The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Price Is Up on Both the
.. Atlantic and Norway.
tons Again Take Upward Move
and Another Is
Prosperity ha struck Front street.
Husiness was excellent today, it being a
pood, forecaster of the coming- week's
Tho first Oregon Concord grapes were
received this morning and are selling
Well. The fruit la of good quality.
It Is the same old story In the egg mar
ket Prices have advanced again. Both
Oregon fresh .and cdld storage and the
Eastern varitlea are affected by the
change. Receipts continue Vecy light and
the demand is increasing.
Atlantic Coast mackeral advanced this
(noising from $2 to JJ a barrel. The Nor
way variety took a large upward move,
the Quotation advancing from 12 to K
a barrel. ,
Canned goods are hard to obtain and
prices are booming. The Jobbers have
been notified by their Eastern represent
ative that they cannot possibly fill the
orders given them. It is reported that
the corn "crop is so short that Eastern
packers have drawn on California, for
supplies. Tomatoes are in about the
same condition as corn. A majority of
the: states report nearly a complete fail
ure In that line this year.
JEtaans .again took an upward move this
doming as today's quotations will show.
Another, advance Is expected at any day,
" The1 prevision market J very stiff and
euotatio-ns are way up. Dealer say that
the trouble today is not in getting good
prices, but to supply the demand. Ke-
oelpts of fresh meats in the local nuuv
kets today, were scarce. Prices remain
. .unchanged.
Receipts of poultry were unusually
heavy for Monday. Quite a lot of last
week's stock is still on hand.
The revised quotations for today are as
- WheatNominal; Walla Walla, , 83c;
Biuestem, esc; vauey, Ma6c.
Barley eed. $17: rolled. (21022.
Oats No. 1 white, Slp1.05; gray, 95c
. $1.
Flour Eastern Oregon: Patents, SS.20
ffl.DO; stralgnts,; graham,
$2.76: valley, 2,8&8; Diamond W., IS.76.
MllUtutta Bran, 118.60 per ton; middl-
- in. ir snorts. tu.ttu.cn0p, .jieia..
Hay New Timothy, Jll12; clover,
: HonsIl iSo for choice. -
Wool Nominal; Valley. 1516c; East.
era uregon, wumc.
Bheepskin Shearings, 14Hl9He:
short wool, 16 35c; medium wool, totp
60o; olng wool, iQcQU each.
' Tallow Prime, per pound. IttJWo; No. 1
and grease, zozttc
Hides Dry hides. No. t It pounds and
up, 16lM4c per pound; or kip. No. 1,
to 16 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. L under
6 pound, l&tc; dry salted, bulls and stags,
one-uura ie liim.ii ury mm; saiiea niaes,
-steer,-sound, SO pounds or over, 8 He;
63 to 60 oounds. 7Wa.Sc: under 60 nound.
nd cows, 7c: stags and bulls, sound. &
fte; kip, sound, 16 to 90 pounds, 7c; veal.
sccna, id to n pounas, ic; can, sound,
tinder 10 pounds. So; green (unsalted), lo
per pound less; culls, lc per pound less;
tiorse hides, salted, each, ll.25gi.75: dry,
each, tl&l.M; colts' hides, each, 15 50c;
goat skins, common, eacti. lOffllSc; An.
gora. with wool on. each, 25cSt
Mohair 27c
Sugar, Vsack basis,' cube, S4.75; powd
ered, $4.60; dry granulated, $4.60: extra
C, $4.00; golden C. $3.90; barrels, 10c; half
barrels, 25c: boxes, 60c advance on
aok basis, less 2nd per c.w.t. for cash,
maple, 124916c per pound.
O) flee Green Mocha, 212Sc; Java,
fancy. 66SSe; Java, good. 202ic; Java
ordinary. lS20c: Costa Rica, fancy
lafcZOc; Costa Rica. good. ISA
18c; Costa Rica, ordinary, l&i?12c per
round; Columbia roast, $11; Arbuckls a,
11.6 Uat; Lion, 111.1S list; Cordova,
Teas Oolongs different grades, 2SS65e:
Gunpowder, 28. S2 to 36c: English Break
fast, different grades, 12 to 65c; Spider
Legs, uncolored Japan, SO to 60c; green
Japan, very scarce, 30 to 60c
Salt Bales. 2s, 8s, 4s. 6s, 10s, 12.60
fine table, dairy and imported LivemooL
60s, 62c; 100s, $1.02; 200s, $1.95; per baa-Salt-Worcester
salt, bulk. bbls.. 320s.'
14.00; Worcester, 140 2s; $5.60; Wot
rter, 100 3a, $5. SO; Wor.-ester. 60 Ss.
5.16: Worcester, 30 10s, $5.00; Worcester
linen sacks. 60s, 86c.
Salt Coarse, half ground. 100s, per ton.
$19.60; 60s. per ton. $20; Liverpool lumi
$19 OO2 P61' t0D; 6e"lb- rCi' 19 M; 100'
Grain bags Calcutta, $6 75 per 100 for
f!6o for roasted; cocoanuts, tefe&oo per
dos; walnuts. 1415c per lb; pine nuts
Irri20; hickory nuts, 7c; chefnuts $3 (yi
&t per drum; Brazil nuts, 15c; filberts 16
tflSe; fancy pecans 14 & 15c; almonds.
Coal oil Cases. 21c per gallon tanks
WaterWhit. iVAe net; tanks? Headfight
Rice Imperial Japan. No. 1, 6Wc- No. 2.
tine: New Orleans, head, 'QIU'
Salmon Columbia River. 1-lb tolls
11.70; 2-lb tnlls, $2.40; fancy 1-lb flats
l.K; -lb fancy flats. $1.10; Alaska tails'
pink; 86c; red. $1.26; 2-lb tails, 12.
Beans Small white, $400; lartte white
t4.00; pink, $3.75; bayou, $4.00; Lima, 6c.'
Tobacco Plug cut, smoking, i 2--os
-packages: Seal of North Carolina. 70o
; Mastiff, 68c; Dixie Queen. 40c; Red
Hell.. 3c; Pedro. 50c; Golden Scepter.
IL16; fine cut. Cameo, 40ci Caostsn $1 8i
uko's Mixture, 40c; BuJI Durham. 66c'
ld English Curve Cut. 72c: Maryland
:ipb. 71c; Mail Pouch, Ssc: Yale Mixture,
H.4 0. Plug tobacco. Drummond's Nat
Ural Leaf. 68c; Piper Heldsieck, 66e;
Fometmng Good, 45c; Standard Navy
(4c; T, & B.. 63c; Spear Head. 43c: 6tar
toa-eut chewing: Golden Thread.
c; Fast Mall, 70c.
Butter Creamery. 25-327540; dairy. 18
. tOc; store, l&tt 16c. w
. Eggs Oregon, 2627H; Eastern, 25 &
0 C. .'
Cheesw-'-Fuii cream, twins'. 13V414c:
jToung America, 14fcefl5a
Poultry Chickens, mixed. $3.604 per
flos; hens, .$414.60 per dos; broilers. $24
t.60; ducks UM per doz; turkeys, live,
-"JlW12c; do, dressed. 14&16c per lb-
geese, $6.00.60 per dos.
Potatoes 66 70c
. Onions Oregon. 90c $1. "
Tomatoes 4ue50c per box: turnips,
aok, $1.10; carrots, $101.10 sack; beets,
L2& per box.' peaches, 66&70c; crab ax-
ples. to per lb; Fall Batter pear. 6c$l
per pox; cranoernea, liuamooK ana v.oos
Bay. $$; Cape Cod. ff a barrel:
Apples Fancy, 76c1.25o; cooking, 609
76c. ; .
Grapes Concord, 4045c per 10-lb
basket; California, $1L25; Oregon, 76c
Kacusnes per aosea, imuik vao
bages, Oregon; 11HC lb; lettuce, head.
per a os, izftoito; uregon green corn, xoa
dos;' beans. $to. per lb; Oregon pears.
76cC$l per box; ggplast, 66o per lb;
cucumoers, euvaoo oox; green peppers,
60o box; SQuash, $1.60 cwt; pumpkins
L60 cwt
Fresh meats Beef, prime. 6&7c; pork,
77Vc lb.; veal, 8Q84c; mutton, 23c;
gross; dressed. Static; cows, 64&6c;
bulls, 6tc; lambs. 66o per lb.
Hams, bacon, etc Portland pack
(Western) hams, 15c: . plonle, 12c;
breakfast bacon, 18 19c; light sides,
llo: hacka UUct drv salted sides. 10c;
dried beet sets, 18c; Insldes and knuckles
18c; per pound. Eastern packed
hams, under 18 lbs, 16c; over 18 lbs.
14ic; fancy, 15c; picnic, Uttc; snouiaers.
HVtc; dry salted sides, unsmoked, 14c;
breakfast bacon, 18 He; bacon sides, 15 He;
backs, unsmoked, 14c; do. smoked, 16 He;
butts. 12613c. ,
Lard Kettle leaf. 10-lb tins, 14:: 6s.
14Hc; 60-lb tins. ISHo lb; steam rendered,
10s. 13c; 6s, 13c. . ,.
Fish Rock cod, 8c: flounders, 7c; hali
but, 9c; ling cod, 6c; crabs, per do.
$1.60; razor clams, 10c dos; red snappers.
89c; black cod, 89c; stripped bass,
1012Hc; salmon, tiflo; soles. 8c; smelt
6c; lobsters, 12Hc
Home Seekers Complain That They
Cannot Take Claims
An Unusually large number of home-
seekers are coming to Oregon this tall.
Most of them desire timber claims as
well as homesteads and many Inquiries
are made daily at the land offices for
information as to bow to take up the
timber claims. Many of these Eastern
people complain most bitterly of the hard'
ships and red tape necessary to get the
timber claims. .
Speaking W this matter a young man
from Pennsylvania said: "The laws aljl
seem to be in favor of rich men these
days. A big corporation can hire men
to take up the best timber claims and
very little trouble is encountered by their
agents in securing their patents. But
homeseeker meets with difficulties and
opposition at every ,stepJn his proceed
At Quartaville, In Linn County, many
homesteads have been filed upon by mln
ers who will contest the homesteader's
right to their claims upon tho ground that
tho land is mors valuable for mineral
than for agricultural uses. In Morrow
County, sines coal has been discovered
in that country, many claims that were
taken up in tood faith by ranchers as fit
only for gradjrng purposes. are now being
taken up for mining. Many Incidents in
connection with this matter occur from
time to time.
Some -years ago, while L L. Mitchell
was in charge of the Walla Walla Land
Office district, a certain company, was
having a lot of men to take up timber
claims in the spur of the Blue Moun
tains. The usual method was to pay
man a sufficient amount of money to
prove up the claim and give him a sur
plus of $80 or $100 as soon as claim was
proved and he had signed a deed pre
pared' beforehand conveying- the timber
tract to the syndicate. 1
A Barber was employed on one oocaslon
to take 'up a claim. On the day of proof
he was given 1500 to prove a claim and
to pay the necessary fees, leaving him
about $75 as his reward for his act of
perjury. Leaving the office he went out
on the street and took the money from
his pocket and looked at it very earnest
ly. Putting the money back in his pocket
he retraced his steps, went to the depot
and took the train for Portland, and the
company is still waiting for him to prove
up his claim.
The syndicates and companies are often
served in this manner, as $500 is a great
temptation to many a poor fellow and
causes them to retire from land business
after the fashion of the barber.
In taking up land under the timber and
stone act the applicant must swear that
be takes up the land for his own use
and benefit. When these perjurers are
about to convey the land by deed after
final proof and he is charged with fraud
in that the tract IS not for his own use
or benefit, he generally replies In a gleeftn
way that the money, he is paid is for
his special benefit. There are so many
fraudulent cases that the government
could not secure enough inspectors and
special agents to check even 25 per cent
of such frauds.
Tet many are honest in their endeavor.
and, strange as it may seem, many ob
stacles are.thrown in their way of mak
ing proof. On the other hand the scoun
drel makes his escape, thus working a
great hardship upon those who really de
sire to take homesteads for their own
use. "v.
Are You. Going to Corvaflis?
During the State Fair in September,
there was a feeling among our people
that we owed a neighborly duty to our
Salem friends, and that was to pay them
visit of encouragement, and give them
to understand that we were pleased with
their success, and extend to them the
glad hand.
The Southern Pacific Company, with a
desire to do its part towards this end,
made a . very cheap rate for the round
trip, with the result that about two
thousand of our citizens attended the
Fair on "Portland Day."
On Wednesday, October 15, our neigh
boring city of Corvallis will throw open
her doors and extend the hand of wel
come to all who Journey that way, the
occasion being the dedication of the new
addition to the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. This is an institution of which we
are Justly proud, as it compares favor
ably with the best Colleges of the kind
in the United States, and every citizen
of the state should be interested in fos
tering this school. The good people of
Corvallis are bubbling- over with enthus-
laBiii about tills institution, which is
very much to their credit, and are pre
pared to entertain the visitors In royal
style. There will be some entertaining
speakers, good music and a delightful
lunch will be served to all.
This occasion will furnish the citizens
of Portland with another opportunity to
demonstrate their good feeling towards
their neighbor. Remember we expect
as" much from them in 1905, '
Buys.One Day and Sells
Balls and Bears Are Watchful and
Fear Results General
CHICAGO, Oct 11-The Record-Her
ald says: December corn closed the
week only 1-3 cent lower than it opened
and May left off 1-8 cent higher. There
were remarkably small variations for a
market which went through such a liqui
dating process as did the corn. The big-'
gest line in existence, a holding of prob
ably six million bushels belonging to
Patten, was sold out. Yet the fluctua
tions of the week would suggest to the
man who was merely studying the range
and waj ,.not, getting. .thft accompanying
gossip, only the most ordinary transac
tions. The speculator who knew of sell
ing was mystified by the stubborness of
the price, concluded the big liquidation
has been met by an equally important
demand and it was the opinion that some
very strong buyer had taken the Patten
Una The corn man could think of no
one except Ogden Armour, or Daniel G.
Reld as equal to such an operation. There
was no clear evidence of concentrated
corn buying. Armour was at times ap
parent in the market. On Thursday It
looked as If he was doing almost as
much selling as Patten. On Saturday
there was pretty good evidence of Ar
mour buying. But the only reason tho
corn pit felt Armour or Reid had been
taking the millions Patten had been sell
ing was because it was believed such a
line could not be unloaded with such
small loss in price without some notable
leadership on the other side.
Liverpool Wheat.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 13. December
wheat. 10, V, higher: March wheat. 1014,
y. higher. January corn. 514, nigner;
March corn, 1,, higher.
Liverpool Cotton.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 18 Spot cotton fair,
demand for middling down 2 points.
Sales,' 10,000; receipts, 9000. Futures
onened easier. 6 to 7 point lower and at
12:30 p. m. easy and unchanged to 1 oft
from opening. '
An Experimental Concert in Odors
' Given Tonight.
NEW YORK, Oct. 13. There Is some
thing- new iinder the sun-aBd- 'Oothatnltew
are to have the first taste, or rather the
first smell of Jt. To cultivate the olfac
tory nerves "by the artistic manipula
tion of perfumes, which will yield esthetic
pleasures similar to music or pictorial
art," there is going to be a perfume con
cert at the Carnegie Lyceum tomorrow.
"an experimental concert," as its au
thors modestly put it, and a succession
of scents will be squirted about the hall
and over the audience so adeptly that
those present will think they are In
Japan. ' ,
At least the management of the affair
is going to present "A Melody in Odors,"
and will call the melody A Trip 'to
Japan in Sixteen Minutes," asking those
to' believe, when they sniff certain
aromas, that they are really transported,
sensually, to tho Chrysanthemum king
dom. That the blunted olfactory nerves
of the Philistines may be persuaded, If
possible, the lHuslon will be helped out
by the assistance of "two geisha and a
solo dancer," who will perform while the
perfumes are being squirted.
Helen Watrln has filed an answer in
the State Circuit Court to the suit filed
some time ago by Sophie Danner to fore
close a 1400 mortgage on certain property
in. Sunnyside, in which she alleges con
spiracy on the part of her husband, John
Wauin. to defraud Bar oat of the prop
erty. )
jjj! :S
Attorney HcGinn Believes Corpora-
tions Are Too Arrogant.
Attorney McGinn, who represented tho
assistant engineers who were given an
examination before United States Inspec
tors Edwards, and Fuller, says that if a
verdict Is brought against his clients and
their certificates of license are revoked
tho case will be appealed. It will be taken
to Ban Francisco, he says, and he be
lieves there will bo no doubt about their
being able to recover their licenses
In regard to the case of C. M. Houston,
third assistant engineer, who refused to
testify Saturday morning, Attorney Mc
Ginn sajd:
"He refused to go on the witness stand
for the very good reason that he was
excluded from the room at the time the
Investigation of the other engineers was
being conducted. I entered a protest
against the proceeding, but it was of no
avail. This is an unusual procedure. . He
should have been permitted to hear the
testimony given by the other witnesses.
"As far as the law Is concerned I think
it is wholly adequate to cover this mat
ter, and will protect these men for quit
ting their positions. The O. R. & N. Com
pany discharges its men with impunity
LONDON, Oct. 13,-Mrs. Pearl
Cragie (John Oliver Hobbes) will
be a guest of Lord and Lady
Curzon, Viceroy and Vicereine
of . India, having gone to be
present at the Indian corona
tion ceremonies. She remains
to enjoy the romantic life in the
Orient that was exploited by
Kipling. Mrs. Cragie is an
authoress of ijtpute, known in
England and America.
without giving them any notice what
ever, as was seen "Saturday when about
60 employes, Who had positions on the
Elder, ,yere paid jjff. ,Thej ' were not giv
en a moment's .notice, but the question
resolves Itself into an entirely different
one apparently when three men in the
company's employ, who resign, are ar
rested and givusfca trial for doing so.
It is a poor law that will not work both
"The sooner thacorportlons appreciate
the fact that wbrklngmen have some
rights In this world which they are bound
to respect, the better it will be for all
concerned. Strikes and- labor troubles
will then be a thing of the past, and
everything will go along smoothly. There
never has been an instance where labor
has made a demand, but that It was de
serving of consideration, and its commit
tees of a respectable hearing. But In
stead of practicing-' this policy corpora
tions turn them down 6n every hand, and
attack the leader jWlth all the vile epi
thets at their command. Their actions
denote that they believe in lowering the
American worklngman to a condition lit
tle above that of the beasts of burden.
1 pis ti lip!
i m
I . put " p
IsSs? . vis
I HsW ' '4fll
1 iWK&y s
have pushed their way through the dangers of Arctic exploration and solve
the problems that have always voiced scientists in connection with magnetic
phenomena and the temperature and
The honest toller resents such action and
will continue to do so until his rights
are granted and respected by all."
MONTREAL. Que., Oct 13.-Several
large parties from New York and else
where are here to witness the initial pre
sentation tonight of Glen MaeDonough's
play, "Among Those Present." The cast
is headed by Mrs. Lo Moyne, who will
be supported by a hiiJnber of other well
known players. ,
Will be a trip to Corvallis, Or., Wednes
day, the 15th inst i to attend the dedica
tion of the new buildings Just completed
by the Oregon Agricultural College., ..Thai
Southern Pacific Company will run a spe
cial train from Portland leaving the
Union Depot at 7:80 a. m., giving, the
afternoon at Corvallis and returning in
the evening at 9 p. m. Corvallis will
suspend business for th day and Visit
ors will be royally entertained. Prominent
people will be in attendance from all
parts of the sttfte. Only 12-60 for' th
round trip from Portland and greatly re
duced rates from all other points.
Large Kmnber of Houses
Going Up
Week's Building Permits Amount
to $t4,000Fritfay the
Poorest Day.
The past week has been one of unusual
activity in the realty market. Builders
are busily engaged in forming plans for
new structures and the completion of th
ones under way.
Building operations on both side of th
river are being pushed forward with all
possible speed. The largo number of .of
fice buildings under construction on th
West Sid are assuming shape. Th
East Side, however, shows th greatest
activity in building.
New dwellings ar to be seen going up
in every direction with mushroom speed.
Sunnysid is perhaps the scene of the
greatest activity. Altogether about 60
new residences ar at present under way
in th district. T. 8. McDanlel is fin
ishlng the construction work on a two-
story brick building on Belmont street.
between East Thirty-third and East
Thirty-fourth streets. Th structure will
add greatly to the appearance of the en
tire business section of th district.
Work 1 progressing rapildy on the new
factory building for the Neustadter Bros.
Company, corner. Orand avenue, East
Sixth and East Taylor streets. The
building will occupy the entire block be
tween Orand avenue and East Sixth
street and also GO feet on Orand avenue.
The cost of the structure is estimated at
about 320,000. The . contractors expect to
have the building completed by the first
of the year. ,
Preparations are being made for the
erection of the Urge sawmill at tne foot
of Spokane avenue. Sell wood. Workmen
are busily engaged in clearing the site
for the buildings. The ost of the struc
ture is estimated at about 7S,doo. This
includes the machinery. A large number
of dwellings are under construction at
Sellwood. the total number under way
and completed tnls year being about 100.
On the Hawthorne tract work has been
started on 20 new cottages. The Wil
liams avenue tract also shows activity
with a large number of houses under
construction, : T ML Tabor district is
not behind in the race for improvement,
as there are quite a large number ot
structures undergoing erection there.
Dr. D. E. ,Surman has begun the task,
of rebuilding his two-Btory warehouse
recently destroyed, at the corner of East
First street and Hawthorne avenue. The
new brick structure will cost 320,000.
During the week just closed the num
ber of building permits has largely in
creased, their cost ot erection being
364,264. The largest day's business was
Tuesday with 327.450. and the smallest
Friday with 32000. The smalt amount ol
permits taken out on the latter day Is
very likely due to the popular prejudice
against starting any new enterprises on
ALBANY. N. Y., Oct 13. The New
York State Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty, held its thirteenth annual con
vention here today with representatives
WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct 13. t
Commander Peary declares that h
has abandoned the further explor
ing of the Arctic regions. He will
never again go in search of the
North Pple. However, he believe
that the North Pole is accessible,
and some day the feat will have
been accomplished. Difficult as th
enterprise is, the etimmander
vouchafes -the opinion that some
.-daK,.-and - .that- before very !ongr
some venturesome marine will
other conditions at the pole. H
present from all the local societies
throughout the .state. Reports showing
progress of humane work during the past
12 months were presented and legislative
and other committees for furthering the
efforts of the society appointed. Elbridge
T. Gerry, of New Tork city, presided and
Robert J. Wilkin acted as secretary of
the convention.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct lt-Indian-apolls'
first great annua) society horse
show and fall festival 'was Inaugurated
at Festival Field today1 in a blase of
glory. Beauty, fashion, muslo, fine sad
dlers, natty little Shetlands. handsome
tally-hos and a confusion of amusement
features, ail conspired to make the open-
Tng a brilliant one. The festival contin
ues through the week and with favorable
weather promises to be th most notable
affair of th kind this city has ever seen.
Marion Crawford, whose health has
been causing his friends some , anxiety
owing to a- hemorrhage with which he
was seised some days ago, Is recovering
satisfactorily at Sorrento, Italy.
' 'Mm Wanted
T Ther U J1 over this country old.
roung ana nuaaie-agea men suffering
from, the effects of bad habits when
fboyi. , Hundreds caught private dis
eases, which hav never bora properly
T cured. Buch men" ar unfit for mar
X rlag or-business, and If they let this
T aiM continue, they will break out
A yuuy r sores, ' sometimes
rheumatism, heart disea, paralysis.
I dlsxinsss, stomach troubl will follow.
X They go to .sleep sometimes whll
f reading or. resting. .. PRIVATE DIS
EASES, If not CURED properly, wlU
run Into stricture, gleet, prostalitus,
catarrh of bladder and kidneys, and
that awful disease called chancres and
bubo Is, that hav ruined so many
young men for Ufa DR. KE8SLKR,
at the ld St Lou! Dispensary, has
been doctoring these cases right in
Portland for many years. -H also
cure tumors, wens, , warty growths,
old sores, cancers, all kinds of diseases
of nose,, throat or liver, or any kidney
or ' bowel troubl. . Call and see th
tapeworm they hav taken from per
sons some SS ft long.
Rhsumatlam, Piles, Neuralgia, Head-
X Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets. Portland, Oregon
niHIM MM I M 1 1 1 II MM
Coal Coal Coal
Dealer la an kinds of
Coal. Coke, Charcoal
Try the Famous
Office: 154 North stb St.
Second and Oak Streets
KNOXVItLB. Tenn., Oct U.-The at
tendance upon the meeting of the East
Tennessee Horticultural Association is
larger than for many years, and an un
usual amount of Interest is manifested in
the proceedings. The sessions commenced
How to Make a Marvelously Perfect Complexion
. and Restore Youthful Looks.
: ..... -
Star is notUns mors beantiful than th
Ito sparkling eye, iM pleasant smile sad psrfecssymmetry. r
But the orowalng glory of th Jaos 1 a radiant complexion with its lively glow, it youthful
tinge, and Its flns, smooth texture.
But the question is sm suck a complexion bo attained T
In this wonderfully pmgresaiv ag of art, literature and science; of the (team engine, the
mighty cannon, the electrto motor, the wireless telegraph and th ponderous fsMoaaklng'
machines; what is them that is impossible f
By a careful study of th nature and texture of the akin, ends thorough research In th .
Nairn afebemistry and eompoondiwg of Ingredients, remedy ha been at last perfected that
will aeoompllsh thess resnlts. .
Tbts remedy Is Haw. A. Rapperfs Faos Bleach. - .
WHAT r ACB RLKACU IS Faee Blaateh is sot a eosmetie to eovr up, but it abso
' lately remove 000s and fcwever all th diseolorauons and blemishes to which the eomplexioa
is tubjeel I ean positively guarantes every woman it will do all I claim. ' Its actios oa tho
skin wanes fall to remove very delect lfs a well-known fact that the blood in order to
1 cleanseHtself I constantly, throwing off its Impurities through the pore of the skin j now If lb
Tore are aot kepi open, the imparities of th blood cannot etoape, but collect below the sur
hoe, and nodsjw an manner of skin troablesrwoeh as PIMPlfcS, FRECKLES, MOTH,BALIOW
ACTION OT WACM BLKACBL Mow Vac Bleach hss this two-fold action ; sat, M heal
a sugsetiaal action, which attracts andlniw to th surface the imparities which hews 00 i- .
leetea and er the skint and, secondly chemical action which remove by sealing off (to the
form of a Ana dandruff) lb surfac of tbeonter, diseased or dead cuticle, leaving the underikia'
beautiful, yoathfaUooking and delicately tinted by nature clear, smooth and perfect This
method Is perfectly hum 1ms to th most delicate skin, as it barmonlces with the laws of hygiens,
and anioia the two atotot which w most adhere to and follow if ws with to permaoeuUj ian
prove oar personal appearance. , , , ' i'-
THOUSANDS BraarrrglKTltonstna of catrons, who were annoyed and vexed -with
nsoet miserable complexions, have bees delighted with the grand improvement Ifadamo, .
Support's Pace Bleach ha produced in their skina Many complexions, covered with pimple,
'freckles and eeasmatoo eruptions (Itching, burning and annoying) hav-been changed to .
bright, seaatUnl tkiss. and the 'improvements made In their looks were simply wsrv)oua -That
I sesraely a defect to which the complexion is heir wiileh still not soooomb to this von-. '
derfnl mmedy. Pronator wrinkles and line those inroads of beauty are quickly effaced,
and those muddy, dUfifrurins, salkrw. Jaundiced kins ar onickly transformed into e)jr,
wholesome ones by Its use. Flabby skinswhich also mark, toe nvaeof ton bemme flna .
and smooth after a lew applleattoBet" BUS troubles which hav baffled th most skilful pby
sieiana hav been removed and cored promptly, and many have expressed, personally and by .
letter, their heartfelt ae4 profoundest thanks foa-thiswondertal Face Bleach. . '
A positive goaantee is given if Faos Bleach is need according loth new pedal directlon
which ar furnished with each order, that tt will remove every discoloration and tmpuiX , .
from your complexion. - .- 1 ' 1 ' f '
AU6I tWA.Esppft,worVlisfsjwndpreirtlaM w .
OldsrWprtman & King
, "W-:?is6lwE" AGENTS. , .
aens, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Xtcnlns
Skin Diseases and that AWFULEST
OF ALL DISEASES, Syphilis (Pox),
Gonorrhoea, he cures QUICK WITH
OUT ANY CUTTINa. His private ot-.
Be is filled with pictures of thss aw
fuj disease. This old doctor can refef
to prominent business men, lawyers,
ministers, professors, etc,, la all parts
of th country. Ho has treated patients
by his Horns Sytm, vn, la Txaa,
Canada, Niagara Fall, and all over
this and adjoining states, but h had
much rather see them, " It gives him
pleasure to. advise any unfortunat
man or woman. EVERYTHING PRI
VATE. ' ' '' -
Whin yon go to e falm he ees yen
in . privat rooms. When you writ)
him, onl yths doctor reads your lettes.
When you go to consult this doctorv
take a small bottl urin (made the ,
prevluo morning) with you. . If write
tng, send it by express or mafl.
Now. if you ar on of the men.
don't put it off until you. Ilk hun
dreds, be sent to an asylum, but writ
to him sad h will keep your. sort.
Address, inclosing ten to stamps,
IMt !
L If t
Ore. East 46. . CoL 5190
East Si and BnrnsMe Sts., X
today at the University of Tennessee a.od
will be ooontinued through tomorrow,
when a number of men of national prom
inence in horticultural work will address
the gathering.
Th Journal, dally, eight to 20 page, m
newspaper, only 94 a year by mailt si
r-;nthe, $2.
human faos' vHh ffi'WMm& WWMmmMr-