The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Tee Oregon Djult Journal
t-aorjikii-KrBUfiHiNa company
t . . Proprietors.
:'fi ' ' ' AMw'
J8t Yamhill St., Between Fourth and Fifth
: ... . K Portland, Oregon.
A InScpcndent Democrats Paper of Oregon.
Entered at the pestofflce of Portland.
' Orgon, for transmission Ulrough the
: - mail ai aecond-claas matter.
Poetege for single copies For an 8, 10
'. mt 11-page paper. 1 cent; 16 to 28 pages. 2
.... stents; over 2S paitea, I cent.
Anonymous communications will notoe
, noticed. Rejected communications will
pot be returned.
' Telephones!
Business Office: Oregon Main, 600;
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Editorial Rooms r Oregon Main. 600.
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The Oally, by Carrier.
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The Journal, six months -J0
The Journal, three months L30
The Journal, by the week .......... .10
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Site Semi-Weekly Journal, 10 copies,
one year .$1.60
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Proportionate rates for shorter periods.
Where subscribers are served with a
dally man The Pally Journal at $4 a year
by mail is the best paper to take; where
thwy axe served twice a. week. The Twlce-
', a-Week Journal is an excellent news
Surveyor; or, ' whets once a week, take
he Weekly Journal.
All three Issue carry an the news, lo
, cU state and general, special features,
article by distinguished writers and full
market reports. Address,
Box 121. Portland, Or.
The Eastern representative of
this paper is Albert E. Hassbrook,
81 Times Building, New York, and
Hartford Building. 'Chicago,
. WhM VMti luuktlu .)..
address, evsn fop one week, don't fall to
, mimu emoe ana leave your
. order fop The Oregon Dally Journal.
- There baa been altogether too much agi
tation over the Improvement of the bar
at the mouth of the Columbia, it -has
v Son no good and much barm. No sooner
1 one plan adopted and work started
- Ibaa some ew scheme Is sprung and the
work topped, and delay follows. , That
thla itiay ot be the Intention of the
parties behind the proposed plan la of no
sonseqoence. The usual result is a black
ly te the port,, and postponement of the
, aeoessary work, ,
The' net result of the recent agitation
' .. ver the plana for the Improvement of the
' Colombia river bar has been the delay
f the work for at least one year, the
toes of a large amount of the preliminary
. ' work, Involving- an expenditure of $260..
, K0, and a constant shoaling of the water
Where that should have been a constant
.'. fciorease to depth from this. time forward.
The appropriation of 1900 gave Captain
Langfltt Something more than 1250,000 for
krellmlnary work on, the Columbia river
L a. careful study had been made by the
- engineer and a plan proposed and adopt
ed. In the early part of 1901 preliminary
work bad proceeded with, this plan in
. Mew and had the river and harbor bill
,-' passed much could have been . accom
, pushed during that year.
TJpOn Itt failure, the preliminary work
proceeded, there being sufficient money
in band for this purpose and to a large
, fegree to protect the work already done.
la spite of this, the newer portions of
the Jetty suffered some damage during
- "1 the- winter of 1901-2. There Is now very
grave danger of its being almost entirely
destroyed during the coming winter, in
volving an additional delay and a very
considerable loss which will be charged
Up to the Improvement of the Columbia
Mver' bar.
. While the 1902 river and harbor bill was
pending, an agitation was started for
change In the plana of the engineers.
, This was vigorously pushed and was cora
BMBBjaiiteA ,o, tl?A. 4eVyUorvft, .3hiivg-,
ton. The result was-that through their
efforts a board of engineers was appoint
v ed which has recently visited the river
and made an examination.
-They are now considering what rec-.
' dnunendatlons they should make. No one
doubts that they will substantially agree
' with the plan proposed by Captain Lang
.' (itt. In fact, whatever plan Is adopted,
the first two seasons' work must. In the
Bator of things, be substantially upon.!
the lines of his project "
I Bad Captain,. .Langfltt been permitted
"rto prooeed, then this season. Instead of
having been entirely lost, would have
- seen the jetty extended probably a mile,
. perhaps farther.
The effect of this upon the bar is more
r lees problematical, but it is the be
... lief At many,, well qualified to Judge, that
an Increased depth of from one to three
' (set would have been oDtalned.
, It is certain that by next season very
, '.considerable results could reasonably have
been expected. Whereas, as the matter
now etands, the best that we may hope
' ' for next season Is what we would have
bad this ear, had matters been allowed
' : to take their course.
In spit of aU this, thore is now further
agitation for the acceptance of the plan
.proposed by Mr. tfaupt. This, stripped of
patents, "reactions" " and other theories
. morS, or less fine-spun, is nothing more
than the curving of the Jetty slightly tt
the jorthwaxd, instead of to the south
ward, as proposed by Langfltt.
The first two miles of the Jetty must
be built ea practically the same lines,
- Whether the Haupt or the LangHit plan be
'S adopted. Since it is conceded by Haupt
that his jetty must have a connection
. . with the chore for the purpose of trans -:
' porting materials, if for nothing else.
i ' .'' There la, therefore, nothing to be gained
by th adoption of bis plan at this time.
' ,Xit the work prooeed on Juangfltt's plan,
with the) Wkfleratandlag that, H
sary, the Haupt plan will receive fun con
sideration as the work proceeds.
The Haupt advocates admit that hey
do not expect the engineers to report fav
orably upon bis scheme..1'-What they hope
for la sufficient local agitation to Influence
the Secretary of War. This would simply
mean the appointment of Mother board,
and additional delay, and delay Is fatal
to the interests of Portland. . ,.
Let it be clearly understood, once for
all. that whatever plan I adopted for
the outer end of the Jetty, the inner end
must be substantially the same. The de
lay on thla has been time absolutely
wasted, and this applies with equal fores
to the, north Jetty, which, if built at aU,
must be In connection with the Bouth
The building of the north Jetty will be
a difficult, alow and dangerous operation,
from the very nature pf the location.
And, if Portland must wait for this, the
outlook is dark, indeed.
By ail means, permit Captain LangfHt
to proceed with the plan which he has
outlined and studied, and which is most
surely more valuable than the plan of
any layman.
The net result of the movements on the
political chess board during the past week
has been favorable to Mr. Scott's candi
dacy. Good judges believe that the Worst
tumbling block in his way is Senator
Mitchell This may sound very strange to
those who never get below the surface In
political matters. But it Is so, 'all the
same. The wrongs of a quarter of a
century are not so 'easily forgotten or
forgiven and besides that the Junior Sen
ator will not be satisfied with any one
who won't "stand In" for his re-election,
or who win In any way out-class him.
On the other band, Mr. Matthews will
have none but Scott; and brushes aside
Senator Mitchell, with no effort to hide his
Intention not to let him Interfere with his
plans. Indeed, he Is not particularly in
love with Senator Mitchell, anyhow, and
It would take but little' to kick up a very
lively row.
' As far as Charles W. Fulton Is con
cerned, he will have to go way back and
tit down, for "Jack" has so decreed. In
company with his friends Mr! Fjilton does
not hesitate to assert that he Is getting
' the "double cross." He is learning what
pre-election promises mean. Treachery
is talked, for be was the Candidate of all
the "its" in MultnomahJrCounty before
election. .
ld he not bear the brent- of the cam-.
palgnT Was he not promised the support
, of the delegation from this county? All
of this, don't go, for "Jack" says it
imply can not be and that Fulton shall
not have a vote out of this county, and
that is why they don't warm up as they
pass by.
Outside of this, the members from Mult
nomah will do a lot of thinking before
they cast a vote for Fulton. The Senator
front Clatsop imagines he has votes
enough In his vest pocket to elect him,
but be la fooled. In Marion County every
man but one is for "Oeer," and they will
stay by him for a while.
Oeer is likely to pick up a few scatter
ing votes here and there and presently
wlU get lost In the shuffle and will have
plenty of time thereafter to wonder where
q is ''at" Geer might have been United
States Senator if he .had Jtumped the
state for the ticket But he didn't. He
lacks that element by which great men
pluck victory from defeat He is a good
letter writer, but he pen won't win out
this time.
Moody is friendly to Scott, and he can
Influence several votes. Scott stood by
Furnish, and he is far from a dead one,
as some will undoubtedly learn in the
Furnish Is a whole lot bigger 'man than
many credit him with being, even though
he cannot make a speech, and he. has
never been charged with ingratitude.
Then Scott is an old timer, and there
are always other "old timers" In the
Legislature. Bo take It all In all, the
Scott stock is raising.
Mr. Hlrsch has as yet given no sign.
He is one of the few publlo men In Ore
gon for whom practically everyone has
a friendly feeling. He evidently is not go
hmjtp tatejrCereJn ihe fjght of thejeaders,
but will gi ve them a fair field and
stranger things may happen in politics
than the Senatorial toga falling on his
shoulders. ,
Jonathan Bourne la digging very deep;
so deep, Indeed, that few can see any
surface indications.
It will indeed be a tea party if Fulton
falls into Mr. Simon's arms; Mitchell and
Matthews scrap; Scott ' and Geer join
Stranger things than this have happened
in regon politics. Two years ago last
June who would have believed that in
the spring of 1902 the Oregenian would
have been in bed with gentlemen it had
branded as 1 . We
haven't type warm enough to fill in the
spaces, e we will let the dash stand.
.Besides that, the expressions used were
not nice and polite; on the contrary, as
most remember, they were extremely dis
The Emperor of Germany Is busy- with
an unique project that will be of value
to the historical as. well as the military
world. Some time ago he dispatched
Colonel Janke and Captains von Bis
marck, Von Plessen and Von Marees to
Asia .Minor to make topographical and
photographlcal studies and to draw up
complete charts of the famous battle
fields of Alexander the Great Especial
ly good chart! and pictures have een
obtained of the fields of the Issus, where
Alexander conquered Darius 2236 years
ago, and the battle of the Cranlkos,
where he beat the Persians a year before
Francis John Reits,' ex-secretary of
state 'of the South African Republic, or
Transvaal, who arrived In New Tork on
Saturday, will go on a lecture tour in
this country. H declares he will never
return te Booth Africa, '
A dispatch from Washington a, .few
day ago says: "Society and official Cir
cles at Washington are interested In the
announcement of the engagement of Miss
Helen Roosevelt-Roosevelt, the daughter
of Jamea Roosevelt-Roosevelt, to Theo
dore Roosevelt Douglas Robinson, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, a
nephew and namesake of the President
Miss Roosevelt is a cousin, several times
removed, of her fiancee. Her home la in
Hyde Park, on the Hudson, the country
place of her late grandfather, James
Roosevelt-Roosevelt" How do yon sup
pose the Roosevelt that 1 the Roosevelt
velt, when he read about the double
Roosevelt-Roosevelt who raised Helen
Congressman Jefferson M. Levy has
been telling Londoners that prosperity "has
come to America to stay, but he didn't
say bow long it would stay, or whether
it would spend its time at Newport or
with the common people.
Coffee growers are trying to devise
some means by which the heavy surplus
now on hand may be disposed of. ' As a
suggestion, prayerful entreaty in the res
taurants might cause some of them to use
It in their coffee.
The coal barons say they have a plan
by which the poor people of New Tork
City cart be supplied with coal in small
quantities at low prices. If the rich man
get cold he can either stand and de
liver, or shiver.
A minister at Hastings, Neb., recently
went slumming and found ainumber of his
congregation in a gambling room. Maybe
they were slumming, too, and were sur
prised to find their minister there.
' Miss Anna Daun was married in the
Anthony homestead at Rochester, N. T.,
Thursday last, and Susan B. Anthony was
the "maid of honor." She might be
classed as an "old maid" of honor. ,
A preacher discussing the coal strike
says the operators should follow the
example of Christ. It depends on the ex
ample. If it was walking on the sea, the
suggestion is not without merit
It is hoped that Schwab will draw suffi
cient inspiration from the aesthetic en
vironments of the Mediterranean to teach
him how to spend his "steel" money iq
the most poetical manneft
What would become of a fellow's best
girl If she followed all the health culture
advice she gets In the Sunday encyclo
pedias, and then ate all the breakfast
foods advertised In them?
Seventh street, back of the Portland
Hotel, has been plowed, but whether it is
to be sown to grass, or Manager Bowers
will use it for a garden patch, nobody
A company of Latter Day Saints has
purchased the La Orande Electric Light
plant. It Is hoped that "religious illumin
ation" will be more plentiful thereabouts.
Tohe and "Puttee" are In Buenos Ayres,
which means good air. Well, they will
come as near keeping' it from getting
stuck up over its name as anyone could.
Some scientist has discovered that there
are germs In the telephone. They must
be germs of profanity, for that is what
the 'phone breeds.
The Chicago Chronicle says: "A deficit
Is a good thing." This may be, but it
suits us better when It Is In the other
fellow's pocket.
W. J. Bryan Is Said to have S168.000 In
the bank, a home worth $40,000, and an
Income of 91500 a week, and yet people
say talk Is cheap. '
Professor Garner now asserts that he
can understand the monkey language.
Maybe he has been talking to Harry Lehr.
Saturday at the play at the Marquam
was Hall Calne's "Peniteat." That's
where he differed from the original Cain.
Although the President is on crutches,
his utterances on the strike situation and
settlement are not in the least lame.
From its malignant tendencies, "wide
openness" cannot be cured without the
use"of the political knife, it seems.
The facts surrounding the robbery of
the Indianapolis cemetery by negroes are
doubtless somewhat "colored."
Speaking of Juvenile naughtiness. It 1
no worse that "Johnny-jump-up" than It
is that "Merry-go-'round."
A Chicago professor calls Baer an an
archist This is the meanest thing ever
sprung on the anarchist
President Roosevelt should be careful In
handling the throttle of publlo policies. He
is only a fireman.
In the Interest of publlo safety we hope
there will always be Miles between us and
the Filipinos.
Santos-Dumont can turn trp his nose
at the other aeronauts. They are not
A Boston girl is never "up to date" be
cause she is always one of the has beans.
The slot machines are Itbale to be as
rare and hard to find as nlckles.
A harrowing operation smoothing
Seventh street
Hail Calne's "Eternal City" at of coarse
a holy show.
Autumn If
- .1 1: ! 'M- k'
At the extreme acuta end of Grand
Bond Valley, whet the rock-ribbed hills,
that run south for seven or eight mile
parallel to form Pyle Canyon, open out to
Otake room for the smiling valley, stands
a rugged, uninviting cliff of red rocks.
No vegetation grows upon this pinnacle,
tospeak of. except ellngthg sarvls bush
and the Uttle spray Of Indian arrow wood.
Pyle Canyon narrows down to about 100
feet in width, at this point and it was
hero in the days of the pack train and
emigrant caravan that Joseph Vowel)
planted hts toll gats.
Here the toiling argonauts bound to
ward the Idaho mines left the pleasant
meadow lands or the Grand P.onde, and
began the jugged ascent of the hills. The
Idaho stage, dashing down the tortuous
grade, blew a bugle on approaching this
gate and the keeper let down the bar so
it might pass without delay. Many a
blast of that old bugle has echoed back
among the cliffs of that historic ground.
On this spot, in 1M2, a band of Immi
grants were camping for the night. It
was In September, that haunting, hacy
time, that stands (between summer and
autumn. The pickets were out. The stock
was being guarded near. The fires were
blazing brightly. Women and children
were laughing and chatting among the
changing shadows of the night. A yell of
the Cayuse warriors sent consternation
into the camp. The stock was stampeded.
Half a dozen of the guards were pierced
with arrows. The Immigrants rallied to
the attack, chased the Indians over the
hills to the north and after hard work,
gathered up their scattered stock. W. H.
Hutchinson, who was with this party, lo
cated a homestead about one mile west
cf the spot, and lived a long and useful
life under the shadow of this range of
hills, over which the Cayuse charged the
camp that night Today the arrow heads
and flint spear heads of the warriors may
be found here. The rock hut, which
formed part of the abode of the toll gate
keeper, stllj stands In part.
The pack train men cut a grade around
the brow of the hill above the toll road,
about three miles in length to avoid pay
ing toll. It is still visible from the car
A mother and son who had been sep
arated for nine years were brought to
gether at Maricopa on Tuesday night in
a curious manner. Among the passen
gers who arrived there en the west-bound
train were two women, one of whom was
coming to Phoenix on her way to the
northern part of the territory. Leaving
the train both women went to the Ed
wards House and ordered supper and ar
ranged to stay there until the train left
for Phoenix in the morning. While their
supper was being served a group of half
a dozen men gathered on the porch in
front of the dining room. Among them
was a tramp who . had; been hanging
around the station for a. jahort time. He
was sitting on a bench taking no part fn
the conversation.
In the meantime the women at supper
were busy talking. After awhile the
tramp said, more to himself than to those
who sat near him: ''That sounds like my
mother's voice:"
JaclHarrls. the manager of the hotel,
asked him if his mother were living. He
replied that he did not know; he had not
heard from her for nine years. He lis
tened a little longer to the speaking
woman and repeated: ' "That sounds ex
actly like my mothers!volce." There
was something about his" wanner of say
ing it that impressed Mr.' Harris and (he
went Into the dining room and asked
the woman who Was talking if she had
any children. She replied, that she had a
daughter. "Have you no son." asked
Mr. Harris, "yes," she replied ."I may
have: I had one, but I don't know where
he is. He is twenty-five years old if he
is living, I heard from him In Colorado
nine or ten years ago, and I suppose ha
Is there yet."
"No, he Isn't," said Mr. Harris. "He's
sitting on a bench out jthere," pointing
toward the door. The woman looked at
the manager in amazement and then fol
lowed him to the door. "TJje recognition
ox the tramp and the woman 'was mutual
and Immediate. There was no over
whelming demonstration; They were
mother .and son. The woman took the
young man- into the dining rooga and or
dered supper for him, the first square
meal he had had, perhaps,' for days. He
was given decent lodging at the hotei
that night, and yesterday, morning his
mother . hfoig,h.t htm.. Xk. Phoenix, , With
her. Now that she has found him, she is
going to keep him with her wherever she
goes. They left this- morning for Je
rome. Arizona Republican.
Presumably Zola died a wealthy man
very wealthy as Frenchmen count
wealth. A few years ago It was estimat
edth,aJu.hjExoyaltles, serial rights and
rights of translation" 'oTnBft"oWW
readg, published reached a total of $60,000
a year. When he was first employed by
Hachette et Cie, in the early '60 s, he re
ceived a salary that might have been
about $6 a week, and that was after
months of pinching poverty when he
worked for a pittance of between $2 and
$3 a week. When he died he owned a
luxuriously furnished house in the Rue
de Bruxelles in Paris and a country
house at Medan, nr-ar'the SeTne, a few
miles from Paris. New Tork Sun.
John Spratt will eat no fat
Nor will he touch the lean.
He scorns to eat of any meat;
He lives upon Foodine.
But Mrs. Spratt will none of that;
Foodine she cannot eat
Her special wish is for a dish
Of Expurgated Wheat
To William Spratt that food Is flat
On which his mater dotes.
His favorite feed his-special need: -
Is Eata Heapa Oats.
But Sister 141 can t see how Will
Can touch such tasteless food 1
As breakfast fare It can't compare '
She says, with Sliredded Wood.
Now, none of thle Leander please;
He feeds upon Bath Mitts.
While Sister Jane Improved her brain
With Cere-Grapo-Qrlts. ,
Lycurgus votes for Father's Oats;.
Proggine- appeals to May;
The Junior John subsists upon
Vneeda Bayla Hay.
Corrected Wheat for little Pete; '
Flaked Pine for Dot; while "Bub,"
The infant Spratt Is waxing fat
On Battle Creek Near-Grub.
-Chicago Tribune.
It is Not Profitable. ' , ...
A party of. surveyors were at work last
week -down the Tualatin Valley: from
Beaverton towards the river and it Is
surmised that the Southern ' Pad flo Is
going to make .another effort to get out
of Portland this way without climbing
the Fourth street hill. This thing of tak
ing two engines to get three passenger
coaches out of town IS not a profitable
enterprise aa a steady business. Forest
Grove Tiroes.
The People Wits the' Miners.
Even if the first conference held under
the auspices of the President did nothing
else It served to show that the miners
were willing to go more than half way
towards settlement They have never
Increased their, demands with the ad
vance of public opinion, but have simply
stood firmly on a demand madei when
they did not know whether the world
would be with them or not That the
great mass of the people is now with
the miners' cannot be denied and if they
can suppress the more enthusiastic of
their numbers so as to eliminate all vio
lence, their position ' will strengthen 'day
by day. Astorlan.
A Pretty Good American.
There may be some difference Of opin
ion respecting the legitimacy of the
methods by which our acquisitive fellow
citizen J. Plorpont Morgan matt his
millions, but ft must be said that he
hows no disposition to spend them in
buying titles for 'his female relatives.
In some things Plerpont is a pretty good
American. Astoria Budget.
Possibilities of Flax Culture.
It Is not at all Improbable that within
a decade or two the business of growing
flax for fiber will be worth more than
hops to the farmers of the Willamette
Valley. This would in itself mean much.
Whenever the business of growing flax
for fiber reaches large dimensions in this
state it will result' In the development
of a manufacturing business which will
be of greater importance to the state
than the production of the fiber.
More Profitable.
No cargoes of Willamette Valley wheat
are now being shipped abroad. All the
large wheat shipments from Portland
come from east of the mountains. But
this Is not a sign of tne decadence or
retrogression of the Willamette Valley;
on the contrary, of Its advancement, its
farms can be put, and In a yearly In
creasing number of cases are put, to
more profitable uses than raising wheat
for export. Development In this direc
tion will continue, and will Involve many
more and better dairies, more and better
orchards, more and better live stock, and
a greater diversity of products.
. Will Be a Busy Session.
The members of the next State Legis
lature will have their hands full working
for their constituency, and the member
who passes through the session with a
good record will be subject tq congratula
tions. Already there are several im
portant matters up for consideration;
the question of an appropriation ot
$500,000 or some other amount for the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, that Is tne
amount that will be asked. A request
for an appropriation Of $300,000 for the
Indian war veterans, and the usual big
demands for appropriations for the U.
of O., O. A. C, and Normal schools, be
sides numerous other things - of an ex
pensive character, J not. forgetting tne
present graft system of paying fees to
state officials. Iij fact the member had
better begin scratching his head to learn
what the dear people wish about these
and other things that may come up.
Albany Democrat.
Patriots Are Scarce.
The failure on the part of the public to
rush before the Board of Equalization to
have assessments raised, illustrates the
fact that there are always more chronic
howlers than men of action. Any one
can stand on the street corners and score
the manner In which public affairs are
conducted and can calculate to a mathe
matical certainty how long It will take
to land on a back seat, but when it
comes to facing the situation and offering
a remedy or taking such action as will
recover a country that is rapidly going
to the dogs, patriots are scarce. There
are a great many things done -nowadays
on paper and through the hot air pro
cess. East Orpgonlan.
Their Attitude Is Brutal.
Nothing could be more unreasonable
than the stand taken by the coal opera
tors In their recent conference with the
JPrestdent These -"captains of Industry"
l r attrlA tViAtaaalv.a "find', nhnnan nan.
pie," perhaps are not gifted with enough
brains to realize that the operation or
coal mines concerns them not alone, but
every one who uses coal for fuel. Their
present attitude is fully as brutal as
WHS"that-t5f- the- Klondike -transporaOan.
companies, which a few years ago had
hundreds of tons of provisions locked up
in warehouses while miners actually
starved to death. Baer and the men
associated' with htm are scoundrels. The
miners ask an advance of only 1 cents
an hour. These men, whose work is
most laborious, eat meals which cost
but 3 cents each. Things have indeed
come fo a sorry pass when American
worklngmen must thus limit themselves.
Baer and his co-conspirators against the
general welfare are rolling in millions,
yet they have no thought for 'the 150,000
miners and 1,000,000 others who must
pinch themseives because the operators
are absolutely devoid of any sense of
Justice. Astorlan.
Addressing an audience of New York
w or IclngmeJiPlstrict Attorney Jerome is
quoted as saying: "Let me tell you that
if ever you arouse capital it will crush
you into the dust as labor has never
been crushed before, and the political
liberties1' of thlseeuntey. will- be a mteg
of the past." Bad as that? It's awfuL
But we feel safe as long ss our unselfish.
patriotic orators Continue to labor for us
with . their powerful Jaws, no matter
what the wear and tear on their larynx
es. New Orleans News."
Tom ml e How was w the table where
you boarded this summer T
Babble All right for ping pong, but
pretty poor for grvb. Tcnkers Btates-
Nearly, all the" Western cities have a
burning desire , to : become . convention
cities, - ss they call It rand all kinds of
schemes are put up t secure sueh alleged
honors. ' S -.,;r ':.;.:. -."v--, . ,
Ot course, no en supposes 'that the
eagerness to entertain convections Is the
result of any civlo philanthropy: certainly
no one does who has had the misfortune
to arrive In a convention pity when the
entertaining was in full blast. . The whole
Idea that "makes the Wheels go round"
is the insatiable wish for" more adver
tising. This is a very honorable desire,
and ons -that pays wen, provided the re
sults are pleasing to the guests, but if for
any reason, the' majority of them go away
dissatisfied you can bank on it that the
investment has been a Very poor one, and
the money spent In this typs of adver
tising has been worse than thrown away.
Salt Lake City and San Francisco have
both recently entertained conventions,
the one. the Elks ahd the other the
Knights of Pythias, and from all accounts
we gather that neither of these places In
any way covered themselves with glory,
In fact tho number of . "kicks" that are
being registered suggest that they didn't
even get . ay spatter of glory. One of tho
kicks Is re-printed under "Sparks," and
certainly does not warrant any high hopes
of the advertising received by these two
cities being of the slightest appreciable
One reason for .the frequent failure in
such undertakings is (hat most of the
cities, particularly in the West are really
not large enough to entertain conventions
that mean the temporary addition of sev
eral thousand persons to their population,
and this causes the unsatisfactory and
irrlatlng over-crowding of the hotels, etc.,
makes opportunity for the landlords
thereof to charge robber-fates, and opens
the door' for the, usual all-round-fleecing
of the "welcome guest" that is so com
plained of.
The result is, too often, that the visitor
gets a most unfavorable Impression of
the place and people, and returns horns
with the firm belief that, after all, there
is no place like home; and when such is
the case there is no room to question
w hether the lnvestment'on the part of the
convention city Is a good one.
It Isn't. Western Investments.
The fog bogle costs the people of this
city from $15,000,000 to $25,000,000 annually,
to say nothing "of the continual Inconven
ience of It, and the accompanying danger
from accidents. ' .
These figures are based on estimates
made by the Hon. Rollo Russell, who
would also regulate rainfall, by his fa
mous "rain walls," about which he wrote
a book recently.
"I think my calculations fairly ac
curate," says Russell, "when I fix the
cost of one bad fog at $25,000 a day in ad
ditional gas alone.
"It seems to ma that the atmosphere o
London yes, of the whole city of Lon
donmight be cleared by scientific drf
vices such as huge electric fans, to blow
it away, or something of that sort. This,
1 think, could be accomplished for not
more than $20,000 a day and the heaviest
fog that" ever riled a cabby could be
driven away. I'm Working on a scheme
with this In view and I shall not give up
till I've solved" the Sftrblent. :
"Do you know. In summer we realiy
lose one-sixth of our sunshine and day
light by fog, mlBts and smoke, while, in
winter, the loss is one-half. ,
"There Is really no reason why the
problem of fog removal should be moie
perplexing than that of disposing "of
sewage. The reason It Is, Is that sewage
problems were wrestled with as long ago
as the palmy days of the Roman repub
lic, while no one has gone at fog or
smoke with anything like a scientific
Russell says the death rate will be
greatly reduced as soon as the fogs can
be coped with successfully. St. Louis
Among the numerous forms of water
filter, to the use of whleh the resident
of the Far East Is in a chronic bondage.
is one which is a combination of suc
tion pump and force pump. There are
two parallel tubes Joined, in one of which
in fitted a piston, the raising of which
draws the water into Its cylinder through
a ball Valve. . By pressing down the pis
ton the water is now driven Into the other
tube. Into .which Is inserted a filter cylin
der like a thick candle, which seems to
be composed of some form of compressed
mineral. The water, having nowhere else
to go. Is forced through the pores of the
filter cylinder, emerging through a nickel
plafed tube in a stream of pure water tho
size of a lead pencil. By means of this
Invention, which Is packed In a tin case
useful for sterilization, the traveler who
arrives at an Oriental mudhole has only to
screw on a tube (fitted with, a stirrup to
give pressure by the foot), insert the
auction .nd-o his tuhaln .thajsater pui1.
and push the piston a sufficient number
of times, and he is provided With the re
quired amount of germ proof water, pure
and wholesome! Distillation, with its
wearisome delays and its insipid prod
ucts, is dispensed with altogether. Theo
retically, all that one needs Is the mud
hole, a cup and the filter, and the re
sults are speedy, sure, and satisfactory.
North China Herald.-
The most significant result in all last
night's caucup contests is beyond ques
tion the success of Mr. Eugene F. Foss
In the Eleventh district in carrying oft
the nomination against so formidable and
popular an antagonist as Mr. Adams.
Local Interests and sympathies doubtless
exerted great Influence In behalf of Mr.
Foes, but his Strength even In the wards
which Mr. Adams carried demonstrates
the popularity, within "Republican' lines,"
of the policy , of tarlif revision which he
has championed. That Is tho significance
of the' success of Mr. Foss. In no other
district ha this issue beeB " of i.nyTs
portance In determining the result
though it is noteworthy that Messrs.
Levering and Gardner both art inclined
to believe that the time Is at hand when
revision, maintaining the protective prin
ciple, must be taken op tor consideration.
Boston Transcript , - -
A writer in the Nouvelle Revue bewails
tne absence of a noiseless . typewriter.
Treat 'em right They won't make any
noise. New Orlenas News, f-; '
The i- Baker-The". " Christian," Hall
qaine'g pjay. NeTU.Ctock Company?
Cordray's "Nevada," Elsa Ryan. " ',
Belles,'' Tuesday
and Wednesday nights. v'
"King Dodo," Thursday Sad Friday
nights and Saturday matinee.
The Baker "The Christian" for the
Cordray's "Nevada for ths week. '
- The Christian' a Top-Liner. - v
Every person who attended the Baker
Theatre on Sunday afternoon or Bight Is
wondering how the, Nefil Stock Company '.
could learn parts in, rehearse, stage and
produce Hall Calne's "Ths Chrlstlen"
within on week, and present so high .
class product as that given at ths two
performances. It was flattering sue- ,
cess. It was witnessed by an audience
that brought ths standing room sign into
use bsfore ths doors opened, advance
sales having exhausted the capacity. Tho "
'first two productions were necessarily
slower than the others will be, and ths
audience last night were kept In their '
seats until midnight Tet, with "last .
cars" leaving and long Walks homeward
in store, the audience waited until the
denouncement of tho absorbingly inter
esting stage story ot The Christian."
congratulations, are due Manager Baker,
fjtage Directors Morris and Dills, and
every member of the company.
Miss Ccuntlss, as Gloria Quayle, had
her triumph of the season, perhaps, ths
triumph of her career. She must find
some part of great excellence, and enact
the role upon fie level of the geniuses,
if cnee more she attain to the brilliancy
of her work in these first performances .
of "The Christian." It was In the middle
of the first act, after the prologue, when
Horatio Drake mistakes the situation
and she realises his mistake, when she in
return mistakes his motives and mistakes
them to the limit of izrjustloe, that Gloria
Quayle rose to command and was there
after mistress ore very situation. A finer
hit of acting than in that scene with
Diake has seldom been seen, and yet it
was duplicated, and reduplicated, with
John Storm In the third act, and several
times during the play.
And John Storm, played by Charles
Wyngate, was one of those finished pro
ducts Of the actor that he never falls
to give whatever be the character as
sumed or the weight of the demands. In
his scene with Gloria in the club room of
the brotherhood there was approximate
perfect ion, and a doses times 'during the
performance he was sgatn flawless.
Gloria Quayle is the part permitting
the greatest range of talent It offers
boundless possibilities. It Is of a woman
whose range of emotion embraces the en
tire scope of what a good woman feels
and thinks and Which enlists sympathy
in every situation. It Is electric with
feeling. It could so easily be marred by
crudities of enunciation or facial expres
sion or made weak by lack of that subtle
clement which the true artist always in
jects into acting temperament. Ahd yet
there was not a weak spot In the por
trayal. while many times there were
power and strength.
Slorm, the complement of Gloria In ev- .
cry essential ot human nature, also afy
fords wonderful opportunity for Mr.
Wyngate. who grasps the situation with
masterful command of all of the essen
tials. I
One might go through the cast and
commend without leaving one exception.
Indeed, Justice compels it. Next to ths
two lead parts, air. Bernard as Drake
was entitled to recognition of good acting
and finished work.
But one may read the cast com
plete and throw compliments galore
at every one. The play will have do
served capacity houses for the week. Its
success Is assured.
"Nevada," at Cordray's in which Elsa
Ryan is the star. Is a dratna which has
for Its setting a mining camp, in tho
frontier districts during the turbulent
days of '49. The play brings out those re
freshing traits of loyalty and 'Independ
ence whieh were characteristic of ths
days When' right was enforced at the
point of the six-shooter. ,
The scenery througnanT is paTritM"td
show to the best advantage the motin '
talneer and woods In which nestles the
mining camp, where the character In
the plot is laid. Some of the effects are'
grand and realistic.
Little Dolly Gray Is the wild, nntam'i'
daughter of George Gray, a drunken
miner. She Is the Idol of the camp and is
a ciamond in the rough. Her acting Is
natural, and manner pleasing. Her sup
port is good. Jack Marshall, in his ref-
'omtattcrn from-" aarblerr thew-man :-"
manly traits that are subject to applause.
Jim Curtlss, the villain, is the worst kind
and comes to grief in the end.
Pretro Peres, the tool of Curtis, i
cordially hated by the audience from his
first appearance on the boards to the
very last. The play is Intermixed with
enough of the humorous to keep the aud
ience good natured.
It runs for the week and will have
Immense business. If the first perform-,
ances are criterion.
. "The Christian."
The Portland- theatre-goers certain!
owe a debt of gratitude to George L.
Baker, for being able to get such pro
ductions as TJie NelU Stock Company
have been putting oh this season at pop
ular prloes. Though "The Christian" has . .
been here twice before, we will venture
to. say that not altogether It has been
seen by over 5000 people In Portland to
daynot that they did not want to see
It the other vast majority but It would
be here f ot perhaps two nights at a tltttA .
In many cases conflicting with sickness
or other imperative engagements, making
It impossible to go; or the prices were
such that by the time two or ..four mem- '
berS'Of the family would go, a sum had
been , expended that to a great many peo
pie was aJ matter ot rather serious con
Now,- however, the play will have run
nine full performances, two matinees '
and seven evenings, and with aproduo
tlon re feel, perfectly safe in asserting;
that Is' Second In no way to any ttut kia
ever bees, seen la Portland j. -T
i .......