The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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OoOaerf la
Cor. fourth
and Morri-
I7;V,;Ur'..-. ;-.v - if vn, -wi V
VIiat They Are Talking ' of h the
f :-r City Across tie CoItnubU;
. V-aJTCOTTVER.. Oct. 4. Th preliminary
Work tor tit coastructlon of the Portland
Wrr took 1 progressing; favorably. ,4
apae of ground. 900x400 feet has been
cleared - and,; cowed- with. . sawdust to
tsep th ground from getting muddy In
to rainy season,; They have erected aa
' pffloe, tool room.1 IaTge building for the
tnaohWery and a house for the men's use,
In which to -change their clothe and eat
IheUr lunohea. yor th paat thro days
Jtbsy 'bar been driving piling- for th
isrharf. Contractor J. B. Bridges, when
sen yesterday, atated that h feared no
troubl with, the labor union, and ap
peared perfectly confident that no ateps
would be taken to prohibit the work be
ing dona la Vancouver. Bald be: Wt
bare dona the unions no Injury and the
Contract by which w are building the dry
nook perfectly legitimate. . At present
W have SO men working, and expect to
Inoreaa the force right along' until we
have a hundred.'' The moat aerlous draw
back so far baa been the Inability to get
lumbea, as all the mills are crowded with
rdsa :,f:-ll
The Clarke County Democrats will bold
their first campaign rally at the Standard
Theatre on Tuesday evening next, when
lion. George P. Cotterill. candidate for
Congressman, will deliver an address on
the political Issues of the hour. Mr. Cot
terill is a gentleman of pleasing person
ality, an able and entertaining speaker,
and a man of unblemished character and
reputation. .
George Welster, of Welster 4 Co. Photo
0uppI&6usV of Portland, was in- the
elty yesterday.
Henry Berr, representing the Sweet Can
By Company,, of Portland, was transact
ing business in this city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were in the city
today, from their ranch at Burnt Bridge
Creek. ,'' ; ' "
' Mr. Phillips, representing Closet a;
tWsrs, of Portland, was In the city yes
terday. - - r . s vM I .-'
j-W. H. Abbey, of the firm of Abbey 4
lAvery, mad a trip to Portland yesterday.
.Torn I Carrol, of "Carrol Cblpa" fame,
Bras in the city yesterday, 'from Portland,
t Jo Thompson, ts Illustrated song or
llst. of Portland, is a visitor in the city.
Try on of those fine duck or chicken
dinners at the Baltimore Restaurant.
Mrs. J. R, Wood, who received serious
Injuries in a fall a day or two ago, is re
Dorted restlna easily this mornlniz.
gordfaanji "Iagohr hst? Mened - - up a 4
grocery store In the new building he re
cently oompleted at the foot of Eighth
English Lutherans revices will be held
Sunday at I p. m. in the Presbyterian
church basement, Rev. Wm. P. Hall, pas
tor. Owing to the absence of Dr. little at
the Presbyterian Synod there will be no
service at the Presbyterian church to
morrow. At the Baptist church, R. Yeatman,
minister, morning worship at U, sermon
subject, "The small resources of the
churoh ample supply for the world's
needs." At ?:J0 p. m. the topi will be
'The remembrance of .God. causing trour
tola" Sunday school at 10 a. m, and Bap
tist Toung People's meeting at 0:90 p. m.
Dr. Gil chrtst, U. 8. Army surgeon, who
baa been stationed at Vancouver Garri
son for the past year and a half, leaves
Flags were placed at half mast on the
pubBo buildings" in Salem Friday as a
token of regard for th late x -Governor
ffohn Whiteaker. - r
Th stockmen and ranchers residing
along th John Day River have appealed
to th Chamber of Commerce of Baker
City and th peopl generally to join
them In a protest against th establish
ment of the proposed Eastern Oregon for
at reserve, as now proposed.
A wrack occurred on th O. R. A N. at
.Union at o'clock Friday evening. Pas
senger train. No. 6 had a rear-end collision
With freight train No. 1 The first freight
cars were ditched, and the passenger en
gine put out of service. Th wreck was
caused by th freight falling to clear the
At Baker City. Friday night Special
Officer Plnley shot and seriously wounded
Eb Torey, an assayer. . Torey and another
man were -fighting, when the policeman
commanded them to stop. Torey turned
-on th police officer, but before he could
Strike him th policeman drew his re
frolrer and fired, th ball taking affect In
the right lg
Live stock shippers have been through
Marion County th last few days buying
frioga from the farmers. Th price offered
- Is to OH cents on foot A buyer paid out
360O for hogs near RIckreal early-this
Week, and shipped two carloads of his
purchases to Seattle. , .
An order has been placed with a big
Eastern car manufactory for the con
struction of several splendid new passen
ger coaches for tbe O. R. 4 N. service In
the West These cars will be sent west
'Shortly and will be distributed about tbe
Irarioua divisions of the Una' . . .
"Th Chamber of Commerce ef Baker
City has Joined .with the' Chamber of
Commero of Portland and other commer
cial bodies of the state in a reguegk ta tht
"WMtBHtTtrnion Traeglaphompany. in
sisting that night rates on "messages from
hls state be accorded t all patrons ot
lit Wire who desire to send message to
siaoes) east of the Rooky Mountains at
igjjt..-,v. ' . ; . -.--
. Sb almoa batchsrjr a .Wilson River
tomorrow for Fort Columbus, N. "Y.
, Jacob F. Fisher, acting hospital, stew
ard, eft today for Seattle, wtiere) be will
join the Eighth Infantry, which has been
ordered to Fort Columbus, - ; -V1 f(
, Corporal Eart-O'Rorke. Seventeenth In
fantry, has been, promoted to the rank ot
jrartean.-i,. 4..-'. 4 v
' Private George C GaUaa. Seventeenth
infantry, bas been promoted to the rank
of .corporal. - , v ,s :.t-. "; : , '
;- Sergeant George-. Luberolf Is the recipi
ent Of a handsome diamond watch charm,
a present, front a friend In the East, ', A
"A provisional - battalion ot the Seven
teenth infantry, consisting of Companies
A, Captain . H. Hunt; C, Captain Ed
Chynoweth;' D, : Captain ' Thomas U
Smith; and E, Captain B. F. Hardaway,
left today on a ten days practice march,
under command of Major James A. Ma
ney.t First lieutenant Robert 0. 4 Van
Horn, battalion adjutant; and Second
lieutenant Leonard J Mygatt, battalion
Quartermaster and commissary. Battalion
Sergeant ' Major August Arnold and Act
ing Hospital Steward William Rlcen; with
Private Joseph M. . Lipscomb, Hospital
Corps, will aeoompany the battalion. ?
Columbia J, Jt Hegarty; Nome, Alaska;
Chas. P. Harris, (Seattle, Wash.; E. L.
Zismson and wife. New Tork; J. F. Rand
and wife,' San Francisco; C W. McLean
and wife,' San Francisco; Wm. Bchoene,
Portland; Chas. C. Reto, Portland; Victor
Crave, Portland;' Geo. H. Kletn, Manor,
Wash.; G. D. Simmons and . wife. La
Grande, Ora N. T. Smith, Portland;
C WUber, New . Tork; C B. Buckley,
New Tork; C C Gibson, Portland; L. M.
Danoth, Portland; H. R. Hesse, city; P,
Scanlon, city; DeMartina, Portland.
. Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa E. Field,
Olympla, Wash.; Fred Foster, Ashland,
Or.; P. fa. Franklyn, Portland; Miss Bessie
Morris, PorGmnd; John . E. Jameson,
WashougaL Wash.; Fred F. Dumont, San
Francisco; Mrs. ; Annie McGee, Kerby,
Iowa; Goo. Kelley, Lewis River, Wash.;'
John B. ; Francis, Boston, Mass; Jacob
Goldfinch; James Battersby, Oakland,
Cat; Griffith Hughs, city; Oakley Moundr
San Francisco.
The Baltimore Restaurant has made ar
rangements with one of the largest oyster
houses on the coast to be furnished oys
ters dally, and Is prepared to serve the
public with oysters at 30c per pint.
'Hotel Baltimore Large, pleasant, well
furnished rooms, all on first floor in fire
proof building. 'Terms reasonable. Henry
Van Attn, proprietor.
One night, Monday, October t, the Lyric
Comic Opera Company, in the wonderful
extravaganza, The Wonderful Lamp."
Firty people in cast, carload of scenery.
Reserved tickets" Oh sale' at Cohen'a
ALBANY, Oct A Mrs. .Sarah Eagy died
at her home in Oakvtlle on Oct 2. De
ceased was born in Kentucky in 182L and
came to Oregon in 1876. She leaves one
daughter.. Mrs. Martha Kemp, of Cor
vallls. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stewart returned
yesterday from Honolulu, where Mr.
Stewart has been engaged in business for
the past two years.
Mr, and Mrs. Bull!, of the life saving
station at Yaqulna, are visiting friends In
the city. .
United B tales Marshal W. F. Matthews
and Deputy Postmaster Burkhardt, of
Portland, are in the. pity.
F, D. Kuettner, of Astoria, auditor ol
the Corvsills 4 Eastern and Astoria 4
Columbia River railroadSr is doing busi
ness in the city.
C. G. Rawllngs ' returned today from
Walla Walla, where he had charge of the
Oregonlan booth at the big fruit fair.
Rev. J. B. Holmes has Returned from
a trip to Grants Pass,
closed Thursday, the experiment for
this year having been unsuccessful : so
far as the hatching of fish, is concerned.
AH the bodies but one have been recov
ered from the Black Diamond mine that
of John Creghlnok A large party ot min
ers is still searching for ths remains.
The Irrigation Association of the State
of Washington was formed at North Ya
kima Thursday night by delegates from
different counties, of th state. : The ob
ject 1 to encourage the reclamation of
the-arid lands of th state.
- The body of the young woman who was
drowned near Fort Columbia Thursday
evening was foundalihdrrilme" after ward
by the Point Adams life saving crew at
Sand Island. Th dead girl's right name
was Stella Carpenter; and her home was
at Woodlawn, near Portland, where she
has a mother living. s ' w. -
The prlse-witining displays . from the
Walla Walla Fruit Fair have been shipped
to Chicago, where they will become a part
of the immigration-bureau's display for
th Harriman railroad lines.
The Sheriff's office at Walla Walla has
taken up the task of locating Charles
Peaks, who has been lost for three weeks
In tbe hiUs 1 miles from Frosser, Wash.
Some time ago .Henry W. Sterrett
brought suit against the North port Mining
4 Smelting Company, asking damages in
the sum-f-$,0eo ; bur farnr andr-or
chard caused by the fumes of the Smelter,
The lower court, gava th plaintiff. I&OOO,
and on Friday the Supreme Court , sus
tafned"the verdict ' ' " '
The ranchers of McNeil's Island ' are
highly indignant at Rancher Sherman for
his killing of the-escaped convict Hansen,
which they think was entirely unnecessa-
ry. The, eitisens held a mass meeting anorr
condemned. Sherman ancUfeittrriBfiilflSrSu in Colo
sur the- ttfhwn onolaUATiie ranchers
say that the poor, wretch. In bis under
elsthoa only,' for ha had thrown away ths
prison stripes,- went to Sherman's door
and asked for a biscuit and a" bullet was
bis answer;; .y ';.:.ite.?iv,
Claud Gale, chief engineer of the- tug-
boafe Marlon, was axcldsntall drowned
Hatters of Interest of and to Salem
and Harion County.
(Journal Special Service)
' BALEM. Oct 4.Ths registration in the
CoUege'of. Liberal Arts, at Willamette
TJnlversity.last evening was tOL or on
more than the total cegistraUon of last
year, and there are many more students
expected bv the next two months; many
prospective students will enter ' that are
now detained in the orchards and on the
farms. : President Coleman thlnka the reg
istration WU1 reach J00 by January 1, and
he is pleased with the outlook. He says
that enough money will be pledged - by
Christmas to pay the entire debt 'of the
university, v ; - - .
Football is Interesting the students at
the University now and every afternoon
the young athletes may be seen off the
campus practicing for the winter's con
tests. Yesterday a subscription paper
was passed around among the students
and lUO was pledged for the expense
of the football team, this money being
secured in a half hour. . ; s. '
The public schools closed' the week last
evening with a registration of 1150. . The
first week's work proved very interesting,
and all are pleased teachers and pupils
alike, with the system Introduced in the
schools and smoothness with which the
work is being done. City Superintendent
L. R Traver Is doing excellent -work and
the patrons seem to be well pleased with
his efforts thus far.
The. last will of Mrs. Margaret' Love
ridge, deceased, was filed for probata at
the Courthouse yesterday. Mrs. Love
ridge died at Wood burn September IS
and Iea,ves a hiisband and on son by a
former' marriage. ' Her estate is valued
at about $4000 and by the terms -of the
Will the husband, William Loveridge, shall
have the use of the property during his
natural life, when, upon his death, the
son shall receive $1000, the remainder to
be equally divided between the son, Carl
Ross Thompson, and - a stepdaughter,
Ethel May Loveridge. t The hus
band ef the deceased was appointed ad
ministrator as the will did not name an
executor. The estate of the late Mrs.
Sarah A. Buford was also probated. Mrs.
Buford left an. estate' consisting of real
and personal property in the county
valued at $500. The heirs, to the estate
are three brothers and three sisters.
The "report comes from Champoeg, north
of this city, that the 10-year-old son of
W. R McKay, a prominent farmer liv
ing near there, met with a distressing
accident Thursday afternoon that came
near proving -fatal. - The lad was playing
in the loft of the barn at the McKay farm,
when he fell through a trap door and
struck head first on the floor 10 feet below.
He was picked up in an insensible condi
tio but soon regained consciousness, and
when medical aid was summoned H was
found that while the shock wsa a seri
ous one, the lad had not sustained In
juries.; that -Would prove fatal, having
escaped death as by a miracle.
Mrs. Katharine McNary and daughter.
Miss Anna, for many years residents I of
this city, left here yesterday for Portland,
where they will reside in the future, mak
ing their home with their son and brother,
L. A. McNary.
Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody returned home
last sight from an attended stay mt The
Dalles. He was brought home by the
death of ex-Governor John Whiteaker,
whose funeral he will attend.
Professor and Mrs.. J. H. Ackerman
have returned to , Salem from a week's
visit In Hood iver and The Dalles. ' "
in the bay at Seattle Thursday -."night
He fell from ths wharf while preparing
to go aboard tbe tug. The body, was, re
covered by the use of grappling hooka..
"Charles' Austin and Robert Mfiler, two1
bootblacks, got into a fight afc Seattle,
when the latter drew his pocket knife,
and With it made a lunge at Austin. He
cut an ugly gash in the man's face, and
then plunged the knife into his body, sev
eral times. When the wounded man tried
to get away he was cut taj th back.
A new movement has been mad to
combine the plow companies of the coun
try with a capital stock of $78,000,000.
X staBmemwWTimde at Helessryest
day by Rev. Hlggins, superintendent Of
Indian missions for the Methodist church
in Northern Montana, in which he claimed
that Hooper Young, the accused murderer
of Mrs. Pulitzer, was married rt Tbirsa
Holmes, of Cardston, last December. .
It has just been reported at Tucson,
Aria., that a band of outlaws recently
raided th town of Ranch y a. In the state
of Sonora, robbing most all the business
houses? The Inhabitants of th town wefa
terrorised by the bandits and made little,
if any, resistance. They succeeded in se
curing about $3000. . i
One of tbe most important witnesses in
the famous Mollnedx case, Mils Mamie
Melando, has been located In. Newark, N.
J. It is said that shs; positively refuses
to go through ths ordeal again.
The prosecution in the St Louis bribery
case baa rested its case and the evidence
for the defense will begin at once. -
In a fierce battle between the Brown
brothers and a posse of officer) at Cres
cent City, Okla., yesterday, one man is
dead and several others war severely
rado" Springs yesterday over the report
that suit would be brought against the
Stratton estate to recover $6,000,000. It is
Charged; that ; misrepresentation . was
mads at the' sale of the Independence
mine at Cripple Creek, 'claiming that th
mine had aan,.altiV,,-;': .
According to a dispatch from San Fraa-
7 "-'i! ''. ;. . " , ? """ """" ' ")
:-V-Y. Journal Special Sarrica)
: PENDLETON.. Oct A A part of the
advertising plan of th Oregon Railroad
4 Navigation Company in connection with
th homeseeker and Immigration move
ment la to gather a display ot the prod
ucts of each point along the line and send
it east in order that the people there may
clearly understand just , what the soli in
the West may be relied upon to do When
properly "cultivated. A portion of tbe
exhibit at the Walla Walla Valley fruit
fair will be devoted to this purpose. .
At, tbe regular meeting of the city dads
Wednesday night the matter of Installing
a complete sewer system for Pendleton
was discussed at length and a step taken
toward putting In. the system in the near
future.'- A' committee consisting of Coun
cilmen Clopton. Johnson and Hartman
was ' appointed ' to draft resolutions and
make an investigation and report at the
next meeting. ? v
i John Town;-who Is In Pendleton on his
returft from a sheep-buying tour through
the bills, Shipped 15 cars out via the W.
4 C.. ,R. line this week. This shipment Is
the last batch of 11.600 head which he
has purchased, of the Umatilla County
dealers within the past two weeks. .
M. McDdnsld, an extensive sheep deal
er from near Arlington, was a guest of
the Golden Rule Hotel Thursday night on
his way to Echo to buy stock sheep. Mr.
McDonald will buy several hundred head
of Iambs and ewes in this county If he
can find them. ,'
After a cessation of business for two
days the W. 4 C R train arrived in Pendleton-
bite - yesterday aftrenoon. The
wreck of the freight raln at Stanton had
completely .blocked all traffic on this line
since early. Tuesday morning.
The city health officer and marshal are
preparing to declare war on tbe practice
of scattering refuse and garbage promls
buously. in. the dtp-, limits. - -
William Myles, better known as "Pad
dy" Myles, left Tuesday for Washington,
D. C, to spend the rest of his days In
the National Soldiera' Home.
Mra Carrie,, G,' ,Van Orsdall left this
morning for Milton on a professional visit
to the Women of Woodcraft.
. (Journal Special Service.)
INDEPENDENCE, Oct. 4.-B. Wilson
has been appointed by th County Court
to fill the vacancy In tbe office of Justice
of the Peace caused by the death of J. D.
Owing to a rush of orders for foreign
shipment it haa been necessary for the
local flouring mills to run night and day.
Several athletic organisation have been
established at the Monmouth Normal
School.' The football team has been reor
ganised and any experienced coach is to
be secured. A game with Mt Angel Col
lege team Is scheduled for a week from
Saturday, and . 4$r)game are being ar
ranged. The basket ball team, which won
the Pacific Northwest championship last
year, Is practicing hard, and intends hold
ing the coveted honors another year.
The date for the funeral of the late ex-
pGovttrnor Whiteaker has been set for Sun
day at 2:30 p. m. The exercises at the
house will be conducted by Rev. D. K.
Loveridge, of the Episcopal church, after
which,, the body will be taken by the
Maaonio Lodge to the cemetery and in
terred., with the honors of the craft.-
At the United States Land Office at
Oregon City during the past month there
were 64 homestead entries and 13 timber
entries. The amount received from cash
sales was S16.4C9.76.
Cisco the Southern Pacific will in the near
future relinquish its British Columbia
coal, holdings.
As was predicted J. Hamilton Moore,
Of Philadelphia, was sleeted president ot
the National Republica nLeague at yes
terday's session In Chicago. He had no
opposition and his election was made by
acclamation. ' .
In an address to the trustees of the Le
lahd Stanford University, Jr.. yesterday,
Mrs. Jane L., Stanford said that it was
her desire that the president of the uni
versity should have full control and that
the institution should be conducted on a
strictly non-partisan basis.
The funeral mil Zola, which is to
be held ia Paris tomorrow,'' will be one ot
a most Imposing character. In compli
ance with- a request from Madame Zola,
attend the services. Madame Zola said
that she was in great fear that tbe pres
ence of Dreyfus would lead to unbecoming
disturbances. .
T. A Livesley, of Salem, Refuse
an Offer of 25 Cents.
(Journal Special Servica)
SALEM, Oct 4.-T. A. Livesley, of this
city, a large hop grower and a; leading
dealer in hops, yesterday made an offer of
85 cents a pound for (0 bales of hops be
longing to Dr. Fink; of Dallas, Polk
County. Dr. Fink's hop ar among th
best In the vaJIeya strictly choice lot
and Mr. Livesley was particularly anx
ious to secure th .lot to fill a special
order, but failed to get th hops, as the
grower decided to hold . them for better
prices. . This Is tb Wfbestlfiferina4
for BepS this VeWrtbough" other dealers
say that the likelihood la that others will
pay the same before long. Other sales of
from a to B cents were mads here yes
terday, but the deals only involved small
lota Large quantities ot hops are arriv
ing In this city i front : the . surrounding
yards, and are being storad in tbe South
ern Paclflo warehouse. untl such time as
advantageous sales can b made. ' -
Clackamas Comity Items and Mat-
ters at th Big Falls.
(Journal Special Service.) -
OREGON CITY, Oct A-One more step
has been taken in the matter of incorpo
rating the old town of Mllwaukle by
Judge McBride, In dismissing the writ of
review which was taken from the County
Commissioners Court This morning ths
Commissioner ordered a special election
to be held on Tuesday, October ZL in or
der to give all ot that town's citlsens an
opportunity to express an opinion. Tbe
town is divided as to whether they should
incorporate or not some wish to do so,
so that the powder magazines couldNbe
forced away from their present dangerous
location. Others are against tbe move'
ment because of, the additional expenses
which would be incurred. . At the election
a Mayor, a Marshal, six Aldermen, a Re
corder and a Treasurer are to be voted
for. This matter has been extended into
a long controversy which this election will
probably end.
After - spending a week In visiting the
fish hatcheries in Oregon and Washing
ton, John W. Titcomb, assistant in charge
Of th division of fish culture of the tne
United States Fish Commission, left yes
terday for Washington, D. C. He ex
pressed himself as being well pleased wits
th work accomplished at the stations in
both states. Because of damage by high
water th Eagle Creek station has been
abandoned As the run of salmon was
poor at the Tanner Creek station it was
also given up, although about 29,000 eggs
were secured at these two places. Twelve
million eggs taken at the White Salmon
racks is a record which breaks all others,
but it was expected that a large catch
would be, made because, for the propaga
tion of chinook salmon, this Is the largest
station in' the world. Good hauls were
also made on Rogue and Big White Sal
mon Rivera the latter place faking over
4,000.000 eggs, while the former took 1,130,-
000 eggs. Fairly good hauls are being
made on the Clackamas, but the big run
of salmon will commence with the heavy
Ths Board of County Commissioners
yesterday dismissed the petition coming
fromOak Grove, asking to have a part
of Third avenue opened. This will end
this matter, over which so much atten
tion has. been given, unless the petition
ers Wish to carry ltato a higher court
The Knights and Ladles of Security
gave an excelelnt entertainment last
evening for their brother members who
came up from Portland for the occasion.
The Lee Paplllion Dancing Club will
give a masked ball on Friday, October 17,
at the Armory ball. Great preparations
are being made to make it a success.
All who think they have reasons for any
alteration or modification of their assess
ments will have a chance to explain them
to the Board of Equalisation which Is to
meet on Monday morning, Ooteber 13.
Beginning with tomorrow evening the
evening service at the Episcopal Church
will be held at 5 o'clock instead of t
o'clock This arrangement will continue
through the winter months.
The first Sunday afternoon religious
meeting, for tbe season, of the Young
Msn'S Christian Association, will bs held
tomorrow at 4 o'clock In the Y. M. C A.
parlors. Mr. A. S. Dresser will speak
and special music will be rendered.
A Big Sparta MineArranging to
Mill Its Products.
A. P. Pearce of Baker City, president of
the Inter-Ocean Mining Company, was
registered at the Perkins Friday.
He has some gold bullion from the
Inter-Ocean mine near Sparta, in Eastern
One bar is of ths value of $$0 and was
obtained from one ton of ore taken at
random from tbe dump and milled as a
test There'are" several hundred tons of
similar ore now on the dump,
Negotiations are now pending with a
big company in Sparta district, whereby
the Inter-Ocean will secure the use of
Its plant to mill their ore, until such
time as their own machinery Is in place.
The residents of Sparta are looking for
ward to this movement with approval.
The' Indications are favorable for prosper
ous times in and about Sparta, should the
Inter-Ocean open up with mill and ma
chinery as contemplated.
No doubt exists as to the permanency
of the ore bodies and the contemplated
equipment will be of great benefit to the
Mr. Pearce )eft for Baker City last night
along with J. H. Nicholas of the Nicho
las Investment Company, , and the via it
may result In securing the use of the
Near-by mill for the winter, or until
such time as the Inter-Ocean installs its
own machinery.
At any rate, the immediate return to
Eastern Oregon of Mr. Pearce and Mr.
Nicholas, following so soon th Sltddsa .
Wlurnfrom the T East of the latter, is
looksd upon as an important move In
mining circles.
' Much bard work bss been done on the
Inter-Ocean and it is taking Its place
in th ranks of th produce r.
It has been announced that the St.
Louis 4 San Francisco Railrosd will Is
sue $18,0q0,00O mors bonds a ths meeting
to be held in St Louis on November 10i
- bbbMbMBbsj bWsbssWBM"" smB"
i 'I )Aen Appreciative of Refined Correct Styles in ;
Will Find Our Large Lines Highly Satisfactory. ,
r The desire to bring our
clothing to a still greater degree of
satisfaction has been attained most
successfully, ; and we solicit com
parison with lines shown elsewhere.
The range of styles and sizes is
wise; the prices moderate, quality
$10 to $35
$10 to $55
$12.50 to $30
Chas. K. Lsdd.
Pres. 4 Trees.,
Secretary, Chas. F. Beebe.
Manufacturers of
Parties intending to build will do well to call up our office and have our
salesman visit them to explain the many strong points of ADMANT be
fore the plastering is started on their building. ' j ,( ,
Favorite American Whiskey
ELUMAUER. & HOCH, Sole DistrDctcra
Wboleaale Uaoer mi CSgv Dealera, lOft-l 10 rowtkSt.
Will be brighter, happier, more at
tractive and homelike Whan you
have a piano. You owe It to yonr
growing family, to your friends, to
yourself, that your home snould bs
Lrlsht. nauov and attractive. We
have many makes and styles of
Beautiful Pianos
e For you to select from, and our
A prices are so much lower than oth
ers mat you'll nna it easy Buying
on our easy plan.
826 Wsshlngton At.
289 . South Third Street
The Celebrated Palmist and Psychologist
naa return ea.
TdUF "hands reveal all Questions of life.
pertaining to marriage, sickness, death,
changes, travels, divorces, separations,
lawsuits, ' business transactions, wills,
deals, mortgages, lost or absent friends,
mining ventures, etc.
Office hours are 10 a. m. to I o. m. daily
and Sundays. Charges 60o and $1.00.
289 South Third Street.
M.aentlemen'a Resort...
Louis Damiivasch
ooch BMg., a.i7 PUth St.
Opposite Poetomoe.
Cold Loaches. SchBtg Br on dransrht
We do not
- r
m -x. a x. - sr . . ,
y loaSts. .
stock of
A. K. Bentley.'
.Vice-Pres. 4 Mgr.,
Foot 14th St '
Phon North S09L
;.- -
f'M !
Or. East 46. CoL3190
East 34 and Baraside Sts
Than the one that does yonr work i
to snlt you. If you gr sot suited J
It is because' you do not send your J
oJothes to the - -'
the UnionlLaundryS
63 Randolph Street. . -
Phones Alblna 41, or Columbia SMI.
A. J. Gill fit Co.
General Machinists , .
and Repairers
Manufacturers of Sheaves. pins " and
Loggers' Supplies. Pattern and ' Ifodet
Making- ; laundry Maohinery. Prtntsrs
Machinery overhauled, : rebuilt aad 1 re-'
paired. Paper knife grinding. ; ( 1
84 Secoad Street, Portland. Oregon
. Icfaphona Red asya,.;:; ;-H'-t I
Special attention given to Varicocele, Contagions
Blood Diseases and Acute and Chronic Urethral
rrinuut laiiammsuoa.
' " Consultation free, and no charge what
' ever for treatment or any. case in wbiub
a our is not affected.
ask for a dollar until a cure Is effected
Talcott & Co.
Portland Office, ajofi ALDIZH ST.
.....if FJSiJW i-.
. :-M
7 .