JOURNAL THE WEATHER. ' Tonight and" Saturday fair; probably , cooler; north to east . winds. , - PORTIiAKP OREQOINV ritlDAY ETENIKQt OCTOffEB '10 1902. PBICE . FIVE CENTS. r 1 ' - , - ' - . . t , - . . , , , " .1 Tii . i i I, . . ...I ' r- - i 1 . 1 . ......- . j 7 iNEARi "Conference of Which So Much Was ' Expected Is; Adjourned Till N Tuesday He TeHs ' Reporters to EKh1 Ttdr Own Business - Operators Say No Pressure Whatever Can Induce Them to ChangeBIiners Firm, NEW TORIC, Oct 10. Tho conference fended at 1:10 o'clock, but no formal . atatemeot U made. However, Governor 0deU and Senator Piatt said that an ad Journmaat had bean taken until next Tuesday' and that nothing' definite bad been decided upon. Wall atret aaye that Morgan told Governor O'dell that be could not Interfere, aa be bad given hi promise to keep hla hands off. He aa4d however, that. he -would -put no bars in the-way of a ooniereno with the operat ors. Senators Quay and Penrose expect to return to Pennsylvania tola afternoon. MOROAN ANORY. NEW TORK, Oot. 10. A -forceful at tempt to settle the strike is being made today, by pressure being brought to bear upon the operators. The latter admit the pressure, but say they oannot be forced by.poUtloal or other pressure to sur render their, attitude,' The conferenoa yesterday, left Ul feeling among thera. and as a result Senators Quay and Pen . rose and Oovernor'O'deU went to Mor ' gun direct this morning, being closeted with the financier for an hour and a half. The Senators then returned to Piatt's of fice, leaving O'dell with Morgan. Gov ernor O'dail left a short time after and was followed by the financier,' who told the. newspaper men that ha bad nothing to say, but for them to mind their own" business. Governor O'dell went to Sen ator Plstt'a office immediately. ..,,-:....MA-yB FORCE.- -r. - ft I the common belief on W11 street that the Governor had threatened to call a session of the Legislature to seise' arid operaHe the mines by right of eminent domain. Morgan was apparently Vet-y angry. President . Baer arrived at ' Senator - Piatt's office at noon and was followed .by President Thomas. Hundreds of clerks and brokers are in the hallways and on the pavements. President Mit chell remains at the Ashland Houae and is constantly appraised of the conference through agents. Regarding the Denver offer of a Western miners' sympathetio strike, he said Jh la morning -that ha had corresponded on the subject, but as ttmsl of the Union miners In the West and Northwest were quarts miners, the cool miners being in the minority, he had not yet reached a conclusion. The general tenor of his' remarks leads, to the belief that he won't aocept the offer. WANT PROTECTION. "WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. The Deleware A Hudson, through Vlce-Preaident Wil fix. has appealed to President Roosevrtt ROADS COMBINE OoRe fc No and 0S-L Are to Consolidate ALSO STEAMSHIPS Bancroft of the Short Line, to Be Manager of the Entire System. . SALT . LAKE, Oct 10. The Deseret News' says:- "Tonight the action of the special meeting of the stockholders of the " Oregon Short Una held yesterday. Whereby the charter of the company was nmenfiwiprovMln . the business of operating steamship lines, Is to he tollo'fd Ty "the consolidation of that system and the Oregon Railroad . Navigation Company, also Its steamship tinea,' with "W. H. Bancroft vice presl fent and geenrar manager of the Short Lin, as- general manager.' and T. M. Bohumacher, general traffic manager, to take' effect-January L , ? ' THE KING'S GUESTS LONDON, Oct 10. Great preparations are being made by the royalty in view of the Intention of King Edward to officially L tepelvo American Generals Coxbia, Young -k4 Wood next MoadajK). -- -- TO RISIS ITHAND inEnra to take action against the United Mine Workers, tinder the Sherman act, on V ground, that" the organisation is illegal and conspiring to restrain trade among tho several states. ' ' ' ': - I ' ' TRENCH STRIKERS CONTROIi. PARIS. Oct 10.-The strikers have placed their own men at the pumps to protect the mines. The cabinet is in con ference to decide on a methods of arbi tration. There-are many slight disturb ances among the strikers who are con trolling the situation, effectively prevent ing any .resumption of work.' CONTEMPLATES NEW MOVE. WASHINGTON. 'Oot 10. Commissioner Wright held an hour's conference with President Roosevelt this morning. He stated that Roosevelt contemplates a new move, but did not say what it' was. GET BAIL QUICKLY. FATERSON. N. X, Oct 10.McQueen aad Grossman, the leaders of the Dryers Strike Riots last June were arraigned this morning on seven indlotments for in citing riot and murder. They pleaded not guilty and J18.000 cash bonds were furnished by their fellow anachhfts im mediately when it was demanded. . ' ' ANOTHER BULL PEN. WILKESBARRE, Pa, Oct 10. Strin gent orders were Issued by Governor Stone this morning to General Gobln to prevent jdl'toterteYence wlfff'nien' want-' ing to workv All prisoners will be tried by the military and not turned over to the civil courts. A big stockade Is being built In which to 'keep the prisoner. GIVES IT TO KNOX. WASHINGTON, Oct 10. President Roosevelt received President Wilcox's letter, which be turned over to Attorney General Knot for consideration. ARMED MEN FILL STREETS. NEW ORLEANS, Oct 10. The Mayor is trying to arbitrate the street car strike. No attempts have been made to run the ears today, and thousands of armed men are petroling the streets. BOYS STRIKE. ST. LOUIS, Oct 10. The Postal Mes senger boys struck this morning because girls were being employed by the com pany. - SCHOOLS CLOSED. SCHENECTADY. Oct Vk The publlo schools here were closed today, owing to colder weather aad no coal. PRESIDENT WALKS With- the Aid of Cratches, He Takes z Short StroL - V ' WAHSINGTON, Opt lO.-There is much gratiflcatloi) being expressed on all sides at the rapid recovery of President Roose velt, and it is expected that it , won't be many' days before he will be able to attend to the duties of bis office as suaL T-hla-mornlna:, with the aid of a pi crutches, the President was enabled to walk a short distance. This la the first time he has been on his feet sines he underwent the operation. The exercise caused s)im very little inconvenience, and it is thought that" within a few days he will be able to do away with the crutch es altogether. However, It will probably be necessary forh!m to use a cane for some time to come. J CALL MEN FLUNKED Got Cold Feet When It Came to Organizing a Union. - SANSACTSCCvOct 10.A( aipeet- ing last night Id lorfn A reporters' union the Call men backed out" However, the Examiner .men formed a union by them selves. Other reporters then formed a union which wlU be affiliated with the International Typographical Union and under their Jurisdiction. , WALLA WALLA DEMOCRATS, i . ,' (Journal SpeclaJ Service.) : WALLA WALLA. Oct 10,-The open ing Democratic rally will occur on Mon day evening, when, at College Place, the Democrats of the county are supposed to turn out and. JoUlfy.. , On Wednesday evening George Cottrell, candidate . for Congress, will bold m meeting at the opera hams 1 this eity, - - extv Red TH JOURNAL MQNK IP(TERVIEWS X ' - NEW YORK. Oct 1 The Monk is to day with Mr. Morgan,. J," 'Pierpont Mm aelf.' He ft not at all abashed in the presence of the great- man. but meets. hUn with that calm- and self-confident bearing the superior naturally" feels when in - the presenoe of his inferiors. As a smoker he is a. success, and the brand 'of cigars he took with him, made In. Portland, 1 one of .which ornaments the great man's mouth, has evidently found, favor with him. : . A' - ;7 v Mr. Morgan was affable and pleased to See The Journal's .representative,! and though his tlmo is worth 882.3 a min ute, gave him half an hour, and asked hint out to lunch. '. .' "What do X think of the strike situa tion T" be repeated. "WelU. that is a hard One. I have been thinking a great deal about it lately, though ! did not give it much attention "at first, " X though Baer I would handle It., but-" and his eyes twiBkled--be made a nuu w n. i aon t liku iKf et miked PP to if publicly, as 1 am tfeaUyxbusy . with some other little prtWe milters, but it looks as though those little, railroad presldeats wre try ing to pass It uiKto me. Of course, I could settle - the rfele affair, but why should IT :,lt Is not myxStrike, and be sides, it is well enough t ehow those coal operators that they can't run their business without me., Then thexPresl dent isn't treating me -right, and tam lEIM IfE RICHES OF THt GREAT WEST J ' ' " Morris and Whitehead Party of Eastern Capitalists Arrive In Portland to Inspect Their Properties Tlirough - .. out the State of Oregon They Represent Millions of Dollars,- and Are Looking for Investments Personnel of thParty The Itinerary, The Morris & Whitehead narty. con aistlris' "it 82 proltifh'ent 'bankers and Sp-'' italists, and aeven members of the firm of Morris & Whitehead, from Pennsyl vania, New Tork and West Virginia, ar rived this morning at the .Union depot promptly at 10:80 o'clock, in chargjf W. H. Hurtburt. manager of the Morris & Whitehead local interests, and presi dent of the Oregon Water Power & Rail way Company. MR. CHRISTENS EN DESCRIBES TRIP. Julius Christensen, manager of the Philadelphia office, on being interviewed, said: "Of all -the trips that I have ever taken to the1 Pacific Coast, this was the most pleasant. The weather could not have been nicer during thrwhole trip. "We left Philadelphia last Thursday at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, arriving In Salt Lake last Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, and remaining there until t In the evenings The Mormon Churoh ten dered us a special organ recital after their services, and Miss Gates, a grand daughter of Brlgham Young, sang two very ' fine soprano solos, which all of us gieatly enjoyed. "From Salt Lake we went via Ogden, where we left at 11:25. thence proceeding to San , Franoisco, where we arrived at 8:60 Wednesday morning. " "In San Francisco wa all spread out and nook in' the city from one end to the other and had a very good time. On our way'up to Portland our party was most agreeably surprised with the beauty of the soenery. Mount Shasta and the moun tain range impressed us very favorably. Passing on to the -Willametto' VaUey those of our party who have never been here were highly delighted with it and it was the unanimous verdict of all of us that this piece of country Is the most beautiful this side of the Mississippi. TO REMAIN IN PORTLAND TILL 16TH Sinec T"to ' remaln'TH til the 16th, in the meantime making a side trip to Seattle, to look over our in terests there. Wo are going to Oregon City this afternoon for an inspection trip. On Monday next it is our Intention to spend a few days in the Sound country." " i OTHERS DELIGHTED- W IL Byers, the New Tork representa tive of tho Morris & Whitehead interests, and Charles N. Harris, cashier of the Manufacturers' & Merchants' Bank of Groversville, New York, both spoke of ,- a.nrhtfal trip across tne eonunen. which they greatly enjoyed. The WB- Umth Valley, in their opinion, is un- surpassed. - Mr Harris remarked, "The California country U most wonderful, but it oannot be compared to the Willamette VaUey. This Valley, in my opinion, is the finest In the United States. yy.a axJ'1--- secretary ot the il0"m ""r1 " ' with headquarters lHthhr cttyr-sset-he INDIAN LANDS, Important Decision Affecting JDqaa tiila Agency Allotments PENDLETON, Ore Oct ia-Tho case of Philomene Smith' Tennis. He-yo-tse- hmllkln. Beeidfd In the plaintiff's favor b the United Biaws-v-ireuii unm vt pals at S Fran itaio lJ t not pulling his political chestnuts out of the fire, not by a Jug fuU. If he bed sent for me Instead of that small fry I would have helped him out; but he. didn't invite the right nan, Mr. Roosevelt is a very nice little fellow, but he musn't show his teeth to me, . He has got to learn that there are others, and that I -am several party, in Oregon City gnd . cai Into Portland with them. " '" " ""' ROADS TRAVELED OVER. The .roads traveled over were the Le high Valley from Philadelphia to Buffalo, and the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern - from Buffalo , to Chicago. At Chicago the train was transferred to the Chicago & Northwestern, over which road the party traveled to Omaha, From Omaha to Ogden the- Union Pacific was utilised and ftito Ogdwrr ;o San Fran cisco and Portland they traveled over the Southern Pacific. While In Portland the bankers will mske their headquarters in their special cars. This train consists of a Pullman standard sleeper, special dining car, combination sleeper and observation- car and a batt gage car. Morris V Whitehead deeerve the utmost credit for the unselfish interest they have taken in the Faclfio Northwest In bringing a most representative body of men at an expense of between 115,000 and $20,000 to Impress them with the beauty and good chances of investment , found in this por tion of the country. .. MORRIS WHITEHEAD'S PLANS. The local representatives of this firm, together with those of Philadelphia, have planned -an extensive itinerary for their distinguished guests, which will Include Portland aad the Eastern part of Mult nomah County, the-Willamette Vaney; Co lumbia Valley, the lines of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company to Canemah, from which point they will probably be driven over the extensions of the company's lines now under construc tion as far as th headwaters of the Clackamas. , Mr. Morris is in charge of the itinerary while the party remains in Portland. The main object of Morris aV Whitehead' Pacino Coast excursion Is to show the Eastern bankers, with money to invest. an opportunity of seeing this part of tne rr-and to give them the best - fa - 4 turtles for making a thorough inspection Of our resources. : ' - MR, HURLBURT COMPLIMENTED. Mr. Hurlburt, in whose charge the party was, is an old railroad man, and no better man could be found who could show them the resources of this country. Lech and every one of the party were very grateful to Mr. Hurlburt for the royal and hearty manner with which they were entertained since leaving Phil adelphia. In fact it . is unanimously agreed upon by all the party that the trip was made doubly pleasant by having Mr. Hurlburt In charge. the visitors. Joseph Fling, treasurer Standard Mu tual .Fire Insurance Company, Philadel phia, Pa- . C. L. Eberle, capitalist, ' Germantown, Pa. ""' ' : : ' '. ' .;, "Hugh B. EaYtburn, president Bucks County ; Trust .Company. Doyleston, Pfu of great interest to the people of Umatilla County, and may affect many titles to Indian lands on all reservations of Ore gon. The case involves a -quarter section of land worth about $6000 near Adams, in this county, and there comes with it five other cases. Involving 814.000 more. Mrs. Philomene Smith selected for her self and children 30 acres of land on the Umatilla reservation in 1888, under the al lotment aat After occupying and Improv ing it, the allotlng agents th 1891 refused to allot her on the land, selected. The Interior Department rejected her petition !)be placed on the nd, choeen by her. bflt said she might have other . land," P, MOKCAN. of them. The strike situation la getting dangerous to us, and we may have to un hook. I don't mind the public holding me up. but I don't care to be hung up. "Well, call again," said the great man, as he O. K.d a draft for a couple of mil lion, and The Journal Monk's interview was over. . M, a. Hess, easblej; ,Keystop.,Natlnl Bank. Manhelm, Pa. E. C. Lilley, assistant treasurer Fidelity-Mutual LI To Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Pa. 4 Dr. Joseph Thomas, president Quaker town National Bank, Quakertown, Pa. Samuel Sterkel, director Bucks County Trust Company, Doyleston, Pa. Dr. C. D.- Frets, president Sellers vilw National Bank, 8ellersvlllev Pa, , ,. C. N. Harris, cashier Manufacturers' Merchants' Bank. Gloversvtile, N. Y. Henry L. Lamb, of Bank of D. Powers A Sons, Troy, N. T. Dr. F. W. Boyer, president Schuylkill Trust Company, Pottsvllle, Pa. Frank Burton, director Fulton County National Bank, Gloversville, N. T. F. E. v hippie, cashier First National Bank. Poughkeepeie, N. Y. E. K. Betts, vice president Union Na tional Bank of Trpy, N. Y. Romalne Keyser, cashier National Bank of Germantown, Philadelphia. ' C. S. Burwell, cashier New First Na tional Bank, Meadville, Pa. Edward Q. Hayes, vice president Mc Kechnle Bank, Canandalgua. N. Y. L. E. Sands, cashier National Exchange Bank, Wheeling. W. Va. M. M. Cochran, president First Nation al Bank, Dawson, Pa. P. Br Cochran, Unlontown, PaV ABr McKean, ptwsldear First National' BankTroy, Pa. E. G. Davlsson, vice president National Exchange Bank, Weston, W. Va. William H. Helser, president Manufac turers' National Bank. Philadelphia. M. L Sheldon, president First National Bank, Salem, N. T. H. W. Barratt, director First National Bank. Poughkeepsle, N. Y. George H. Miller, assistant treasurer Bucks County Trust Company, Doyleston, Pa. - William J. Fling, manufacturer, Phlla- - detehi L. F. Ruth, president Title & Trust Company of Western Pennsylvania, Con nellsville. Pa. Robert T. Turner, director Second Na tional Bank, Elmlra, N. Y. The representatives of Morris White head who accompanied the party to the Pacific coast,, are: W. H. Hurlburt, manager Portland of fice. Julius Christensen, manager Philadelphia office. - Stephen J. Clark, Jonas Westllng, Geo. M. Clark, W. H. Byers, C. K. Williams. Harold B. White and P. C. Fisler, of the Philadelphia office. -FREE EXCURSION. Fred Marris. president of tne Oregon City Water Power & Railway Company, asks members of the City Council to par ticipate, with others. In the company's hospltaHtyln the mouth of the Columbia on Monday. Most of. the Councllmen will go. , the other good land was gone when this decisiori was reached. She .then brought suit In the pnited 8tatss Circuit Court to cure her original selections for her self and children, with the result that the Judgment of the court as above announced gives her the land originally selected by htr. 'There are said to be 'many other similar cases on the Umatilla reserva tion. --' - WHEAT MARKET. CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Wheat 6970c SAJK-FBAXCISCCv Oct 00.--Wheats JuaiDe.w-"'? BRUTMSMffiy ' ' ' - With an He Attempted to Murder ' "" . ... ., . . ;. ..r.-. .-, the Entire Family Beat Mother ; and Sister's Heads to Jelly. -v &l'v. ... . Qushed Life Out of a Helpless Babe Fatally Injured Three Small Children While They SJeptBrothers Fight for Their Lives, ; PITTSBURG, Pa.. Oct. 10,-Charles Cawley. aged 17 years, at 8 o'clock this morning killed his mother and 12-year-old sister and wounded fatally four smaller sisters, one of whom was a baby. TJie most vicious and at the same time one of the most horrible crimes ever com mitted in the history tt this city was the murder of his mother and the fatally wounding of the other members of the family by Charles Cawley, a boy only If years of age. at the family residence early this morning. The crime was fiend ish In every particular and the most atrocious -over placed on record in this state. IN THEIR SLEEP. .About 3 o'clock this morning, while the members of the family were asleep In their various apartments, the boy Charles stealthily arose from his bed, where he had been sleeping with an older brother, dfssed and went to the basement. Where he secured the axu with which the ter rible deed was committed. He then ascended the stairs and at once went to tho room where his mother and sisters were sleeping peacefully, little dreaming of tho. horrible fate that was about to overtake""- them. The fiend, . evidently thinking that the light in the room was burning too bright to suit his purpose, turned It down until only-the ' dim outlines of the forms of his intended victims could be seen; which probably accounts for his failure, to ,WU jiutf iRhS-'-evenr : occupant ot the room. The first to suffer at the hands of this Insane monster was the' mother. She wns sleeping soundly and without the leant intimation that danger was near. The boy, holding the axe poised above his head, crept slowly to the bed and with all his strength struck his mother squarely on the forehead, crush ing the skuU snd killing her instantly she never knew by whose hand she died. The stghjo blood made him furious and he 'struck her" again and again, until her head was crushed Into a Jelly. ATTACKS SISTERS. The force of the blows falling upon the mother Jarred the bed sufficiently to awaken Bell, a sister of the murderer. 12 years of age. but before she had entirely realized what had taken place she re ceived a blow that rendered her uncon scious. Not content with this he struck her again and sgaln, until he was satis fled that she was dead. The girl did not regain consciousness before she died. After beating his mother and Bell till he was thoroughly convinced that they were dead he turned his attention to an other bed In the rdom. where the twin children. Adeline and Ray, were sleeping, whom be attacked, fracturing their skulls with a single blow before they could utter a cry for mercy. The next to receive the onslaught of the mantaa was Agnes, sged 10, whom he struck with such force as to crush her head Into a Jelly at a single blow. He returned to the twins and struck them both a num ber of times on their bodies. A HELRLESS BABE BUFFERS. , Even the' Innocent little baby did not escape the maddened brute: The dis turbance had awakened It. and not receiv ing the usual attention from Its mother, who lay sold in death at its side,-began to cry. Thin seemed to increase the frenay of the boy, who made a rush lo the bed and struck the belplesslnfanta tterrlBleblow on the chest, from the ef fects of which it died soon after. The little victim was Just 15 months old. musKbe careful Casey Given Instruction Rot to Be Too Severe. WASHINGTON, Oct lO.-Mbdlfled in structions were sent Admiral Caroy. di-r-ctinjf him to use judgment and not to be extreme in severity, and endeavor to avoid arousing the opposition of the Co lombian government towards the Ameri- TO TAKE- CHARGE The following notice was received yea terday by Mr, Bernard . McGlnnis. .who has temporary charge' of the local hy drographle ofHce: "Navy Department, Washington, D. C -Mr. W. H. Ledbetter; has been trans ferred from tho branch' ydrographlo of-, flee at Port TownSend, Wash., to taka charge of the branch hydrographlo of fice in Portland. Of. i . W. IL H. SOCTHERLAND. ' Commander U. S. Navat, Hydrographer. MliMlhn!li ,w8LHW Kth offloi ) aa messenger.- ;. '" v"i"' - 'i -. v When he- had beaten the Inanimate forms of his victims till he was satisfied that they were all dead he left the room taking the axe with him, evidently In tending to mete out the same fate to his brothers, who had not been aroused! by the disturbance in the room of the mother. He walked silently down -the hall to the front room, where the brothers were sleeping, first striking the light hi the hall. Just as he opened the -door one of the brothers awoke and beheld a sight which almost caused the blood to ireeie In his veins. There tfi the doorway, di rectly in the center, of the panel of light which streamed in from the ball, stood the maniac, still grasping the bloody axe and staring wildly at the occupants of the bed. At first the awakened brother thought he must be dreaming, and Shook his brother who was in bed With him to wake him. No sooner bad he made tho move than with a cry resembling that of an enraged beast the murderer, raising the axe above, his bead. leaped into the room, slamming the door after him and rushed for the bed. atriking-wlth all his might the place where he supposed his brother was lying. But theboys, realUm that their lives were in danger, were Wide) awake In an Instant, and at the same time the door was closed they slipped from the bed to the floor. The room was now In darkness and the demon began striking right and left, in hopes that his intended victims would get within range of 'a.tteB'aaean'Wt FOUGHT FOR THEIR LIVES. - . The boys both, remained on the floor, keeping absolutely quiet, scarcely dating to breathe for fear It would attract the attention of the ' fiend to Where ? they were hiding. After belaboring the bed un til he thought both the boys? had- been killed the frenxled boy started; to leave the room. ' Just aa he opened the door letting in the light, he discovered ono : of-the . brothers. James, aged. JO years, arising from his position on the floor. Like a flash" he . turned upon him and struck him a glancing blow slightly cut ting his arm. In an instant James grabbed a rocking chair to protect him self as best ho could. Around the room they struggled for some time, the Insane boy striking the chair aa, rapidly as pos sible, literally cutting it to pieces. . FIGIIT LIKE DEMONS.' Finally the weapon, the handle of which was wet with the blood of his mother and sisters, slipped from hla grasp, enabling his brothers to grapple with him, which they lost no time In do ing. Then ensued a terrible struggle be tween three brothers, one' of. whom was a raving maniac and tho others flghtlnC for their lives, ound and round the room for their Uvea Round and round the room times it was feared the boys would be un able f get the upper hand Of their an- -tagontst. Finally, after the struggle had lasted over an hour. James and his bro ther succeeded in overpowering tha maIlao, and at once delivered him over to the police. ' . - ' . , WELL KNOWN INVENTOR, ' The perpetrator, of this horrible crime was an Inventor and for some, time ho has been greatly worried over an air brake that he had invented and on which a patent was pending. On being Ques on.H in twrard; to last night's work ho could say nothing about it. as his mind is concerned. He. as well as uie entire family) are well known and highly re spected. . ' . v - 4 1 ' . -SAN FRANCISCO Next Encampment Goes Golden GateGtv. to the WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. Saa Francisco was selected aa the place where the next Grand Army encampment will be held. . V-J.ECT PRESIDENT. '- h L WASHINGTON.' Oct 10. The Woman's Relief Corps last nign eiti dusky of Taylor. Minn.; president, and Mrs. qeraldlne Frtabyot California, N. tional, senior vice-president. -.m . CUBA CELEBRATES" Prisoners Get Amnesty on Anni versary of First War WithSpaln. HAVANA. Oct. 10.1-There Is. a great celebration la Cuba today, it being fie thirty-fourth anniversary of the first wa wftb Spain. In honor of the day Presi dent Palroa granted amnesty to all shorl term prisoners and redueed the saun,t t all than. V .fir .i.:t;..