THE OltEGrON DATLY , "JOTJUNAIn PORTEANIV TTEPy-ESPAY EVENING. OCTOBER 8, : 1902. SCARCITY OF EGGS AH Cold Storage Out of Market BUTTER STRONGER Eastern Codfish Go Up, While the WtftarVarfcty Arc Down. There Is nothing unusual doing In the looai wholesale market! today. Business U fair and average Quotation strong. The feed market show unusual activity today, although no changes have been ' made lit quotations. Wheat Is strong at current prices. t' Butter. Eggs and poultry. Creamery ' butter Is selling straight today at $7V cents a pound and the creameries are ' having trouble In delivering orders. The egg market Is active with but very small ; receipts. Most of the sales reported are for 25 and, 26 cents a doien, although un - candled stock sells as low as 2314 cents. Receipts of poultry, though not Urge, are . i sufficient to supply all demand. No i changes appear In quotations. The vegetable market is quiet with no changes la quotations. Groceries. -Groceries are firm at quota ' tlons. Coast codfish prices are down, but Eastern, fish hava gone up. Coal oil is strong . with the rise In ' yesterday's prices. Meats. Locally meats are weak. Re ceipts of fresh meats In the city are not quite as large as they were last week, but are still enough to supply all demands, Eastern packed meats are strong with a . tendency for a further advance. Lard , continues strong on an advanced market GRAIN,' FLOUR AND FEED. Wheat Nominal; Walla Walla. 63c; fchiestem, 6c; Valley, 864c Rarlav. need. S17: rolled. 121 22. Oats No. 1 white, 1L06; gray, 85c ! L . Flour Eastern Oregon: Patents, IS.20 .$.60; straights, $2.8602.96: graham. 2.7E valley, 2.86s; Diamond w., $3.76. AUUStuns ran, jb.du per ion: miaai . Hay Mew Timothy, 1 11 if 12;- clover. HOPS. WOOL AND BIDES. Hops 2122o for choice. " Wool Nominal; VaHey, 1616o; East ern Oregon, WiiHo. Sheepskins Shearings, MttOlvUe; : short wool, 26 85c; medium wool, S0& 60c; olng wool. 60c$l each. Tallow Prime, per pound, $04o; No. 1 - end areaSe. 2(320. Hides Dry hides. No. I It pounds and wft 'SOe wWKsa; arv arp,- no. I," t IB Dounds. 12c: dry calf. No. L under , 6 pound, l&ttc; dry salted, bulls and stags. - one-third lees inan ary mm; saitea maes. steer, sound, 60 pounds or over, 7V48V4e; - 60 to 60 pounds, 78o; Under 60 pounds, and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 6& 614c; kip," sound, IS to S9 pounds, 7o; veal, scund, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green (unsalted), lo er pound less; culls, lo per pound less; orse hides, salted, each, $L251.75: dry, each, f 161.60; colts' hides, each, 25050c; goat skins,., common, eaen. 1015o; An- - gvra. with wool on, each, 25c$L Mohair 27 o , . ; GROCERIBB. NUTS, ETC Sugar. "Sack bls,' cube, $4.75; powd ered, $4.60; dry granulated, $4.i0: extra C, $4.00; golden C $-0: barrels, 10c; half : barrels, 25c: boxes, 60c advance on sack basis, less 2oo per av.t for cash, maple, 12H16o per pound. Coffee Green Mocha, 212Sc; Java, fancy, 2$4j32o; Java, good. 202lc; Java, ordinary, 1820c; Costa Rica, fancy, lft&20c; Costa Rica, good, 160 Uo; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10i2e per pound; Columbia roast, $11: Arbuckle'a. $11.6 J list; Lion, $11.18 list; Cordova. , $11.6$ list " Teas Oolong, different grades. 2&3Se; Gunpowder, .28, $2 to 46c; English Break- fast, different grades, 12 to 65o; Spider Legs, unoolored Japan, 20 to 60c; green . Japan, very scaroe, 30 to 60o. Bait Bales, 2s, 2s, 4s, 6s, 10s, $2.69; fine table, dairy and Imported .Liverpool ,. 60s, 62o; 100s, $1.02; 200s. $1.95; per bag. Salt Worcester salt, bulk, bbfs.. 820a. $5.00; Worcester, 140 2s, $5.60; , Wof. . eester. 100 $s, $5.69; Worcester. 60 8a. tp.26; Worcester. 80 10a, $5.00; Worcester. . linen sacks, 60s, 860. - y Salt Coarse, half ground. 100s, per ton. $18.50; 60s, per ton, $20; Liverpool lump, rock, $24 per ton; 60-lb. rocs, $10.60; loos. $19.00. ' Grain bags Calcutta, $6.75 per 100 for August. Nuts Peanuts. 6To" per lb. for raw. H49o for roasted; cocoanuts, 85fc90e per dos; walnuts, 1415c per lb; pine nuts, 1'HilZHc; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts $3.64 5 per drum; Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts, 15 4916c; fancy pecans. 14Qloc; almonds. Coal oil Cases. 21V4c per gallon; tanks. Water White, 14c; tanks. Headlight, Rice Imperial Japan. NO. 1, 64c; No. 2, . iK New Orleans, bead, ?7c, Salmon Columbia River, 1-lb talis, . $1.70; 2-lb talis, $2.40; fancy 1-lb flats, $1.86; -lb fancy flats, $1.10; Alaska tells, pink; 85c; red. $1.25; 2-lb talis, $2. Beans Small white, $3.85; large white, . ,$S.7o; pink, $3.60; bayou. $8.76; Lima, 6c Tobacco Plug cut, smoking, 1 3-8-os f)ackages: Seal of North Carolina, 70o b; Mastiff, 68c; Dixie Queen, 40c; Red ? fielL 88c; Pedro, 60c; Golden Scepter, : $1.15: fine cut. Cameo, 40c; Capstan, $1.81: Xniko's Mixture, 40c; Bull Durham. 66or Old English Curve Cut. 72c; Maryland Club. 71c; Mall Pouch, $sc: Yale Mixture. $1.40. i. Plug tobacco. Dnimmond'i Nat ural -Leaf, 68c; Piper Heidsieck, 66c; Sometiung Good, 46c; Standard Navy, 44c; T. B., 63c; Spear Head, 43c; Star. 4Zc JrlHe cut chowlng: Golden Thread. ! $Sc; Fast MalL 70c 1 BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY:. Butter Creamery, 27c; dairy, 18 Mc; store, lSulSc. Egg-'2325c Cheese Full cream, twins. 134 14c; Young America, 1415e. poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.504 per -de-ns,' $4r4.0 per dos; broilers, $2 , 2.60; ducks $44.60 per dos: turkeys, live, lll12c; do, dressed, l416o per lb; - geese, 86.00fi6.60 per dos. t ' FRUTTS AND VEGETABLES, v Potatoes 65 70c . - Onions Oregon, 90c$l. . Tomatoes 4u50c per box: turnips, sack. $1.10; carrots, $lgl-10 sack; beets, . $1.10 per ' box; peaches, 60c; grapes, $1L2S per crate; crab apples, 3o per lo; : Fall Butter pears, $1.25 per box. - Apples Fancy, J5c1.25c; cooking, 600 .. DOc ' Grapes Concord, 404J45C ' per 10-Ib basket; California, $11.25; Oregon, 76c0 .... Radishes per dosen. 12Ul$o; cab bages, Oregon, lc per lb; lettuce, head. ' per dos. 1215c; Oregon green corn; ISo . doc; beans, t4c per Id; Oregon pears. ettper-boxr-eggpfant,' 6JtC PtF I5T " cucumbers. 40E0c box; green peppers, 60c box. -"---. . v " Green fruit Lmons. $3V60; orangetk, box. $4.605; canteloupes, 76cJl per crate; watermelons, $2.002.26 per dos.;; ..'-w,.. iA-imi -lrultM -tA apples - Evaporated, f j 8c; apricots V7c; peaches THCe; pears k&lOc; prunes, Italian. 46o; figs. California blacks. b6c; do. white, Uc; piums, pinea, mono, , ' MEATS AND PROVISIONS. T7.Jb.t-waVor;tmoit;Hi98ci &rvom. 01 iiuu, m'QVQ; sows, bulls, l4Ho; lambs, 6H per lb. Hams, bacon, etc. Portland pack ( westerns nun. lbc; picnic, izc; breakfast bacon,- 1819e: light sides. 11c; nacxa ufto; ary sattea siaes, nmo AwJjjt Vn , 1,.. knilnlr 1 18c: per pound. Eastern packed hams, under 18 lbs, l&c; over 12 lbs;, ittoc; rancy, ltc; picnio, lic; snouiaers.: llic; dry salted sides, unsmoked, 14c; breakfast bacon, 18ftc; bacon sides,16c; backs, unsmoked, 14c; do. smoked, 16c; DUttS, UKd'lSC Lard Kettie leaf, 10-Ib tins, 14c; 6s, 1414c; 60-lb tins. 130 lb; steam rendered. jus, itike; bs, iic Fish Rock cod. 8c; flounders, $c; ball dul, 00; iing coo, ec; craoa, per yv., $1.60; rasor clams, per bus.. JL50; red snaDnera 7c: black cod. 6c: stripped bass, 12c; salmon, 6Qio; soles, 6c; smelt. ; lobsters, uvto. GEER MAY TALK Will Have Something to Say in the Near Future. Governor Geer was In the city ysster day on private business, but took time to mingle with some of his close political friends. When seen by The Journal as hs was leaving his hotel for home, he said he' was perfectly satisfied with his Senatorial candidacy ' and reiterated his oft-repeated statement about his Indorse ment by the people at the late election. He intimated, however, that he might have something to say later for publica tion. When asked what he thought of his party organ's attitude towards his can didacy, he suddenly disappeared, and If the question was answered it was wafted away on the gentle autumnal breeses, for It reached not the ears of mortal man. THEFTS OF POST CARDS. "There1 are some countries In which you expect the mails to be as safe as a bank." said -a man who has traveled a good deal, "and one of these countries Is the United States. "la nearly every country now are to be found some very pretty post cards. I was In Mexico a short time ago and bought a lot of them there. As I was addressing them In Xhe City of Mexico one day a friend, said: . " 'You are not going to send them through the malir "I said that I was. " They won't arrive,' hs said. - 'Whyr I asked. " They'll be stolen In transit,' was his answer. "I thought he must be mistaken, but he wasn't. I put the requisite stamp on each card, wrote nothing but the address on one side, and a few lines on the other. Not one of those cards arrived at t destination. T may have thought harshly of the manner In which the postal regulations of Mexico were disobeyed, but I thanked circumstances that I was a citlien of a country in which such petty, peculation Cdtlld not' occur." I have hftVT reason" "to change my mind.' 'Within a fortnight I sent some hand some postal cards to friends In this city, in New ,.Tork 'itself. , Every regulation was obeyed to the letter by me. Not one of the cards reached its destination. They were stolen In transit. 'Hereafter I will distribute my growls againstodishonest postal officials between those of the United States and Mexico and Tm not so proud of all the Institu tions of this country as I was." New York Sun. OOD3 OF INFORMATION. On the western slopes of Mount Etna are several villages standing In the midst of former lava streams and with all the houses built of lava. Two Napoleon bishops and one black- headed nun are among the birds which have Just been presented to the aviaries in the Liverpool parks. Three properties In different parts of Hampshire have decently been sold to French religious communities who are taking refuge in England. Japanese schoolboys, when they wish to protest, against unpopular masters, go on strike. Three cases of such open mutiny occurred recently during one week. Manchester's sanitary committee la con templating a scheme of publlo improve ments, the most Important of which are calculated to prevent the spread of tuber culosis. Two hundred Boers who landed at Genoa during the war are reported to have made such valuable finds of gold In the Val d'Aosta that they have decided not to leave Italy. Viscount Kitchener's new peerage Is granted, with a very unusual remainder. It goes first to his male children, next to his female children, and in default of both to bis two brothers In succession. . The wlmlnai court of Rode tAveyronj, France, has Just put on record a decision against two newspapers and a doctor for calling one Lacombe a Free Mason, using the term in an insulting and de famatory sense." TOOK NO. CHANCES. Mrs. C. was horrified to discover that her little 7-year-old daughter was acquir ing the habit of alluding very freely to the devil, and at last she told her de terminedly that a repetition of the ob noxious word would bring severe punish ment. The child knew that her mother was In earnest, so she set a seal on her lips. At last she seemed to have forgotten it; but one Sunday Mrs. C, who had been too 111 to go to church, asked her If she could tell what the minister had preached about In his sermon. Oh, yes'm," she answered: "he preach ed abtmt our Lord going up Into the mountain and being tempted by by by the gentleman who keeps hell!" She didn't intend to run any risks of be ing punished. Llpplncott's. A GOOD INVESTMENT. William F. Howe, the noted crimlnat awyer of New York city, who died a few weeks ago, was addicted to loud clothes, huge' diamonds and watch chains so heavy that they tore his pockets. Once, when defending a client, c. ha. tearfully proTeWeff'thaTlii was "Too poor man to take the case" unless he believed the ac cused to be innocent. The Judge, looking him over, observed quietly: "Well, Mr. Howe, I would be willing to give a few dollars tor you Justasyou stead,"" STOCKS FIRMER Take an Upward Jump Over at London. THE SLUMP IS PAST The Indications for Rise in Corn FavorableDividends Increased. Furnished from Specie! Wires to Bolton de Ruyter A Co., 102 Third Street; NEW YORK, Oct. 8. -A pretty well ac cepted belief in financial circles tonight Is that the decline In the stock market has about run its course and that a turn for better is at hand. Good buying is re ported to have been in evidence through out today's session, such interests as Kuhn Loeb, Rockefeller, Morgan, the First National Bank contingent, Keene and Berwind taking their favorite stocks as the latter were offered down by the bearish clique of local professional trad ers, headed by H. G. Weil. Coincident ally although money rules dear, with im mediate prospect favoring a continuance of relatively high rates, less Is heard than of late of causes which have con tributed to the stringency. For a month speculative discussion has deaH persist ently with the heavy absorption of cash by the treasury, but the 'subject Is evi dently becoming stale now that it has served its purpose as the principal ex cuse for the monetary tightness and tfee calling of loans. As a matter 'of fact, there Is an lncnaains disposition to study the question of enlarged circula tion. It is pointed out that while the treasury receipts since July 1 exceeded payments by about $11,000,000, there are some $40,000,000 more In circulation than on the last named date. Com Situation. Cash corn sales yesterday were about 400,000 bushels, mainly yellow corn to New England. Armour did more than half of It. The fine weather weakened certain holders of cash oorn. They found they could not sell 'for October and fin ally sold their cash to the Armour con cern. It enabled it to make cash sales, and to further reduce the cash supply here, 'There is no lack of bearish news on Wheat," says George S. McReynolds, "but the wheat markets everywhere are acting as if the news had been discount ed, The May price is so tow, compared with everything else, that In wheat it seems to have been a matter of price and news, let it be ever so bearish." Cotton Is Firm. LIVERPOOL Oct. 8. Cotton Spot fair demand, prices easier, 2 points de cline. Middlings 4; sales. 12,000; re ceipts, 4000; American, 8900. Futures opened quiet, unchanged, to 1 oft and at 12:30 unchanged to 2 off from opening. Strong In London. NEW TORK, Oct. 8. American stocks In London strong, to 1 per cent above parity. Mitchell renises President Roose velt's offer to local unions. Russell Sage better. Alton minority stockholders suit will probably be withdrawn. Rock Island planning extension Improvements in Choctaw division. Jnslders picking up Union Pacific af " present level. Under stood a majority of Car Foundry board is In favor of Increasing dividend. Forty five roads for the fourth week In Septem ber earnings Increased 13.29 per cent. Three million seven hundred thousand dollars gold from Australia will be paid over In New York today. . Extensive Chi cago short Interests In Atchison. Report ed Moore Bros, threw over stock recently to protect Rock Island holdings. Peo ple's Gas feeling effect of scarcity of coal. United States Steel net earnings for July, $12,041,914; August, $12,927,729; September (estimated), $11,750,000; total for nine months, $101,172,168. Industrials declined 0.37 per cent; 20 active railroads declined 1.01 per cent Live Stock Lower. CHICAGO, Oct. 8. Hogs opened 6 to 10 cents lower, 8790 left over yesterday; re ceipts one year ago, $1,000. Cattle Best, Blow; others steady. Sheep Steady to 10 cents lower. Railroad Stocks. NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Southern Pacific, which Mr. Keene has been bulling ever since his return from Europe, declined from 72H to 70H on sales of 82,150 shares. Mr. Keene Is believed to .have thrown large blocks of the stock on the market rather than carry them through the days of liquidation. Mr. Keene is known to be a believer in Southern Pacific but Wall street interpreted his action yester day to mean that he expects to be able to buy the stock back at lower prices. Re cently T. J. Taylor, Mr. Keene's son-in-law. Issued a handsome Morrocco-bound book calling attention of the publlo to the great advantages of the Southern Pacific as an investment property. Immediately upon Mr. Keene's return he started a bull movement In the property. The time, however, proved inopportune, and the money stringency temporarily checked the-boom; The decline In the stock was due to the dissatisfaction among stock holders over the terms of the new stock issue. These stockholders have been ex pecting that they would receive a cash dividend or at least a scrip dividend amounting to about. 110,000,000.. -Instead of this ttiey are to be allowed to pur chase $10,000,000 worth of new stock on terms that are, highly yorable. It Is true, but they will be required to put up a good deal of cash at a time when money is very hard to get.., The Standard Oil faction is believed to be mainly responsible for the terms of stock ese and it Is charged that they are afraid that if a scrip dlviden requiring no cash is accepted the majority of holding might be imperiled. ' . w Liverpool' Grain. - ' LTVERPOOI Oct. . December wheat U lowerf March wheat H lower; October corn, unchanged ; January corn, lower ; March com. lower. PRESBYTERY MEETS Listens to the Reports of Officers .and Others. The Portland Presbytery of the Pres byterian Church, held its regular meet ing yesterday. Reports showed the Pres bytery to be In a-' healthy condition, much practical work having been done. One million ' eighty-six thousand dol lars has been expended In foreign mis slonary work, of which $2000 came from the Portland Presbytery. For home mis sionary work $1420 has been expended. Rev. J. R. Welch, a recent graduate of Auburn Seminary, was examined and or dained, and will take up the work of establishing a church in South Tilla mook. Rev. J. V, Milligan, Sunday School mlBslonary, read an interesting report of his work. He reported that not over 25 per cent of the children of Oregon attend Sunday School, a condition which des not speak well for the spiritual develop ment of the state. lie has organised four new Sunday Schools and reorgan -lser three.. , . Two new churches have been built Mlzpah and the. Third Presbyterian, and a new on la being planned for Astoria. BAKER IS BUSY W. F. Butcher Loudly Trumpets Its Praise. Hon W. F. Butcher, a leading attorney of Baker City, a prominent Democratic politician and an enthusiastic Masonic worker, Is in the city mingling with his many friends. Mr. Butcher is Grand Master of the Masonic order and la on an official tour of inspection of the lodges. leaving this evening for the Coos Bay district Speaking of conditions In his section of the state he painted a very glowing picture, for the future of his home city. "The mining Interests especi ally are looking up," said he. "Many new mines are being discovered and old and abandoned ones are being developed, many of them showing good returns. Many new camps are springing up and as Baker Olty Is the principal supply sta tion for this section, ii future never looked brighter than af" present." CHRISTIANS CONVENE. N GRFOLKV-Va Oct 8--rThe jilneteenth quadrennial session of the American Cnrirtian Conventi6n, which began in Norfolk today, has attracted the most tal-.'rited men of the denomination from nil parts of the United States and Cana da. The delegates number more than J0 and represent 90 'conferences. The meeting is regarded with more than usual interest as It Is the first held by the Christian denomination in the South, the ec lei ton of Norfolk' as a meeting place being a consequence of the reconciliation of the Northern and Southern branches effected at the Marion conference in 1890 after a separation that had existed since the civil war. At the formal opening this afternoon there was an address of welcome by Rev. J. Pressley Barrett, D. D., and a response by the president of the conven tion, Rev. O. W. Powers, D. D., of Colum bus, Ohio. The session will continue a week, during which time the financial, missionary, Sunday school, educational, and publishing departments of the church work will be thoroughly -discussed. The repot t ol the secretary, Rev. J. F. Bur nett, of Muncle, Ind., shows the affairs of the denomination, in general to be In good condition. WAS IT NERVE7 She came Into the room where he sat alone, with a glittering knife in her clenched ha.nd. whjcji ,she .held hidden,, amid the folds of her dress. Her face was white and drawn,, and her eyes were wild and haggard looking. Her husband sat by the fire, deep in thought, and never heard the slippered footfall of the beautiful woman who now stood behind his chair with a strange, cold smile upon her Hps. , Suddenly, with a gasp, she cast the knife from her towards' the glowing coals, but It sank silently into a sofa at the other side of the room. "I cannot!" she moaned, wearily; "I cannot!" And -the fell Into a white heap upon the floor at his feet. A pitying, tender "expression broke across the granite of his cheek, and he murmured in deep, tender, heavy-dragoon tones ' . "What is it, my darling?" But she spoke not word she only raised one white hand towards him, in which was clasped a lead pencil. She had been trying to sharpen it poor girl! Printers' Ink. "THIRD-RAIL, EYE." It Is more than a year since the ele vated railroad first began to serve the publlo as a medium of rapid transit from the outlying districts Into ths heart of the city, yet the familiar term of "third rail eye" Is applied to a great many oases which are brought ' dally to the attention of the physicians at the var ious hospitals of the city, where out patient departments are maintained. A great many of the afflicted persons suf fer almost unbearable pain, as the small particles of steel are Imbedded In the delicate organs. Services of expert phys icians are then required to remove thr minute pieces of forelgnmatter,. whlali, in many Instances, are difficult to locate There Is some reason to' believe that the burning of soft coal on such a large scale as at piramt ht- reepesslble toy a number of the. eye cases, -but as yet the hospital employes hava not aubstitu ted It was her destination. At last, When she the, term "eof tcoal eye": for . that , of lira-rail eye." Boston. Transcript. OREGON , FARMS Thdr Value Has Greatly THE AVERAGE $3693 Thirty Times the Rumber of Farms in 1900 as in 1850. The lands' of Oregon, according to re cently Issued Government statistics, are peculiar in that each part of the state baa Us own characteristics. In the valleys of the Western partt of this state, notably those of the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue Rivers, the soil is a rich dark loam. The hills have a heavier soil and the mountains are suitable only for graxlng. In tbe Eastern partt, the soil is sandy in general, and contains much alkali, but la very fertile under irrigation. In the Northeast, etxensive , areas of naturally fertile wheat -lands are found; In the southeast, the cultivation of crops Is of very little Importance, but the land Is extensively used for grasing purposes. THE NUMBER OF FARMS. The total number of farms in Oregon In 1900 was over SO times as great as in 185,0, and 40.4 per cent greater than In ISUO. The total acreage has also Increased greatly, being over 33 times as great as in I860. The gain in the last 10 years was 45.8 pur cent With the exception of the last decade, the area of -improved land has increased steadily, and, until 1880, at a more rapid rate than the total acreage. The decrease in the acreage and per cent of farm land improved shown for the last decade, is due to a more strict construc tion of the term "Improved." . INCREASE IN NUMBER. Between 1850 and 1880 the number of farms increased faster than the total acreage. Involving a decrease In the aver age size of farms, and indicating a pro gressive division of farm holdings and a more complete utilization of the soil. The slight increases shown for the last two decades are due to the large additions made to ranges In the Eastern part of the state, which recently have been tak en from the public domain, and for the first time enumerated as farm land. The decrease continued through the last two decades in the Western counties and in some of the older-settled counties of the Eastern section. . VALUE OF FARM PROPERTY. The value of farm propertty shows a remarkable increase during the five de cades from 1850 to 1900. In the last de cade, the gain In the total Value of farm property was $29,736,487. or 20.8 per cent. The increase in the value of land, Im provements, and buildings was $16,518,314, or 14.3 per cent; in that of Implements and machinery, $1,949,955, or 42.8 per cent; and in that of livestock, $11,268,218, or 49.8 per cent. The value of farm products shown for 1900 Is 100.2 per cent greater than that reported for 1889, but a portion of this Increase is doubtless due to a more detailed enumeration n 1900. ACREAGE OF FARMS. Aside from those counties which have undergone territorial changes only Har ney and Morrow report decreases since 1890 In the total number of farms. Harney, alone shows a decrease in the total farm area, all others reporting substantial gains. The decreased improved acreage reported for a number of counties is due to a more Intensive cultivation of smaller areas of farm land and a more strict con struction of the term "Improved." The central counties, which are chiefly devot ed to stock raising, contain the largest farms, while the smallest farms are in the Western counties, and are devoted to general agriculture, dairying, fruit grow ing, and market gardening. The average size of farms for the state Is' 281 acres, varping from 80.7 acres in Multnomah County to 1.360.2 acres In Crook County. For the state the average value of farms Is $3,693. In over two-thirds of the counties the total value of farms has In creased since 1890, the decreases reported in the remaining counties being slight. Marked gains are reported in the value of Implements and machinery, the aver age value per farm in 1900 being $182. All counties, except Yamhill, report higher Value!) for livestock, the state average being $946 per farm. VARIOUS EXPENDITURES. The average expenditure In the state for labor In 1899 was $135 per farm, but varied greatly In different sections, the average amount expended in all the Eastern counties, eicept Wallowa, being much larger than elsewhere. The total expenditure for fertilisers in 1899 was greater than In 1889, but still averaged less than $1 per farm.. The majority of counties hsow increases in the use of commercial fertilisers. - FARMING TOPICS DISCUSSED. MACON, Ga,, Oct $. At today's sea sons of the Farmers' National Congress Jie following addresses were the princi pal features: "Reciprocity; How May It Affect Agricultural Interests," Hon. John K, Campbell, of Michigan; "Preservation of Forests and Reforestation." Hon. Geo. M. Whlttaker. of Boston; "Postal Re forms, Particularly Affecting the Farm er," Hon. L. H.. Weller, of Iowa. This evening' Hon. John Hyde, statis tician of the United States Agricultural Department, will address the congress on tHe subject "A Birdseye View of the Cereal Fields." SEE HOOD RIVER FRUIT. Fair at the Famous Valley la Open Low ' Rates Made. rniowwrnr1iaYa teera;tte1aeI, the Hooa ruver rnin r air win no oouoi iaae advantage of the $2.65 round trip from Portland made by the O. R. Sc N. Tickets on aaie during the fair, October , , 10, 1L final limit October 12, 41 tlMHIHtHWMrlHIIIIIHH H HHMfl V0etrB There is all over this country old, young and middle-aged men suffering from the effect of bad habits when boya. Hundreds caught private dis eases, whlch hare never been properly cured, Such men arc unfit for mar riage or business, and If they let this disease continue, they will break out with plmplea or sores, sometimes rheumatism, heart disease, paralysis, dizziness,; stomach trouble will follow, They go to sleep sometimes.' while reading or. resting. PRIVATE DIS EASES, f not CURED properly,- will run Into stricture, gleet, prostalitus, catarrh of bladder and kidneys, and that awful disease called chancres and bubols, that have ruined so many young men for life. DR. KESSLER, at the old St. Louis Dispensary, has been doctoring these cases right In Portland for many years. He also cures tumors, wens, warty growths, old sores, eancers, all kinds of diseases of nose, throat or liver, or any kidney or bowel trouble. Call and see the tapeworms they have taken from per sonssome 85 feet long. Rheumatism, Piles, Neuralgia, Head j. HENRI KESSLER, Manager f ST. LOUIS Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets. f ACROSS THE RIVER V RESIDENTS WANT IT Portland Railway Co. Received With Open Arms in Albina. ' L. M. Davis . has prepared a petition which he Is presenting to residents of Multnomah asking that the City Council grant the Portland Railway Company their asked-for franchise through that section of the city. The route of the. proposed line wil! tart at the corner of Union avenue and Russell street, run down Russell to Gan tenbeln avenue, up that thoroughfare to Fargo, then on to Commercial, to Shaver, west on Shaver to Maryland avenue and north on that street - to North Albina. Tha section . through .'.which the pro posed line will run Is quite thickly set tled. The City & Suburban Company is the only line tapping that section of tho city at the present time. ST. JOHNS EXTENSION PROBABLE. For about a year there has been a number of rumors afloat that the Port land Railway Company was about to construct a line through to the Penin sula and then on to St. Johns. The asked-for franchise through Albina Is a direct line to the Peninsula and there Is some strong talk of extension If tho Council gives the desired permission. The petition which Mr. Davis Is circu lating is endorsed by the Board of Trade. The board will go before the Council when the matter comes up and ask that the petition be granted, pro viding Mr. Davis says, that the com pany begins the work' of construction within sixty days after the grant LAY CORNER STONE East Side ImprovementXssociatioa Preparing for Event. Work Is being rushed on the founda tion for the large factory, of the.Neu stadter Bros., corner East Taylor strVet, East Sixth. street and Grand avenue. The building will be constructed entire ly of brick and will cover, an entire half block. On the Grand avenue side the structure will be two stories in heigh: and on Sixth street It will reach three stories. The workmen are now busily engaged In laying the cement foundation for the ends of the building. Piers will be con structed every five feet so that the place will have plenty of strength. Bingham & Flynn, the contractors for the brick work, say that they Intend to complete their contract by the first of the year. The cost, at first estimated to be about $18,000, will, when completed reach more than $20,000. According to the contractors they will be ready for the laying of the corner stone In about 10 days. Tbe East Side Improvement Association. which has charge of the comer-stone celebration, will be ready to do full Justice to ifco event. Whitney L. Boise, of the asso ciation, says that he will probably ap point a full committee today to take charge of the celebration. Methodists Make Appointments. A number of important changes have been made in the appointments made by tbe lately held Methodist conference. Monta villa will have a new pastor this year in the person of Rev. Andrew Mon roe, formerly pastor of the Woodlawn and Patton Churches. Woodlawn' s form er 'pastor. Rev. C. H. Campbell, will oc cupy the pulpit of the St Johns church. The Patton church pulpit Is occupied tem porarily by Rev. P C, Ilesler, a pew ar rival from the California conference. No Start on Mill. ; It t not Ilketf tb&Xw&rk on'lhe new sawmill at 8t Johns will be begun before the early part of-next spring. A site of several acres has been pur- chased- rojsqmtltne!from the Beyers estate, northwest of St. Johns, the pur- ache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Itching Skin Diseases and that AWFULE8T OF ALL DISEASES, Syphilis (Pox), Gonorrhoea,- he cures UieKWTTB OUT ANT CUTTING. His private of floe la filled with pictures of these aw ful diseases. This old doctor can refer ta prominent business . men, lawyers, ' ministers, professors, etcJn all parts of the country. He has treated patients by bis Home System even in Texas, Canada. Niagara Fans, and all aver this and adjoining states, but he bad much rather see them. It gives him pleasure to advise any unfortunate man or woman. EVERYTHING PRI VATE. ,; When you go to see him be sees yon In private rooms. When you write him, en! ythe doctor reads your letter. When you go to consult this doctor, take a small bottle urine (made the prevluos morning) with you. If wriU' tng. send It by express or mail Now, If you are one of these men, don't put it off until you, like hun dreds, be sent to an asylum, but write to him and he will keep your secret. Address, inclosing ten 2c stamps,' DISPENSARY. Portland, Oregon chasers being the Doernbecher Manufac euring Company. It Is the Intention of the company to construct a mill of 400,000 feet capacity a day. the cost of the plant being about $130,000. Fell in Boiling Tank. James Flnley, foreman of the Portlands Canning company, is lucky that he 13 alive today. Yesterday, while he was . making his rounds, of the syrup tank?, his foot slipped and he was thrown to wards one of the tanks. A fellow work man, however, caught him just as bl-i hands touched the boiling fluid. FeD Off House. Yesterday while Frank Llvermore and a map named Stowell were at work on" a house at St. Johns, the scaffolding broke and the two men were thrown to tho ground, a distance of about SO feet. Both of the men were unhurt beyond a few slight bruises. NEWS 0E AND FOR MARINERS The Goings and Comings of Those Who Plow the Mighty Deep. The steamer Meteor cleared yesterday for "Topolobampo, Central America, with lumber and piling. A short time ago the Eureka took a cargo to the same port. The steamer Hassalo, which was dam aged in a collision wltlv the Cypromene, . Is at the boneyard and will be repaired at once. The vessels operated by the Pacifio Mall Company are to be equipped with oil burners. The company proposes to establish oil supply stations at various ports which are visited by its steamers. It Is reported that the Dutch steamer Java, registering 307$ tons, has been chartered to load wheat at Puget Sound for South Africa. The rate is not made public. The prevailing offers here for the Dark Continent are 27s and 2Ss; for the United Kingdom, 23s 9d. John Harris, an employe on the steamer Pomona, of the- Oregon Transportation Company, was drowned Monday night at the foot of Taylor street. In an effort to jump from- the steamer on to the dock, he lost his balance and fell Into the river; The fall evidently rendered hlm.unconv sclous, as he made no attempt to get, out, soon sinking and drowning. Tb body was recovered yesterday afternoon. The' parents of the deceased reside at Sa lem, and the remains will be sent there' for burial. References Ladd tt Tllton. Portland; U, S. National Bank, Portland; Bank ol California San Francisco; Crocker Wooiworth National Bank, San Fran cisco. Members Chicago Board of Trade, San Francisco Produce Exchange, San Fran cisco StocK and Bond Exchange. Grains, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton. 8an Francisco Office: 0 California St. 103 Third Street PORTLAND. OR. "THE WILD INDIAN'S 0YERCQAT ..I liA. ft im WftaltfufV ta (use cokira ib 4rtuit 14. 11M " Wa err iitr awry MUHtfMtwret fl4 rl Insjian Rofcr Kvfry rendla rb ol th hurst 00 and 4y4 m lit If yoa-r 4ratf mmi easi ff. MV4 $H to "esamer jwm iP"n 'Serine. 4 we'll Mftal yo tridlQt 14 in Bob. w praM hoos Wi rep. tU'aie4 sa eta Im m ; Maine; PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS, Pt$s4lettM, Or. . ' r INJECTION. A PERMANENT CURE of the most obstinate eases of Gonorrbi and Gleet, guaranteed In from 8 to days : no ether treatment required. aoo. ay au aruggws-. Bollon, DeRuyter g (o. mm m r:s ft 1 A -'..V i, j