-, f V:,.;-. : TH5 WEATCR.. in; variaoi winds. vol. i. K6:jie3, PORTLAND, OREGON, TII1JKS DAY EVENING, OCTOBEB " 9, 1902. PRICE 4 FIVE i CENTS. Plillilillgi A GAME OF BLUFF dark and Harriman Can't Get Together sMtorthreAtens Says He Will Parallel the Oregon Short Line to Coast if They Won't Male Terms. SALT LAKE. Oct . Sanator Clark of fcrs the Oregon Short Lin railroad $10.' 000,000 for 360 miles of road aouth of Bait Lake.' Harriman Is holding out for CSV 090,000.'- Clark threatens to parallel the Short Line and build the Ban Pedro, Loa Angeles and Bait Lake, through to the Coast, unless Harriman cornea to terms. Two years ago Senator Clark headed a company organised for the purpose of building a railroad from here to Ban Pedro, Cal., and purchased all the term' inal lines In that city. Work on the pro Jectod route has been going on for some time and every assurance was made that the line would be built. Immediately af ter tho Oregon Short Line officials found that another short line to the coast was contemplated, they commenced building extensions to their road, running In a southwesterly direction through this state, saying at the time that they in tended to head Clark off by building a road through to Loa Angeles themselves and when the Clark crowd began to se cure a right of way it was found that the Short Line people bad practically corraled every plausible route. Clark at once went into court and won out, and now has a splendid route to the coast. However, in order to save time he wants to buy what the Oregon Short Line has built In that direction, consequently the game of bluff between the heads of the two roads was a result. MANY SUICIDES Epidemic of Self Destruction Strikes the Bay City, ( Journal Special Service.) BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. . An epidemic of suicides has struck the Bay city, and scarcely a day passes thaf one or more -are not reported to the pjce. Within the past three weeks 22 despondent mor tals have passed to the other side through their own agency, and the means em ployed have been everything from suffoca tion by gas to death in the waters of the bay. This morning a man and woman were discovered dead in their lodgings, having taken carbollo acid. Their names were not learned. Shortly after the bodies were removed to the Morgue the police were notified that the body of a rirl wan found In Tier room with" the gas Jets turned on In full force. The girl's name was Nora Collins and for some time she had been a domestic In the employ of Mrs. Parrott. owner of the Emporium block. No cause for her suicide is known. MUNICIPAL NEEDS DISCUSSED. WSSSSSSSSSSVSSSBWMSt IOWA CITY, la., Oct. 9. At this morn ing's session the delegates to the annual vmtBlt or the TOWS League' of Municl , palltles listened to Interesting and In structive papers, dealing with taxation of personal property, the cost of street lighting, and the filtration of public water supplies. The speakers included Professor Charles S. Magowan, of Iowa City, W. H. Bremer, of Dea Moines, and Professor G. W. Blssell, of Ames. Prior to final adjournment late this af ternoon the convention will choose officers for the year and select the date and place BARKERS COMING Party Enroote From San Francisco to Portland. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 9. The special train bearing the party of Eastern bank ers left here last night over the Shasta rout Tor Portland, where they will loejc Into the affairs of theft- large holdings In that vicinity. The bankers spent the day here yesterday looking over the city with a view of probable investments, some of them already : being interested in various enterprises here. FOR DESERTION. Deputy United States Marshal Roberta V. arrested Alex Joalland, a sailor, yester day, on -a charge . of fleseTtion. The charge was preferred by C. H. Lahbe, French Consul In this city. Joalland xf taken; to thtr donrrty Ja4J and laekted, .uffc, Ha will be examined today by United Btatea Commissioner Bladen. STEAMERS COLLIDE. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Oct fc The Clyde steamer Apache collided with the steamer Iroquois of the same line, 10 . miles off shore this morning. The Apache made the harbor with, difficulty, but in INDIANS I M 114 A I hiur Swear They Will Go On theWarpatL ";':, SSSS1SSSSS ' AN OFFICER KILLED Redskins on Rampage Because of Reduced Rations Troops : ." Wanted. NAPER, Neb.. Oct 9. The" Sioux In dians of the Rosebud Agency are in a state of great unrest, and threaten to go on the warpath on account of a reduction of rations and the refusal of the Gov ernment to allow them the sale of wood. Boss Farmer Edward Taylor was shot dead yesterday by Red Bear, who a few hours earlier killed another Indian named Johnnie Shaw. IN UGLY MOOD. DENVER, Oct. 9. A dispatch to Gov ernor Orraan this morning Indicates that the Indians who shot Game Warden Har ris yesterday are moving rapidly north ward to the fall hunting grounds near Neeler. The Sheriff of Rio Grande County appealed to the Governor to have troops In readiness to move "in case of further violence, saying that the Indians were In a very ugly spirit. A BAD ACCIDENT Two Ladies Injured by a Runaway Team in Salem. (Journal Sneclal Service. t SALEM, Oct. 9. -Mrs. F. N. Smith and Miss Sarah Ricks, living near this city, when on the way out of town to their home, met with a distressing acldent. which came near proying fatal, yester day., afternoon. . Wen, paspjng the Capi tol they collided with a runaway team coming In the opposite direction, and tho two teams and vehicles piled up in a hopeless tangle on the street. Heip was soon at hand, when it was found that one of the runaway horses was lying on the two ladles and their wrecked buggy. The animal was rolled off the unfortun ate women and, the latter were at once conveyed to the hospital near at hand. They were insensible and It was feare'l both were fatally hurt. Fortunately this was not the case, Mrs. Smith having esrared with a few bruises, while Miss Ricks has sustained , a severe Fcalp wound and her right shoulder wa badly bruised. The first named lady was ablo to return to her home last nighty while Miss Ricks remained in the hospital, where she will be cared for during the next few days. The runaway team wis the property of the driver of :he WblteaJkAr. stage, ..and. one of ttiem. a. fractious colt, was the cause of the trouble. " The vehicles were both badly damaged. LEVEL PARDONED Judge and District Attorney Asked for His Release. (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Oct. 8. Governor T. T. Gecr has granted a commutation of the sen tence of Louis Level, serving a term of two years In the penitentiary for the larceny of some tools. Level was sent up from Portland for assisting another man to break Into a toolhouse and lak- out a number of tools. He stated th.it lie 'believed the-toola to - be -those -ofhis companion, and thejr took them to -be used In a job of work on the following day.- He was sentenced to two years, commencing his term of service last February. The commutation was grant ed on the recommendation of the trial Judge and the District Attorney. Th? Judge stated, in recommending clemency, that facts bad come to his knowledge, since the trial that, had they been known to him at the time of passing judgment he would have given the young man a lighter sentence. SHAW YIELDS Will Probably Resign the Treawry Pprtf olio Very Shortly. NEW TORIC Oct 9. There Is but lit tle ddubt that Secretary Shaw will, soon resign the Treasury portfolio in compli ance with the desires of high officials. The Advertiser in today's issue, refer ring to the matter, says: " - , "Secretary BhaW WiH, at the- suggestion of- high officials, resign the Treasury port folio as soon as the money market has resumed its normal condition. He will probably be succeeded by Crane. How ever, It Is announced that Shaw will be given another high official position." - j C,. REPORT DENIED. J - 'WASHINGTON.' Oct. . The report that Secretary Bhaw' intends to resign Is de nied at IM Xraaatirf Pepartitoeak. " ' THE JOURNAL MONIC INTERVIEWS MR. SCOTT IN NEW YORK. (By The Journal's Special Monk Corre- , - spondent) . SBW YORKOcc 1 Interviewed jthe N Hon. IL W. Scott, when he arrived here a rout to Europe, regarding politics In Oregon. I found him talkative, excepting on the subject of his own candidacy, and the attitude of those MitoheJT Republ lo ans, who object to the present Junior Senator supporting the great editor". "Mr. Scott," said L "how stands Mr. Fulton?" . "About as much show as a snowball in Tartarus.' , "How about Mr. Geer?"' "Won't know he's running." "Does Mr. Hlrsch stand to- win V "He'll get lost In Vie senatorial shuffle." "Will Jonathan be in It T" "Jonethifh himself doesn't even expect to receive half a dosen votes." . And so on to the end of the list of can didates, until finally I came to 'Mr. Scott himself. " "How about you, Mr. Scott T" "I! Who said I was a candidate? Hav en't I said I wasn't? Haven't I Told the people I wouldn't be In the running? Why in thunder do you bother me with such questions?" "But, Mr. Scott, people out In Oregon believe that you have gone away and left your candidacy In the hands ot Ted Piper, Judge McGinn and Jack Matthews, and that they propose to coerce Senator Mitchell and the other Mitchell Repub licans into supporting you? Are those people back there all fools to think such things?" MINERS PREPARING FOR A BLOODY Foreign Strikers Are Nightly Drilling With Winchesters A Thousand Rounds of Ammunition Confiscat'dby Officers Operators -Send for Mitcheil to 1 Confer With -Them Reply to the Appeal of Roosevelt Portland Labor Unions to Raise WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. President follows: as "Hon. Commissioner Wright has doubtless reported the delivery of your message to me on Monday, and my state ment that I would' take It under advisement, -although I did not regard It favorably. Since then I have consulted with the district presidents, who concur In my views. We desire to again assure you that we feel keenly the responsibility of our position and the gravity of the situation. It would give me- great pleasure to take any action that would bring" the strike to an end in a manner that would be a safeguard tp the interests of our constituents. . In our propositions at the conference In the White House we believed we had gone more than half way and had met your wishes. It Is unneces sary to refer to the malicious assault made upon us in response by the operators. Having In mind our experiences with operators In the past, we have no rsason to feel any degree of confidence In their willingness to do Justice In the future, inasmuch as they refused to accept a decision of a tribunal selected by ou, and as there Is no law whereby you could enforce the findings of the commission you suggest we respectfully decline o advise the resumption of work simply at upon the hepe that the operators might We appreciate your solicitude for the people who will suffer from the continuance of the strike, but feel that not on us this terrible state of affairs should be placed, but upon the side which refused o allow a fair and Impartial Investlga- J'Vtbn:" ------ . ' --- ----- WILL FORCE ISSUE. I gathered outside of Senator Piatt's NEW YORK, Oct. 9. All the presidents j office eagerly waiting for some announce except Baer are In conference this after- ' ment to be made as to the result of t?e noon with Piatt, Quay, Odell, Penrose and "conference. Lauterbach. It Is unofficially understood , that the three Senators are making a J MITCHELL NOT THERE. proposition r xne ictiitnwni i m strike, and If the coal presidents refuse to accept they will attempt to force the Is sue. t SCRANTON, PA., Oct. 9. Positive proof has been secured that the foreign miners are preparing for war this morn ing In the capture of a large quantity of ammunition. A thousand rounds of ammunition wero confiscated and the consignee, 6 Pas sola. In company with a companion, wis arrested at an early hour this morning. This confirms the report that the foreign strikers have been arming themselves, pFvp&ratory. 10. carrying pn a Warfare in the coal Holds. In addition to this it has been rumored for several days that tho strikers near Johnson settlement have been drilling-; nightly, fully armed with Winchester rlfies. Passola, the man to whom the ammunition was sent.. Is said to be the leader of the foreign element j and is said to have urgea them on until they are on the verge of an outbreak. It Is deemed best to eXert extra efforts to watch the actions of the miners at "OlI phant. The officers have been looking for ie velopments of this nature for some time and have been keeping a strict watch for Indications that would lead to thf dis covery that ammunition was being ship ped, to the strikers. Tms morning they were notified of the arrival of the cart ridges and waited until- they were de livered, when they made the arrest This la the second shipment ot ammunition that has been intercepted within three days. - .. SOMETHING DOING. NEW TORK, Oct. . It is expected that some Important developments will be made here In the strike situation" to day owing to a secret conference which was. eslied this merntngr 7- - An important conference Is now; In progress In the office of Senator Piatt, with Senator Quay, Governor Odell and President Mitchell present. There has been nothing given out as to the purpose of .the, conference, but that gret Im portance la attached to It there Is no doubt, as the conferees met -secretly. However, the news has reached : - the financial district that something bit is Impendlag a4 act tauaeaae. row4 baa) . J-: " "Those recalcitrant Mitchell Republic ans and federal office-holders who don't want to support 'me are a lot of blamed idiots. They" are inviting my eternal en mity, and wllj suffer in the future when they have to receive the doses of literary vitriol I will pour over their devoted heads." 4 "So, you are' a candidate, then, are you?" , Mitchell's reply to President Roosevelt was " be Induced or forced to comply with the - - - - NEW YORK, Oct. . At noon It was learned that President Mitchell was not at the conference held In Seator Piatt's office, but Instead ha has been with. E. If. Harriman of the Union Pacific Rail road all day. After leaving President Mitchell refused to say whom was pres ent In Harriman's office and what took place. The conference In the office of Senator Piatt still continues, and the crowd on the outside Is Increasing every minute. GOES AFTER MORGAN. NEW YORK. Oct. ". Edwin Lauter bach, a prominent lawyer and politician, left he Platt conference rooms at 11:34 and went to J. Plerpont Morgan's office. It Is generally believed that he Is en deavoring to obtain Morgan's personal participation In the meeting. He refused to say anything, however. CONFERENCE WAITS FOR MITCHELL. NEW TORK. Oct . The Piatt confer ence adjourned to meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon, when President Mitchell and Secretary HammerUne of the Miners Union will be present. Attorney Lauter bach made this statement: "My visit to Mr. Morgan this morning was for the purpose of making an attempt, througn him, to end the strike. He was not in bis office, but we will, however, see him this afternoon, also President Mitchell." He declined to discuss the natter fur ther. TRAINS DYNAMITED. WILKESBARRE, Pa.. Oct. . While the troop trains ware passing on the Lehigh Valley road last night, dynamite, near Jenlf ins' switch, wrecked an extra freight and seven cars of cattle were de molished and many of the animals killed and wounded, Italians, are believed to be the guilty parties. ' '"KILLED Bt MILITIaT SHENANDOAH, Pa,, Oct. I. The first fatality due to the militia, was reported here this morning. Last night John Durham, a miner, wan dered Inside the plokst lines of the militia, near the collieries. Private Wamsworth, who was on guard at the time, saw the man and challenged him i repeatedly and 4 gstUnJf & respdoae, find at Xtohaaa, But the great editor puffed up with in dignation and refused to spealf further It is understood here that Mr. Bcott took a run over to Washington to select his seat in the United States Senate chamber, taking one in the oenter of the room, be cause he doesn't know exactly whether or not he will be in the Republican ool- umn until that party declares where Tt stands upon the tariff question- mad publlo this morning, and was " " ' 1 recommendations of your commission. - killing hlra. What the man was doing In side the lines is not known, but it is the Impression that he was unaware that he was the party addressed by the guard, was the reason he did not answer him. On learning of the death of one of their number, the strikers claimed the body of the unforunate man. This is the first death due to the militia. WILL APPOINT COMMISSION. WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. It is believed in official circles here that unless today's conference in New York gives definite promise of a speedy settlement of the coal strike, President, Roosevelt will, ap point a commission to Investigate, despite Mitchell's refusal to. send the miners to work. FRANCE AGITATED. PARIS. Oct. 9. The strike situation in France Is becoming most alarming, and it" is feared that'the "country will be without sufficient fuel to keep the facto ries going. The latest move was made when this morning 800 more miners joined the strikers. MAYOR SCHMITZ PLAYS. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9.-An lmroel crowd Is gathered this afternoon attend ing the benefit at the Alhambra Theatre for the striking miners. There were solos by Mayor Schmltx, who also led the or chestra. BLOW UP A BRIDGE. TAMAQUA, Oct. 9. The railway bridge at Slattery's colliery was dynamited last night t prevent contemplated shipments of coaL PHILADELPHIA, Oct. I.-Presldent Baer today said that be had not re signed, and did not Intend to.' V TO RAISE $10,000 Portland Workers Will Try to Give Big Money. The following call, directed to all presi dents of local unions in the city. Is self explanatory: . -- A CALL I TO UNION " MEN. '' .7 Portland. Or., Oct 9, T 1902; " Dear Sir: I have the honor to request uiwaUaued oa seaoad page4 rr WAR SEARCHING THE GRAFTERS Policemen, Commissioners and North End Leader on Stand Lawyers t ; Books May Be Examined. ; The machinery of the Grand Jury, set In motion by the demands of The Journal, to investigate the open charges of graft made by an official of the city, has lost none ot Its powers of momenr tum. Men from every walk of life have been before the body and given oppor tunity to Impart information which would facilitate the work of unmasking the monster of corruption, which has been alleged to exist. MEN TESTIFIED TODAY. This forenoon ex-Pollce Commissioner C. N. Rankin, Larry Sullivan. August Erlckaon and Police Captain Moore were on the stand, This afternoon ex-Pollce Commissioner Hunt, Tom Coleman, ex special polloeman, Frank Mays, a Worth End saloon-keeper, and three Chinamen wll) be brought tip to give evidence. LINES OF INVESTIGATION. Today's researches are strlatly on tha line of graft. Most all the men before the Jury today have in some way been connected with the police department, in the past or at 'present It graft has, or does exist, they are In a position to tell a story of a sensational oharaoter. It they feel so Inclined. LARRY SULLIVAN. This witness Is an ex-prise fighter, and has been a 'North End political boss for many years. He is on the inside of the workings of the police and departrfTenTB of justice In the city. He has spent CENTRAL BODY . IS ORGANIZED J. A. Hadsea.. ??i4sL?4 Portland Is Headquarters. The International Longshoremen, Ma rine and Transport Workers, who have been In session here for the past thre days, will coocluda tbair work today. Yesterday ft Paclfle Coast branch of the national association was organised, with headquarters in Portland. The following officers were elected: J. A. Madsen, of Portland, president; 3. C. Williams, of San Francisco, vice president; Thomas Arthur, of Portland, secretary and treasure An executive board of tho following members was ap pointed: Messrs. McKevitt, of jlan Fran cisco; Morrison, of Seattle; Waters, of San Diego; Gadsby, of Victoria, and Peas, of Tacoma. The law committee war authorised to draw up a constitution ahdby-laws, which will be submitted to the various affiliated unions on the coast for approval. The executive board was ordered to bring about a uniform .scale of 'wages in all the ports on the coast The executive board will still be in session several days. In perfecting the constitution and by-lawa. The next convention will be held In Ban Francisco In October, 1903. WHXL0QTE HERE Edward O. Shorrey of Grand Rapids, Mlcni, la the latest Easterner to be at tracted by the vast resources in the Northwest and Invest his capital here. Mr. Shorrey is a practical lumberman and mlllman and will engage in the manu facture of shingles at Ballard, on .Puget Sound. He expects to have his mill in operation by the first of November; which will have a capacity of anout 300,000 dally. Portland, however, will be his base or operations as" he believes it the most advantageous point en the Pacific Coas in which, to do business. He will open an office and shingle yard here as soon as he gets' started and become Identified with the city's interests. ;bvC0AL COMING HERE Germany Shipping Coal Back to the United States, NEW TORK, Oct . The British steamer Mariano has been chartered for the pur pose o conveying 4000 tons of anthracite coal from Hamburg, which was shipped to Germany last year. The Brauer line Is said to have purchase 29,000 tons of Pennsylvania anthracite coal, which has been lying at 20 different places In Ger many., and will, have the coal shipped back to the United States at once. ELECTS STEWART To Be Commander-in-Chief of the . G. JLR. WASHINGTON. Oct ; .-rThs Grand Army,, elected Thomas Stewart, of Penn sylvania ajr nnJiderii-ettV FOR money in electioneering that was donated) by factions In power, and the source efl which might be of Interest to the publics He has been an alleged middle maa be tween the powers behind the curtain and) the outsiders. In many cases what ha said went. In the way of political plums. Was for years a special policeman. Ha has during his career had several battles with the regular police department ta retain his star and was always success ful in his fights. He served through several administrations, but was finally , discharged for. alleged misconduct on bis) beat. It Is alleged by those en the 'in side that he transferred his beat to an other party, but still gets a share ot thfc proceeds from the work. EX-COMMISSIONER HUNT During his administration, he la Said tf, have been disgusted with the shortcom lngs of the police department and re algned rather than be a party to a pro ceedlng which was contrary, to his Ideat of honesty and justice. NEW LINE OF PROCEEDING. - 7 A prominent attorney stated this mora log, that It would be a good Idea for the) grand . jury to make an examination ot the books of some of the lawyers In tha city, and find where some of their feea had come from in the past. Also to get them on the stand and tell what they know in relation to the relations that ex ist, or have, existed between them and ofllcers on the. police force, A GOOD SHOWING Extensive Road Work-Being Donx ..in Marion County. (Journal Special Se'rvlce.y . -SALEM, Oct 9. County" Clerk ' J. W, Roland yesterday completed.. Ills' report for the' six months ending September 30. The total expenditures of the county for the six months named were t38.9G4.10. Thla Includes rebate of fees In divorce suits, under the decision of the Supreme Court, 4S0, and tl7.58T.4S road work,,' In the mat ter of 'road and bridge improvement tha , expenditures exceeded those of the same , term last year by over O2.000; this Is duo to the extended permanent Improvement ;, made In the past six months, and to tha fact that the road poll tax, amounting ta SG&OO, was collected in cash and then ex pended, thus showing it as an expenditure . vit the county, when the same worst la ; previous years did not show on the coun ty records. The showing made is a very . creditable one. ajod.:.the. fact., that Marlon -County is now out of debt and on a cash) basis leads the publio to hope that mora . money will be expended In permanent , k road improvements In the early future-, j A FATAL WRECK Engineer Killed . and . Fireman Injured on Norertt Fadflci (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA, Oct. 9. News la Just xe . ceived of a fatal railroad accident Which) occurred this morning near Weston, small station on the Northern. Pacific, la. . Kings County near the Kittitas line. - Ow,' t ing to a broken rail a freight engine left r the track while running at a high rata of speed, and was almost completely de, ? mollshed. .Engineer- William MJscho wa Instantly killed and Fireman Emerton re . ceived injuried which .willipjobably re suit fatally . - CONFESSED .MURDER Two Men Are7 Serving Sentaince for Anothers Crime . BUTTE. Oct 9 Word has been received! here from WUkesbarre, Pa., that E. W. Tourey, ot Scranton, has confessed tha$ he was the murderer of Rose Kranta, off which crime Thomas Hanly and.LHka. Kelly are serving 20-year sentences la Montana, having already- served sere years. "" Hanly was president of the sil ver Btrtr Trades and-Labor Assembly. " CONVICTS "ESCAPE. . " '. SSaBBsaSSSBBSBSSSBSSSBBSB ' ; ;-J 7 - ay, ."''"- SANTA FE, Oct- 9. Seventeen ecnvlcts working In a stone quarry; two, taUea. north wtst here; owrpowsrad" thrtr twor gitards and took their guns away from them. Only two 'of tha ga escaped.. The" others remained and libatated tha guards. 'A posse and biooohonnda are la pursuit . , ' , ".','' CHARTERS YACHT, NEW TORK, Oct 9,-Chaa, Schwsb has chartered DrtxeTs steam yacht Margarlt and will spend tha wiatep la tha Medlur ' -).. 1..-