tir& OltEdOlT PAIL? JQITXTAI; PORTIiAD; ibAYIIVTOiyG; OOTODER 13 1002. In Fot TUESDAYiONLY Alt sixes', fleece-lined' shirts and draveri,, ril?bedVand plain knit, i brown; blue, grey and. Egyptian colors j regular, fall and winter X Welo-hta Hrawora aro rlniihU-seated. Ua irv Tnwsda.Tr.. SI & Suit ? after Tuesday, $1 a suit. For Tuesday only, 78c the auit, or 39c for a' single garment. - - :- ZZaZjgZgr' - We are showing unusual values in . Men's Wool Sox &t i 2, pair for 25c Full seamless knit black, grey and brown colors. AMUSCMtNTS. Marquam Grand Theatre. Cl, Hellig, Manager. Two nishts only. Tues. and Wed.. Oct. 14-15, Har Smith's Musical Comedy, The Liberty Bell " Management Prank Hen nesay. The hit of the sea son. Brlsht. catchy and up to dute. JfTioes Lower floor, except last 8 rows fl.60; last 3 rows, $1. Balcony, first tows. 11; necond 3 rows, 75c; last 6 rows f0c. Oftllery, 85c, 25c. Boxen and logea, f'O. Seats now selling. Carriages at 10:50. o'toeh.- 'I he Baker; Tonight and all this week, with Mat. Sat., great production of Hail Calne'a powerful play, THE CHRISTIAN" Presented with careful at tention to every detail by the incomparable Nelil heatre U o.C Baker, .'tanigcr I r,n: Ore cn N. 1076, C . gon. Stuck Company. . I'dces that never change: Evening " IGe, ihc. 50c. Matinees lc, 15c, 25e. Next Week Edwin Milton Royle'e "Ft lends." CordrayVs Theatre J. K. Cordray Manager. Tonight and every night thin week, with Mat. Sat.. Oct. 18, the Little American Beauty, ELSA RYAN Fred Dsrcey'a New Comedy-Drama, "NtVADA" Matinee Sunday and Saturday at 2:15. Evening prices 26c, 50a Matinee prices 26c to any part of house; children, 10c. THE 'WRENS, the only hiatlinu Duettists. BAR ER AND RAVELLE. the 7th and Alder sts. World's Greatesfr&jRicycld Act. BELLE BELMONT America's Greatest Coon Bhouter. THE GREAT AMERICAN VITOORAPH. VETTK. DOT STANLEY. OLI- Program for Week Com mencing Monday. Sept. 29: LITTLE EGTPT, REILLY and FORREST. MAE STANLEY, ANITA LORD, CELIA DE LACY, IDA IOWELL, WALTER ORO. MARION ATWOOD, HAMPTON. JUANITA New Theatre. . . i-Hu & Doll mmi . Hropr. 40-4V Burn side Street. IlAJtL and COAD. BESSIE and SCANLON, VERNON. STANLEY Ilustrated Songs, Kln- etoscope. Matinee Sunday at 2:30 p. m. GEER ON OREGON FRUIT. Hon. Judd Geer, Commissioner of Hor ticulture for the, Eastern Oregon district, is enthusiaatio in his praise of fruit con ditions In his district, and in fact, throughout the state. To a Journal representative he said, whan seen at the Imperial today: "Sinoa Oregon has been engaged, in sur priaiiyf .Jthsorldwtth her, fruit crops, there have never been such satisfactory conditions as there are today. Through out Oregon, so far as Z have investigated, crops are first class ' In quantity and quality. Winter apple are superb. It Is almost unreasonable to tell of the amounts that will be gathered this fall from the various orchards in my district. One needs to be sworn when telling McALLEN & Offerings OREGON BLANKETS WHITE QUILTS White wool, fancy . borders, Full size, heafy Marsalles pat- sfandard size, extra special, terns, handsome designs. $33S. $3-8s and $4-35 70c, 95C,'$i.i5 and $1.50 0FT Hr5? L0017 DOWNALINB COMFORTS BLANKETS Full size and double; colors SSS? white, grey, tan and fancy pure white cotton filling, war- mottled. ranted, extra specials, 45c, 60c, 75c and $1 Pair 95. $1.25. $.3S arid $I.S 'E ARLV HEADQUARTERS HOUSEKEEPER ON BLANKETS, QUILTS, rrtMrnDTt niDTAiM -ANin 1 - .a- . TABLE LINENS. Corner Third and Morrison Streets . v PORTLAND, OREOON. BAZAR PATTERNS REDUCED TO iocNONE HIOHER ' ....... w -. . . ( HlMIM'MMMHHmtMHWmiMlTMIHMI hirig S ! . For TUESDAY ONLY j ". . . Saa. ' ....... :. ,, . . ; " ; ;You caVseerlght through these tpeciai sales If you will stop and think. . .They're tnean to get you into our store. , Art you coming? strangers the naked facta about Oregon fruit. I am afraid many people not ac quainted with the truth will think I am booming town lots or timber claim when I unbosom to them, the cold tacts gath ered from my observations." "How about, the various pests which have infested our orchards of late years?" was aektd Mr' Cleer, "I am glad to say that orchardlsts are taking every advantage of the discoveries and experiments of our Board and are lit erally exterminating every fruit pest known in our orchards. . In very few lo calities tbe codlln moth Is still found, but In the fruit belts the orchards are al most free from it It only requires a small degree of carefulness on the part of fruit growers' to get rid of. these pests. It is not an abstract aclehtlfic question. It is lust Plain painstaking system, cafe and labor. As trie fruit shipping inter ests advance in Oregon, and men become more settled and methodical in their manner of growing, cultivating and mar keting fruit, these pests will all disap pear." 'Where is the greatest increase in orch ard acreage in the state, Mr. Geer?" "In Grande Ronde Valley. Within the past three years the orchard acreage of that locality has more lhaq doubled. Many farms, upon which Immense wheat crops have been grown for years, have been divided up- and parcelled out In 10 and 20 acre tracts and planted to winter apples. The fac411tl for handling and marketing fruit has greatly improved and a greater increase In acreage will take place in the near future. It is one of the fixtures along with, wheat and sugar beet growing and Is contributing Its share to the prosperity of the state. The new settlers in Eastern Oregon are turning their attention to this Industry and many of our little valleys are veritable apple orchards." When asked in regard to markets for the vastly increased fruit production of the state, Mr. Geer replied: . "We are Bending winter apples right into the greatest fruit producing sections in the United States. Every day we see car load after car load going into New York, St. Louis, Kansas City and other great markets of the East. The demand for good fruit will never diminish. There is so much territory in the Northwest which supports a large population and produces no fruit that we have no fears of an overproduction." Speaking of the Hood River Fruit Fair, Mr. Geer said It was a very difficult mat. ter to award prises to any one exhibitor in the bewildering displays of that event. RHODES' MONUMENT. Cecil Rhodes mausoleum, the plaster model for which has Just been completed by John Tweed, in London, will be of block granite at a cost of $100,000. It Is rectangular in ahape. much simpler In design than we Grant monument in Riv erside Park, New York, and will be en tered by four massive doors of copper, one one each side of the four sides. McDonnell This Week FOR THE WIDEAWAKE City Briefs. , If elty tibeertberw faff to secure their MP tw confer favor if they will aall up Main KM and enter their com plaints. , . - ' :" 11 '- : 'V ' THE JOURNAL MONK. Tllg MeBk has Just been hojdlaf sen. variation with the President concerning Secretary Shaw's idea Of evading the tar Iff laws and getting coal In tree of duty, and a lie aa to" Secretary Moody state ment that the tariff on anthracite waa "aneaked In in a cowardly -manner." The President freely confessed hia .mistake concerning it being on the free list, but bald he, "You know I had to pay somS attention to geography in selecting my cabinet, and I have not what I would like. but what circumstances, political pull, and destre far renomination has forced on me. Unfortunately, some of them are dumb, but not speechless, and I have troubles enough of my own to maV the strenuoaity of cow-boy life seem like a flower fiesta in Los Angeles. Come on and console me and have a smoke." WEATHER FORECAST. Portland and vicinity Tonight and Tuesday partly cloudy: south to west winds. Oregon Tonight and Tuesday, partly cloudy, wi.th showers tonight near north west coast; eooler southwest portion ta- nlght; south to west winds. Washington Tonight and Tuesday, partly cloudy, with probable showers to night west portion; south to west vlnds. Idaho Tonight and Tuesday, fair. Professor Sterling, the palmist, will re turn Oct. 27. He went on a lecturing tour Do not forget the County Fair to be given by the Portland Fruit and Flower Missions at Parsons Hall, Thursday, Oc tober 16. Dancing in the evening. Par sons Orchestra. Admission 25 cents;even ing. 60c. It is reported that the O. R. & N. local ticket office sold 900 tickets to the Spo kane Fair in one da last week. Oregon is famous even to the fur thest end of this country. A Wilmington (Del.) man has written to the Board of Trade, stating that he has heard so much about Oregon that he will come here in the spring, and meanwhile wishes to know tne price of farm lands here. Portland Club. Finn and Alder. Finest lunch in city. Portland Club. Fifth and Alder. SMITH AT THE BAT Ex-State Senator Wm. Smith, of Baker City, Is at the Imperial this week and to a Journal representative, grew reminis cent. "The baseball game today," said the gentleman, "reminds me of pioneer days in Eastern Oregon. Before I ran for Congress several years ago, I was an ex pert with the bat. I have split many a Grande Ronde Valley sepher at One mas terly stroke. In search of the ball which was wandering about the mases of a new curve. One game at La Grande I par ticularly remember. We had a good 'team' in the Cove and as teacher in the schools there I had prided myself upon drilling the boys Into good ball players. We had beaten La Grande, one game at Union and were going to La Grande to play, them the.'rub.' The boys hd done so well that I felt confident of beating the professionals on their own- grounda I took very much interest In the game and looked forward with enthusiasm to this 'event of the season.' On the evening before the day of the game I received a message from J. W. Shelton, the pioneer attorney of Union, stating that he had a very Important law suit In Cove the next day and that he wanted to engage me without fail, to assist him in conducting the case. Incidentally he mentioned that there would be a $10 bill In It for me. As tj3.erA.wer.e..jeYeTa.l.ois. jbgutmfiUjai. were not plastered over with ten-dollar bills In those days, I. accepted his offer. The ball game stood 29 to goose egg In favor of La Grande, but we won the lawsuit. At times, even now,' the base ball fever breaks out. upon me and while it is not serious It causes the loss of some lung power which might be utilised In praying for my enemies." "What do yau think,, of the. political sit uation as viewed from present indica tions?" I think." replied Mr. Smith, "that it is the most opportune time in tbe history of the party, for Democrats to sit still and hold their peace tor about two yeara Let matters take their natural course. The tariff revisionists among the Repub licans are fighting the Democratic fight. Let them do the work we have been try ing to do for 20 year. The result will be almost as satisfactory and' they will pay the bilh Just elt Hl and think."- Asked In regard to local affair in Baker City, he said the Improvements had oome so rapidly In the past two years that a bosy man had to hire an extra assistant to help find out Just where they weir '"at Regulator Line. Regulator line steamer from Oak street dock at 1 a. m. Best and fastest line of steamers for The Dalles, Lyle, Hoed River, Whit Salmon, St, Martins 'Hot Springs, Cascade Lock. Moffat' Hot Springs, and all middle Columbia River and Klickitat Valley points. Take this Ua and get to your destination from tu to four hour ahead of ether Uses, fly T-0:-Have I i . -, I V- TRTS 'w'7 large vv 'trade in mantles, gas and electric fixtures, and everything to make - home bright. We are going to hold same by fair -'dealing, courtesy and always offering the finest goods obtainable for the price. We are t. always glad to give es timates.. E62 John Barrett Co. Established 18 6 7 SIXTH and JtLDER STS. PERSONALS. R. M. Hall ha returned from a pleas ant trip to Hood RJver. Jack Newman leaves for Hanford, Colo., tomorrow night, where he will en gage In business. M. Fox, a prominent merchant and cl gar manufacturer of Baker City, Is at the Hotel Belvedere. General Agent H. L. Blsler, of the C, 8t. P., M. ft O., ha gone, East on a two weeks' pleasure trip. . Fred W. Lampkln, business manager of the East Oregonian, of Pendleton, is In the city for a few days. Major and Mrs. Robert Dubbin, of the Salvation Army, are traveling in Wash Ington on a tour of Inspection. W. Ross Wlnans, the apple man and real estate agent of Hood River, Is look ing for land buyer in Portland. B. E. Bnod grass, of Eugene, snd Mrs. Annie Dougherty were married at the Portland yesterday and leave tonight for their home in Eugene. Manager E. Koehler and Division 8u perlntendent L. R. Fields, pf the South ern, Pacific, left last night for Dunsmutr, for a trip over their division. F. P. Farnsworth, O. E. Johnson and E. K. Pedlgo, all of Heppner, are regis tered at the Perkln. They are here to attend the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of Oregon. J. W. Maloney, of Pendleton, vice chan cellor of the Knights of Pythias of Ore gon, Is at the Perkins. He is said to make preparations for the session of the Grand Lodge, which begins tomorrow. Traveling Agent D. Ellery, of the Wis consin Central, returned this morning from an-extended trip te the Hound coun try. Mr. Ellery reports everything to be prosperous, especially at Spokane, where two fairs are being held the Masonic Fair and the State Fair, which are draw ing large crowds. MANAGERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS. "The Liberty Belles.'' Frank Hennessy's company will present Harry B. Smith's new musical comedy, "The Liberty Belles," at the Marquam Grand Theater tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday nights. The story concerns the adventures of two school girls Mar gery Lee (Nevada Hefron) and Dorothy Grey, (Gertrude Wellington), "fhe first act scene is a girl school at night, and the girls get together for a midnight sup per, taking advantage of the absence of the teacher. Miss Nevada Hefron has a congenial role that of a stage struck girl, and Harry Lyons, as the eccentric in ventor, will have opportunities for na turally Introducing his remarkable spe cialty. Aa Jack Kverlelgh, the popular light comedian Harry Stuart has one of the best roles that be has ever played. Frank Hennessy has engaged a company of 20 exceptionally attractive young wo men to take the place of the conventional chorus. Each one plays a distinct char acter and.-in fact. "The Liberty Bt-Hes" may be said to be a musical comedy without chorus. In putting together the musical score of "The Liberty Belles" Frank Hennessy has departed from the stereotyped custom and Instead of having all or nearly all the songs composed by one man he has thought a greater variety of styles might bo secured by calling on different musUal geniuses. "- 'Klna Dodo." The brilliant "King . Dodo" will be at the Marquam Thursday and Friday nights and Saturday matinee. The advance sale of seats will open tomorrow, Tuesday, morning. "King Dodo" is thought to be one of thejest attractions that the Mar quam will have on the boards for many a week, it will draw, record-breaking houses. If Yoa Can Spare iht Time It will pay you to visit Corvallls Wednesday, October IS, on the occasion of the dedication of the new building of the Oregon Agricultural College. The Southern Pacific Company will run a specffiT train," leaving" Portland Union Depot at 7:30 a. m., giving a good portion of the day at Corvallls, arriving back at p. m. The good people ofCoTValll will meet you with open arms, and give you royal welcome and entertainment. Including an old-fashioned lunch such a everyone en joy. This wll lb 4 delightful day' outing. Rat for the found trip only I2.W from Portland and reduced rate from all Other point. SECEDE Many East Portlapders Arc Kicking STEPS FOR ACTION May Ask Legislature to Create Separate City Say taxes Are Too High. Trouble Is brewing on the East Side. This statement Is not remarkable in it self because there has been more or less trouble In that district since It was cre ated. But this time East aiders have a kick and they are not unwilling to embrace the opportunity. They claim that they are not properly treated by Ui city officials. CLAIM SMALL BENEFITS. The trouble dates back to tbe day of the consolidation of the former cltiea of East Portland and Alblna with the City of Portland. Under the old regime, East Slders say that they were prosperous, while today prosperity Is not so evident. Efforts are being made thrbughout the Eastern section of the city to form a secret organisation having for Its sole purpose the seceding of the territory from within the Jurisdiction of the consolidated city. In a word. East Bid residents contemp late forming a separate city by them selves, free to Improve Its own streets; have its own city government and like wis make it own laws. Just whether the proposed organize tlon will become strong enough to get the desired action Is a question. The near city directory now gives the East Side a majority of the population of the City of Portland. GROWTH OF EAST HIDE. At the time of consolidation. East Port land had a population of slightly ever 10, 000, while the City of Alblna. numbered within her borders a fraction over 6000 people. Portland at that time claimed population of about t,000 souls. Now everything 1 changed the East Sid now house the majority, WILL ASK LEGISLATURE. Should the secret organisation now forming have within Its membership a majority of the voters, "Then," said one of the organisers, "we will present a pe tltlon to the Legislature to leave us out of the city and also to create the new town." , A prominent East Sid business man In talking on the subject said: "Just .whether It would be the proper course for the East Side to seceede from the City of Portland, I am hardly in a position to say. Of course I recognize the fact that our section committed business suicide when we voted In favor of an nexation. "In the old days of the City Of East Portland we had In the first place a model city government Our street were in a very passable condition and our water supply could not be excelled. HAD BUSINESS HOUSES. "In the good old days we had large business houses. Merchants were mak ing money and Improvements were being made everywhere. "Since that time we have been without proper police protection for then w had one of the finest departments for our sise on the Coast. , "In the last 10 year we have not gained a particle In fire protection. Every old resident of our section will tell you that East Portland's fire department In those days was up to date. Here we are pay Ing large taxes, but deriving no addi tional benefits. "What has been the result of consolida tion? Our elevated roadways are about to tumble down, poor police service, the loss of the city's prestage aa a business center. and inadequate fire protection." FREE BRIDGES A FARCE. "Portland has always claimed that by taking East Portland and Alblna into the corporation," said another prominent man, "that the city was bankrupted on account of buying ferries and bridges. That is about all that East Portland ever received for her exchange. If the bridges had not been made free the majority of the busi ness section would be on the East Side." BROTHERS AGAINST BROTHERS Frank and Richard LlesSj of the firm of Llese Bros., have commenced a suit ask ing the Court to issue an order restrain the the First National Bank, from honor ing the checks of Einil Llese, another brother, who Is a member of the firm. The brothers allege that Emtl is dissipat ing and drawing the firm's money from the bank for his individual use, and that if he is allowed to continue they fear the credit of the firm will be Impaired. PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE Exchanges. ..11,037,611.17 .. 821.842.93 .. 737.736.49 .. 680.347.49 .. 733,327.24 .. 653,408,68 Balances. S142.361.91 182,166.20 72.243.94 84.496.67 73.357.80 69,279.75 Monday .... Tuesday .... Wednesday . Thursday ... Friday Saturday . . . Total for week ending October 11. 1902 H,553,17J.8 Corre spondlng Week In 1901.. 2,745.944.65 $603,186.17 423,089.65 Plans Adopted. The plans of the shaft, base and foun dation of the proposed monument for the YcleOUiveJL JUlfi-ML Mexican Jndjan and Spanlsh-Amerlcafv Wars, as prepared by D. D. Neer. were adopted at a meet ing of the Lone Fir Monument Associa tion yesterday afternoon. It was decided that the foundation would be constructed of concrete, and would be 11 feet 4 Inches square. - It will be laid at a depth of four feet, If has not yet been decided as to the character of the statu for the monument The next meeting of the association will ba held at M Grand avenue next Sunday afternoon. Olds , Woitman & King Special ' "... - Now that the long, pleasant winter evening hav com It I timet thmfc) -about having a pretty, cheerful light to alt around. No better operttm Ity for securing a good on can be had than our iter In gs this week. Every lamp, lamp shade and 910b In our large assortment Is raus ; ' You can get? DECORATED VASE LAMPS, wlthshades to match " ftflr as low aa ........i .ow DECORATED LAMPS AND VASE to match With bras feet, 17 Cr 1Q In. high, tinted globe, decorated with wild rose. Price ,t, DECORATED LAMP with globe to match, brass feet, 20 Inchea high, beau. Uful flower decorations, and very handsome in appearanoe. $2.00 DECORATED LAMP, center draft burner, with tinted globe to match, 22 In. high, with beautiful flower decorations. ..An ..excellent '2 ffiO lamp for all purpose when a good light Is 'wanted. Price...... v HANOINO LAMPS, with 14-Inch shades and spring extension Pricea from (2.00 to 6TUDENT LAMPS, with ample shad and chimney. Price Men's Furnishings Sale of . Woolen Underwear This Is a line of underwear which, though excellent, we Intend to discontinue, and In order to close out what we have we will sell them at a marked reduction. They are fine, natural gray cashmere . shirts and drawers, full fash ioned, that have aold for $2.76 per garment. While they last they go for the ' low sum "JQ 1 1 $15.00 WELCH has just received a new lins of Men's Suits Worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots, latest patterns, ell made. Fits nicely. . They cost you $18.00 in other stores. Will it pay you to walk one or two blocks farther to save $3.00 on a suit? New suits for the boys, $2.50 to $5,00 a suit. Extra value In Men's Underwear, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear and Sox. WELCH Fleckenstein Mayer Co Importers of and Jobber In WINES AND LIQUORS Of which w carry a ftfl and complete Una. 235 Oak St. Frtlas Or. The two standards are: The "Perfect" Furnace and the "Perfect" French Range. But why buy a "Just as good, when you can get a standard? w. a. Mcpherson Heating snd Ventilating Engineer 47 FIRST ST., bet. Ash and Hat Albina Workmen Surprised. Whll in session last Tuesday evening the members of Eureka Lodge, No. 135, A. O. U. W., were urprised by the en trance of several of the state lodge of ficials. Grand Master C C. Smith, of It's What You Get not What You Give In buying drugs. What does it profit a man tHat he save ten cents on a prescrip tion, jjlhe contents be old and inert ? 37 Years of Drug Selling Is our record.. Ask your physician his opinion of our methods and our wares. We cheerfutly rest upon what he knows. Come into our Prescription Department, We have no se crets there; it's "wide open" all the time; the best is none too good for sick folks, we jthlnk either Jn the sklir. which com- bines, or the ingredients which make for health and life. Our dispensers are most competent, their knowledge is born of long training and experience in this most responsible of all ' vocations. : . Price: Just as never score poor folk, rich folk, are all good Customers of ours. Phone us we'll send for your prescription, fill and deliver It QUICK. Complete telephone exchange NO DELAY. W00DARD, CLARKE & CO. 4 Lamp Sale $8.30 $2.90 Sale of Men's Gloves Dress snd walking gloves in cape styles, with prlx seams, cable) sewn, pique and half pique. Reg 'ular price per pair, 11.60 7Qf special this week ' 7U Sale of Men's Shirts A new fsll line of men's colored shirts In stripe and figures, with seml-stlff plaited bosom, thst ssil regularly at 11.2S each. will be aold this week QQr at V The American Clothier 221-223 Morrison & IstSU bdssire (arpef Dense 1 & IM 5 (H Op. CkaJBser t Caaa. Baker City, was present and made a aeal little speach about the growtb and proaV pects of the order. J. T. Boyle, of tbe A. O. U. W. Reporter, also made a speech. Refreshments and cigar were afterwards passed around. " in every ifeparTmenf of our store," the lowest, consistant with the best, we have anv comDlaints on tnis