1 . THE WEATHER, . : '. Tonight,'" foiri,- Patur-.5' day,, increasing ciouUi-" mm; cooler. - n.v Second rdHICG PORTHAiny OBEQOy, FRIDAY, ETENUfG, ? OCTOBEB ?3. 1902. " VOLi" I.; NO. 178. PIIICEtOTVE s CENTS. v. r v. H WIBEOUT iv MBLjgf j All Departments of , ' ', - :''' "' .-.:,-'--..-.'--.':.--"'- Police Wifl Be Vigilant-Judge DrMc-Prose -cution ; Be Vindicated and Ordinances Enforced: Tb powerful naehiaei7 of municipal govqrnmant Is In aotion. All th depart nsnta are in boaity oo-operatlon. and ar of on sentiment In relation to the vexa tious ramblins; problem. The ordinanoea must bo enforced and tb evil wiped out. Judge Hogue.has put himself on '.record as being In favor of using tb most dras tic measures possible to discourage vice. The Public Prosecutor's offica Jm In favor of the most vigorous action. The police will exercise ail possible vigilance In tb future. Tb Grfead Jury la In session and from Information aecured, from persons in a position t know,' will make a thor- niado by Councilman Merrill. The lai abiding cltlsena and the prominent bu-i ness men of the city ar aroused. 'J he y want the matter sifted to tb' bottom, and, If avldenc of corruption la brought out, want tb guilty punished. What they demand la vindication of past charges, and surety that tb law will be enforped in tb future. THE GRAND JURY. flay Take Action Says the Dis trict Attorney. District Attorney Chamberlain was ask ed this afternoon what action, ifany, the grand jury would take in - regard to Coun cilman Merrill' charges of corruption in connection with gambling. "RealTy, 1, don't know,"Xfe replied. They will not meet a 8Un until Monday, when they may take it up. I have not seen them sine this agitation cam up, so can not know their f eatings In the matter. , . ' "I will be busy trying a murder case Monday, so I cannot be with them per sonally, but on of my fleputiee wllL They can take it up if they want to." JUDGE HOGUE TAKES STAND Wants to Enforce Drastic Laws in Gambling Cases. Municipal Judge Barry Hogue, yester day afternooa mad a public declaration, aa to his attitude on tb war against 3!l,lT'.WBloh ha" ban tauiu.rf bv ' tb people of the city who are la'faVor of enforcing the Uw that are on th sUt UU tpoka. H Instructed Clerk Olson, to writ a better to th Police Commission era oalltn their attention to a clause in th charter ich. proviae that the ap paratus seised v raid on a gambling hous may be dewtioyed. JTurthea- that a house In which gaiaRjllng exists may be closed. This notification to th commis sioners Is a Polit way of suggesting that 4n the future h desires to haw the laws bearing on th issue enforced n their entirety. , DESTRUCTION AND CONFISCATION. The idea of th Judg ia'to resort to the most drastlo measures possible in the enforcement of th various clauses of th laws bearing on th subject. Here after when gambling devloe are seised it Is bis idea to bund a fir with them. If any money la found In th raids it 1 to be confiscated by the city. If a place is ..round where th offence of gambling I ' Ihown to close it up.. If It fm in connec tion with a saloon to revoke tb lioenoe. With vigilance on tb -part of tba polio: vigorous prosecution on th part of the ! City Attorney's office; heavy fines by th j Court whan convictions ar secured; de- ! Itroying of devices; eonflsoating val iMes found, and closing up places, ft will la th opinion of Judg Hogue wipe out rambling in th city. While he doe not " torn" out "flat-tooted on th proposttlon ls letter and suggestions leav no other Svference1 than the rigid enferoement of lb laws, and his desire to use every POUTECAL .LOCKJAW lovernor Geer Not Talking " This Time. at v ' Governor Geer passed through Port and this morning on his way fo poInU h tttastern Oregon. The -Governor was lot in a mood to talk, aa h say that he s suffering a great deal lately 'from a f Huter la bia finger, which h goi whjia Municipal Justice f - . f V ' means la bis power to mak the -war to unrelenting that purity will triumph over vice. . v'. ;. . POLICEsHAVE DECLARED WAR To Combat Foe With Vigilance and Strategy. Chief Mcljiuchlan this morning stated: "Tb war with the gamblers In on, and will be fought to the end. An efferot will be made as never before to convict the wrong doers in the violations of .the olty ordinances. The department is labor ing under many disadvantages by tyot being provided with funds to locate gambling and secure' conclusive evidence. The local-officers are well known to Uk. gamblers and the only way they can cna duct a raid is by force. What we need is some men wno are not known, to e cure' the evidence, then the chances of convictions would be much better. , WILL FIQHT TO A FINISH. "The whole of the force will be Inf structed to be unusually vtgilant and re port th' slightest information whi-'n' might lead up to the closing of these places. An officer who Is aware that thi ordinance is this respect are being io- leted -sttaeV takes -no -action in ,ihpre-mr Ises will be discharged. The difficulty of Stopping the practice is not appreciated by th majority of th people. More ea peclally la this true of the Chinese Gambling behind closed doors is a viola tion la -Whs;! Itis difficult JU get evi dence for a conviction. With the hearty co-operation of the other departments of Justice w have 4iopes of stamping oat the evil completely. I have had instruc tions from the commissioners to exerdsc all th diligence possible in the matter. OFFICERS ARE VERY ACTIVEl Make a Fruitless Raid Last Night cn Chinese Joint. Th polio received a tip last night that there was a fan-tan' game in operation in a Chinese gambling den on Second street last night. Bergeant Church, ac companied' by Policemen Carpenter, Hlller and Wilkinson lost no tune in getting to the pTaC& They were compelled to go through a long passage before they could reach fh door where the game was lo cated. The alarm was given by a look out, nfl 'by the time the barred doors were battered down the wily chinks had left th room by going through a trap door into the . adjoining place and dis appeared. While no Chinamen were cap tured and the room was found vacant the police think that: the .continued raid ing will bavth ftect of evehtufinj? closing all these places. While it is al most impossible to get a case in which a conviction can be. made against these people th activity of the officials wlU result in keeping th foxy Orientals from running fiainla that will have sufficient publicity tolprov a public temptation. ; THE MAYOR PLEASED. When thi.Mayor heard this morning that Chief ifeLauchlan bad instructed th night patrolmen to notify all saloon proprietors to close their front and back doors promptly at 1 o'clock, he was much pleased. , ' "I was gong to confer with the chief on this very subject toay," he remarked, "but I ant glad he fori tailed me. It came to my knowledge -that certain up-tovn saloons, wer running all night and many ot them until and 4 Vctgcf-lrr one-saloon ctosea at . 1 o'clock they; shall all ales at that hour.' - - pUIng his wlnttr's wood, fi says that ha wilt-Utt Jtbsx street fair, and carnival at Th Dalles and then b to La Grande. pYon, 1a Grand he will visit' big father at Cove and return in about a week. WEATHERWAX LODGED IN JAIL ' 'f '-. ' -eseasapesBsssjpsssasss., " INDEPENDENCE. Oct I. Weather wax, th nian wanted for attempted rob bery of th Imperial saloon, and who also was subsequently located at Rainier, Wasb was (brought . back yentf rday in Custody of Constable Moran. i He was taken to salla and lodged ia th oounty Jan fog; aaf lllllt Ex-Governor Whiteaker 5 Dead at Eugene v THE END PEACEFUL Close of a Remarkably Active and ; Busy life The Funeral . Saturday. EUOENB, Or., Oct .-Aftr tw ar of Intense suffering with paralysis ' and a general breaking down of tb system due to, old age and Infirmity, Ei-Oovernor John Whiteaker passed away at hi ham in thla olty at 7:45 o'clock last night. He had been in an unconscious state for two days and bad been unable to takeSany nourishment since yesterday warning. JOHN"-WHITEAKER. His aged wife attended him to the last his earnest desire being that she should be constantly at his bedside. His last moments were calm and peaceful. Tne ex-Governor suffered a stroke of paraly sis .two years ago. and about three weeks ago was the victim ot a 'second stroke, from which he never recovered." He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter. He was a member of Eugene Lodge A. F. ft A. M., under whese auspices th fun eral will be held Saturday. A REMARKABLE CAREER. , John Whiteaker was the first Governor of Oregon under the state constitution. He was elected at the June election in lSSrancT Inaugurate' on th th' pf "July" of the same 'year. He held office Until his successor was inaugurated In 18S3. He was horn in Dearborn County, In diana, on May 4. 1820, came Wst In T&it, and remained till 1S51, when he returned to Missouri. The next year he came to Oregon With, bin wife and settled on a farm in Lane County in 1SS3. In 1856 he was elected Probate Judge, arid the next year a member of the Territorial Legisla ture. In 1838 Tie was elected Governor of Orega-!nd.4rerve.4.a. jfuM.term. Th the contest for this, honor he received SlJi" votes to the 4Z13 cast for E. M. Barnnn, bis qppenent. who had already been high In office "in the territory. His term ex piring in ISO, he retired to Eugene. He was elected to the Oregon House of Rep resentatives in 15W16, lass, and 1870. In this last session he was made. speaker of the House." In 1873 he was again called upon to serve the,. people of Lane County as State Senator, for a term of four years, being elected president of the Sen ate at -both sessions of the Legislature. - IB 3878 Mr. Whiteaker had the honor of representing Oregon in the Fontry-sixth Congress, and after the expiration of his term, he again retired to private life, only to. resume public office In 13S5, when he was appointed Collector of Internal Reve nue at Portland under President Cleve- land's first, administration. . At th close of his term as collector, he went back to ugeney whyrh-pt-hlaniaJnlngi days. Govenor Whiteaker was always an 3i dent and consistent Democrat In politics, and had a large number of admirers a:d frUnds.rWtiB locked uGon. bim aa on of the fathers of the Democratic party in this stat. As Governor of Oregon. Mr. Whltetker Issued what is supposed to have been the first Thanksgiving proclamation . in the Northwest. At the time he was severely criticised by the denominational journals for setting what they considered a bad precedent.. . ; V POISONED AN ELEPHANT. . NEW YORK. Oct. 1 A mad elephant named Tom was executed at Central Vark Zoo tbJg anraiag by. ayaald g no's sain r. BIG FEE RAGING -' ... : : - , ' 4. ; 1 1 Made Home less by Flames IN WHITE CHAPEL Jewish Resident Become Panic ' 5trickenFtirniture Piled In the Streets. LONDON, Oct. . A terrible fir is now raging la the Whlteohapel district, and loss of llf is feared. - 'The most destructive fir that has been recorded in Wbltechapei In years is rag ing there) today. 7b flames are almost entirely - beyond control, and every . fire department in that part of the city has been rushed to th scene and engines 1 from miles are being called upon for as sistance, which were responding with all possible speed. The Jewish residents of the burning dis trict are panic-stricken. Men. women and children are running to and fro, scream ing and crying. Searching for relatives who are either lost in the Immense crowd or Imprisoned in the burning buildings. The streets on every side of the burning buildings are crowded with a surging mass of humanity, making it difficult for the firemen to battle with the flames with any degree of success. A PITIABLE SIGHT. I At.Jhe first outbreak. of, the flames the people Hying In that vicinity commenced to carry their furniture, into the street, throwing It in heaps without discrimina tion as to ownership. Women with little babes In their arms and children half clad clinging to their skirts, are crouched on the curbing, vainly waiting for someone to come to their assistance; husband and fathers, striving' with all their might to save their belongings, many of whom are losing all their worldly possessions and left without a roof to shelter their fami lies, Is a -most-pitiable-scene being wit nessed by the onlookers.' Th firemen ar working bravely to save the property and lives of the resi dents of WhltechapeL and many of them take terrible risk In order to . release those who were confined th their apart ments by the flames and smoke. With all the care possible they carry little chil dren and Invalids to the street. and place them in the hands of those who have tak en upon themselves the task of provid ing a temporary shelter for the homeless. Just what the damage and loss of life, If any. will be, It Is unable to learn at this time. However, it Is believed every one has been rescued. that WALLER IN ACTION. NORFOLK, W. Vai, Oct J.-MaJor Wall r toda.yjcei.vej4 .orders Jtq proceed, to Philadelphia on recruiting duty. This Is bis first recognition since his return from the Philippines. " FEARTlBTURBANCEr"' PARIS. Oct. I. Madame Zola today requested Dreyfus not to attend her hus band's funeral f,or fear ef a popular dls- turbance. j --' ,. PUGILIST ARRESTtD. - -k sBBBMBnsBBneaw-as " . CHIQAGO, Oct. $.Toung Peter Jack son, who is billed to fight Willie here to night was arrested on his arrival this afternoon on an old warrant for disturb- tog tb e,. Hundreds PRESIDENT: ROOSEVELT Tells Operators and Labor Leaders Claims and All Members of Conference Given Copy -of His Speech and Adjourned to Consider He Speaks and Urges That Pubp Rights Be4 Recognized ULLKTIN WASHINGTON, Oct. THE RE6LUT WAS THAT THERE HAD BEEN NO SETTLEMENT. , WASHINGTON, Oct. S. Th President greeted all th visitors cordlall, and In some case familiarly. He plunged Immediately Into th ease, reading hi remarks from . a manueorlpt, a follows "I wish to call your attention to the fact that three partlee ar affected by h strike the operators, the miner and th gnral pubtlo. - ' ' ' "I speak for neither th operator or th mlnere, but th public, 'whom th questions at Issu affect Immediately, and ab concerned, but the publlo most vitally As long a there seemed tb be a 'reasonable hop of adjustment between you I did not think it proper to Intervene. Still I disclaim any right or duty to Intervene in this way upon legal ground, or In an official relation, but th urgency In the shape of a fuel famine Impel bring to an end a situation which has "I wish to emphasize th character of th situation and urgently Insist that whenever one of you realize th heavy burden or responsibility resting upon the evil, so apalling 'andTar reaching, to think you are required to sink the tenacity of your respective claims and meet on the common ground of th necessity of th operations. I don't Invite discussion of your respective claims, but appeal to your personal considerations and makes Individual sacrifice for publlo good' . "He then gave copies to each situation In the light he presented It. WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-Thls, the mo mentous day of the anthracite coal strike conference, found the participants up early making preparations for the lmpbrt-i ant event. The labor representatives who are here took breakfast with President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, im mediately afterwards they held a confer ence which was entirely secret It Is believed that a definite plan of action during the conference was decided upoi Like the labor leaders, the op were up early, most of them ta: breakfast on a "private car, to whichthey denied admittance to any one not belong ing to the party. It la believed that an importimt- conference.-, was ; held? by the operators during the meal, however, on being questioned after. leavlMg the car none of them would make astatement. rix'by ARRIVES VlRST. . Mr. Rixey. was the firs caller at the temporary White House this morning and was soon fallowed by Secretaries Root and Wright. wiUkwhom President Roose velt held a short conference in, which the subject was again. reviewed... , ( The rooms below ythe scene of the - con ference present an Impressive appearance, every one of which is filled with hun dreds ot expectant reporters and photpg raphers, anxiously watching and waiting tlie least sign of development, each and every one of whom hoping that he will be the first to gain Information of what la being dorur behind the closed doors of the conference rooms on the floor above. Out sida scores of. uniformed messenger boys are waiting with their hands on the han dlebars of their btcyclea ready to mount the wheel and fly with the messages they ar to receive to their respective offices from whence the news Is to be flashed over the wires to all parts of the world and read by the expectant public LABOR LEADERS APPEAR. At 11 o'clock President Mitchell, accom panied by District Presidents Nichols and Kahy, arrived at the temporary White House, being the first of th labor con tingent to make theicaapfaJCance., hj a.u-. CONDEMNS TRUSTS Convention of Republican Clubs Goes on Record. CHICaCOJ Oct 8. J. Hampton Moor Ot "PhnaSelphta was --today- unanimously elected president of the National League of Republican Clubs and E. W. Weeks wss re-elected secretary. The convention in dorses Roosevelt urges the statehood of Oklahoma. Arizona, and New Mexico and condemns the trusts in a most forcible TO VISIT LONDON Czar and Czarina Will Go to Eng land in the Spring. LONDON, Oct 8. It was announced here today that the Czar and Czarina would visit London during the spring, of 1903. The visit of the Czar and Czarina to England during tft spring of 190J will be attended with aU Jh pomp and glory usual in' a case" of the" royalty of one . country paying a visit to. another. What the natui of the coming visit will be has not yet been given out, although" there Is a popular opinion that the Csar will come In an official capacity aa well at social. ' SNYDER MUSI STAND, ST. LOUIS, Oct 8.Th Court : this Momlnk decided that Sidney, "the loborer, was under it Jurisdiction, and ordered th talbert trial to proceed, - -. Prevent .i Terrible Does Not Act Officially : Good Results Expected I. (5:80 P, M.) CONFERENCE ENDS and terrible nature of th catastrophe Impending over a large part ef th people me, after anxloua thought, to 'us whatever vand all influence I personally eart to become literally Intolerable member and suggested an adjournment until Th guest agreed and let Immediately. swer to tho-Aummons of the national ex ecutive, . having walked from the street car. They were all clad in frock coats end slouch hats and made an impressive picture as tbey walked to. the entrance of thebuilding In which they are to per hapslearn th fate of those who have Disced so much reliance- uoon them. Shortly afterwards the operators ap peared in carriages and went directly to the conference) room. SUKFKESSED EXCITEMENT. During th arrival of those who are taking part. In th conference immense crowds gathered outside the grounds of the temporary Whit House and as each party appeared there was considerable surpressed excitement, which, at times, seemed on the very, verge of, outbreak ot enthusiasm, especially when' President Mitchell and bis companions came walk ing arm in. arm up tb pavement As soon as all the participants were assembled th conference began, but last ed only 20 minutes, after; which an ad journment waa taken till ' .o'clock this afternoon. "What took place during the short mMeftn WTmrlrtrt tb partici pants knows, as th entire proceedings were carefully guarded. However It is expected that a statement of any action that waa taken with be made shortly. Presidents Baer, Markle and Fowler arrived to renew th conference at S o'clock and were followed immediately by President Mitchell and party. The other operator arrived at 3:15 o'clock: and the President immediately called the conference to order. It has been learned that Wright privately toid th President thfs morning things trat were not contained in the official report He scored both side vigorously, and blamed the operators for employing an undesirable immigrant element on the pleo basis encouraging idleness. Also th poor mechanloal equipment of the mines. On th other hand proper disci pline ia endangered by to much union ism. H blame all th violence to for eign miners. Cassett, although, specially invited, failed to appear. NEW TORJC, Oat t The , -1 , Virni.ii n Chronicle Eastern Railways Kill Many FAXKERSBTTKq. W. Va,, Oct 8. An east bound freight on the Baltimore & Ohio, collided with a Westbound freight In th middle ot tunnel 12, near Cornwal iis, last night and Engineer Fred Pierce, Brakeman John Miller, Jamea Hannlgan and W. Goosman, of Grafton, Frits Pach mans, ot Milwaukee, and an -unknown tramp were killed. ' Engineer William Somervllla and Fireman Jamea Klrkpat rick, of Grafton, were fatally Injured and two dead tramp . ar reported to be burled in th wreckage. - There were three car of cattle and on of hogs on the eastbound train and th moans of the Injured and maimed stock were hideous. -Iwenjtz jara wer apsheS,.The effect was as though a charge had been ram- ned In a gun. Wrecking trains are work ing from both ends of the tunnel, for the track ia not yet clear. Mistaken orders were th cans of th ttlii4WT. T " MORE DEADLY, WORK. T BRAZIL Irid.Oct' 8. In a freight head end collision near Reelsvllle. on the Van- HABEAS CORPUS CASE --":.'.-... vrr-V .'5 ..: "--. i- Whan tho habeas corpus proceedings on behalf of Earl Hanson, arrested for steal ing horsea at North Yakima, came up this morning, Judg Sear granted Attorney Hum a day' continuance. , , - Jtw Hin wlshea to iamln (h crig I FEARFUL WRECKS to Forget Disaster, ta Follow 8 O'CLOCK. MITCHELL SAID public." I ask Immediate resumption of patriotism and to the spirit that sinks " ' -f- - 3 o'clock , to give time to think over th says: "That Wall street expect much good to come from the President's talk with coal barons and Mitchell today,' Is indicated by the - opinions expressed by well informed people, that next week wilt see the miners back to work. It 1 argued that Mitchell, awed by, the grave cense quence of th long struggle, will be glad to accept President Roosevelt a Interven tion as an excellent excuse for calling off the strike. As for the operators, they are said to wear more gray hair than when the trouble began, so great has been tbelr mental worry. Hence the belief that 4they may make some concessions though, by previous understanding, not till the men return, and then not with the union, but with their own employes." t ' - MITCHELL ASSENTS.' NEW YORK, Oct-X-It was ourrenOy reported on -the Stock Exchang this af ternoon that President . Roosevelt, , after reading' hi statement, offered to refer the. whole question to Justice Brewer. So', Arbitrator Mitchell at once assented. Th president ot th '-coafroads askeJ , time to discuss" the matter privately, thua causing the adjournment ' v . 5000 MINERS TO" QUIT. BIRMINGHAM, Oct.. Flv thousand miners of the Tennessee Coal . Iron Company, ' were ordered to quit Monday on account of the company's -refusal u collect assessments and aid. th anthraclU strikers in cases where lh , men ob jected. : , . ' ;rS :r' : HURRAH FOR TOMORROW. ' TAMAQUA, Oct. 3. Extreme ' quiet marked the day here. The miners are happy in their belief that th strike is near the end. An immense parade wss held at Summit Hill last night and num erous banners read "Hurrah for Tomor row. - , : EXPRESS HOPE. WASHINGTON. Oct X. Secretaries Root and Moedy were 1st conference wttit President Roosevelt after the adjourn ment They express hop of good results Smash, Maim and Persons. dalla line this Afternoon. Fireman George Cole was killed, and Engineer John Cun ningham and Frank Booth, ' ot Terr Haute, and Conductor Harry Reeves, were badly, if not fatally injured. ' Oni holler exploded, throwing th timbers W feet high. ' ' TWO KILLED. " EAST DEERFIELD, Mass Oct t A passenger train collided with a switch en gin her this morning, killing Engineer William Wedgewood and Conductor Geo, Parmenter, of Greenfield, and fatally in juring Brakeman Howard Smith. Bar era!' passengers on th train were aia- JutejL,.. INTO A WASHOUT. i DAJXA8, Oct. A-A. meager report reached her this afternoc-a that Js sehger train "oa the Boutbera Pacific was wrecked by. a, washout at Sandy For!. Many passenger ar J reported injur 1 and physicians have been sent from B' Antonio on a special. - ' Inal extradiUoa paper issued by Ouv . ernor, McBrtde, of Washington, oa Gov ernor Geer. It is thought that tb contention wtl ' mad that the warrant of arrest for 1 boy was issued on th tnth ef t Washington distict attorney Jut. -1 an indictment by a grand Juiy, 1 th pr(tediag ar fc. Xt Jrv:.