The oiiegoit paIly j6rntyAi;PORTLAyD, Wednesday evening; ; October : 8. 1002. I ; CITY BRIEFS; v . 1' ' "' " V ' ' '1 ' 11 " 1 1 1" i ii . If elty subscribers fall to seouro tholf . pa par they will oonfar a favor If thay will all-up Main 600 and an tar thalr com- i plaints. . f - . . ; ' " THE JOURNAL MONK. ' Thai Monk evidently readied a conclus lon yesterday, for tbla morning ho Inter viewed, President Bacr, and ha ray a that well-beaded Individual an Ultimatum that baa mads him look aorioua. Ha said "Mr. Viet, ydu people of the coaT trust. -jhIleJfflfilQUly claiming; to rapraaent Christian principle, and to bo tba spe cial agents of th Almighty, arc posing befora iRa people as martyrs, while you know that our position la untenaWo aria false. Tou are acting; a monstrous lie. and you ara doing it for coin. You havo hut ona object to practically enslare 4be ' coal miners, to feet them tlgotly under your thumb, ao that you may dictate rhat they shall, or shall not do. Ton want to break up their unions and de bauch their manhood. Tou are, with flendlah cunning", refusing any settlement and yqu are depending; on the Buffering Of the wholo people compelling them to atand In with you, to degrade Labor and add to the power of your unholy com blnatlon. And all this tjma you blas phemously claim to bo under the special caro of 'God. I tell you plainly your game Is known, and it must quit. If the power of the State or that of general government la not enougtt, there is still another force that you will do well not to . CtUl into action, There, la atlll- the-peo-p!e. Look to It that their long; suffer ing at the hands ot eacb of you bo not n vain, for If that torrent onco breaks loose, you and yours will be awept away as straws before a Johnstown flood. It is time for you to act; aee to It that you do not let that time slip by." WEATHER FORECA8T. Light rata has fallen In Western Oregon and Western Washington. Elsewhere west of the Mississippi River fair weath er prevails. It is much cooler in Nevada and warm er in Western Montana, Northern Idaho, extreme Southern California, and in the middle Missouri Valley, The indications are for fair weather In this district Thursday, except that it will probably continue threatening with show ers along the coast. It will be cooler to- night In Southern Oregon. Eastern Wash .... JUiglon. 4 Idako,- and frosts are- proba ble la Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. . Oregon Tonight and Thursday, proba bly fair, axoept showers near coast: cool er south portion tonight; frost east por tion, tonight; warmer oast portion Thurs day; variable winds, mosttly northerly. Washington Tonight and Thursday, probably fair, except showers near coast AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theatre.. Cal. Helllg, Manager Tonight, Wagenhala and Kemper present the dis tinguished, classic players, LOUIS JAMES and FRED ERICK WARDE, In the stupendous scenic produc tion of Shakespeare's womeay. "THE TEMPEST. " ...... Evening prices Entire lower floor, 11.60. Balcony, first 8 rows, $1; second 3 rows, roc; last e rows, ouc. uaflery, soc, 25c. Boxes and loges, tlQ. Marquam Grand Theatre.. Cat. Helllg, Manager. Thurs. night, Oct. 9, fare- wen tour of NEIL. BUR GESS, himself as Abigail i-rue, in an elaborate pro duction of THE COUNTY FAIR With Its wealth of scenery mechanical and electrical effects. The most thrilling- and realistic horse race. The areatest triumph in staire ,rKeHlW.-v--.ffhr,.fcwftshl.-r5Kl raoeoraes- mounted, ty professional Jockeys running at a isrrino speea in iuii view or tne auai enoe. Prices Lower floor, except last S rows, ii; last s rows, 75c. Balcony, first s rows, 7oc; last rows, sue. uallery, Soc 26c Seats now selling. Th Rakorl Tonight and every night i lie udiver th8 week wJth Matnea Thpatr I 8at- th Great New York " Success, runagi'r,r' The District Attorney Phooest Ora- Presented by the Incom- Son N. 1076, parable el. goft. I isiolll Stock Company. Prices within reach of all. Evening -Kt- Sfro, B60 -and -60c. Mat I neeslflc, -l&a . ana as&e. Next week Hall Caine'a The Christian. f !.. ! Tonight and every night LOrdraV SI this week with Matinee . I Saturday, the Startling Theatre I Dramatic Success, -t 1 "DOWN MOBILE" A Story of the South, Replete with Won derful and Beautiful Scenery. - 8e he Marvelous mre scene, iteguiar Matinee BaL and Sun. Evening Prices 25c and (Oo, Matinee Prices 26o to all parts of tne Mouse; onnaren iuc. Next attraction, Elsie Ryan , In "Nevada." Col-dray's Theatre One Week Commencing Sunday Matinee, October 12, the Fascinating Little Actress, ELSIE RYAN, In NEVADA" the New Comedy-Drama. J. F. Csrdray nanager Latest Songs and Specialties. Saturday Matinee. - Evening prlces-25c 50c. Mat inee prices 2So to any part of house; children 10c. Fritz's New Theatre... Program for Week Com mencing Monday. Sept. 29: 1JTTLE EGYPT, REILLT and FORREST, MAE 8TANLET, -ANITA LORD, OELIA DE LACY, IDA HOWELL, v WALTER ORO. MARION AT WOOD. Frits 6 Doll aaan, Propra. 84046 Burn- fide sireei. EARL"." and HAMPTON. JUANITA ,QAD BESSIE VERNON, STANLEY' and SCANEON. -innrtratwa- onts,-saa-etoscopo. Matinee Sunday at ,2:30 p. m. rredcrkksburg The Great Noel, some thing different from what you have ever seen. The , Great American Vltograph. Richard Wilde, Phenome nal Baritone. Mile. Lucile. 5venta aad Alder Me. In Poses Plaatique. Alma Roselee. in Il lustrated Songs, with the Great American'' ltograBhyOrlretteV! Dot Stanley. - iiat- 1 Ms; JHfartk Aamsarta (w1. I Not Cheap Fix Fixtures Cheap ,-V:' -I. 'i MONG our offerlngi . in Mahtles. Fa- TUXES, GlATES, TtLWO, Portables, I" b n d k a s , ' Sconces, and Camdela bra among ' the ;.. Urge variety of home conveni ences and ' qrnaments-r-every taste can be satis-. fied, andTiny robro suited; Our goods are not cheap goods but ve sell them cheap. By far the most beautiful goods in Fort land. . . ........... Sfte John Barrett Co. Eatablla h d 18 6 7 SIXTH and JiLDER STS. cooler .east portion tonight; westerly winds. IdahoTonight and Thursday, probably fair; cooler tonight, with frost south por tion. EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast Official The fiyei for the pum? of the new dredtre Portland has arrived and will bo $u4njtfljlape.,tjjmorrow.. Trout are plentiful in the Kecahlcum River, boys catching hundreds. The weather continues lovely at Seaside. Attorney Watts returned yesterday from up the valley, where he put In a week shooting with a party. In ail they aecured 110 birds. Jake Delsel, the fast short stop on the Portland ball team, has been called to his home in Cincinnati, ly the serious Illness of his mother. A Are came near .destroying the home of Policeman Kalllch, at Woodlawn. lant night. It started from a defective flue. The Highland chemical was called to the scene and put out the fire. Harry Long, a well-known local gam bler, has escaped from the jail at Vale. Malheur County, where lie wa conflnc-d pending trial for-the shooting of ft -Chinaman, at Ontario, last July. L-aTgn crowd will lev-f &jxkaiii this evening at 6:1 to attend the fair at that place. The O. R. & N.' ticket 'office was crowded a good part of the day. selling tickets and report a great number sold. Henry Welner and John E. Wallace will be arraigned " before the Vnlfd States grand Jury sometime today. They are charged with Issuing fraudulent af fidavits in connection with property transfers. Traffic was delayed for a time on the steel bridge yesterday afternoon by a wagon wheel getting between a plank and the car rail. By the time it could be removed a large Jam of people and ve hicles had been, formed. State Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey wiir ieAVe for Salem on business: He will return in lime to take up the prosecution of Henry Waterman for sell ing Impure milk. This case will come up In the Circuit Court on Friday. Casey was again at the tint yesterday, before Judge Hogue. He probably holds the record for the number of times he has appeared inline Municipal Court. Ha was given ten days,' upon a promise to leave town when he waa dismissed. The revetment which is being con- str'uSted'uy the" "United vftratee engineer at Corvallis, will probably be Completed this week. Assistant Engineer Ogden ex amined the progress of the work yester day and is satisfied with wh,at has been dons. J. T. Wilson, a contractor, who was charged with assault on ft-y ear-old Ikey Pteln, waa dismissed. Ikey was break ing some of the contractor's shingles, and was pushed away from his employment by the defendant. The boy fell down and' bruised his knee and chin. A -trtrtfor--ther-erfttkH- of a--mlwin bureau in the state of Oregon will be pre sented for the consideration of the next session of the Legislature. The bill will provldo for the establishment of a bureau and the appointment of a commissioner, to collect mining Information and speci mens. Fred Morle.y was yesterday dismissed on . the charge of-securing money under false pretenses. The charge had been placed .".gainst him by Ed Blaslcr, after the trial of the case in which he was accused of gambling at the place of De Martini. During the hearing evidence was brought out which resulted in the roasting of Officer Church for negligence Of duty. The third lot of the Douglas County pamphlets art out. The Southern Pacific have received 20,000 copies for distribu tion in the East. About 75,000 are still in press and will be out shortly. The pamph let-Is Neatly gotten up, consisting of in teresting descriptive reading matter-, Il lustrated with very tine cuts. Among the Illustrations are "Myrtle Creek Oil Plant," "Umpqua Valley Peach Orchard," a hop yard, stock farm, and the County Court house at Roeeburg. Local fire Insurance agents have receiv ed tho new Insurance rates' In accordance with the re-survey ana re-raring maae several months ago. There are no ma terial ha -on Amines property, - cewt on the water-front, where a big In crease has been made. On residence prop erty west of Third- street, there Is a re duction Of about 10 per cent Portland Heights-Is not Included In this reduction on account of'tta poor Are protection, i Portland dub. Finn ana Alder. Ftnaat lunch clt. a Portland Cluk, nit and Aider.' " PERSCN&LS. John A. Shaw,, of Mill Cltyt ts at ths Perkins. - -. '. ," .. v ., - .' '.Dr. VT. jr.' MayY of Baker Qlty.: 1 nt tho Perkins, u .. ' - - ' : K. Toung and wife, .of Oak jPolnt. are at tho St Charles, . '. H. V. Jerrltt, oX Eroplri City,' Is" guest at the Perkins. . - "A. C. Egan and wife, of Toronto, Can ada, are at tha Imperial. f 3. Jones, a "Dayton merchant, Is a guest at the St. Charles. A. E. CampbeU and wife; of Newberg, are guests at the Belvedere. Uj J. W. Volker, of Pllnt. Mich la hero fora few days on bustnesa. , W. & Poulsen and M- k. Poulsen, of Hood River, are at the Perkins. W. A. Kalmar, of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, is a guest at the Imperial. Lare Osland. of Cheater, la., is in the city, looking around for an Investment. . JL-D.Btrnei.a promjnent merchant q uatniamet, wash., is in the city vlsiUng the wholesale houses. ' T. Beine, of St. Paul, Is In Portland, attracted by the advertisements of the Chamber of Commerce. R- B. Irvine, the real estate and insur ance man of Hood River, is in the city. stopping at the St. Charles. Hon. Otis Patterson, receiver of the land office at The Dalles, was in the city yesterday transacting business. C. B. Trescott, of the Trescott Pack ing Company, will leave ror Coos Bay tonight on the steamship Alliance. W. S. Chandler and wife, who have been spending a few days in the city from Coos Bay, will return home tonight Major L. D. Kinney, chief 'vjjgineer of the Great Central, left for Roseburg last night. From there he will go to Marsh field. W. W. and Frjnk C. Baker are on a trip to Puget Sound and Victoria. B. C. The trip is taken mainly for the former's health. General Agent A. G. Barker, of the Chicago & Northwestern, left for a trip to Astoria last night, and will be back tomorrow. Wm. Kisher, (V hotel and euwmill man and general boomer of Mayger, is stopping at the St. Charles while tran sacting business in the cttf. Professor J. H. Ackerman, Btate Super intendent of Public Instruction, was In the city yesterday on his way to Ontario to attend a teachers' institute. Colonel R. A. Miller, the Democratic politician and attorney, of Oregon City, decorated the Imperial Hotel register with his autograph this morning. Or-rn:i people reglst'rd (it New York hoteln: Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Brlstow, at the Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Craw ford, of Raker City, at the Cadillac. Mrs. L. A. Carlisle, of Locksley Hall, Seaside, is In Tortiand and will leave this evening for Denver, Colo., where she goes on a visit to relatives and fripndA . James A. Clock, general agent of the Wisconsin Central, in this city, has re ceived notice of his appointment as I'a. vlfle Cotuit, aKcn of .the company ..t.Qjjf come effective October 1st. J. S. Grnaf, of Lillian Lodge,, Wash., an exteiinlve prune grower and dryer, 13 transacting business In Portland to day. He reports prunes a good crop and of a line quality this year. Ex-County Treasurer J. A. Under wood, of Oakland, is stopping at thj Belvedere. He Is accompanied by his young brother, Harry 1'nderwood, who Is here to consult on eye specialist. Edwin l?e Lewis, formerly freight so licitor for the Northern Pacific, has ac cepted a position as salesman with the wholesale grocery firm of Wadhams & Kerr Brothers and has entered upon hla new duties. Hon. W. II. Pope left for1 the East Monday,' for the' first time In 48" years;' to visit his birthplace. New Bedford. Mass., and other points on the Atlantic ueaboard. On his return Mr. Pope wll' spend several days at Washington, D. C. Mrs. T. 11. Crawford, wife of Hon. T. H. Crawford, of Union, who has been in a Portland sanitarium for the past sev eral months and who underwent a seri ous and delicate operation a few'days ago, is rapidly recovering and is in a fair "amy- to regain her former health. ' MUCH PRIZED GIFT Charles E. Ladd's Present to Ore gon Historical Society. The Oregon Historical Society is In re ceipt of a very valuable collection of 63 historical works, the gift of Charles E. Ladd. It Includes many very rare works, gome of which it would be almost Im possible to duplicate. The collection which Is well bound and in an excellent state of preservation, is the result' of years of search. In the- eoUeetlon may be found works which practically cover all of the early explorations of the Northwest. That period '-previous to the ealy '10s is es pecially well covered. It contains the journals of the British navigators, Cook and Vancouver, and of the British explorer, Sir Alexander Mac kenzie, who was the first white man to cross the American Continent to the Pa cific Ocean. It .includes also the journals of Lewis and Clark, Alexander Henry and William Thompson, the Astor party and Fremont. The. JiarraUvesjtf J'rancherejJwL.Jtoaa Cox nre In the collection; also a history of the" (Methodist missions from 1834 to 1844 by Daniel Lee, brother of Jason Lee, who founded the first mission in Oregon. HASTENING HOME. .- .vt. James M. Ashton, Republican national committeeman from Washington, who' has been spending several weeks In Eu fsper 1 tm hrrid trip horoe-...-.K reached Washington, p. C.,- .yesterday and left In the evening for the West. Both tho warring facttions in his party ara anxiously awaiting his return and tho hope la expressed by members of his party that ha will be abla to induce both factions to bury tfceir tomahawks and get together., ' . . V ,. THE COUNCIL I ;S OVERRULED Wood Can Be Hindld on the Gty W;" 'Streets. ACTION WITHOUT AUTHORITY Telephone .Wires Ordered Under groundProtest Improvements. The Board of Publlo Works, at Ita meet ing yesterday, decided that the City Coun cil did tiot act -With authority when Rcfk action t Its last meeting prohibit ing "tho "Kerchanti' Express Company from carrying wood and gravel over the publlo streets. Th'a Board was of the opinion that It waa in its province to determine how a -afreet should be used and In what manner traffic should pass over them. Tho discussion was quite brief. A. V. Cummlngs, of Woodlawn, represented the residents, and showed that team hauling would bring wood up to cents per cord more than by electric car, and the wear and tear an the streets would be a heavy tax on the property owners. The Mayor was in favor of allowing the wood hauling by rail continued ana so was the balance of the Board. A motion was carried allowing the railway company to haul wood ifnd gravel over the rtreets until further notice. UNDERGROUND WIRES. Auditor Devlinv who was absent through Illness, notified the Board through a communication, that he huTl notified the Oregon Telephone 6c Telegraph Company to place Its Seventh street wires under ground. The company had no overhead wires or. this street. The auditor was in structed to order tbs Columbia Telephone Company to placo Us wires on this street under ground. The filling of Hawthorne avenue from East Water street to East Second street was laid over forgone week, owing to the groat difference in the "city engineer's es timate and that of the lowest bidder. City Engineer Elliott's estimate was based on the shipment of gravel over the lines of tho Oregon Water Power Railway Company, and is TS cents per cubic yard, while the lowest bidder, J. R. O'Neill, based on team hauling, is 40 cents per yard. Bids may be ceadver tised, as it Is very desirable to have these nils completed as soon as possible. The city is liable to a damage suit any day through accidents to persons and ani mals, through tho giving way" of plank roadbeds. PROPERTY OWNERS PROTEST. R. Livingstone, agent for the Northern Counties Investment Company, sent in a protest against the opening and widening of Vancouver avenue. He stated that the company owned lots on The avenue, and thry would be assessed $1,900 as its proportionate share of 'The Improvements. He did not think tho improvement would be of any benefit at this time, and sug gested that action be deferred until tho Board could Inspect the proposed ex tension. City Engineer Elliott stated that the lots were located near the Vancouver bridge, and they had to pay a large share for the improvement, as much filling had to be done. One man alone was assessed $740 on a single lot. The matter was referred to the street committee. The revised bond of the Carbollneum Company was accepted. The one offered last week was rejected owing to a cleri cal error. PROFIT IN HOGS A Sample of What Oregon Could Produce. Six fine shoats were brought in yester day by H. V. Whitney, a farmer of Man ning,, Washington County, and placed Jn Itui .Portland s.uck yards. They m not quite five months old and altogether weigh 10S0 pounds. Mr. Whitney got 100.80 for the lot. the cost of producing tbem was 126,40. Mr. Whitney credits the rape and pea pasture where they ran with their mother, together with skimming and shorts morn ing and evening, for their unusual weight and beauty. Dr. James Wlthyeombe, Director of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at Corvallis, first Introduced the rape Into Oregon. This plant furnishes tho prin cipal roughness uihI forage for hogs. An average of nine hogs are always kept by Mr. Whitney on his one-acre plat, and when the growth becomes too rank he turns In as many as 18 sheep. The pigs were bought 'by the .Union Meat Company and are what are- known as the Berkshire and Poland-China variety,- all solid black. -.. SOME GOOD COAL North Yamhill Mine Hakes Very Fine Showing. Tho Portland Coal ft Development Company's mines, situated near North Yamhill-. Or:;- wer-visited -by- -parties-from Portland this week. They found the development work, progressing quite rapidly and satisfactorily.- Tho company Is engaged In making a cross-cut connecting tho two tunnels which are now In 600 feet. This cross cut, which will be completed this week, will give perfect ventilation to the mlne They also found that tho quality and quantity of coal waa Increasing very rapid the development progresses. Owing to the hardehTngiof the coal the company finds that much better progress can bo made in driving the tunnel by ths use of powder. 4 -.' ' . Tho Journal, an acorn of newspapers, for several months, becoming; wew an oak of newspaper By carrier, Jn elty, 10 centa a week, .. .... . NOTES OF TEE SOCIAL WORLD, t Mr W. J. Van Bchuyrer, Xlsa Van Schuyver, lira, A. B. Mack ay and Mrs. W. O, Van Schuyver hara UwPTnvlta tlofis for a tea Saturday afternoon from I to o'clock, at tho Portland Hott?.- Mrs. Henry McCraken "entertained at luncheon today. . . . S Tho council of Jewish Women "met this afternoon In tho Belllng-Hlrsch Build ing. " - ' " , The Portland Arfc. Club resumed its meetings for tho season this morning in thf -Directors' rooms of the Portland Library., Tho. sculpture and fourth divis ion will meet Thursday morning at 10 O'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd enter tained the members of tho Plng-Pong Club Tuesday evening. Today at 12 o'clock, at the Grace Metho dist Episcopal Church, occurred the mar riage of Mr. Frank Manly Warren, Jr., to Miss Laura Alden Cranston. Miss Eleanor Tebbetts. assisted by the musical faculty of St. Helen's Hall, will give the opening teachers' recital of St. Helens' Hall this evening at 8 o'clock, at Parson's Hall, corner of Nineteenth and Washington streets. The program will begin promptly and the doors will be closed during the rendering of any number. Two members of the staff will be heard for the first time in Portland: Miss Elizabeth Patterson Sawyers, a brilliant, pianist, who has studied with Oscar Relf and Felly Dreysehock, In Berlin, Germany: and Miss Mary Den ton, a vocalist of fine attainments, who spent the past year in Berlin. Admission Is free by tickets, which may be obtained of Woodard, Clarke & Co., at GUI's Book Store and the door. The Women's Alliance of the Unitarian Church met this afternoon in the church parlors. PERSONALS. Mrs. J, C. Robinson, of '& King street Is 111 from ivy poisoning. Mrs. George Sampson and daughter, Hxm., WJAie. RouoXrs,.,igUl. return from Newport this week. Mrs. Anna Whltmarsh and son. who were guests of Mrs. Sadie McKlbben, havo returned to their home in Chehalls. Miss Nora ,Carr, who was the guest ot Mrs. N. A. King, has returned to her home In Paisley. nMr. and Mrs. Theo. B. Wilcox are vis iting In the East. Mrs. Tyler and Miss Edna Moreland, of Los Angeles, are visiting Mrs. San derson Reed. Mr. A. Clark and daughter. Miss Clark, of Spokane, spent yesterday In the city, en route to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton LIndsley have returned from Newport. A STRIKE PENDING Officials of Railway Employes' Unions Awaiting Instructions . Local officials of the Brotherhood ot Railway Trainmen and the Order of Railway Conductors Btate that a meet ing of the two organizations since their consolidation was held at Kansas City last Sunday. As yet they have not been Informed as to what business was tran sacted. The meeting was composed alto gether of members of the grand lodge in each organization. It Is believed that the wage question was discussed and that some plan of action was decided upon. A short time ago officials gave It out that the various railway companies west of the Missis sippi River would be asked to grant a 20 per cent increase In wages, and If the demand should be refused one road would be forced to do so by the employes going on a strike. Local officials are anxiously waiting to receive word from the Kansas City meeting. They say, however, that they do not anticipate any trouble. Before a, strike can be inaugu rated a proposition to that effect has to be submitted to the employes of the road, and if two-thirds of them are not favorable to such a course, no steps can be taken In that direction. FROM THE BUNCHGRASS. The Portland stockyards were a busy scene yesterday when B.tlOO sheep came in from Eastern Oregon on tUelr way to the Lower Sacramento, where they will be turned on the Island stubbia' fields." D. I. Wals, of Sacramento, Is moving these sheep to California, where he has already moved 40,000 Oregon sheep this season. Mr. Waz expects to get about 15,000 more sheep into California this season, making a total of Co.OOO head of sheep for the season. The sheep are taken to California feed ing grounds through IKe Influence' of In dustrial Agent Judson, of the O. R. & N. Co. Formerly they were trailed over land. Fully 100,000 sheep are trailed out of Oregon Into California for the feed ing season. No doubt In the future the sheep will go by rail, as It la the most ljandy and a great deal more facilitating. Mr. Wals's sheep will go forward by rail. ..' . . . Regulator Line. Regulator line steamers from Oak street dock at' 7 'a. m.'- Best' and fastest line of steamers for The Dalles, Lyle, Hood River, White Salmon, St. Martins Hot Springs, Cascade Locks, Moffet's H:t Springs, and all middle Columbia River and Klickitat Valley points. Take this line and get to your destination from one to four hours ahead of other lines. RUBBERS GIVEN AWAY THURSDAY. On Thursday of this week we will show the aavaneo-f alt and WlotM tle -ef Ladles' $3.60 "Ultra" Shoes.' They havo cushion cork Insoles and are so comfort able. On this day, and this day only, each person who buys a pair of Ladles' Shoes. wlU be -presented with a pair, of storm. TObberqp tho , regujaj 10 valua. Rentember, for this Thursday only. - : it BILLING 3. S2S Jttorriaoa 8 . Olds, Wdrtman & King French Flannel Waistings We are selling this very popular material for Fall Shirt Waists in all the new color ings, both plain, striped, fig ured and Persian effects, which sells regularl at 75c per yard This week at 51c ' Umbrellas Lovers of fine umbrellas will be interested in the line we are now showing, in both black and fancy colors. They are of beautiful silk, light frames with handles of beautiful nat ural wood, handsome pearl and silver-tipped horn, both ladies' and men's sizes. Prices $3.50 to $15.00 Each. We also have a very nice ladies' black taffeta gloria, of fine quality, Price with case and tassle, $1.50. Children's School Umbrellas at reasonable prices. Fleckenstein Mayer Go. Importers of and Jobbers In ' WINES AND LIQUORS Of which wo carry a full and complete VfCMM A LADIES' AND GENTS' V lGrNlN TAILORING COMFY JOHANN HEIBL, Proprietor. TaKpbona lEj Rtd. 345 Washington. St. Portland, Or.. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS 4 PERFECT IN FIT, UNEXCELLED IN WORKMANSHIP, ' MADE TO YOUR MEASURE From $40.00 up. The Latest Novelties in Woolens to select from. Come early as we are very pusy ana you Is Almost Certain If Yon Have a Business Training The young person who starts life with out It risks failure; those with It rise twice as rapidly as others. It is tlme-savlns and money-gaining to attend a good business college. Take care In tho selection of a school. There are nose better and many worse than ours, 'a One catalogue . free. HOLMES ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COLLEGE llth and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or. M. J. WALSH CO.' SHOW ROOMS: 245 WASHINGTON STREET. Gas Fixtures Combination Fixtures Electric Fixtures Electric Light Wiring WOODARJ), CLARKE CO. DRUGGISTS MINERAL -, RED RAVEN SPLITS ... . APENTA APOLLINARIS, Qts HUNYADI JANOS OZONATE LITHIA , BUFFALO LITHIA . WILHOIT SPRINGS.......... VERONICA. ALL KINDS OF MINERAL Art Extra Bargain in :: Ladies W$? Handkerchiefs J Dainty and sheer, all pure) linen, hemstitched and demU laundered, ready for use. Per dozen. $2.25 -each, 19c. I Sale Black TAftTTA This silk -wis ntiermdiV" popular than it is this season. The values we are offering fof the week are most excellent. Earn piece is full 36 inches wide, firm, heavy, and of a glossy, fast black and will make most effective outer gar merits, linings, trimmings Of petticoats. Following are-the exceedingly low prices for this week : ' $1.25 Grade for...'...ooc $1.35 Grade for......$i.oo $1.50 Grade for 1. 19 Also 20-inch black taffetta, per yd, SPECIAL, 72c fine. 235 Oak St, Portland, Or. bdeCarpdllcse . l&fll(M((L A4-AA TKIAD ST. Op. Caasahar of may want yours in lime. Fire Places Tile Floor Bells and Batteries Bell Repairing WATERS . . - t ,.1 .........10c' ......25c 25c .....;.30c ' ............25c t ,....t...65c : ;...25c " . AO i5muijl ti JSii25 -2 WATERS IN STOCK. t J ,v a , --i ...