The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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No Let Up in the Fight
'. - on Vice.
For His-Fearless- Staadia
y Case ot Police Sergeant
' . Church.
.'" "Hew long la this order closing saloons
Ml o'clock coins to Iat? la It going to
bo the nme heretofore, for thr.or
four week and then the back door will
' to found unlocked?" wa asked Mayor
ftTullam bia tnornlnr.;,:;; .
' "? am surprised that '-so many people
' Inlscoastrue our Intentions,' waa th ro
ply. ;ThI la no spasmodic movement on
' fay part and I wish to impress tola moat
emphatically upon tha public. Aa long
Ml am. Mayor of tbia city I will aea that
the lawa are enforced aa strictly aa poa-
. ' "There ara many orderly saloons which
always oloaa their places at 11 or 1 o'clock
and J want to see them all on an even
footing. If tha north end deadfalls close
at tha hour, many a murder or robbery
will be prevented and general crime will
ie reduced to a minimum, if tha saloons
. are closed there will not be so many
drunken men around the streets tata to
: be steered Into gaming places and fleeced.
Not there wlQ be no lot tip In me until
down Jcnewing that I have dona my duty.
.?A delegation of sporting men came to
ma previous to election and asked 'me
how I stood. I said, Gentlemen, I am
; oppoaed to gambling and vice In all' its
forma.,: you elect jme you will have to
;aca your cnancea on wnat I will do.
Those who are orderly will not 4 Utoth'
.red by toe. When I feel that llara to
need of a atlmulant I to and take It 1
understand : tha license system and
long aa the aaloona are licensed and eon-
. Bact themsetvea becomingly they are an
titled to protection and . that la what .
a.m trying; to give them."
Tha Mayor waa asked If the City Hall
rumor that . In view of Municipal Judge
Hogues ecathing rebuke ot Police Ser
geant Church, his case would be taken up
by tha Police Commission. . 1 .
"That la mora than t ean-ielV not be
tar s member of that body. .. I will sav
however, that several stories regarding
., Mr. Churchy- have coma to me, which, if
, true, I don't like, but I hava always paid
no attention to rypnora or anonymoua let.
tera I receive tti latter every day, but
aiter glancing at tnera throw Wiem aside.
I want to he shown something tangible
before X take any action on any subject
I heartily approve of Judge Hogue'a firm
stand. What always impresses ma favor
ably' la to Sea a fearless man, and Judge
Hogu la ahowlng that spirit."
Whit Portland Workers Are Doing
.for Their AdVancemeat.
, Blno th busy months of early spring
the Bricklayers" Union has been inoreased
by about 5 new members. All ara busy
and there ia still a demand for good work
men at wages from cents to Sl'gbovot
n aoneouta. ' Thla Increase Ja,t purely
voluntary on the part of tha contractors.
Every meeting la weU attended and tha
members are taking an active Interest
la their anion. Election of officers will
oocur at the first meeting in December
: and Installation will take place a month
At tha meeting of tha Teamsters' Union
Tuesday evening a motn prevailed to
Impose a fine of 15 upon all members who
- patronise the- tailor shops which have
, been declared unfair by the Federated
Trades Council. The dry dock question
rwar-aiscussea at leneth- and 4t -waa. -de.l
elded to lend financial aid, if necessary,
to prosecute the case in the courts.
-'--A. , J.-Woodberry, a member of the
Electrical Workers, and Miss Eva Nelson,
of the Laundry "Workers, were united in
, marriage recently at the home of James
.Weston, ; 187 '6herman street.
A. W4 fJones, president of the Clgar-
. makers' Union, who Is visiting all busi
ness houses in the city handling clears,
for the purpose of inducing them to
handle the 'home product, reports that
he la meeting with splendid success in
too matter. Nearly every firm approached,
Ka mays, promised to assist in every pos
sible Way Jto build up the important in
dustry of. olgarm&klng.
HaiyvStore Changes Old Sack
" Front street Is ahowlng unusually, many
Itreet alterations .. and improvements,
tldawalks are being repaired, and num
erous '. basement changes ,. being made.
Kumaroua store fronts are being, changed.
nfact ha entlrabuaineaa section is
"sprucing up' remafkably7',r "
In removing the "bid foundations at a
sulldlng near Stark atree, fouadations
laid to have been in over 40 years, the
s-orkmen cam Upon a small aack of car
lentar tools. . Tbey were of course worth,
ess. They represented a deposit by some
Me many years ago, perhaps before the
Ureal was Improved up to sidewalk grada
VaicoSyct People's on toe
At tha meeting of th Federated Trades
Council last night the committee which
was appointed W arrange for a lecture to
be given by J. T.xMorgan In Jehalf ol
the coaf-mlne workers, gav a report of
the axpense tost would be incurred In toe
matter. After some discussion It was dt
Oided that no lecture he gi ten. In re
sponse to a .request from the Federated
Trades Council of Ban Francisco several
leather firms In that city were placed on
6BC anfairuat "
A letter was also prepared last night
In answer to a communication by the
Vancouver Merchants' Protective Asso
elation. IV Was signed by Secretary A.
ft. Lawton, nd tS'.iS fonowa,
X ara instructed by the Portland Fede
rated Trades Council to mak tha follow
Ing reply to tha resolutions adopted by
your organisation: : v ),.
Onr contention. IS 4ha th express pro
vision of the statute creating the Port
of Portland Commission requires that It
"shall hava power to, In Its discretion,
acquire, own and hold a sit for, and to
erect held, awn and operate a drydock at
and Within th boundaries of Portland, on
th Willamette River, and that Its ac
tios In approving. site In any other
place la a violation of th law, and an
Injustice to tha taxpayers of our city, who
should derive whatever benefit might ac
erna from tha expenditure of their own
money. Wa must Insist that' we hava bo
Intention or desire to do any harm to
either our neighbor tha business people,
or our neighbors tha laboring people ol
our sister city of Vancouver, and trust
that, instead ot doing tia th great Injury
of withdrawing your business relations,
you will remember the" Biblical Injunction
to return good for avtl and' heap "coals
nuainees with 9a,r-rf-ilt-i.:, 4
W cannot refrain, however, from con
gratulating th laboring men and me
chanic of your, city (upon th possession
by them of a abla a protector of their
rights and interest as th prompt aotion
of your enterprising association has shown
you to be. . Had our business associations
shown th same watchful car of Port
land's Interests, th Interference of the
federated Trade Council In the present
controversy would have been unnecessary.
J. P. Finley & Soa's New Estab-
tishffleote Corner Third and
J. F. Flnlev A Son. undertakers ' are
now oocupylng thelr jnsw "building at'ifi
nd 263 Third street, corner Madison.
. Tha building is a fine-looking two
story and basement StrvctvrS, built of
pressed brick, with fifty-feet front on
Third street and 100 feet on Madison.
- The plana for tha building were drawn
by Mr. 3. P. Ftnley , In tha plans he
Introduced practical ideas In th arrange
ment of rooms, with the result that the
establishment Is In point, ot convenience
second to none on the entire coast
Handsome offices, arranged with a view
to privacy, ara provided for tha recep
tion of tha publlo and ara located in
front Of the "building facing on Third
street On th office floor ara also re
ception rooms, private rooms for the re
ception' of the' dead:: so 'arranged that
relatives may - pay their respects with
aa much privacy aa in a private hoiiFj."
Every room on this floor Is -so arranged
without thresholds thai a body may be
passed upon trucks from the receiving
rooms to any part of the place without
Jar, lifting or trouble of any kind: On
tha office floor also and oocupylng the
front part ct th building. Is th chase;
The chapel has been designed with much
care and thought, and la being furnished
fc .jconsjderahejtpens, ,4, , handsome.
altar ta being provided, an organ and a
fin piano will , Installed, ana apera.
chdlra will be used, for seating. ,r The
celling of this, room Is pt pressed v steel,
handsdmet ornamented, adding a. finish
ing touch ot richness to what ls-pferhaps
the finest funeral chapel On the Coast
in the basement are tha show rooms.
of which there are three. In these
rooms the goods shown will ba graded,
as to cost Large storage rooms fer
goods 'are also provided In th base
ment It is In the basement that thore
are installed eight 4teel, vaults designed
for the safekeeping of bodies. -
In keepTnlIth-?the-yy -moderii httlJd-
Ing is the new funeral car Just pur
chased from a famous maker in Roches
ter, N. T. The car wa built upon plans
made by J. P, Finley, and Is a model
of convenience. Unlike most Such 'car-'
riages, the drapery Js In gray, rather
than black) and the usual sombernesl
of the boot ts relieved in this by a
glass panel bearing the firm mon6gram.
The design ot the car la plain, though
not severely so and la striking in its
richness. The- car ' Is, so cpnstructd
that two or three horses 'may be used.
Finley & Bon Seem to haye attained
their desire and make good their prom
ise -of establishing the ' most modern!
undertaking establishment on the Coast
The building Is certainly excellent in
its arrangement and -the equipment is of
the best The building Is heated by hot
hlf. Hot tmi cold: water,' gaajand rle
trie lights, improved telephone fystem
and every possibls), convenience U. to be
found In the building. The- central
thought has been to secure privacy for
bereaved famlliee before and during tha
funeral services, and that this object has
been attained cannot, be doubted. .
. .. f'.ryrvi.. 'i ''
O. fL V N...OIv AU an Opportunity to
' a by- Making i,w Rate
Many .Will O dotlbt'take advantage Of
thkJwi'raWto,. ihe .Jnterstat, 3"afr tt
Sookflj October to 14 -TheVf). ft A
MS. make arat. oV1 W.60 for rbend. trtf
from Portland, . including ' one admission
coupon to the fair. - Tickets 'on- sale Oc
tober t; good until Ootober IS, City Ticket
offioa, Third and Washington. .
Of News by a Portland-
er's Return.
ScIIin?; Tickets to PortlandA
Quart Strike on
W. B. Stewart of Portland who has been
operating at Nome, for several aeason
past, reached home, last' evening, for
the present residing at the Imperial. He
came out by the Roanoke, which brought
JO0 passengers. The fall exodus has set
In unusually early. Large passenger lists
were booked at Nome when he left . The
Rudd folk were selling tickets very fast,
for th Indiana, for direct sailing to
Portland, and the Rudda denied that there
bad been any hitch aa to th charter of
tha Indiana. The Rudd had sold about
100 tickets, Mr. Stewart saya. Th price,
however, ruled at ISO. th aame aa was
asked for Seattle and for Frisco. The
Roanoke's prioa waa also $50. Mr. Stew
art said tha regular rat would prob
ably be a little more, at tha very last.
but not as high as last year.
"I think," said Mr. Stewart, "that there
wiU ba a big emptying out of Nome for
the winter and not half as many stay
In as last year. Probably 2600 stayed
over lit 1901-02. I expect It will be pretty
dull the .coming winter. . In fact it has
been a vary quiet season, although th
gold product will ba large .when it is
all counted np. The Council country Is
the great producer this year,',' Mr. Stew
arf continued. "I was over there during
mo summer. u. uaa iiaa nnwua uis
railroad, which runs Irom Council to
Ophlr, seven miles, and ia about the aame
kind of a road as his Wild Goose line at
Noma It has one small engine and
few cars, but they are doing a smashing
business with it During the season a
railroad survey has been run from the
mouth of Salmon River to Council, via
the Valleys of the Solomon, Caaa de
Paga and Neukluk."
This is on practically the aame linea
surveyed last year by the Alaska Sc Si
berian Company. The new survey is by
Chicago parties. Mr. Stewart aald few
expeet the line to be built
A development of importance In that
part is a strike of quarts at the mouth
of Big Hurrah Creek. Btoh Quarts -or
has .been found, in - a veto several feet
thick. A shaft waa down 69 to 70. feet
when MrT Stewart was there. ..The quarts
strike Is directly upon on of tha placer
General business in Norn was dull
Simons of Salt Lake had closed down
the Standard Theater -and actors and
show people generally cam out on the
Roanoke. Some came through to Port
Mr. Stewart has been afflicted with
rheumatism, and this may prevent his
return to Nome, where he finds the cli
mate severe. It has, however, been
very agreeable season, with reference
to weather. It has been exceedingly dry,
but (he. biff ditches have supplied water
fairly for mining. Lane got his 'pipeline
Installed, which pumps water from Snak
Rfver to a reservoir on Anvil Moun
tain, whence it runs by pipes to tha
mines served.
"Portland looks good to me," Said Mr,
Stewart . r
Thirteenth Lighthouse District to
Have a Change of Chiefs.
Commander William P. Pay, who has
been In charge of the Thirteenth Light
house District with headquarters In Port
land tor th past two and a halt years.
will be relieved from his command by
Commander Carlos O. Caukina, next Fri
day. Commander Day will proceed at
"olice"' ldnFrancistl6
take command of tha training ship Mo
Although aea duty on the Mohican pays
better than shore duty, Commander Day
la reluctant to leave Portland, ache says;
'I have been here now for quite a while
and made many friends, so I am sorry to
leave it But then I go where duty
calls." Previous to coming to Portland,
Commander Day had charge of the con-
erted yacht Vixen, doing surveying in
Porto Rico:
Commander Cauklns, the hew com
mander for this lighthouse district was
formerly in charge ot th bydrographlo
office in Portland. He navigated Admiral
Dewjry'a flagship In tha battle of Manila.
For two years he wa in charge of the
hydrographic work in San .Francisco;
Previous to coming here, he was In com
mand of th Vixen. , ,"s'.i : "X ,
Commander Caukina will so doubt ;ye-
taln the present office force,' which con
sists of Chief Clerk Barker, .Captain Day,
Miss Ivy Barker and a messenger. .
TOD UP; - : ,
Tod Blpan Is In ; Franc, broke, with
no chance to redeem hi 'honor In th old
country. Hla- crooked. WQjrk Jias barrsd
him from further .mounts. At one time
Sloan was the Idol of tha English turf.
nu incom was 1100.000 a year, j In those
daya he lived like a Prince and dispersed
his money with a lavish hand. He is still
young man nd a good Jockey and has
an opportunity to act on th aquar and
regain soma of his lost laurel"
THE Y. M. C A.
Young: Hea Who Are' Learners
We M. Ladd to, Give an
Th association Instltuu opened its
classes this week with a registration" of
men far In excess of any previous year.
The fn crease is especially marked In the
-mecnamcai and architectural drawing.
In. former years the young men in these
night classes aought almost altogether to
prepare themselves In business and cleri
caj lines, -a such , as book-Keeping and
stenography, but at th present time more
and more men are turning to the Indus
trial branches, of Which mechanical draw
ing is the foundation. These classes are
so full that new accommodations in the
way of tablea and stools are being sup
plied. The boys' department is another
branch which has " grown very largely,
For the first time the boys are taught In
classes by themselves.
Last night waa the opening night In the
regular social work of the Y. M. C. A.
Prom :1S to I o'clock the annual com
mitteemen's tea wa held, when nearly
hundred men sat down to the bountiful
supper prepared, by the Ladies' Auxiliary,
led by Mrs. J. C, Atkinson, the president
J. Thorburn Ross, vice-president of the as-
sociaiion. was Jtoastmaster una ur. a. a.
Morrison, H. W Mlsenhlmer, Austin Dur-
and, H. W. Stone. F. A. Frailer, J. R.
wnifams and "Roy HI Campbell responded
to toasts.
Prom 8 to" 10 o'clock the building was
thronged with 'young men enjoying the
reception given by the Bible study depart
ment Professor W. M. Wllder's orchestra
furnished th music. , A short ' program
consisting of a solo ' by Miss Margaret
Beharrel, a reading by MIhs Vesta Town
send and music by the orchestra, inter
mingled with ping-pong and other games
made the evening a very pleasant one. A
large reception committee to act as "mix
ers" and the young ladles of the auxiliary,
Who served light refreshments, were im
portant features of the occasion. Many
me teak advantage,-.: t this.-OBPorunlty
to enroll in the systematic Bible' study
classes, which begin Work next week.
A rare opportunity W411 be given to the
young men of the elty te hear an ad
dress by one ot Portland's most promi
nent clt liens, W. M.rLadd. Mr. Ladd Is
esldent of the T., M. C. A. and will
give an address tO' J'ounf men at the
men a meeting tomorrow afternoon at
1:19. There Will be a spirited song serv
oe of 16 or aa minutes at the opening
of the meeting: under the direction of
Professor W. M. Wilder, and W. O. Hods-
don will sing a tenor solo.
The ladies' gymnasium class opened
Wednesday evening and will be held as
heretofore on Wednesday evenings and
Friday mornings.
Roy H. Campbell,' Boys' secretary, who
was called to California by the sickness
and death of his mother, returned to
Portland yesterday and will take up at
onei the tasfciof stnrtlwrjth special boys'-
and meetings. .-.i. , h '
Presbyterians May tJniteUnitar-
ians and German Methodists.
With Rev. C. A. Wooley, as chairman.
th Oregon Synod of the Cumberland
Presbyterian. Church, " whloh has 'been
holding session a thV'JEast. .Bide, .yes
terday passed resolutions in; favor of
Closer brotherhood antoag the churches
and less creed agitation." Mr. Wooley in
a abort speech, stood in favor of th Cum
berland Presbyterians Joining with the
mother ohurch and Beaftlly commended
th action taken by th .Church of United
Brethren, who seem to b the first to ad
vance the cause of church union. Other
prominent speakers at th meeting were:
Moderator Van Patten," W. R. Bishop, E.
E. Thompson. Dr. Dafton. O. N. Wall
Jfe-r. A SCViiUi ,
Th Unitarians closed their conference
laat night with a banquet at which the
following speakers discoursed on several
subjects; Rev. Oeo. W. Stone, Judge A.
F. Bears, Rev. W. D. Slmmopa, Rev. W.
M. Jones, Rev. rrank Powell, Rev. W. T.
Eliot Dr. T. L. Eliot and Dr. George C.
Cressey. ;
Yesterday waa the second day's ejsji
of the annual conference ot th German
Methodist Church. Speakers were present
from Oregon and Washington. Miss
Minnie Frickey, of Salem, read an thter-
estlriff -paper - tm hommlssloww'v4
Bishop Cranston delivered a short ad
dress, and Bishop Thoburn spoke on the
missionary work in the Philippines. He
stated that 12.000 Filipino listen to ser
mon Of Methodist preachers every 8un-
day. ;r'-,--'
Judge Bellinger Is out of town today,
and will call the docket Monday morning.
The Judge win set case tor trial and
any cases not settled on Monday will have
to go over to the new term 7Xh present
term of the Circuit Court closes today.
The new term open Monday. . .
The Grand Jury will meet Ootober C and
th trial Jury on the Uth. '.
Sine Wednesday the wood In tha
suburb have been filled -with hunter
and much powder has been burned In the
endeavor to lay low th birds of th field.
Some of the hunters who have returned
report poor success and claim that the
feathered tribe are unusually scare this
season. "
Some Portland capitalists ar thinking
of starting a chair factory her. There la
none her at present aatd- no doabf this
will. fill a long-felt wants Details cannot
be ascertained aa yet It la uhderstooa
that the Manufacturers' Association, have
hnl !a th matter. ,
GrizildiVeteriiis Mobi-
at Washington
(lathering ' of Soldiers Who Are
Ncaring the Last Mile
stone in Life. " r
WASHINGTON. Oct 4 -The boya who
wore the blue n the 'tOs, now grlszled
veterana who are neacing the last mile
stone of life's Journey, are mobilising In
the national capital In anticipation of the
36th annual encampment ot tha Grand
Army of the Hepubllc. Every .arriving
train Jtoday is bringing Its quota or visi
tors and by tomorrow morning the rush
will be .em Ip earnest. No city In the
country Is better abf to care for a large
gathering than Washington and this fact
Is demonstrated by the admirable man
ner 1 which the veterana are being cared
for on their arrival and assigned to quar
ter.. . -
The great organisation has passed the
senith of Its glory and ia now en the
wane. The attendance thla year Is ex
pected to fall short of last year as last
year fell short of the attendance at the
Chicago encampment of two years ago.
Nevertheless, the encampment will be a
grand and glorious occasion for the old
soldiers who marched and fought and
endured th hardships of war 40 years
ago. The ranks are noticeably growing
stand theN strain of th long parades
which have, been the crowning feature
of previous encampments. But their en
thusiasm has not been dimmed and the
few surviving great war generals who are
te be present will be received with the
same rpund .of hearty cheers as In daya
Of yore, when the veterans were more
vigorous as well as more numerous.
The arrangements for the entertain
ment of the great crowd of visitors are
as nearly perfect aa can be attained. The
programme will be formally Inaugurated
tomorrow, when patriotic services will be
held In the various churches. At the
camp fir In Convention hall Monday
evening addresses will be delivered by
speakers of national reputation. Tuesday
there will be a parade of special veterans'
associations, detachments of regular
troops and District of Columbia militia.
Thr 'will 1 be" a'n; -xraTtoiii''''fa';'''Sit'
Vernon for the encampment delegates,
and' th the, evening- General Torrance,
commander-in-chief of the G. A. R., and
his associates will be extended the free
dom of the city at a public meeting.
Wednesday is the day set aside for the
grand review of the veterans by the
Commander-in-Chief and the President of
the United States, with an elaborate re
ception in the evening at Convention
hall. Thursday and -Friday will be de
voted to the business sessions ot the en
campment 1
Besides the encampment of the Grand
Army, ther will be a national convention
of the Woman's Relief Corps, of which
Mrs. Callsta Robinson Jones, of Vermont,
Is national president. The ladles of the
13ra"fidArmyof the Republic, of which
Mrs. Wall, of Kansas, is national presi
dent, will also meet in convention.
From tha view point of the Grand Army
Veterans the selection ot a commander-ln-Chlef
to succeed General Torrance, of
Mlnneaota, ia of prime importance. The
candidates most prominently mentioned
are John McElroy of Washington, the
present senior' vioe commander; General
Thomas J. Stewart, of Pennsylvania, and
General John C. Black, of Illinois. Form-
9overngrJRoble, of Maine, Is also
named, as jt..posalbie" "can3Id"f!:! T
MITCHELL, S. D., Oct 4. The Depart
ment ot South. Dakota, O. A. R., will
make a handsome showing at the nation
al encampment. Judging from the large
number ot veterans Included In the offi
cial party which left thla city today. The
lourney to . Washington Is made In a
apeolal train over th St. Paul and Penn
sylvania lines, The party includes aev
eral hundred veteran and is headed by
Department Commander T. E. BUnchard
and a numerous staff. ,'
PES MOINES, Ia., Oct ij Iowa mem
bers ot the" Qtand Army 6fJ3h$TKepubITc
are rounding up in Des Moines prepara
tory to leaving in a body this evening for
th natloeal encampment From atf In
dications large party of veterana nd
their friends "will make th trip, -Tha
party are scheduled to travel by special
train, reabhlng Washington Monday af
ternoon. .
Fireman and Engineer Killed in
Pennsylvania Wreck.
: J.,.
Pennsylvania , express crashed .Into a
freight train at Milton thm morning, kill
ing the engineer and fireman, and Injur
ing U others, Six passenger cars were
telescoped and a dosen freight cars were
wrecked.-. '
0. R.
Y N. .Makes Low Rata, Including
On Admission Coupon..
For the Spokane Interstate Fair at Spo
kane, October J to .14. the O, R.'A N.
makes the low rat of 9.60 round trip
from.' Portland. Including one admission
coupon. ' Tickets on sule October t; good
until October 18. City Ticket Off)?. Third
nd VShlnetor; x t Vi ; Jfi.J.-
U Laadmg Dealers In
'?W-',ifKind',ELtXTRI9 APPUANCES--. :rU i .
Is la"reclptV las hlpmeht o;th above. Call and -mak your selo
Uona.- Every class of work yiuli.-l Both phonea. ;
r v4 V Shove pfioms 245 Washifigtoii : Street.
Their Board- -of Trade Holds
Lively Meeting. . -
Tcrv Months' School Demanded
. Other Matters of Interest. ,
At a meeting of the Monta villa Board
of Trade last evening at Aylsworth hall,
the matter of annexation to Portland. was
vigorously discussed.''' '' :'
Tho .meeting was called to order-by
Secretary William Deveny, who called
Charles Hyle to th chair to act for the
evening. '.. " '
The committee which was appointed to
confer with' the Oregon Railway 4b Navi
gation Company in relation to th estab
lishing of a station at Montavllla, report
ed progress.
The road committee reported favorably
on. the proposition of opening up the
Section Line road from the Barr to th
Sandy road. The commute expect to
get 'the project through as the county Is
Interested In the opening up of its gravel
pit north of the railroad track. The Open
11X 8.Jlt.3hlBJW$ ,VWhMhe,lp. toward
the establishing of .the railroad station.
A committee of three was appointed by
the chair for the purpose Of conferring
with the school directors In regard to the
holding of a 10-months' school term.. In
stead of nine montha as at present
The annexation project ' then' Came up.
William Devcny, secretary of 'tha board,
took the floor and delivered a speech In
favor nf the project His remarks were
followed by Captain H. Schneider in op
position to the scheme. Speeches in favor
of the project were also mad by Henry
Wlengart and Charles Hyle.
A lively time is expected at the next
meeting of the board, Frldayr October 17,
when the annexation proposition ' will
again come up for consideration. The
committee on the 10-months' school term
will also be heard from. .
The Goings and Comings of Those
Who Plow the Mighty Deep.
The Chile Is discharging ballast at the
Greenwich dock.
The Amazon will complete her lumber
cargo about Wednesday.
The British steamship Nereus entered
from Nagasaki with ballast. '
Tb- steamship -Cnlum&ftk j(rtU sail, for
gan Francisco tonight at 8 o'clock with
1,300 tpris ot freight, conslaWng cWefiy
of tea and a good quantity of flour.
The British ehlp Dimadajs waa chartered
yesterday to load flour .( Portland for
South Africa. The rate said wa 28 ahil-
lingk. which ia somewhat higher than has
been recently paid. The reason for this
Is said to be that th Dtmsdal Is of the
right slseT ndf sj' jln port ready to re
ceive a cargo. She has. been her almost
slx.wfteka jKaJjHgM 55?. ?rt??tJk0:hF
owners have rejected several offers 411
rate which other ships had accepted. The
British ship Glenesslin was also char
tered yesterday:- to load - flour.. at Puget
Bound for South Attica. .-
'-,., ... fc.,t J. it-"':.:
"There I safety. .In numbers."
Every onoVnow that," Noon better
than Eiler's Piano House.
There I safety ia keeping large
number or atock of pianos to choos
from.-;. -:' v . - .
There is treat 'safety In selllnz a
large number of pianos.
But the greatest safety Is I n keeping
the larger number of pianos that hava
the endorsement of the piano trade
and of the best musicians. This In
sures large sales. It keeps them going.
And that Is why pianos are always
going from our - house. ? We keep a
large number of the best pianos made
and that is what the public wants. '
No names In the whole piano firma
ment shine with more brilliancy than
the famous" Kimball of Chicago,' the'
Chlckering of Boston and the Weber
of New Yorkv sin tone and action
which are the first considerations la
a p'ano, each pne Is perfect. ' And in
make, finish and appearance, they
ara superb.
Added to these, we carry the Decker;
the Vose, the Hobart M. Cable, th
many toned Crown, Milton the Weser
sndroanothersvaUotthem standard
firsts claJfake. Therefore, so far'
as number go, we are safe, and so far
as qualities and -price goywe -.can
assure pur purchasers they are gaie. :
35 Whtntont.
: .'..-A
The ; ; .
Typewriter .
Is the tnachlae that doe th work
equally as wall Of pot better) than
the more complicated and higher
priced machines.. .Weighs pound
Price, (40.00. Interchangeable type.
No ribbons. Visible writing, Pow.
erf ul manlf older.' Call and exam
ine, or send for oataogu to
. W. A. R1DE0UT, Agent
.... . i
164 Stark St, Portland, Oregon.
High Grade
73 and 73 North Second St.,
. ' " . v w
The only
ItaUan Vocal
i. Portland.
Teacher in
Formerly of MILAN, ITALT. '
Cures Catarrh and Asthma simply by
his method of vole culture.
Testimonials open to Inspection at his
Ilulkey Bidg., corner Second and
rtorrjson Streets.
Bummer term opens July L
Of th
University of Oregon
Sixteenth annual session, begin Ootl.
108. Addrss & B. JOSSPHL M. X.,
Dean. (10 Dejtum building. Pttt-uaaA..
J. A. Schnelter,
Menth, 21 '
23,' and Emma B.
September 20. To th wlf of R.
Bchroeder, 146 Sellwood street, a glrL
October 2. To th wlf of Erer Everson,
tSS Broadway street, a girl.
October . To th wife of Thomas J.
Blrohard, RlTsrsId. a boy.
September 6.-T0 the wlf of Oustaf
Larson, 887 First street, a girl.
September 25. To . th wit of Philip
Rteht, Sixteenth and Vaughn streets, a
boy. - ' ' '
September 1 .To th wife of Albert Oa
brel, 48t Hawthorn avenue, a boy.
Saptember -&T -th wlf Ot Atogust
Petterson, 26 Columbia street, a girl.
September t.To th wife Of D. Kessier,
4W North Sixteenth street, a girl.,
September 25,-To th wlf ot, ..BpaUto
Parlsl, H0H Sheridan street, a boy. .,;
September 28.-T0 tha wlf' of Eben Mor
ria, 824 Oautenbein avenue, a girl.
Harry Oatman, Bast Twenty-sixth and
Powell streets, diphtheria.
Iro and Louis ; Hamerslyck, 189 Hill
street,' typhoid fever.
George Ross,! St Vincent's hospital, ty
phoid fever. . "
October 1. Antone TartanI, aged 9
years, heart disease.
; October ' 1. Baby Sandstedt, aged U
days, pneumonia .
J. P. Ffnley & Son, funeral directors
and embalmers, hav removed te their
new Sstabllahment, comer Third and Mad
ison street. Both phone No. f .
The Edward Holman Undertaking Co.,
i ,r n.' .- -.- . aea
Yamhill... Phone S07. , v, , " , , .
J-. .- 11 11 1 fi. iii . ".
-Cromatorhini, ? n Oregon City car
line, near Sellwood;' modern, selsfitm,
complete. Chsnjes Adults, . 38! child:
ran, $28. - Visitors, to S p. m. Portland
Cremation Association, Portland. Or. 1
Clark Br far fiewera, SM Mrr!a ,