The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 29, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' ' ' Tim
Fought 1 Jeffries Battle
. With Bones in ffis
Corbett-Jeffries Bittle Is One in
Which It's a Toss-Up for
the Winner.
Fttz Wifl Fight Any Han if the In
. ducerhents . Are
' Robert FlUulmmons, the hardest bitter
of his slse that ever stepped Into a ring,
and the run est fighter In the history ot
pugilism, arrived in Portland this morn-
- ing. t He t tie Inventor of the knockout
wins on the end ot the Jaw, and also the
(am oua solar plxus blow which won
. aim many battles, and eventually brought
about his downfall from the world's
- ! When tiuestloned by The Journal,' the
' ex-champion talked at length of the past
- and file Tplanl for"the'futore, ln-rer-
, ence to the Jeffrie fight be expressd
himself as follower "Jeffries put me out
:': of business oa the level. The talk of fake
Is all bosh. The result would hare been
' different If 1 had not smashed my hand
'la tha' first round. As It was I made a
remarkable showing- in standing him on
. aa long as 1 did with a crippled hand.
..." He could not hit me at any stage of the
" , Holding out a big freckled hairy hand
, for Inspection, he said: "See this hand,
It is stilt sore tram the effects of the bat
tle. This scar ts where the bone came
- through the skm after the fracture. After
; this accident I realised that there) was
nothing; doing, sod the battle was loat. 1
however made good as much as possible,
-and "Jeff had no plenlo putting me Sut,
even with one wing; out of, commission.''
, -"Wni,5I fight again? Well, that de
pends altogether on the Inducements of-
fered. If I see a ;ood thing I will take
It in. jt am In shape to make as good
a 'fight sr lever poit up In toy life, and
never felt more confident of my ability
than at present!' If things should come
about, I am willing to give Jeff another
' trlaL and will bet my good money that
, I aa win."
"I don't think that Qus Ruhlln will get
a fight with Jeff, but he may get a meet
t ing with Sharkey.; The proposed Corbett-Jeffries
match will be one In which
it Is hard to pick the winner. While Jeff
has the weight and strength, Corbett has
the science and speed.
"After I play ray 1 weeks' engagement
with the "Honest Blacksmith" I will re
turn to Bensonhnrst. N. T wber. my In
stltute of Physical Cultnre le located. I
win give personal supervision to the con
ducting of the -place, and from the manner
in which It is being patronized at pres
.; ent, nave- every reason- to believe that It
win be) great success. The last reports
.' from " there state that the business is
greater than tha capacity of the place
can handle, have twe regular -doctors
In charge, who are' kept employed at
. making" examinations of tha patients who
arrlva for-tmtment A force of Ml
. typewriters Employed to answer the
" votnnie' of correspondence that comes'
, from all parts of the world.
"Mrs, Fltaslmmons was at one time
a resident of Portland. She will be re-
mcmbered by many old-timers as Rose
. Julian, who was a famous "contortionist
In her day. Her .brother Ralph was a
performer on the trapese."
Bob displayed a large horseshoe which
he made and will present to the City
i people are aware that I hold the
t record as the champion horseahoer of
the world. In my younger days when
working at the blacksmith trade In
Australia, I tacked on 25 horseshoes In
S minutes. The work waa inspected by
a committee and was pronounced first
FORT RILET, Kan., Sept. 29 The
army maneuvers proper were begun to
daz with only the regulars participating
In the movements. Everything has been
prepared with a view of giving the land
: forces an experience by which tbey will
' profit,- The experienced soldiers as well
as the members of the National Guird
. will pa given opportunities to display
their ability In fighting.
, Tha Baldwins, convicted of manslaugh
ter, were again .before Judge George in
the matter of fixing bond a.
. ' William Baldwin, who was out under tMl
wblls.hJa son "Bhorty" had given surety
In the sum of moo. The court reduced the
v son's bonds to POOO and raised his father's
te a ike amount
Flva clays were Jflven. Jo. whioh te move
c for Bew"lrla!.". ' -
' - cVtod B, Marrl weather, . and kaggle
tng, 15; father consents.
Joseph Henry BeUlng-er. 40, and Elisa
beth Mar Miller, ,40. -'
:V 141
v '.
The Goings and Comings of Those
Who Plow the Mighty 'Deep.
" The schooner John A. arrived in ballast
from Ban Franslsco on Friday.
The Port Logan is lying at eidler's
mill, having her windlass repaired.
The British ship Claverflort reached San
Francisco Saturday from Hamburg after
a passage of 218 days.
Captain Thompson, of the, Eupbrosyne,
says that his ship is tied up at tha
Oceania dock and will probably lay there
Indefinitely. The owners will wait for
charter rates to Improve. x
Anniversary exercises will be held at
the Seamen's Institute this evening.
British Consul Laidlaw will preside. Fol
lowing a brief account ot the Institute
work during the past season, a eoncert
will be given..
The big steamship Lime Branch shift
ed on Saturday from the Greenwich to
Montgomery dock No. t, where she will
begin at once to lead her .oats, barley
and wheat cargo for the United King
dom. She will finish loading at Astoria
Instead f- Taooma, ' as previously re
ported. , :'.
The Diamond Star tympany has com
pleted a new wharf 90 feet wide and na
faet long,- between j the foot of Ankeny
and Burnslde streets. . It already con
tains a cargo of coal which was recently
discharged there by the Eupbrosyne. -A
bulkhead is being built alongside: of the
new wharf.
The steamer W, II. Harrison has re
turned to Astoria' after making an inef
fectual attempt to reach Taquina with a
cargo of cannery supplies. When well
down the Coast she encountered a severe
gale, and soon began te leak. It was all
the pumps could do to keep her clear. It
was then decided to return to Astoria.
"epiember 2i-To tike' wlM trJCJSTAn-
gel. 820 Water street, a girl.
September 27 To the wife of Loremo
D. Crowder, S3 North Eleventh street; a
September 27-To the wife of Mike J.
Gordon, CSS 8econd street; a' boy.
September 26 To the wife of Philip
Weinberger, 248 Baker street;, a boy.
September 25 To the wife of Z. M.
Young, S08 North Second street; a girl.
Johnson, 2G9 Bak,er street, dip-
September 27 Julia J. Briscoe, aged M
years 7 months 27 days, paralysis of heart.
September 26 Abraham Salomon, aged
70 yoars 2 .months 26 days, cirrhosis of
Uver. "
September 25 Chas, H. !Q!rk, aged SZ
years 1 month 8 days; chronic alcoholism.
September 26 William Klpp, aged
years months 28 days; electrical shock.
J. P. Fin ley eV Sen, Undertakers and
Emalmers, corner Third a..ii Jefferson
streets, do first-da vrork and csal hon
oably with all. . ' '
The Edward Holman Undertaking Co.,
funeral directors and embalmers, 280
Yamhill... Phone 607.
'. 'm ' .
Crematorium, . on Oregon City ear
Una, near 8ellwood; modern, scientific
complete. Charoes Adults, OS; child
rnt $2S. Visiters, B to S p. m. Portland
Cremation Association, Portland, Or.
ifirt-v ;;-r -
W , .. .
Empire State Democrats
Getting Together,
For Head of Ticket Younger Ee
ment Will ?hy Promi
nent Part.
(Journal 8peclal Service.)
(SARATOGA, N. Y., Sept. 29. The ar
rival of Senator Hill, Chairman Frank
Campbell, William Sulxer and others,
gave rise to a discussion over the prob
able planks in the platform to be adopt
ed at the 8tate Democratic Convention.
So far It conttalns the following: 'The
administration of Roosevelt is condemned
as spectacular, undignified and vacllllat
lng." - "
It denounces the acquisition of the
Philippine, and calls for a revision of the
tarUI, pledges' Itself for canals and water
ways and advocates federal Interference
and control of great monopolies.
SARATOGA. Sept 29. Nearly aU the
Democratic state leaders of prominence
are uere and the hotels present scenes of
political activity on the eve of the
state convention. With former Senator
Hill again in the saddle the convention
JJCSmJesljjbejtUe .moatJiiiereatinJtha.,
Democrats of the Empire State have
held for a number of years. It Is admit
ted on all sides that Mr. Hill will name
the man to head the state ticket. It Is
admitted also that after complimentary
votes have been given to th different
men in the field and home pride has been
satisfied the act of the delegates in cast
ing ballots for the man, who is to be
the candidate will be merely perfunctory.
While the name of Bird S. Coler, former
Comptroller of New York City, continues
to be heard most frequently in connec
tion with the gubernatorial nomination,
his selection for the honor is not regard
ed as a certainty by any means, because
It is known that a strong effort Is mak
ing to placate such old-line Democrats
as August Belmont, William C. Whitney,
Panted S. Lamont, W. B. Hornblower,
Wheeler IL Peckham and others who do
not look upon Mr. Coler with great de
gree of favor.,
There Is still talk of Judge Park, Judge
O'Brien of the Court of Appeals, Justice
Cullen of the Supreme Court and Judge
John Clinton Gray of the Court of Ap
peals. For second place on -he ticket the
name of Elbert B. Morris, President of
the State Orange, Is prominently men
tioned. 1 ' Compromise of Estate.- -
" Although he took chances of losing bis
Inheritance from the estate of his father,
Harry Bradley, of Indianapolis, brought
suit to have .his father's will broken. As
a result a compromise was made, the oth
er heirs giving him 2100,000 for dismissing
the suit, which was more than he would
have received according ta the provisions
I of the will.
'Occupation Tax Dodgers
Most fay Up.
Mayor Williams Warns AU Delin
quents That They Will
Be fined.
The occupation tax law is a valid meas
ure. Bo decided presiding Judge Sears of
the Circuit Court this morning.
Bome time sgo George Ltnt, an attor
ney, commenced action aguinst the city
seeking to enjoin the corporation from
forcing the payment of an occupation
tax on the ground that the law Is uncon
stitutional. After hearing arguments pro
and con on tha case, and looking up
authorities on the subject, the court holds
that the law Is valid and therefore the
demurrer to tha complaint was sustained.
This ends the case as far as the Circuit
Court la concerned and it is not thought
likely that Mr. Lent will care to carry
hie cause to the Supreme Court.
The officers stationed at the City Hall
were Jubilant when they heard of Judge
Sears' decision but did not express any
particular surprise.
Mayor Williams was probably the hap
piest of all as ha . has always been a
strong supporter of the occupation tax
and has used every 'expedient to try and
see the law rt-ldly enforced. When
reporter called ' ha was already with
statement, or mora strictly a warning to
all violators of tha law, which he dic
tated as follows;
"Every man or firm who has not paid
the occupation tax knows It and further
they know that they are liable to arrest
and prosecution In the Municipal Court.
They have been dealt with very leniently
in the past but how they must suffer the
consequences of their wilful neglect.
"I am satisfied that many have held off
from paying this tax untn after a test
could have been made of the law but they
can see now that they have been left
without tUnttnm With thoojk facta in
view I have decide! that It Is advisable
to give all delinquents 10 days more grace
In which to come in and pay. This will
frtve all those who are so inclined
chance to ' square themselves with the
"When the prosecutions do commence
there will be no dropping of cases but
they will be vigorously prosecuted to the
end, the end Jilt whom it may. The city
Is deeply In need of ready money and the
occupation tax law was drawn with the
hopes that It would supply a large amount
to the treasury. '
"If any of the delinquents are convict
ed, and there surely will be, we will real
ize more than If they came right forward
as tbey wilt be fined and made to pay the
'One of the finest trains across the
continent left Seattle last night,' said
A. B. C. Dennlaton. general western pass
enger agent of he Great Northern, "it
rill be known as the Great Northern
Flyer. It is a solid vestibule train with
new equipment throughout. It consists
of a baggage, mall and express car, day
coaches, tourist sleepers. Palace sleeping
cars, buffet, smoking and library cars, In
cluding a bathroom, barber shop and li
The seats of the tourist coaches are up-
bolstered In leather. The sleepers consist
of 14 section and a drawing room, and are
furnished In mahogany. The upholstering
is in green plush.
One ot the largest single coaches In the
country Is attached to the train, being ii'
feet long and having a seating capacity
of SS passengers.
The cars are illuminated with odorless
acetylene gas, which sheds a pure white
The employes of the Woodard, Clarke
iE "CoTr estaTmsWeWaTeW '
something handsome' if a more accom
plished pair of sports can be produced
than Fred Jones and Bob Holt, both in
the employ of the company.
Both have had a conviction for some
time that there were too many fish in the
vicinity of Skamokawa and Saturday last
they started out to remedy that state ot
things. They had adventures, accidents.
fun, good luck and bad luck, besides the ,
numerous other things that enter Into ;
the make-up of a successful fishing trip.
Multnomah Gives Dance.
A very pleasing open meeting ,was held j
by Multnomah Camp No. Tt, Woodmen ot j
the World. Friday evening. The camp's
new hall, though not overcrowded, was i
filled with a large number Of members j
of the order and their specially Invited ,
friends. A fine literary and musical pro
gram was rendered. The singing of Miss
Bennett especially deserved mention.
After the entertainment was concluded a
dance was given.
Grange Will Hold Fair." .
It has been decided by . Mllwaukie
Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. JQ hold a
fab- and harvest festival at that place
Friday and Saturday, October W and U.
The affair will be held in the new Wood
men Hall and, aocordlng to" the present
plans of the committee. It will be the
greatest ever held in - the history of the
Grange, After the fair a (rand ball will
be held In Woodmen HalL '
Take. The Journal. t in
a week, 46 cents a months
Excellent Addresses Delivered
, the Yarfotjs Places of
Bishop B-, Wistar Morris delivered an
excellent address on the "Training of
the Soul" in. Trinity Chapel yesterday, be
fore the students of St. Helen's Hall and
Bishop Scott Academy. The text was
from Psalms cxilv:12, "That our sons may
grow up aa young plants." In his lecture
Bishop Morris urged the development of
the moral as well as the Intellectual part
of man.
The Critic in the Bible Crucible" was
the subject of Rev. J. F. Ghormley's ad
dress yesterday, at the First Christian
Church. Dr. Ghormley said that the
class of critics who would bring the Bible
into disrepute are not outside of the
church, but oh the Inside. He also men
tioned some of the books of the Bible
which would stand against all criticism.
Rev. W. F. Small took, "Have a Good
Time While You Live; You'll Be a Long
Time Dead." as the subject of his lec
ture. Mr. Small strongly scored this say
ing, comparing it with some of the say
ings of St. Paul. He concluded by say
ing. "There Is room, and need, for en
joyments of a healthy character. But
to make fun, a good time, the be-all
and end-a.. of ilfe Is to lose entirely'
life's real end and miss it's divine sig
nificance.'' N
Dr. Edgar P. Hill delivered an address
here yesterday on "What of the Bible?"
He explained that there are four ways In
which to study the Bible: The historical,
the critical, the devotional and the study
from a literary standpoint. He then told
of the Bible as an agent of civilixatlon.
A splendid talk of the way of caring
for dependent children of thr state was
given at the People's Christian Union
the Boys' and Girls Aid Society. He do-
scrlbed the different methods of caring
for children and stated that the best pos
sible way of disposing of dependents was
by placing them in family homes.
At Marquara Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday Nights Next.
Augustus E. McCune, business man'
ager of the Louis James and t'rederlck
Warde Company, today arranged to de
tails with the Marquam Grand Theatre
for the presentation here On next Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday nights ot their
remarkable Shakespearian production.
The Tempest" Mr. McOune promises
the greatest scenic production of the sea
son, and gives proof of the magnitude
of tha affair by the mariner In which he
prepares for it.
We carry 47 people," said Mr. McCune,
and produce the piece lu four acta ano
twelve scenes, 'i'here are eleven com
plete changes of scenery and stage set
tings, and yet the cudit-nce is dismissed
three hours after the curtain rises, so
perfectly are the details worked out.
"The performance gots on with scarce
a pause, ana it is tne most wonat-rrui
thlngJln the dramatic line, 1 venture to
say, that will visit Portland during the
'Warde and James are supported by
Miss Teresa Maxwell, who Is the original
Gibson iirl CI the Plpp picture series.
She formerly starred with 'The Purple
I promise that the theatre-goers of this
city will witness the best thing seen at
Portland tbeatrwfirts 'year, if they at
tend the. performances of Warde and
James on either Monday, Tuesday or
Wednesday nights."
The opening exercises of the Portland
Association Institute will be held tonight.
President W. M. Ladd will preside. All
the teachers organize their classes for
the season, the shops, laboratories and
class rooma have been gone over during
the past few weeks and are ready for an
enlarged work.
Dan M. Buchner, the well-known bar
ber and pioneer, was struck with apoplexy
at -Ills home, 408 Seventh street, at 5
o'clock this morning. He Is reported in
very bad condition.
LONDON, Sept 29. Sir Marcus Sam
uels was today elected Lord Mayor for the
ensuing year.
Dangerous Sidewalks. '
The condition of some of the sidewalks
over the East Side elevated roadways Is
causing comment. East Washington
street from East, First street to Union
avenue is all but tumbling into the gulley
below. East Morrison street sidewalks
are about In the same stage of dilapida
tion. The roadway on East Washington
street has been closed to traffic, but the
sidewalks are still open.
Just for Exercise.
"See here, John, this automobile . of
mine looks as if it had had some pretty
lively usage. You didn't have it out
while I. was away, did your
"Why, yea, aor, I did. I was afraid it
would get shtlff ahtandlng In the shtable
so long, and so I give, it a little lively
exercise, d'ye molndTVfery pleelnt day."
! -Cleveland PlalndeaWIT
The Journal, an acorn of nnmuiurt.
for several months, becoming now an
oak of newtpspers. By carrier, In city.
iu cents a ween.'
J fciij V Of many hundreds of Dr. Hill's, mduii..
'wglsa a rtn the last, 24 years indicate the merit of his
ffyJ methods. Prepares for college In Classical. Bclenttfls and
'. v ;'. English courses. Regular course Is practical training for'
m "iness me. Manual training and mechanical drawing.
f cou' ,a modern languages' and music Htw buildings:
modern equipment; private sleeping rooms; no open dormitory; large
armory; recreation rooms; athletics promoted and encouraged
chemical and physical laboratories; experienced faculty.
. A boarding and day school for boys of all ages; younger boys
separate. t yor catalogue, etc., apply to
DRl J. W. HILL, Principal
Fall term opens September 17. " '
Do you want paying employment with
merchants and business men, with the
banks, railways and other great cor
porations of the country? If so, we
can' help you. For young men - and
women between 14 and 40 years of age
we obtain salaries ranging from $600
to 11004 a year. '
uioa iw any una
pare for the work to be done, and when
rite for our cataloeue now. while you
that we can fit you for business and find
Eleventh and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Of.
Receiving the Highest Number of Votes Cast on Coupons Cut From (The)
Journal. A Very Fine
To the Labor Union Receiving the Second Largest Number of Votes Cut
From the Journal.
No Union Is Barred Open to All.
And Is for the purpose of asonrtalnlng which two labor unions In the dry
are the most popular, progressive and enterprising. 150 in cash and a
very fine roll-top writing desk, represent the first and second prizes re
spectively. No union is barred from entering the race; It Is free for alL
I vote for
ss the mjst popular, progressive
Contest closes October 2, 1002.
October 2, 1902.
The executive board of the Oregon
State Federation of Labor is in session
today, considering matters of paramount
Importance to organized labor. This is
the first meeting of the board since its
formation last spring. All the officials
are In attendance. They are, G. Y. Harry,
"president, Portland; W. H. Barry, sec
retary. Portland; Charles Mickley, treas
urer, Portland; J. P. -Welch, first vice
pisident, Astoria; George Hornby, sec
ond vice-president, Portland; G. F. Jhhn
son, third vice-president. Baker City; W.
E. Miller, fourth vice-president, Salem;
Kred Langever, fifth vice-president, Pen
dleton. Local unions having trouble of any
character are invited to make the mat
ter known to the executive board. The
main order of buHiness, however, is to
consider certain resolutions passed by
the state convention of labor. These
mostly refer to legislative matters which
will be brought before the next State
Legislature. The main ones which will
receive attention are the questions of
child labor, prison labor, alien labor and
tlie eight-hour law:
Precocious Child.
Cousin Harry So you remember when
Uncle Tom fell through the Ice? Let's
see that was thirty years ago, and you
say you are , only 24. How do you ao
count fur that? - -
Cousin Harrlet-Oh, pshaw! you know
well enough, Harry, that 1 always was a
precocious. child. Boston Transcript.
Lettuce has a soothing, quieting effect
upon the nerves and Is a remedy for in
somnia. Perform all
Dental Opera
tions Absolutely
Without pain.
and '
Work a
All worR done
under a .Positive
Dr. B.E. Wright
and Associates -
Hours: S a. m. to 6 p. m and
T to i p. m. ,
Telephone North tl91.
34 1& Washington Street
Corner "Seventh.
"V -i
-the Success and High Standing '-
We can obtain a arood
whom we can pre-
once placed,, there
mee placed., there. iAiium n -t.i
are thlnklne of It. It win ikna .
business for you. Address
All Votes iuust Be Written on Journal
enterprising Labor Union In
vots net good for use after
Coal Coal Coal
Dealers in all kinds ot
Coal, Coke, Charcoal
Try the Famous
Office: 154 North 5th St.
Second and Oak Streets
Another one of those grand piano
sales at our house.
It wits only for a week, but tt was
an Immense success, simply because
good things are always a success, and
the people know when Eilers Piano
House advertises anything of the
sort, It is so. We disposed of a great
many of these pianos and all who ex
amined and all who purchased them
were struck with the remarkable
value offered for the price.
lJh.ey. are, lust, another good -t Slag -
gone by. Not the only ones at our
house by any means, however. For
tunately for the public we always
have good things in pianos at extra
good prices. Our constant effort Is
to conduct our business economically
in every detail consistent with fair
ness in order that we may place good
pianos within the reach of people of
all circumstances.
This you wlll.find we do If you care
to look Into our business methods and
our prices. Our large stock consists
of some twenty-five makes, every
one a first-class Instrument and guar
anteed by us. Our list is headed by
the three pianos that receive the unN
versal approval of the entire musical
world these are the now faraou.t
Kimball of Chicago, the Checkering of
Boston and the Weber of New York.
In addition to these instruments, our
stock Includes such well knowp
makes as the Vose, Decker, Hobart
fl. Cable, the many toned Crown,
Pease, Milton, Steger, Weser and so
on. These furnish varieties enough,
styles enough, fine tones. enough and
prices varied enough to please every
body, and best of all they are all of
them good and, guaranteed by us.
351 Washington street, Portland, Or.
Opposite Cordrays Theatre,
Read The Journal
. 1-