The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 17, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonlght anrf Saturday,"
fair coblor, probably -frost
In early morula.
VOL. I. v NO. 190.
P01lTLAiat OltrGON, A FBIPAT f UTENING, . OCTOBEB 17. 1902.
y ir v riiiv i rill 1 1 h i
iiv niui luiiiuii
Great Britam andjapaa
y - Combine Forces
pflfierStfJBoth, Countries to In
r ytsttgate Ship Yar ds-Sig- :
; aif leant llov -
' r OTJDONHOce, neat ilfnlfioant
' ty Rlcl tnad to British and
fcipanase naval -circle ha Just coma to
- f lgbt and has creaUd somewhat of a sen
1 fiatfcm amen acme at tha other Dowers. '
V Jt has just seen announced here thai
evmtremanta have beea inade for a num
br of Japanese officer to vMt the Brit
I tih dock yar da, whUe at the same time
British offlcers win visit ttoe. ship yards
Bf Japan with a view of making a thor-
ouaij Inspection of the ulpiiient of the
yards, eta .After, the slfuati t
- thoronrhr been cone over by the Ins pect
in offioers ther ' will make reports to
their respective rovernmiants as to 'the
vVest neans.of rerulaUna' the baleooe of
power in the North Paoino.
b)a Indicates that Japan and Great
Britain win make a treat effort to seeure
absolute control of the Nertlt PaolAo aitu
Russia Is to . be kept from-maklns aay
further enoreaohments either, la China
or Manchuria. . What view the Caar will
take of this aotlon and what attitude
fio will assume In reslsMns; E2aland aad
Japan la hard to surmise. However, It is
not probable that ha will lve up a post
tlon'be has so long ooveted without m ak
in a straggle. . . '
The control of the North Pacific is most
Important, for it . Is an undeniable fact
that the government which can establish
sufficient force to command these waters
rwOl have a grasp on the Far Eastern
Situation which will be hard to shake off.
. u
a Fog.
IRONTOK O.. Oct 17. Charles David
eon and fienry Qeswlne were instantly
killed and Frank Geswlne was fatally In
jured early this morning by being struck
by a Norfolk & Western passenger train
which was running at full speed. The
men were walking along the track In a
fog, which was so dense that the engi
neer did net see them until the engine
Bra almost upon them.
Secretary Shaw Announces An
other Purchase This Morning.
WASHINGTON. Oct, 17. Secretary
fth&w f&la morning armounoed . that he
Should pufehase five mlllfons of fours
fconds at fLSt flat. The announcement
"Iiaa" ISaued""iiiillo "a "'stir "hi rlna'nbfal clr-'
Grand Jury Investigating Harder
of Mrs. Pulitzer
..KHW YORK, Oct. 17.-The grand jury
.jfodajr. began . the lavestlgatlea ef the
murder of Mrs. .Pulitzer. It la expected
that an Indictment of murder in the first
degree will be brought In against Homer
&ronc, who Is accused of the crime, this
f "
"T jnjSv YORK. Oct. 17.-Ther has been
1io& a demand for oil stoves. for cooking
. and ti eating within the last few days that
the manufacturers are unable to fill toe
orders that have coma, to them. Many of
these orders are from out of town. Any
kind of an Oil stove is acceptable, whether
. It la up to date or the kind used at the
tljhe oil etejrea were first invented. .Ana
In si majority of cases those ' who are
" taxing them are paying 30 per cent more
ifojtou tnaintfaanirers than they paid last
; treaiyiwhep fciere was no coal strike.
: CHICAQOk Oct. 17. 8teve manufaotur
Ura of tha Central West are swamped
faitbl tmslness. The demand for soft coal
Store and oil and gas heaters is the
jrreatost ever, known. Dealers predict' a
kerloas shortage of "soft coal stoves If the
anthracite Strike should continue. , The
r" d.iaaad for" hard uuat stovg;la scarcely
largo onough to warrant manufacturers
In-placing them with the Jobbers and re
talleMk' The 'demand for soft coal stoves
. is equaled by the demand for oil beatera
Fho. Chicago manager of the Standard
JDH Company doubts the ability , of the
jrTgtiTir. to toeet tha tsa
Three i Attempts Yesterday to De
l . V stroy Fort Stevens.
-" (Journal Special Bervloe.) -ASTORIA,
x Oat. 17-Iaoendlaries
again making an effort to destroy Fort
Stevens, the - new Govornment post - at
the mouth of the river, but have succeed
ed tbu far only la destroying soma old
buttdlnca. The first plan to destroy the
fort by Are, soma three months ago, did
not result in tha wholesale damage In
tended, the blase havlng been ex
ttnguistiad Wore 1( bad "got under, lead
way. Kor the second time, attempts to set
lire to the post were made yesterday
morning; and during the day, and .this time
the inoondlarlea succeeded la oompletetr
destroying one JjuUdlng. ' The renewed aU
tempt has created much excitement at
the post; and every effort will be made to
bring to justice tha guilty party or parties.
Threa separata fires were started yes
terday. The first plase was dtsoovared
ahestty after midnight aad was la aa old
buildm that had been used as a store
house. The building was filled with vara
able supplies and . the loss .would. have
proved heavy had not the troops . sue
ceded in extinguishing tha fire. The In
eendlarlas bad carefully planned their
work, and U was only after the most dili
gent efforts that the fire was got under
control. The building was damaged, but
the contents were not affected by tha
fire. , j., ; ;
V The second blase was discovered at t
o'olosk yesterday morning, in the newly
oonitructed lavatories. , The ' destruotlon
of these buildings was threatened for a
ttae, bat th' efforts' of the troops were
again suooessful la preventing great loss.
The third fire occurred at ll:l in some
old buildings uied as pumping stations.
The last fire was burning fiercely before
It war discovered, and., although the
troops responded, promptly and bent every
energy, the buildings were entirely gutted.
'wataBiaowattaertlble- - I6asr"Am''e4aot7
statement of tha total loss from the fires
could not be obtained, but It is probably
between $300 and 16000.- . - 1 . v
' Major Humphriea, commanding at Fort
Stevens, ts at sea for an explanation of
the man or men who have been starting
the fires within the fortifications. He
stated yesterday that he believed the
lnoendtary must be insane, as no reason
for the effort to destroy, the post could
bo found. " V . ,, -i
The offlcers will conduct a most search?
Ing examination and teeva nothing un
done to find the men who are bent upon
the destruction of one of the best
equipped forts on the Coast
WATERVILLE, Wash., Oct. 17. The
saddest aooldent that has ever befallen
this community, occurred Wednesday and
cast a gloom ever the entire vicinity.
Leonard Pepper, of this place, and his
friend Tow FSrren, 'Jr., of Bntrat, who
was visiting him, were caught in a slide
while loading aand a mile and a half
northwest of town, number of people
have been -hauling sand from this place
and had dug back under f the .. path or
bank which projected over where the
boys were working, which caved in and
buried theaau They started in the. morn
ing; fir a toad of sand and not returning
to dinger. Leonard s father became un
easy and.aent 4 man to learn the cause.
of the delay. He found the team stand
ing by tha pit No boys were in sight
and the bank fallen in. He reported what
had happenad and a number of town peo
ple went t their rescue. Both boys were
found beneath the sand dead, and had
evidently beea there several hours:
Notorious Bandit Becomes Maniacal
, at Times.
ROME. et 17.-The report has just
been given out here that Musollno, the
moat notorious bandit of the age, whose,
Crimea war the most brutal ever re-
corded In-tJvl GOiin.tryT-la dying AfiaE-
many fruitless attempts to capture Him,
he was finally run down and overpowered
by a posse and turned over to the auth
orities. He was tried, and convicted on
various charges and was sentenced to
life' Imprisonment at Elba. Soon after he
was sent to the prison his confinement
began to tell on his health until now he
but a liTing skeleton of .bis Jtormer
self. At times he becomes violently in
sane, and it is necessary to keep a strict
watch over him to prevent him from kl(l
lng himself. His death is expected at
any moment.
The tenth annual' meeting of the Co
lumbia River -eaeh of the Woman For
eign Missionary Society of the First M.
R. ohuroh was opened last evening by
Aa organ voluntary by Mrs. M. Av Smith
and a commualoa administered by Dr.
rli. C Rockwell, D. . r. This morning
the meeting was opened with devotional
servloes led by Mrs.- ML. C. Wire, after
which committees were appointed. This
afternoon Mrs. 11 E. Whitney and Mrs.
N. A- Laua gave soma of the impressions
of the execntive committee. A musical
program haa been arranged for this even
ing. Mr May B.TLrtly will speak, on
Singapore. and 11. WJwartt jrtjj,
speak on Japan." ". T
CHICAGO Oct 17. Wheat Tl 72140.
Soufrferc SUH ui;oIent
- . v . .
AH Communication With George-
town Entirely Cut Off May
" Mean Destruction.
KINGSTOWN, Oct 17. Report are
still coming in of great destruotlon being
wrought by Soufriere, which has been in
violent eruption for the last threa days.
No detail' can be secured as to tha
amount of damage being dons, but it la
feared that several towns have suffered
greatly and a possible .loss of ,llfe Is
anticipated,, People in the range of this
terrible monster are preparing to leave
as rapidly as possible, aa It' is extreme
ly probable that the worst is yet to come.
Every efleort to get word from George
towa has -failed, as all communication
with tha town has. been out off. Great
anxiety Is expressed for the inhabitants,
and it is feared that the town has been
destroyed. ' ' ':
Report of the Earnings for the Last
Twelve Months.'
SEATTLE, Oct 17. X. A. Nadeau, gen
eral agent of the Northern Paolfie, hat
received the annual report of the North
ern Pacific Railway Company .for the
year ending June SO, 1902, which baa lust
been Issued. The report shows that tbs
gross earnings of the road for the year
were t4tS87.87S.71. The total operating
expenses were $21.288,413.8& The taxes
paid amounted to Jl,149,890.32. Deduotiag
the operating expenses,- the taxes, ths
interest he rental of leased lines,.- and
the dividends paid, Yrom the total, gross
earnings, leaves a balance as surplus in
.oama.At .ftOH'M.ra.-M s-rs-?"?''
General Manager Thomas - Cooper re
ports that the company has 621 passenger
cars, a gain of 61 over last year. It has
30.961 freight cars, with a capacity of
848, SSI tons, an increase Of 4.257 cars over
the fiscal year ending June 80, 1901. Of
this number 17,372 are bo! cars and 6,060
flat cars.
Democrats Adjourn Witlipixt leaking
Nominations." .
-' BfOSTON, Oct 17. The Democratic oon
vefi'tlon 'In "the-"Ninth Congressional dis
trict, after several days of balloting, ad
ourned yesterday without making any
nominations. . At times during the ses
sions the. delegates became .boisterous
and encounters were prevented only by
the Interference of the police. The dis
trict Is overwhelmingly Democratic and
has been- remodeled -f roav-ttae old-Ninth,-
long represented by John F. - Fltigerald,
who at one time had the distinction of
fbeTng" NW"Engltuia:rs ""only Democratic
HARRISBURQ. Pa., Oct. 17. A bitter
political fight was brought' to an end yes
terday when the Daupln County Court
declared the certificates "of the state nom;
lnees of the Pattison and Pennypacker
factions of the Union party invalid. This
disposes of the effort to secure th en
dorsement of the Union party rival can-
dldates on the Democratic 'ana F-iP"M-
can tickets.
Important Mineral Discovery in
- Josjtphmt &untyV
GRANTS PASS, Oct, 17. A "new copper
district has been discovered' in Josephine
County and is located in the Butcher
Knife district on Upper Slate Creek. A
few weeks ago this district was naught
but a wilderness, secluded and unknown
now there are seven -mines or claims be
ing developed there, and a number more
have been staked out and will be worked
later on. Each of these claims are lo
cated oh the same great ledger the values
of which are carried in sllvfjr aad copper.
A. H. Ramsey, a miner of. that section
and the owner of one of the claims, earns)
Into Grants Pass yesterday bringing with
him a quantity Of .ore from th "newly
discovered mines. Many of tha ' chunks
brought ln are pure native "copper and
silver. In some the native copper ahowa
up without alloy In snow-white ealclte,
making the specimens of , remarkable
BSftuty" as" well " I'orth.JTay newly-
discovered district la but a few hours
rido from Grant Pass, and la reached
directly by the Swede Basin road.' Tha
ledge haa a width of from f to 100 feet,
The district is heavily timbered, aad offers
every facility far lsasHsf a great rala-
tng dlststei,. ' - ;
panther,:-Valley EDners
z :i Want Guaranteeo
Has No Doubt That . Strikers Will
- Uphold Cia-fKe Scores
' '.;."th)e'(erators.'
. TAMAQUA;- OcW i7.-tt la now feared
that many of tha Panther Valley dela
stea . wiU rbo Vlnstructed .to reject the
operators' proposition, as tha miner want
a guarantee before goihg to work. The
houae of Foreman Palhia was dynamited
last night while-tie family was absent.
General SchaU aanoueeed tola-morning
that the troops would bo kept ia Panther
Valley for two week afu th atrtk la
dooiarod o.- -. , V.. : . , '
WASHINGTON. Oct r H.-Frealdent
Mltohell's aooeptanee ' oft the ;arwtratlon
oommlsslon.; dated the lath, , was mads
publio " thla - morning.? i awo 'words he
exhausOvely ( explain tie, miners' atti
tude." He says tha district presidents ac
cept tha arbitration ootcmlMlon and wilt
mo. riauiuKtlai thes- cinvMlton." -Me
comments, bitterly ontke conduct of. the
operators at the first ; White house con
forenoo, characterizing their attitude as
insulting and unmanly;' Ke closes by say
ing that ha haa hop -and belief that , the
results' of the arbttratMtf commission will
be completely satisfactory and a perma
nent' solution of the troubles which, from
time Immemorial, have vexed the anthra
cite coal fields. ,yf- fa .
MT. CARMEL,.Pa Oct 17.-Twenty
local unions today elected and Instructed
delegates to follpw President Mitchell's
advice.' There are" at I delegates coming
to tha convention, i
ContradorTTjTvelheif Version of
Roseburg Strike.
GRANTS PASS, Oct. 15.-TO tha Ed
itor The following appeared in the Ore
gonian of October 10:
"The plasterers employed at the new
Masonic Temple In this city went on a
Strike this morning. They have been"
getting U a (day, and aske S3. The con
tractors refused to granttheir demands,
and the . plasterers walked out. - The
gtrjke was made Independent of the labor
unions, and concerns ; this one building
In regard to the itiowse wish to say
that We. called on the Gregonlan reporter
and gave him a true 'Version of the af
fair, and he agreed to correct It, but so
far has failed to do ao. In the first
place, wages had nothing- to do with the
trouble.. While we were paying- $4 per
nine hours, they were earning about half
that amount, and would not or could not
do a day's work, and the quality of the
work was the roiigbi'St. MO we thought it
would be to our Interest to mpke a
change. Up to the time the men stopped
Wrk they..were memUsre of up.torvtmt
the organiser of the local Federated
Trades got after them ana?. Initiated
them, a rd at their meeting Saturday
night the union agreed to stand by them,
notwithstanding the fact that President
G. T. Harry, when he Initiated this
union, told the men emphatically that
the Minion was not to molest this one job.
The jury In the ease of W. T. Hume vs.
Mrs. C. E. Robinson to collect a bill for
defending George Barrett In a murder
case, found a verdict for defendant.
An Injunction suit of C. A. Moore
against J. C. Shofner, tnvoltng the pos
session of four lots on Portland Heights
was hea,rd by Judge CJeJand yesterday.
A decision was given in favor of tlfe de
fendant. Archie Bryant, who Is under Indictment
for polygamy, may be released on bail.
Judge Sears fixed bnll yctsterday in the
sum of (405. The sureties lie in Umatilla
County where they will Justify In the
Circuit Court to save the exepnae of their
coming to Portland.
Murphy, Sweet and Watts,, the attor
neys, for A. L. Beldlng, the condemned
murderer, filed their bill of exceptions
with the County Clerk this morning and
the case will now go to the Supreme
Court for .hearing.
. The case ef Wllhelm Wilhelmsen vs.
Nta-Uk Pacific Lumber Co. was occupying
the attention of the Ulnted States Clr
oul Court this ssemlng. It appears that
the lumber company1 camalT. -boat. the
r3sa4teW4aesaY"Steair or
which Waaelmsoa is caataln. WUhelm
son aaalma that in so dob; the propeller
of al ship was broken. The lumber peo
ple dais -that the proajeller -. Waa act
broken aad if It waa, Jtwsraa aoi eaaaed
by -tha Faany running clnto t lsf ipar
reaoaL iAa ffat the case haw not kwMr
.tttdod. ' .-, ' . r---
Saltan's Heart Softens
a-Littlee i
Porte Issues a Statement Announc
ing Peace in Mace;
satisfaction Is expressed hero over the
report that peace has ..been restored in
Today the Porto Issued a statement la
which It is announced that tha revolu
tion In Macedonia, which has been 'the
cause of so much suffering- to both sides,
was at aa end. .
U In the wake of the announcement of the
ending of the revolution comes the state
ment that the Bultaa had. to a small
degree, been affected with a change of
heart and has. gone so far aa to grant
general amnesty to those who have so
long been the object of his terrible hat
red. As to how' long this state of af
fair will last It only remains to be seen.
Canadian Premier , Lauder
?V.,JFrom London Today. f ;.
LONDON, Oct 17. Among, the passen
gers of note who have, booked .passage on
th outgoing steamers sailing tomorrow
are Sir Wilfrid Laurier, ..the i' Canadian
Premier, and Lady Laurie"- Sir Wilfrid
came Over to represent, the Dominion t
King. Edward's, coronation, in company
with a party of other noted Canadians.
During their stay he and Lady Laurler
have been the guests of the Earl ot-Ab?
redeen and other persons of highest eta-,
tlon bbttTIn England 'ahd'Bcotlanar Huil
neas, however, has not been neglected for
pleasure and Il ls believed, that Sir Wil
frid, by his dlplomiatlfl tact and personal
pepu1arnyV'"hiuiIccompIlshed mlich in
promoting the interests of the Dominion
not only In the mother country, but also
in France, where the Canadian Premier
conducted successful negotiations with M.
Delcasse, the French Foreign Minister,
on ths subject of a Franco-Canadian
commercial treaty.
Taft Tells Filipinos They Can Have
Independence When Time Comes.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Considerable
comment Is being made on the speech
recently dellvled in Manila by Governor
Taft - '1
Governor TafV In his recent spee,rh at
Manila, copies of which have Jut been
received al the War Department, gave the
Filipinos to understand thnt when the
proper... time. -Comes.. . tbsx. 8.h.aMhttyethe
privilege of saying whether or not they
wish to be Independent of the United
Stares: rrfnr"hH tfhartfi( ' WssTd-ThaX"
It would probably require one or perhaps
two generations before they would be
come fitted for self government.
Although It has met with some adverse
criticism on account of Its giving the Fil
ipinos to understand that it would be a
very long time befdre they were fitted
for self government, the speech undoubt
edly reflects the views of the Adminis
tration. WILL" HANG" 0CTr3T
Judge George Refuses Belding Stay
of Execution.
Judge Georgs yesterday refused to sign
a certificate of probable cause to stay the
hanging of A. L. Belding. He signed the
bill of exceptions, however, on which the
case Is to be taken to the Supreme Court,
and If It concludes that Belding had a
fajr trial nbd refuses to Interfere, he will
be executed on -.October Si. ,
Boldlng sent a note to Judge 'George
yesterday that h wanted- to see him.
The Judge had him brought to his
chamber. Belding requested that Ed No
di ne. his brother-in-law, be permitted to
adopt his C-year-i?ld boy, who Is now In
the custody of the Boys' and Girls Aid
Society. Judge George told him It was a
matter which would have to come before
the County Court
Unless directed, otherwise, 8heriff
Storey will oommence Monday making
preparations for the exeoutiott.
' A force of extra clerks has been put to
work by County Clerk Fields to make the
delinquent tax roll. The tax books were
dosed Monday by Sheriff Storey, but tax
es have stiH been received with the costs
and ,easltleaadded. AnecSaturday no
taxes will be received and preparation for
sal at testament property will begin.
He Says He Is Not Guilty of Ex
travagance as Aflcged "
Dr. Zan, the City Physician, who Is ac
cused of extravagance la the conduct of
hi office, was- busy around tha Ofty Au
ditor's office thla morning looking over
his bills and awaiting as opportunity to
discuss the matter with Mayor Williams.
The- doctca elaliM tba there-haa- been
aa extravagance in bis office but that the
increased1 expense has been entirely on
account of aa Increase ia tha number of
contagious cases, ' .;;'""'
To a Journal' reporter this morning he
said he Invited the cloSaet investigation
of the affaira In his office, fully" believing
that suck aa investigation would entire
ly free him from a suspicion of extrava
gance. He produced aa array of figures
to substantiate his claim and believes
that he will bo completely exonerated.
Seme of tha members of the Council
do not take such a rosy view of tha
condition of affairs in his office and be
lieve that an Investigation will show
gross extravagance In tha conduct of his
No meeting of the committee on health
and police, - to which tha charges were
referred, has yet; been called .and. tha
matter may not be taken ap until the
regular meeting of tho committee.
The Authoress of "The Wedding
Nights Commits Suicide.
YORK, Oct 17.-Ida Craddook,
the authoress who created suck" a sensa
tion with her book called "The Wadding
Nlht4" committed suicide hare thla morn
ing by inhaling gas- She had beea sea
tenced (n tha lower courts to a fine aad
imprisonment for mailing tha .book, which
the Jury decided was obscene. An appeal
was pending, but the worry of the trial
Is believed to have caused tbS woman
to become deranged. v sf'vv
Diamonds Taken From Counter of
... ... a Bank;------'--"'-'
DULUTH; Minn.. Oct lT.eVen "thou-
aaad. dollars, woata oi, alasaoado- were
stolen from ""the counter of th First Na
tional Bank here last eveningV They had
just been taken from the safsty deposit
box by the owner, Mr Merrill, when the
thief grabbed them and disappeared.
Valuable Discovery Made in Heart
of the City.
VANCOUVER, B. C , Oct.17,-In exca
vating for the foundation of a building
ou Abbott street in ths heart of the city,
a seam (of good coal six fest Wide was
uncovered last avenlng and today crowds
are evtiluning. the scene of the -strike.
Opinions vary aa to its value, but -many
ex press tlay opinion timt the find may re
sult In a coal mine being started In the
center of the. city.
SV"B. H6TchKlS."a"rwealthy 'timber man
from Michigan, la grievously disappoint
ed because he did net purchase timber
lands on a previous visit to this country
which he made last year about this sea
son. "I was offered at that time," said Mr.
Hotchklns this morning, "several fine
tracts of timber at prices which were very
reasonable but I was not then prepared to
purchase. I came out to the Coast this
time from my native state with the Idea
to me last fall, providing, of course, that
they proved to be as represented to me.
I And that all three tracts have been sold
j and In one case I am told that the tract
will not be sold at any price for the pres
ent I will remain here for a tew days
looking after some other business and
will then leave for Washington."
KNOXVILLE, Oct 1J. The annual
meeting of the Tennessee Association of
Local Fire Underwriters, which began In
this city today, is the largest in point of
attendance In the history of the associa
tion. Prominent insurance men from the
chief cities and towns of the state faoed
President J. A. Sylvester this morning
when, he called the first session of the con
vention to order. Addresses of welcome
and officers' reports occupied the opening
session. This afternoon the convention
took up the reading and dlscuasloa of pa
pers, dealing with various matters affect
ing the Insurance business. - Before ad
journing tomorrow the convention will
choose ten delegates to represent the as
sociation at th mooting of the national
association to be held la Louisville next
week....: , f r-,'-.- -
.. ' . .... .. .
PAOLA, -j Kea., Oct. ft-Tbo ' Kansas
State Anti-Horse Thief Association ta In
annual session her. Members of the as
sociation are. in attendance .from nearly
every county of the stats" for tha discus
lien of ways' and means for prosecuting
their chosen work with Increased vigor.
HacliinesAre Put: 0til
of Business. ;
j ".:?," -r ." - '
On in Earnest Dealers Have An-
other New Scheme.
Tha first gua la th slot maebin wa
wear fired this morning. 7110 feastl was) '
not opened by the Chief of Folleo or tha .
Sheriff, who are th peace officers ta,
whom the pablio looked for action.' Con -
stable Jackson aad Deputy "Adkls. of
Justice Reld's Court, are 'th OfBoers '
who started th campaign. "They have
beea holding bask for several days, la
the hop that tha official la higher po
sition would act They ware aader the
Impression that those offioers In high au
thority would shako oft their apathy and
no longer over-ride the will of th peo
pie and perislst la violating their oath
of office. When they became aatisled
tbat tha negligence would continue, and
that tha enforcement of th laws was sot
considered by those who should Invoke
them, they decided to take actio oa
their awn iwjpcaanty:,,;.,.;,,".
The proprietors of cigar stands and aa- .
loon where alet machine arc operated,
were told to remove, them. They were
given to understand that ; If ; the ma
elnes were in tha future found oa their
counters they, would bo seised , sund sr.
rests mad Most ef the proprietor com.
pUed with the order r with a show of
cheerfulness, aad sxpr eased tha : opinion
that the removal of the machine would. t
only be temporary. , Soma- few , became1 -
Indignant overthe orders, and took it aa ' .v
a personal affront oa tha part of tha ooa.;
stable. ... . ' -i. t i-f, -s !;i V,v,,t';ii4
i ' LAW OP THH ISSUa ' ?- '
The offioera are proceeding -. nader a
state law, which Is oompleto aad oever r ,
the case In every phase. In substance It
BrpTWe-haii.,ny person having In. hM ; '-
possession a slot maohlne or a device of
a similar character, or any person found
playing suoh ";a machine, ' whether' for
money or any representative value, :
wherein enters any. element of chance.
guilty and can be fined in any sum' from -tiO
to $100. Ia lieu of fine the offender
must servo time In the Jail at tha rat of
$2 per day. Allowing a machine to be In
a public place shall constitute evidence
of possession. One-half of the-fine goes ,
to the prosecuting officer, and the other
Into the county treasury. ' The Justices a
have concurrent. Jurisdiction wiUwaho Clr- V ;
cult Court In the trying i of these viola- .
Attorney Lord, for the Enforcement.
League, this morning prepared; a letter
to bo- sent to all tha peace officers, calling .
their attention to the law on tha Sunday
closing, and notifying them , that ' they
must act or suffer the consequences." Mr. .
Lord stated: "The move of the Con
stables Is gratifying. : The warrant for
the arrest of the Sheriff and Chief of Po
lice will be withheld at present - Air w -desire
Is action snd results in th matter
and as the war Is being waged we do hot
care who Is doing It The device being -substituted
at many cigar stands in place
of the jnachlna .will not be tolerated. -It -is
a dice game which comes under tho .
ordinance and will be suppressed. The
iiare doe not-intend- to-be outwHte'
by any barren make-shift tor a gambl
ing device. In which the results arc tho
same. . '
The banishment of the slot machine
from the cigar stands this morning baa
brought out a new device. The resource-
ful dealers had little trays containing
five dice out on the counter. "These die
differ from the ordmary lory cubes, in
that they each have ten sides and on tha
crd' ef a yUy-
ing pack. The man who desires to got
hi a cigars for nothing may still take all
the chances that he did with the old
machines by paying five cents and throw
ing the dice.
easMSsBsiBsaBsSBBB - "" ' v' """'
A notioe has. been received - her that
theChlcago, Burlington Qulncy will
put another line ia the field shortly, front
Des Moines to Sioux City, aad tt ts un
derstood that location ia to bo made this
fall and rights of way purchased, i Tht
line will be an extension of the Alblna A
Des Moines Division and tho projected
route, la about 180 mUes long; as against
the too miles of tho proposed rout. - -
- i -in - ; . ..'.;f?','J"'
One hundred eighteen men.: thro af -fleers,
twelve women and children aa
six guns will bo transported from Towi
Walla Walla to Fort Basiling, aear St
Paul, tomorrow, via tho O. R. N. Co,
It will require about 17 eoacho to accom.
modato th soldier aad all win bo Is
readiness at tho appointed time.
Th route ever which they will travel
la as foUowsf a R. JT" Oregon 'ShorT
-LlaerWnlmr-saTtnaii'lfio Chlaaga,
Mllwaukeo St Paul " . ,'
SAN ANTONIO. Oct M.S. WL Bostlck
a Mexican War -veteraa) aad one of tU
three men who captured, Santa
MexloUf tfictafor, ; died thla saoraic agofj
SS year;.-. ;." . ,
rV -" "" I
-I . - v;-iX
,1 .'
' : ;