''.' I flTE OHEGON DAILY JOtJHKAX; PORTLAyP, WEDNESDAY "EVISNTyti; OCirOBEB 1902. The Oregon Daily Journal rxzxxz: Chance For profitable Invettment , It indicated by the REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED "AD." offering In THE JOURNAL today. ' C6e Journal's Classified Page Is a good page to road Real Estatf Days, and In fact, every day. THESE ADS. SELL REAL ESTATE! H H M s M H S lilUMMHNHIEIllIIUU ATTORN EY8. Caxtoh, Beach & Simon, 610 Chamber pf Commerce Geo. J. Cameron, Attorney at Law, 718 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. i K. UoMnohii, 722 ChamBer of Commerce. END TOUR WANT ADS to The Journal for results. Phone Main 600. BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. Free use of instruments. Wanted players for clubs. Hal. Webber In structor, 717 Marquara bids. 1 BILLIARD PARLORS. jrJTET NAlftHLQNSETTnilLLIARD P AR lors, 128 th St. Office Brown's Orch. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. John A. Melton, carpenter and builder, 807. Stark at.; office and store fixtures built and remodeled, altering and re pair houses. Phone Main 747. CARD ENGRAVERS. WEDDINO AND VISITING CARDS graved; W. G. Smith & Co., Third floor, Washington bldg. CEREAL MILLS. Acme MiTlsoTfanufaurefe Ralston Acme Cereals. 20 & 22 N. Front st COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers in all kinds of coal and wood, 844 Morrison sL VULCAN COAL CO., WHOLESALE dealers best coals, foundry and smelter coke. L. Mttch?iuChiropodUt Knight's Shoo Store, 294 Wash. at. Phone Hood 728,. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME JOHNSTON, clairvoyant and Card reading; tells past, present and future; readings. 60c. 261 Fifth st. MRS. HENDERSON, Clairvoyant, room 6, 85014 Washington st. DENTISTS. ibeodore o. Tnompaon. 60-Rl Wa.hit.o-. ton bldg., Washington and Fourth sta.1 ELECTRIC WORKS. Portland Stark at. Electrical Works Office 353 Western Electric Works. 806tf Wash st EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 6regon Employment Co.. 22TBurnsTaest Help of all kinds wanted. GROCERS. V. Dresser CoT845542wV8hlngton st HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home "urnisners Furniture. 'carnmV parlor goods, stoves, etc. See I Gav urt & Sons, 173-176 First, 818-225 Yaml hill. Both phones 304. BANKS. Ladd & tiltonTbaJTkers Established In 1868. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on fa vorable terms. Letters of credit issued available in Europe and all points in the United States. v ' ,a Sight exchange and telegraphlo trans fers sold on New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omahal San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. w Exchange sold on London, Parle Ber lin, Frankfort. Hong Kong, iokohoma, Manila and Honolulu. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. With which is amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Capital paid up 38,000,00 Reserve , j,XX) ouj Transacts a general banking business. SAVINQS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sum of 110 and uo wards, and interest allowed on mini mum monthly balances. Rates on .re plication. 244 Washlngtaon st. B. A. WYLD. Manager. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK." LIMITED, . Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Btark streets. Head office, 55 Old Broad street, Lon don. This bank transacts a general bank ing business, makes loans, discount bills snd Issues totters of credit avail able for travelers 'and for th. r,- , chase of merchandise In any city of me wunu. uva.in in lureign and do mestic exchange. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Manager. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND, OR. '3 Frank Watson President R. L. Durham Vice-President R- W. Hoyt Cashier Geo. W. Hoyt Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS. , Drafts and letters of credit Issued available to all parts of the world Collection a specialty. Gold 'dust bought. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. Transacts a General Banking Business Diafts issued available In all. cities of the United States nd Europe. 1 President .TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM .Cashier .: F. C. MILLER AINBWORTH NATIONAL BANK CORNER THTRIT ANtn clv cto 3. C. AINS WORTH ..President PERCY T MORGAN Vice-President R. W. SCHMEER AssWant Cashier .Transacts a General Bankng Business. interest on tlm iteftggtta. J"-"tMM- Safe Deposit Department MORRIS 4 WHITEHEAD ' BANKERS AND INVESTMENTS. - WOLST AND ALDER STREETS, . PORTLAND, OR. DRUGGISTS. Frank, J. StreTbig, drugs, toilet article. perfume, ili wasningrcan as, i . ;- CORNICESSKYLIGHTS- Metal Skylights, Galvanized ' Iron Cor- nice. . Mrtr, Hna at FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALL SAFE, standard of tha - world; safe sold on easy payments; trad your old safe for a n.w one. Norrt Saie A tocic c- u jnrat st 5 , GASOLINE LAMPS. H. W. MANNING Lighting and Supply Co. Latest improved gasoline lann. xn dixm street, roruano, ure. HOUSES FOR RENT. DONALD G. WOODWARD, 848 Stark St., renu and lnsurea Phone Main 86. READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS of xne Journal if you wia to buy, tell or HARNESS. ' COLLINS PRESTON" WILSON SoT The; best value and largest stock; ex press ana buggy harness a specially. , Wholesale and r.talL Second and Tay lor at. HOTELS. Hotel Belvedere, European plan. Fourtk aim juaer sua. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE. 2K Sherlock bid. Oregon phone Main JA8. Mc. I. WOOD, Concord Building, 'phone 47, Employer's Liability Insur ance, represents- American Bonding Trust Co. Fire Insurance. ARTHUR WILSON. Sherlock Building-, 'phone 1008, represents the Alliance and the Home Fire and Marine Ins. Cos. JEWELERS. Geo. O. Brandenburg ft Co., Engravers, Mfg. Jewelers.,88 3d. Phone Hood 437. The L. C. Henrlchsen Co.. Jewelers and opticians, 284 Washington L The G. Heltkemper Co., manufacturing Jewelers. 286 Morrison at. LAUNDRIES. PACIFIC LAUNDRY CO., 829 and 281 Ar thur st., cor. First Lowest prices con sistent With good work. Prompt deliv ery. Oregon Phone. i49. Clean towels daily. Comb, brush, soaft. 81 per month. Novelty Supply Co., 40 42 N. Ninth st. Tel., 410. 'TOWELS, soap, comb and brush, $1 per mo. Oregon Laundry Co., Phone E. 13. MASSAGE. MDME. H. E. ELY, dermatolyoglst, massage, electric treatments. 193 First st. MEQICAL. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOTT. success fully treats and cures all diseases of wo men. Successful home treatment by mail. 308 Salmon St., bet 6th and 6th. SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO. removed to 611 DeKum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to Loan on city lots and Im proved farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., 843 Stark st. W. A. HATHAWAY Money to loan. 10 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 418. 4 per cent money to loan. 245 Stark st. READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS of The Journal if you wish to buy, veil or trade. MONUMENT8. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 720 Front st. Fine work, low prloes. NAVAL ARCHITECT. Fred A. Ballln, 43 2d St., Tel. Oak 78, na val architect and mechanical engineer. PALMIST. MRS. STOCKS, Scientific Palmist; read ings 60o and 31. Fifth st, opp. Post office. PERSONAL. CAFE KRATZ, 122 Sixth St A fine lunch served at all hours. MME. AZA HOLME8, Complexion. Hair, Skin and Scalp Specialist, may be con sulted dally free. 311 Morrison St. PHOTOGRAPHERS. E. W. Moore, crayon and oil portraits. Third and Washington at. PLUMBERS. Taylor & Stanton, plumbing and steam fitting. 88 Sixth st RESTAURANT8. Strouse's Restaurant; first-class meals: best service. 229 Washington st RUBBER STAMPS. BUSBY LESH CO. Rubber stamps. Seals. Stencils, etc., 417 The Dekum. SPECIAL DELIVERY. Post Special Delivery. No. 200 Wash ington. Phones, Or. Main 962, CoL 261. STQRAGENJDJTRANSFER. C. O. Pick, omce 88 First st, bet "sltark and Oak: phone 696. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. , TIMBER CLAIM8 LOCATED. DO YOU want to locate sugar and yellow pine timber claims? The best to be had. Apply 423 Ablngton Building. TIMBER LANDS FOR 8ALE. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATION - -20 yellow pine timber claims; cruise 8,000,000. 10 homestead timber claims; fine fir; cruise 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 to the quarter section; rees reasonable; money obtained to prove-up on If de sired. WM. HAWKS. Room 806 Commercial Bldg. HAVE BONA FIDE purchaser for good timber lands; principals only. Wm. Hawks, room 30& Commercial bldg. WALL paper; HTpTCTirStensen. waTf "pa"perer anJ painter. 141 Seventh t. corner Alder Ernest Miller A Co., waU paper and dec orators. 127 First St. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Wsdham & Co.. whoiesal grocer, man utacturers and commission merchants. 64 and 68 Front st ATleh & "Lewis wholesale grocer, Pert t land. Ore. Mason, Ennnan wholesale groo' , eyaN.,-W-ogr, geeend a Pine at. - Lang A Co.. First and Ankeny at. READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS o! The Journal u you wisa u buy, seJl or trade. 4- Read The Journil HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 1 women. Since old Dr, , Kessler'a return they nave been treat ing 37 womea dally In the ladles' dc ; partment They can treat 4.9 mora. Cull . or writ for home system. Enclose 2C 2-eent itimM. - Addnu 8t Louis Mcdi cai and Surgical Dispensary, cor. SuoikI , ana xammu at., .roruana. jr. 21 GIRLS AND WIDOWS to work to my tor at $9 per week; give full name and addre. , Uarry SmltE, P. O. Box 1064, - HELP WANTED MALE. WANTEBrTr.' men taTbregoniTWaahl ington, Nevada and uta.; ire tare; ' wage 2 to 63 a day; long jobs, C. R. Hansen 4t Co.. 28 N. Seoond st GOOD MAN WANTED to present a flnan cial proposition. 845 Stark at BEND YOUR WANT ADS to The Journal for result. Phone Main 600. ROOMS FOR RENT. THE LOCKWOOD. 361H Morrison st Furnlsbed rooms; transient, rnon Oregon South 806. THE CASTLE 37J Wash.; rooms for gen tlemen; transient Tel. South 761. LOST. LOST Monday night ' In or between Allsky building and Imperial Hotel, ladies' surse containing 820 gold, some silver, j rings. Leave at journal qmce 289 Yamhill st, for reward. HOUSE FOR 8ALE. HOMES TO 8ELL on small monthly pay ments. 246 Stark at TICKET OFFICES. Overland Cut Rate Ticket Office, 140 Third st; 35 to 320 saved to all point. Typewriters. The gmitto-Premler Typewriter, 122 Third street All makes of typewriters for rent Supplies for all machine. L, a M. Alexander & Co., agent. e ssp W. A. Rldeout. Agent BUnkensdarfer Typewriter. 264 SUrk St. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. RELIABLE STEAM CLEANING & DY ing Co.: clothes called for and delivered. Phone Hood 668. H. Kaufman 184 3d st CIGARS AND TOBACCO. SMOKE OUR OWN MIXTURE Can't be beat Big Slchel & Co.. 92 3d st. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFE of D. E. Davis. Your repairs and lockouts safely done. 66 3d, P. JOHNSON & CO, manufacturers Peer less Health Cereals, 132-4 -Front St.. . JEWELERS. A. A WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison st MODEL-MAKER. For first-class repairing go to Andy Frits machinist and model-maker, 110 6th st TENDERS WANTED. OROPOSALSFOR MACHINERY FO SECTIONAL DRY DOCK FOR PORT OF PORTLAND, PORTLAND, OR. No. 666 Worcester Building, Portland, Or. Sealed proposals will be received and opened on October 9, 1902, at 4 p. m., at the above office. In one amount for all the machinery for the Sectional Wooden Dry Dock for the Port of Portland, embracing centrifugal pumps, piping and valves, electric motors and wiring, etc., for same, capstans, cleats, keel and bilge block tackle, centering shores, etc., according to plans and specifications prepared by J as. E. Blackwell, consulting engineer, Dexter Horton -building,- flattle, Washr -- Plans and specifications will be sent to firms guaranteeing to submit bids for the entire plant upon written application, which must be received on or before Sep tember i&, and must be accompanied by a certified check of 3100 drawn to the or der of the Port of Portland, which will be returned upon receipt of bid and plans snd specifications. If plans and specifica tions are not returned within 20 days of opening bids, check will he forfeited. The right to reject any or all bids or to waive defects Is reserved. Full information can be obtained, and applications should be made to the con sulting engineer, or to E. T. C. STEVENS. Clerk of the Board. Notice is hereby given that on the 2d day of October. 1902, Louis Robinson of Portland. Or., was duly adjudicated bank rupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at room 600, Cham ber of Commerce building, Portland, Or., on the 21st dav of October. 1902. at 2 o'clock p. in'., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove th,elr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated, Portland, Or., October 7, 1902. ALEX 8 WEEK, Referee in Bankruptcy. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Emma S. T. Alexander and husband - to Anna M. Cremen, lot 2, block 63, citv 8 6 A. B. Manley-aB4,v!f,tvMa.vSi .Mr-.v.vi gan, lot 4, block t, Lincoln fark Annex 175 The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Lotta C. Smith, lots 1. 2, 3, 14, 15, lfi. block 8. Holladay Park add 3900 Wm. Holl to C. O. Briscoe and wife. sV, WH, eft, sw sec 31, twp. 1 s.. r. 1 e - 1 Rachel M. Briscoe and husband to Wm. Holl. same 1 Jas. Bennett and wife to C. G. and R. M. Briscoe, lots 1 to 4 and frac tional lots 9 to 11, and lots 33 to 35. block 24. West Portland Park.. 360 Portland Masonic Cemetery Co. to S. Beml. nvt lot lbts, sec. 1, Port land Masonic Cemetery Co........ 46 H. N. Scott and Wife to J. E. Black burn, lot 8, block 2, Mount Tabor Villa Annex 1 Chas. E. Hall to Ralph Feeney, lot 83. Bodley's aaa 1500 Sheriff by unknown owner to H. N. Scott, lot 8. block 3 Mount Tabor Villa Annex . 6 Harvey A. Pittenger and wife to Mrs. Anna Honsun, lot 8. block 10, Lincoln Park 140 p. H. Marray to Anna Bernstein, wft lot 16, block 38. Sell wood. ' 1 C. G. and R. M. Briscoe to A. B. Coffin, lot 32 ana fractional lot 33 to 35, block 24, West Portland Park E00 Alnsworth National Bank to Fred 81nger. lot 7. block 15, Lincoln Park 150 Thos. E. Ashley and wife to J. C. Alnsworth, 413,697 quare ft Grav er's add 1100 Theodore Altona and wife to Georgte A. fomeroy, liux;: rt. lot 8, block 13, Portland Homestead 1 Maeleay Estate Co. to W. A. Gwynn. lot 8. block 19, Lincoln Park Annex 150 Walter A Smith and wife to W. K. Smith, 96x990x680x1004 ft. com mencing 230 ft. e. of nw. cor. block 101, Portland, thence running ., eto .... - 8500 A. V. Fotkman to Emma Damm. lot 12 to 14. block 9, Germania add.... E00 Sheriff for L. M. Sen u Its to C. Bircher, lot 6, 7, block 2. Brush' ' add 7 w Get your Title Insurance and Abstract to Real Estate from the Title Guarantee tt Trust Co,, Chamber pf Commerce. BUILDro(r PERMITS. " J.Cv I,.rign, repairs, Larrabe and Broadway; 3600. . O. 8. Olaen. 1ft story dwelling, Knott and Mississippi avenue; 81 000. - Spinach ha medicinal properties equal to all good pill ever madf BUTTE - A iiilRNER Seattle JaKes a Game . From Tigerse PORTLAND DOWNED Helena Has a Cinch on Third Place - Various Interesting otes. Northwest League. Yesterday' core Helena, 3: Portland, 0. Seattle, 1; Tacoma. 0. Butte, 4; Spo kane, 3. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. P. C. Butte 691 Seattle 678 Helena 636 Portland -4i Taooma 405 Spokane 397 Portland was shut out in the first game of the Helena series yesterday. They will have to win Ave atraight game from Helena in order to get th third place In the percentage oolumns ot the North west League. Tb diamond waa a mud puddle. The fight was a pitchers' bat tle. In the third the visitors brought in three runs. This 1 all tTi business that wa performed during the game by either slue. Thompson, for Helena, struck out nine men. What few hits he did allow were scattering, and no benefit came to the home team from them. Brown,, the center fielder of the Helena team, wa,"hit--oa,;i Wltbeck' pitched bails. Umpire Lynch mad hi first appearance at Portland as an umpire. Last ytar he played here with Tacoma. SCORE BY INNINGS. " ' 128466789 Helena 0 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 08 Portland 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY. Earned runs Helena 1. Bases on balls Off Wltbeck, 2; Off Thompson, 1. Hit by pitcher HAnnivan, Van Buren. Brown. Struck out By Wltbeck, 3; by Thompr son, 9'. Three-base htts--8haffer. Sacrifice hit Shaffer. Holly, Wltbeck. Left on bases Portland. 9; Helena, 6. Double plays Adams to Anderson to Stovall; Stovall (unassisted); Anderson to Weed to Stovall. . Umpire Lynoii. . Attendance 150. SEATTLE WINS OUT. SEATTLE, Oct. 'St Til a downpour ot rain, which became so fierce that the game was called In tha seventh inning. Seattle won out by bringing In a single score. The diamond was muddy and It was Impossible to play good ball with the footing uncertain and the rain beat ing In the faces of the players. SCORE BY INNINQS. 1 2 3 4 6 6 Seattle .....u 0 0 0 0 1 Tacoma 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY. 7 1 00 Earned runs Seattle 1. Base on balls Off Stovall, 2 off Har- mon, 3. Hit by pitcher Letcher, Dalrymple. Struck out By Stovall, 6; by Harmon, 2. Three-base hit Drennan. Stolen bases Klopf, Babbitt. Left on. bas.ej SeattleToma 7. .. Time of game 1:20. Umpire McCarthy . Attendance 200. BUTTE MAKES GOOD. SPOKANE, Oct 6 After a hotly-con tested game, Butte won out by a single run. But for a bad fumble on the part of McKevitt the game would hae gone to the Bunchgrassers. SCORE BY INNINGS. 123466789 SDOkane 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 03 SUMMARY. Earned rami Spokane, 2; Butte 1. Base on balls Oft Pfelster, 4. Struck out By Pfeister, 2; by Roach, 1. Two-base hits McKevitt, Kane, 11c Hale, Ward. Three-base hit Ferris. Sacrifice hits Kelly (2), Ferris, Dona hue, Elsey, Roach, Smith. Stolen bases Donahue. Ward, Zearfosa. Left on bases Spokane, 4; Butte, 6. Time of game 130. Umpire Colgan. Attendance 6uu. LIPTON S CHALLENGE. LONDON, Oct. 8. Sir Thomas Llpton' third challenge for a aerie of races for th America's Cup wa signed yester day at Belfast, Ireland, by the officials of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club. Tne Hon. Charles Russell represented Sir Thomas Llpton. The challenge was Im mediately posted. CORBKTT-RICB. WATERBURY, Conn., Oct 8. A license waa granted to the Waterbury Athletic Club tor a boxing exhibltloA to be held In this city Thursday evening, November 6, in which the bout will be one of twenty rounds between Voung Corbett and Aus tin Rice, of New London. ELECTED OFFICERS. Officers were elected for the ensuing year at a meeting of the Portland Football Club last night: Patron, R. Livingstone; president Georce J. Cameron; captain, Arthur Honey man; secretary-treasurer, Frank Wilder; executive and finance Com mittee, Peter Grant, Alexander Gavin, E. A. S. Cawstui, W. C, Jackson and J. Magee. RACES, AT SPOKANE. SPOKANE. Oct. 8. The result of the race yesUfday were as follows: 2:20 trot Mac Mac won. Idot second; time, 2:22. 2:23. " , ' Saven-eiehth of a mile -Burdock won. Tlng-a-Llng second; Haveco tnlrd; time. 1:83. Mil nd a sixteenth, handican Jul Gyp won. Sailor seoond, Btromo third: time. 1:62." i . . Three furlongs, handicapQueen T. won, Big Dutch second. Rattler third; tgne. 0:36 1-4. , - ' ' . TOUNO CORBETT SPARS. PHILADELPHIA, Oct t Last night Eddie Lenny adj Toons; Corbett sparred rlx round. Lenny was knocTtea down ft number of times. But for the dose of the last round Lenny would have been knocked out. WESTERN , RACING CIRCUIT. BUTTE, MonL. Oct 8. A ntpvement I on foot 'Among well-known Montana turfmen, together with horsemen of Den' ver and Colorado 8prings, to -organise a Western Racing Circuit Races will be held at Colorado Springs, Butte and Anaconda next year.- It 1 one of th biggest racing; projects In the West In many years, and It Is understood ha every prospect of going through. Charley Clark, on of Senator W. A. Clark, the Montana millionaire mine fTwner. is said to be In the project FOR SPOKANE FAIR. O. R. e N.-M4c-Lew-Rtr including On Admission Coupon. For the Spokane Interstate Fair at Spo kane, October to 14. the O. R. & N. makes the low rate of 19.60 round trip from Portland, including one admission coupon. Tickets on sale October 8: good until October 15. City Ticket Office, Third and Washington. The Journal, dally, eight to 20 pages, a newspaper, only $4 a year by mall; six ir nths. 82. NEW TODAY. Homebuilders ! Times are lively around North Irvington. Several new houses now building and many more contracted for. North irvington is one of the most desirable lo calities for a home. Lots are cheap ($100 each and upwards), and can be bad on very easy terms.Strets,are. hjeinoJfM ed, and water will be piped to every lot. Take the Woodlawn or Vancouver car, and call at our North Irvington office, cor ner of Union avenue and Failing streets, and secure maps, plats, and detailed information. Tint mum jut co. 6 and 7, Chamber of Commerce. St. Johns QUARTER ACRE, HALF ACRE, ACRE LOTS. Small Cash Payment and Month ly Installments. Each lot fronts On at least one street; Is either directly adjoining or within three blocks of the street-car line; fine soil and city water. HI. IiM mws. 3 Chamber of Commerce, Branch Office Opposite Cedar Park at St. Johns. , DON'T MISS This opportunity to se cure a beautiful six room cottage. Bargain price and easy terms. Electric cars 5 cents fare. - LW.-BROWN- 03 Falling Bldg. Third and Washington Safe Deposit Vaults (FREDERICK K. ARNOLD, Supt.) Wa own the Safe Deposit Vaults in the Chamber or Commerce building. For a few dollars a year you can be made to feel secure and easy in your mind regal-dins your valuables. Our vaults are fire- and-burglar proof and furnish entire protection at all times. Private rooms for clients, where boxes can be taken, contents exam ined, letters written, and other busi ness transacted. If yotf contemplate leaving town for a season, rent a safe, and deposit therein your Jew elry, keepsakes, deeds, mortgages, your will and other valuables. , SAFETY AND SECRECY COMBINED. BE Mimh I15H0. 6 and 7, Chamber of Commerce. NOB HILL HOMES We are authorized to offer for sale, at a bargain, that beautiful home of Judge Carey, No. 46 21st St. The lot 'Is 86x100, with a thoroughly modern 10-room house. In fine condition. : Prior to the departure for ..Europe of Mr. Louis Feure we can offer for sale at a great sacrifice his beautiful and sightly home at the head of Everett street, con sisting of large and commodloua house and vf an .acre f ground. GR1NPSTAFT & BLAIN, 248 Stark NEW TODAY; A ftV .SPECIAL- BARGAINS $6500 100x100 and 7 -room eottage. on -Chapman ' st, ' opposite Multnomah Club; a great bargain. Right in town. Or will sell In fractions to suit purchasers. 60x100 on 13th. opposlt Portland Academy. $2500 $6000 $2400 $3000 $4000 120x175 and modern 10-room house; close in: beautiful view; will divide land if nec essary. Corner lot (52x104), West Madison and Nartllla sts., King's Heights. Corner lot 2 cottages, 11th and Kearny, paying 8 per cent net, Full lot and large 8-room house, 704 Flanders St., be tween 21st and 22d; choicest location In city. A great bargain. $12 rnft Business lot, 60 feet from . 7J 1 1 1 1 Morrison and one block $1050 $'800' $2600 $5500 $1800 $5000 $8250 $2300 $6250 $1600 $1200 $2400 $500 1 lots In Piedmont Two Irvington It-acre tracts; blpgest acre snap on the market. I-pt and 8-room house, 331 Chapman. Quarter block on 12th and Aarrlson; fine location for fiats. Corner lot and 7-room house. East Ninth and Lin coln. 100x100 adjoining terminal grounds, choice warehouse property; $1000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent 50x100, 4 flats, now paying 8 per cent net on $9500. Full lot and new modern 6-room house, also new car peln and combination tlx tures. Will buy the finest 6 -acre tract, suitable for platting; on :aa Line road, this side of Mount Tabor, if taken quick. Beautiful block in Waverly, -'1)0x2.10. No better buy in the city. Full block, Patton's 2d add.; it is block 28, and is a great snap. 100x100 And d-room cot- lugH, Upper Albino. and up. beautiful lots at Mt. Tabor. Fine location. Many other good bargains on our list In all classes of - property. Favorable terms on any of the above. ORINDSTAFF & BLAIN. 246 Stark. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BtrYREAL"EETATEfNAKGR6v4l before jriee so way up No place has better prospects than Oak Grove, where prices have doubled In the hint year, where the Southern Pacific will build a bridge across the Willumette, where the prospects are ex cellent for an Immense large lumber manufacturing plant, where Keep & Uore are to erect their Immense large tannery, where the American Car Man ufacturing Company Is to locate Its lar-maiiufacuirlng establishment, pro vlded the Southern Pacific crosses the ' river ne builds through Oak Grove, then lots that we sell now for $25 will sell readily for $1000. Dun't forget this is no Josh; you will miss It if you don't buy In Oak Grove now. It l the leaih Ing suburb of Portland. Lot from $25 to $50 each. Acre property from $100 to tl&0 per acre. For further particulars call on or ad dress R. H. Dunn and V. Schmld, gen eral agents, 14V4, First st, or 109 Gland ave. COLD FACT S-r FJNB PROPERTIES "Title 'good - -"" - A splendid 6-acre place," with fine 6 room house and good barn, buildings costing $10(0 and a good as new, situ ated 1 mile from Clackamas; only $900. One of the handsomest homes on the East Side, convenient to the Union ave. ss; a lovely 6-room house, newlv fur nished, with a lot 69x142, all kinds of fruit and shrubbery, good barn, chicken park and 2 chickert-houses; no doubt about this being a bargain at only $1G50. A very neat and comfortable 6-room cottage on Elm St., between Washing ton and Btark; East Bide: only $550. Fine new residence and store, with 75x270 feet ground, 2 blocks from Clackamas Station; store well stocked with new fresh grovery stock; good barn; a splendid opportunity for the right man, and a gilt-edge bargain at $2000. Don't forget our beautiful building lots, convenient to St. Johns cars. Peninsular, $50 each; easy payments. " " Nothing else as good inrthe crty for the money. Keep your "I" on these bargains. Wouldn't they "bump" you and make you wish you had called on R. H. DUNN. 149V4 First st. R. A, W. Barfoot. Clint K. Monroe Barfoot & Monroe REALESJATE 333 STARK STREET Improved and unimproved properties in all parts of the city, acreage and farm lands in all parts of the state. ' Be sure and see our list before buying. Some business chance that will bar In vestigation, in and out of the city. ll OaIH (with or without RilUnflramt Tnim. 1 ud Rsixdrad. Panucon Typewriter ttlbbons I for all MjMhiiw. unn fwutt, cwtxm n- par. and ralatwllaneoin Typewriter Supplwa i and Furniture. BTjuroaSirms rgiHsn WITHOUT CB4B0B. Wyckoff, Seaman 3 Benedict i 249 Stark St., Portland, Or. RAILROAD TIMt TABLES. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. DEPOT, FIFTH AND I STREETS. Arrive. For Mayger, Raln-ier.Clatskanle.West-port, Clifton, Asto ria, Warrenton, Fla vel, Hammond. Fort Stevens, Gearhar: Pk.. 8easlde,Astorta and Seashore Ex press, Daily. Astoria Express, Dally 8:00 A. M. 11 10 A M. 7:00 P. M. 9:40 P. M. Ttalrftr office. zSft Morrison at.-, m,A Lnien Depots " J. C. MAXU, General passenger Aant Astoria Or. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO; For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking, freight via connecting steamers for Ma ttlla. Port Arthur ndY!adfvostocfc. For rate and fulr Information call oa or address official or agent el th x R. w. to. . mm RAILROAD TIME TABLES. EAST via. SOUTH . fir tufttiT. I IOGC I . S 1ASSU 1 ltftV ,ot'Tt, w Nails' Leave. Union Depot. Arrive. OVERLAND EX- , ' t -PREfid TWAINS. 'i 8:30 d m lor SAtos. Roe- ' e.aup.m burg, Asluand, Sao- " ramento, Ogdea, NO San Francisco, Mo- X Jaye. Lo Angeles, . El Pao. New Or- V leans and the East. ' ' 8:S0s,n It W o o d p a r n daily (a-ceft Sun- , day), morning train v for Mt Angel, Sd- " verton. Browns-. " v 1 1 1 e, Springfield Weadling and Nat ron. 4:00 p.ra Albany, passenger... 10:10am Connects at Wood burn with Mt An gel -and Si; verton " -local. 7:30 a.m Corvallls passenger. t-M p.Tt ' ' )!B:50p.m Sheridan passenger. '8:2 a-m. Dally. Dally except Sunday. Portland-Oawego Suburban Service and Yamhill Division. Lcpot Foot of Jefferson Gtreet, Leave Portland daily for Oswego l 7:20 a. in.; 12:30, 1:6a, j.?5. 4:40, 6:26. 8:38 P; . Daily except Sunday. 6:30; 9:40 a, m.; 6:05, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only, 9:00 a. m. Returning from ' Oswpgo arriv Port land dUy S-'30 m., 1:35, 3:10. 4:30. :18, I'M' l0i60 P- Dallv xoept Sunday 6:35. 9:30. fo:IO a. m. Except Monday 12:41 a. m. Swnday only 10:06 a. rrt Leave from same depot for Dallas and Intermediate points daily except Sundav. 5:05 p. m. Arrive Portland 9:30 a. m. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Line operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with Southern Paoift Company trains at Dallas and Independ ence. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17.50 first class and $14 second class. Second class Includes sleeper, Orsl class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe also Japan, China, Honolulu and Ads trails. City Ticket Offlc corner Third and Washington street. Phone Main 711. C. W. STINGER, W. E. COMAN, City Ticket Agent Gen. Pas. Agt, Oregon LSHOirLiNE bunion Pacific THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave Arrive? CHICAGO-PORTLAND " SPECIAL. ;m 4:30 no. For tho East via Hunt- Dally Dally ington. SPOKANE FLYER, For Eastern Washing ton. Walla Walla, Lew- :Up tn 7:00am -stov Qoaut . . d,' Alone. PM v, .gaily and Great -Northern. - point. ATLANTIC EXPRES8. .,-, For tb SSon?? Hunt PMy pST, OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN- T" " CISCO. From 88. Geo. W. Elder-- Aln- Oct 9. 19, 29. 5'or! 5.-00 pm BS. Columbia Dock 6ct. 4, 14. 24. 8.-0upm Wm ASTORIA and 8:00 pm 1 way points, connecting Daily 6pm with str. for Ilwaco and ex Sun.. Daily North Beach, str. Has- Sat' 10 ex Son. salo, Ash street dock, p m FOR DATTON. Oregon 7:00 a.ml3:0 n.m City and yamhill River i."" ""P. points, str. Modoc Ash- XV. MJon;, " street dock. Th"r" (Water permitting.) TICKET OFFICE. Third and WaahiagV . ton. Telephone. Main Hi. TIME CARD OP (, TRAINS PORTLAND: Leaves. 7 :25 a. m. Arrive. 6:46 p, a. U:10o.m. 7:00 a. m. , $ .0$ p. m. Puget Sound Limited KansBs City-8t Louis Special North Coast Limited acoma, Seattle Night Express 11:10 a. m. 3:30 p. m. 11:43 p. m. Take Puget Sound Limited or Nort" Coadt Limited for Gray's Harbor points. Take Puget Sound Limited for Olympla Take Puget Sound Limited or Kansas Clty-St Louts Special for points pa. South Bend rrancu. . , , Double daily train service on Gray) Harbor branci. :.,. Four trains dally between Portland aaqj Tacoma and Seattle. A D. CHARLTON, Asflstsr.t General Passenger Agent 256 Morrison St., Portland. Or. THE ONLY THROUGH TRAINS WITHOUT CHANUE OF CARS BETWEEN PORTLAND AND- CHICAGO RUN OVER CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. ..... ., r.. TLUE -70 HOURS TO CHICAGO v a; a. aiRKER, . " General Agent' C k HC "W. BaHway. 153 Third SU, PORTLAND, 0 V !vr w V 1. ' I" ' . . ..1Ji ,