The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight and Wednes
day, showers; southerly
winds, : . " ,
VOL. I. "NO: 187.
i ii i .r- ri' i ; i . . -'. ,m , . -, 'T .- ..I" -
ill 0MJ
Chief of Police and the Sheriff Must
Enforce the Law or Make Way
for Those Who WE
'Chief of Police McLaucblan and Sher
iff Storey will be arested In the next few
days and given an opportunity to explain
why the lava ur not being enfro'l, -leu
they wake up and make an effort to
perform their sworn dutlea. Tbty wilt
further be given an opportunity to tkow
the Grand JuOy why thc-y shal' Tiio
t'ciir offices tjoa the evidence of negli
ge co, or lncomi etency beii g show a l.e
- jsnd JjueattJ-j;"" These "a r e the" wor-la
Charles F. Lord, in an interview this
He further stated: "A number of days
ago I sent letters to the Chief of Police
and the Sheriff, notifying them that the
law should be enforced on the nlckel-tn-the-alot
aftaohinea. I cited to them the
clause under which the arrests for viola
tions should be made, and asked them in
the name of the Law Enforcement League
to perform thVr duty. I have received
no reply from them and have noticed
nothing which suggests that they intend
to take action. I have heard from out
sMo sources that the officers will not act
unlfBi some one makes complaint and
swears to a warrant"
"The contention that aome one must
make out a complaint before they have
power to act Is absurd. The idea of offi
cers refusing to take action when laws
are being openly violated, on A pretext
of this sort, is not worthy the considera
tion of anyone of Intelligence. I went to
the Sheriff's office this morning to notify
bim personally that he must act, or ac
tion would be instituted to force him to,
or give his place to soma one that wilt
Mr. Storey was out, but I will see him
this afternoon. I will also go to 'Chief
of Police McLauchlan with a final re
quest for activity and If the apathy con
tinues he will have to take the conse
quences., I have given them every rea.
sonsblv chance and will not tolerate any
further negligence in the mutter. Thy
must act vat once voluntarily, or they
will be arrested and forced to act or
Vacate. "
-- fetTPPRKSS SliOf ilACHINES. "
"The issue at present is the one 6f the
slot machines. They are being operated
in violation of the law and the 'reform
will . begin with their suppression. This
i a matter in which the law is plain and
there is no difficulty whatever in secur
ing evidence, aa they must be conducted
In a pablJo place to do business."
"We are not going at the reform mat
ter in a reckless or spasmodic manner.
The reform insisted upon is gambling, in
cluding the slot machine feature. . When
this Is settled we will take up other
lines. The 1 o'clock closing and Sunday
. observance win be the next on the pro
gram. Before the war. .ceases w ex
pect to enforce every law on the statute
books and every city ordinance. - If the
public is not In favor of the observance
of the laws to the letter, then he law
are not for the general good and should
be repealed. This thing of having a lot
of dead laws whlqh are only enforced in
Instances where it is desired to wreak
Vengeance or persecute some one is not
light. What Is necessary are laws for
"to have them rigidly enforced.
."The people back of the movement are
respectable citizens and taxpayer. Their
Identity or alms are not shrouded in
mystery. The president of the law en
forcement League 1 George Kilner, an
Desk of PoHce Captain Was Ful
of Money and Securities.
NEW YORK, Oct, 14. Quite a sensation
was made her this morning when- it was
found that Police Captain John Donahue,'
who dropp6raeaoT a fewdays ago, was
the possessor of more money than he was
credited with, for when his private desk
was opened It was found to contain over
a hundred thousand dollars, part of
which was in cash and the balance In se
curities. It ' has not been given out as
to whether the money was thV property
of Donahue or belonged to the city. An
Investigation will' be made at once to see
who the money shall be given to .
$40,000 BEHIND ;
KANPAS ClTT, Oct. 14.Wlliiam Cross,
Buprew President of the Select Knights
and Lucres, formertlyt a branch of the
AnwniOi.der .tf United WprSmenj .. pai
rlpntrt because he savs (The vrdr. le
' . . .' ' . '
old and substantial citlien of the East
Side.. To show the people that we are
In earnest, and that the men connected
with the reform have nothing to conceaL
I will go to the East Side and secure a
roster of the membership of the league
for publication. Many of them are men
of wealth and Influence and ail of them
are honest and conscientious citizens.
Since J have been retained to conduct
the campaign, I have received offers of
financial aid and moral encouragement
from sources that have been very grati
fying. The better class of people are
with us iii the fight If all those in fa
vor of our move were in a position to
come put flat footed and declare them?
selves, there would be a speedy end to
the war. The, attitude of The Journal on
the proposition is In every way worthy
of commendation. It is the first time In
the history of Portland when a new
paper has had the force to come out with
a polley of Independence - and take a
stand, that cannot be misconstrued."
Thd Grand Jury Investigating the
Alleged Graft.
At tomorrow's session of the Grand
Jury,-. tha labor of Investigating the al
leged graft proposition as propounded by
Councilman Merrill, will be
with renewed vigor. For the past few
days the work has been postponed ow
tnfg to other prceslrrg matters that were
before the body which could not well be
delayed. The probing of last week was
encouraging and offered a stimulus for
the total unmasking of the hidden graf,
or the vindication of the officials from
the accusations of one of 'the city of
ficials. From the secrecy with which tl.a
matter Is feeing-coH
to learn what has developed. The find
ings of the body are looked forward to
with more than usual Interest and whole
sale shaking up may result.
Over Insinuation That Sports Are
Behind Move.
Thomaa Williams, the wel) known sport
ing man, stated last nlghtt "The Instnu
ations In the Oregonlan, that the gam.
biers and saloon men were back of the
new phases in the reform move, were the
creationist soma one that did not know
wnat they were talking about or a willful
misrepresentation. The gamblers look to
the oigarmea and saloon keepers for
portion of their patronage. The idea that
they would do anything that would hurt
them la not consistent. The interejta of
tne cigar asaiers. liquor men and so-
called sports are identical, and neither
faction would think of making a move
which would hurt only themselves. The
gambler are not in the knocking bus!
ness and Just because they are closed up
they are not trying to give any one the
double cross."
Union Longshoremen Will Be Called
Out if One Is 'Not Hade..
SEATTLE, Oct U-ff President Keefe
falls to settle the strike here with the
Pacific Coast Company, all the Union
Longshoremen oir the Coast will be catler
out. "
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 14. -The state
troops have returned to their homes and
alt street, cart are now running on their
scheduled time.
NEW YORK, Oct 1. Charles Fair
child, ex-Secretary of he Treasury, was
knocked down by. a street car this morn-
Jng and seriously. If not possibly fatally.
-HKUqps Oct 14,-Wlat T9H70Xc
,'flAN FaANClSCO. Oct. lWheat
.... . , f ; -. V - ...
Agreement of Mine Owners to Submit
to the Actionof an Arbitration Com
mission Is Taken as a Triumph for
Those Who
Fight. y' - '
President Rooseveltj Will Appoint the Commit
tee as Soon as the Proposition Is Accepted
By President Mitchell Advance In Coal
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 14 The District Presidents are now enroute
here, having been summoned by President Mitchell to decide on the strike
proposition. President Mitchell says there is nothing to be given out until a
decision is reached. One leader says he believes the operators will have to mod
ify their terms, making them provide that a business man take the place of a
military or naval officer, as the latter is not in close touch with labor problems.
There is great rejoicing today among the strikers. General celebrations are
planned for tonight in every town in the coal districts. The miners- accept the
situation as a victory.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. The sole topic
of comment here today is the personnel
of the arbitration commission to be ap
pointed by President Roosevelt to, invests
gate and report on the strike situation, as
It la almorft certain that Mitchell will ac
cept the terms of the operators. .Presi
dent Roosevelt ha's received a list of men
eligible to actf on ttie commission from
Commissioner Wright for the Government
and H. V. Sargent for the miners. The
general opinion Is that the appointments
will be as follows:
Admiral Melville or General Gtlespie,
the latter chief of the Army Engineering
Corps,' for the first member; Frank Kle
petko, in charge of the Amalgamated
Copper Mines, or Professor TreadWel!,
second member; Circuit Judge George
Gray, ei-Senator from Delaware, who
by the reasons of location would have no
preconceived notion to overturn or con-ltrmretgHh:-wiwfatufi'
third member; either Henry George, Jr.,
Carroll D. Wright or Jacob Rlls. of New
York, sociologist, fourth member. The.
fifth member will be a hard one to select
and already over a hundred names have
been suggested. It is almost certain that
President Roosevelt will select and ad
dress the men to serve on this commission
Gladisee Murder Trial
Almost Finishede
Prisoner Seems Indifferent to the
Ootcome Which Means
Life or Death.
The Gladissee murder trial la fast hear
ing the end and will doubtless go to the
Jury this afternoon. The defense rested
its case yesterday afternoon. .There was
no evidence of importance Introduced,
aside from what was reported in The
Jourmrt- yesterdayr Afrtr1TBTiiaeiradr
rested their case, the jury was taken to
the scene of the murder that they might
get a better understanding of the evi
dence which was offered. Upon the re
turn f, the Jury the attorneys com
menced their arguments.'
Deputy District Attorney Spencer mado
the first argument, taking tip the evi
dence as It was offered whJcTh pointed to
the guilt ef the accused. Ha concluded
his remains this morning and was fol
lowed by O. A, DeaJ. one e" the attor
neys for the prisoner. He dissected the
evidence of the state and made a strong
plea for mercy at the hands of the .Jur
ors. Roger G. Blnnott, another attorney
f or the accused, wnt ovtrnha testimony
carefully, claiming that th evldtnce ,wV
not sufficient to convict an4 appealed to
Have Made
asking them to assume the responsibility
immediately on the acceptance of the
proposition by President Mitchell.
YORK, Oct. 14. The operators
are divided in opinion as to whether their
proposition for arbitration can be regard
ed as a concession, but keep up an out
ward show of claiming there is no relin
quishment of their former attitude. Mr.
Oltphant says it Is a concession to hu
manity only and a desire to" help the
whole country. He says the operators
could continue ifcpep the mines shut
down Indefinitely, until the miners were
tired out. The operators claim the ad
mission of a sociologist to the arbitra
tion committee would naturally mean the
.selection of a laboring man, but on the
point as to whether the union may be
accountable they say that U is for the
President o decide.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 14. Presi
dent Mitchell says it 0i a rule of the
United Miners that no settlement can be
made by the officers of the union without
the consent of a delegate convention, it
is believed that it would take four days
the Jurors to give the benefit of any
doubt in their mlnda to the prisoner.
District Attorney Chamberlain will
make the closing arguments for the stars
this aternoon after which Judge Cleland
wt'l Instruct the Jury,, which, wl'.l then
retire to find a verdict.
During the entire proceedings QtadUsoe
has mslntalned an attitude Of-ttdlfaT
ence. not seeming to realise wt the
outf ome means to him. During the inter
vals of the Couit he would roll a oipirctte
oml amoke with as much enjoyment as If
uttendlng a picnic.
Murderer Beidings Attorney Mak
ing a Fight for His Life.
A. Ib Belding, who la under sentence
of death for killing his 'wife, his mother-in-law,
and a few 'others, may 'not be
hanged October 31 aa sentenced. His at
torneys are making a strong fight tor his
life. This morning notice of an appeal
was served on District Attorney Chamber
lain, and an application made to Judge
George for a stay of execution. Judge
George has not yet acted on the petition
and to a Journal reporter this noo1 he
was non-committal as to his probable
action, but it is the opinion of those con
versant with such matters that it will be
r granted. " r- -
All on Board Believed to Have Gone
to the Bottom.
OSTEND, Oct 14. A report has Just
been received of a disastrous collision at
sea by which a boat and all on board
were sent to the bottom.
The steamer Plellworm, of Manchester,
ran down the German 'steam schooner
Diana, In the North Sea rthja morning.
The reports of the disaster are .'meager
tut front what canle iearned lt Is be
lieved that the schooner with all on hoard
Went to tlx bottom 5,
Such a Bitter
to get a convention together, so no deli
nlte decision can welldte expected in less
than a week.
WASHINGTON, Oct. '14.-J. Pierpont
Morgan, who has been In' the city in con
nection with the strike situation, left for
New Tori at 0:50 this morning. . When
asked for a statement as to what was the
result of his visit he said the papers have
had stories enough for one day.
WILKESBARRE, Pa.. Oct. 11. In an
L interview . this morning President Mi U
chell made the statement thut he had
not as yet received any official notifica
tion of the proponed arbitration, there
fore he declined to dlacues the matter.
LONDON. Oct. liTJ). favorable., turn
towards a strike nettlement has caused
the cancellation of many large ordern
for coal today.
NEW TOkK. Oct. 14 -There was tre
mendous buying of coal stocks this morn
ing, and there were gains from a half to
three points per share.
Declared Unfair by
Seattle Lodge of
Big Strike on Company's Lines
May FoDow as a
SEATTLE. Oct. 14. It has Just been
learned here that the local lodge, No. 77,
of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
in a meeting, had declared that the Sun
set Telephone Company was unfair, and
from present indications it is very prob
able that all those belonging to the bro
therhood will be called out on a strike in
the near-future. An effort was made" 10
see the officials of the brotherhood, in
order to get 'a confirmation of the report,
but up to the present time none of them
have been fonnd.
The Sunset Company conducts tele
phone and telegraph systems throughout
the Northwest and If a strike is declared
it will no doubt cause considerable in
convenience. Just what the officials of
the company think about' the-' matter it
has been impossible to learn, as none of
them wilt jdlscuss the subject
Colonel Henry E. Dosch. Oregon's Com
missioner to Japan, has written to Henrr
E. Reod. secretary of the Lewis and
Clark rairt tatlng that ha has already
seen tho 4powers that be" In Yokohama1
and has already arranged for audience
lnTok,.' V.
- . -
11 ' 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' "" " 1 J. 1 i i i i ii t 1 1 1 n'l 1 1 1 1 1 i ii pewaiMia Sj
r ,. ..,'-.,
Now in Session-Public Officials ; AU
Over the State Are Present-Papers ;
Are Read and Discussed : ' : ' :
Address James W. Abbott. "Highways and Their Construction." Illustrat
ed with stereopticon views.
Banquet at Kruae's Grill. 8 p. m. . -.'"";-jf
Address "The Railroads and the Wagon Roads," A. L. Craig, general pas-
sengw agent, X3: R. N.
Address "Good Roads a Pre-requisite
F. W. Erwln, assistant Buperintendeift of mail delivery, San Francisco.
Address- "Roads In China," Hon. H.
Nluehwanf, Cfcina.
Generul discussion.
An excellent address, is being delivered
by CongreMsman Thomaa H. Tongue on
the "Duty of the Federal Government for
Highway Improvements," at the session
of the Qovornment Good Hoards Conven
tion th!i afternoon. This address will be
followed by one by Frank H. Hitchcock,
of the section of foreign markets, United
States Department of Agriculture, and
the reading 'of a paper on "Road Condi
tions In Oregon." by County Judge John,
H. Scott, of Marion County.
The much-talked-of and long-expected
Government Good Road Convention com
menced Its two-days' seasion this morn
lug with a prayer by -I A. Roads-, of
lUllshoro. The convention is under the
direction of the Office of Publlc"Road In
quiries, United States Department of Ag
riculture, and is held under the auspices
of the Chamber of Commerce In the Min
ing Exchange rooms, in the Chamber of
Commerce building.
This morning's session consisted of ad
dresses by the presiding officer, R. W.
Richardson, Mayor George M. Williams
and Martin DodRe,''JBtid the election of
Commissioner Richardson as the, presid
ing officer, and C. W. Carnahan, of As
toria, as secretary, and the appointment
of the following committee on resolution:
John H. Scott, of Salem; W. B. Steele,
of Portland; W W. Travilllon, of Baker
tv; a B. Cat heart, of Marshfteta. and
C. J. Trenchard, of Astoria. ,
Among those present were: E. H. Mc
Allster, Ej(?ene; L. L. Hawkins, Port
land; T. lieverly Kelm, Portland; 8. B.
Cathrart. Marshfield! A. C. Powers, Eu
gene; L. A. Road, Htllsboro; Virgil E.
Waters. Corvallls; C. 8. Jackson, Port
land; J. W. Buck, Portland; D. 8. K.
Brick, Roseberg; C. M. Colher. County
Surveyor, Lane County; W. W, Travilllon,
County Judge.Baker County; W. J. Cu
bas, Roodmaster, Salem; I. C. Undham,
County . Commissioner, Salem; C. H.
Breck, Baker City; C. J. Pelnhard,
County Judge, Clatsop; G. W. Carnahari,
Astoria; Alfred S. Lee, City" Engineer,
Astoria; J. F. Kearney, Superintendent
StreetJAatoria; A. Young. Commission
er, Astoria; C. Fv Bear, Surprise
Grange, Turlne; J. e) Sibley, County
Judge, Dallas, Polk County; Henry B.
Thlelsen, Salem: J. B. Teal, County
Commissioner, Falls City; John Kilenl.
Cedar Mill, Washington County; George
C. Beakeley, County Judge, The Dalles;
W. J. Hannlman, Commissioner, Tho
Baltesr-H-.riTtbbaTa,- - CoimmlBsibMer.
Hood River; W. M. Martzell, Colfax; J.
E. Mayers, Portland; H. M. Palmer,
County Judge. Ldnn County; O. I. Peter
son, Astoria; G. A. Douglas, North Yam
hill; James M. Moore, Portland; M. L.
Opdyke, Portland; D. M. C. Gault, Hills
boro; W. B. Steele,' Multnomah County;
John Fry, Roadmaster, Clatsop County;
Wm. Showers, Commissioner Multnomah
County; James W. Abbott, Denver. Col.;
George H. Williams, Portland; R. M.
Hall, A. M. Craig, Portland; R. W. Rich;
ardson, Martin Dodge, Washington, D. C.
In his opening address Colonel Rich
ardson, the presiding offloer, showed the
interest of the Government in this work.
outlined the educational .features and
pointed out the advantage of good roads.
He showed the' social, commercial and
economical relations, comparing the roads
of this country-and- those of - the old
He said there was no use staying in the
old ways and pointed out that the im
provement of highways is the primary
development necessary in a country.
There is no use spending time and money
In the old system, but If the same time
and money is spent-on the new system
good .roads will be the reenlt
"I shall . always Insist on a business
method of road construction and main
tenance," said Mr. Richardson. " Anotherl
thing which I wish to call your attention
to is the fact that the farmers are not
the. ones to construct the roads thla te
the work of the cities, who must do it In
a business way, . The: beautiful scenery In
Oregon made a- sovjrc of revenue
If yo have- good roads, aa resorts can
be, established in mountain fastnesse.
There is -f reason for people to go to
Europe while the Cascade ranges p re-
to Rural Free Delivery Extension,' "
' . , .. ;
B. Miller, United States Consul at
' - v
sent a great deal more attractiveness
The people of the East are organising;1
Good Roads Clubs and doing active work
in this line, so why should not the people
of the West?" ; I
Mayor Williams then dHevWd his ad
dress of welcome in his usual graceful
style, welcoming everyone aitii explaining
why good roads are more neCeaewry ii '
Oregon than elsewhere ,
The response to the address of welcome
was made by Hon. Martin Dodge. Di
rector of the Office of Public Road in- .
gulries. United States Department " of)
Agriculture. Mr. Dodge acknowledged
the welcome and then went Into the iuo-
Ject of good roads at once. He said that
road building costs from IS00 to KO.OU" a
mile to build, but that to build a tnnca-T.
dam road, which is a very good one, IB t
costs about 13000 a mile. The tranaporta-,
tlon of supplies on the country roads it -the
present time, with animal power- .
either horse, mule or okcosts about 3 .
cents per ton per mile, but ttK thero
would be, good roads thla -cost of "trans
portation . would be -lessoned te- T . or 4
cents per ton a mile with the same afil
mal power. This makes a saving of
about 18 cents a mile. . ) '
"In the early history of the Repubilo
the National 'Government itself laid out
and partially completed a great National
system of highways, connecting the East
with the West, and the capital of the
Nation with its then most distant pos
sessions. Fourteen million dollars In all
was appropriated by acts of Congress to,
be devoted to this purpose, an amount)
almost equal to that paid for the Louis
iana Purchase. In other words. It cost
the Government substantially as much,
to make that territory accessible as to
purchase it; and what la true of that
territory in its larger sense Is also true
in a small way of nearly every tract o( .
land that is opened up and used for Jh ;
purpoBes of civilization, that is to ear, It
will cost as much to build up, improve
and maintain the roads Of any given sec
tion of the country as the land in it
primitive condition is worth; and the same
rule-will apply in most cases after the
land value has advanced, considerably be
yond that of its primitive condition.. It -Is
a general rule that the suitable Im
provement of a highway witbin reasona
ble limitations will double the value ot ;
the land adjacent to It. Seven million
I doiia.rg,. half gf the tntttl mm, appropriate
ed by acts of Congress for th National
road system, was devoted to building th a
Cumberland road from Cumberland. MoL,
to St Louis, Mo., the most , central point
in the great Louisiana Purchase, and 7CH 4
miles west of Cumberland. . The total cost
of this great road was wholly paid out
of the United States treasury, and though
never fully completed ' on the western '
end. It is the longest straight road ever,
built by any government. It passes
through the capitals of Ohio, Indiana and j
Illinois, and the cost per mile was. Bp- -proximately,
J10.000. It furnishes the only
Important Instance the country has ever
bad of the general government providing
a highway at. Its own expense. The plan, ,
however, was never carried to comple
tion, and alnce Us abandonment two gen -
rations ago, the people of the different
states have provided their own highways.
For the most part they have delegated:
their- powers-etther-to- todrvtdnata;-contf-panies,
or corporations to bu)id toll roads,
er to the minor political eubdlvUlona and
manleipaHtles to build free roads. .
While the ronner waye" and jneatte are -Inadequate
or inapplicable : to present
needs .and conditions, there are otef
means more suitable for the service end
existing In ; ample proportion for every
need. Former inhabitant of the aband
oned farm or the deserted villages cen
sor be followed to the great eitleo anil
the road tax which they formerly pa 1 4
be collected from then again to improve
the country, roads; but it -cart bs i ro
vlded that all the property-owners n
every Wy. as well as In- every u-w-'-'.
Shall pay a monoy ta into' a 1
fund, which shall fce d.vot. .1 t - h, f
to the improvem-nt of is t
(Conunui J i,a