The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 03, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Banks Must Not Rdease Their Reserve
; educational!
Baffalo Bill Offers to Sell Some of
. His'Biion.
fit Says Ridgley
WASHINGTON. Oo. J. Comptroller
SsV-the Currency Ridgley this morning
verruled Secretary Shaw's action au
thorising the National banks to release
It per sent of, their reserve. He held up
Me ban statement and refused to ap-
-provt ft tm the rese.-ve was recovered.
He takes the ground that 8haw's action
la nnauthorltlve unless the Comptrollei
sanctions It This will result In the with
drawal from the money market of all the
Jack Seamore Gathered In by the
Detectives Snow and Kerrigan arrested
this afternoon what they believe to be a
bad man. Bs now occupies a cell at the
police station and a charge of burglary
wia be preferred against him. He gives
the name of Jack Seamore. It Is alleged
that Wednesday tnlght he broke into
Philip Stein's Jewelry store and stole a
violin and, Winchester, and last night
he gained: as antranc Into the Eel labia
Pawn Shop, - from which be took many
valuable articles of jewelry. Many of
the stolen goods were found on his per
son. The arrest was made in Second
and Davis streets. The prisoner road a
move to draw a gun, every chamber of
which was loaded.; When he saw that the
officer had the drop on him he remarked:
"Had I been a little quicker I would have
killed you. But the game U all up now."
Efforts Will Be Hade to Prevent
- Them in Eugene. '
: (Journal Special Service.)
EUGENE. Oct. t-Th Christian peo
ple of this city are considerably aroused
over the appearance her Sunday nlgN
of the "Mccarty's Mishap" Company. It
has been many year since a show hag I juvw scenery."
Deen given here on Bunaay, ano. it is
paid that efforts will be made to prevent
the company from playing here on that
night. The aianaaer of the opera house
declares that ha win put the ahow on.
' Before Justtc Held yesterday a cai
was decided by a Sheriffs Jury. The dif
ficulty wis one where George W. Mitchell
bought some land of W. H. Warren and
paid alt but 188 on It To satisfy the clam
Constable Atkins seised the horses and
-wagon. Of Mitchell. ' When the hearing
took place Elsie Mitchell, a sister of the
defendant,' claimed the property and the
jury turned it over to her. Warren will
have to work on some other track to get
What la coming to him.
.4. ' ' V
Local Shipper stat that the British
steamship Quito- was chartered yesterday
by Dunamulr A tmnsmuir of Victoria to
take a cargo of coal from Lady smith, B.
C. to San Francis oo. The Quito was In
I'ortUtod harbor about three months this
summer, , From here she took a cargo of
Government supplies to Manila and Just
returned to Puget Sound a short time
ago. Eh wia leave Tscoma today for
1-adystnUh, '
Jofin BleUy was sentenced to 80 days
yesterday by Judge Hague for larceny,
lie was caught in ths act of stealing some
poolballs 1a Ericsson's saloon. He claimed
that he did not remember anything about
the matter. He stated that when he
start-d out to get drunk be had $16 and
whea be came to he was at the police sta
tion without a cent and a charge of
larceny against him.
-A sea veil ger-ejn bm frightened en
tipper First street about 8 o'clock this
morning and ran away- The horses ran
down Ffst street at a lively gait, and, at
ths corner of Taylor street they swervea
to ths right and ran Into one of the large
plats class window of the Dayton Hard
ware Company. By the force of the col
lision both Of ths horses were thrown off
their .feet, one of them being badly cut
by. ths broken glass.
John Belfast was picked up In the North
Cod last, night by Detectives 8now and
erTtgaa aad taken to tse station and
booked pa suspicion. He had in his pos
session a number of leather pocketbooks
which he was trying to aelL It is thought
that "they were stolen as he could give
no stratjaocovBtfhow he secured
them.: 'ly.
Secretary Reed of the Lewis and Clark
rah has been notified by the First Xa- Bank that $727.30 has been placed
u the credit of ths Fair corporation.' be
ing tb Interest on the corporation's de
resits. This bank does not give interest
on any money deposited with it but has
aaJe ah exception In this eass.
At 1 o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays
r.d Saturdays therjls a free' clinic for
treatment f the. Door at' alt. Tincent's
'.espltal. '.-'Ti- -
reserve funds thus released by the banks
that have availed'- themselves of Shaw's
offer. 1 The tat1 Amount was to hav
been $3U.wO0,0Ob. is not believed
that more than half of this sum has yet
been distributed.
NEW TOHK, Oct. 8,-The whole lists
of. stock sagged away from 1 to 4 points
when Comptroller Rldgeley's decision was
received here. The only hope is that It
will, be overruled.
The Gobgs andComiflg:s of Those
Who Plow the Mighty Deep.
About the most attraotlv dock In the
city now is that of the D. P. A. N.
Company. During the past week or two
it has undergone marvelous change.
It now Is supplied with 10 of the latest
Improved electrto lights, and In front of
ths office today a large Inoandescent light
is being put up. Other changes have
bees made, and -the entire place presents
a vary neat appearanoo.
The lighthouse tender Mantanlta Is ly
ing at the Couch-street dock undergoing
slight repairs and being; treated to a coat
of paint It will probably be. a week more
before the work Is completed.
The steamship Columbia arrived from
San Francisco last evening at 5: JO o'olock
with 1606 tons of freight one of ths larg
est cargoes that she has recently carried..
It consisted mostly of general nitre han
diss among which was 11,000 sacks, or 600
tons of sugar. Ths rail cargo, consists of.
42 tons. -' -
-. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. femith. who had
charge of the White Collar Line booth
during the Elks' Carnival hers, are at
The Dalles conducting ths same booth at
the Carnival there. tA newspaper pub
Waned in that city says la parti "It is a
pleasure to meet Frank J.. Smith and
wlfa Mr. Smith has bad years of ex
perience en the Columbia River and gives
a very' entertaining talk en the Columbia
Ths British bark Setnantha left down
ths river fot the sea yesterday afternocn
with a full cargo of wheat It goes to
the United Kingdom and consists of
138,884 bushels valued at 888.840. It was
shipped by the Portland Flowering Mill
Ths steamer Robert Dollar has arrived
at Astoria from Seattle. When coming
down the coast she met with an accident
In the neighborhood of Destruction Reef.
The piston rod of ths low pressure
cylinder broke, and ths . engines wcrs
shut down, The steamer then ran under
sails to Seattle.
Investigation Is being; made at Astoria
into the drowning of the two sailors
while attempting to desert, from the
British ship Australia- Coroner Pohl was
on the vessel yesterday taking testimony.
The fishermen who attempted to rescue
the men will also be examined.
She steamer Redondo, whlcb was re
cently built in the East tor ths Truskee
Lumber Company has arrived- at Tlla
mook to load her nrst cargo, ens is a
steel vessel, is an oil-burner and will
carry 100,000 feet of lumber.
The schooner Oliver X Olaen will sail
for San Francisco today with 900.000 feet
of lumber which was loaded at the In-man-Poulaen
mill. The John A. has also
cleared for San Francisco with 800,000 f set
of lumber, shipped by the North Pactllc
The . Cypromene left down the
river today with jm tons of wheat
for Europe. The Cypromene has been
hers Just a month, and during that time
has made good dispatch ' considering the
amount of work she had to do. ' She has
discharged a oargo of general merchan
dise and steel rails from Antwerp, the
latter for the City & Suburban Railway
Company, besides loading for the out
ward voyaga Since arriving in port he
has lost no time.
The big steamship Lime Branch is
loading barley at Montgomery dock No. 2
at the rate of aVut 800 tons a day. She
will Uk from here about 6000 tons, and
-will, complet her. earstt at. Astoria
Many shippers In port will remember
Captain Maho, who was here two years
ago as master of the French ba-k
Grande Duchesse Olga. . French Consul
Labbo states that he has Just learned that
he and his entire crew were killed In the
first eruption at Martinique.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 8. A can
vass of the producing districts of Louis
iana and Texas Indicates that the rice
crop this year will be 600,000 sacks or $0.
000,000 pounds short of last year's yield.
The figures show a total yield of 8,100,194
sacks, .two-thirds of which is the output
of Louisiana. The Quality of some of
the crop is said to be Inferior and higher
prices are predicted. . .
To E. Ivory Jones, repairs Second and
and Market. Z7Q.
To J. J. Slossen, 2-story dwelling, Lake
and St. Helen's road, 8100
To Heacock A Hooper Iron Works 6 hop.
East Sixth and Belmont VZ0.
To H. Sinshelmer, repairs, Oliaan and
Twenty-third, 8130. ;
To Ft. F. Randall. 1-story dwelling,
East Flanders and East Twentieth, 8500:
8 '
CHICAGO. Oct t Wheat 6SX0TO4&
Ths Park Commissioners held their reg
ular meeting this morning and after tran
sacting the regular routine business, a
couple of communications were read.
A man In the state of Washington ot
tered to sell th city two cougars for
tb City Park Zoo. The matter was held
in abeyance. :
The manager of the Buffalo Bill Wild
West Shew, which is In winter Quarters
in the Big Horn Basin. Wyo., also nad
an offer to make the commission. - As
nearly every on knows, the show has a
large herd of'bufCaloa and It Is Incrtas
lng rapidly. They wish to dispose of
some of their surplus animals, and make
the city an offer to sell It from one to
three of them at 8450 per head.
At first glance this figure looks rathei
large, but some of the commissioners
and the Mayor are rather favorably "in
pressed with the proposition. The scar
city of the animals is what makes them
valuable, and if the city could secure '.
couple of young cows and a bull, in a fw
years Portland could sport a nice herd
of this noble animal Itself.
No action; was taken on the matter as
ths commissioners wished' further time
for Investigation. Three buffalo would
probably be ths number, wanted, and th
commissioners are chary about investing
such a sum. It is considered that a single
cow and a bull, st 890Q would b dearer
than two cows and a bull at 81350. .
General Booth Will Be Given a
Royal Welcome.
NEW YORK. Oct. 8.-A fleet of 12
steamers, bearing 8000 officers and sol
diers of th various Western divisions
of tbVSalvatlon Army, will go down the
bay .tomorrow morning to meet th steam
ship Philadelphia, on which General Will
iam Booth Is a passenger. Later there.
will be a monster parade in honor of the
venerable founder and. leader of .the Sal
vation Army movement.
Early hi th coming week there will be
publio meeting In honor of General
Booth, over which Mayor Low will pre
side. Following a few days spent in this
city th general will start on an extensive
tour of this country and Canada, deliver
ing publio addresses and holding; import
ant conferences with the officers of the
organisation. Among the cities to be
visited are Toronto, Montreal. Winnipeg,
Buffalo, Colombus, Chicago, Minneapolis,
St Paul, Grand fcorks, Kansas City, Den
ver, San Francises, Los Angeles, Birming
ham, Cincinnati, Baltimore and Boston.
That Noted Southern Murderer Was
to Be Freed.
RALEIGH, N. C., Oct 8. A notice was
pinned on the Jail her this morning to
get Wilcox out of jail by Saturday night
unless ths officers want trouble. - This
leads to the belief that a plan to release
him Is on foot. Wilcox is convicted ot
murdering Nellie Cropsey.
The Louisiana Will Be Built
Newport News. .
WASHINGTON. Oct 8. Secretary of
the Navy Moody today awarded th con
tract for the building of the new battle
ship Louisiana to the Newport News
Shipbuilding Company. The fighter Is to
be completed in it months.
Several of the old-time streets in the
upper part of the city, considerably the
worse for wear, are beginning to greatly
change, with recent Improvements, tfu-st.
Second and extreme Fourth streets arc
thus Improving. Second street especially
shows considerably new building. Brick
buildings at the corner of Columbia, and
at Jefferson, two and three stories re
spectively, are among these.- The former
has ' been erected by Q. W. Bates, and
the other on the old Price property. Nu
merous extensions or cement walks have
also been made In that part of the city.
The southern district Is looking up.
Numerous ' small houses are also to bt
seen Just being completed.
SYDNEY,1- N. B.. Oct 8.-The seventh
annual convention of the Nova Scotia
W. C. T. U. began Its sessions here today
and will continue until Monday. Several
prominent speakes and temperance
workers ars to be neard, among the num
ber being Mrs. Nellie G. Burger of Mis
souri, organiser of the National W. C. T.
U. of ths United States.
Two lads, Louis and Henry Grassell,
residing en lower Quiraby street, were
Injured In a stable yestlrday, by being
kicVd.Jby horseSi They were playing In
the stalls. They were taken Id f he" Good
Samaritan Hospital, but were found not
seriously Injured. '
O. R.
eV II. Mskes Low Rats, Including
tine Admission Coupon. -I
For tb Spokane Interstate Fair at Spo
kane. October f to 14, th O. FV 4 N.
makes tb low rata of 89.60 round trip
from Portland, including on admission
.coupon. Tickets on sals October f ; good
until October IS. City TV Offios, Third
and Was kins-ton. - -,.
Receiver Asked for Pacific Mer-canttfetopny
It Is Claimed by the Plaintiffs
That They Were Deceived.
W. B. JCassf commenced suit in the
Circuit Court this morning against the
Pacific Mercantile Company and its local
agent John F. Olson, asking for the ap
pointment, of a receiver.
This Mercantile Company Is-the off
shoot of the Tontine Savings Association
of Minneapolis, which was suppressed
some time ago by th courts of Minne
apolis, and has don quite- a nourishing
business sinos ths' death of the parent
concern. , : . r '
Ivasor, who also represents others.
claims that they were induced to .part
with their stock In ths old Pevore com
pany through misrepresentation. He at
leges that Olson ' represented that the
Tontine stock had no value, and induced
him and others Ho transfer to him their
stock, taking in exchange .stock in the
Peciflo Mercantile Company. As a mat
ter of fact Kaser says the Tontine stock
did have a valUe. "The whole object of
Mr. Kaaer's suit Is to get the money back
he and his friends paid in.
The plans of the two companies were
about the same. They guaranteed you i'i
for every 81 you invested. You would pay
the solicitor 85 down.- That was his com
mission. Then you would pay the com
pany 81. 2S for 60 weeks, making in all 80.
At the expiration of ths 60 weeks there
was Issued to you a paid-up contract en
titling you to a two-carat diamond valued
at 8lttt or ths qttvslnr In cash.
But you did not get the diamond, or
cash with your contract You had to
wait your turn. You were told that as
fast as the oontrsct taken out ahead of
you In the series in which your contract
belonged, matured, , you were Just that
much nearer your money. Finally you
would get your money, as agreed, or sell
out at a slight advance over the amount
you put In. s ;
Where th company mad elts profits was
nl apses. Many Would pay their weekly
Installments for JO'br 80 weeks or more
and then drop' out: When Jthe company
got enough of this "laps" money on hand
for itself and a few contracts, they would
declare the latter mftured.
Is the Latest Addition to Portland's
Factories ;v .
The next addition to ths manufactur
ing - establishments of Portland will b
a glove factory. A Chicago concern has
written the following letter to Mayor
Williams, who in turn referred it to th
Manufacturers' Association: '
"We contemplate moving our plant
from Chicago on account of th scarcity
of labor and th demands of th Mbjr
unions. Nearly all the glove manufactur
ers here are forced to thia We believe
there is a good field for an enterprising
concern on the Coast.
"We have built up a larg trad her
with Jobbers, on our capital, which Is
84000, and could do many times ths vol
urns and still keep the trade svsn though
we moved West providing we oould pro
cure plenty I of labor to break In, and
procure more capital. Kindly:' let us
know whether your or some neighboring
town would offer us some Inducement'
Secretary' Mclsaac has answrsd, stat
ing that there Is a fine opportunity for
the location. of, such a plant in Portland,
but that the city is too big to give a
LTNN, Mass., Oct S.-The lvator ot
Little's factory fell here at noon with
thirteen occupants all of whom wer In
jured. Benjamin Crane, th superintend
ent and Miss Frances Herllhy were
killed. The other Injured were all women.
September 28. To ths wifs of Albert
Kline, 85 East Tenth street a boy.
September 85. To ths wife ot David W
Macdonald, 489 Davis street, a gtrl.
September 7. To the wife of Joseph H.
Landum, 28 East Twenty-eighth Street
a girl.
October J. To the wife of "Win. W.
Connors, 240 East Thirty-first street s
September 80. Henry T. Wagnilav sged
67 years 4 months S3 days, constriction of
bowels. "
September SO. Huldah Ann BslL sged
: years 11 months 17 days, chronio endo
September 80. Minnie L. Massey aged
38 years 8 months 11 days, cerebral de
generation. .:
J. P. Flnly A Son, fun ere I directors
and em balm ere, have removed to their
new tbllshmnt corner Third, and Mad
ison streets. Both phones No. 9.- . ' .
Th Edwsrd Holman Undertaklna Ce-
runeral directors and tmbalmars. 280
Yamhill... Phone 607.
Crematorium, on Oreaon Cltv 'esr
Jin, near Sell wood; modern, iftlfl.
eomplete. Charges Adults, 8361 child
ren, 825. Visitors. I to 6 p. m. Portland
C.-Tnatlow Association, Portland, Or.
Tb Journal, a Free and Tmir saws.
saner. It bas .no axe to aTlnd
Loss Amounts' to' ABoat $98J0-
Insurance $3700.
Orients) Rail, West avenus, loss 8S000";
Insurance 82CO0.
Thomas Graham, druggist, : Wst ave
nue, joss to stock 8300; no insurance.
B. M. Henley residence, West avenue,
entirely destroyed. Loss on house," 1400;
loss on furniture llgbt. Iniursnc on
house, 8900; insurance jot f urnttui's, J40fL,
O. G. Andrews, resldinoe. WssvenueT
slight burns to roof; loesabout 810.
Mt Tabor was visited yesterday shortly
before noon by one of, the most destructive
Ares in th history of the suburb. Short'
ly before noon MlssdltU MoQown, teach
er in the kindergarten In the second floor
of Oriental Hall, was startled to find the
class room filled with smoke. '
Thomas Graham, proprietor of the drug
store on the ground floor, was notified at
once, but no flames could be discovered.
However, a telephone call was sent to the
department at Sunnyslde, which In turn
notified District Engineer Holden said the
East Side department. -
Engine No. T made the run
house at the corner of East Third and
Easf Pine . street In about 16 minutes.
When th department arrived, Orisntal
Hall, a three-story structure, was entire
ly enveloped In flames. As nothing could
then be don toward saving the hall, the
department paid its attention to the ad
joining structures.
The residence of B. M. Henley, next
door to the hall, was soon covered with
flames and a desperate fight, was made to
save the dwelling, but to no avail. At
tention was then paid to the fine dwelling
of C. H. Thompson, adjoining the Henley
home, the entire population Joining In the
work,1 and the place was saved..
During the lire in Oriental Halt US.
Normandin, one of the owners of the
ball, received very painful Injuries by
falling from a high, ladder.
Ths main trouble in checking the
spread of th flames was due to lack of
Water. A, small spring was located a few
feet north of the building and engine No.
7 was attached to It. William Morrison,
of th company, was -compelled to keep
th pond stirred up to save the auction
hose from being stopped up with dirt.
The Mt. Tabor Justice Court, which was
located in the rear of the drug store, was
also destroyed; but most of th papers
wer saved.
During the fire the residence of G. H.
Andrews, -across the avenue from the
burning structures, caught Are, but was
extinguished before much damage could
Ths flames wers fought for over four
noutlbfttfirj.- .the, flra. hoys ...conquered,
Through th courtesy of Henry Lewis all
th boys of th department were treated
to a lunch of hot ooffe and sandwiches.
Two Funerals Held.
Th funeral, of Mrs. Christina Tblm,
who died Tuesday, at tbe St Vincent
Sanitarium, was held yesterday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the P. S. Dunning Un
dertaking Parlors. East Sixth and East
Alder streets. A large number of flora)
wreaths were received from friends ot
the deceased. The Tailors' Uniorl, of
which Mr. Thlm Is a member, sent a
beautiful pillow. The body was Interred
In Lone Fir Cemetery.
Funeral services over the body of John
A. Snodgrass, who died Tuesday at the
Home for the Aged, was held yesterday
afternoon at 8 o'clock from the same
place. The services were conducted by
Rev. J. W. Skans, of the Swedish Evan
gelical Church. The Interment was In
Lone Fir. Mr. Snodgrass was an old pio
neer of California.
Row Over WcL
Th police were called In the other day
to settle a row over, th possession of a
well in Shantytown, Lower Alblna. . A
man named Bjannes, In company with a
number of neighbors, had a well dug
near bis property. Tbe well was housed
over by a shed, the key to the plac being
given to BJanne for safe keeping. A
number of residents of the vicinity who
had not paid for the digging of th well
forced the door to the shed the other
evening and took some of th cool liquid
underneath. Now BJannes '- wants them
restrained. -
MontavlIIa Board Meets Tonight.
The MontavlIIa Board of Trade will bold
Its regular mlng this TOntnjr .JnAyis-
worth Hall. The principal business to
come before the meeting will be th task
of numbering the houses and painting; the
names of each of the streeta This will
make the task of the newly-applonted let
ter carrier much asler.
A hot time is also expected when the
annexation scheme comes up for argu
ment. Residents of th Villa ar about
evenly divided on the proposition and a
hard flght I expected to toe mad by
both sides this evening.
Roadway Too Rotten.
A team belonging; to th East Bid
Transfer Company, wall n routs t
Sunnyslde, crashed through th East
Morrison street elevated roadway .near th
oorner of East Third street, about IrM
o'clock this morning. Th wagon was
loaded with soma of ths cast Iron pip
for the Sfl-lrich main through Sunnyslde.
Asr-s rssntnef th sccTdenrTfreet car
traffic "on th street was delayed for over
half an' hour. The damage to the ' vs 1
hid was slight
: Sued for $15..
A salt has been filed in the East Side
Justice Court by D.. Kellaher against &
K. Hoober for the sum ot 1 16. Costs
of the suit are Uso-asked for.
Repairing Gas Mains.
The Portland Gas Company ha a' diver
at work-toda&v examining- tns gas mala
UAmbfeCert&nU You
Have a Business Training
; Th youtg person who starts'jlfe with -,
out. it risks failure; thoss with it ris
twlc ss rapidly as others, jr. S.
; It is time-saving and tnoney'galning to
attend a good 'business college. . TakS
care, in th selection of a school, ; Thers
are none -better and many wors than
ours.. A fin catalogu tre
'. ' llth and"Tsmhili IVs Portland. Or.
-'HILL-1 ,.. v v.,. i- , --'.-
ai The Success and High Standing
ijKvipjj ft maay nttnareas of Dr. Hill's graduates and former pu
J5tI! pits during ths last 84 years indicate ths mailt of hi
, uuameps ma uanuat training ana meonanicai ore wing.
Special .cowjsa mernlUns3igc.ei3nd rouslo. .New buildings;
modern equipment; private sleeping rooms; no open dormitory; Jarg
armory; recreation rooms; athletics - promoted and sncottrsgsd;
chemical and physical laboratories; experienced faculty. " '
A boarding and day
separata,, &0P
DR. J. W. HILL, Principal,, .
Fall term opens September 17.
across the river. The main is laid from
the foot of Ankony street on th West
Side to the company's depot on East An-
keny street., - Numerous complaints have
been made that th main leaks, and the
company sent a man down to Investigate.
B07 Scalds Himself.
Earl Bauraer. the 8-year-old son of ki.
Kaumer, the East Side merchant, was
badly scalded yesterday about noon, at
his home, corner of East Twelfth 'and
East Burnsiile streets. The boy was play
ing around the stove and upset a large
water-kettle. His left thigh and leg Were
badly burned: Dr. Plynu was called and
In attendance. - , -
Verdict for Defendent.
In the suit of W, p. Linn against Mrs.
M. E. Hearn fr the sura of 830, alleged
be due from selling a deceased oow
to the plaintiff, the Jury decided In favor
of the defendant. A large number of wit
nesses testified to the fact that the animal
was deceased, ',.
A Day's Fires.
Engine No. 8 was called cut yesterday
afternoon for a fire In a larg sawdust
pile on the corner of Clark street and
Railroad avenue. Lower Albine. No dam
age. , - s.
The same company was called out about
Juft'Slvi&lbJs morning, by a . telephone call L
for a fir at the Northwest Door Com
pany at the foot of Alfiina avenue. The
fir was caused by a flying spark which
had probably been smoldering all night.
Th bias was soon extinguished with
very slight damage to -property. "
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Multnomah Law Library was held
In Judge Cleland's court room last night.
A number of new books, bavs been added
and a complete chronological series of
Oregon session laws and archives. A
new reading room has also been added.
The officer elected for the ensuing year
afe: Sanderson Reed. Milton W. Smith,
A. L. Veazle, Thomas G. Green, Wallace
McCamant, V; JC Strode and H. U
(Journal Special Service.)
ROSEBURQ. 1 Oct . Norman Ayer's
fruit dryer was accidentally destroyed
by Are this morning, together with tbe
fruit that was in the dryer and building.
The loss is $1200 to 81500, with Insurance
of 8700. Mr.' Ayer had "Ms frtlit. which
was already cured, .stored in another
building near by, and this was saved.
His loss la quite heavy.
PORT RILEY, Kan., Oct 8.-Tb army
maneuvers havs been Indefinitely post
poned on account of heavy rain, livery
effort was made" to carry out tb pro
gram, but the officers commanding were
at last forced to desist In th face of
such torrents ot rain as have not been
1 known iutr for yean
' The libel against the towing steamer
Llsi was served yesterday on its eap
taln. The attorpey for the llbellant, - 8.
C, Spencer, later reported that the mat
ter was settled out pt court and that
his client received payment In full of all
his claims. The Lissl was released last
sight by a United States deputy marshal.
DENVER, Oct S. General Bela Hughes
died today of pneumonia, aged M years.
He was one president of the Overland
Stag Express Com pany r and. Was th nrst
president of the Denver & Pacific Rail
way. ' " ":"
Th portable school houses have arriv
ed and City .Superintendent . Rigler Is
placing them. One is being put up at
Williams svenus school, on In South
Portland and the other two at Highland.
The- press and publicity committee of
th Lewi and Clark Fair net this morn
ing and opened the bids for the print
ing of 800.004 advertising leaflets. Ths
award of contract wilt be saad tomor
row. -.';...- : -. .i
v v , . . i v
methods. prepares for collegs In Classical, Sclsntlflo and
English courses. Regular cours Is practical training for
school for boys of all ages; younger boys
catalogu,' to., apply to i -
W. Gilford Nash
103 Tenth) Street, near Washington
- Phone Front 464.
" Piano lessons from 85 per month up
according to length of lesson. Mr. Nash
has been at ths head of th department of
musio at the Stat University for ths last
six years and has been very successful
as a teacher. . Beginners taken..
Coal Coal Coal
Dealers In all kinds of
Coal, Coke, Charcoal
Try tbe Famous.
Office: 854 North 5th St.
Watt Montelth, Proprietor.
Corner sixth and staUK 'Vrft ekts
Prion 788. Portland, Or.
What Portland Workers Are Doing
Their for Advancement.
Th Electricians met Wednesday and ap
pointed an examining board, consisting
of th following persons: Robinson and
Newberry, linemen; Neater and Potter,
inside wiremen; Smith, fixture man, and
StahL shop or mechanic man. Their duty
Is to examine all applicants for member
ship and grade them aooordlng to their
experience and qualifications for electrical
At th Carpenters' meeting recently
O. N. Pierce and J. Zelglr wer elected
delegates to the Building Trades Coun
cil. .
Th Longshoreman, No, 265, hav suc?
cnedjed in securing an advance in wages
Of 6 cents an hour, making a raise,, of
from SO to St cents an hour. On account
of ths increased cost of living the union
mad ths . request and it was crante
without a protest
M. Botefahr Returns After Nearly
a Year's Absence.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Botefuhr, accompanied
by their daughter, returned last evening
from Chicago, where they went to meet
their son, M. Botefuhr, who was returning
from a T&ilt to Germany. Th son .pre
ceded them a day, reaching , Portland
Wednesday. s ,
Mr. Botefuhr, Jr., left her last Decem
ber on th German ship Emlllo, which
carried a' cargo of wheat tor Europe.
She was 142 days reaching Queenstown,
and be says th voyag was an exceeding-,
ly montonou one. . From there the ship
went to Antwerp. II spent most of his
Urns In Berlin, but also visited Holland.
Denmark snd other places of Interest.
He la greatly pleased to get home, stating:
that there 1 no plac Ilk Portland cither
In Kurop or ''America.
i "
i 1
LONDON, Oct 8. Th Princes of
Wales will not assist the Queen at the
court functions of the early winter In view
of tho tact that an addition to th family
Of the helsvkpparent is expected about
Christmas time.' The rvtr-growing fam
ily of the Prince of Wales has. necessi
tated a larger country home than that
heretofore, occupied In Norfolk and oon
sequently a new establishment Is to b
et tin m the Hin House nrooerfy. re
cently purchased for the Prince of Wales.
and wblch is cfe by hi country abodi
and wltbia hallias diaiaooo s( 8adrU-