in J. V, The Oxegon Daily Jourkal Classified Adf. In TUB OREQON DAILY t. JOURNAL firing Quick Returns. - ' Ad n f T he CI 6 ur ri al An ad.' of on Una, 10 cents; 'ad ditional lines, per insertion, 6 cents. - One week, six insertions In all 411 ditiona, 25 cents per line. One month, 28 insertions In all daily edition. 75 cents per" line. ' - One year. Six insertions In. all dally editions, 37:60 per im. M The classified ad. paga of :THK JOURNAL is reaA. Special" effort Is made to make it interesting to readers of the paper. Special fea tures are used to draw attention t the classified pare. Read it. It is In teresting and will be made more and more so. THE JOURNAL, Goodnough Bulldipg. Portland,. Or. Journal telephone Main 600. TQ ADVERTISERS ' To 'insure classification "on these pages copy must fe in before 32 o'clock noon. Classiflcatlon cannot be guaranteed after that hour. - Ada will be received fer insertion under "Too Late to Classify" until 2:30 p. m. Let evert advertiser re- MEMBER That when. he or she inserts an ad- Uvertlsement in The Journal Requiring responses Dy letter eacn person is en titled to receive a ticket containing the address and this ticket is AB SOLUTELY NECESSARY in order to obtain the responses left with The Journal- , ATTORNEYS. Paxton, Beach cfc Simon, 610 Chamber o( Commerce. Ceo. J. Cameron, Attorney at Law, 710 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. N. Mosessohn. 722 Chamber of Commerce. BEND YOUR WANT ADS to The Journal lor result. Phone Main 601. BANJO, MANDOLIN ANDJJUITAR Free use of instruments. Wanted players for clubs. Hal. Webber In structor, 717 Marquam bldg. BARBERS. Joseph Reldel, 352 Morrison st. BOOTSjND SHOES. i. Sanger, "Repair Shop. - 449 WaahinrtonT CArrERSAJDJBLMLpERS. . John A. Melton, carpenter and builder, 807 Stark St.; office and store fixtures built and remodeled, altering and re pair houses. Phone Mam 747. ARD ENGRAVERS. WEDDING AND V'isTTINO CARs'Kn graved; W. O. Smith Co., Third floor, Washington bldg. CEREAL MILLS. Acme MilliTCo., ManufacturcrsRalston Acrae Cereals. 20 & 22 N. Front st. COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers in all kinds of coal and wood, 314 Morrison St. VULCAN COAL CO., WHOLESALE dealers beBt coals, foundry and smelter - coke. JJROPODY AND MANICURING. L. Mitche'lir expert ChlVopodlstTknight's Shoe Store, m Washington st Phone Hood 728. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME JOHNSTON, clairvoyant and Card reading; tails past, present and .future; readings, SOc. 251 Fifth st. MRS. STEVENS, the leading Palmist and Clairvoyant, gives reliable advice on all affairs of life; readings, 50c; 221$, DR. DE AMANDUS. European Spirit Medium; circles every Wednesday at LR.J2: Ah.KP!,:J,,,rt,.u?' nd. pychic .cau.UB ill x-l nrei su MRS. HENDERSON, Clairvoyant, room v, avvyt w tusnininon si. CORNICES SKYLIGHTS. UetaJ Bkylihta. Galvanized Iron Cor- Bayer, 2t5 Second st. DENTISTS. tKodreBThompson, 10-61 Washins wi Miui., tt numuro ana JtrourtA bxm. a iiwiic aa u HOUSE rRNlSHERS. nome urnisners "urnlture, caroets parlor goods, stoves, etc. See I Gev' urts Sons. 178-175 First. il-225 ' Tam- BANKS. LAUD A T1LTON, BANKERS Established In 1S&B. Interest allowed on time dennatr. CollecUona made, at all points on fa vorable terms. Letters of credit issued available in Europe and all points In the United States. waim in Sight "change and telegraphic trans- i jiu uii i,w igii, Washington, Chicago. St. Louis. Denver, Omaha, m.,iwv j m nu r IUU points D Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montans 11U 1 11.11 UIUIIJUIO. Exchange sold on London. Paris Ber lin Frankfort Hong Kong. Yokohoma, Manila and Honolulu. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. With which la amalgamated THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Capital paid up 88.000.00 Reserve t 000 S3 Transacts a general banking buBlne SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sum of tio and ud wards, and Interest allowed on mini, mum monthly balances. Rates on ap plication. 244 Waahingtaon st r E. A. WYLD. Manager LONDON SAN FKANC18CO BANK. L1M1TS.D. Chamber of Commerce Building Third and Stark Btreeta. . Head office, ii Old Broad street, Lon-don- This bank transacts a general bank ing business, makes loans, discount . bills and tssues letters of credit avail, able for travelers and for the,, pur chase of merchandise in any city " of " the world. Deals hi foreign and "do mestic exchange. - Interest paid on time deposits E. A, MACRAE. Manager. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR J Frank Watson President ING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit issued ,-Jiy1jab!e to all parts of the world TMliecTOtit " SpocHtity,-, 43aM duet ' bought. - - THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. Transacts a General Banking Bulnas Diafts L-eued available in ,al1 cities , of the United States aAa EuropeT President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier F. C. MILLER AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK 7 CORNER THIRD AND OAK 8T8 T. C. AINSWORTH ..President PERCY T MORGAN Vlce-Pres Sent R. W. . 8CHMEER AssLttant Casblar Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest on time deposit. safe Deposit Department. tZ& HOUSES FQR RjENT: DOAALC a WOODWARD. 24 Stark St. rents and insures. . Phone Main .346. READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS of - The Journal rf you wish to buy, ttll or DRUGGISTS. . O. P. 8. . PiumnwKp-aat Third st Row ft Martin. 8lxth and Washing to a, Frank J. Strelbhi. 343 Washington at i ii i m u Frank J. Etreiblg. drugs, toilet articles, perfumes. 148 Washington St. - ELECTRIC WORKS. Portland' 'Electrical - .Stark--a.- ' Works Offlca 353 Western Electri. Works. S06H Wash st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALL SAFE, standard of the world safea sold on easy payments; trade your old safe tor a new one. Nutria Bate & lock vo.( n First st, ; EMPLOYM ENJGNCY, Oregon Employment Co.. 227 Burnside st iijp or ail wnoa . wan tea. GROCERS. F. Dresses A . Co... S40-843 Washington st HAlRDRESSjNG, MANICURING. Rosenthal Slaters Wig-making and man' curing, lbo jrinnr st. iiooa sit HARNESS inbTTrstoITTwIISon CO- ine Deal values ana 'largest siqck; e press and ' buggy harness a specialty. wnoiesaie ana retail. second ana ley lor sts. HOTELS. Hotel Belvedere. European plan. Fourth end Alder sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE, 22$ Sherlock bldg. Oregon phona Main mo. J AS. Mc. L WOOD, Concord Building, 'nhnna 7 TTmnlnvsp's T .la Kills' V TflMlIt- -..wa.v "S , 4iafiv,y t - ' - a nee, represents American Bonding irust cjo. ire insurance. ruv i in, rv uiuout Diirnuvn iui'bi 'phone 1008, represents Home, Fire and marine insurance tompnny. INVESTMENTS. IF YOU have some idle money to Invest In gilt-edge securities In small or large amounts that will earn, good returns, see us at once. L. Y. Keady & Co., 327 Falling Building. JEWELERS. Geo. O. Brandenburg & Co., Engravers Mfg. Jewelers. 88H 3d. jphone Hood 437 The L. C. Henrlchsen Co., Jewelers and opticians, Z84 Washington st. The O. Heltkemper Co.. manufacturing jewelers, zno Morrison st. , LAJJNJ3RIES PACIFIC LAUNDRY CO. 229 and 2S1 Ar thur st.. cor. First. Lowest Drlces con' b Intent with good work. Prompt deliv ery, uregon f none. 64. Clean towels dallv. Comb, brush, soae, i ijci iiiuuiu. juyeuy oupyiy in. Ninth st. Tel. 410. MA88AGE. MDME. H. E. ELY. dermatolyoglst maasage, electric treatments. ru-st jit ; - - - - MONEY to Loan on city lots and im proved farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., M stark st. W. A. HATHAWAY Money to loan. 10 wasnuigion oiag. fnone iiooa 413. LOANS Without DUblicitv on real or cnattel mortgages, personal or salary security, at tow rates. C. W. Pallett, zis Commercial block. 'Phone Grant 858. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 71'0 irt-ont st. Fine work, low prices. NMRCHjTJCT. Fred A. Ballln, 43 2d st.. Tel. Oak 76. Ves sets and machinery of all kinds de signed. MRS. STOCKS, Scientlna Palmist; readz lngs 60c and 1. Fifth St., opp. Post otnee. PERSONAL. A. E. Devere, the specialist In treatment of hair and scalp. 600 The Dekum; pnone tiaa an$. IF YOU want to get married send ldo tor a e tans to box loss. city. I HAVE A BUYER FOR A HOUSE AND lot in a good country town. H. 11. Hig ley, P. O. Box 1066. PHOTOGRAPHERS. E. W. Moore, irayon and oil portraits. mira-ane nsamngioB sts. PLUMBERS, Taylor St Stanton, phlmblndsteam fitUng. 88 Sixth st RESTAURANT3. Morris' Lunch and Coffee House. Below Imperial Hotel Stronse's Restaurant E Washington st UBBEWJ$TAMP8. BUSBY LESH CO. Rubberranms? Seals. Stencils, etc., 417 Tha Dekum. -SKIN AND SCALP SPECIALIST. BATHS, msssage; scalpand ekindTs? eases permanently cured; manicuring Cottage, 167 Park, near Morrison; teL Front 1618., 8TO RAG E AN O TRANSFER. C. O. Pick, office 88 First St., bet. Stark ana u; pnone . r-ianos and rurnl ture moved and packed for shipping commodious fireproof brick warehousa Front and Clay sts. 8LOT MACHINES. All styles; repairing; phonographaTrec oras. lrannwiHiHBuiw Jaacmna Co 343 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS. The 8mlth-PremftTypewriterr"i2TYhird All makes of trMwM. ... rent.' Supplies tor ail machines. L. A M. Alexander Co., agenta. - W. A. Rideout, Agent Bllnkensderfsr WALL' PAPER. . R?B?rtrrti, wall psrworTYnd painter, m oeveninsi.. cof ner Alder. Ernest Miller Co., wall papsr and dec orators, iii "t. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Wsdhama A Co., wholesale grocer, man- ufacturers ana coaimission merchants. 84 and 86 Front st. Allen St Lewis, wholesale grooers, Port land. Ore. Mason. Eh r man St Co., wholesale groat era. 1. vtr. cor. eecona ana nni sta Lang es Co., First and Aakany ata 1;: HELP WATtDiMALE. WANTED R. R. men tar Oregon, Wash . lngton, Nevada and Utah; free fare; -wages 82 to 8 a day; long lobs. C R. Hansen Co., 2$ N. Second st SEND YOUR WANT ADS to Tha Journal for results. Phona Main 600. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 19 women. Since old Dr. , Kessler's return they have been treat , lng 17 women daily in the ladles' de partment. - They can treat U more. Call or write for home system. Enclose 10 2cent stamps.. Address St. Louis Medl . oal and Sunrical Dispensary, cor. Second and Yambl sts., Portland. Or. ROOMS FOR RENT. THE LOCKWOOD. 8MH Morrison st. Furnished rooms; transient. Phone Oregon South 0$. s THE CASTLE 872 Wash,; rooms for gen tlemen; transient Tel. South ?SL " FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILL BUY YOU a lot and build you a house to suit in any part of the city; small cash payment and balance month ly. Dammerer Co., 608 Marquam bldg. ONE 6 ONE 7-ROOM. HOUSE; MUST sell; Installments; make offer. 611 Commercial building. ' READ THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS o: The Journal if you wish to buy, sell or trade. MEDICAL. SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINEtX). removed to 611 DeKum bldg. SPECIAL PELIVERY. Post BDeclal Delivery. No. 200V4 Wash- lngton. Phones. Or. Main 962, CoL 261 TIMBER CLAIMS LOCATED want to locate sugaraliyeUow nine timber claims T The best to be . r . . ... ... . n , , , , tiaa. Appiy ist Aoingifpi uunaing. TRUNK FACTORY. Harris Trunk Co. trunks, valises, satch els, etc., 231 Morrison st. TICKET OFFICES. Overland Ticket Office, 140 Third St.; tfi to A savea to au poiuu. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ETC 40-room hotel 82600 25-room lodging house .. $1600 candy store $100 12-room lodging house 900 lBO-acr farm $2000 1000 cords wood, highest bidder; milk plant with 26 good cows; good paying route. 60 acres land near Portland, very cneap; part payment. P. O. Box 106l, City. NEW TODAY, Auction Sale OP ALL THE CONTENTS OF 150 ROOMS IN THE OHMBY HOTEL Corner 4th and Couch Stg., PORTLAND, OR. BY THE FORD-WILSON COMPANY." - AUCTION AU the bedroom furniture, parlor furniture, dining-room furni ture, kitchen furniture, bar fur niture, office furniture, 2 mod ern hotel busses, 4 young bus horses, I surrey nearly new. I top butfey, 2 sets double harness, I fire-proof safe, I French cook range. Commencing Thursday next, Sept. 25, at 10 a. m., we will sell parlor and bed room furniture. Friday next, Sept. 26, at 10 a. m., we will sell dining-room, kitchen and bed room furniture. Saturday next, Sept. 27, at 10 a. m., we wlH sell office and bar fixture and bed room furniture. Monday, Sept. 29, at 10 a. m., We will sell a modern hotel "bus which cost 81000; a smaller "bus. which can be adjusted for single or double; a two-seated surrey, cost 8150; one first-class top buggy; one good, string express wagon r four good young 'bus "horses; one set double harness, .cost 8100; one set single harness; one fire-proof safe. 28x38 in side, and one French cooking range. 8ale commences 10 a. m. sharp each day. WILSON & FORD, Auctioneers RAILROAD NOTES. J. W. Adams, Pacific Coast Agent of tn Nickle Plate road, Is at the Portland. F. R. McDonald, Purchasing Agent of the Great Central, leaves tonight for Coos Bay. 1. S. Kaufman, of Spokane, will be the Coos Bay agent of the Great Central Railroad. J. F. Edwards, Pacific Coast Agent of ie Frisco System, passed through the ky this morning. Al L Craig, general passenger agent of the7 O. R. & N. returned yesterday from d extended trip East. J. A. Clock, General Agent of the Wis consin Central in this Olty. is back at k4s desk after eight weeks In the hospital. W. H. Hurlburt. manager of the O. W. . R. Co.. has gone East relative to business In connection with the Oregon City road. H. L. Slsler, General agent of the C. & St. P. Railway, who has been down the valley the past few days. Is expected back today. Chief Engineer L. D. Kenney, of the Great Central, has recovered froortn at tack of the grip and was back at his of fice for a short time today. E. J. Waugh, Traveling Passenger Agent of the Missouri Pacific and Iron MQUtnain Route, with headquarters nt San Francisco, Is in the city. H. S. ftowe, General Agent of the C. M. & St. P. Railway, is In Seattle. Mr. Howe will return via Spakane and la ex pected homo the latter part of this week. A. B. C. Deipnistorn Geenral Western Passenger Agent of the Great Northern, whose headquarters are In Seattle, Is In the city and expects to remain a few days. , Take Tha Journal, by carrier, 1 oanta week, 45 cants a month. CLAWED Horse Races Open Today ; at IrYingtone MANY FAST PONIES Will Be Interesting Events ' Carbctt-McGovern Situ ation. Northwest League Yesterday's fame Portland 6, Tacoma STANDING OP THE CLt'PS. "I"--.-- " A Won. Lost. P. C. Butt 61 43 .887 Seattle -6-1 Helena " 48 ,684 Portland W l -w8 Tacoma ! - 419 Spokane 1 6 -384 Sunday's tied baseball game was played off yesterday In the presence of a very small crowd. Many were under the Impression that the fame would start just where it ended in the 11th inning and the first team scoring would bo de clared tha winner. Thin was the reaaon why many stayed away. The full nine Innings were played and all who take an Interest In a one-sided game got their money's worth 'yesterday. Up to the sixth Inning yesterday's game was good enough for anyone. Ta coma scored In the third and Portland in the fourth while nothing was done in the fifth. The fireworks came In the sixth. Weed, who was lirst up, flew out to Fisher. Anderson sent a pretty two bagger out to left. Stovall brought-him home on a two-bagger out in deep right. Vtgneux took first on a single and Stovall came home. Sammy stole second and was brought home on a hot grounder by Murdock. This ended the run-getting, as neither Delsel or Kostal were equal to bringing Murdock home. In the seventh Muvr made his only hit and reached second while Van Bu ren was dying t first. Weed and And erson both made hltx bringing Muller home. Stovall flew out to Fisher and Weed beat the ball to the plate, making the score 6 to 1. This ended the run getting. . a The score: PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Muller 1. f. 4 1 1 3 0 0 Van Buren, c. f 3 1 4 0 0 Weed. Sb 4 1 11 1 2 Anderson. 2b :...:: 2 3 2 3 0' Stovall. lb 4 1 " 7 0 VUrneux. c " I 1 3 1 0 Murdock, r. f 4 0 1 2 0 0 DelBel. s. s.. 4 0 -0 8 4 0 Kostal. p .1 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 3? 6 10 27 12 2 TACOMA. Letcher, c. f 2 n 1 1 0 0 Naele, I f 4 0 1 4 0 0 Rockenneld, 2b 3 0 0 8 1 0 Hutchinson, lb 4 0 0 8 0 0 Andrews, 3b 4 0 0 0 2 0 McCarthy, s. s 4 0 1 3 1 i Fisher, I. f 4 0 1 3 0 0 Zalusky, c 4 0 0 2 0 0 Johnson, p 4 1 2 o 3 o Totals 33 1 24 7 0 SCORE BY INNINGS. 12 3466789 Tacoma o u 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Portland 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 Sl'MMARY. Farned runs Portland S. Bases on balls Off Johnson, 2; off Kos tal, 2, Struck out By Johnson, 2; by Kostal, 2. Two-base hits Anderson. Stovall. Ieft on baes Portland, 6; Tacoma. 7. Sacrifice hits Vlgneux, Letcher, Van Buren. Stolen bases Van Buren, Vigneux. Murdock, 2. Passed ball Vigneux. Time of game 1:15. Umpire McCarthy. Attendance 30fi. National League. Brooklyn 2, Philadelphia 1; Boston 7. New York 1. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost. P. C. Pittsburg 101 33 .764 Brooklyn 72 bJ .650 Boston 6t 00 .624 Cincinnati 64 OB .492 Chicago .., r,6 t9 .485 St. Louis 66 70 .440 Philadelphia 63 77 .408 New York 46 81 .367 American League. Detroit 6, Chicago 4; Washington 4-1, Baltimore 9-3: Boston 6-3, Philadelphia 1-6. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost P. C. Philadelphia 78 61 .605 St. Louis 7 D7 .671 Boston 74 67 .565 Chicago 71 f7 .665 Cleveland 68 63 :519 Washington 59 72 .450 Detroit 49 81 .377 Baltimore 49 81 .377 PENNANT WINNER. ST. PAUL. Sept. 23. Indianaoolis has won. the pennant the American As sociation. The flag was between her and St. Paul. Yesterday these' two teams played three games to decide the con test, with the result that the Indiana team was the victor. Irvingtdn Races. The turf events at the Irvlngton track, which commence today, give promise of being the most Interesting over held on the Portland track. The best horses In U -Paclna Northwest are here. The time they made at Salem was the best in the history of racing on tha Coast. Everyone who Is familiar with the ponies that are entered for the contests looks forward to some record -sraajh lng. The events for today are as follows: First race, 2:26 class, trotting, mire heats, best three In five Captain JoneS, Kate Lumry. Package, Plaoer. Mark Hanna, Belleladi, Harry Marvin. Lord Kitchener. Second race, V& furlongs, for, 8 -year- olds and upward, non-winners of three races this year,. -10 pounds below , the scale, non-winners af races thi year al lowed five i pounds . additional Cora Goets, 109; Dr. Shlrman, Prima," 108; Sunset, 109; JJm .BrownelL 109; Petti Crew, 109; Imbo. 104; Junot, 104; Rosa of Hllo, 109. Third race, tha Inaugural Handicap, for 3-year-olds and upward," one mile Spin dle. 106; Bailor, 118; Modder. 96; Royalty, 115; Pettigrew 95; George Dewey, 103; Doreen. 101; Platonius, 103; La Calma and Frank Duffy (couple at L. B. Wood's entry), lot each; Forest King, 106, and Rimrock, 102 (coupled as S. J. Jones' entry). Fourth race, tha Portland Speed Handi cap, for ..3-year-olds and upward, four furlohga B. C. Green, 96; Meteors, 110; Honest John. 125; Sad Sam, 120, and Aurora B, 11S (coupled as J. H. Bran non's entry); FJdred, 106; Judge Thomas, 130. BR1TT VS. CLIFFORD. OAJKLAND, Cal., Sept, 23. "Jlnfmy" Brut, and "Jack" Clifford are to furnish the wind-up at tonight's boxing show of the Acme Athletic Club. Both have been training faithfully since the mutch was made and appear to be in condition to put up an Interesting bout. CORBETT-M'GOVERN AFFAIR. CINCINNATI. , Sept. 43. A conference has been held between Young Corbel t and Sam Harris his manager. The outcome is that they will receive bids from any reputable club until November 1, and will fight where the bext indjui mwits are made. Corbett Is broke and sore. He said: "It's tough luck, but we've got to make the best of It. I will get in the ring with Terry some time sooner or later. I have nothing, but I guess I will be ubU- to make a living even if they don't let mc fight any morn." Sam Harris offered to give Corbett a benefit, at which Terry and Brother Hughey were willint' to 'appear. It Is the plan to have Hughey box with Cor bett. Arrangements for this benefit have not yet been completed, but ii may take place in this city. McGovern goes with a vaih-ty show to Louisville next week. Cuibett has made no plans as yet. but may leave here any day. NEWS OF AND FOR MARINERS The Goings and Comings of Those Who Plow the Mighty Deep. The French bark La Fayette has moved to the Sand dock, where s!ie Is discharg ing ballast. The French ship LaKayette, A. Bojn, master, entered yesterdav from flan Francisco, with 1300 tons of sand ballast. Steamer Alliance left yvKtenlay for San Francisco with a general cargo. She will make a coasting trlji ' touching at different puints on the way. The steamer La km. left yenterday with piling .ind 310 thousand feei of lumber. She Is bound for San Francisco but will touch at hair a Jozen points along t lie Coast. The British ' Hhij) l'airporl arrived at Asltfvia yestorday from Mollendo after a passage of days. She is under char ter for wheat loading anil will reach Portland la u day ur two. On bar way down the river lo Astoria the British ship Rrsmldctye struck bot tom three times, nnd 'ii.tain Mullin hns requested Lloyd's agent lit make a 'sur vey of the VeSel before she proceeds to sea. The steamer l.arline, which was wreck ed near Walerford Sunday morning, will be brought to Portland for repairs the latter part of the week. Captain Kamm visited the scene of the accident yester day and reports that most of the enrgo has been saved, excepting about WW sacks of feed. .The Portland shipbuilding yards will do the repair work. The schooner Mahukona arrived i.p from Astoria today in tow of the liar vet. t Queen. She is under charter to the Pa cific Export Lumber Company to load lumber for Shanghai, other vessels In port loading lumber are the Amazon, the Quickstep, the Olga and the Oliver J. Olsen. The Olen Is loaded nnd ready to sail for Apia, Samoa. The ateumer I,ak. me has cleared for Redondo with 340,000 feet of Oregon pine and 2W cedar poles. DELEGATES TO G. A. R. The Portland delegates to the !. A. R. National Encampment, to be held at Washington on October 6, will leave here next Monday. They are G. E. Caukin. E. E. Covey, John Ingham. Samuel J!l more. B. F. Pike and S. F. Blythe. The delegutes will work very hard to get the 1904 convention for Portland. The delegates to the National Conven tion of the Women's Relief Corps will will leave at the same time, are Mrs. Julia Lawton, Mrs. Bertie M. Smith, Mrs. M. Thorp and Mrs. Anna Baker. ERICKSON'S Concert Hall Cafe 21 NORTH SECOND STREET Corner Burnside AUG. ERICKSON, Propr. Ladies' Ideal Orchestra Under Direction of Miss fl. E. (Hidden. MISS E. BANG, Violin MISS E. HARRISON, Cornet MISS A. ROSS, Clarinet MISS A. PEFFERLE, Trombone MISS M. E. OLIDDEN. Piano MISS D. HERBERT, Drums Also LADY VOCALISTS. "REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ed m on la, B. Ayers and husband to Ortley and Phoebe M. Plimpton, lot 3. block 66, SeUwood .............. 700 J as. Humphrey and wife to J. O. Mann, lota 20, II, 23, block L Lents add 700 P. A. Marquam to Oregon Water Power 4k Railway Co., 3d acres sec 13, twp. 1 s., r. 2 e., wtt 4 18, twp. 1 s , r. 3 e 1 8. L. Kafka to Holyman Bros., lots 1, 3, block 247, Holladay add 2603 F.'S. Akin, tr.. to 8. L Kafka, lots 1. 2, block 247, Holladay add .... 600 Sunnystde Land St Improvement Co. toiE. W. Rankin, lot 7. lot 10. block 63, Sunnyslde 450 Phoenix Land Co. to Susan Payette, lot 12. block 7, King's 2d add .... 2000 Carolina M. McEwan to Geo. H. Wholers, 20 cores Emanuel Hlin mons D. L. C 200 Susan E. Walte to Central Lumber Co,, lot 4, block 104, Grovet's add. . 600 Elisabeth t. Wilson to Carl Hansen, lota 4, 6, block 6, Marchmont add. . 1 Arthur C. Spencer and wife to Cen tral Lumber Co., lot 6, block 104, GroVer's add too F. M. Haskin and wife to Thos. Beuttenmlller, lot 9, block 7, South ern Portland 20 Wallace E. Wilson and wife to F. W. Vliet. 40x100 ft. E. 12th and E. Al der sts 1200 Get your Title Insurance and Abstracts to Real Estate from the Title Guarantee St Trust Co., Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING PERMITS. To E. A. Band, 1-story cottage, Over ton and Sixteenth, SI 300. To Wells Fargo & Co,, 2-story building Lovejoy and Eleventh, 89000. To J. IL Helen, alterations East Ever ett and East Seventeenth, 8300. To Wm. Mau. 1-story cottage, Uma tllla and East Sixth, 3800. To A. Fanscher, 2-story dwelling East i Burnside and East Twenty-eighth. 81600. pnons South id6t. KSXoS- References Ladd & Tllton. Portland- TT fl. National Bank, Portland; Bank of alitornia Hun rranclsco; Crocker Wool worth National Bank, San Fran cisco. I) After Ko. Members Chicago Board of Trade, San Francisco Produce Exchange, San Fran cisco Stoca and Bond Exchange. Grains, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and iCotton. San Francisco Office: 103 Third Street 4H0 California 8t. PORTLAND, OR, ithont BllUnv and Taha. iL. ln.AiJMhm.til and XeiMlred. - Paroicon typewriter Hitiboiu I for all Machines. Lilian Panam, Oarbon Pa. I per, and mlaueUaneotu Typewriter Supplies I and Furniture. hTBaoOBAraBM rcajnuimn Out caissx. Wvckoff. Smi ft see 349 Stark St., Portland, Or. FAMILY ROOMS ...Gentlemen's Resort... Louis Dammasch Uoodnoagh Bldg., 168.170 Fifth St. Opposite PostoHics. Cold Lunches. ScKIiU Beer on draught RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. DEPOT. FIFTH AND 1 STREETS Arrives. For Maygers, Rain ier, (Mat skanle. West port. Clifton, Asto ria, Warrenton, Fla vei, Hammond. Fort Stevens, Oearhsr: Pk., Seaside, Astoria and Seashore Ex press, Dally. Astoria Express. Dally 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. H. 7:00 P. M. :0 P. M. Ticket office, 2S6 Morrison street and Union Depot. J. C. MATO, General Passenger Agent. Astoria Or. o PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Ma nila. Port Arthur and Viadivostock. For rates snd full information call on or address officials or agenta of the O. R. ft N. Co. M. D. GRIFFIN, Mtr. UVI I t a 9 RAILROAD TIME TABLtS.' EAST via. SOUTH Leaves. Union Depot. Arrives. OVERLAVn rr. PRESS THALsa, for Salem. Bnsa. S:SQ,,p.m bur. Asluand. Baa. 7:41 a.f. ramento, O g d e n. aan rranclsco. Ho Jave Los Angeles. El Fasof Kaw Or leans and tha East. 3:30 a to At Woodbarn dally (excent Sun. day), morning train 1 or mi, Angel. bU- verton, Browns ville, Springfield WendUng and Nat ron. Albany Daasens-er... 4:00 p.m 10:10 ( connects at Wood- Duru with Mt. An gel and 6 II verton local. 7:30 a.m l!5:60 p.m Corvallls passenger. Sheridan passenger . 5:60 p.ra 118:25 a ra Daily. lIDally except Sunday. Portland-Oswego Suburban Service and Yamhill Division. Depot Foot of Jefferson Street. Leave Portland dally fon Oswego at 7:20 a. m; 12:30. 1:55, J:25. 4:40. 6:2?, g:30 p. m. Dally except Sunday, 6:30; :40 a. m.; 6:06, 11,30 p. m. Sunday only, :00 a. 1 m. Returning from Oswego arrive Port land dally 8:30 a. m., 1:S5, 8:10, 4:30, fi:l( lOjOO P- "I- Daily except Sunday 6:36, S:30. 10:60 a m. Except Monday 12:40 a in. Sunday only 10:06 a. m. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Intermediate points daily except Sunday 6:05 p. m. Arrive Portland :30 a. m. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Line operates daily to Monmouth and Alrlie, connecting with Southern Pacltlo Company's trains at Dallas and Independ ence. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates f 17.60 first class and 114 second class. Second class Includes sleeper, first class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe? also Japan, China, Honolulu and Aus tralia. City Ticket Office corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 71J. C. W. STINGER. (W. E. COMAN. City Ticket Agent Gen. Pas. At OBFfiON vio union Pacific THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave Arrive CHICAGO-PORTLAND" SPECIAL. Cam 4:30 p m For tbo East via Hunt- Daily Dally lngton. - SPOKANE FLYER, For Eastern Washing ton, Walla Walla, Lew- :15pm 7:00a m iston, Coeur d'Alene DaUy Dally j and Qreat Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. ,.rnn ..,- For the East vU Hunt-' OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRAN- i : cisco. from SS. Geo. W. Elder Aln Sept. 9. i9. 29. 50r" 1:00 pm 8S. Columbia Pjck Sept. 4, 24. g.Ou p m FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 p m way points, connecting Daily 6pm with str. for Ilwaco and ex Sun. Dally North Beach, str. Haa- Sat. 10 ex Bun. salo. Ash street dock, p m - OR DATTON,, Oregon T:00 am 3:00 p.m City and amhill River . , points, str. Modoc. Aah- 5.on' street dock. Jh.u- Sjfd- ( Water permitting.) Bat- TICKET OFFICE, Third and Wsahlagx ton. 'leiepnone. Mala TO. , O 11 I TIME CARD OP TRAINS PORTLAND i leaves. 7 la. m. Arrives. :46p. Puget 8ound Limited Kansas Clty-St Louis Special 11:10 a. tn. 11:10 o. m. North Coast Limited 8:30 p. m. 7:00a. su 3:05 p. rt. acoma, Seattle 1 Night Express 11:43 p. m. Take Puaret Sound Limited or Norti Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor point. ' Take Puget Sound Limited for Ofy pla direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kaaaaav Clty-St. Louis Special for point ot v L , South Bend trsnch. . " s, " ( Double daily train service 00 crura r Harbor branch. ! . Four trains dally between Portland and Tacoma and Seattle. A. V. CHABUW, " As'tstnt General Passenger Agaat,,.v . 255 Morrison St., Portland. Or. , , THE ONLY THROUGH TRAINS WITHOUT CHANliE OF CARS fiETWEEN PORTLAND. AND- C AG 0 RUN OYR CHICAGO & NORTH : WESTERN RY. - TIME 70 HOURS TO CHICAGO . A. a BARKER,. V General Agant. C V. W, Railway. IS THW SLr PORTLAND, CHI 3 V