The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    JQURNAIy'Bla :
Fair tonight and Fri
day; ' north . to cast
wind. .
VOL; i: 2TO. 17T.
!- IN &AL WE
Fire Damp Causes a Terrible Disaster
' at the Black Diamond Coal Fields
On thecNorthern
Fourteen Lives Known to .Have Been LostA
' Heartrending Scene at the Mouth of the
! PitA Call for Help ' Sent.
One ot the moat frightful disaster In
the history ot coal mining In the North
west occurred this morning at the Law
ton mines, which are situated about half
a . mile from this place. The disaster
was caused by an explosion of Ore damp,
which occurred Just as the day shift
went to work. It Is Impossible at this
time to calculate the extent of the dam
age caused by the explosion, but it is
known that fourteen men .were killed.
One body has already been recovered,
but the others are Imprisoned In the
miner' and those who were not killed
outright will doubtless die from suffo
North Yakima Fair the Best In the
State's History.
NORTH YAKIMA, Oct. 2. Today Is
'OddJaJows' day at the State Fair, and
the attendance is all that could be ex
pected. Special trains arrived from vari
ous portions of the Northwest, large numbers-
coming- irony- Seattle, Tacoma and
Walla Walla to be present at the special
feature of the day, the dedication or the
new pdd Fellows' Temple.
The Fair this year is on the biggest
scale ever attempted and the large crowds
In attendance today ure delighted with
the big show.
The Fair this year Is o nth biggest
scale ever attempted, and the Tacoma
people say that they are delighted with
the big show. The display of fruits is es
pecially commented upon as being un
usually good, comprising apples of every
variety grown In this state, grapes, pears,
peaches and canned fruits. The exhibit
of cattle is also attracting much atten
tion, including dairy stock from Idaho.
British Columbia, Oregon and Washing
ton, several hundred head in all, which
Is pronounced one of the finest herds ever
brought together. The exhibit of cattle
is one of the most Interesting of the Fair.
The machinery exhibit is also found ex
. ceedingly attractive, comprising every
thing useful and unique for the farm and
home. The exhibits are all more numer
ous and of a higher grade of excellence
than ever before in the history of the
T fVi.p 1 a d 11 that nnM Via Aa-
. aired, and the visitors seem nighty"
pleased with what they have seen.
Wireless Telegraph Said to Be
Transmitted a Long Distance.
' SIDNEY, N. 8. W.. Oct. t-4t Is re
ported here on what is apparently good
uthority,-that -ommunlcaUoiy.iy wlrer
less telegraph' has been established be
tween CapeBreton: and Cornwall. Eng.
land. It is said that a message has been
successfully transmitted between the two
points. .
On Inquiry, Engineer Vyvian, who Is In
tharge of the table at the head station,
refused to either confirm or deny the re
port He said It was a distance of 2,200
miles that the message would have to
traverse In order to make the communi
cation complete.
KORFOLRV Va.. Oct2.-The cruiser
Prarler arrived, .here this afternoon and
la now taking aboard, five hundred mu
rines for Culebra. West Indies.
Over Two Million Dollars Represented
in BattleSgairiM
DENVER. Oct I The NatlonalLlve
itock Association, several of the." large
JVestern railways and the Government
egal department, - will be In. the fight
gainst th packing house merger. Pres
ttent Springer, of the association, mads a
cation unless aid reaches them soon.
The scene at the mouth of the pit is
truly a pitiable one. Men, women and
children' are rushing about, wringing
their bands and loudly calling for help
to rescue their husbands, fathers and
brothers who are now facing death in
the bowels of the earth. The miners
were all white, and a majority of them
were married and had families. The
mine Is owned, by the Pacific Coast Com
pany and had always been regarded as
perfectly safe.
A special call for help hat been sent
to Seattle, and la expeeted here at any
moment. .
San Frandsco Has Nineteen Cases
Within Ten Days.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2.-The city Is
greatly wrought up over what seems to
be an epidemic of suicides which has re
cently been developed. Within the last
ten days the number of suicides here
has been so great as to causa the authori
ties to becorne aoraewhat uneasy" as""to
whether the city is to be besieged with
a suicide epidemic. So far there have
been- nineteen cases reported during the
ten days' period, four of which were by
shooting, ten by poisoning and Ave by
asphyxiation. Several of the victims
their owa foolish acta were men and
twelve women.
Shaw Appoints An Advisory
WASHINGTON. Oct . 2.-An advisory
committee consisting of Treasurer Rob
erts, Comptroller Ridgeley, and Assist
ant, Secretary A ilea, has been appointed
by Secretary Shaw to pass upon the mu'
nlcipal bonds offered. At the meeting
this morning it was decided to make as
standard and acceptable securities all
such as were accept by the New
York Savings banks.
The Treasury Department committee
made, public this afternoon a list of
state and municipal bonds acceptable as
securities as Government deposits. No
i ar Western city was Included. The com
mittee has already accepted $1,000,000
worth of Philadelphia and New York
bonds that have been offered.
Court of Arbitration Has Thirty
pays to Render Its Decision.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. The Btate De
partment has received a dispatch from
Judge Fenneld, solicitor ot the State De
partment, today, which , says that the
arguments In the pious fund cae was
closed at The Hague yesterday. The ar
bitration court has thirty days In which
to render Its decision.
JillNNEAPOLIS, Oct 2. Fred Ames,
former chief of police, waa this morning
sentenced to one-half a year in the peni
tentiary for receiving bribes from disre
putable women for protection.
statement today, after a conference with
President Meore, of ths Kansas City
Stock Yard and officers ot the associa
tion. A capital of to million dollars
rUlYbe represented In V flint against
ths merge ' . ' - '
I yVvt - ,tr-;: 1
' H: ,OY' - - 7 VlX.- 1 1-1
I III r F s', ir JJ f
W ' ' Wl " ; 1 V 'v I ' s. X
& I ' . "XkW N
v ' , . hiSkr. ) f f?M: ifk to rid. herself In a measure from fur- W
ST. LOUIS, Oct 1 Prosecuting At- l?' I r'Al ther corruption of that kind.
5 toraey Folk, who exposed the notor- I . I fiy 'IK Three members . of ' the Common
ious gang of grafteraj and boodlers Vf.-Q x4 lj Council or City Legislature, as it Is gj
6 here, U now perhaps the most con- V Tv '''' ", "'s '''''r'a called, who were mixed with the rot-
W sDicuoua citizen of Stl Louis. H 1V-: A tennesswere: W. M. xamoiyn. jwj-
a T.nnM. . ttm . V' S.-'jK. mund Bersch and Charles Kratst ,,d ffl
year, ago, and when. elected Prose- ' ft ' 51' - tt, pin . wbo wSr. .tW ;,,
I cuting Attorney began an, Invest.- , , E i
tlon into conditions affecting govern- "Hism sepn w. w in. w u " g
s . ... - - ' - . . . upper center of ths group nerewun g
Blent and municipal legislation. It 7 )WJUrj JRfPSiSCL sent to The Journal. Folk is a young S
was known, of course, that there waa r.. lWkYi - " rnan and was only an unknown lawyer
I Si" a"PulhhthV,trw.s among St Lou.; Clanship. He . or.ble, He. haled before the barot. two year. ago. Today J. gls .
task that was dlfflcuK but poasible. caused publicity without considera- Justice those who ha3 debauched their brated all vf'.
I He ha. pursued his course regardless tlon. ProminenW good name, hypoc- private and official characters and one ithvnJ'"n .
of threats and ha. brought ot the 'rlsy nor anything else deterred him. told the world what they had done. "c'enMBrefearl6MDee' m0I'
criminality of men whs had. Mood high He knew 9 favorites. He was inex- As a result. St. Louis Is In. a fair way who hold o mC'
Company G Sends Two Volleys Into
Maddened Throng-Strikers Are
Becoming Unmanageable
SCRANTON, Pa., Oct 2. Soldier, llred
two volleys Into a mob of) striking min
ers here at an early hour this morning.
purlng a conflict with a mob here at an
early hour this morning (Company G, of
the National Guard, wcre compelled to
Are two volleys at the strikers before they
could get them under control. ' The" mob
became Incensed at the appearance of the
soldiers and attacked them with stones
and clubs, and, the situation was becom
ing perilous when the order to ftre was
given. However,- as yet no fatalities-re
sulting from the volleys have been re
ported. At the same time Company G 'was hav
ing its trouble, the companies stationed
at the Sterrett colliery 'were fired on by a
large number, of strikers, but none of
them were injured.
Many riots occurred throughout the
night and this morning the soldiers suc
ceeded in capturing a miner who was
armed with a revolver and acting sus
piciously. He made a desperate fight be
fore he was over-powered.
During the jiight John Mullen, a non
-union miner, attacked aJid.beatentQUJBA;y-.., .Oat.- , .a. Attorrxy-Gegrai-j
unconsciousness near the Heldelburg col
liery. He waa then placed oh the track
ot the electric line. A car runivlr.g at full
speed struck him. - killing rum instantly
and horribly mangling his body. The
jilKht was so dark that it was Impossible
for the motornian to see but a snort ais-
tance ahead of him and before he knew
it he was Upon the helpless victim.
So far it has. been impossible for the
authorities to locate the perpetrator of
the crime, who are In hiding.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 1 A sen
sation was created here this taorning by
the arrest of asnumber of the "strike lead
One of the most Important moves made
sines the beginning of thastrlke here
was that of the arrest of eleven strlhe
leaders early this morning?. ffMe arrests
were made by Sheriff Jacobs, Who was
backed by a company of militia. -
The charge against those who were ar
rested is rtoting and making threat.
Tliis action has created great excitement
and as the alleged offender wara being
conducted through the atraeU to head
quarters It looked for a time ttwt ,gn
eral attack would be made by tjne miners
who were rapidly congregating. However
k The caso of Troy Laundry ;C6 '.J. M.
V. Williams, occupied tha attention of
judge George thia morning, . Tha laundry
people ara trying to enjoin Williams, a
former driver, from? taking patrons away
from them, which ha b14 wMte tifatr
employ. ', ..'-u v-vfi ' i; l '
Tha contract itlpulaUa tfcat
no attempt was made and the leaders ar
rested were taken before the proper au
thorities and arraigned. There Were
eleven of them who were accused and
five were held In $2000 hail each.
It Is ffared that this action will cause
a general revolt of the-strlkera and every
preparation is Vnng made to enforce or
der, by making the guard forces larger
and keeping the soldiers in readiness for
immediate action. If an outbreak should
result the situation will be terrible and a
great loss of Hf Is feared.
WILKEBBARKK. Pa.. Oct. 2.-Pnsl-dent
Mitchell leaves this evening- for
Washington, lie says he has no predic
tions to make, and , only trusts to tne
President's, wisdom to point put the right
course. It Is certain that the.mlnors will
stand firm In thtlr demands unless tlrf
conference should agree to arbitration,
and in the latter event the miners would
undoubtedly stand by the verdict.
Davis today granted the application of
the Now Tork American, asking that the
coal operators be summoned before him
to show cause why proceedings should not
be Instituted uirainst them under the
Donnelly antl-n nt law. The hearing was
l set for Wednesday afternoon,
WASHINGTON", Odt. S. The President
today met .only Secretary Wilson a'id
Senator Quay. 11 Is devoting the day to
the study of the strike situation and has
J carefully gone over Wright's official re
port making annotations. He had Sen
ator Quay explain fuliy all the attempts
made by the Pmnsyivanlan to effect a
DETROIT. Oct. 2.A thousand dele
gates have slgniiled their Intention of :u
tending the Coal strtke conference to be
held here Tuewlay. Mayor Low say he
will attend If it is not settled before then.
NEW TORK. Oct S. tt Is reported
here, this afternoon that President Roose
velt has Invited Governor Stoae, of Penn
sylvania, to attend, the conference to
morrow. the company the driveer may get any
theT customers. ftir-nyof "ttnr;other
laundrles not held by him as the driver
tf tho. Troy Laundry, for a period of 60
days.- Williams it appears left the em
ploy of the Troy Laundry and went to
work for competitor and took his old
patrons and transferred them, to the new
: The court took the case under advlsa-
Government Engineers Removed
150 Snags Last Month.
The government snagboat has Just be
gun the construction of an 800-foot dam
I at Five Islands Bar. This Is one of the
worst crossings in the Willamette River
between Portland and Balem. The work
will be finished about the middle of No
vember. A crew of fifty men Is at work
on the snagboat and -on the dam con
struction. Over l.W snags w"'e removed
from the Willamette River last tmonth
by the snagboat. Dams were also bu!lt
last month at Candlana Bar and Coffee
Another crew of government employes
are at work building a bank revetment
at Corvallls for the purpose of preventing j
the river from' cutting a new channel
across the peninsula opposite Corvallls. I
This crew is composed of twenty-tlve j
men- I
United States Assistant Engineer David j
B. Ogden Is in charge of this river im
provement work.
Charles E. Welker, a prominent New
Yorker, Is In Portland, and was talking
about the action of the New Tork Demo
crats yesterday, and especially the plank
of their pjatform declaring for public
ownership of the anthracite coal lands.
"Why, that's rank Popullstlc doctrine,"
he declared, "but a doctrine that we will
all be coming to very soon, under present
Indications. I am a Democrat, but to
that extent have long been in sympathy
with the Populists. Look at the telegraph
monopoly," he continued. "Where will
you find a business man but would like to
see the Government running the tele
mtnlt -t- aetual eostta. the people, the
safhe a' It" runs the PosToffice Depart
And nol a man who heard him offered a
reason why Uncle Sam should not do It.
The large bent plate glass in the corner
show window of Rosenblatt's clothing
store was accidentally broken yesterday.
The glass cannot be replaced from any
stock carried on the Coast and must be
shipped from the East. The clothing
firm is fortunate that the loss is in
sured by Clemens & O'Bryan. in the
Chamber of Commerce building, who
make a specialty of that class of risks.
Paul G. . Kruger, of The Dalles, has
been playing hero up in Washington. A
few days sgo between Prosser and Kiona,
Yakima County, he looked ahead and saw
a team of horses hitched to a buggy In
whilh were 8. B, Brown, wife and child,
coming at a' breakneck speed, the driver
having lost control of the animals. Kru
a kl mw.
Her nastuy ieapeu n"" -
fs Kbf se. find arifte runaway- dashed by
seized one of the animal by the bit.
leaped upon It back, and aoon had It un
der control. -
WASHZNGTON," Oct t-Th War De
partment today' gave out the announce
ment Of the Voluntary retirement of Gen
Biabee, who-, ha been tor' forty year
In the ervlc of the United State army.
General- Blsbee ts now on hi war. home
from tha Philippines. -
Baislcy-Elkhorn Passes Into Hands
of Eastern Parties.
, (Journal Special Service.)
BAKER CITT, Or., Oct. 2. The cele
brated Baisley-Elkhorn 'mine .. was sold
today to the Braver Mining Company,
an Eastern corporation,' trf which F. P.
Hayes of Philadelphia, is president The
amount paid is understood to be $10, 000.
This gives control to that company of tle
entire Elkhorn mountain. The mine has
always been considered, one of tho bet
in this section of country, and a fabu
lous amount of gold has been taken from
It. It Is situated near Baker City and
the new company will put In extra ma
chinery and run it to Its full capacity.
FORT RII.EY, Oct. 2. For swerlng
when reprmanua by Colonel Sanno, o
tne Eighteenth Infantry, Captain Butts.
of Fort Russell, Wyo., a member.of the
,im-t t M to be In dancer
j of court martial. The Incident occurred
t at the close of yesterday's maneuvers.
1 The offender would have to appear before
General Funston In such event. Captain
Butts Is a famous Indian fighter, the
author of the Standard Military Manuel
of Athletic Exercises.
Detective Day yesterday arrested John
Nolan and put In a charge of larceny.
It Is alleged that Nolan, in company with
Fred Love of the Turf saloon, stole some
soda water. Love was arrested several
days ago, and is out on $100 bail pend
ing the- trial.
Policeman Gibson yesterday arrested
John Riley who was caught stealing some
bails in Erickson's saloon.ea
rfnsfijr street -He -w-t abusive to.
the officers.
Nell McKennon. George . Bigger,
John !
Corcoran,. J. W. Watson and Frank Kelly
are at the station for being drunk.
The Hellen- gambling case is on the
transcript for this afternoon. Chief Mc
Lauchlan thl morning picked out a Jury
to try the case. It ha been Just a month1
ago that the arrests were made.
CHICAGO. Oct 2 Wheat CSHc
Witness Says He Was Fooled by the
Briber V -
ST. LOUIS, Oct. . Testimony hi th
bribery caseJhereJjdevjlcI
teaBu afraost every hour. i ' ?
Ex-Councilman Uthoff wa on th stand
thl morning and ' testlfiednthat , he had
been offered a package containing 150.000
by Snyder, which he k4 refused to ac
cept. He said that Snyder then promised
to give him $100,000, which be told him
he would accept f Snyder told him that
h did not have that amount Willi him,
Macedonians Attack and
Capture Town
Garrison Annihilated and Hundred
Dead and Wbunded A
Terrible Uprising.
VIENNA, Oct 2. Macedonians
stroyed hundreds of miles of railroads and ,
captured the Town of Mltrovltxa, Servla. 5 ;
Dispatches received her today state
that 4000 Macedonians made an attacK
and captured the Important town of Mit- .
rovltza, Servla, annihilating th garrison t '
of the defeated forces. Tha light waa,
one of the fiercest that has been fought,
in that vicinity for years and tha num-"
ber of dead and wounded was 'enormous.
In addition to capturing th town and
wiping out the garrison the victors de- v?
stroyed over a hundred mile of rail- :'
road, almost completely cutting Communi- .
tha traffic of the road. " .
It la also reported that the Turkish
troops surrounded a force of 200 rebel at
Dadovis. After 14 hours of fighting tho
Macedonians succeeded In breaking :'
through the cordon and escaped, leaving , '
at least 150 dead and wounded on tha -''
field. The Turks lost 78. . i
This uprising is one of tha most lm-
portant that has taken place In. that,
country for some t!mv and Indication
point to the fact that the rebels ara pre
pared to make a strong fight Additional ,
troops will be hurried to the seen of con ,
fltct as rapidly as possible and It I be- v
lleved that they will succeed In restoring t
order before any great amount of dam- -
age has been done. ,L .
g'-siife-as'ifl Ewsisjamfrw y '.
The Duchess Gave Birth to a Son
This Morning.
LONDON, Oct. 2, The report ha Just
been given out that the Duchess of Man
cheater gave birth to a boy at an early
hour this morning. The Duchess of
Manchester was formerly Mis Helen
Zimmerman, the daughter of a well-.
known and wealthy resident Of Clncln-".
nati. t ' . ' , 5
-. eMeee"BiBBB (,'..
The new Wetnhard building, corner ef
Fourth and Alder, Is receiving the last ,
material for the very laat story. Thl
fine brick and stone structure wa begun ,'
in April last, and ha dragged on ao-
count of difficulty in obtaining the ma- ..
terial, that mostly came from 8an Fran- 5
Cisco. The roof goes on at. one wh y
the building will be quickly enclosed.
It will be one of the finest -tructur
erected In Portland during this season. t.
ST. PAUL. Oct !. There wa wild'
riot on the campus of the State University ' , ,
this morning when four officer attempted
to arrest students for bicycling on th
walks. Five hundre dof them seised the ..,..'
officers and deprived them Of their coat A
and helmets, then tied them to trees and
turned the hose on them. After being
given a thorough soaking they were put
on separate street-cars and told never to r ,
return, after which the hose, rope and , .
U(OmeAJiu:&jait,tn - plei
as souvenirs.
Timber operations are commencing.'
again on the Dea Chute. ; that were la
part, at least, knocked out by th Are
report. One of the. Portland) operator v
reports 15 recent location, mad beyond
Bend. Parties going there go in by tha
C. R. & Southern to Shanlko. and thence
by stage to Bend, via PrlnevUl. , , ,
Jk. Commercial block concern eends , r
party or seven locator mi u"
but that be would go and get It and r
latrt whlch he , failed . to .dOx. . - -
"However, he bad confidence In Snyder
and a the bill came op that ame day
he voted for It The bill referred to by
hlra was the traction bill, which Iicn
of the principal feature In the ra-j. A
short time after he had vot.d f
bill he werif to Nw Tcrk, w!.t lo
mot Snyder and dnr-.. ! f- t '
promised him, but all he r 1 t t
J5000 and th fcorttf,au, '
v i - - 1
- ' v
' .AY
: v