The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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to eU you the very best optical gpods
ell them- Goods that are right, and
uoh you know they will be right.
. Oculist prescriptions filled.
Manufacturing Jeweler and Opticians.
THERE is always one right answer to every
question one right solution to every prob
lem. ' y
Have you a machinery problem to solve a ma
chinery question to settle?
Are you putting up new works, or does your
present machinery need changes?
We have large facilities and we are full of
ideas and resources, so that it is very likely we
can solve in just the only right way any machin
ery difficulty you may bring to us.
d. a. r. of mraois.
v- women from any part of th atate are
' ' gathered Iter to take part In the sixth
annual conference of the Illinois Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution.
The gathering was formally opened today
and will continue, through tomorrow.
Business sessions will be interspersed
with visits to the Lincoln monument and
other places of historic Interest and with
1 . a reception at the executive mansion and
ether-features of a social character.
' .
LONDON. ' Oct 13. Generals Corbln,
Young- and Wood, f the United States
Army, were the guests of honor at a
luncheon given at the Carlton hotel today
by the Pilgrims. Field Marshal Karl-Roberta
occupied the chair and those present
Included men prominent in all walks of
Finding Money
We GIVE away $5.00 and $10
BILLS with Men's and Boys'
following: persons have received
the amounts opposite their names
and will VOUCH for the genuine
ness of this SALE :
F. W, KOEHLER, 121 Tenth St., received..... $10.00
L. D. COLLARD, Newberg, received ...... 10.00
ROY VV. WHITNEY, 106 Mason Street, received 10.00
E. E. STOESSEL, Salem, Oregon, received.,. 10.00
E. W. JONES, Camas, Wash., received,: 10.00
' ELMER"NYE,'Woodlawn,- received. .. -r.v.v.-:-siSv-.v.w.---ia.oo
HENRY B. DAY, Dayton, Wash., received 10.00
F. W. HUNT, 681 Clinton Street, received 10.00
JAMES ARMSTRONG, 269 Salmon Street, received 10.00
MRS. H D. McGUIRE 487 E. Pine Street, received......... 5.00.
MR$. CHAS. HAYES, i7iJStanton Street, received 5.00
.A. D. WOLFER, Hubbard, Oregon, received.... 5.00
ELMER SMITH, 346 Couch Street, received 5.00
W. E. MITCHELL, 63 Oak Street, received S-Oo
MRS. O. M. CROUCH, Montavllla, received 5.00
SARAH GRIFFITH, 164 Grand Ave., North, received 5-00
MRS. J IIULLER, 311 North 21st Street, received 5.00
Better come in and get
your share NOW.
When You See It
er Clothing Co.
at as low a price u It to possible to
when we say right our reputation Is
Corner Third and Washington Streets.
life. Several other notable functions are
planned in honor of the American gen
erhiJorjibeyaUrr Jaomethe last
of the present week.
B. F. Strop. Grand avenue and
Clackamas - 60
H. D. Winters, East Everett and
Grand avenue 100
Contractor, .Nineteenth and North
nap 11?
H. M. Cake, Third and Madison .... 60
Casper Zerm, Sixteenth , and Madi
son 100
Ferdinand Opits, Fifteenth and Fland
ers 50
John Miller, Twentieth, and Over
ton X 60
Alfred F. Biles, Twenty-fourth and
Irvlngton 100
C. Rabenacky, Twenty-fourth and
Irving 100
J. W. Nlckum, Second and Sherman.. 163
The Journal, a Free said Fair news
paper. It has no ax to grind.
In Our Ad. I't So.
Holds Her Third Annual
Apples Red, Apples Golden, More
Beautiful Than Those of
(Journal Special Service.)
HOOD RIVER. Oct. 13.-Voo4 RlTer
closed its annual fruit fair Saturday
evening, having made the finest exhibit
the famoui little valley has ever shown,
as It raises fruit unexcelled and perhaps
unqualed In the whole world, the finest
collection of apples ever gathered under
one roof since Eve plucked the first
pippin In the garden of Eden. It has
been said of this valley, tucked away and
hidden In the very heart of the Cascades,
that it was "a section of Paradise saved
and kept for the purpose of showing
mankind what our original parents lost."
Yet If the apple our good Old grandraotfi
er plucked In the long ago was as fair to
look upon as those grown In Hood River,
we forgive the old lady for her yielding
to a passionate desire to flash her teeth
on them, and wonder at her generosity
at giving the timid Adam even the core.
Hood River, the town. Is cuddled under
the hills, up which you have to go per
haps 600 feet to get "down"' into, the
valley. In front rolls the grand Old Co
lumbia, while to the east Hood River, a
beautiful mountain stream from amid the
glaciers of Mt. Hood, rushes down to
mingle with Its flood. The town has a
population of about 1000, and Is an Idyllic
place'." 'Beautiful "residences, half hiddeTi
by sturdy oak trees, well kept yards, ver
dant lawns, a profusion of flowers, shade
and sunBhlne, and air good enough to eat,
and to these good things which Nature
has given Is added those conveniences of
modern life, electric lights, fine water
supply, magnificent roads, and a rural
mall service what more could heart de
But to our mutton, which In this case
is apples.
Several years ago Hood River held its
first fruit fair, and It was a decided suc
cess, though beside the one Just closed it
would look like 30 ctmts. Fruit growing
was in its infancy, orchards" were small,
and, being planted ' for home purposes,
contained almost as many varieties as
there were trees. This has been changed,
and orchards are now set, and varieties
chosen to suit the markets; and as a'busi-
ness' proposition. The summer apple has
been cut out, and outside of the Graven
stein, the acknowledged king of all fall
apples, none but the winter varieties are
grown. Hood River has had to learn for
Itself, by experimenting, the varieties, the
soil adapted to them", the manner of culti
vation and pruning, and, the hardest les
son of all, the successful overcoming of
those fruit pests that are the orchardlst's
bane and his undoing. Hood River has
learned these lessons and at mtach cost,
but she has arrivTd at that stage where
she knows she is right, and . ia going
ahead. She Is no longer afraid of moths,
and San Jose scales, fungi and fruit ex
pdfts, but knows she can work out hei
salvation and her success in spite of all
of them.
The town was prettily decorated with
bunting and flags, and artistically draped
windows, where fruit trees three or four
years old were shown In tubs, the limbs
hanging full of beautiful fruit. Th ex
hibit was held in a canvas pavilion, on
Oak street, and covered a space 112 feet
long by 60 feet wide. Through the center
of this wag a broad table, containing
plates of apples and other fruits, bul
aiasciiAUj!;,,ftjfiJ!?riaftd oa eMfeejeid&jyas.
a magnificent display or Hood Kivers
pride, packed In boxes ready for ship
ping, but with the lids off, showing all
the types, from the golden blonde to the
yellow Newton, down through the deeper
shades of auburn, like the Spitsenberg
and Ben Davis, to some almost black in
their exuberance of color. In size they
gauged from the 'Wolf River, a handsome
light red globe of toothesomeness, weigh
ing from 20 to 24 ounces, down to the
little Lady-apple, yellow and rose-cheek
ed, scarcely more than a mouthful for a
Newport belle. Then, while admiring the
apples themselves, you could not help but
note the artistic manner In which they
were. pocki. Every., .apple.. was -put in
"just so,"-and the "boxes were filled full
and tight, so that no movement could
take place in handling them. Your Hood
River orchardist is wide awake. He is
not-only up to date, but he makes the
dates, and he knows that his fruit must
arrive at its destination uninjured and in
its most attractive condition. He gives
his products the benefit of the best and
most artistic appearance possible, and
the result la that with the best apple on
earth, put up in its most attractive form,
he oan meet and down all rivals.
There were probably 360 boxes of ap
ples in the exhibit, but to try to describe
them all or any of them is much like at
tempting to . convey to some one else . the
art and laughter and pleasure of last
night's champagne supper. It cannot be
done. You must see for yourself, and
then you can realize the futility of trying
to tell some one Ise The exhibit at
tracted much attention and was visited
by fruit growers from all parts of the
Northwest. Portland was quit well rep
resented. The Dalles turned out several
hundred visitors, while Butte, Mont.; Salt
Lake, California 'points, and even places
as remote as Omaha, bad their, represen
tatives. To these th. exhibit was a reve
lation, and many a visitor put fingers oi
apples he thought were- wax, before he
could be convinced, otherwise. The ex
hibit of prunes was good; as was the
On the safs side In buying hats. ,
It matters not what the price, you r
lookout should be that the value
Is there. If you would be assured
of the highest value for your money
buy your hats of us.
In stiff and soft shapes are superior
to much higher-priced hats at other
stores. The shape, color, style, fit
and proportion is Just what you'd
expect in a higher -priced hat
showing of the other fall fruits, and
these were augmented by a creditable
display of vegetables, but the apples over
shadowed all else.
The apple area of Hood River is prob
ably 20 miles square, but this would in
clude territory belonging properly to Its
neighboring village ot Mosier, six miles
to the east CI this vast area probably
1000 to 1200 acres are In orchard and less
than half of this is in bearing, and what
is." is Voting trees" JusSt beginning to yield
visible returns to the patient orchardist
Yet. this year' the valley will ship at a
conservative estimate 40.000 boxes, that
bring on an average II. 50 per box. The
orchards will average 80 trees to the
acre and will yield, when seven years
old, an average- of five boxes per tree.
Land is being cleared and trees planted
at the rat of 100 to 100 acres per year,
and It require only a short mathematical
calculation to .show that in a few years
Hood RlyelftU i9 returning more
money per aere-fo its owners, than any
other section1 in- the United States.
It would b hard to estimate the value
of this orchard land when in full bear
ing, but the returns from ne place may
serve to give some idea.
Sears & Porter 11 years ago began oper
ation on a piece of wild land about three
miles from the town of Hood River on
the "east Bide." Their capital was
muscle. Today they own one of the best
orchards in the valley, and are on Easy
street. Two years ago, from 287 trees, WO
five-year-olds and 197 of six years, grow
ing on something lets than 2 acre's,
they gathered and packed 1414 boxes of
flrtlaM"frtnT.'-tBat.VefTl61d "JuiClKt
der il per box. Last year the same trees
produced lfcs boxes, that were sold for
I1.41V4 per box. and this year it Is esti
mated the yield will be about 2400 boxes,
with the price well above ll.w). . In the
same orchard last year eight trees of
Baldwins yielded 104 boxes that brought
$1 per box. or at the rate. of 11350 per
acre. As the trees acquire age the yields
will be largely Increased, and to put the
possible returns in dollars and cents
would make this article read tpo much
like an Aladdin story, but you can figure
fl out to suit yourself. There are many
others who could make as good show
ings Slingerland, with his fine orchard
near the Tucker bridge, W J. Baker,
with a fine showing of. that 0ng of al
apples, the' Yellow Newton; the Davidson,
Wm. Kennedy, Joe Wilson, Croppes,, H,
T. Williams, G. W. Booth of the flat
named after him, Dave. Qpoper, one ot
tne "furthest ups,'.' with "fruit the finest.
and hundreds of others who have planted
with hope ajid tilled with patience, until
now they can take It easy and watch th
apples grow.
It is hardly necessary .to mention the
fact That Hood River Is a growing coun
try, for that fact l Vnown ail over the
country west of the Mlslsssijpl, and 1
north of any place. v x I ' -
It shipped this year probably 30,000
crates, 'of 244 pound each, or 700 tens.
?k '--flli , - t
v ;
and received therefor in round numbers
$129,000. , Its apple shipments brought In
probably mooo. : And this entire . product
was taken from less than 1000 aeras ot
land.' There ar available 200,000 acres of
ths sauna kind of ground, and you can
amusTOurslf, and probably get k small
oonooptlon of Hood Rlvefa future, by
taking a pencil and making a few figures.
Of Han Street SynagogNew Of
ficers Bccted--Reports.
A very interesting meeting was held by
the Congreation Nevah Zedeck Talmud
Thora, was held yesterday afternoon In
their synagogue on ths southeast corner
of Sixth and HaU street. .
Reports brought in show the congrega
tion to be in a flourishing condition. Ths
contracts for rebuilding ths . synagogue
amounting to nearly 12000, were ordered
paid, and a general good feeling and
pride was evident among all present In
the' beautiful appearance of the building.
About 11500 dollars In due and donations
were collected at this meeting. The an
nual report of the president. M. Ostrow,
showed an Increase of membership in the
past year of nearly 100, and ths financial
standlng-Ahe best and most solid since
the foundation.
Election of officers then followed, Those
elected were: President, M. Ostrow, (re
elected for third term, unanimously);
-vice-president", M. Caloff, re-elected
treasurer, A. Fleshman, (unanimously);
secretary, Pavid N. Mosessohn. re-elected
unanimously for third term; trustees, H.
Goldstein, M. Abrams, Eugene Conn, L
Goldstein and A. Scnulman.
F. S. Dunning Sjfys That Street
ar Lines Don't Injure Property
According to prominent East Side resi
dents the City Council can do the East
Side no greater injustice than to refuse
the asked-for franchise to the Portland
Railway Company.
The East Side has expanded in every
direction houses are going up everywhere
and all the street car lines now under
operation are well patronised. During
the early mroning hours the cars are
crowded with a struggling ' mass of hu
manity. Human beings are struggling
with each other In an effort to even
aatch hold of a railing car.
They are content to stand up with one
foot on the car's steps and with just
enough room to grasp hold of something
DENVER, Col., Oct. 13. John
C. Osgood, of Denver, is the
man who enjoys the record of
having bested John W. Gates.
The Colorado Coal and Fuel in
cident is presumably not yet
closed, but Osgood declares he
is not worrying and Is prepared
to give Gates all the fight he
wants. Osgood fought Gates a
fine battle recently over the
advantage in possession of rich
fields of coal and made it one of
the Incidents of recent financial
operation. The battle was ex
ploited In the press at the time,
and created a sensation on ac
count of a man daring to dis
pute the desires of a man who
is so closely allied to the trust
Interests In New York. It is
bruited ' about that Gates
planned to annihilate Osgood,
and that he cherishes the spirit
of revenge yet. Intending to
best Osgood when theopportun
ily offers.
to enable them to keep their position.
New car lines are needed and needed
bad. F. S. Dunning, a prominent East
Side business man, said:
"All this talk of protesting against
granting a franchise to railway compa
nies for the purpose of operating their
cars on a certain number of East Side
streets is wrong. I don't think that these
people who protest have the real East
Side push and energy. They are doing
the worst possible thing that could be
done to keep back the development of the
"T "contend that the more street car
lines that a city has the more prosperous
that town will be. You can not show me
a city in which the valuation of the prop
erty on a street is reduced on account of
the railroad having tracks there. On
the contrary I can show you thousands
of thoroughfares that have been made
the leading pne of their locality by having
the cars pass their doors.
"The East Side Is a large territory and
should hae a great many more street
car lines In order to give the different
localities the time schedule they are en
titled to. I don't say that these asked-for
franchises should be granted just because
the railway company has asked for them,
but for the reason that a number of sec
tions of the city badly need them.
Another thing that I think should be
brought up and, and that Is that In every
franchise given to a company there should
be : a clause Inserted that svery street
torn up the companies they should put
back into the same condition that It for
merly was. This part of a franchise
should be made as strong as posslo'la.
Th tobacco war I ended, and there is
presumably a chanc. now of getting
something else to amoks besides rubber
bands,, linoleum soaked In saltpeter and
the, ' celebrated Garden . Truck Regalia
brand of 'wood which can b lighted only
In th opaa air. Nw Orleans New.-
Filled witH purest
Layer Cottons
Newest Colorings
and Designs
$1.50 and $1.85
D. 0. It K.
New Lodge to Be Formed
in Portland.
Session Will Begin Tomorrow and
Will Last Three
A preliminary organization of a temple
of the D, O. K. K. was recently .formed
in Portland. The order I to the Knights
of Pythias what th. Mystio Shrine is to
Masonry. Unique invitations have been
sent to members of the order in the stats
to join the temple which' will be th only
one in the Stat.
It is expected that a large number of
oandidate will buckle (in their sandals
and journey over the burning sands of
the desert of Oregon to Portland on the
banks of the Willamette to be Initiated
into the mysteries" of the sacred cham
bers of the temple.
Here are a few excerpts from tha Invi
tation: "TIM. PUICB AND DATE."'
"At 8 p. m. In the Auditorium, Port
land, Or., on the 12th day of the 7th
month RAJAB 1320, which read through
a pair of green glasses means Wednes
day, October 15. 1902, Abd-uhl-Tlif temple
D. O. K. K., will hold a high jinks in
true Arabic pomp and style."
You may be required to do this, and
you may not. Come .prepared, however,
to take what you can get. If you are
not satisfied you can. ask for your money
back, but yW won't get It. Do not tell
your wif or your mother-in-law when
you will b7 home. Tell them you don't,
know and w don't car.
"Money t heeded to buy hay for th
MENI am pleased to say that I have just received a full
assortment of the brightest and tastiest
Madras and. Percale $HIrts
-.--ihat-veFcame to Portland. Don't be satisfied to merely look
at a few of them in my window. Come in and examine them.
MC l ril l? I II 288 Washington Street,
On the safe side add hava
your teeth examined
occasionally even though
they appear sound. De
fects discovered at the
tart are easily and cheap
ly remedied. When ex
traction Is imperative we
do it without the least
del w; AWnpa';
WISE BROS., Dentists
80S, 809, Sio, 812, 813 Fslllng BuHdlng.
cor. Tniro anq yvaaningion. airsau.
A i -sV ,
- .
camel, so pleas bring along the neces-
tary spondullx. In order that you may be
noticed, etc You may also bring a
friend. Bring along ten samoleons jaw
bone don't go."
. , ...,':.o.yjtii.ALs,::... ..;,.
"Are all Imported direct from the Or
ient, and were all born in th dark o th
moon. They eat confetti, sawdust, and
can danoo ragtime all the 'time or my
time that can be played by a rubber
"And now w will attempt to satisfy
the inner man and any thing you do not
see, want for It. W. have spoken and '
let no on rip asunder.
Th United State Civil Service Com
mission announce that an insufficient
number of eligible resulted from the ex
aminations bold In July and that another
examination will be held on November
11-12, 1902, for th following position:
Watch ofnoer In th Coast and Geodetiq
Survey, seven vacancies to fill.
Interpreter, Hungarian, Bohemian.
Slavak, Polish (Including all dialects) and
German in th Immigration service.
Deck officer In th Cobst and Geodetlu
Survey, three vacancies to bo. filled.
Seed olerk. Department of Agriculture.
On December 1-10 an examination win
be held for th position of mechanlca
draftsman In th Bureau of Engraving,
and Printing.
Persona desiring to tak tha above ex
aminations ahould apply for blanks at
one of Z. A. Leigh. Portland Postofflce,
secretary of Civil Service Board.
. Almco. Chapman ha flled hi answer, to
th suit commenced against him by John
H. Dwlght, receiver of th Duluth Dry
Goods Co.. to compel him to pay a 96000
stock subscription In ths corporation. He
pleadr that ha is th member of a firm in
Chicago which recently ' went through
bankruptcy, that Dwlght had knowledge
of such proceedings and that h can not
now recover.
Th Board of Equalisation of Multno
mah County completed Its labor Satur
day. Exactly 200 property owner ap
peared before the Board to have their
Assesxaent cbaaged. No raldealwchanges
were requested. County Clerk Fields Is
of the opinion that th total reduction
will not exceed 1500.
Sole Agent for the Jameson Hat.
Both Phone Or. South 221 Col. SSt,
wpn vnwg mi aunuay s m m j
f: rrT'.'"".
' 'r