The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 08, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Tee Oregon Daily Journal
6. g.'jkCK&on.
tta Yamhill et., Between Fourth and Fifth
, Portland, Oregon.
Independent Demoerstle Paper of Orogon.
Entered at the postofflce of Portland,
Oregon, lOf 'transmission through tba
maiia as second-class matter.
Postage tor single eopiea For aa s, 10
or 13-page paper, 1 cent; 16 to it pages,
cent; over ifg pages. I cents.
Anonymous communications will not be
noticed. Rejected communications will
not b returned.
Business Office: Oregon Main, COO;
Columbia. 706.
Kdttorinl Rooms: Oregon Main. 600.-City-
Editor: Oregon Main, 26.
The Daily, by Carrier,
Tho Journal, one year .......... tS.OO
, 'i he Journal, six month? 2-60
The Journal, three months
Journal, by the week ,. 10
The Daily, by Mall.
. The iournal by mail, one year ....$4.00
The Journal, by mail, six months .. 2.00
Tba Journal, by mall, three months.. 1.00
x Weakly and Semi-Weekly.
The Semi-Weekly eVmrnal, 104 copies,
- one year $1.50
The Weekly Journal, St copies, one
year 1.00
. , Proportionate rates for shorter periods.
Where subscribers are served with a
daily mall Tba Dally Journal at St a year
by mail is tbe best paper to take; where
they are served twice a week. The Twice--Week
Journal Is an excellent news
. purveyor; or, where one a week, take
Tba Weekly Journal.
All three issues carry all the news, lo
. eal, state and general, special features,
articles by distinguished writers and full
market reports. Address,
Box 121. ' Portland, Or.
The astern representative of
this paper la Albert K. Hans brook.
91 Times Building, New Tork, and
Hartford Building, Chicago. '
When you leave the city or change your
addresa, even foe one week) don't fall to
call at business office and leave your
order for The Oregon Dally Journal.
Bill; Devery, of New Tork, has been
turned ' down by the Democratic State
Convention of New York. Devery had been
Chief of the New Tork police force and
was undoubtedly a machine politician.
Ha had learned from both Democrat and
Republican, aa well aa from the -Reform'
candidates, and "good govern
ment" campaigns, that there was in Kew
Tork City but one measure of politics,
one rule governing all parties, one object
In view, and that was to win. None of
: them cared as to tbe means employed, so
the object Was attained.
Devery, In the recent primaries In New
Tork City, set out to carry the Ninth
Warpanae .carried it.7. .1
"file came out in the open and made a
"D toJwln,,,u,d h wo"- He spent nearly
40,Oo6, but he spent his own money. He
bought beer and steamboats and took the
women and children of the district on a
picnic excursion. He made himself popu
lar in; every way possible, and for this.
v and because of his methods he was turned
down and the Ninth Ward was not rep-
: resented In tbe Convention.
, It may be that it was proper to rebuke
, bis methods, but any Convention. Demo-
.; cratio or other, in New Tork or Oregon,
' that does so, la about as consistent as 8a-
? tan in rebuking gin. .
Tbere is not an election In the United
States at which money- is not spent for
beer, t and excursions, brass bands, and
campaign speeches are familiar to all.
c..The method of -electioneering "may be
. wrong and Jt Is but so long as it is
the method, and the only one, and com
mon to both parties, we see no reason
Why Devery should be turned down by
a Convention every Individual member of
which had, done exactly what he had,
only on a smaller scale.
. The bicycle trust going Into the hands
of receiver, is suggestive of the fate
Of other trust combinations of a certain
. class. The bicycle business had reached
its cjlmax before the trust was formed,
and unholy prices charged during the
first few years of the craze, had given way
to tolerably reasonable prices before the
combination was formed. To prevent
overproduction and maintain prices was
the ostensible reason for forming the
trust, and, of course, each company go
ing into it tried to get as large a block
of the stock as possible.
" there was another reason for the com
bin and that was to permit tlie stock
holders of the individual companies to
Unload ttelr private holdings In a busl
Bess whose' profits had been cut in two
V several times and which was still steadily
The result was 40 per cent values
watered to 100 per cent and worked off on
ether investors. Had bicycles been an
Absolute necessity, like coal, oil, meat,
or something of that kind, the people
would have been compelled to pay big
v dividends on the diluted stocks.
- This is what is happening with coal,
and oil, andmeat The people, rich or
poor, must have them, and they must pay
such price as the trust management fix.
. They were formed much as the bicycle
combination was, with five dollar's worth
... of stock for every dollar's worth of values
'put into them, and the consumers must
pay such dividends as the magnates de
. mand upon five times . the real capital
i Invested.
Now, herein lies the dinger of a flnan-
rial panic that would make that of seven
foert la ' tike "a microbe ' " J
' There 'ls a limit to the amount that
humanity can pay for its necessitiqg. and
that limit being reached and over-reached,
; as It Is now, something is going to be
There can be but three solutions, three
eutoomes to the situation. The one Is
Socialism.' pure and simple.
The second is Anarchy.
- The third la a. reduction of pr)o, oj
lowed TTy, loss of dividends. shrinkage of
values of all "Industrials,'' and the great
est financial panto this 'country has ever
known. ; . $ I ; .
Therm has been an era of wild specula
tion, eapeoiaUy in stocks. The civilised
countries of the world axe nearly all
on a gold basis. Tet the trusts In the
United States are capitalised for about
double the value of the world's visible
gold supply,
Let this 17.000.008,000 "be suddenly re
duced 1b value one-half and the demand
mad by those who hold the collateral
for the cola, and what would happen T
All outside stocks. In fact all other prop
erty, real or personal. Would shrink cor
respondingly. In the cbaoa following no property would
be considered in the light of security for
Gold, always cowardly, always the first
to seek safety In flight, woufd scurry for
cover, and banks, trusts, corporations, as
-Jpwell as private fortunes, would be swept
away by the financial tidal wave.
A financial panio .soon squeetes the
water out of every business proposition.
The supposed wealth of thousands con
sists entirely of fictitious values, of
watered stock, and when the squeeze
stock, and wnen tne squeeze
they will be left so dry they will
blow away like thistle ifcwn.
This will be the result unless we fall
back on Socialism or Anarchy. The lat
ter is too appalling to even be considered.
tt seems then it must be cither Socialism
or panic.
The trust magnates have brought about
this condition, and as they do not like
either of the obpva remedies, they will
in time perhaps regret the Inordinate
greed that led to their undoing.
With Its proverbial .consistency, th-
Oregonlan has taken Its expected "flop"
on the granting of franchises. But a few
days since it was firm and fixed In ih
determination that no franchises shoulil
be granted until after the new charter
was in effect. It held to this position f -
nearly two whole days, but on Tuesd.iy
could resist no longer, and now Is (irm
ly convinced that If all -the franchise
asked tor . are not granted, rorf-had, de
velopment will surely stop, tt still be
lieves that the ; provisions required by
the Jiaw charter to be incofporated 'tit
all grants should be respected and
corporated Into the new franchises askn 1
for, but loses sight of the fact that som-
of the most valuable of thosr provision--.
cannot be legally Inserted therein.
As a further reason for granting them
immediately, it says: "There Is no reason
to wait for a charter which may or may
not become a law." '
What does '-the Delphic oracle mean by
this? Is there then really something .lo-
Ing about the charter that is being con
cealed from the people? The EUitor-ln-
Chief of the Oregonlan was a membpr
of the charter board and supported the.'p
provisions both 4a private add ImbUc. an.!
stood on this question Just, whi-re The
lt us be candid on- this sub.lert. Th
Oregonian knows these applications were
made at. this time to avoid tnn very pro
visions it considers so Important. The
Oregonian knows the new chartor will ;e
enacted Into law the first week of lh"
coming session 'of the Legislature. unl ss
It IS prepared to believe and assprt thru
the members-elect from this count
would violate their solemn pledges nntl
prove traitors to their1 constituents. Tho
Oregonian knows, that for the next thre -or
four months there will be no railroad
construction except where absolutely
necessary. The Oregonian knows that if
the entire $400,000 which is proposed to
be expended was used in replacing oM
tracks and repairing streets anJ briilR'
now being used by the railway com
pany, there would be a mighty lit lie bill
ance left. Knowing all these fuels an'
that within ninety days or thereabout
the new charter will bf In effect, when
the provisions Jt approves will have to !v
made a part of every grant, it support,
the immediate grant of a number rf
miles of streets for railway purposes.
Iwhy? -
.Three days ago it thought it wise to
wait. Now It Is all Important to move
at once.
The Journal stands where it started,
for the Interests of the city. It can so,
no reason for haste. Ninety days c:ui
make no difference to the railway com
pany; it can make every difference to liie
city. Let the Council stand Arm and the
people of this city,, w'll support them.
They didn't cast a vote ot ten to one for
the charter for fun.
In a letter to the Directors of the Lewis
and Clark Fair, in. which he udvocates
a number of measures for the advance
ment of the project, he counsels giving
wide publicity In the East, and offers
suggestions along other lines, notably the
preparation of sn exhibit of the products
of the Philippine Islands and the erec
tion of a Memorial Building in City
Professor Toung has contributed valu
able matter to the discussion of the
means of making the Fair a success. Ills
suggestions should be followed.
Probably an appeal to Congress for an
appropriation of money for the Fair upon
a commercial basis would be refused.
But the proper emphasis ofpthe historical
features and the showing of products from
the Far East would constitute powerful
arguments for the desired appropriation.
A red-headad woman of Ottawa, Kan
sas, ran away frem per husband and fam
ily, anS Wfol 9 her husband tlit Ho -y,gj
happy, and for him ''to be good and Heav-.
en would reward him." He had already
received part of his reward, as she had
left him.
Secretary Hay's sympathy with the
Roumanian Jews had a long ways to trav
el He might find use for it Bearer home,
if he could approach the coal barons in
the Interest of tt pebtttv .
- .........ssy
Baar now thinks he is the whole coun
try and wants the President to call out
the troops and "restore the. majesty of
the only guardian of a free people." He
seems to forget that in the Civil War
the Government tbok the other side and
set the slaves free. Is that what Beer
One Otthe gang of seven graverobbers
at Indianapolis recently arrested says the
gang got about every body burled In one
cemetery since the first of July. Relatives
and friends of the dead thus stolen from
their graves can now understand the
feeling that leads to the stake and torch.
The Danish West Indies want to get
annexed to this country, and are In a
hurry about It. They hod better find out
first whether ther are to- be cltlsens or
j . pfHNK MADE V.E)
I ,;re L tie awotms v a ! (
. irt
C r. ..Ill I
1 THE 01 Ht n
The glud tiding, come from London that
the Princess of Wales will present the
Prime a pledge of affection In time for
him to hung it on the Christmas fe-
Peary auys that with a good ship and
SZUO.OOO worth of provisions he can reach
the Pole. He must be intending to start
a biuirdlng-house when he gets there.
At Rochester, N. T., owing to the coal
fuuiluu, p:ou"iu are. JUiai lag VP the wooden
sidewalks for fuel. They have nothing
to arbitrate, and not much to burn.
New Orleans has a street-car strike
and all lines are lied up. However, the
citlsi iis can walk, and keep warm, which
bi a inutile Pennsylvania situation.
Geretal Algrr Is a living demonstration
of the fact that he who fights and runs
away may live to associate with his peers
In the United States Senate.
The position of the latest Ptrrlne comet
rns hem ascertained. It is about three
degrns north of Alpha Cygni, which Is
the place Castro Is looking for.
If anyone.. wishes to know how to settle
the i nal sirike. Just step out on the street
connr. .
Van Cl.'ve says England Is the place
for geiiilcmeu to live, and then goes there
iujusrlf. lie .tiUould-sei.. inc. -sampl. of
leaving it for gentlemen.
Slate and city bonds ate good enough
for Secretary .Phaw to loan Government
money on. provided they are not Western
suite or city bonds.
A number of our exchange, are using
syndicate editorials that show the marks
of educated Inferiority and" Infantile in
, If the mine owners Insist that they have
nothing to arbitrate, why not withdraw
the troops and let the parties fight It out?
After all. It Is what the City .Council
does, and not what tho Mayor says, that
is the open and shut of It.
Siimmy Say. Pop, 1 think Max has one
on you. Since gamblin' closed you don't
have to see a man yer lodge ain't hold
In' no special meetln's, and the next
seance takes place in the woodshed.
It Is "Senator" Alger now, but the
change of title does not' remove the scent
of the embalmed beef.
It will be noted that tire mine operators
who conferred with the President were
all railroad presidents.
' --7 r-r- . ' r .
Now that thr President has a game leg
It is hoped the politicians will refrain
from pulling It.
The government la now issuing a 1S
cent stamp. This is flying in the face of
Was it thBHiMMyef the elimta.jtHat
caused Seattle's Mayor to lose himself?
Councilmen never lose their heads, but
this does not apply to their hats.
Has anyone seen anything of any
tanks lately. - - -
Seattle's Mayor didn't know tbe way
At n
.....,........ n
The Portland people are to ask for
tf00,000 for the 1905 Exposition from the
state. That Is not too much. The Expo
sition, conducted on liberal lines, will be
worth several times that sum to Oregon.
The Portland Fair managers have de
cided that they want $500,000 from the
taxpayers to hold their fair.
This is Governor Gear's opportunity to
aay to them, tenyemen, put off your op
position to tbe flat salary reform.
Let the state officials be put on a flat
salary and all the fees end perquisites go
Intc the state treasury, and that will
save the taxpayers 1200,000.
Enact a law to tax the gross earnings
of untaxed franchises, and put $300,000 in
the treasury from that source In the
next five years. , ,
Befere---i!-"l3eee8iSt'9 ad4!A!aEal
taxes on the taxpayers keep your plat
form pledges and put that amount 'of
money in the treasury. '
The horse-leech cry tor more and more,
and the stubborn opposition to all na
tional reform . will Injure Oregon more
than the fair will help.
The cool demand for half a million
money, with not a cent of revenue ad
ded to the resources of tbe state would
make taxes so high as to make the de
velopment of the state almost impossible
for years to come.
Oregon state taxes are already twice
as high as any state in the Northwest
Tbe proposition of the exploiters to add
to the burden is an Insult to the intel
ligence of the 'people, unless coupled
with an intention to Increase revenue.
Oregon states taxes are already twice
as high as any state in the Northwest
The proposition of the exploiters to add
to the burden is an Insult to the intel
ligence of the people, unless coupled with
an Intention to increase revenue. Sa
lem Journal.
It la "an insult" anyway. The implied
consent of the Journal ,to the wrongful
taking of tadb.OOO from the taxpayers be
cause of compensating condition Is akin
to the victim submitting his person to
highway robbery simply because the J
his safe open. - Put the state officials on
a flat salary anyway, whether or not the
contemplated steal of $300,000 shall ma
terialize. Eugene Guard.
Portland political grafters are playing
a bold game ridiculing the Governor's
pretensions as a candidate for Senator,
and at the same time opposing flat sal
aries, and yet asking $500,000 of the peo
ple for their fair.
The state tax Is now twelve mills, and
the proposition to take $500,000 for a Port
land exposition is nothing but to add an
additional mill or two for the benefit of,
Portland real . estate - .speculators nnf
corporations. ,
Governor Geer can say to these gentle
men, before you take a dollar addition.'.!
taxes out of Ihe pockets of the peop'e.
make provisions too Put some revenues
S i-v. iha 4-icury. h; Sftfte-tog. ,
promised In the Republican platform
the flat salary bill and taxation of un
taxed franchises. He holds the trump
card to protect the people.
The vote for Governor Geer for Senator
was an Important matter. But the adop
tion of the Initiative and referendum
amendment was far rnOfe important, and
a special session Is needed for that alone,
to put that Direct Legislation amend
ment Into effect, as a restraint upon the
extravagances of the Legislature.
If a special session would put the di
rect legislation amendment Into opera
tion so that it would apply to the work
of the regular session, that very fact
would make-a.ll work of that Legislature
more conservative, and would save the
ueople aauarter of a million. ,
The mere fact that thejpeople hold a
check, a club, a reversing power. In their
hands, would make many a Job Impos
sible. The fact that a pn
party jn a
take, iri 'a
divorce suit
has six months to
'appeal to tlu
Supreme Court makes
mighty careful about
divorced people
marrying before
that time is up.
The referendum club, lh the hands of
the people, would be a mighty restraint
ficlals who had the power to disburse
questionable appropriations. They would
wait until the people passed on the mat
ter or the time for their right to pass
had expired.
Governor Geer believes In the direct
voice of the people being -obeyed and re
spected. Far more than In his own caso.
as candidate for Senator, did the people
demand the protection of the direct legis
lation amendment, and If he wishes o
protect the people against the rapacity
of the Portland boodlers he shorM call
a speelal seanion to- ptrt"dlnK!t lyglHlaTtOF
Into effect.
It the Portland managers wanted to
act fair and square with the people they
would not oppose a special session to
pass the flat salary bill, put all fees' and
perquisites in the treasury, and put the
initiative and referendum Into effect, and
pass or provide for a revenue bill t'hpt
will extend the Insurance tax to other
corporations and franchises not now
Governor Geer holds the whip now to
secure some of these great reforms, if ho
will use his power and veto their $30,000
appropriation. If they refuse to give the
people the promised reforms and the pro
tection to which they are entitled.
All Portland wants the $300,000 for the
Lewis and Clark Fair. All the people
want the promised reforms,.' To glva the
grafters all they demand, and, give the
people wind-soup Is a suicidal policy tor
any man to pursue. The Journal does
not believe that Governor Geer Is that
kind of a man. The politicians havo
shown him that they have as little use
for him as the people have for them.
Nothing but a Arm stand tor, the pause
of .the people will give Governor Geer
any standing in hts aspirations for Unit
ed States Senator.
Now that tho question of a state ap
propriation for the Lewis and Clark
Centennial is assuming a definite form,
the people of the state are called upon to
seriously, consider the matter, and it Is
CP to them to furnish the appropriation,
The Lewis and Clark Centennial is the
first effort of Its kind for the Northwest
Coast, and particularly . lorv Oregon. It
is an enterprise in which the people of
the entire state should be interested, for
to the people at large will come tbe ultl.
mate benefit. To be sure the immediate
harvest will be reaped by ' the city r
Portland and the transportation com
panieaac&ut It does not require "a keen
foresight to determine srho will be tht
ultimate gainers from the Fair. Every
eecuon of the stats, which in the aggro
gate has unparalleled resources, will bs
represented and advertised by the Cen
tennlaL The thousands of people who
visit Portland during the Fair will serve
as an advertising; medium for the entire
state, and will be the heralds of such an
influx of immigration as the Pacific
Northwest has never before experienced.
The ultimate benefit will thus be for the
entire state In the more thickly settled
ot the agricultural districts, building up
business Interests, stimulating the lum
bering industry, and opening the eye of
Easterners to the great opportunities tor
capital In the West The need ot Oregon
fttjaaent Ja. people. Md slJLTha
Lewis and Clark Centennial wllr afford
an avenue through which our wants may
be supplied.
Another Important feature of the Ex-,
position will he the advertising of tbe
Orient," the trade with whioh is , fast
becoming a very important feature of
Western commerce. It Is essential that
the opportunities there be Impressed up
on the people ot the Eastern states and
the Centennial affords the opportunity
tor doing so. Then will tbe necessity of
an ppen. harbor at the mouth of the Columbia-be
realised, and a great era ot
commercial and Industrial growth be en
tered upon, which will be of infinite jam
to the people ot the entire state.
Then let us lend our every support to
the success ot this, Oregon's greatest
Exposition. It is up to the people to as
sist in securing a" liberal appropriation
from the Legislature.
"Mr. Scott has opened his batteries on
Geer." Exchange.
Oh, Mr. Scott, why get so hot?
You'll set your sheet on fire:
It's passing queer that Mr. , Geer
.. Should .thus arouse your jre,
The genial Harvey does not seem to
be more calorio than the occasion or the
season of the year warrants. There Is
a redness in the sky a veritable simoon.
But perhaps in "opening his batteries"
with auch force on Mr. Geer he is pro
paring an anti-climax, which may no:
prove a more elevating spectacle to the
public than his Mitchell antl-cllmax.
Though. Mr. Scott, we know you're not
At loss for Billingsgate:
Still, really, we believe 'twould be
Judicious, Just to wait.
Or does the gracious Czar proceed unon
the theory that he had better soak his
rivals one by one. A process of gradual
elimination, whence he would at last
stand forth the only and ..supreme "It "
If so, of course the sooner he begins th
better, for he will have lots of game.
And Mr. Soott must hit each shot;
Kach shot must strike "bull's eye;"
r.,ise an is up, ne it never sup
On Senatorial pie.
He has too many wounded men around
for his comfort now. He would be bet
ter off if there were all completely dead.
Instead of only partially so. There s
Mitchell. True, Dr. Scott has gently
salved the wounds he made, and the pa
tient now smiles but the sores rankle.
There's'McBride. He's badly wounded,
but he's still able to get around. There's
Simon. You wouldn't think there was
anything left of him. He says himself
that he's a wreck. But everybody
knows that Joe has got nine lives, and
there Isn't more than three of them
gone.- .General. ScoU Just missed. Jhlm by
a scratch but that's the very scratch
the General may feel. Now, suppose he
does hit Geer above the belt the slug
ger always fights fair of course there's
a pretty good pair of legs left and
heavens! how they can run! Then cornea
Fulton, a tough lot; and Hirsch, a little
groggy, perhaps, but with a pretty fan
brestplate; to say nothing of a host of.
No, Mr. Scott, you have not got
.-.IMA- irt
Some of these chaps you hunt, perhaps,
may maas you leet quite tired.
And what Is the row about, after all?
Is It because Mr. Geer persistently -a'.-".ei
and favored the would-be Senator when
he much needed aid and favors, that he
feels it incumbent to treat tbe Governor
as he has treated all others who have
done him great favors in the past? Mr.
Geer went fairly on the ticket as thu
law provided. The great prophet pre
dicted that he wouldnotget as,jmanj
votes as TSTrTFurnlsh. He did get many
thousands more, and they were all Ro
publican votep, too. The Democratic
nominee received his full party vote
throughout'the entire state, and the vote
of Mr. Scott and 1799 other good Repub
licans in Multnomah County in addition.
Of course the astute regulator of Repub
licanism., now says that the Mays bill
was not passed for the purpose for
which Mr. Geer used it. It was meant
for an entirely different proposition.
That proposition did not materialise, so
the bill was only a little legislative In
terlude, merely pour passer ,le temps.
Still, Brother Scott spite of your rot,
Geer's course you wouldn't dare!
He saw the bluff ain't that enough!
He won the hand out, square.
How many popular votes does any man
in Oregon think, that Mr, Scott would
have received if b,e had come-out boldly
and put his name on the ballot?
FI. Mr. Scott you're in the pot
The boys discount your game.
Bring out your axe, and take your
You'll get left just the same.
Mr. Roosevelt was in ah 'Impulsive
mood when he started this project ot
Constitutional amendment but is
probable that -he has done no harm by
'his action. Boston Herald. . ,.
"At" 1 o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays there Is a tree clinic for
treatment, ot .the poor . v St. Vincent's
hospital.' 4
-1 ;7i o(rsr) - or
Marquam Wards and James, in 'The
Tempest" ......
The Baker "The District Attorney,"
NeiU Stoc Company. , '
Cordreys "Down Mobile," Lincoln" J,
Carter's best pis y,
Marquam "The Tempest'? '
Thursday night. Nell Burgess, In "Coun
ty Fair."
Friday night and maUnee, Souse's band.
Saturday night Hall Caine's "The Pen.
The Baker "The District Attorney."
for the week.
Cordray's "Down Mobile," for the
"The Tempest."
Once again an Immense audience wit
nessed the Wards and James production
of "The Tempest," under the manage
ment of Wagenhals A Kemper, at the
Marquam, Tuesday night The, capacity
of the house was taxed. The elegance of
the presentation and the excellence of
the company have Wrought to mark this
aa the most successful engagement of
these stars In Portland. Certainly, such
perfection of scenic effects has not here
tofore been seen. The last performance
of "The Tempest" will be tonight
The Baker.
"The District Attorney" again exposed
the crowd of political grafters to a large
audience at the Baker Theatre last
night The Nelll Btpck Company is be
ing loudly applauded every night by the
cltlsens who are in sympathy with their
endeavors to place "The District At
torney" in the proper light to his con
stituents. The fact that the District At
torney of Portland has just suoh a case
on his hands has a tendency to make
the play doubly Interesting, and thoso
who witness the performance are anx
iously waiting to see If the District At
torney of Portland will be as -successful
In hts fight against the grafters as "The
District Attorney" of the playt Th"
plece runs the balance of the week.
"Down Mobile."
"Down Mobile," a Southern play by
Lincoln J. Carter, will have as auditors
tonight a number of those who are at
tending the Dongshoremen's meeting. A
section of seats has been reserved for
them. It Is claimed as Carter's best
play and will please everyone who loves
the life of the people of the South. It
runs for the week.
"The County Fair," With Burgess Him
The slnglnge feature of "The County
Fair," which appears at the Marquam
Grande Theatre tomorrow night, is one
of the most successful and entertaining
that ever accompanied that popular co-
meuian on an American lour. .
Mr. Burgess has associated with him
this season one Of the strongest supports
ever under his management, and the lady
who will share the honors with him, as
Taggs, Is Miss EmmaVJPbllock, who has,
only recently returned, under special
agreement, from England, where she was
a reigning success. The sale of seats
opened yesterday morning.
Elsa Ryan In "Nevada."
Commencing Sunday at 2:15 p. to., at
Cordray's with a strong supporting cast
of well known professionals, a Bpeclai
scenic production and a melodrama deal
ing with the Incidents of a western mining
camp. Miss Ryan opens her season Sun
day at 2:15 p. m. at Cordray's Theatre.
This dainty little lady whose pretty face
and excellent portrayal of Alice In "The
Runaway Girl," three years ago at
Daly's Theatre, New York, set the sea!
of metropolitan success upon her work,
is but 20 years of age, and has surprises
her most intimate friends by the rapid
rise she has made from the ranks to
a first position as a star.
Sousa Demonstrated a New Idea.
This season's only Amerloan tour by
,Saus& and his band Is limited to twelve
weeks. In spite oi tne restricted time,
the tour will cover much of the conti
nent, no less than 125 principal places
onimno o TniiOT OA
-I.vJbU1 f-l III M-.m, S ...sL,BIm.B M.B. -
266 Morrison Street,
At the Closs of Business, October i, iqo.
Bonds $820,463.59
Premiums 16,630.62
Cash and 'due from correspondents.
Real Estate 13,191.79
' , $2,769,225.44.
Capital 250.000.00
Surplus and undivided profits
Deposits ..:
iis bank invites accounts from
and corporations j and will extendjo
consistent with good, bankiflfl- r- rr
Interest paid on savings accounts and on time certificates of deposit
; ' . . r OFFICERS: ,
H. W. COR B ETT, President. J A. L.. MILLS, Second Vice-President
L. A. LEWIS, Vice-President. Ct F. ADAMS, Secretary.
R. G. JUBITZ, Assistant Secretary.
m- .'wfcECTPRS:' -' ;'.";;;'
a. u. mills;
having dates for ccmeerts. Europe
fUlllUg III BUVn (PlIV S' WIIM, y
seasons, that America suddenly finds if -necessary
to hustle a bit to hold her, owt
In' the division of .time., :;''Vv;;":y
The present American tour Is the ZLM ,
semi-annual and the sixth transcontt"
Dental. - It .will be followed by Sousa'f
third European tour " beginning; January
2d in London. The fa me us organisation '
will be here in concert Friday afternool
and, evening at the Marutam ' Grand
Theatre. -"T. X ' . -. .
The soloists are Es telle Llebling, so
prano, Grace . Courtney Jenkins, violin
Iste. Arthur Pryor, trombone. , t
The 'sale ef seats opened this moraine
"The Penitent. '
It Is difficult to speak, in the ordinary
language of criticism. In writing of such
plays as W. E. Nankevllle's production
of Mall Caine's powerful story, "The
Penitent" When a drama at the very
outset storms the fortress of the heart
and leaves the weak bulwarks and de
fences of tbe Intellect to fall under the
sur enesftdef tness AhA s oncentes-tlfln, .ofe
tbe attack without as much aa 'by your
leave.' the critic's occupation become
at once easy and difficult Easy to. speak
of praise and difficult to give those
words a Judicial sound such as beoomes
a conservative estimate. "The penitent"
Is a story ot the passions, nothing more,'
But such a . story, ., intermingled with)
duty, love, with hatred, with revenge,,
with patience towards a misguided)
youth, and sacrifice to accomplish happU
ness, these and nothing more are its.
Buffice it that its presentation is an
nounced for one night only next Batur
day, October U, at the Marquam Grand,
and that the eame great cast and the
same scenic equipment that aided ii
making Its success in Boston so trium
phant, WIU be seen here. No new play
of this season's staging comes more
highly recommended.
. "The Christian."
Hall Caine's great Play, "The Chris
tian." which will be presented by the
Nelll Stock Company at the Baker Thea
tre all next week, beginning with a mati
inee Sunday afternoon. Is beyond ques
tion the most talked of, popular and
succesful drama of the day. In making
the dramatization of the play from the
famous novel, Mr. Cains exercised the
liberty of the dramatist only to the ex
tent absolutely necessary. nd WhiirTw. "
some features the play differs from the
book, such difference only tends to
strengthen the situations and the effect,
and .does not detract from the value of
the story. One. of the most affecting
scenes is where Mr. Charles Wyngate, aa
John Storm, "enters the apartment of
Miss Counttss, at night with the purpose
of making her pray and saving her soul
through death. But the love ot Glory
triumphs. The play ends with a mutual
understanding hetwen them, they de
ciding to brave life's battles together.
"The Christian" is without doubt the.
most powerful, absorbing and intensely
dramatic play ever written; an unex
ampled moral lesson, and the most elo
quent and masterly sermon ever
A, ssiol&l" eJxvrves .C .fcunvsHro-ss., -syw . .
pathles reports a trait of a Chinese r
vant employed in a suburban family.
which reveals a certain capability for
ready assimilation with American meth
ods of dealing with the tramp problem.
A hungry tramp called one Monday
afternoon at the kitchen door, and waa
promptly challenged by John. To John
the tramp told his tale of woe, ending
with, a humble petition for something to
'Like flish?" asked John, In Insinuat
ing tones.
Yes, I like fish," the; tramp answered .
Call Fliday," said John, as he shut
the door, with a smile lmperturDaDie.
Boston Transcript '
In Ottawa, Kan., a woman 40 years old.
having a husband and a houseful of chil
dren, ran away with a showman. She
was red-headed and excessively fat, but
even her adipose tissue was not proof
against the darts of Cupid. On leaving
she left a note to her husband, saying I
"I have gone away with the man I love. "
This was certainly bad enough, but on
reaching a small town near. Ottawa, aha
wrote another note to her husband in
Which she said: "I am very Jiappy wltM
the children. Be good and do right and
Heaven will reward you," Peoria Star.
Portland, Oregon.
. 396,759.81
w 2,449,588.24
- ' $2,769,225.44
individuals, firms, banks, merchanti
its customers every accommodatioi
- - - - - - - -
I - -