The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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l" . -
Tonight; fair; , Sunday,
uy ciouay; inreaten
; westerly winds. ;
VOL. I. NO. 1 85.
1 ii ' i i 1 ' i if " ' . ii . ' i II, ' - I , . "' ' " , , ,1 1 ' " ' . - 'I - - - ' I ' "' ' . . i i., i . ,. 1" 1
Wives and Children ofta
Dig Saajctf
Warm-Starvation threatens
President Mitchell Says That Silence Is the Best
v Weapon He Can Use Residence of a
Guard Is Dynamited
CINCINNATI, O i Oct 11. A Pout or:
respondent who is investigating the con
dition of the miner and their families in
the anthracite coal region telegraphs the
following from Wilkes barre: "Poverty
and desolation stalk in the First anthra
cite district. The most cruel feature of
the battle now being waged between the
strikers and operators is the hardships
forced on the women and children, who
are but thinly dad. The women, many
of them being in no condition to work,
are struggling bravely at the hardest
sort of labor with chapped hands and
bleeding feet. Women and children, ome
only two yearS old", dig fh the culm banks
for bits of eoal which had been over
looked by the miners. Their principal
food consists of bread made from un
bolted wheat, and spread with layers of
nauseous and unsatted lard.
, NEW YORK, Oct. 11. It haa developed
this morning that the basis' of the coal
strike conference on Thursday and Fri
day waa an affidavit sworn to by Presi
dent Mitchell setting forth the miners'
demands In their efforts to arbitrate,
which met the operators' refusal. Ho
avers that a miners' annual earnings
average about one dollar a day of ten
hours, and says that If a twenty per cent
Increase is granted, the cost of anthracite
coal to the consumer would be lncreaso-l
only ten cents per ton.
Wrr.KkSBARRE, Oct." 11. President
Mitchell arrived here from New York
this morning, and at once plunged into
bis accumulated correspondence. He de
clined to discuss the New York confer
ences. He said that the best interests of
all concerned would be conserved by say
ing nothing. Regarding the efforts t.i
have President Roosevelt take action
igalnst the Miners' Union, he said it was
rganlzed along - the same lines as ; the
tther unions and believed it to be p;r
tectly legal.
GENEVA. Oct. 11. Quiet has again
een restored today by the authorities
)laclng re-lnforcements at all points
where disorderly strikers are likely to
tengreg-ate. No-further disturbances are
in Help a ted.
READING, Oct. 11. At midnight last
Sultan to Divulge Im
portant Secrets
Duplicity of Statesmen in Order
to Gain His Favor-Will
Publish Book.
VIENNA,, Oct. 11. A great sensation
In diplomatic circles here has been cre
ated By the publication in a local news
paper that the Sultan has written an
expose which will Implicate many lead
ing Christian monarchy.
ine newspaper asserts that the Sultan
has written an autography in which he
exposes the duplicity of the Christian
monarchs and statesmen who are said
to have deceived one anotherloxdecto
W thehttinVflvorr'-'lt claims that
the roaiftfccript will lay bare many dip
lomatic secrets of the past 25 years.
The book will be published after the
3ultan's death as a posthumous revenge
on Europe. -
Just how much truth there is in the
seeF&en8--f- the -frewspapec- which-,.puh-
Ifshed the statement It Is Impossible to
3nd out. However, many high officials
iro very much interested in the report
and there is a' possibility that Important
lisoloaures will be made In the near fu
ture. 1 1
t,vBiiuu, ucw w neat O.
1 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 11. Wheat
night tho borne of Albert Dry, a deputy
at Minerville, wu dynamited and wreck
ed, which resulted in his daughter being
badly cut and bruised. Dry was absent
on duty. A detail of militia today ar
rested three Hungarians, who are charg
ed with the crime.
NEW ORLEANS, 'Oct. 11. All negotia
tions to end the street car fctrlke have
failed At an early hour this morning all
the country companies of militia
throughout the state were ordered to re
turn to the clty immediately. No at
" tempt will be' made to run the cars 'W
foro Monday.
PARIS, Oct. 11. Comparatively good
order continues throughout the coal re
gions. However, the strikers are talking
of marching in a body on Paris and at
tempt to force the government to take
action in their favor.,
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Secretary of
War Root .arrived in New York thl
morningr' It is reported that he brings
'a message from President Roosevelt to
lorgan bearing on the coal strike.
WASHINGTON, Opt,,.!!. The. President
today had another conference wit
CommUaleneA Wright in regard to the
fttilke ettlenient- , 'i'baJr pto are -tHl
secret. rk ;i ,, ,
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Secretary Root
declined to give any information as to
the reason of his hurried visit and tried
to evada the reporters. He la .said to be
noiaing a conference this ternoon with
Morgan on the letter's yacht Corsair,
on XMortn Klver.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 11. The
Delaware & Hudson Company today
served notice to the miners to move out
of the houses owned by that company
within three months.
CARDIFF, Waioa, Oct. 1L-The coal
operator here today refused to grant
tne minora' demands and- all British
miners will" probably strike on Jan-
ary 1.
Seattle Policemen Detected While
jt- -nam.
SEATTLE, Oct lL-For a long time it
has been suspected that certain police
men of Seattle wero In oollusion with the
tougher elements of the city and were
being paid to keep their eyes closed
the many, violations of law that are oon,
stantly going on. Today the bombshell
exploded, and all Seattle ia exalted i
scandal that has Just been, brought tn
'If-A-AillflUiaUng-other -Ua-iar
roiiow. captain Laubscher has suspic
ioned certain members of the department
for some time, and today he hid himself
in an adjoining room and detected two
officers taking bribes from fallen women
to avoid arrest Other policemen are sus
pected, and the matter will be thoroughly
investigated. It Is known that the police
department of this city is rotten to the
core, and immediate steps will be taken
to reorganize- It.
NEW YORK, Oct. ll.-Secretarv Root ejid
Morgan came ashore after a five hours'
conference. A lg crowd of operators
were waiting In a drisillng rain, but got
no information, both men declining to
talk. Half a doien times while the con
ference was going on launches brought
messengers ashore, who hurried away.
Secretary Root told the reporters he would
return to Washington and would meet
.President-Roosevelt -twmghtr
W. J. Pengra. tho railroad contractor of
Roseland. is in the city today. When seen
at the Imperial this morning he said he
had nothlnsr new to rive out in railntait
3kJmt-jilmatPd thalthere- y.ouid.
ne something doing soon. He is here
looking after some prospects, present and
Washington, d. c, Oct. 11. -inspector
of headstones" Is the govern
ment position to be filled at a civil ser
vice examination today r The vacant
berth i in the quartermaster's depart
ment at Boston. Tho i salary Is lie.O .-.
Irear.-., , . I .
. SEW YORK. : '
NEW YORK, Oct 7.-Spocial 'corre
spondence.) The Monk haa received a
copy of Portland's wide awake paper,
and is Intently engaged in reading the
local news. ' He has always been inter
ested In Portland's affairs, and the pres
ent Investigation of the grafting- charges
are tho cause of much gratification to
him. Only a short time before he was
called East by the President he waa in
the editorial rooms while the "open or
closed town" wfs under discussion, and .
he said then: "It is strange that the of
ficers at the . law can - find neither gram-
biers nor gambling houses in the city,
while any one who has money that is
burning his Angers can find a place to bet
it inside of ten minutes. However, that
is not the question. I take the issue to be
not upon tho rights or wrongs any of
the ordinances deal with, hilt that the
whole matter resolves itself Into the
question: 'Can tho police force say which
ordinances they shall enforce and which
they shall not? If so, they become law
makers; if not, they are law-breakers.' "
Power to Fix Maximum Fare la Reserved.
Section 112. Every grant of a franchise whloh provides for the charging of rates
fares and charges, shall contain a provision fixing the maximum of fares, rates and
charges which the grantee, his, its or their successors or assigns can charge or
.. . . collect. Xor aarviceaJender of- erf ermed, by- rlrttte-of -nddtrriri the Tire of said "
franchise, and the operation of his or its plant or property t Hereunder ; and said
grant may also or in addition provide that the Council reserves the right to there
after, from time to time, .change, alter, regulate and fix fares, rates and charges,
whicfi tho grantee, his. Its, or their successors or assigns can charge or collect there
under, during tho life or duration qf said franohlae.
Accompanied by Suite, Is Pre
sented to the President.
"f ASHINOT ON, Oct. U.-8emdotltb M-
havljiravudh, the Crown Prince of Slant,
arrived this morning unostentatiously. A
curious crowd watched tha party, which
went Immediately to tho Arliogton Hotel
to prepare for a visit to tho President. A
short time - after tho Prinoe, escorted by
four troops of cavalry, called on Presl-
rdwrt-Roosevelt. He-1 aeeoippaBUd aya.4.
juii suite in court costumes, guttering
with medals. The Prince waa presented
by Third Assistant Secretary of Stats
CITt OF MEXICO. Oct. 11 Th. mln.
ing town, of Marfll. Ouanajulto has been
destroyed by.1 flood. Twenty peolc
were drowned and the town ia inundated
to a depth 1 (Mr than feet .
- -
What the New Qty Chapter Promises For the"
Regulations of Franchises
A number of franchises are asked for now, Just before the Legislature has for
mally enacted into statute tiie law already adopted by a ,ten-to-one vote by the
citizens of the City of Portland. The present charter lays absolutely no restrictions
upon the City Counoll In the granting of any kind of franchise, for any length of
time. The new charter provides that the City Council cannot grant a franchise .
for more than twenty-ftye years, nor without fair compensation to the City. Before
its final passage, an ordinance granting a franchise must be published at the expense
of the applicant. In the city otttcial newspaper, and must receive the affirmative .vote
of two-thirds of the Council to become valid. (Sections 83 to 112. of the new char
ter.) Excerpts from the Xollowir'-- ... ... . ..- js.:-.---: "-iga'-
A Rate of Compensation Shall Be Fixed.
Part of Section JS. Every grant of a franchise shall fix the amount and manner
of the payment of the compensation to be paid by the grantee for the use of the
same and no other compensation of any kind shall be exacted for such UMe during
the life of the' franchise, but this provision shall not exempt the grantee from any
lawful taxation upon his or its property, nor from any licenses, charges or imposi
tions not levied on account of such use.
Power to Regulate Operation is Reserved.
8ection 94. The Council may. subject to 'the limitations and conditions contained
In this Charter,-grant for a limited time specific franchises or rights In or to any of
the public property or places mentioned in the preceding sections. Every such grant
shall specifically net forth and define the nature, extent and duration of the franchie
or right thereby granted, and no franchise or right shall pass by Implication. At all
tliTM-a the power and right reasonably to regulntq In the public Interest the exercise
of the franchise or right so granted shall remain and be vested in the Council and
said power and right cannot be divested or granted.
Grantees Must Pay Purchase Price and Annual Compensation.
Section 95. No franchise. 'lease or right to use the water front; ferries, wharf
property, land under water, public- landing wharves, docks, highways, bridges, ave
mieS,s"treeti, alleys,' lanes', parks or any otfier public jiWe. either on, through, poross, "
under or over the same, nor other franchise, shull be granted by the city to any
private corporation, associptlonqr Jttdi.vldu.5)JKcept as in- tbls Chatter oerwlse. irt- r. -.
to the City therefor", ahd-Tri addition to the'etho forms of compensation to be therein
vided. for a longer period than twenty-five (26) years nor without ralr compensation
provided the grantee may be required to pay annually to the city such percentage
of the gross receipts arising from the use of such franchise and or the plant used
therewith as may be fixed In the giant of said franchise. Every grant of a franchise
or i-lghyand every contract therefor made or granted Under the provision of this
Charter shall provide that at the explrattdn of the term or period for which it Is
made or granted thkCity at its- election and upon the payment therefor of a fair
valuation thereof to be made in the manner provided thefor In the grant or contract
may purchase and take over to itself the property and plant of the grantee in Its
entirety and which may be situated on.i In, above or under the streets and publio
places aforesaid) or any thereof, and used in connection therewith.
Proposed Franchise Must be Published-
Section 97. Before any grant of any franchise or right to use any highway, ave
nue, street, lane or alley or other "public property, either on, , above or below the
surface of the same shall be made, t) proposed: specifto grant shall be embodied in
the form of an ordinance, with all the terms and .conditions. Including all provisions
as to rates, fares and charges, If any, which proposed ordinance shall be published
In full at the expense of the applicant for the franchise, at least twice in tile City's
official newspaper. ".
Sixty Days Between Proposal, and Passage.
Section 98. No ordinance fora grant of any. franchise shall be put- on its final
passage within sixty days of Its Introduction and no franchise shall be granted which
shall not by Its terms go Into effect within one year after Its passage.
Limitations of U'e of Franchises. -
- Section 107. No franchise shall be granted 1or any extension over streets. or
.-''public places of tho' City to any street railway-company or to" any one for its use
for a longer period than the'.Ufe of .the franchises held, owned by and under which
jsaid company is operating which has the longest period to run, and no such franchise
ehall bo granted for a -longer period than twenty-frro years; "
.-r. --'Eioitlve Board -tor Estimate VirttfO IjrwpirVcrsei'Appnea For. ' ""
Section. 109. Whenever an application is received for any franchise, privilege or
right to be granted by ordinance for a specified time, the Council shall require from
the Executive Board an estimate of the cash value of said franchise, privilege or
right, or an estimate of what the Executive Board may consider fair compensation to
the City based upon a percentage of the gross earnings from the use of such fran
chise, privilege or right, and the said Executive Board shall submit said estimate in
writing, and the aame shall be entered upon the minutes of the proceedings of the
Hester Laurence, the 13-year-old daugh
ter of E. P. Laurance. of Grant County,
had an operation performed on her left
knee at St. Vincent e hospital yesterday,
for $he past three years the knee has
been causing her, trouble and recently
had begun to be lame.
An examination showed that a part, of
the bone was diseased An operation was
performed and tho diseased portion of the
bone removed.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 11. Senator
Mitchell of Oregon, who has been Spend
ing few days here on hia return from
Honolulu, left last night for Portland.
He waa accompanied by hia entire party,
exoeptmg his secretary, wM'' went to
Portland Thursday.
TKRRE HAUTE, Oct ll.lrf a rear-end
collision last nKht ob the Hie Four Rail
road, "Conductor llathew Heaaeasey, and
an unknown man were killed Six other
train men were injured, ;,. .
Southern Pacific Inspection Train
Will Soon Be Here.-
"OAKLAND, Oct. U.-The annual in
spection of the Pacific Coast V vision
of the Southern Pacific, under the direc
tion of the chfef engineer of mainten
ance of way, J. H. Wallace. The chief
engineer will be accompanied through
out California by all the division super
intendents, which includes W. S. Palmer,
R. H. Ingraham, J, S. Noble and B. A,
Worthlngton. The Inspection party has
a special train, which will run as far as
El Paso, tex., In the South; Ogden in
the East,, and Portland In the North.
LEXINGTON, Ky.. Oct. ll.i-A. B.
Chinn and son, Asa, members of one of
TOelnosf; prominent - fammes In lhe" city7
W6r attacked, in their home by burglars
'this morning. The father was killed and
th sod waa fatally shot.
He Declares President Cannot Send
Troops to the Coal Fields.
MADISON, Wis., Oct. U.-At a Repub
lican meeting held hero last night. Secre
tary of the Navy Moody spoke at length
on the tariff question and the strike sit-
fBHtton. During hi remarks he said that
the duty of 67 cents a ton on anthracite
coal was "smuggled, into., the. tariff act in
a cowardly "and sneaking manner. The
people have appealed In vain to the coal
operators to co-operate with the miners
In an effort to end the strike. Now whea
these operators aapeal to Congress to
tuke off the duty of 67 cents on coal,
their appeal will likewise be rejeoted."
lie also declared that the President could
not send troops Into the coal fields with
out a demand from the authorities of
Pennsylvania, nor could the anthracite
mines be seized by the exercise of emi
nent domain.
DUBL'QUE. Ia., Oct. 11. Last night
Governor Cummins delivered hia first
Iowa campaign speech. The Iowa idea
of the tarff revision was the principal
theme of his remarks.
Big Strike Affects Great
Many New York
NEW YORK. Oct. 1.-A strike of 1200
press feeders employed In the book and
job printing trade jf this city has in
volved MOD prtssmen and has nearly tied
up thu business of a number of thu
plants. Tha strike may prevent many
magazines and periodicals from comtri,;
out on time. Some time ago many of ;ho
feeders demanded an advance In wages
from $12 to $11 a week, and struck to en
force them. Th"n It was decided after
several conferences with the employers,
to make a demand for anadvance In
wages in all of the unlpn shops. The em-.
plbyers refuxed the demand, and the
strike followed.
Shof at Bride-to-Be. but Only
Spoiled Wall and Fine Chairs.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct.Ml.-Just on the
eve of hip wedding, Joseph Luctdo, a
.virilthy owner of fifth Ing smacks, at
tempted to murder his bride-to-be. Luctdo
lmd fiii-tuKhed up a house luxuriously at
x Vai:di' ar.d Water streets, and all was
ri ady to send for the minlltor. when
suddenly he changed his mind. He order
ed the expressman to remove the furnl
ture and was himself assisting when the
girl interfered. Her name was Mary
l.nsldo, tu t was not related to her
fiancee. She begged him to carry out his
promise, and when he attil refused she
nllemprrd to use force to prevent him
l rum removing the furniture, when he
.'! nt at her twlre, the bullets tearing
nuuy thu nwly kalsoyilned walls and
ruining the fine chairs. Lucido escaped.
Steamship Company Taken in by
Big Corporation.
(Journal Special Service.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. The Amerlcan
Asiatfc Steamship Company, which was
recently formed by capitalists Interested
in the China Development Company, has
absorbed the Philippine Steamship line,
which is operated by the Philippines
Transportation & Construction Company.
The steamship business of the latter
comjNtn.y wlu b8 entlrely absorbed, but
the Philippine end of the business w;(l
be continued by the old company. The
Philippine Transportation and Construc
tion Company has been operating a
monthly service to the Philippines.
CHICAGO, Oct. 11. -Max Henry Fleis
cher Is dead as the result of an injury
received In a football game six years ago.
Until two months ago Fleischer's parents
did not know of the accident, but as
soon as the father learned of It, he had
ah examination made, wnTcTrshow60hr
the young man's skull' was depressed.
The skull was trepanned, revealing a CI
eased condition of the brain.
, '
NEW YORK. Oct. IX Henry 3. Rose,
the-theatrlcalnaJirwho-aot'aad IriHyd
his wife two weeks ago, haa been Indicted
by the grand Jury for murder in tha first
degree. He will be taken into court on
Monday to plead. ', "
TANCKBURG. Oct, 1L The i Florence
Marmel." last night wrecked - fref .tow. of
1$ bargea on the rocks at .Xin Creek
Bar, losing 100.060 bushels of which
waa being taken tit tho relief of up-river
stations. .. v
Street Committee Wrestled With
Them Yesterday.
City Attorney McRary to Dedda
Who Controls Streets.
Tho City Council street committee fipaat
two wearisome houra yesterday wreatlla
with the seven franchises asked for by
the Portland Railway Company. Thes
ordinances were introduced at tho laat
meeting of the Council and referred t
the committee. At the time The Journal
printed a full synopsis of each ordinance.
President Paxton and Superintendent '
Fuller conoeded every remonstrance)
against the new line to Portland Heights
except that they should keep oft Ford
street. Graham Glass, Jr., and Attorney
Llnthicum were present representing tho
remonstrators. The former contended
that the proposed line would cross Park
avenue the only drive-way to the park
without streetcar tracks to mar it. Mr.
Linthlcum said, that the Jefferson street .
bridge would injure Mr C. E. S. Wood'a
property for residence purposes.
Replying to Mr. Glass, Mr, Paxton salt
that the grade on Park avenue was ao
heavy that the travel was very light, very
few caring to drive up a heavy grade for
Upon motion of Mr. Bentley the ordU
ha nee "was referred to .the City Attorney
for revision In accordance with tho rail- "
way company's agreement to pay a tax
per block or mile on all new road bed.
Dr. L. M. Davis, of Albina, spoke in M
vor of the Albina extension with permis
sion to run wood cars or wood trains over
the lines. He maintained that it would
not only save tha residents In tho cost of
fuel, bat would protect the streets from
being cut up by heavy-laden wagons.
The remarks brought up the question
as to whether the Council or Board of. '
Public Works has control of the streets,
and the matter was referred to the City
Attorney for an opinion: '
An opinion was received from City At- ,
torney McNary in relation to , the ap--plication,
of the .Oregon1 Water.. J'owar.
& Railway Company for a franchise on
Kast Water" street from HawfJibnle aye-
nue to East Burnslde. Mr. McNary said
that a franchise over a part of the street
had been granted by the old city of East
Portland to H. A. and C. P. Hogue and '
S. Jones, and had not been repealed. A .
section should be added to the new ordi
nance disfranchising the claimants un
der the old one. This section will be pre
pared by Mr, McNary. ,
The ordinance granting the same com
pany a franchise on East Ninth street
waa laid over until the meeting Tuesday.
The ordinance granting the same com
pany the right to cross streets near and
east of Inman. Poulsen & Co.'s mill was
laid on the table. Judge W..M. Caka, for:
the mill company, stated that tho ordi
nance affected the rights of hia clients.
Negotiations tending tg a 8ettlem.est,jreraii
pending, and he asked that no action b
taken until the next regular meeting,
when a report will be presented. ,
Superintendent Fuller of the Portland"
Railway Company submitted an ordinance
which has been approved by the Portland ,'
Heights Improvement Association. It wsii f
read and recommended for passage. The
route of improvement follows:
On Lownsdale street, from College street
to Spring street; on Sixteenth street, from,
the - Heights" Tef face, Kbr'th to" Collego
street, to the south line of Davenport -street;
on Seventeenth street, from Col
lege street to Kearney street; on Nlno
teenth street, from Jackson street to
Spring street; on Twenty-first street,
from Jackson street to Spring street; on
Elizabeth street, from Sixteenth street to
Chapman street; on Spring street, from
Fourteenth street to Chapman street; on
Elm street, from Sixteenth street to the .
Montgomery drive; on Laurel street, from (
Sixteenth street to its westerly termlna-
tton p-cn -Myrtrte-BtTee'-from-lwnsdalo--
street to the Montgomery drive; on Clif
ton street, from Lownsdale street to tho
Montgomery drive; on Jackson street,
from Lownsdale street to Twenty-first
street: on Carter street, rrom jacason
street to Twenty-first street; and on Col
lege street, from Lownsdale street to
Chapman street.
The viewers' report on tho opening ct
East Thlrty-f ourtli street. - which had
been before the committee for aeveral
months, was adopted. This was a as
In. which A. Van Hoomisson alleged that
M feet had been taken off hi land, and
that he had been assessed $168 for bene
fits, while others had lost no land, and
had been awarded damages. Tho com
mittee had gone to an expense- pi m
and rt thougUt it best-to- aeoept. thotei.
port and let tho trouble bo fought out l
l..the, oourt
Small Crafts Along . the . Atlantic
Coast in reat Danger- :
NORFOLK. Va Oct. U.-A tarrld
storm ia sweeping tho Atlantic coast and ,
great loss of Ufa and damage to property -(
I threatened. Tha atom extends tot
miles along Cape Hatteraa. and great tear (
ia boins; expressed tor, the aafety of tha .
smaller craft out at sea. - .Wires are i
each S'TotidTOeiithat it i out -f. the .
question to get any detailed reports to to .
the altuatioo, which aeenui W o o
tremely periloua,. . ,. . n . .
5 "
i '
it ot
la I