The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    f --.r j. t.. -.- y
Tonight and Sunday,
cloudy; variable wiiitU,
mostly southerly . :
A VOL. I. NO. 179r
The gambling question is not a "dead issue," as alleged by the Evening
right. Investigate the chajfgesYof grafting by Councilman Merrill.
SergtNCIuirch Grilled by
:. - -"-i V-':' . CV ' "'-''"
: . . ... . X it. :
Refused to "Arrest Gamblers on
; Their Own Con-
f 1
To show hi sincerity in the enforcing
of tb ordinance and te suppressing of
vice in tb city. Municipal Judge Harry
Hogua several days ago made a sugges-
: tlon to the oPlioa Commissioners la tha
way of latter oalling the attention of
the Board to aome clause! la the char,
ter which provided for th confiscation
and daa traction of gambling device. Also
for the closing up of place where gambo
ling was known to exist'
Taaterday ha fined twanty-alx Chinamen
and Japanea US each. They were the
first bunch raided and under those clr
cumstaaoe were let off more eaally than
om of the latter offendera can expect.
' . Police Sergeant Church waa handed T
' rebuke for hi lack of Interest In en
forcing, the law that he will remembor
for many day. If he retain his official
. head he will be lucky.. For months neg
ligence la proper performance of duty
ha been evident In the ease that cam
, before ; the police court judge Hogue
became tired of the passive attitude of
; some of the officers In tha performance
of- their duUe Yesterday an instant
of Incompetency, carelessness or willful
protection Of offender against the law
' wa br6ught out lii th trial " or"Ffel
Mbrley lor gambling. Church got up 'on
T the tand and testified that Mbrley had
com to the station and reported that
there , wa a gambling game In progress
at D Martini's dive. .That he had been
robbed of US in the place In a crooked
gam and wanted-to get hi money back.
- i took NO ACTION .
Officer Church, Instead of v making a
raid on the place, made no effort in this
' direction, but insinuated to the complain
'ant that he had better drop the matter.
When th robbed man, however. Insisted
that he desired his money back; Mr.
Church telephoned to Mr. De Martini and
told him tes come down to the station
and fix up the kick that had been mad
by a boy that had been fleeced in ht.i
place.. D Martini and one of the men
who had been In the game went to head,
quarters. ;' Morley demanded hi back.
" The men who had fleeoed.him stated
that he had lost but and were: willing
to give him that sum if he' would keep
tUl about th matter. ...This Morley re
fused to take, and was placed under ar
rest for gambling. De Martini wa not
After this statement of facts which
savored of either -collusion, bribery, or
the grossest incompetency. Judge Hogue
could contain himself no longer and in
, his indignation turned "Churcb. to a crisp
"Omoer Church," be said, "you are
worn to enforce tha law and ordinances
of the olty. From your own statement
men who were engaged In gambling came
to you and told you so. The proprietor
of the hoas and the men that were en
gaged in the gam were in your presence
and confessed that they were gambling,
"When Morley came to you with his
kick, you knew that a gam was running.
Xou made no effort to raid the place and
- aecttte evidence for a -eonvlotioB-ef-tho
violation. . Tou have frequently made the
statement to thin court that it was diffi
cult to secure evidence and yoa overlook
ed no opportunity to secure the same.
Tou took no action. When the gambler
themselves came before yon and brought
the evidence, with their own Hps, . that
they ware gambling, you still remained
Inert -;r:.-- - -7;
"It Is no wonder that the law are be
ing violated in this respect This is a
ample of th war that ha been made
on the Ivue by the police. To enforce
this law it could probably be done more
easily by not depending on them for any
assistance. - 0
"it you have not brains enough to act
In a matter like Oils, they had better get
, a polioe sergeant who has. ' As you are,
you are no good to the department Ac
tion like your 1 not excusable." It Is In
a nature criminal-. If the officer refuse
to 4 their duty," It U time that an in
vestigation be made."
Th aftermath of the arrest, of Frank
Morley for gambling, and the sensational
testimony of Officer Church, waa the
' bringing into court this morning of De
Martini ad Adam on warrant Issued
upon the order of th judge. Morley was
put on the stand and told a straight story
"Of "hWfif wa-'rW5B6dr aT'tBjnp-Iacl'bT
; the defendant The ease was set for a
regular hearing next Saturday!
- Article of Incorporation of th Bangor
: Banking . & Trust Company " were filed
With the County Clerk this morningTvTne
apOat atock s Awd 'at 1009 share ofj
,t . j . . it t V . . . .
Portland Gamblers Are
ilSiw on the Run;
. b . . 'ft, .-ffJ, ;.;,i.,-l.';'. v .-.',';-t--;;'
Has Ripped Their Little Scheme
;;'-,ln the Tender ' 7
. r s. ' Bad.
. .
1 v'
Th offenders, against law and decency
and their conorta are paralysed with con
sternation. , , v
1 Plans for" tb "wide-open" town and
th flourishing of vice like a green bay
tree have gone amiss. V. i
Th stand of Th Journal for enforcing
of the laws', has. JI.DPed In the bud the
launching of the city oq a career of law
lessness. ' '
Extensive preparation had been made
by th bosses lq gambling circles to open
up on a scale of. magnitude never be
fore equaled in the city. . Every ar
rangement bad been made to garner In
the golden harvest from the fields of
in. ; " '. 1 ' -.
.Erickson has fitted up-elaborate club
rooms over his saloon. In the fitting up
of Frits' new theater ample apace was
set aside for gambling-rooms. Th Port
land Club had been enlarged. Blaster'
and the Gem bad all framed up for the
oontamplated throwing open of th town.
These people have spent, thousands of
dollars, which, under the clrcumsteftices,
are a loss. They naturally feel very sore
Frank Helton, the. most astute sporting
man lit the city, early In the crusade, read
the handwrltlnr on the wall. - He dis
posed of his Interests, In the Portland
Club when th battle was fairly on.
. Church had. been a great friend of
HeUenMtad their relations with each other
were very intimate. ..When Hellen was ac
cidfentaily shot he gave the revolver to bis
dear friend Church. .When the first raid
on the Portland Club was made by Offl
cej" Church, Banker Mills, who was one
of the Jurymen, made .the assertion that
the raid was a fare and that Hellen had
been notified before hand.
Now tHe sword has fallen and the
gamblers are on the run.
Martin Beady, on of the proprietors
of the Gem Club, stated this morning
"The Journal's war has closed up--my
business. ' Gambling cannot exist un
der the circumstances. As long as the
crusade I onw are helpless. The men
of standing from whom we have been
making our money will not enter a gamb
ling-room When they are In fear of being
arrested and -dragged Into the Police
Court -Tho "who would take these
chances are not th men from whom we
make our money, a they have but very
little toN lose. My bouse Is closed, as it
can make nothing, under tha ctrcum-
A gambler who la familiar with every
gam in th olty stated that to his cer
tain knowledge there bad never been a
day In Portland In the last 10 years when
there were no - game running. Today
none exist The Portland Club has been
running off and on for the past few days.
but is now taking a lay-off.
The saloon-keeper are stirred up over
the l-o'ctock closing order, which they
lay to the refom move.. Many bartender
will lose" their 'jobs , iia"ara "'WsWaMlnl'
their bard luck.
Given a Welcome Almost Equal to
That of Dewey.,
NEW YORK, Oct Twelve tugs and
three excursion steamers met the steamer
Philadelphia this morning. The recep
tion given General Booth, of the Salva
tion Amy, almost equaled that of Dew
ey's historic arrival. After he had landed
a big parade of the army was reviewed
by General Booth. Maacaght, who was on
board! was met by a big throng of Ital
ians, but they were .lost In the confusion
of Qncral Booth' arrival. - General
Booth start on hi tour October 10th. '
Th James Printing Company aa been
awarded: the contract for printing the
00,000 leaflets advertising the Lewis and
Clark Balr. The contract price la S380.
TBs presr aild. publicity committee refuse
to divulge the name of the Other bidder
er -the. amount of their blda v t ,,
the fmr value of Sift each. ; ;y f -vs.-
Supplementary artlclea of Incorporation
of the Mount Fairy Mining -Company were
filed UHs morning. Increasing -the capital
stock from $100,000' to $1.0Q,000, and the
par value of such, ateoki&om AenU per
bar to V . :
it r. v 1 i i. m tin a rr x tw w. txr . iTnr,7Vvisrvirf' ' .ir . . j . sw
:. l f
O'ell the Grand Jury Mr. Merrill."
: -' " .- -'. 1
PORTLAND. Or., Oct. 3, 4 902. - . ' , r
Editor Journal I notice your editorial today with the above csptlon. Why are you so persistent for a grand Jury
Investigation? " '- :. .n . .
Is It not because you went some sensational reading .In. your paper In order to sell your papers on the street, adver
tlse your paper before Wis general public, thereby putting golden sheckels Into your own and your banker backer's pocket?
I "will promise ' you "nothlna' Vensatlonal, If I am cited to appear before th grand' Jury, r'ior..iihai.i..knour half pf tho
llv people of Portland know, and you do not have to go outald of your own city editor room to get as much Information
as the grand Jury could receive .from me. r iCM-i ? . i'
H Is not "up to me," and I do' not think this tlm opportune for a "show-down." The theorist and th moralist
have their "Innings now, but a llttls later the business men will "come to the bat" and will Insist upon business-like .
administration Instead of one carried along on theoretical 'grounds, especially I they, find their business dropping eff 80
per cent and the city's revenue dropping off from $10,000 to 120,000 permontt. - ! - '
Mr. Editor, you have tie rloht to call tn up on the 'phone and receive a 40 r 50-word Interview, stretch it out
Into a 800-word one with sensational car headings, and ieH me that you approve ,of my plan, and then editorially
"roast" me, for I am only taking the stand that I believe Is right end for the best Interest of the City of Portland, and
I have "received advice along that line from a great many, prominent business men,
I will wager a new silk hat that you will not glva thla letter prominence In your live paper.
Y., ....-1--?':.a V ' . FRED T. MERRILL.
That The Journal did not miaquote Mr.
Merrill ia proven by the fact that the
Evening Telegram had the following from
him personally: '
. "This resolution which I have prepared
is calculated to raise about 110,000 . a
month from the gambling and other vi
cious elements of the clty. "We " beTleve
that by regulatlog Vice the city can rale
revenue of over (100,000 a year from
thla source alone. That the municipality
stands In need of the additional financial
H. W. Scott, editor of the Portland
Morning Oregonlan, arrived todsy In
Liverpool, England. Mrs. Scott Is with
him. They will tour the Continent, re
maining away from the United ataee
until January, when th Legislature will
Politician are asserting with positive
assertion that Mr. Scott wa prevailed
upon by some of his friend to leave
America and entrust th management of
a campaign for United States Senator
from Oregon In the hande of those
friends. '
The Multnomah County Republican
Legislative delegation will probably In
dorse Mr. Scott for the United States
Conflagration Raging in
Amoy, China
Foreign Quarter's Already ia Ashes
and the Inhabitants Are i
Panic Stricken.
HONQ KONO, Japan. Oct -A report
has just reached here that a most ter
rible conflagration Is In progress at Amoy
dnd the town la threatened with total
destruction. ... . .. . .,
At Amoy a fierce conflagration .Is rag
ing and it la only a matter .of a few
hours till the entire town wilf be in
flames. , The major part of the city I
burning rapidly and the blaze I spread
ing .so fast that It is out of, the question
to get It under control. The fir depart
ment are powerless and everything In
dicates that the city will shortly be In
ash'M. The foreign quarter have already
been destroyed and the occupant nar-
wTyTescapedr ifs thear llv, Iwdn- unwmhr-witt pew lierosondayy-promisee
le to aave little. If any, of the legal
records aad papers... ' , ; -
people are panic stricken and It I
feared that many lives will be lost Thoso
who are able are flying to the country
and taking what little of their belong
ing they can with them. 'Many people
In the part of town where the' fire 1
tho fleroert will to mnablo to get out of
assistance, no one Will deny.
5'Now, tn. a nutshell; the proposition Is
this:' Gambling cam run but must pay
for the privilege' by a fine, turned Into the
Municipal Court every month. The same
rule applie to social outcasts and house
of ill -repute- and 1' machines. This
class of vico has been paying a graft to
certain .pa,nIcW prOducT tW
facts to show thaf fone" middle-man dl
trlbuted 60,000 year. On can. only ur
mis, of course, as 4 where this graft
went The vicious element must be regu
lated and there" lspo reason 'why they
Senate. The matter I now being ar
ranged. Mr. Scott's manager, who were
given the task of electing Mm to the
Senate, are conducting a quiet campaign
snd Inducing members of the county
delegation to prom Is to vote for Mr.
Scott. t Is understood that-a number
are already pledged, and that Mr. Scott's
managers are confident that they will con
vince' the remainder that It will be to
their Jaterest to vote for Mr. Saott
Aa a consequence of the assertions that
Mr. 8oott has gone to Europe to permit
his manager to elect Mm-to the United
8tate Senate, the ether candidates are
"feelln' mighty blue." A well-Informed
the buildings, and the fatalities will
probably be terrible. '.
The women and children are being pro
vided for as much as possible, while, the
meir'are 'Joining force with the firemen
to-fight the flames-irven-in the face of
the fact that they are powerless to stop
them. The screams of tb living who
are unable to escape from the burning
buildings and the groans of the dying are
most horrifying. Assistance is being sent
from neighboring towns aa quick as pos
sible, but It is conceded that it will be of
little avail, - as the fire has gained such
headway as to make certain the destruc
tion of the entire city. .
One More Member of the St. Louis
Boodle Gang Caoght.
ST. LOOTS, Oct. 4 John Sheridan, the
ex-delegate who has been wanted sines
the .boodle trials began, - wa arrested
this morning on the street He was non
chalant and said he had been In the city
all the time and was not In hiding.
BTJEN03 ATRES, Oct t. Putnam
Bradlee Strong and Hay Tone were mar
ried here today. The wedding was a quiet
one, only a few neoessary witnesses be
ing present :..-:-
Lord Hope's divorce was mad absolute
a short time ago and as soon as the notice
to this effect reachfcd here : Immediate
preparations were maa . for the mar
riage. '.. f '-- 'tr . " '
tenth National Irrigation Congress,
to be the largest ana most influential body
of the kind which ha yet assembled in
the West .Delegate began to-arrive to
day, and Chairman Want land and mem
bers of the exleurrr committee are busy
with the preliminary ; arrangement. To
morrow large 'delegation are expected
from Utah, Colorado, Kansasr Nebraska,
Texas, California, Arlaona, .Washington
and Oregon. ... "r:--
should not be compelled to pay for thelt
own regulation, and the money go Into
the City Treasury, whero It -will do somr
good, rather than Into the pockets of :tt
don't know whom. With the money se
cured by fining the sporting element, the
polios force can be increased and another
fire engine can be purchased for the East
Sider Kere -Tni atlr needed.. ?; .".
;'""The whole' plan Is, nothing but a bubI-hess-llke
proposition. The vicious ele
ment I kept under restraint and made to
pay ' fine as a ' punishment instead of
blackmail is a protection. ' ;
politician told The Journal today that he
knew that Mr. C. W. Fulton appreciated
the dangers to his candidacy of the pres.
ent situation, and that he felt that he
might lose the lead hs Is now conceded
to hold over his opponents.
One thing has developed opponents of
Mr. Scott will perhaps be able. to defeat
Mm, Inasmuch as he becomes . the most
conspicuous candidate, .from this---time
on, and will therefore be the target at
which all will shoot. Th Senatorial
candidacies are being mixed with other
matter and prospective legislation, as
usual, Is going to be Innoculsted with
the virus of trading and deala and secret
Big Strike on Doncan Creek Causes
; Much Excitement. .
DAWSON, Oct t-Great excitement
has been occasioned in Dawson during
the past few days by the reports of a
big strike on Duncan Creek. Fabulous
stories are told of the wealth of the
region; and the rush from this city has
equaled anything seen 'in the early days
of the Klondike excitement. One claim
In the newly-discovered diggings is yield-
lng.Wla.dAl .. i .....a...-
A quarts strike 60 miles from Dawson,
in the Rocky Mountains, Is also causing
some excitement, and many are prepar
ing to leave this city for that region.
Samples of the ore have been sent to
Dawson, and it la claimed to be the best
base ore ever seen here. Considerable
work Is being done on the mine, and ex
pert claim the ore will average ISO to the
A prise fight In Dawson Thursday night
furnished much amusement to the sport
ing element Nick Burley and Tom Hes
tor came together for 10 rounds. The bat
tle was fast and furious, but neither man
was given the decision, although Burley
bad the best of the fight his opponent
being knocked down 12 tunes. . . ;
BUTTE, Oct t Two Northern Pacific
passenger trains collided this morning
five mile east of Big Timber, Mont,
killing Fireman Campbell and Mall Clerk
Drlacoll. Eight passengers were badly
Injured and tb baggag and mail car
burned. ,
The Improvement upon Hotel Portland,
on the Sevehtb-atreet side, is now going
In rapidly. , .The ijrfsement work Is done,
and the superstructure commenced. When
finished, the building on that side Will
rise on full story above Seventh street
It is a most substantial work, and, dl--rtded
as IV has been, -among several eon
tractors, all appear to have done th vary
peat work possible. r. v
TelegramF until it ii settled
Probe it to the bottom.
President Greatly Incensed
Overitude Assumed by Operators ' ;
During Conference Yesterday
Root Knox ahd Wright Mi Meeting .This:
Morning Knox Says National Executive
4 Wilf Not Interfere With Stone
WASHINGTON. Oct l.-Presldent
Roosevelt Is said to ' be considerably
aroused over the failure, to effect a strlks
settlement and the "Implied Insult by the
operators in demanding that b use the
army to protect ih miaSr-It is believed
that his next step wfll be the calling of
Governor Stone Into consultation on the
question of summoning an extra session
of the Pennsylvania Legislature to take
action regarding the 1 reopening of the
mines. President Mitchell this morning
characterised the operator-" proffer to
submit individual ' grievances to the
Courts as the veriest Of sham, given out
with the Idea to confuse the public Into
the belief that they wish Justice,
WASHINGTON, Oct " iSecreUry
Root, Attorney General Knox and Labor
Commissioner Wright were In conference
thla forenoon. Secretary Root made the
following statement at noon: "Prealdent
Roosevelt will not call an extra session of
Cogf s, ntff-msutr with Governor Stone,
Or even offer the latter' any uggesUon
or Interference. Neither will he , ask
Morgan to confer.' He considers Pennsyl
vania the proper and. only' authority to
handle the strike so Wg a the operator
ad miner rf(w-oiwttlfrtteir differen
ce among themselves. HI only1 . nop Is
that the conference yesterday may result
In good and at present "contemplate no
further move. He will certainly send no
troops to the coal field unless Governor
Stone so requests." ,.
BOSTON, Oct 4. The Advertiser said
today: "In the cases of many such con
troversies as are now on In the coal re
Casey Will Not Transport Arms or
Combatants -
WASHINGTON, Oct 4-Rear Admiral
Casey cabled to the Navy Department to
dsy from Panama thej foUoWngr.rTodaY
I tent Information to the Governor that
while the trains war ' running under
United States' protection, wa must de
cline transportation to combatants or
arma which mar - cause Interruption
to traffic and convert the Una. into tb
theatre ot hostilities."
Was Married to Mrs. Elizabeth
COOPEHSTOWN, Oct 4. Bishop Pot
ter and Mrs. Elisabeth Clark were mar
ried at noon in th Christ Episcopal
Church by Rev. -Grosvenor of New York,
They will tour Canada.
Historic Church Collapses Killing
Eight and Injuring Thirty
VlENNArOct O-Four priests and four
worshipers wer ' killed by-the collapsing
of the walls of th Historic Church at
Pedrengo this morning, '
What waa on of the most fatal dis
asters that has occurred In years has
Just been reported from Fedrengo, Trieste.
During early mass' thla morning, while
the Historic Church ' was filled with
worshipers, th walla of th edisce gave
way and the . building collapsed without
warning, killing ' four- priest and four
worshipers, and Injuring M others, sevw
era! ofwhom will probably notreooyer.
The church was on of the most ancient
lnthat section being over, a thousand
years -okL, h .'3; ;i '.: --.i , -J '
' .' ' m ' - .''; t-
mrj TORIC: ! OeL- 4. Mures, n' ' has
plated an order for tO.000 tons of th beet
English coal' to be shipped to New Yoxk
for fro distribution to th poor. ' ; '
M fdiijy
. v:
r? -
gions the courts hav not hesitated to
take charge of the publlo service of th
corpora tlona and carry them on by mean
of receiver until Ouch a time a th '
owner wer able to resums th normal
conduct ef
owner of the mines or able to run them
why not In public Interest apply thl '
powerful weapon of th government, lear
Ing th quarrel between th mine owners ,
and th mine worker to b settled out
of court after the publlo needs hav been.
satisfied. We can stand a temporary o ,
clallstlo remedy, , ... . , - -
WASHINGTON, Oct 4-The operatora :
left the city at o'clock this morning
for' New. York. President Mitchell and
party depart for Wllkesbarr at 10:59
o'clock, thus doing' away with th rumor ,
that another conference would be held .
today. . . ,
' - NEW YORK, Oct 4-President Thomas
Jt ,tn Erte Lin say he has 17,000 non ;
Unroa-miner ready tol" go ti work If the
Government affords them protection. .
, NEW 'YORK, Oct A The consensus
of .aijltorla opmionj here- today I that -th
operators should b taken at their
word and It 1 now ap to Governor Stone .
to maintain peace. , JC, , -
' WTLKESBARBE, 1 Oct O-Ther la
great disappointment her - among th .
miners,, but all stand firm. The confi
dence of President Mitchell la unshaken,
Adrogation for President . Roosevelt: baa' :
greaff Increased and . th miners say ,
they will fight on. - ii'
The Moros Were Completely Routed
by the Americans. - f ;
MANILA, Oct 4. Captain Pershing'a
column completely routed ' the - Mactu -'
' Moros. at Manila nan, killing and wounding -over
100 and destroying the forts. Only : s
two American were wounded.
The final engagement waa desperate. '
Th fort was bombarded by tho artillery
for IS hours. . Sultan Cabugulan led th
desperate sortie and died fighting at th
head of his forces. Tho Mora wer Bt.
orally mowed down by the terrific rifle '
fir of th Americans, who surrounded th '
fort and gradually moved tho batteries '
closer. The Moros broke through th cor-
don and attempted to- escape to the ,
beach, and many of them were shot . -down.
Before the fight th Sultan wa'
defiant-en Insolent and" claimed ho could - '""
whip th' whole United State. ' v ' '
Bodies of Two Boys Found at
"Camden. N.J k C ,
CAMDEN, N. J.. Oct 4,-Tho bodle ol
two hoys. Price Jennlng. aged 14 year,
and William Coffin, aged 11 years, wer
found this morning with -their' skulls
crushed. It 1 believed that they had been :
murdered by "Unknown parties for' their'
watches and tlO one of the boys had on
his person. Both victim war th on
of prominent busines men.'. ,'.
' vi'
. Th Portland Height Improvement A
aociation wilt meet thl evening at I
o'clock at Fir Haft, Th object of tb
association Is th betterment of the con
dition of streets and th improvement of
property on Portland Heights. Th mala
toplo under discussion tonight will be the
eetabllshmeht of"a cWttHe,"tne" widening
ot tho sidewalks and the improvement of
the streets in the immediate vicinity of
tho Heights, - -. : : ' ;
'KM WHEAT-MMEt - :: ' '
Oct 4. Wheat ?0O70'ie.
..SAN - JfRANCiSCa Ctofc '; -5VI-e
ILSDC :.;v. ! .....
3.' .