The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 06, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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?. T Anight, Increasing
cloudiness; . - Tuesday,-
'bowers; cooler.,-
VOL. I. - NO. 1 80.
Second LdiHon
' Nearly the , Entire Town
Destroyed by Fire.
LOSS OVER $100,000
Qafy Two Business Houses Left
StandingNo Means of
Fighting the Fire.
(Journal Special Service.) ','
GERVAIS, Or., Oct IQerraJJ, 'the
live anfl hustling little city on French
Prairie, the garden spot M . the Willam
ette , Valley, yeatardajr one o( the most
thriving little cities in the elate t Ore
gon, Is 'this morning a smoldering heap
, of ruins, and the Inhabitants of the place
fife standing about' on the streets sadly
contemplating the havoc wrought In one
short hour, when the fire fiend, for the
second time In a decade, swept over the
city, and destroyed the business part of
the town. " '
At 10:30 last night a fire started In the
building of McKinley Mitchell, In the
: center of one of, the business blocks, oc
cupied by Willie Thompson, as a confec
tionery store, and before , the flames
could be controlled, they were fiercely
eating Into the building adjoining the
structure. The alarm was given by a
party of young men, who happened to be
oat on the street and within a few, min
utes the entire population of the city
was out ana eager and willing hands be.
gaa the work of fighting the fierce ele
ment But to no purpose. The entnv
block In which the fire originated was
soon In flames. High winds arose and
wept the flames northward, destroying
In Its order the John Weiss furniture
tore, McKinley IMtchell's office, the
Kera building, the M. Becker saloon, the
poatotfioe, the Gervals Star office, the
Fltsgerald drug store, the Masonic ; hall,
and the Tanxler general merchandise
tore. ' , Meanwhile - the flame , spread
eastward, and the. Nathman 'hardware
.. store, and the F A. Mangold tiardware
house, were destroyed, with but little
chance to save the stocks. v
Every effort was made to 'Check the
flames, and the city' water tower stantf
Ing between the . 8. P. depot and the
burning blocks was brought into use.
but the water was Insufficient to make
aa Impression on the flames, and a small
band fire engine , was brought out and
used In pumping water from the well!
of the town. These soon ran dry, and
the citlsens were compelled to stand
helpless, and see the town burn.
The two business blocks' flanked ' the
railroad track on the east side, and the
fierce flames swept down trie range ef
buildings, giving Hut little chance for
rescuers to save any of the stocks.
About 10:30 the wind shifted, and the
flames leaped the wide street, and the
two warehouses on the west side of te
railroad track caught Are, and they were
soon a mass of flames, while several res
idences near the fire sone also caught,
and were soon destroyed.
"When the citlsens realised their des
perate plight, Salem was telephoned for
helpt but,. the,r, was;,jaa .l4.tia,..
available to bring the lire department
from that city to the scene. Portland
waa next appealed to, but it waa then
too late to give help to the doomed city.
About 11 o'clock the'' telephone service
was Interrupted, owing to the burning
of the office. The Southern Paclfio pas
senger station waa threatened by tho
fierce flames, and telegraphic communi
cation waa interrupted by the breaking
of the -wires, and Gervals shut off from
outside communication, was left to its
Sate. ' ----- ;
1 When Jt was found that no outside help
could be secured In time to be Of any use
to the stricken clt. the citlsens renewed
their efforts to confine the fire to the bus!
. section, which, it wa early realised,
waj doomed. It wan with a sinking heart
tht the people realised that the best por-
. tons vf the town was, hopelessly lost,' and
when the Are jumped the railroad track
and the two big warehouses, one -partially
filled with grain, began to burn
v fiercely.. These' warehouses were but 40
feet from the passenger depot, and It was
by a superhuman effort that the latter
building was saved, and with It ,15000
worth of hops stored in the building.
Several times the depot building caugnt
fle, hut fiercely the man of Gervals
fnught the lira fiend, and literally snatch
ing the brand from tne fire, they saved
the structure. Three telegraph poles, Im
mediately north of the depot, ware .burn
ed i and the wires broken, thus cutting off
communication.'"' ::""-t
Considerable quantities of the mercan
tile stocks were saved, but the percentage
of the property taken out of the fire sone
waa very small, , , .. - -
Among the heaviest .losers are Tanxler
A Co., general merchandise, with a stock
of $20,000, only partially Insured; "B. A,
Nathman, building and stock of hard
ware, "8000, with 12000 Insurance; F. A.
Mangold,' hardware. (3800, Insurance H750;'
the ' Masonic Lodge,' 11500, no Insurance;
All 111 Im1mi,'a Vi rtt-wf MMfln In
t u. U W Artisans, Kabeka&a, and u.
area of Honor lost their paraphernalia
and fixtures saving only the records., v
Mr. .Tanxler, the leading general mer
chant, and; his chief clerk, "J. H, Roland,
wers out of town, as waa Postmaster W.
J. Clarke,' who is also publisher of the
Gervaia StarBand these mea could not be
seen as to their losses. The ,postoffice and
the newspaper office are a. total loss, and
peputy Postmaster R. N. Blanche la doing
business: on the street, which is littered
with furniture and merchandise of all de
scriptions, V.-1- i.v".;.Vvl A.,':--A V
The people of the city are not despair
ing, but aay they will rebuild' Immediate'
ly, They are hard hit, and" keenly feel
their losses, hut the energy of Gergaia is
rroverbiat ; and : the fittlo. city Will, like
the Phoenix, rise from Us ashes with new
I'fe. and again take Its place among the
thriving towmnef the valley, ; ;,
The loase are estimated by conserv
tive business men at over $100,000, with
insurance 'at' possibly one-fifth of that
amount. Among the, lossea ascertainable
at this time are the following: (
' E. A. Nathman, bulldine; and 'Stock 'of
hardware; $5000; Insurance,' $2000.'" 'J. H.
Swingler. -butcher shop, H50. August Nib
ler, butcher shop, $150. W. S, Taylor,
small building and stock of salt and other
wares stored, $150. F. A. Mangold, hard
ware 'and, stoves. $3800i Insurance, C17S0.
F. A;, Mangold and Mrs. Vf. B. Taylor,
bu'Jdlng, $600; small Insurance. McKinley
Mitchell,' two store buildings, office, safe
and furniture,' ' and potato warehouse.
- NEW TORKi Oct. The present visit of General William Booth. "
to the Salvation Army of the United States, is said tp be for the pur
pose of patching up the differences that have torn the Booth family
apart and created troubles without end for the .Army. General Booth
was the founder of the Army, and has been accorded a place among' the
great organiser of tho world.
$1800; partiaHy Insured. Willie Thompson,
confectionery, $200. John Wise, stock of
furniture and undertaking goods, $1500;
. rv.tewijijSVed ITjrA 'wSw,"btfRafflg.
$700; small Insurance. M. Becker, saloon,
$1000; Insurance, $300, Herman Salzmann,
jewelry, $W0; no Insurance.
Oliver Tbibadeau. building, $500.
Ed Cupula, saloon, $600.
W. J. Clarke, postofflce, Gervals Star
offioe, and building, $1300; small Insurance.
James Clark, two buildings, 1S0O; no
insurance. ' 1 ''..
S. H. Fitzgerald, drug store and tele
phone office, $1200; no insurance.
James nnne,3rlckJtl(M9lpj..$S!(.
'nDrTlJrSrWHte, library, office furniture,
aparatua, and drugs, $600; no insurance.
J, Bingman, two buildings, $1300; saloon,
fixtures and stock,, $1000;' small. insurance,
W. L. Herald, confectionary. $100.
8. Stevens, barber shop, $25.
Masonic' hall. ' two-story double build
ing and lodge paraphernalia, $1500; A. O.
V. W., D. of H.. L p. O. F.. United Ar
tlsana, ; and Rehekah lodges, parapher
nalia, $1000. to $1200; no Insurance.
Tansler & Co., general merchandise,
$15,000, to $18,000; Insurance $S00O.
Melrlng & Finney, warehouse, $1000; ma
chinery, $13)0: oats and hay belonging to
farmers, $1500; small Insurance on build
ing. Gua Nibler, residence, $500.
J. H. Roland, furniture and household
goods. $300. '
Nibler Hotel, damage, $250; partially In
sured. 1 Louis Schafer, residence, $600, no Insur
ance; outbuildings, $250.
Mrs. Josephine PkUtner, residence, $350;
parUaUj;.Jnsjjred. .,., ,,!.... ' ;' ,
Johjj MUler, -200 cords railroad Wood,
City Vwer and water tank, $1000.
E. Dupuis. barn, $50,
The only "business houses remaining are
M. S. Pechner, getieral merchandise; W.
Scott Taylor, harness maker; Depot hotel,
John C Barnes ' livery ' stables and the
City Flouring Mills.
The origin of the fire Is unknown. It
la believed to have been the result of. a
careless smoker throwing away a cigar
stub back of the Mitchell building, where
the fire originated. Many drunken' man
were In Gervals Saturday night fom out-
aide of townY and one of these Is thought
to have caused the flrev
Blad Elephants ; Charge
on Crowd of People
Sixty-three People Seriously ' In
jured at a Circus by Fren
zied Monsters.
ST. - PETERSBURG, Oct. .Twenty
eight people were killed and sixty-three
others seriously Injured by eight elephants
that escaped from a circus at Nijnl Nov
gorod yesterday. , t ,
A dispatch which has just been ' re-
t i ' f Aft
ceived here from Nljni Novgorod states
that eight elephants that were being mal
treated by their attendants broke loose
rVb,"01eW''fiaenffigrhho!" went" oh " a
rampage. Their trumpeting ' was terri
fying to the large crowds which had as
sembled to watch the performance of the
circus to which the animals belonged
and there was an Immediate stampede.
Men, women and children scrambled
down from their seats and made a frantic
rush for the main exits to escape the
ferocious onslaught of the enraged beasts.
Many of the Weaker ones were trampled
under the feet of the panic stricken peo
ple, and placed, at the mercy . of. tha -mad
dened animals. The brutes charged upon
tne unfortunates ana picking them up
with their trunks, hurled them clear
across the enclosed area and crushed
many others under their massive feet.
The scene was most heartrending and
little babes In their mothers' arms were
frightened into convulsions, and small
children were left to shift for themselves
In the frantic mob. Everyone seemed to
be bereft of their senses, so great was
their fright, and the strong took advan
tage ef the 'weak in their efforts to get
out of the way of the raging monsters.
Finally, after5 a herolo effort on the
part of the circus employes and train
ers, the elephants were recaptured 'and
returned to their quarters, but not before
they had done considerable damage to the
property and killed twenty-eight' people
and injured slxty-three more.
It Is feared that a raid Is likely, to be
made on the circus by the citlsens, who
are greatly incensed over" the affair, and
who will probably make an attempt to
massacre the elephants. ',','
- The tea consumed in the United State
comes chiefly from Japan and China.
The total Imports of this article for ISO!
were valued at $11,000,000. The Importa
tions received from Japan bad a valne
of $4,968,000, while from the Chinese, Em
pire consignments worth $1,864,000 .were
imported. y-'''
. The' Jeumsl, an acorn ef Newspapers,
for several metithe, tseeemlns -now an
oak of newspaper. Bjk carrier in city,
10 cents a '
A Decision of Interest to Southern
V f Oregoa'Settlers.
' , (Journal Special Service.)
, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. (.-The Circuit
Court of Appeals' today affirmed the de
cision of the. lower court In dispossessing
Jesse IX Carr- ct Government lands In
Southern Oregon. This case baa at
tracted much attention throughout the
country Carr la a wealthy stock raiser
and banker of Salinas, 'Cal., and owns
large Interests ia.Bouthern Oregon. For'
year he has had thousands of acres of
valuable agricultural and grazing lands
fenced' up, on which he has .pastured
numerous herds of horses and cattle. His
appropriation, of these lands has caused
Intense feeling throughout that section,
many battles having taken place between
the settler and Can's employes, but all
efforts to oust him were futile until last
spring, when the lGovernment took the
matter in hand and Deputy Marshal
Morse, of Portland, was sent to the, scene
with a posse, of determined men under
orders to remove the fences. A stay of
(proceedings was, secured, and the battle
was fought out in the court. An agpeai
was taken f to the United States Circuit
Court. The-latter court has affirmed the
judgment of the lower court, and Carr's
fences must come down, thus throwing
open to settlement, ah Immense bnly of
very valuable land.
The Case of Jjolineux Put Off One
Week If Ifncss of Judge.
NEW YORK Oct. f-OwIng to the Ill
ness of Judge Barrett the trial of young
Molineux. who.was convicted on the
charge of "murdering Mrs. Adams, was
adjourned at noon today till next Monday.
The father of the,alleged murderer has
brought powerful Influence to bear In or
der to secure tor ;hls soh a new trial.
There will llkeiy be. aorne sensational de
velopments. Involving prominent people,
before the case la ended, as the elder
Molineux declares that he can prove the
Innocence of his eon. ,
.General k:&W-.MV&M.
" for the" Philippines.
WASHINGTON, Oct.' " 6.-General
Joseph Sanger, of the United States Ar
my, has been designated as the director
of the Philippine tiensns with Victor Olm
stead, of the Buiysj -of lafcbrvias his
assistant. " If has alee been given out
that 12 other appointees have been se
Three Thousand Factory Employes
Wish Union Recognized.
CHICAGO, Oct. 6. Three thousand
girls employed In the paper box factories
of this city will be called out on a strike
unless their employes recognise the union.
One hundred girls quit today and others
will undoubtedly followtomorrow. It is
understood that the employers will de
cline to accede to their demands.
Court of Appeals Reverses Case of
Big Oregon Mine Suit
(Journal Special Service.)
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6.-The, Circuit
Court of Appeals has reversed the case
of the Oregon King Mining Company, ff
The Dalles, versus T;J. Brown and B.
-Wr Madttox; iw tt sulttonpt"oearra pat
ent for the claim called tne suver Bung.
A new trial has beun ordered.
Death of Viceroy of Ranking, Prom
inent in Boxer Affairs.
SHANGHAI, Clilna, Oct 6. Liu Kan
Xi, the famous Viceroy of Nanking, died
this morning. For over a quarter' of a
century Liu Kan Yi haa ruled the Tang
tse Valley. He Rained a great deal of
notoriety In his strenuous . endeavors ' to
quell the Borer uprising In China and in
the following pence negotiations, was one
Of that government s peace envoys.
Arrived at San Frandsco Today on
the Sierra. . '
J3AN FRANCISCO, . Oct (.-Senators
Foster, Thurston, Mitchell and Burton ar'
rtvd here today on the 81erra.l
viT.TTM'Tir,R. Oct. John NeflL Oavr
' -.m 14.1ia .4 it finer PrsMlrlan TT trasr1
our vi v uws wwt- ''
nilnUtration, her tbft tooraliif;
Merrill Goes Before the
Grand Jury
Journal's Fight Commended by
; Mayor, Pulpit and
' Public
The movement Inaugurated by The
Journal for the restriction of vice, by the
enforcement of the laws now in, force is
gaining strength every hour. The people
are aroused and powerful Influences am
rallying to deal the death blow' to the
violators of the laws and their support
era. The Journal's demand for an Investiga
tion by the Grand Jury, of the graftln-r
alleged to exist haa been complied with.
i ' '. ' ;
.... :t4-- r
IK I1 $1 1
WASHINGTON, Oct. u. --tMigmiier General Frederlcln t. Grant, now
In the Philippines, has been ordered to return to the Cnited State and
assume command of the Department of Texas. He Is expected to arrive
In a short time, probably during the coming two weeks, and proceed di
rectly to his new post.
Councilman F. T. Merrill Is before that
body to make good the allegations of
wholesale graft to which he gave pub
licity. Hla bald statement that thous-
-andtf of obriarr'Wete "each month "befrig
exacted from the gamblers and fallen
women, by officials connected with the
administration of public affairs. Is be
ing sifted to the bottom.
The Journal s fight has gonded an apa
thetic police department into ' activity.
The past laxity of the guardians of law
and order has brought down a storm of
protest from the taxpayers.
Incompetency, corruption or criminal
npelteenee are openly, talked. Many a
easy, and if the work or tne urana ury
Is successful, a number of stars will
cease to shine on the bosoms of some r.t
the members of the force.
Under Iron-clad orders from the Chief,
on Saturday evening, a number of sa
loon keepers were taken to the station
for violating the 1 o'clock closing ordi
nance. Among those who fell victims to
the momentary vlglience on the part of
the police were Baron Sehenk. of the
Quelle. August Krati. John Colfelt and
J. Hahn. They were released on putting
up bail of 125 each-
On the gambling Issue the officers we-e
as blind as usual In the past A number
of games were running In the city of
which most everyone with the exception
of he police were "awareT ' Constable
Jackson went out on his own responsi
bility and made them close. He notified
them that If in the future he again
caught them committing the violation,
be would not deal with the offenders in
the same lenient manner.
Mr. Jackson stated that he had no
other desire In taking a hand In the mat
ter than that of performing bis duty.
He said: "I would have mada the fight
long ago, hut conditions were never so
favorable as they are at bresent The
Journal In Its fight has -stirred up the
feeHng of the better class of people and
put the gamblers on the run. rTua talk
of the police that they are not able to
cope with the problem and are, doing the
best they can la notblnsr to their credit
Gambling can he closed and would have
been ot of exIsHae long
bad been active. ' -?-v v "
rred M. Morley, She nor from Silver.
ton, who was robbed, rn Be Martini's
gambling joint, and who was the means
of the grilling of Sergeant Church, has
been arreattd, ; Edward Blaster, who
conducts a place similar to that of De
Martini, has been prevailed upon, to swear
out a warrant against Morley charging
him with passing a bogus draft about
eight months ago. Thla move la very pe
culiar in view of the conditions that ex
ist. Morley 'claims It la a, case of perse
cutlon. .
Merrill Reiterates Statements, but
Has No Proof.
Fred T. Merrill, Councilman from the
Third ward, was before the Grand Jury
this morning, where he was Questioned at
length by Deputy District Attorney Bpen
cer as to what he knew about "graft
ing," or, more plainly speaking, he waa
asked for "Inside" Information as to
money being paldi during the past SO
'years' by gamblers and other violators of
the law for 'protection" front the police
or other public officials.
"There waa nothing sensational in what
occurred in the Grand Jury room," Mr.
Merrill said When he finally appeared.'
"I simply reiterated my statments as they
I pea red In ,my letter to The Journal
latmday evening.
"You know and I know that money has
been paid for protection In the past, al-
thct gh neither of us r.n teen the actual
tifcpfcter of the money. It has of course
koi e through he hands of a trustel
middle man. , Therefore,. J, couldnot; swear
to the actual facts, but I am Just as sure
of the corruption as if I saw the transac
tions. No, there was nothing out of the
ordinary. I simply told my story, and
that was an end of It."
Frank Hellen, ex-manager of the Port
land Club, wag not present, although a
subpoena was Issued for him at the same
time Merrill's was issued. Hellen has been
preparing to go to the mountains for his
health for weeks and-he left Saturday
subpoena could find him. He waa to
have been asked if he had ever paid any
money, during his long years as a gam
bler here, for police or other protection.
He has admitted that from time to
time he has given money to men who
claimed to have a pull with certain for
mer police commissioners-, in the hopes
that they, would use their influence la his
interests. The Jury would like to know
who these men of influence are and the
names of the commissioners who could be
Upon being asked this noon what his
line of action would pe In connection with
the investigation. District Attorney
Chamberlain said: .
"1 can not say, as I do not know-what
transpired in the Grand Jury- room this
morning. I Instructed my deputy, Mr.
Arthur C. Spencer, to subpoena whom he
needed and to go to. the bottom of the
matter." -
Mayor TYillianii TWnks Investiga?
. tion Should Be Complete. ; 4.
Mayor Williams, In speaking of the
grand jury taking, up the grafting matter
this mornlngv asJdrrs'U-i'',?.v''.v,'i."A'
"Now that they have taken the matter
up; for Investigation;- It t their flnty to
sift these chat-pea-, to the bottom, - If
Couiiuud on socoua pg. ' J
Washington Has Latch .
String on Outside- '
Every Train Gowded With Dele
. gations of Soldiers and
Many Sightseers. ; '
latch string la on the outside and ttta
national capital has put the biff pot la .
the little one. Old Glory was unveiled to ;
the brcese this morning , and thousand (
of visitors are expressing their gratlfl-;'
cation at the warm, sincere and thor
oughly hospitable reception tendered'
them by the people of Washington. Dur
Ing Sunday local railroad men estimated
that fully 10,000 strangers arrived ever .
the various lines with terminals la this
city. Today there was twice the eonfue t
Ion and twice the crowds about the de
pots, and up to noon the morning train :
had brought fully 50. DOT additional peo '
pie to the city. While the Grand Army
veterans were In the majority it was St ,
notable" fact -that hundreds t,.Jh? r
rivals were merely sightseers attracted .:
by the low excursion rates and a desire
to view the sights of the national capital.
AH day Sunday, the streets presented aV
crowded appearance. ' Sightseers were on '
every thoroughfare In the Central portion
of the city, viewing the other people,' te
crowds, the government buildings and -the
decorations and arrangements mada
for the reception 'and entertainment of
the- veterans. " - ; ' "ft f'rf?
Today the crowd was several times as ;
large. Pennsylvania avenue and. other of ,
the principal streets were crowded early -in
the morning and most of the people -who
were out were strangers. . , Svery '
train arriving In the city brought large ''
Increases to the crowd, and at noon the ;
crowds in the vicinity of te capitoi andl .
Other "centers ao be '
compared only to -the Inauguration 4ay .
throngs. Here and there In the crowds
could be seen the' neat blue uniforms and -
black, gold-corded bats of men"who.wore
those i colors during the war, and every ?
where they were these gallant men were s
noticed with great interest by the crowds y
"pi people. , Today's arrivals Included 4
lartra deleeatlona ' from - New Enjclanl, .
S' New"Tork" anif Pennsy ryania", a nd, t from (
Minnesota., Indiana,, the takotas. Ml- .
sourl., Jowa, Nebraska, ' Michigan Ml , ,
other' states of the West '
the early part of the day th
national officers of the G. A.R. and af '
filiated organizations reached the city,
together with other visitors of note, and J ,
the escorts conducting them from, the
depots to national encampment head- ;
quarters formed the first parade of the ,
week.1, " General Torrencew ommandei r-
ln-chlef of the Grand Army: Commodore v
JohnO, Shaw of the National Assocla- f
tlon of Naval Veterans; Commander-ln
Chief Alexander of the Sons of Veterans,
and. other persona who are to - figure ?
prominently In the event of the week 1
were accorded enthusiastic ' receptions V
during the day, and were greeted with ;
cheers whenever they appeared 6n the .
streets. -- ---'' -
The first official number of the week'
prgrani( took pUCUWjr&flW
Camp Roosevelt the group of huge can
vasses erected on the White Lot for the ,
various sessions of the ; reunion, wsf .
formally dedicated and turned over to
the veterans. The dedicatory program
was an Interesting one and Included pat -riotlc
music by the Marine Band and
addresses by Chairman Henry B. P.. Mo-'
Farland, of the District Board of Com-
mlssloners. Secretary of State Hay and
Commander-ln-Chlef Torrence. ?,The ex .
erclses began with an Invocation byi Rev,
the unfurling of. the nag ano a nauoua
salute of twenty-one guns. w - ' r '
Great Damage Done to Naval Sta-:
tions and Public EoildiDgs.
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 Real Admiral
tvtldea, stationed at Cavlte. haacmbUd
the Department new of an earthquake at
Guam, which waa so sever 4 cause ?
much damage and probablo loss of life. ,
Ha ,. aayswA.,
"A destructive earthquake occurred en
the island of Guam on September SI.
which destroyed an mhsnso) amount of
property. However, no reports of loss ot
life among the American have been re ' '
ported.' The Naval station wrae damage
ro-thrxteBt -of tajxm9r:
pifbllo buUdings and bridge to the -amount
of 2i,0. I ask for authority to ;
purchase xoaterlal wlUt whlck to maka : .
repairs."' A ft: Y .;' A. j-vt . ? '' A;AA f
$18,000 SHORT. :'
i HONOLTJLTT, Sept, W.-Th Territorial ,
Treasurer disappeared yesterdayr lea v
tag i shortage In cash of I1S.00O. - ,
Governor Dole suspended AtKlitor Il-ir-bert
C Austin for giving Els
checks on banks In whu-n 1" " 1 m
funds. Tha Damocrjita BiUiitU X i 1
delegate, - j