, all marked at quick i : . .WE'VE AN ERTRA COUCHES In Velour and -- v Ramie y-- WITH SPRINQ EDGES, LIKE CUT... ... I lg tess The Royal Rival Steel Range $25 up WE ARE STILL IN HENRY- JENNING THE 4-STORY RED BLOCK 170172 FIRST ST. - PORTIAND, ORE. For the Din ing Room Massive oak extension tables, like cut, rft P pretty and sub- j I 3 ttantlal.. ,7f BED5 EXTRA HEAVY. -- - ' ' Iron Beds With brass top rail, 7 spin dies, and worth much more than the price we ask. Only $6.50 selling prices. Solid Oak Center Table t 4 Like cut, well made, food looking, and a big bargain at $2.25 v LARQB STOCK OP $3.50to$7.00 This Is tjtie range that purchasers rec . ommend" to th e IT friends. This is the range that saves in fuel more than It cost, in a short time. This is the range that should be in your kitchen; THE OLD STAND LARD IS ADVANCED Quotations Go Up 1 tot in Two Days PACKED MEATS TOO Go Skyward What Receives Rise of Two Cents Ho Quotations. Th merchants on Front street were In ai uproar this morning. The continued advance on lard are being kept up.' Yes terday the quotation were advanced o and today the dealers were notified of an additional rise of c Eastern packed meats have again gone up Dealers were again nounea inn morning of an advance in that line. The markets In the Easi are likewise very ex cited and quotations there are on the ram page. Receipts of .meats In the local mar kets are somewhat more liberal today, but the demand has grown so heavy "on account of the top prices on packed meats that the markets are kept . constanly cleaned up. No changes have been made In the quotation! of local fresh meats. Quotation on wheat were advanced quit a bit this morning, some or the rises being Z a hundred. Walla Walla is now quoted at (5c, bluestem at 68V4c and Valley at 64$S6c The market Is very stiff at these quotations and another rise is not unexpected. Receipts of eggs are better, but not yet equal to the growing demand. A car and a half of Eastern have been received by local dealer. Several more cars are, ex pected next week. No changes are noted in quotations. 'Butter ! stiff at eurrent quotations. The best creamery is easily bringing soo a pound, while dairy Is still selling at XPAc. Country butter Is dull at 153i6c. Hops are picking up and more sales are reported. According to a prominent dealer at Aurora the reported sale' of a lot of hops at Buttevill for 21 cents ts untrue. Hops f re selling in that locally at U cents a pound. Moat of the growers are still hplding for cents. The following, are today's revised quo tations: , , GRAIN. JT-OUR AND FEED. 099tt9 VHA :oft8 'uiajsaniq Barley feed. $17; rolled, $21 22. Oats No. 1 white, $l1.06; gray, 96c 1Flour Eastern Oregon: Patents, $3.20 01.10; straight. 42.8S2.9b; . graham, 12.16; Valley. $2.8608: Diamond W., $3.75. Mlustunrs Bran, sjsjdv per ion tags, $23: shorts, $19.60; chop, Hay New' Timothy, $1112; mlddl- 1. clover. HOPS. WOOXi AND HIDES. Horn 2S024C foC choice. Wool Nominal; Valley, 16 16c; East- rn Oregon. 1014c. Bheepeain nneannn, ivIi3iy short wool. 26036a; medium wool 0O too; oing .wooi, iwwti wua. Tallow Prime, per pound, tM04o; No. 1 and grease, 12H. Hides Dry hides. No. L 1$ pounds and up,1616feo per pound; ory kip. No. L 6 to 16 pound. He; dry calf. No. U under t pound, 16fec; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry Hint; salted hides. Steer, sound. 60 jh pd or over, 7H8Ho; 69 to 60 pounds38a; under 60 pound, and cows, 7c: stags and bulls, sound, 6i9 IHc; kip, sound, 16 to SO pounds, 7c; Teal, cund, 10 to 14 pounds, 7e; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, tc; green (unaalted). lo per pound lee: eull. le per pound lees; horse hide, sait.d, each, LtSk76; dry. each. $101.60; colts' Aides, each. 25 50c ; goat skin, common, each. IO91B0; An gora, with wool on. each, t6c$L Mohair 7c . GROCERIES. NTJTS. ETC. Sugar, "saok basis,' cube, $4.76; powd ered. $4.0; dry granulated, $4.60: extra C. $4.00; golden C. $1.90; barrels, 16c; half barrels, zoc: ooxea, ovo aavanc on lack bast, less loo per cw.t for cash, maple, 12H16o per pound. Honey 14 16o lb. Coffee-Oreen Mocha, $l23e; Java, fancy, J8a2o; Java, good. lo24c; Java, ordinary, 1820c; Costa Rica, fancy. 19 20c; Coat Rica, - good, hj Uo; Costa Rica, ordinary.' 1012o pet pound; Columbia roast, $11: Arbuckle'a. $11.61 list; IJon, $11.13 list; Cordova, Teas Oolong, differetlt grade, 2865o Gunpowder, 28, $1 to 36c: English Break fast, different grades, 1JH to 6o; Spider Leg, unoolored Japan, $0 to 60c; green Japan, very scarce, 80 to 40c. Salt-Bale, ts, ts, 4. Is, 10, 2.v fine table, dairy and Imported Liverpool 60s, 62a; 100. $1.02; 200. 11.96;, per W Bait-Worcester salt, bulk.- bbfsT. 320I $6.00; Worcester 140 u, $6.60; Wo eester, 100 $6.(0: Worcester, lo &. $5.28; Worceter, $0 10A, $6.00; Worce.ter; linen sacks, 60s, 88c ' flalt Coarse, half cround. 100a $19.60; 60. per ton. $20; Liverpool lump. TocteVf 84- per ton; 60lte"Toa-tttri00, fir.vv. x urain oag aicuna, ss.du per 100. Nut Peanuts, 6io per lt. for raw $H9o for roasted; oocoanuts, 85 -3 90c per dos; walnut. 14 16c per lb; pine nuts lufeliHc; hickory nut. 7c; chestnut, $3.51 S5 per drum; Brai.ll nut. 16c; filberts 16 He; fancy pecans, 1416c; almonds 1416o. Coal 011 cases, 11 c per gallon; tank Water Whit, 144c net; tanks, Headlight 16o net. Rloe Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6Hc; No. 1 4o; New" Orleans, head, 77S4c Salmon Columbia River, 1-1 b talla $1.70; 1-lb tall. $2.40; fancy 1-lb flat $1.86; H-lb fancy'flat, f 1.10; Alaska talis pink; 86c; red, fl.26; I-lb talis, $x. Bean Small white, $4: large white. $4.00; pink. $.76; bayou. 4.00; Llmas. 6c Tobacco Plug cut. amoklnr. lM-m package! Seal of North Carolina. 70o lb: Mastiff. 8c; Dixie Queen, 40c; Rett oeii, c; rearo, sve; uoiaen eicepter, IL16; fine cut Cameo, 40c; Capstan, C.84. Duke' Mixture. 40c: Bun Durham, mat Old English Curve Cut. 72c: Maryland Club. 71c; Mall Pouch, Ssc: Tale Mixture, $1.40. i-'lug tobacco. Drummond i Nat ural Iaf. 8o; PlperHeJdsieclc. c; Sometnmg Good, 46o; Standard Navy, 44c; T. A B., 63o ; Spear Head, 43c; star, 43c fin cut ohewlmr: Golden ThrMrt 8c; Fast Mall, 70c BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRT. Butter Creamery. $7410c: dalrv. 20 a ; etore, l6HJ8c Eggs uregon. 16M0Z7H: Bastern. 2EA 26M,c; cold storage, 22fc23Uc Full cream, twins. IIVAIja? Toung America 1416c Poultry Thickens, mixed, $8.604 per : hen. U4O4.60 ner do: broilers. 12 $2.60; spring..' $I.I0S; ducks. $4 4. 60 per aou; turkeys, - live), ll)4&12c; do, dressed, 14 16c per lb; sees, ii.ooei.eo per dos." ',.V;. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes 670! sweeU. $LM cwt ; sweets 0c$L Onions Orei (sron. 10 Tomato e iO & 0e er - hex: turnine. saek. 11.10: carrot. $161.19 sack: Imii IL26 per box: peache. U60o; arab D- ples. So per lb FklT"Burter' pears. 1Wcn per box; cranberries, Tillamook an Coo Bay. $8; tsne Ood. $ a barrel. V1 Apple JlCyt 76Cei.0; WWi -my V .wo. rr basket: CaUforbU. $1 1: Oregon, 16cff . Radlshe-,? doaea Mle: cab bages. Or.rtnJ I4ilVo lb: lettuce, head. PeKdoi. 135orOrego6 C fJf- dos; fceans, SQio lb;, eggplant, 8e lb; cucumbers, OOSOe box; green peppers, S0e box;"" squash. $1.60 cwt; pumpkins $1.60 cwt; horseradish, 8c lb; celery, 75c $1 doa. . - Gren frn It Lemons. $3C.B0; oranges, box.. 4.605; Unteloupes. 76cU per craw; pninaazi per craic, wuiKn Dried frnlts nnles Evaporated.' " 08c; aprtoota $i&Tc; peaches 7c; pears 810c; prunas. IUlian. 46c; ftp, California blacks, 6 6c; do. white, Co to; plums,, pitted, tQtc MEATS AND PROVISIONS. Fresh meats Beef, prime, W7c: bulls, -494e; cows, 6H6o; pork, ,19 7He lb; veaj., 88ttc: mutton, 2,3ov gross; dressed, 4jtic; lambs, 66c per Hams, "bacpn, etc. Portland pac (Western). - hams, 16c; plonlo, 12c; breakfast , bacon, 18lc; light sides. He; backs, Utte; dry salted sides, 10o; dried be seta. 18c; lnsldes and knuckles, 18c; per pound. Eastern packed hams, under lev lbs, 15: over 18 lbs, 16c; fancy 1 6c: picnic, 12c; shoulders, 12c; dry salted sides, unsmoked, 14c; breakfast bacon, 18 "c; bacon sides, 164c; backs, unsmoked, 14c; do. smoked, l&Hc; butu. l&13o. Iard Kettle Wf, 10-lb tins, 14c; 6s, 16c; 60-lb tins. 14c lb; steam rendered, 10s. 14 Ho; 6a. 1414c. Fish Rock cod, 8c: flounders, 7c; hali but, 9a; ling cod, 6c: crabs, per do. $1.60; rasor clams, 10c doi; red snappers. 89c; black cod, 89e; stripped bass, 1012Hc; salmon. ,87c; soles, 8c; smelt 6c; lobsters, lgfrc IRRIGATIONISTS MEET AGAIN Decide on Havine a State Coa- ventioa on; November 18 Arrangements Made. The Oregon Irrigation Association held another meeting last night, at which the organiser, "A, H. Devera, James M. Moore, J. C Moreland. C. H.McIsaac, Henry E. Reed, a C. Hutchinson and J. N. Wllliamson,r;Were present, as were also A. M. Brake and A. King Wilson. As decided aV the organization meeting yesterday morntng President A. H. De vers appointed n-the following committee to Investigate th Itatus of all irrigation enterprise undertaken In the state of Oreg0 under the terms of the Carey land act. The. eommlttees appointed are as followsIeKry:Hahn, of Pprtland; J. N. WilllaiSsonv f Prinevllle; James M. Moore, Portland; 1. W. Hope, Vale, and F. D. McCwUyJo8eph. 4 - CONVENTION NOVEMBKrt 18.f r. Arrangement wire made for a conven tion to be held here which 4nO delegate from all over th state will attend. The following apportionment for delegates nas been made:' To be appointed: By the Governed 20 delegates; by May ors of citle, 'two delegates, and one ad ditional for every 2600 people or major fraction of that number; by each Board of County Commissioners, two delegates; by '' eachc'OimWeroIal "ofgahteatlbn, two delegates, and one for each 60 members; by each Irrigation company, two dele gates; ,. by Jthe Stgte University, State Agricultural College, Experiment Station and each State Normal School, each two delegates. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS." The following were declared ex-offlclo members: The Governor, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the state of Oregon ; the members of the State Board of Agri culture; the members of .the State Board of Horticulture; the State Biologist: the State Game and Fish Warden; the State Fish Commissioner; the , Stafe .Dairy, and Food Commissioner); member of the Leg islative Assembly p)t,the state of Oregon; the State Veterinarian; : the State Land Agent; United State. Senators and Rep resentatives In Congreaa of the state of Oregon; County Judges, Commissioners and Surveyors; the City Engineers and Surveyors of Incorporated cities; all mem ber in good standing of the National Ir rigation Associations the Governor-elect of the state of Oregon. - A MONEY SAVER ' Saturday's Big Sal of Suits and Over coats for $8.65, at the Lion Storei . Union-made suits and overcoats that are right up to the hour in style, made sight,-ut.jAg.ht-ind $!3-4e 416 vl&3s?4 will be placed on sale), commencing Sat urday morning, at the special sale price 0t..$8.66. -rj ,K Just a snap In suits and overcoats that's all. .. ' What? Have we lost our heads? : Not for a minute! We don't like to lose money any more than 'you do; but we can be generous with other people' losses. '. . A big maker sacrificed his profits in garnBnts-nn matter who no matter whereIt's all right: We've done all the looking; all you've got to do Is to comer buy what you like, jingle the money in your pocket that you save, and come right back to us the min ute you're sorry you did It and we'll re fund your money to you. What we advertise we do. and when you read It in our advertisements It true. Tes, sir; this Is a big suit and overcoat snap, and don't you miss it. LION TAILORING? COMPANY, ' 165 Third St., near Morrison. NEW CANADIAN RAILROAD. TORONTO, Ont... Oct, 17. The Tllson burg. Lake Erie A Pacific 1 now com pleted from Port Burwell to Ingersoll, nd connects with th Wabash, the Grand Trunk, the Michigan,, Central and the Canadian Pacific. ThI road ha a charter for an extension to CbrUngw6odahS ter minus arrangements are now being made. This new line will prove most advantage ous to an extensive and rich district of Ontario, and win furnish cheap coal to AH the region that it reaches. IOWA PRESBYTERIANS, WATERLOO. la Oct.' 17. -The Presby terian synod of Iowa began It annual meeting here today and will continue In session through rtie remainder of the week. The gathering has attracted ISO ministers of the denomination and almost as many lay visitors. Matters of church government and "church Interest will oo 1 cupy most of the thnev ' j- -' i. A.w V i . ARMOUR ;v BEING Of (cago . Gora r ation STOCKS ARE RISING Since Strike Settlements-Money . 'Market Is EasyLiYC Stock Market. Furnished from Special Wires to Bolton, cle Ruyter A CpJ (02 Third Street. CHICAGO, Oct 17. Th Record-Herald says: The corn market has developed into most interesting affair. The De-1 cember motive is now almost entirely in the Armour attitude. Patten Is out of the future entirely. His shorts are all cleared up. The Armour long Interest Is sup posed to be so large, that scalping opera tion which are under way all the time, the selling on rallies and buying back 0:1 breaks, make ' no ' great difference In the market. The . big December holders continue to buy. tha-cash corn and to ship it out. But there is an unusual strong cash situation with the easy paying 8 to 10 per cent premium over the December for the No. 8 and No. 3 yellow at Cansas City. 'The new No. S corn yesterday was 5 to 6 cents over the Chicago December price. So that in December corn now as In September wheat last month tne Ar mour people seem merely to have aelsed upon a legitimate situation In advance of other people. But pretty nearly . every body else who I" long on December corn is now tailing afer the big holder.' But the corn interest Is not entirely In the December. The B. F. party have a great line bought for May, and are predicting that Elwood has had a lint- of corn. The pit does not know whether the recent big trade by Wrenn is for Armour or for Elwood. Thit house' get the orders .of both, and perhaps Is getting therri both now. Some thtntc that Reid has a line of December,, and there has been the story for a mofttl) that ,Armp4Jr and Reid had some Joint account! interest. There lg a better business doing 'In cash oats. Sales from, her, yesterday .were, ,200,000 bushels. The Cecil people. bsive been bidding be'tter than Chicago' prices' through Ohio for Akron of lat Sihd getting very few. They are also buying at Minneapolis and Duluth and paying high prices without getting many. It is believed the terri tory east of Chicago has sold its surplus pretty well. Many Buy Stocks. NEW YORjK, Oet 17. The Chronicle says: - The settlement Of the coal strike and improving conditions In the money market are the , Incentives behind tne present buying of stocks and there is a confident feeling . among conservative operators that purchases are In order on moderate recessions. It is argued that the shake out of the past month nas resulted in a very stable speculative situ ation. Banking Interests have the storks and have been buying;, them during two waeks of tight . money in. which prices had no, greaj Aecdinec, It. i the old story or lightning change In speculative tem per, follolrig a hertdju'sttnent of holdings occasioned by . purely locat causes, the latter being manipulation of money and stocks by powers accumulating the lat ter for a big campaign based o fthe fact that favorable crop and Industrie cpn ditions are net altered by Wall' street spasms. Now. that the, coa r strike1 is put of the way the indications are for a vol ume of general business even larger tnan has been done at any time this aotutnn, which would mean In excess of an "red- ords." ,1 ; , t . rlcans Steady NEW YORK, Oct. 17.-Amertcan stocks in London are steady and, a shade under parity. Th. miners' convention will rati jCy-MltcheUA. JWJl'ja. and ,rjiBB.t-'we? Thursday. Great Western still disturb ing situation. Norfolk dividend will be lht per cent semiannually, an advance of M per cent. It is reported that the Ches apeake will raise new capital for neces sary expenditures for improvements Copper trade Interests bullish on Amal gamated. E. W. Lawson bulling sugar. It is expected that the Distilleries (se curities Company will be placed on 4 per cent basis. It Is considered certain that I nn4he-!&loraito-tawg--t l"tfigwd" -feot pie can retain control of Colorado fuel. Columbus, Hocking Coal & Iron Is mark ing big profits from Increased price of coal. Expected plan maturing for deal ing with Leather Preferred back divi dend. Cattle and Hogs. CHICAGO, Oct 17. Union" Stock Yards: Hogs. Cattle Sheep.- Chicago ..18,000 2,500 18,000 Kansas City .12,000 3,000 7,000 Omaha 4,000 2.000 1,000 Hogs opened (f to 18 -cents higher; left over yesterday, 3600; receipts one year ago, 24.000. Mixed, $$.867.60U; ood. $7.607.6O- light, $6.80(87.86.. Cattle Slow and steady. Sheep Steady. Liverpool Markets. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 17. Opening Wheat December 6-10. higher; March. 6-11H. higher. . ?rn:rJ,a.niary' 4"4- higher; March. cotton jtv utures opened unchsnni in 1 advance and now steslv at a nnint. advance. Compared with yesterday's cioeing mis is Detter than the traders anticipated and should lead to reaction on this aecline. Few will oar to remain short over Sunday unless th weather shows up welL L 0.t). F. HOME. .RICHMOND, Va.. Oct 17. The Board of Directors of the Odd Fellows'. Home tf Virginia I In 'special session Tier today, Governor Montague presiding, for the purpose ot discussing a, site for the Odd Fellows' Home. Lynchburg, Fredericks burg and Salem are applicants for the Home, Each city ha made inviting offers and the ultimate selection is problem atical.1 ' LOOK HEREOijG ST.: LOUIS IV-.1V ' "j " ''t Dispensary Z -H . e ; :v o ' Longest Established. Most Suc cessful and Reliable Specialist In Oisesses of Men, ss Medical Licenses, Di plomas and, New. - paper Record VV 1 Show, . D I S E VARICOCELE r WEAKNESS BLOOD POISON RIJPTIJKlXahd KIDNEY DISEASES ETC., ETC. v I 1 References Best banks and leading business men of this city. Consultation at offiqe or by. letter -free and strictly confidential. Always inclose 10 2-c stamp to insure answer. Address in perfect confldene DR. J. HENRI KESSLER, St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sts. . PORTLAND, OREGON. M COST To consumers of current from Y Lamps at -1 5c Each, These are the same lamps that we made expressly tor us. Buy them dozen lots free of charge. , , 'GOTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 4 ' 1 A AAi4Aa A SiAi4AA4AiSAiiiissiiiiiillSSi4siA A The Standard Gas Lamp Beautiful Whit. Light at Minimum Cost. Our Standard, Lamp will light a room 20 feet square brilliantly. A gas i)lant portable, lung It anywhere. Approved by. Fire Insurance Under writers. Every lamp guar anteed. " Por . sale by II. W Manning Lighting and Supply Co. Wholesale and Retail. Latest Improved Match-Lighting Gas Lamp., Gas Mantels and Lighting- Supplies. . - ' General Agent for ' "WONDERFUL DORAN LIGHTING SYSTEM. , ' f- io5 Sixth St , Portland, Or. Opposite Jklerrlll's Cyclery. ' ' THE HOP MARKET Hayf.,Sal ...Reported. at Salem at 25 Cerjts. SALEM, Oct. 17.-The general hop mar ket Is strong, with an upward tendency, according o the statement of one of the leading hop lealers of this city, who has prominent business' connections In New York, Boston, London and on the Conti nent. Ho states that the latest' reports lr.cm.Jtii8..Jias.tMi3cttm.ect,lHt)kjndi(iaie,a. strong market and. a gradual advance, and he predicts that the market hero will respond soon in sympathy 'with the ad vance, In the East Klrkpatrlck & Williams, of Dallas, yes terday purchased 60 bales of choice hops In Polk County at 25 cents. This is re ported to have been a bona fide sale, and the lot was purchased on an order from the East. - ' H. J. Miller, of Aurora, also purchased a lot at Hubbard at 24 cents. The report wa received here by a local dealer yesterday that Herman Klober, of Tacoma, had- purchased the J. C. Bush lot of 110 bale.. at ChehaUs at 25 cents. This was reported to be a bona fide sale, and local dealers stated that this would open the market at that price. RECEPTION FOR DELEGATES. BOSTON. 'Mass., Oct. 17.The local Irish societies have perfected elaborate plans for th reeeptlon and entertainment ot Messrs Einumd,-Dillon. .PftYltt agd T isjajte, xreiana s aeiegates to tne conven tion of the United Irish League of Amer ica, who are expected to reach Boston this evening. . Accompanying the delega tion $k Mrs. Johji. Hartain, a sister of John jrtltchel, who has come to this countfy'aa tn 'speclar representative of the -women of Iceland. . The convention will begin it sessions In Faneull hall next Monday and Will oonttau through the week. Besides the delegate's from abroad representative Irish-Americans from all parts of the country are expected To be present r MAN! .Ton should consider thoroughly th skill, v experience, reliability, etc. of Doctor or Specialist before entrusting to hlra 'ymi health, th perfect and lasting Y??BhouM consider the OU1CK-CCRB ILLUSION and FREE-CURE FALLAC X u iiiccuiHuiii. man wouia consider -business proposition. Tou-do not want to ' be mutilated and maimed for life by, try Ingvto be cured of Varicocele and kind- . red trouble lna. few days by surgical procedures. . .' . x , Ever man who is afflicted owesS it to himself and hi posterity : to get cured safely and positively, without leaving any . blight or weakness in hi system. The many ' years of our succesaful practlo In Portland prove that our method of -' treatment are certain and 'not expert- ' mentaL .-V. , "V. . Call at my offloe, and If t find that yon - cannot be cured will NOT accept your money UNDER ANT CONDITIONS but " If on examination we' find you are cur- 1 able we will guarantee a . , . . , SAFE AND POSITIVE OJRE In as short a time a the nature and ex-' tent of the disease will permit without Injurious after effects. My charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful and, successful service. - Consult -vu before - consenting to .any surgical operation xipon Important blood vessel. Premature deoline algnallse th pre i ence of one or more weaknesses of th Vital System, which are due to Inheri tance of one or th following ; A S ElS i And all reflex complications and assoetate diseases ywd affections. , I will save you the suffering associated with Nervous Debility,' Weaknesses, Pre mature Decline, Loss of Memory, Energy and Ambition, Nervousness, Pimples. Palpatagfon of the Heart, Shortness-of Breath, Apprehension of Calamity etc" , We will make, your memory good. Call at our offices or write a full de-:; sorption of your case. Hundred have been cured at home. Our special Home Treatment will cur you as it has other. our mains we are now selling or $ 1 .75 per Dozen. formerly sold at 35c each, and are if you want the best. Delivered in D1UNK STAR. BREWERY! COMPANY'S J 4 FAMOUS 4 ?HOP GOLD ! BEER i TELEPHONES: Ore. East 46. CoL 5190 East 3d and Burnside Sts., t PORTLAND, . '. OREGON Coal Coal Coal f WESTERN FEED (Si, FUEL CO. Dealer In all kind of CoalrCokegCharcoal Try th Famous ROCK SPRINGS COAl Both Phones. Office: 134 North stb St. M)0DST0Cji Enquire of ' Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 THIRD STREET. References Ladd ft TUton. Portland; U. S. National Wank, Portland! Bank of California San Francisco; Crocker Woolworth National Bank, San Fran- Members Chicago Board of Trade, San Francisco Produee Exchange, San Fran' Cisco Stoc and Bond Exchange. Grains, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton. - " San Francisco Office: 490 California St. loa Third Street PORTLAND. OR. HtLD INDIAN'S Fl Jfiar ftofera to kN HwwtM ttic cettfrv e tew cwrji lit lb. "tM CaMM1 Sft tlw nat ipffitrMtMMitiii(" MlmMferr fid V gr IM nh aalctwrtrtw( real In) Iv'T "ldleto roM iBw ttm tri a4 y titt et If ytM 4er " ed t. rvt. mr4 $ to uv nirr yow noc m rottsp. ar.l M1I i4f o miM WnrfinM trulta iToh?. tfvprv prMt m. OlwW'uW Pf eg tv irw ,t PEKDLCTOfl WOOLKN MILLS d PmdltlM, Of - f Read The Journal - tnJWk vii TU l! r ml. f' '"'i"" 1 ' ,. ,.....,.,... . . .--v . . if'